w . . . . Personal Mention. Engineer John Bonner has been ser iously ill for several days. Jack Horrignn transacted business in Omaha tho lntter,part of last week. Leonard Redmond, of tho American ExprcssJCo., is taking a two weeks' vacation. F. C. Stimson of Omaha came up Saturday to investigate conditions at the It. It. Surveyors Office. C. F. Tracy, secretary and treasurer Some people wear glasses with grace ami ease, because they are fitted properly. They fit both their face and their eyes. Not only do we employ skill in the; selection of the lenses, but in the fitting as well. So buying your glasses from us, you are assured a graceful abearance together with a scientific adjustment of the lenses'which means so much that we cannot understand how' liny one with improperly fitted glasses can neglect this important matter, when such service as ours is at their disposal.. CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician. S OR. 0. H. CRESSLER, I 3 Graduate Dentist. S Ofllco over tho McDonald J State- Hunk. : : LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. Mrs. P. J. Norrls and children are visiting friends In Overton, Neb. Undertaker W. It. Malonoy trans acted business in Horshoy the last of the week. ' Ralph 'Aldn"i'wlH'leve nedyfer' Gothenburg to spend'Ti week on b'usl new. The Episcopal ladles will hold an ox change at Howe arid Malonoy's Friday, Aug. lth. Mrs. Armstrong, of Iowa, arrived Saturday to visit her daughter, Mrs. J. S. Twinem. MIbs Ilanna Young who has been visiting in Madrid for some timo will return this week. Oacar Smith, of Philadelphia, is ex pected Boon to visit his' parents, Mr. and J. IY(Smlth. J, W. Payno returned Saturday from Detroit, Mich., whorohohadbeon visit ' Itig for sovernl weekB. Mrs, C. M. Nowton will leavo next week for.Donvor to Bpond two weeks on business and pleasure. John Durke, of Fremont is visiting his mother Mrs. Louisa Burko and plster Mm. William Shuman. Supt Wilson Tout roturned Sunday evening from a two weeks visit in Seattle and citiefl in California. Mix) M&udo Louden returned Satur day evening from twoWeeks' visit with friends and relatives in Hastings, Mrs, Schomnfor, of Des Molm&s, who has been the gueat of hor sister, Mrs, E. E. Lelnbaugh will leave tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. John Dcnn are ox pected home today from a week's visit In Omalmt Lincoln and Arupaljpo with rmntw. Tim Koliher, of Chicago, is oxpected the last of the week to visit hts children land attend tho Wild West Show, fctidamea Fred Wemloborn and Henry Cordes wont to Horshey yester day to attend tho funornl pf tho Frela Dauy, , Mrs. James W, Payno and daughter Grace will leavwtho last of tho week for Jacksonville, 111., . to spond two weeks. Mrs. L, ASwansori and children, of Vancouver.,' arrived yesterday and will vSlt a week with Mr. and. Mrs. Swan Swanson. Mrs. S. F. Hill, of Coyle, Montana, - arrived yesterday to visit her sister Mrs,, Jaffios Synder who she has not Men In twenty live years. Mt Alberta Worlemont, of Choy enne, who has been tho guest of hor cousins Misses Irene and Dorothy Hub bard will return, homo tomorrow. Cuts and bruises mav bo healed In about ono-tbird tho timo required by Um usual treatment bv annlvlntr Cham berlain's Liniment. II is an . antiseptic and causes such injuries to heal with ct maturation. This liniment also ro lltyeii soreness of the muscles and crrhu8Wtic pains, For Bttlobyalldonlors. SCHILLER & CO., Prescription .Druggists Flint Door North of Klr.it Natloml Hank -nn Miiis Blanche Thornburg will leave shortly for Rock Springs to spend a fortnight. Mr. Andrew Weinberger, of Omnha, is visiting his sister Mrs. Valentino Scharman. Miss Mattlo Halo roturned toOmaba Sutnwy,aftei;.vlaltingjrtv8. Gco'.AVField lor three wcekst Glbn Todd late of Sheridan', Wyoming, spent Sunday with hia sister Mrs. Frank Buchanan. Tho Misses Sheedy will loavo the first pf tho week for Cheyenne to upend a-vWpk or longer. Mlsa Fonna Beolor ia entertaining MIjiMirlnn Clark, of Koarnoy who ar ricmyeatenlay afternoon. . HUrvoy Lowe, of Geneva, left yes torday aftor spending three weeka with hlB.couain W. T. Greon and family., Jameu Crockett, who has been visit- ingvMr. and Mrs. Arthur Howard wll leay,q;tomorrow for Hot Springs, S. D. Mxs. Charles Hirsch and children and Miss Elva Day camo homo yesterday i.iuirfyiiujuiiuu wnuru vnoy Y1H11CU rei ntlyps. Mjs's Tllllo Blankonburg, clork In tho land ofllco, is taking a week's vacation and ,1a spending tho timo at, tho Blank' onfyurg ranch. attorney Halllgan and family and Mayor and Mrs. Pattorson will attend the frontier celebration in Cheyenne nexftweok. Tho Lloyd opera house wns opened S4$rlny for rolling skating which will be continued afternoon and evening fcr several weekB, Y?. nre offering a now 12ic socks possessing woannghunlitios, fit and ap peiranco far superior to any half hoso eveKjjofore offered nt anything like tho priqfy wiicox uopartment store. Wprd cornea from Mr. and Mia. Bitter Buchanan that thoy aro enjoy Ing a visit at Palmer Lake, Colorado, uud,Mr, Buchanan's health is greatly improved. Ilnry Poterson who has boon work Ing1 in Kansas City will rotum to this city in a few dayB and act ns auditor on trains between horo and Denver. John McConnell, tho well known Hereford cattle grower of Somorset will exhibit twelve head of his herd at tho Nebraska state fair. Ono at the nnjmnls to bo exhibited is a cow which weighs twenty-ono hundred pounds, L!t)oln county is fortunate in having sucli an enterprising cattle grower as Mr. McConnel. RQiAHentOno 7 room house with bam and electric lights. Ono 4 room house on East Second Btreet, Inquire af DIG east Fifth St. Major John Burko, tho press agent of thef WHO West show, spent yestor dnyin town and visited old-time frlentls. It had been a quarter of a century olnco tho Major had visited North Plntto and ho mlssod many of tho old-timers and old land marks. Tho I Mnjbr? ia slxty-elfeht, but he has lost , nut nuio oi ins energy nnu none oi ins ntiabuity. North Platte, of the'board qf adjustment of tho B. of CTE., left tho last of tho week for Omaha to spend a month or longer on business. -fevtr. U(E&. iTheJUnion Pacific river bridge will be Jfinishcdi'nbout tho 20th. of . this month nnd tho work of laying stool will bo rushed through to Gering. Wo nre in hopes that Conductor Brctcrnitz will take chargo of tho steel laying gang. Bridgeport Blade. Mrs. Mary tjornncii, ot uonver, ono of tho grand ofllcers of tho Ladies' Auxiliary of tho B, of It. T., spent sov eral days as tho guest of Mrs.. A. J. Frazlcr and Bpoko at tho meeting of tho Foresters Friday evening and tho auxiliary meeting Saturday. Two special -trains went through Sunday.carrying tho animals, stock nnd performers of tho Adam, Forepaugh & Sells circus which showed in Kearney yesterday. Tho trains stood in tho local yards several hours and a lnrge crowd watched tho animals being fed. A rumor is now current to the. effect that tho Union Pacific railroad company is contemplating tho extension of its branch from Pleasanton to Callaway up tho Loup valley. Some twenty-five years ago a grade was made from Pleasanton up tho South Loup valley to a point ono miio northwest of Calla way, where it formed, a junction with tho Kearney & Black Hills line. This grade still atands, though no work has been done upon It since it wns made. Miss Leta Lowe, who had been guest at tho Bonner homo left today. Leave your ordors for Hunter'B Plums at Wilcox Department Store. Rafo Elliott, of Council Bluffs, has visiting relativesin town this week. F. E. Bnrber haa traded 480 ncres Bouth of tho city for a residence In Des Moines, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson ro turned today from a two weeks visit in Central City and Polk. Ferdinand Streitz will leavo tho last of the week for Omaha' to" visit Mends' for two weeks or longer. The"Storo room 22x100 withbosemont 20x30 at 223 East Sixth St., will bo for ront alter August loth. a. Uoozeb. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Carlson, of Stroma burg aro visiting Mr.' and Mrs. Geo, Smith south of town this week. Miss Eileen Flynn is expected homo today from an extended visit in Ghoycnne, Laramio and other cities. All porsons are warned against hunt ing or tresspassing on my land. J. K. Chow. "Slim" Owinga returned Sunday from Soda .Green, Wyo., where he devoted a week or so to catching trout. Ho had good success, his total catch being 134 and his biggest trout weighing 3i jraunds. AlteatioH Hay Men. Wo will save your money on Bale Ties, Seo us. Ginn, White & ScunTZ. Myrtle and Vicinity.. George Stearns has Bold his ranch nnd will movo to North Platte the first of September. Miss Mollie Ponlston is tho guest of Miss Ruth Jensen at tho Allison home this weok. Mr. and Mrs. E, C. Allison aecom panted by and Mrs. James Jensen of North Platto witnessed tho sights at Rlntrcold last week. Josoph Knajdl is adding another quarter section to hia pasture Joe is get ting tired of hording. Mr. and Mrs. Miko Gloason wero staying at Ed Wright's homo and do ing chores last week while Ed and fanv lly wero at Ringgold. Chas Kooning and family attended the exorcises at Ringgold. Chnrllo done stunta In tho steer ridintr contest. J. C. Askwlg and family wero at at uinggoiu last wook. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rosa Aug. iiru, a son. To Trade. Improved section relinquishment 10 miles of Kimball. Part cash and cottago or seconu nana auiomomie, nan section good ueeaeu farm land, part trade Hull Lackwood Land Co.. Kimball, Neb Tkirly Year Together. Thirty yoars of association think of It. How tho merit of a good thing stands out in that time or tho worth lessness of a bad ono. So there's no guesswork In this ovidonco of Thos. AriBS, Concord, Mich,, who writes; "I liavo used Dr. Kinsr's Now Discovorv for thirty yearo, and its tho best cough and cold cure I over used." Onca it ilnds entrance in n home you can t pr it out Many families liavo used i forty years. Ita the most infallible throat and lung medicine on earth. Un equaled for lagrippo, asthma, hayfover, frmln. mllnrv nt nntv. Itinera ni.n Ktn and fl.OO. Trial bottlo free guaranteed oy aiono Drug yo. One Day Only a, COL. CODY'S RANCH. Saturday, Aug. 19 iprsov buy I 8 MBENIC CAREER COJUPLETED HE NOW BIDS YOU GOOD-BYE. IUFFAL0 BILL'S WILD WEST lndtes0lS tho World ion vnth PAWNEE BILL'S GREAT FAR EAST Depleting tho fiplenJora of thS Orient and rictutlne the History of tho Occident The Whola World Ha Contributed Two Vast Continent Hava Applauded The Orient and Occident Here Unite ia One Arena The Pyramid, Sphinx nnd Sahara' Sands Recalled Vistas of a Fiut FatKnjt Era. Deeds of Daring Pictured Anew. Flnirwrncn. and I'Alriot In licrolo (Scenes. (Jonquc.it ot Uie ilea .nan uevivcu AN ORIENTAL SPECTACLE Pomp. Pace on try and tiplcndors of die RomantlcFarEast Introducing as a Pap tioulur feature ROSSI'S ROUGH RIDERS . OF THE WORLD Daring Med of Many Nations In Astonishing Equestrian Keats and Kecklera Displays of Saddle bxpertness South American Guachoe tlfdouin Arab Mexican Ruralles German Culraitlers Royal English Lancera Ruitian Cossacks I J. S. Cavalrymen Royal Irish Draroons Amoricnn Indians aal Cowboys INTERESTING. EDUCATIONAL. THRILLING THE BATTLE OF SUMMIT SPRINGS A Vivid Uo-cnaotment of tho Iledman's Final Conflict nt Arms. Itenlots with Itoslism nnd Kxcltinir lleyond Description. Introducing nt Kvery l'erformanoe, KoJn or Shine, Col, W. F.OodyaTdhSa.Buffa!o Bill Whoso Unerring Aim Caused the Death of 1.. I .IT - m. I - 1 1 It.. 1 1 I , l. - . I I uatiio lougni in uune, loiia, on ine oonier line between Nebraska and Colorado, plains now verdant and cultivated Eventful Paps RHODA ROY AT AS r wm - - miun ijaihui tlon and Equestrian Ballet ot Priso-Wlnulns Beauties. FOOTBALL ON HORESBACK Tho Newest Thing In Equestrian Sport, Indiana and Cowboys In Spirited Contcat JUIFB OTS THB PIAIIVS MORE THAN A QUARTER CENTURY AGO A GRAND MILITARY TOURNAMENT OF ALL NATIONS TUB DISTINCTIVE, BOLD AND DASHING MONARCH OP Am Fntpi?tainmpnt Mrl M ii I H Ml I Vt':-:-:-X fiMwV&U T- M - f the World Has lih er fMKfesssstm Ray Thompson's Trained Horses f IJH!!L(raHHk Introducing "Joo Ilalley," an Kqulno Kl sMflfQLOkte Marvel of Grace and Intelligence, j JjmkysSRUESr AnJ rreentlnjc tlio Only jjTT tfLaaBJSSSSSSSSSlr - uiuuuu u. Aiuiiiuu mobiuii i ; .mftF'w Range Ilorsca Ever Shown In an Kxhlbl- (0 OP ,HVK'Hlasi. tlon Arena. Cnntnuitil with ifrT, pMMMMBppP tho Frantlo and Fractious jj"'' j American History Elblbltlons el Skill. Ntnt tnS M.nly rinrlnr Mister Horsemen Mounted on Matchless Slecda Mllllsry MsDKUTers by Artillery sod Carslry Two'llemlsphercs, Shown la Hanorsma Mirreloos Feals of Marksmanship by Expert Men "in ritrc vi uiiiinciiTe scents too uresis Bedouin Athletes la Ftsti ot Aillltr, Slrenrjh and Dsrlor Cowboy Sports with Ill-tempered Bnchlne Droschos SpterpdP and Military Proficiency.. T, Koathrlders In Asloslshlof Eqsestrlsa Achleremeots Brilliant Mllllsry Erolotloni, Pomp and Ctreaony .Wild West Olrls Rlratlnt Cowboys In Eqststrlaa Fell -t Ceatlnoons Snccesslea ot Stsrlllnr Snrpr isea 4 Display of Expert Bqueatrlnnlam, Orlentnl TWO EXHIBITIONS DAILY 2 and 8 All seats protected from sun and rain by immense waterproof canvas canopy? Grand stand chairs (including admission) $1.00. Children under 9 years, half-price. On sale day of exhibition at Clinton's Jewelry Store, 511 Dew.ey Street. Note Do not fail to read the latest nnd most. ovplMnw i.i. ..., iiti.:ii!.. t i.. t n..rri. mn T)n. npo Bill," by Frank Winch. Price $1. On sale at tho Show Grounds or mnv ho orWcfat all hook stores. Notice to Property Owners Notice is hereby civen that tho cltv council of tho city of North Platte, Lin dbln countv. Nebraska, will sit as a 'b&'ahl of equalization beginning at the nourora:uu o'ciock p. m. or tno sjoui day of August, 1911, at tho council chamber In the court house in the city of North Platto, Lincoln county, Ne braska, for tho purpose of levying on inu rum UBUiku lyiHK u"ii uuniy wuiuii Sower District A taxes for the purpose of paying the costs of tho construction of a lateral sower in said Sewer Dis trict A and that tho said taxes will be levied upon each parcel of real estate according to the extent of benefits to such property by reason of the con struction of said lateral newer, and If the said council shall And such benefits to bo equal and uniform Buch Jovy of taxes will bo according to the front foot of the lots of real estate within said Sower District A or according to such other rulo as the city council sit ting as Buch Board of Equalization may adopt for the distribution or adjustment of such costs. All persons interested, will file their objections, if any they have, to the assessing of taxes against their prop erty on or beforo tho 25th day of Autr. 1911, at 8 o'clock, p. m.r with the city ciurit. By order of tho Mayor and City Council made the 1st day of August, UHAS. 1'. lKMl'LE, 1911. City Clerk. Notice to Property Owners, Notice Is hereby given that tho city council of the city of North Platto, Lincoln county. Nebruskn, will olt as a Board of Equalization beginning at tho hour of 8:00 o'clock, p. m., of the 25th day of August, 1911, at tho council chamber in tho court house in tho city of North Platto, Lincoln county, Ne-hi-nskn. for the nurnoso of lovvintr on the real estate lying and being with' Sower District "N'r extension, taxes for the purpose of paying" th'e, costs of tho construction of a lateral sewer in said district "N" extension and that tho said taxes will be levied upon each parcel of real estate according to the extent of benefits to such property by reason of tho constsuctlon of said lat eral sewor, nnd if tho said council shall find such benefits to be equal and uni form Buch lovy of taxes will according to the front foot of tho lots or real estate within said Sower District N" extension or according to such other rulo as the city council sitting as such board of equalization may adopt for the distribution ol adjustment of such costs. All porsons interested will filo their objections, if any they havo, to tho assosslng of taxes against their prop erty on or beforo the 25th day of Aug ust,. 1911, at 8 o'clock p. m., with the city clerk. By order of tho Mayor and City Council made tho 1st day pf August, 1911. Ciias. F, TBMr-LE. nl5-3 City Clerk. It may interest the visiting markE man to know that Johnny Baker, the young American marksman with tho Wild West was born in Nebraska at his father's famed fortified stone ranch on thq Overland Trail-known ns Baker's ranch. Johnny is ono of the last geporation whoso babyhood needed no bogy-boo threat ns 4,Indians", for "Redskius" was often the real cry that made his littlo heart beat in terror. In tho many years young Baker hn8 been touring with his sponsor, "Buffalo Bill", in many countries, no mnrksinan has been subjected to more trylug test than he. The Presbyterians will hold a picnic at Dick's grove Thursday. Notice To Hnnters. All persons are herebyftTwarnetl ngainst hunting or trespassing on the lands of the undersigned. r"" Geo. E. Stearns. Accused of Stealing, E. E. Chamberlain, of Clinton, Me.r boldly accuses Bucklen's Arnica Salve of stealing the sting from bums or scalds-tho pain from sores of all kinds the distress from boils or piles. "It robs cuts, corns, bruises, sprains and injur ies of pain, he says, "as a healing remedy its equal don't exist" Only 25c at Stone Drug Co. THE First National Bank, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital and Surplus $140,000. DIRECTORS: E. f . SEEBERtiER, President, M; KEITH NEVILLE, Vice-President. F. L. M00NEY, Cashier. ARTHUR McNAMARA. J. J. IIALLIGAN. A Modern Institution For tho treatment of medical and surgical cases. Open to tho medical profession. Special accomodations for confinement cases. Training sclpolfor nurses in connection? Address all commu cations to the wiperintendent. Phone 642 Cor. Eighth and Locust I