The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 15, 1911, Image 7

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    Midsummer Hats
n . m
LACES and nots are more generally
used In making Lata for mid
sttnjmor than (or many seasons
past. They aro fine for remodeling
shapes that havo been worn but aro
avnllnblo for a second or third soason,
as leghorns and mllans. If tho used
shnpo Is discolored or not In perfect
repairs, ruffles of lace, sowed ono row
above another, may easily cover the
upper brim entirely. With a crown or
net draped over a thin Bilk for the
top, no part of tho original shapo Is
vlslblo except tho under brim. Such
a hat Is shown In Fig. 1. Tho lace is
a German val pattern and Is knife
plaited, making ruffles a little less
than two Inches wide. These are slip
BtHchcd to tho brim.
.Trick of Having Apartment Beautiful,
Attractive and Clean Is Simple
and Easily Learned.
A girl can learn nothing more use
ful than the simple trick of having
her own room beautiful, attractive
and clean. It Is not always possible
to have tho furnlturo, but ono can
have a "homey looking," rooni. One
thing Is absolutely necessary, a room
must bo clean, bedspreads, pretty
linen dresser pieces and chair cush
ion's are necessary. Cover tho trunk
(If kept. In the room) with a cretonne
cover, and havo a scrap basket to
hold llttlo odds and ends which must
bo burned. On the table havo well
selected books and magazines. Keep
gay postal cards In a neat postal card
book. Do not decorate the walls with
them, for pretty as they are thoy soon
bang crooked and inako a room lobk
Have a placo for shoes, for if any
thing makes a room upsot It is a pair
of tan shoos lying, pigeon-toed, under
tho bed and another pair of black ones
undor tho dresser. Keep tho closet
In order so that when the door Is
opened you will not bo ashamed to
havo nnyono soo. how you keep your
clothes. If you put things away as
you use them you can have a room
like this. Havo ono palm or fern
grace your room, and If It dies get a
new ono.
Deautlfully embroldere4 la .pale
Iue and white.
Tho wreath of buds and foliage
about the crown at tho baso Is all that
is needed to complete the hat.
A leghorn In Fig. 2 sbowp the under
brim covered to within. an inch and a
half of tho edge with a dotted net in
palo blue. A big puffed crown of tho
net Is draped over a wreath of hy
drangeas, which grown wider at
tho back, where it climbs to the top
of tho crown. Very little of the upper
brim is vlslblo and the crown of this
hat Is almost wholly concealed. On
the crown the not is draped over plain
chiffon a trlflo lighter In tone than
Itself. This is another excellent do
sign for a hat which Is to be remod
eled from one that shows s'gns of
Make Very Pretty Jardinieres by Use
of Cheap Materials and Little
Artistic Skill.
A woman who likes to havo her
houso full of growing plantB In win
ter has discovered the baskets which
can bo bought, for 10 cents mako very
pretty jardinieres, these .baskets'. 'In
old-fashioned willow-wore, come In
dark grcon, deep red nnd brown, am'
any of them are offecttve with tho
green of tho plants, says the New.
York Tribune. If tho baskets are
bought In a 10-ccnt store it Js most
likely that ono will need only to go
to another department to buy for 10
cents tho pans that will exactly fit
them. Defore being filled by the flor
ist tho pans should bo painted grass
green, or to match the basket.
Ope of these baskets may also, with
a llttlo moro manipulation, ho made
to fill tho moro prosaic sphere of n
work-basket, lined with Persian silk
In harmonizing colors. On one sldo
Is a pocket of silk drawn up by nar
row elastic, and small bowB holding
In placo an emery ball, a bodkin, n
glove mender and n needle book- make
a pretty decoration iong the edgo.
Tho outer edgo Is trimmed with a
modest llttlo fancy fringe.
Newer In stylo Is tho brown one,
wim yellow added for brightness
Thoro is a mat In the bottom cut from
cardboard and covered' with brown
Bilk, which is fnstened to tho under
side with glue. Tho llttlo silk curIi
Ion, which Is of tho tomato order,
measures four ' and a half Inches
across. Both mat and cushion are
held in placo by two Rtitches r strong
silk that go through tho bottom of
the basket. A yard and a half of rib
bon three and n quartor inches wide
will bo required to hold tho spoolB
and to mako tho bow, A quarter of
a. yard of a wider Tlbbon In tho samo
shado will do (or the cushion.
Slip-Over Blouses.
Blouses o( silk or linen or wool or
satin or.nongeo that slip over tho head
and require no buttoning up back or
front aro tho latest. They aro very
dainty In appearance and complete,
needing no gulmpo. There Is a little
opening down a (ew inches in front
nud tho neck has a tube for a draw
Btring of silk, which ties In front and
ends In tasselB. Somo aro finished
at tho neck with a net frill. Tho
sleeves are In kimono style and there
is any variety of plain, striped aud
fancy silks nnd other materials.
Crocheted Cuff Links.
Cuff links for wash waists may bo
made from two crochet buttons, sewed
together like tho parts of a dumbbell
link- with a strong thread loop of the
right length, which is thon button
holed over and over. These links will
wash, aro pretty and aro not easily
lost, besides being economical.
Chamois Trlmmlnna.
An odd but beautiful evening gown
is of chamois colored tulle, with em
broideries worked on real cbanioU
leather in Japaneso style with Ilosi
silks. Tho designs are chrysanthe
mums in lovely shades of yellow, gray
and drab, and here and there a dra
gon worked in silver thread.
WHO Is uselena on top of
the crouml ouaht to be un-t
iu .i iiupirlnc tho cabb.iRcs.
Mark Twain.
Fruit drinks, salads and meat sub
stitutes are dishes wo- are looking for
during tho hot days of summor.
Thoro is no drink which quite takes
the place of tho old-fashioned lemon
ade, and nono noxt to puro cold water
which qltcnchos tho thirst bo effectu
ally. A very nice drink may be. pre
pared from n lemon and two oranges,
for a quart of water. Ilrulso a bunch
of mint, and let It diffuse In the Juice
for nn hour or two, then romove and
add tho water; sugar to tusto and a
sprig of mint and a ollce of lemon and
orange to each glflBS. .
A delicious dessert is ono Iri which
musk melons, cut in halves and seeds
removed, aro placed on paper dollies,
on n small plate. Fill these fruit
cups with ice cream and garnish with
a few piece's of canton ginger to elm
ulato seeds. This Is a truly delightful
Another equally delicious dessert,
though not as beautiful In appoaran'ce.
Is grape Juice parfnit.
Doll a third of n cup of grapo Juice
nnd three-fourths of a cup of sugar
until It hairs whon dropped from a
spoon. Pour in a lino stream upon
tho whites of two eggs bontcn stiff.
To ono and a fourth cupfuls of double
cream add a half cup of grape Juice
and the Julco of a lemon; beat until
firm. Fold the two mixtures together
nnd mold. Cover securely and pack
in equal measures of salt and ice.
Whon unmoldcd sprinkle with chopped
"pistachio nuts.
When serving watermelon, cut the
melon crosswise and ubo a large spoon
to cut out cones of the melon, remov
ing the seeds befqro serving. A grape
leaf may be sod for u dolly on each
The slmplo French dressing ts so
easily made and so much moro pala
table and nutritious than tho boiled
dressings, It should bo'oftotfur on our
The great reason that so many peo
ple object to olive oil Is no doubt be
cause they have been served with an
inforlor oil. Thore is no economy in
purchasing a poor oil for tho table.
Olive nil should have a sweet, nutty
flavor and odor, and a. slightly, green
ish color. "
11121112 la bo little rest. There la
la audi an unrensoulnir tmnalon
for ..unity. And bo we nklni tho nur
face of nil thlncs: we never look down
Into their (k-it)is and sco tho power of
help nnd culture which thoy mlKht con
tain. -Phillips Uroolta.
houso with comfort without a maid ft
a fortunate woman. She nitiat be sys
tematic without making system a bug
bear It takes brains as well as mint
clo to bo n successful houEokcepor. A
maid has her regular work laid out for
her. which sho can usually do with no
thought of interruption; but how is It
with tho houso motherT Sho has a
Ihourand calls and Interruptions from
Mary, with a cut finger, to tho tele
phono nnd door. It Is so hard, too, at
all times to bo fresh and presentable
when ono Lajlolng housework. A big
apron that will cover tho dross Is a
most desirable kind to wear, nnd may
bo used as a dress in hot weather.
Tho early rising habit has helped
ono housekeeper to solve tho "no
sorvant" problem, getting bo much
out of tho way beforo tho family are
astir. Sho Is not able to accomplish
us much as a good Bridget, who boast
cd of her early rising", however, ns Bho
said sho got up and got breakfast and
bad all the beds made beforo tho fani'
lly were up.
When a woman iIoob her own work
sho must not wasto ttmo and energy
doing things over. A kitchen floor
need bo swept but oncce in tho foro
noon, and whon doing work that will
soil table or sink, uno papers and burn
them, Raving tho tlmo for moro essen
tial things.
A dainty tablo Is a necessity, and a
dainty person Ib another; both may bo
kept with a little care. If tho tabic
1b sightly use doillns Instead or a
cloth, -and snvo the Ironing of largo
linen; a few dollies nro easily laun
dored. Another help to a busy housekeeper
Is having the family on tluio at tueais,
being late Is only a habit and a good
ono to break.
Take a few hours each day for reBt
or recreation. You owe It to yoursell
as nil work and no play has tho same
effect upon Jill that It does upon Jack.
VEItY occupntlon lifts Itnell
with the cnlarstnic life of him
who practices It. Tho occupntlon ' that
will not do that, no man or woman really
has a rlt'hl to occupy him or herself
about. Phillip!! Brooks.
Casserole cookery Is steadily ad
vancing In favor, ns It is an easy way
of serving tho main dish with vege
tables. Tho cheapest cuts of meat,
by tho long cookiujr and with tho ad
dition of vegetables to flavor, mako
an Inexpensive dish.
Chlckon is delicious cooked and
served en casserole,
Clean aud separate tho chicken at the
Joints, roll In flour and fry In butter
or pork fat until brown on both sides.
Put tho Joints Into tho casserole, add
a pint nf stock which ts mado by
stowing tho wing tips and neck, cook
nn hour and a half, then add parboiled
potatoes and carrots, tho potatooa In
balls and tho carrots cut In slices;
brown In butter beforo adding to tho
dish. -A fow mushrooms are a doclded
Improvement In the dish. Cover and
cook until tho vegetables are tender,
then servo from tho casserolo.
A Ijolled dinner is delicious cooked
in a casserolo, and bo, of coureo, not
boiled, but baked. Tho cabbage and
potatoes uro parboiled, as well ns tho
carrots nnd turnips, beforo adding to
tho pork In tho cnssorolo. Cover with
tho liquor that tho carrots woro
cooked In and bako until all tho yego
tablos aro soft.
Pigeons en Casserole. Clean care
fully sUthout cutting up, and Btuff each
with a bunch of celery, which mny bo
removed beforo serving. " Parboil foV
hair an hour in water to cover, and
uso tho same water to cook them in
after putting In tho casserolo.
Vegetables may be added If doslred,
though tho celery flavor Is sufllclont
to mnke a fine flavored dish. Season
whon tho pigeons are put to cook In
tho oven, and when tender rcmovo nnd
use tho gravy, thickened for a Banco,
to pour around them when serving.
1112 noblest thins you ever did,
thr, nntilnur nmnHnn vnti i.Vf-r
fell, the doepent nnd most self-sacrlflclnff
oyo ever in your soul that Is your true
elf still through nil the baser Ufa Into
wiucn you havo fallen.
Phillips Brooks,
There Is a Wear and tear on patleuce
and strength whotbor a woman does
her own housework or directs many
servants. The woman who can keep
The Sundny dinner In most homes
Is n little more claborato than nn ordi
nary dinner, aa there is no need tor
hurry, nnd tho family aro nil at home
to enjoy it. For tho -busy mother
with no ono to help her, a big Sunday
dinner has no especial charm, far she
needs the day of rest as much as any
member of tho family. Ono may have
a roast that has been cooked tho day
before and reheated for Sunday, or a
veal loaf may bo prepared and served
cold. Tho salad may bo nil ready to
put together on Saturdny, and a des
sert, like custard, or a frozen (IIbIi
kept In the flrcicBs cooker for des
sert. A tireless cooker Is n wonderful
help In the sorvantlesa homo.
A rtUh of mashed potatoes may be
quickly prepared by healing , cold
boiled potatoes In boiling water tor a
few minute?, then mnsh and sonBon.
For tho Sundny night lunch, let th
man of tho house prcparo 1L MOBt
men think It grent fun, nnd nro espe
cially proud when proflcioncy reward
their efforts.
Begin with slmplo things nt first
Uko tho making of dainty Bnndwlches,
the preparation of tea or cocoa, and
gradually lead up to-raroblt and ome
lets. A nlco Sunday night pandwlcD
which Is very well liked Is ono mado
by .spreading buttorcd bread cut In
rounds, with butter, then add chcoBC
that has been grated and softened
with crenm. Put together snndwich
fashion and fry in butter until well
browned on both sides.
Servo theso sandwiches on a pint
of lettuco leaves with a cup of cocon
and a dish of fruit and n small cake,
and you havo a most appetizing lunch.
eay to prepare.
A Foe"to Fiction. ,.
"Don't you thing something ought
to be dono to prevent accidents with
runaway horses and motor cars?"
asked tho timid person.
"Cortfflhly notr replied tho pub
Usher. "You Would deprive summer
novelists of their only means of let
ting the hero and heroine become nc
qiuilnjcd without a formal luttoduo
Tho Justification,
First Olympian God Didn't you feo
sorry for Vulcan when Jupiter kicked
htm out of heaven for trying to resciu
Juno when she was suspended by hei
Second Ditto Don't pity htm at all
Ho got what ho deserved for trying tc
support a hanger-on.
Mrs. Do Plane 1 am so delighted b)
my photograph that I havo brought you
a little present
Photographer (modestly) I really
don't deserve such a testimonial,
madam, dive It to that gentleman
over there."
"Does he assist you?"
"Ye. He does the retouching."
as arv Icicle
If you want to think of crtso
winter weather and sparkling f rost ;
if you want to forcer, the heat and the
dust and the thirst for real, cool comfort
As iprklinK,whoIesomc and refreshing m asprinc
house icicle, bo next time you're hot or tired
or thirsty! if you're anywhere near a place that
sell Coca-Uola, go in and give yourself a
real treat.
T .. C. i -
'ft,. SW JJ ajW AMW
Akmt Cmi-CoU" atHHBJBHaMflPP el Cat
Celt J)
Tm hitnoWod Wm with Faut&iM StofaJt,"
SM Phoebe to the Com.
Um is not a parlor oar,
I ftMM 1 won't get .
Low round trip fans to
New York, Boston
New England, entire Atlantic Coast and
other Eastern Summer Resorts
NwYork&ntral Lines
Lake Shore Big Four Michigan Central
Tickets at reduced fares will be on Bale dally during
August una beptcmbcr. Many tree atop-over pw
lieges, ana optional boat tnpa on ureac jLatcee,
i)U Lawrcnca nnu iiutaon uivers.
We Will be glad to send you full inform. -:
lion as to fares, berth reservations anu
routes, and on request will send'
rrT1mL copies of our new 1911 summer
booklets and folders.
Address W. B. Jerome
603 La Sotle Street Stattoa
uucaxo, ju.
Reservation Is Open
"Regtsler at.Mnot. Augurt 14- to September 2
Fort Ecrthold Indian Reservation U open at last to white Mttte
mcnt, under the Homestead Laws. Any Ametlcan citiicn wi
has not used his homestead birthright or who does not own more
than i6b acres of land, may file. Fortunate winners have the
opportunity of procuring loo broad acres o North Dakota's farm
ing land, from Uncle Sam, on long time payments; prices )
to 6.00 per acre.
150,000 Acres
are now open and registration can c made at Minor, North Dakota,
on and petween August li and September 2, 1911. Write today for
our free Fort Ucrtiiold folder wliicfi tells you how, when and where to
file and tl method of drawing;
E. C, LEEDY, General Immigration Agent
115 Great Northern Building, Saint Paul, Minnesota
For the trttutiiutnt of (Jlinmlu Ulrr, Jtmio
uifiort.nrruiuimiB iJinarff.Ynricnn rirnrn.iii"
ilulent l)l'tr(,Mcrcurul lrii!ttrn,VVIitHtreU.
Iiicftfllllk I.eK. rivrrMire,iillolil Mirit.ytrr
aurremrul. Ilr until 00 (-tint. J.V, AI.I.KN
SIKDICIMKCO., Dent. At), bt.l'uili, Minn.
defiance Starch :f
"-oilier urcbi onlr
ounces to
ibe pseWags
12 ounce ssruo price tad
Watioii K.flalemBD.WuIt.
Incton.D.U lIuokiirM. lllxb.
Ml rtftreiuM, - JMtt mult.
III... TJcau Lleaa.
otnimeoU), cont to
leaLcbuD. Jm.(.iI4
., Qui'tipiUat
llpam. will not wl
or inlurq anything.
lent prrt Alii lor 80c. NII11KH3
ISO I). Sklb Alt.
IpitsriMS end Ixoutinea the hair.
1 1'ronwUS ft luiurl.nt (rocth.
iNeTtr Folia to Bettors
I Hlr to tie Youthful Co
Cum ic!p dimiu ej hair hi
toe, uid SUM l l)iugelrt
uttentlou. All kupplle urtlio Ai
ly frrtk.
Unit orders
riven npcctal
Ainuteur vtrlct.
Bend ior catalogue nnd 11iiIUIbj
COMPANY. Sox II&7. Omaha, Neb,
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 81-1911.