The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 15, 1911, Image 5

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At me samo prico you used to pay
for the old style, yon can now pro
cure a hull Umbrella with
detachable and interchangeable hand
les. j. At tho same timo you procuro
an umbrella the worth of which Is
nationally known and an umbrella
that you would bo proud to carry or
as a present
Bring your old stylo umbrella
which needs recovering to our store
arid wq will transform it, frco of
charge, into the new style. "THE
HULL" with dctnchablo handle-
Come is and see our new Hall stock
North Platte, Nebraska.
TImrhm Gets Contract.
R. D. Thomson, of this city, has
beon ajvarded tho contract for tho
erection of tho now school building nt
Hershey. Thero were four bidders na
follows: It. P. Bastn S9.235. R. D.
Thomson $9,G00, C. W. Shane S9.735.
Huntington and Baker $9,871, Donnld-
son & Co., $11,098. While Mr. Thorn-
Bon's bid was not tho lowest li was
considered tho best.
Thla building will practically bo two
stories, tho basement having an eleven
foot ceiling and tho floor but six inches
below ground. Tho main floor will hhve'
four rooms. Tho Wilding will havo a
heating plant, and other modern con
veniences. Mr. Thomson's reputation
as n contractor Insures a good building
for tho Hershey people.
Machinist Alex Russell is taking a
two weeks' vacation.
Miss Kirsh, of Kansas, Is visiting her
sister Mrs. Henry Hecker.
Miss Alta Mchlman, of Wallace, who
spent the past week with her brother
Roy loft today.
Roy L. Kokjor and Will McRoberts
of Cheyenne are spending a few dayB
hero this week.
John Engleman, of Grand Island, re
turned homo Sunday after visiting his
cousin Leslie Buskins.
Gus Rincker and wife of Portland,
visited his brother F. W, Rincker today
whilo enrouto cast.
Big Ben Alarms will got you up on
time. Dixon, The Jewelek.
Mrs H. Glcger1irrived.from Ohio this
morning to resido, Mr. Gicgcrhasbccn
employed h&re for snmo timo.
Alt ced Liork of Omaha visiting his
cousin Charles Lierk Sunday while en
route homo from a western visit.
Mrs. Nels Hammer and daughter
Freda have returned from Valley where
they spent two weeks with relatives.
A neighborhood piclnic was hold on
the Keliher lawn Sunday in honor of
Mr. Mrs. John Keliher Jr. of St Louis.
For Bale Automatic washer813 west
4th at. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Webb Hughes and Mr.
and Mrs. Garrard will leave in a few
days for Chicago and other cities to
spend several weeks.
Lockets of advance pntterns just re
ceived. Dixon, The Jeweler.
Weather forecast: Fair tonight and
Wednesday. Maximum temperature
' yesterday 97; one year ago 80. Mini
mum temperature this morning 62; one
year ago G3.
W. H. Munger, Jr., returned yester
day from Omaha, where hd visited his
parents for a couple of days. His
mother, who was in nn automobilo
accidenfin tho east, was not seriously
injured, though there were bruises all
over her 'body, and her escape from
denth was miraculous.
Diamonds are a good investment.
Our stock is very complete.''
Dixon, The Jeweler.
Though the temperature last evening
was somewhat torrid, a good sized
audience attended tho presentation of
"Jumping Jupiter" at tho Keith.
With Richard Carle in the title role,
nnd Edna Wallace Hopper as tho lead
ing lady, an amusing evening was an
ticipated, and the auditors were not
disappointed. Carle is one of the best
. of the present-day comedians, and last
night was at his best. Mrs. Hopper is
certainly chic; a bright, sunshiny, petit
woman, as graceful as she is enthusias
tic in her work. Tho supporting com
pany is good.
For Rent.
Houses Furnished and unfurnished,
storage building, storage room and safe
deposit boxes. Bratt & Goodman.
Early Morning Fire.
Fire nr threo o'clock yesterday morn
ing badly scorched tho interior of the
houso on east Sixth street occupied by
Elmer Bundy, and destroyed a consid
erable portion of tho furniture which
could not be removed on account of tho
fire and smoke. The fire department
was called and tho flames Quickly ex
tinguished. The origin of tho firo is unknown.
A Reminder of Earlier Days.
There is displnyed in Ginn, White &
Schatz window a picture of the North
Platto band In 1882, at which timo it
played for tho Wild West Show at its
initial performance. Tho band at that
time was composed of Prof. N. Klein,
Charloy Martin, Joe Fillion, . Miko
Sorqnson, Charley Monegnn, Charley
Wyman, Fred Wcingand, Jack Foster,
Fred Johnson and Charley Pool and
they were all good musicians. L
For Rent.
The three "rooms In tho
Block above Buchanan & Patterson's
office, lately occupied by J. G. Beeler
as n law office.
Also tho building lately occupied by
the Hartman cigar factory In block 101.,
See Chns. McDonald.
Presbyterian Sunday School Picnic.
Tho annual picnic of the Presbyterian
church and Sunday school will be held
at Dick's grove .on Thursday, August
17th. Every ono is asked to bring a
picird"dinner''hritl'th'o "committee will
attend the refreshments. Meet at tho
church at 9 a. m. where those without
means of conveyance will bo provided
for. AH members of tho Sunday
school and congregation with their
friends are especially invited to be in
attendance. Superintendent.
Money To Loan Any Amount-
To help build, buy or improve. Can
be returned in monthly or three to five
year payments. It will pay you . to sec
U3 first.
Bratt & Goodman.
Arrested for Horse Stealing.
Two men giving their names as Hoey
and Silver, drove into town Saturday in
a sintrle rie. Later tho buggy waB
pawned at Echelberry's and tho horse
and two suit cases taken to tho Iddings
lumber yard, where the animal was
tied and the cases deposited. The two
men then went to Lock's barn and hired
a team stating that they wanted to
drive to Brady. Instead they started
west and at the lumber yard they
picked up the horse and the sujt cases
left there. Late In tho night Mr. Lo;k
learned of tho flight of the two men,
and reported the matter to Sheriff M(l
tonberger, who secured an automobilo
and started after them. Ho overhauled
them nt midnight and brought them to
town and lodged them in jail. County
Attorney French will filo an informa
tion against the two men today.
Is your banking business. That Is our business and
naturally wo want your business at this bank.
If years of experience, fair, square treatment,
honesty, courtesy, together with unexcelled service
and our ample capital will merit your consideration
then wo aro entitled to your patronage.
Our depositors are protected by tho deposit
ors guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska.
The Platte Valley State Bank,
Interest Paid on Time Deposits. '
A new line of solid gold stick pins,
cuff buttons and broaches just received.
They aro the latest fall creations.
Dixon, The Jeweler.
Will Have Booster Excursion.
Tho Chamber of Commcrco has de
cided to have a boosters' excursion this
fall, the dato of which has not yet been
efinitely decided. The boosters will
go up tho North River branch ns far ns
Scotts Bluffs ono day and stopping
thero over night will return homo via
Sidney and tho main line of the Union
This would make qulto a trip for our
business men, nnd in addition to tho
opportunity for boosting North Platto
it will prove a plcasnnt outing.
I, i ,i ' in - t
Hail Storms To Come Yet.
Is the corn you have left worth
saving? If so, see Bratt & Goodman.
Requested to Close Stores.
At a meeting of tho trndo nnd com
mcrco committee or tho Uiamucroi
Commerce held Friday evening it wns
tho unannmous sense of the members
present that all business houses close
from 1:45 to 4:30 p. m. on Saturday,
August 19th, so as to allow tho mor
chnnts and clerks to attend tho after
noon performance of tho Cody show.
All merchants are requested to close.
W. R. Maloney, Scc'y.
No Trichcry.
t promip&jd to file on July 1st and I
did, nnd in ns good faith as any candi
date. I campaigned a month before I
filed and continued to do so until
Btricken with fever nnd hnd I not been
so handicapped I certainly would havo
gono to the mat with thoso throe
dubs. I decided to 'quit, and no one
know of my decision .until it was made
and then I apprised Mr. Walter of my
intentions. Thero was no trickery
about it. I did hot blow my money for
fun but in good faith nnd one who says
there is or was trickery tells a false
hood? With malice' towards nonol
" W. H. C. Woodhurst,
Cedar Moss
The best renovator and dust absorb
ent known. No dustincr necessary at
ter sweeping with cedar moss. For
sale by Mrs. H. E. Welch, 314 west
Front street, phono 301.
Dancing On Horseback.
Col. Wm. F. C6dy (Buffnlo Bill)
and fine riders from his cowboy Btaff
will perform a quadrillo on horseback,
with buxom Western girls, as one of
the advertisements of the Wild West
and Far East. It is a very pretty per
formance but cap hardly be called a
dance. How could one apeak of
"treading a measure" tho good old.
poetic phrase when a horse does tho
dancing?" What with the quadrille on
horseback, thejiig Indian battle scenes,
the war dances, tho infantry and
cavalry drills, and tho wonderful shoot
ing of Buffalo Bill and Johnny Baker,
the Wild West and Far East will afford
interesting nnd diverting entertainment
$3 TTnTmn rnTTta t nr--Tra
August 25th.
Manager C. H. Stamps takes pleasure', in
nouncing- that h(i has secured for?. a. special musical':
attraction at the Keith. Wcrba &
tional Viennese opera, which NqV-tfrk vlemnndqU
two seasons
This exquisite masterpiece with its many tuneful
melodies, fascinating story and joyous comedy is
considered the most captivating- of all operas from
abroad. It is absolutely without a rival in the musical
world. A special train bri;igs the organization across
the country with nearly ioo people and the special
Spring Maid Orchestra of 36, under the baton of
Theodore Bendix formerly of the Metropolitan
Grand Opera House with
George Leon Moore, Dorothy Maynard, Jack Raf-
fael, Tillie Salinger. Louis Miller, Leo Stark,
Dorothy La Mar, Ralph Newman,. H. A. Barrows.
Note: Frciulin Mizzi Hajos is the famous Hungarian prima dona, imported
especially. for the saucy role of Princess Bozena which she created in Vienna.
Prices for this Remarkable Engagement
i Lower Floor $2.00. Balcony $1.50, $1.00, 75c and 50c.
in order, Regular
Mail orders will be received now and filled
sale opens Tuesday, August 22.
Your broad troubles will vanish if you
uso Union Flour, sold only at Wilcox
Department Store.
R. S. Baker of Curtis became a resi
dent of our city this week. For Bomo
time Mrs. Baker has made her home
with" her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bowen.
Dr. A. J. Ames. North Platte, cives
tho Three Day Liquor Cure. Cure guarj
antecd. Prico rignt Reference given'
For Rent Ten room houso at 218
Mrs. R. 1.. Douglass Diet. ,
Mrs. R. L.' Douirlass died at noon
yesterday at her homo in tho Fourth
ward' of blood poison following tho
birth or a ciiiui. Mrs. uougiass nas
resided in Lincoln county for a long
period of yenrs and for threo years
East has mado her home ill this city,
ho was known as u highly respected,
charitable woman, a loving helpmate
and affectionate mothor and a dovotcd
member of the Prosbytorinn church.
She is survived by her husband nnd
flvo children to whom tho blow is a
crushing ono.
Llzzio McNulty was born in Senvlllo,
la., June 27, 1870. In 1880 she camo to
Logan county with her parents and was
married Feb. 23, 1889 to Robert L.
Douirlna. For n short timo they resided
in Oklahoma and Montana. In'18thoy
locnted in this county nnd in 1908 bo-
camo residents of tins city.
Tho funeral services will bo held at
the residence tomorrow afternoon, con
ducted by Rev. Fnvonght. To tho be
reavecl family deep sympathy is ex
tended by a largo number of friends.
Another Booklovcr's Contest
starts in the Omaha Bee Wednesday,
Aug. ICth, 1911. Leave your order
with C. M. Newton, Bco Agont, North
"Platte, Neb. Deliverd six days by
moil nnd on Sunday by special carrier
at 10 cents per week.
Mrs. Isaac Selbv will entertnin the
Methodist Aid Socfoty Thursday.
Tho 18-hour Chicago-New York train
over the l'ennsyivnnia road, wnB
wrecked Sunday evening at Ft Wnyno,
killing two and injuring thirty. The
accident wns duo to excessive speed in
passing tho cross-over. Ihe train wna
pulled ly two engines.
For Rent.
Six room flat, city water and toilet
over Dixon Jewelry atoro on Dewey
street Best ofllco location.
The Lucky Card.
The Abernathy Kids Rescue.
In the Days of Nero.
Bachen & Desmond, comedy
novelty act. '
and 15 Gents.
coi?alcI State Saik-.
PAID LP CAPITAL, $100,000.00
Depdsitors also protected.-by tho Depositors Guar
antee Fund of tlw State of NobraBka.
Wo appreciate your business with us nnd invito
now accounts.
w, h, Mcdonald;
Vice-Pres. nnd Cashier.
For Sale Horse and buctry and har
ness. Inquire nt Fink's Harness Shop.
For Rent 6 room houso. Inquire of
J. D. Cox, 317 west Sixth St.
New Ruirs, Now CarpotB don't fail to
see our lino Wilcox Department Store.
To Our Citizens.
Mayor's Ofllce, North Platto, Neb.,
August 4th, 1911.
To tho Property Owners and Residents
of tho City:
Tha coming of the Wild West Show
on August 19th, will result In tho bring
ing of thousands of visitors to our city,
and to tho end that thoy will leave with
a good impression of our., city, I earn
estly request all property owners nnd
occupants of property, nnd tho' ownors
of all vacant lots to proceed at once to
clean up and cut and remove all weeds
growing upon their premises and ad
joining sidewalk space; also to remove
all ashes, garbage and manure from
their premises and alloys,
I further bespeak your hearty co-operation
with tho public comfort com
mittee of the Chamber of Commerce in
their efforts to extend the hospitality
of the city to our visitors, nnd provide
for their comfort whilo with us.
T. C. Eatteiison, Mayor,
Praise For the Sardine.
It Is encouraging In these days, when
everything nlecls condemned by scion
title faddists as nnsty. to havo thu high
authority of tho London Lancet In
support of the popular theory that tho
sordino Is of great dietetic value. The
sordino Is good, tho Lancet telts tin,
because, for ono thing, It encourages
tho consumption of oil, which tends to
avoid "ninny Ills, nnd especially thoso
associated with wasting diseases mid
gouty dispositions." .This consumption
of sordino oil, it ndds,' "proventu the
overloading of tho tissues with nitrog
enous waste products, nnd a digest
ible fat favors nutrition considerably,
Tho sardine supplies nlso nn excellent
proportion (25 per cent! of nitrogenous
mntcrlnl, nijd so It becomes a real nnd
economical food. In addition to this
tho sardine has appetizing qualities,
aud where uppetlto nemm digestion
When Scotland Had n Navy.
It was .lauu'H IV. who llrst created
nn effective navy for Scotland, ex
hausting nil imillnblo Umber for ship
building, so that ho had to nslc Kraneo
and Dcnnpirlt for more, nnd of the
sixteen largo nnd ten small ships he
owned his special pride was the
Inrgest then existing. To build this
Dreadnought of her day all tho woods
of Fife were laid waste. She cost
110,000, an enormous valuu In thoso
times: had 11 crow of 800 sailors, 120
gunuerH and 1.000 mnrlnes, with "more
Kreat ordnance In her than tho French
king ever had to tho slcgo of ntiy
town." as .lames himself boasted.
Westminster Gazette.
now. Now Is tho time to buy
a bott oof Chamberlain's Colic, Cholom
nnd Diarrhoea Rommlv. It fu flltnnor
certain to .bo needed before tho sum
mer Is over. This remedy has no
superior.. For sale by all dealers.
An ordinary case of ill
a rule, bo curc(i by 11 fllnglo dose of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Di
arrhoea Remedy. Ti)a remedy has no
superior for bowel complaints. For said
by nil doulors.
that Is tho way
you will look in
your photograph,
when wo tako It.
You havo tho
right to demand
perfection of port-
I rniture.
when you como to
us, nnd we do our
best. This means
that somo thing
will result, und
It Is a perfect