Semi - Weekly Tribune SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One Year by Mail In advaaco ,$1.25 One Year by Carrier in advance $1.60 Entered nt North Platto. .Nebraska, Post office as Second Clasi Matter. FRIDAY, JULY 21, 19 All tho way from Cleveland, Ohio, comes the intcrcstingrumor that James II. Garfield, Jr., fa tho choice of insurgent republicans for presi dent nnd that the talk of LaFollotte Is just for effect, in other words "noth ing doing" for tho Wisconsin man when the limo comes to cut loose nnd stam podo tho country for Garfield. This is a real interesting story nnd rcnd3 as though it might have tho sanction of young Jim, but time will show that tho trick can not bo turned, first because LnFolIette will not stand for it, and next because LnFnlottotes never could Bwnllow nnything ns mild as Jim Gnr flold. Koarney Hub. Tho. center of population of the United States is four nnd ono-fourth miles south of Unionsvillo, Monroo county, Ind., according to n Census bureau nnnouncomont justiflauod. Since 1900, when it was six miles southwest ofColumbus, Ind., it bus moved thirty one miles westward and sevon-tenths ofil milo northward. Tho westward movement Is attributed by census offi cials principally to the growth of the Pacific and southwestern states. Tho geographical center of tho United States is in northern Kansas, so that the center of population, therefore, is about 500 miles east of tho geographi cal center. D. D. White, of Sutherland, else where announces his candidacy for tho democratic nomination for county com miBait)n?r. Mr. White lino resided in tha" valley for many years and is known ns. an enterprising citizen, a good democrat and n man who enjoys thd confldonco of his neighbors and friends. Mr. White was Bomewhat tardy in making hla announcement, and becomes a candidate largely through tho insistanco of frionds. Now that ho. lias cntored tho race ho will probubly dd' some hustling, for David is known a hu t'.or of tho top-notch branch. Thu raco between him 'and his democra tic opponent, who is also n pusher, ought to be ono worth watching. "Lexington Man WanU Piesidccy, Nebraska hns & full-flcdirod. self-an nounced candidate 'for tho presidency of tho United States Jn tho person of Robort G. Rosa of Lexington, who to day asked Secretary of Stnto Walto to place lib name upon tho primary ballot next spring in ordur that tho people of tho state might havo an opportunity of expressing a preference upon; him as well its LuFoliette,Tnftni(d oftjes.who are ambitious to occupy tho white Uousd. now was uoieateu inst year rror con grons. Ho woh i candidate in tho Sixth district, where tha only thing that kept him from winning was that Kinkaid had 80 many homesUtfidurs backing him that there wore only 017 votes left for tho Daynon county aspirant, A,t flrat Secretary of Stnto Wnito was irtciiiuii to pay no attention to the com mutiicution from Candidate Ross, b.ut a porimnl of the now primary law relating to exprosslnn of presidential preference ' rdvcmlcd'thnt no fco is .necessary in this Mr. Ross orred in that ho thrust him fiolf forward instead of allowlmr .ntlinn to' do jbo, aa thu new primary law states. ; , i as? Cowraissinners' Proceedings. Julv 17. 1011. 'Board met ngrconblq to adjournment. jn-qacmt, Wnlter, Stroitz, Roberts and county cleric. Claim of V. J, Wickstrom dnmngo by locution of Road No. 309 allowed for $12.00 and disallowed for ?148 and tho county clerK la directed tq notify over- scar to removo gates acrpns Raid road . gvet land owned by F. J, Wickstrom George Grtrrnan is hereby appointed overseer of Road Diet. No. 51. -.. .Clnim of Jus. Crow overseer of Road ?VM. Wo, 11 nilowou oU.Uoau Dlst. 41 ' $100 Consent petition of C, D, Fowlos arid .Gthers asking for road on Sections 20 and 20, Township 13, Rango 27 being ueemeti lor uia puuuc goou, Bmne ia ;, granted, said road to be 00 feet wide, Tno surveyor is uiroctcu to survey ) tno rona poutionou xor uy u. u, t owies , and othora. , Tho Platte Valley Bank is hereby 'designated a depository for county monioB, if Tho Bond of thu Platto Valley State bank as security tor county funds i Hereby approved. Board adjourned until tomorrow. July 18, 1011. Board met same as yosferdny. . lJlda for tawng ,care ot paupers opened nnd tabulated, there being but ono bid, that of Mrs. Emma Pulver, same is accepteu ma nonru reserves tho right to taico care oi,aomo , paupers at other placea and'uirocts tho county attorney to urnw up a contract. Bond of J. S, Bobbins, Juatico of Peace, Wallace precinct, approved, UhocKou dooks ot county juugo ami annroveu snmo. July 19, 1911. Board mot samo as yesterday, com pleted chocking county treasurer. O. II. Thoelocko Is hereby appointed com y commliisu nor of highways at a Balmy of ?5,00 per, day for tima act Bally cmployod. - Adj. utned until July 25th. FreckBMlMB. To tho electors of the city of North Platto: Notice is hereby given that oir tho 2nd day of August, 1911, in tho city of North Platte, an election will be held, nt which tho following proposition shall be submitted to tho voters of said city: "Shall the city of North I'latte issue its bonds in tho sum of $22,000.00, in denominationsof$l,000.00 each, dated Apr. 1st 1911, due in twenty years from their date, but payable at any time after ten years, at the option of the said city, to draw interest nt the rate of flvener cent tier annum, payable semi-annually, principal and interest payable at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Nebraska, in the city of New York; said bonds to be issued for the purpose of obtaining money with which to erect a city hnll, to accomodate tho city officers and records, tho fire de partment nnd firo apparatuses and po lice department. And shall the proper officer of naid city bo authorized to levy and eoliect a tux annually, in tho samo mannor as other municipal taxes may bo levied and collected, in an amount sufficient to pay tho interest and prin cipal of said bonds ns they mature, in audition to the sum authorized to bo levied by Section 82, Art. 3 Chap. 13 Compiled Statutes of the Btntc of Ne braska for tho year 1909, until said bonds and interest nre paid on all the tho property within the saiu city ns Bhown and assessed upon the assess ment rolls of enld city." Said bonds to be negotiable in form. The nolllntr places for Baid election Bhall be: in tho First Ward nt the hose house in said ward, in the Second Ward in the Commissioners room on the socond floor of tho court house in said ward, fn tho Third Ward at tho hose houso in said ward and in the Fourth Ward nt thu hoso bouse in enld ward. Tho bal ots to bo issued at said elec tion shall have nrintcd thereon: For issuing $22,000.00 of the bonds of tho city ot North I'latte, for the pur pose of erecting a city hall, tonccommo unto tho city officers and records, the tiro department, tiro apparatuses, and tho polico department, and for levying and collecting a tax annually to pay the interest and principal or snid oonus as tnev mature. Acrainst Issulnc $22,000.00 of the bonds of the city of North Platte, for the purpose of erecting a city hall, to ac V.;.IIIIIVU.. ... UIIIVV.IOUIIU l,W.Ut, tho nro department, nro apparatus and tho nollco uonartment. and for leWlmr nnd collecting a tax annually to pay tho interest and principal of said bonds as tnoy mature. 'Uioso voting in fnvor of said propo sition snau marx tneir uauot with a cross, opposite tho paragraph beginning 'ForiNMulngtpOO.OOof thobouda of tho city or North I'latte and those vot ing against snid proposition shall mark their ballots with n cross, opposito tho paragraph begining with "Against tho issuing of $22,000.00 bonds of tho city of North Platto." Said election shall be opcitf at nine o'clock a. , m. and remain open until seven o'clock n. m. of said dato. In witness whereof I havo hereunto subscribed my name this 3d dav of July, 1911. (Bgd) thos. u. Patterson, Mayor. Attest. (,gUl UHA8. 1'. TEMPLE, City Clerk Notice of Incorporation. Notice is horobv iriven that thu un dersigned havo formed n corporation under tho namo and stylo of "The' Plntto Valley State Bank", with its. nrlncinal nlnco of IrnnnnnUnrr lis hunt. noas, in th'o city of North Platto, Lin- coin county, stato of Nebraska, and for tho purpose of transacting a commer cial banking business, tho amount of tho capital stock, authorized and paid in is the sum ot iuty thousand do ara ($50,000) and tho life of tho cornoration will bo from the 3d day of July. 1911, to thu 1st day of July, 1931, Bald corp oration having bubn duly authorized by tho Stato Banking Board of the state of Nebraska for tho transaction of a commercial banking buHinoss. and tho amount of indebtedness of said corpor ation shall at no time exceed two thirds of its paid iif capital stock, ex cept for deposits, and thu nirntrs of snid corporation, nro to bo conducted by n board of directors consisting of J. W, Payno, Julius Pizor, II. Molilmnn, C. II. Walter. F. C. Pielstlckor. J. G. Bcrtlor. M. E. Scott. Goo. L. Scott. and C,' A. Liston, with F. C. Piel stlckor as president, Julius Pizor us vice president, M. E. Scott us cashier and L. E. Mehlmann as assistant ennnjar. uateu this oth day r July, 1911. J, W. Payne, Julius Pizor, , II, Mehlman, C. II, Walter, F. C. Pielstickor J. G. Bcoler, M. E. Scott, C. A. Liston Closing out Sale Echelbery'a New and Second Hand Store. Ranges from $5.00 up. Stoves from $1.00 up. Large Refrigerators $4,00. Gasoline Stoves $i.oo. Dressers from $2.00 up. Commodes from $1.00 up. Iron Beds from $1,00 up Carpyts, room size, $2.50. Come in and see the goods. Jog-along Transfer Co. C. II, SAWYER, MGR. Hack and Heavy Draying of all Kinds. Piano .moving a specialty. Up-to-dato 1911 piano truck. Ofllco hours 8 a. in, to On. m. Oillce with Postal Telegraph Ofllco phono 201 . Residence 051 Ofllco phono 241. Ros. phono 217 L.( C . DROS T, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. Political Announcements FOlt TREASURER. I hereby announce mvsclf as n can didate for the republican nomination for county treasurer, subject to the decision of the voters of tho primary election August 15th, 1011. I will fully appreciate tno support ot republicans. J. Jti. WALTERS. I respectfully announce that I am n candidate for tho republican nomination for county treasurer, subject to tho decision of the voters at tho primary election August 15th. Support given mc win uo appreciated. ALBERT N. DURBIN. I hereby announco my candidacy for tho republican nomination for county treasurer, subject to the decision of tho republican primary August 15th. I will appreciate the support of republicans on that day. Frank Murray. Fellow citizens of Lincoln countv: I hereby announce myself a candidate for county treasurer and respectfully solicit your support ni ino pons, ii oiecicu i will endeavor to do my duty in such n way as to meet the approval ot tno people. Walter B. McNeel. 1 am a candidate for tho republican nomination for county treasurer and will appreciate any support given mo at tho primary election August 15th. W. fl. U. WOODHURST. FOR CLERK. I horubv nnnounce mv Candldacv for the nomination forcounty clork subject to tho decision of the republican party at tno primary. vvm. utten. I hereby anhounco myself aenndidate for county clerk subject to the decision of tho republican voters at tho primary election to bo held Tuesday, August 15th, 1911, and respectfully solicit your support. U. WILLIAM YOST. The undersigned is nro publican candi date for tho office of County Surveyor, subject to the decision of the voters nt tho primary election. Respectfully, irAUL li. MEYER. FOR SHERIFF. I nnnounce mvsolf as a candidate for shcriti, subject to tho decision of the voters at tho primary election to bo held August 15th, 1911, and respect- iuiiy BU(icib 111a support 01 uiu rcpuun cans nt that election. A. J. Salisbury. 1 lierobv annnounco mvself as a can didate for tho republican nomination for sheriff, subject to tho decision of tho voters at the primary election on August 15th and respectfully solicit your support, I. L. MlLTONBEGER. I horcbv announco mvsclf as n enndi dato for the democratic nomination for sheriff mibjcct to the decision of the voters nt tho primary election on Au gust mm anu rcspoctiuny solicit your support. C. C. MCGee. I hereby announce mvself as n candi date for BnoriiT on tho democratic ticket subicct to tho decision of tho voters at tho primary election on Augustl5, 1911. UDD if. HEBHAUSEN, I hereby announco mvself aa a candi dato for tho democratic nomination for sheriff, subject to tho decision Of the voters at the primary election'. ' ' Arthur J. Sullivan. 1 m - - i 1 hereby announco myself as q candi date for tho nomination of county super intendent subject to the decision .of the democratic primary. Cleo R. Chappell. Brady, Jlebr. I lwrebv announco mvself aa a can uuun . , .jut ..iiiiiianijriiiii. didate for tho republican nomination for county superintendent, subject tp the decision of tho voters at tho primary election August lptb. Your support; Is rospectfully solicited. l Wm, Ebrioht, CLERK DISTRICT COURT. I announce myself a candidate, for re nomination for clork of district court subject to the will of tho republican voters nt tho primary election to bo held Tuesday, August 16th, 1911, and I BBsuro you your support will bo greatly appreciated. Geo. E. Prosser. county judoe. I, John Grant hereby announce my self a candidate for tho Democratic nomination for County Judgo, subject to the decision of tho voters at the primary election August 15, 1911, and most respectfully solicit your support. I hereby announco myself ns a candi date for thq republican nomination for countv judgo, subject to tho decision of the voters at tho primary election on August 15th, nnd respect fully solicit your support M. E. Crosby. I heroby announce myself as a can didate for tho republican nomination for county judgo, Hubjocf. to tho decis ion of tho voters ut tho primary elec tion August 15Ui. E. W, Crane. t'OR SURVEYOR. I hereby announco myself a candid date for county surveyor of Lincoln county on tho democratic ticket subject to tho decision of tho voters at the pri mary election August 15th, RoberI L. Cochran. I respectfully announco myBelf aa n candidate for the democratic nomination for county clerk, subject to tho deci sion of tho voters at tho primary elec tion August 15th. Francis W. Conneally, Wallace, Neb. FOR COMMISSIONER. I horeby announco mysolf as a candi date for tno republican nomination, for county commissioner from thu Third ditrict, subject to tho decision of voters at tho primary election. You support solicited. J. W. Auiiott. Hershey, Nobr. . I hero announce myself a candidato for tho republican nomination ftfr county commissioner from tha Third district, subject to the decision of tho voters nt tho primary election in August, and respectfully solicit your support, I am a resident of Nowoll precincfc nnd my postolllco address is Hershey. H. J, Runner. I hereby announco my enndidacy for tno democratic nomination for county commissioner in district No. 3, subject 10 tno result or U10 primary eldctiO.' Henry H. Fulk. Ne4ke for tiit. Bids will be received bv the secretary of tho school board at Hershey for a six room brick school house. Pinna and specifications on fllo and may bo seen at Bank of Lincoln Co. Bids will bo re ceived until one o'clock p. m. July 22. 1911. The board reserves the right tD re ject any or all bids. Home labor to bo employed as far as possible. A certified check for $500.00 must accompany each bid payable to secretary of school board. U. M. LiEYPOLDT, Hecy. Go to SORENSON'S FOR Furniture Repairing and Cabinet Work Alue Wood Turning, Picture. Framing Room rVleuldinjr, and Window Screens a Specialty. Shop 107 East Fifth. Save Your Suits. Wouldn't you like to wear that per fectly good last spring's suit again? And wouldn't you wear it if vou could shorten the jacket to conform to tho present'style. If you haven't tho time to do it, or if you don't know how, just send it to us. Wo arc doine a Great deal of this kind of work this spring, ns 11 -1 : '1 .' j wuii im umuiiiiiu, uyuiiiK, prcaswK unu ndding new collars and. cuffs. A few such changes will improve your old suit so that you economy. will actually enjoy The French Diy Cleaning and Press ing Place. A. SIGEL, The Little Tailor 223 E. 0th St. Phone 182 Application for Liquor License Matter of Application of Patrick G Hnynes for Liquor License! Notice is heroby given that Patrick G. Hnynes did upon tho 80th day of June, 1911, file his application to the Villairo Board of Trustees of Bradv. Lincoln county, Nebraska, for license to sell malt, spirituous nnd vinous liquors on Lots 13 14 nnd 15 in Block G in the Village of JJraJy, Lincoln county. Ne braska, to begin at tho municipal year or vju anu to end witn tne same with in the spring of 1912. If there bo no objection, remonstrance or protest med within two weeks from July 4, A. D., 1911, said licenso will be granted. Patrick G. Haynes, Applicant. Notice of Sale Under Chattel IYlortcaKe. Notice is horeby given that by virtue of u chattel mortgage dated the 7th day of March, 1911, and duly filed in the ofllco of the county clerk of Lincoln county, Nebraska, on the 29th day of Mar. 1911, executed by Henry M. Bald ridge und Isnae S. Baldridtre to Chnrlov Meyer to secure payment of the sum of $3150.00. upon which there is duo the sum of $3210.90. Said mortgage pro vided that on any attempt to dispose of uiu inoiiuruy uuauriuuu in sam mort' gage, saiu mortgagee or nis assigns could take possession of snid goods and chattels wherever found and sell the same at private sale or public auction or so much thereof as will bo .sufficient to pay tho amount due or to becomo due. Said mortgagers having mndo default by selling said mortgaged prop porty there is now duo on said notes tno sum 01 saztu.yu. Anu no suit or nny other proceedings having been in stituted to recover suid debt or nny part inoreoi, uicroiore 1 win sen said prop erty described, viz: 39 cnlvss, all bliick except six red ones, heifers nnd steers mixed; 3-1 two-yenr old cattle, all blatk but five: about half Bteors and helfors: 20 three-year old cattle, all black but nvo; six cows, black and red: one black bull; 21 horses, consisting of one black span ot mares six years old; ono span 01 sorrei norscs, tnrec anu lour years old; ono span of brown horses, ono six yonr old and ono 18 year old. ont sorrel maro ono gray maro ; seven and nine years old; four three-year old bay. horsca and mares; six two-year old horses and mures; all bays; two bay maro colts; unu ajiiin 01 niiiruB; one Borrci anu one bay. All machinery, farming implo- tnontn nnrirtr? urnrmn an1Jlto lrnlilnl wt,,,C OUUIUVO YUJilblUBf harness etc., valued at four hundreq and forty dollars. Two brood sows yaiueu at $30.00 being all tho stock, horses, cattle and Implements, excopt uno uiiio gray coit, two year old cows, reu m coior, an 01 said cattio are branded with letter M and inverted G with bar under both, brandod on thfc right hip, at public auction, at tho houso located on Section 32, Township 12, Rango 32, in tho precinct of Nowoll, Lincoln county, on tho 29th day of July 1911, at ten o'clock a. pi., of said uay. Dated this 3rd day of July, 1911. Charley Meyer, '. Mortgagee, ml , NOTICE OK SETTLEMENT. The Stato ot Nebraska, Lincoln Comity, h.h. In this County Court. In tlioMattorer tlio Estato of George II, otnvfiisi. Deceased. To tliecrcriltoi-K, hotrs legatees and ntliors Intorestoil In tlio estato of Ueoruo II. Ntpreus. deceased- TaWotnotljo. that I.ostor Walker, ad ministrator handled in tlio county court a rctxrt of his doings an administrator of naid cHttftn and It In ordered that tlio maino Htand for hearing tho 1st diy uf Aug. A. n. 1011. heforo tlio court at tlio liout ot I) o'clock, a. ni., at wlilf.h tlmo any pursou Interested may awx-ar and ecopt 10 ohl content tlm samo. And notice of Mil proceeding Is ordered given In the North rlatto Tribune a 8eml-VeoUly nowspapu prlnt. d in said county prior to tld date. Wltuesa my hand and Os of t! coun ty court at North I'latte. Nob., this 10th day of July A D. 1911. John Quant, County Judgu. Homeopathy Principles Smif, S'milibBs, CaraatKi' A like remedy will cure a like disas as a remedy which has the same symptoms, or produces the samo in tho well, will euro those in tho sick, and with na ture's help will euro quicker than any other, and with less expense to tho human economy. This system of medicino has at its command anything in the realm nf cure, such as electricity in any form, tho Vibrator, Massage, Hyrotherafenties. Therefore tho correctness of choosing this lino of treatment, rather thnn whims with a single borrowed idea. For out of town patients nnd all those interested: rooms furnished when desired, for confinement, medical and tho necessary surgi cal cases. Trained nurses in attendance. Dr. J. S. Twinem, Medical and Surgical Praclicioner I GEO. D. DENT, I Physician and Surgeon, r Ofllce over McDonald Bank. 31 Phnn..a I Office 130 I Phonus Residence 115 JOE B. REDFIELD, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Specialty: SKIN DISEASES. Day and night calls promptly answered unice r. a. Hospital, rnone w&. tf DR. W. W. SADLER,' Physician, Surgeon, Optician. District Surgeon U. P. R.. R. Hershey, Nebraska. jfc 2 DR. J. S. TWINEM, Homeopathic Phyilclan and Surgeon S Upeclal attention given to confine- S tt ,menta"d children's diseases, g W Ofllco I'liono 183 1!.!S. I'hono 283 Offlco McDonald Stato Hank llldV Notice of Special Election. Notice is horeby Riven that on tho 20th day of June, 1911, tho Mayor nnd City Council of the city of North Platto, Nebraska, passed and approved an ordinance entitled: "An ordinance granting to tho Ne braska Telephone Company, its succes sor and assipns, right of way for tho maintenance of wires, underground commits nnu appurtenances thereto, through, upon, oyer and under the streets and alleys of tho streets of North Platto. Nebraska; regulating the erection and construction of poles, wires and conduits and protecting the same in saiu city 01 JNortn i'latte, etc." And that on the 18th day of July. 1911. a petition was filed in the ofiice of tho ciont 01 tno city or JNortnriatte, signeu by 217 qualified voters of tho city of North Platte, the samo being 0 per cjrjtot tne voters ot sucncity, request ing that tho saiu ordinance "bo rc- torreu to the voters 01 the city of Nprth Platto, Nebraska, at a special election in said city, to be called and held, according' to law, for their rojec tidn or approval". Now, therefore, I, Charles F. Temple, city clerk of tho city of North Platto, by virtue of the power in me veflted hereby call a special election to bo held on the 2nd day of August, A. D. 1911, between tho hours of 9 a. m. and 7 p. 111. in Baid city of North Platte, for tho purpose of voting on said ordi nance. Tho voting places at said election shall bo in tlio First Ward in said city, at tho hose houso in said ward, in the Second ward in 'said city, in the com missioners room in tho court houso in said ward, in the Third ward in said city at the hoso houso in said ward nnd in the Fourth ward in said city at tho hoso houso in said ward. Tho Ballots to bo used at said election shall have written or printed thereon: Approving the ordinance passed Tand approved tno 20th day of June, 1911, by the Mnyor and City Council of tho city of North Platte, Nebraska, en titled: "An ordinanco granting to tho Ne braska Telephone Company, Its succos sors nnd assigns, right of way for tho maintenance of poles, wires under ground conduits and appurtenences thereto, through, upon, over and under the streets and alloys of the city of North Platte, Nebraska; regulating tho erection nnd construction of poles, wires nnd conduits and protecting the samo In said city of North Platto. 'r Rejecting the Ordinanco passed and npproved the 20th day of June, 1911, by the Mayor and City Council of tho city of North platto, Nebraska, en titled: , "An Ordinance granting to the Ne braska Telephone Company, its succes sors and assigns, right of way for tho maintenance of poles, wires, under ground conduits and appurtenances ttiqroto, through, upon, over and under trie streets anu alleys of tho city of North Platte, Nebraska; regulating tho erection and construction of the polos, Wires nnd conduits and protecting the samo in Bnid city of North Platte' Those voting ip favor of approving said ordinanco shall mark their ballot With an X opposito tho paragraphbegin ing "Approving the ordinance passed and npproved the 20th day of June, 1911." ThOse voting to reject said ordinanco shall mark their ballot with an X op posite the paragraph beginning "Re jecting the ordinanco passed and ap proved the 20th day of Juno, 1911." Copies of said ordinance in pamphlet form can bo obtained by voters who de sire same froo of charge at tho ofllco or tho City Clork of the city of North Platte, in the rear of tho Platto Vallov Bank. Charles F. Temple, Clerk of City of North Platte. Send Us Your Shipments of 1 Grain and Hay Wo nav tho ton market. Three cou pons free with returns on each car of hay you Bhip us to handle for your ac count Fifteen coupons and $3.50 in cash will secure for your hhmo an ele gant 42-Piece Royal Blue Dinner Set worth $10.00. Consign your hay to us nnd p the ladies and also tret a irood mic leaso co for your nay. Our Motto: Fair treatment and prompt remittances. Samplo of tho quality of these dishes can ho seen at the ofllco of the Semi- Weekly Tribune. The F. C. Ayres Mer. Co., 20th and Wazeo Streets, Denver, Colorado. Notice for Bids . Sealed bids for tho construction nf n Public Library Building will be re- cuivuu ui ujju ciock r. m.. Juiy aum, 1911, by Annie C. Kramph, Secretary ruDiic jjiorary tioarti, first National Bank Buildimr. North Platto. NehrnRWn. All bids must be in strict accordance witn plans and specifications prepared by Carj E. Schaoffcr, Architect, North Platto, Nebraska and must be accom panied by a certified check for 3 per cent of tho bid, check to be made pay able to Annie C. Kramph, Secretary. PlanB can be seen at the office of Annie C. Kramph, Secretary Public Library Board, North Platto, Nebraska and at the offlco of Carl E. ShaefTer, Architect, North Platte, Nebraska. Tho right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Tho successful bidder must furnish a good and sufficient bond for faithful performance of tho contract and said bond must bo approved by tho Library Board, their judgment to be final and conclusive as to the sufficiency of tho bond. By order of tho Public Library Board, North Platte, Nebraska. Annie C. Kramph, Secretary, Butler Buchanan, President. Road No. 344. The commissioner appointed to view for tho purpose of estaulising a public road as follows: Commencing at tho northeast corner of Section 12, township 1G, range 20, and running thenco west one mile to tho northwest corner of section 12, town ship 10, rango 26, thence running south ono and one half miles to the south cast corner of the n. e. quarter section 14, township 16, rango 20. Also commencing at n. 0. corner of section 14, township 10, range 20, and running west one hnlf mile as nearly on tho line as practical; has reported in favor of tho establishment of said road and all claims for damago or objection thereto must be filed, in the office of tho county clerk On or before noon on tho 31st day of August, 1911. Dated North Platte, Neb., Juno 28, 1911. F. R. Elliott, County Clerk. - . , Road No. 347. The commissioner appointed to view for the purpose of establishing a public road as follows: Commencing at the. northeast corner section 20, township 1G, range 20, and running thenco east along the north-section line "of said sec tion 20 to a point about 40 roads cast of tiie northeast corner of northwest quarter: thenco southeasteriy around the canyon in northwest quarter of northeast quarter of said section and back to section line at about the north east corner of northwest quarter of tho northeast quarter of said section thenco east along said section lino about thirty rods; thence southerly across the cor ner of tho northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of said section 20 to tho intersection of tho east lino; thenco south along tho oast line of said section to tee intersection of Road No. 212 has reported in favor of tho location of said roads as follows: Commcnclne at tho northwest corner of section 20, township 16, rango 20, and rnnning thenco east along tho north section lino of said section 20, to a point about 40 rods cast of the north east comer of the northwest quarter; thenco southeasterly around tno can yon, thenco in an easteriy direction to section lino between sections 2C and 20 said town and range, I also recommend that a road com mencing about 40 rods west of the northeast comer of the northwest quar ter section 26, township 10, range 26, and running thence in a southerly direction for about 80 rods to intersect with the former described road and all objections thereto or claims for dnmage must be filed in tho office of tho county clerk On or before noon on tho 31st day of August 1911. Dated North Platte, Nob., Juno 28th, 1911. F. R. Elliott, County Clerk. Primary Election Notice, 1911. I, F. R. Elliott, County Clork, of Lincoln County, Nebraska, do hereby direct that a primary (election bo held at tho voting places in tho various pre cincts of Lincoln Gounty, Nebraska, as by law provided, on tho third Tuesday in August, A. D. 1911. At said primary election, candidates for the following offices snail bo nom inated to be voted on at the regular November, A. D., 1911 election: Threo judges or the Supremo Court; Two regents of tho State University; One state Railway Commissioner; One district judge Thirteenth judicial district in Nebraska. Ono county judge; Ono sheriff; One coronor: Ono county treasurer; One county clerk; Ono county surveyor; Ono county superintendent; Ono clerk of tho District.Court; Ono county commissioner, commis sioner district number three; One overseer in cash road distsict; Two justices of tho peace; (in each precinct) Constables; (in each precinct) Which election will bo open at 12 M Pn and continue open until 9:00 o'clock 'n the afternoon of tho samo day. Dntel, North Platte, Nebraska, June 28, 1911. F. R. Elliott, County CUrk.