TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTEi, NEB., JULY 21, IQl I. No. 46. 5 Tnwu a wn nttwTV nicurc q tuna niubuunn M . . Mrs. Tirn O'Keefc Ib recovering from n eevoro slego ot rheumatism. Mrs. E. M. Hogg, of Pnxton, Is visit' ing her mother Mrs. E. Craigie this week. P. W. Herminghdusen shipped five enrs of hogs to San Francisco Tuesday night. Mrs. William Landgraf, Sr., lias been very ill for several days with an attack of gallstones. Itay Wnrron and J, Nelson of Kan sas City, are visiting Mr. R. Warren of this. city. Several auto parties went thru yes terday who are makhig a closs country trip to California, Mrs. Conrad Anderson went to Kear ney yesterday to spend two months with relatives. . Mrs. Jennie Lane leftN Wednesday for Pocntello to visit her niece Mrs. Clajenco Turner for month. Traveling freight solicitor Keller of the Milwaukee lines, was in pwn Wed nesday looking after business Misses Alma Houser and Ruth Recso of Elsie are visiting Miss Mabel Wy- man anu attending unautauqua. Gus Chamberlain had a finger badly' nruiseu raonaay nignt coming uown on No 14, by having it caught in a coach door. Georgo Carter of Lincoln was circu lating among his many friends here Tuesday, having come up for the gun club shoot. Mrs. J. Turpio and children have moved to Marengo, Iowa, where she lately acquired a farm and will in the future bo located. H. S. Pelton, the general foreman of the General Conscructlon Co., of Mil waukee, arrived the first of the week, and has a large gang of men at work on the federal building. W. L. Cary will arrive from Omaha this evening and accompanied by his wife will leave tomorrow night for a week's visit, with relatives in Green River. Lewis Holmstein late of Cheyenne who worked in the local machino shops last year, is visiting friends in town while on his way to Pennsylvania to spend the summer with relatives. Asst. Sunt.. W. , H. Adams was in town Tuesday on business and returned on No. 18,. Mr. Adams was for many; years cntef clerk to the general super intendent at Omaha and has many ac quaintances among railroad men. ' .&v . 1 -COMMA 3S5 Vl I v"!-.? HOW. I YV (? 11UVU UUUUL (111 F3' 1 rc 1 mjimnzyy iwrm i . ' . .r ssv .'li 1 fuw." remr I nmro nt inrma mar jfjf A mm- z" 1 t r -,.r - r;. i nwtm vw iiKu ins cut. oiiiv lace 11 trnmmm 1 m w m uiMr k i. - 1 1 JR AM Wl Sri KlrtrO- nnil wlilstwl lU ..If m 4S Thoy mate a fine play i Mm. whatever -strictly & A .. . . m m I sBsW sewed. Sizes 8 to 12, ife JmW I I i 1 M J V T A AW T n(lP.,WA "(!,' Afti I SHl LSSSSSsW I iaSSSSSB&lSSV7 ,y 1 w v w J - I Hs 7Ut MLJmVf DIENER Rr. FT F.ISHMAN. snlo nrico. . 9 J IS I snlo nrlr krSC jMr. ahdMrs, Georgo Zcntmoyer left yesterday for Minnesota to spend a week or longer. Mrs. Julia Todd will leave tonight for Glcndive. Mont., to spend several week with her son J. C. Todd. Mrs. Fred Rasmussen and children came down from Ilershey this morning to visit her mother Mrs. Martini. Mrs. Mary Carroll of Clarksisaguest at the honu; of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buchanan and will remain six weeks. W. J. Cruzen returned Wednosday evening from a fishing trip to Lodge pole and loft this morning for Omaha. William Scetzer who has been in em ployed In the Western Union office for spme time will leave shortly for Lar amie to accept n similar position. W. R. Lincoln assistant general manager of the U. P. and party wont this morning in a special car to inspect and locate all cars used between Omaha and Green River. Weather Forecast: fair tonight, Sat urday fair and Varm. Highest temper ature yesterday 8G, ono year ago 90, lowest temperature last night 04, ono year ago 64. H. R. Potter was hit in tho eye by a particle of flying steel Monday while at work in tho shop, and while tho steel did not lodge, in tho eye, a great deal of pain was caused by tho boat of tho steel. Two or three parties are negotiating with business men to establish a whole sale fruit house hero, tho opening up of business on tho branch offering many inducements to open a house of this kind here. Mrs. M. Keith Neville will return to day from Charleston W. Va., whore she has been visiting at the parental homo for two months. Her visit there was curtailed by Mr. Neville's sickness. Upon complaint of N. B. Spurrier Frank Bush was arrested Wednesday. The above named liye on tho Birdwood and Spurrier claims that Bush did mal iuiusly strike and wound him. The case will come up in the County Court to morrow. Frank Coker, ono of tho earliost set tlers of tho Sutherland section, and an ardent and uncompromising republican, announces his candidacy for the nomina tion (or sherifr. Mr. Coker is one of Lin coln pounty's best known men, his long residence in the county and his activity in business affairs and politics having thrown him In contact with peoplo of all sections of tho county. He stands high in' U19 estimation of tho people and will no'doubt make a fprmibauld candidate. His long association with, and his work for, tho party entitles him to recognition. ,'V There is a time to buy Oxfords and that time is RIGHT NOW. We wero juot notified that our fall stock is on the vay and we must make room for it. Every Oxford in the house goes! into this sale. . Call early and secure your size and when you compare the shoes with the prices, you wille apt to buy j several pairs. Don't Delay, Come at Once. These Prices are for Cash Only. ' " , i, " ' White Roman Sandals, sizes 5 to 8 at $1.00, 8 1-2 to 11 at $1.25, 11 1-2 to 2 at $1.50. All our Men's Oxfords in patent, gun metnl, black or tan, blucher or button, Nettlfiton or Florsheim makes. Regular values $6. 50, SG.OO, and $5.50. Clearance sale price All our Men's Oxfords styles, Florsheim, Crawford and K-0 makes. In fact any Men's Oxfords that Clearance sale price, . , , Choice of all our $4.00 Gun Metal Blucher, and Button. Clear ance sale price Choice of our high heels and high broad 2h to 5fr, regular $3.00 grades. Clear ance sale price Same as above in Clearance sale price Will Rub Special Tram. The Union Pacific sent an agent up tho North River branch a, week ago to ascertain if a sufficient number of residents along tho lino would attend tho Cody Wild West to justify a special train. Tho agent gave in an adverse report. When this was learned tho Chamber of Commcrco took up tho matter with the passenger department Wednesday, with tho result that tho officials consented to run tho special. Tho train will leave Bridgeport early Saturday morning, August i9th, fend arrive here about eleven o'clock, re turning Saturday night. Good Roads Meeting. v Tho commissioners nro in recoipt 'of a letter from the county eommissaldners of Scdwlck county, Colorado, request ing them to join in the movement for a good road from Omaha to Donver. Sedwick county has appropriated Bov eral thousand dollars for the work, .and naturally seeks to Interest Nebraska counties in tho project. The Scdvvick county commissioners suggest that a good road3 meeting bo held in North Platte and delegates bo invited from Keith, Deul and other Nebraska coun ties. Acting on this suggestion tho com missioners nnve called for a nrolirnin ary meeting to be held at the court houso noxt Tuesday nftcrnoon, at which arrangements will bo made for a general gdod roads meeting. All Inter ested are invited to attend this prelim inary meeting next Tuesday. Tboclccke Appointed Read Con nitsioner ' Several weeks ago Tho Tribuno sug gested that the c unty commissioners appoint a county road commissioner and recommended 0. H. Thooleckotfor tho position. Wednesday tho commis sioners appointed Mr. Thooleeke to that position not becauso Tho Tri buno refcommended him, but for tho reason that they consider htm a most suitable man for tho position, and ono who has demonstrated that his viows on road making .are not only good, but they are economical. Under this appointment, which be came effective atxonco, ,nll road work In tho county will bo done under tho supervision of Mr. Thooleeke, and wo believe that It will result In better roads at a less cost to tho county. In hfs effort to bettor the condition of roads he will bo backed by till who jn terost themselves in such work, among whom is Tho Tribune. The people of the county arc to bo congratulated upon the appointment of Mr. Thooleeke as county road supervisor. Miss. Qrnco Casey went to Gothenburg, tbday to visit friends for a few days'. , Will Hondy loft this morning for Kearney to spend the day on business. $445 in all the leathers and Pattern values. sold for $5.00. ': $3.85 Oxfords, Patent Leather, $2.95 price grade Boy's Oxfords, high toes "Just like Dads," sizes S2.35 sizes This CksstasHa the Best. Tho third assembly of tho North Platto Chautauqua which hos been in session this week Is proving tho best and most successful Ono yot held. Tho talent so far has been very Satisfactory and tho attendance at all the sessions has been greator than last year or tho year before. Each evening tho seating capacity of the big tent has been taxed, a hundred or more cxtrn chairs have boon pressed into service and yet these accommodations do not olwnys meet the demands. Certainly U10 Chautauqua spirit Is growingln North Platto more peoplo are becoming interested In the uplifting and entertaining Work and tho enthusiam grows nil the time. Tho teachers and prospective teachers find the Institute held at tho tent dur ing tho forenoon hours particularly helpful to them. Tho subjects on practical school wok are ably treated by the normal school corps of in structors and othora. The Seaton Indian work by Miss Whnl is proving a delightfully pleasant diversion to tho largo number of boys and girls who attend. The attendance has so grown that it has been found ncccsary to divide tho attendants Into two groups. Tho Round ladies orchestra, which gave th6 preludes Sunday. Monday and Tuesday, and delighted tho audiences, loft Wednesday morning and In their their placo camotho Strollers' Quartette, four men with good voices who sing in costume, using songs in keeping with tho costume worn. Their sailor songs lost night were practlcularly good. Tuesday evening tho audience was highly amused by John B. Ratto, who proved to bo ono of tho best Impersona tors North Platto has over Been and heard. Undor tho head of "Undo Sam's Family" ho portrayed n numbor of characters of our cosmopolitan popula tion. Wednesday afternoon anu evening tho Rnwcls presented conditions existing in New Zealand, tho ovoning entertainment including views of that country. Songo and dances of that country woro also given, the whole making a most inter esting program. Yesterday afternoon Tnhan "tho white Iuuinn," gave a reminiscent sketch of his life, nn experience that proved very interesting. Tahan will speak agnin tonight. Bob Waldo, lato of Cheyenne, is visit ing friends in town. G. W. Wondlo transacted business in Sutherland yesterday. Harry Smith and Floyd Broternitz were passengers to Paxton this mom ent;, ; v- - .t..i ...;t 'V j 1 - Miss Isabell Stafford returned to Pax ton this morning after a weeks visit at the Murphy home. All our Ladies Oxfords and Pumps, Ties, either with or without straps in nil the leathers black and tan velvet and satin that sold for $5.00. (J-j p Clearance sale price PtoOv Choice of all Suede, Oxfords. Pumps and Princess Oxfords. Regular $5.00 and $4.50 Clearance sale price Choice of our Cross Strap Suede Pumps Ties, that sold for $3.50. Clearance sale Choice of any Oxford Lace, Blucher, Patent Leather, Gun Metal, or Kid all styles that sold for rj Qj $4.00. Clearance sale price u90 Choice of all our $3.50 Oxfords in all the leathers and styles. Clearance sale price Choice of all our $3.00 Oxfords. Clear ance sale price Choice of all our $2.50 Oxfords. Clear ance sale price Remember these prices are for Organizing a Nest ef OwlsJ ! J. E. Hill, assisted by D. W. Kesler, Is spending several days In Ityrth Platto organizing a nest of Owls, n modern fraternal order of world-wide prominence which during the past few years, becausu of its many excellent features, has been attaining n phenom enal growth. Mr. Hill Is meeting with grntl tying success hero .and will soon have a nourishing lodge established. Owl lodges have been instituted in nil the leading towns and cities of tho United States bh well as in mariy for eign countries. To show the growth of this splendid order It is only necessary to state that soventy-flve ncstW woro Instituted during the month of April, At Atlanta, Gn., tho nast was Instituted with 0 chartor membership of'J,t)fl8, making a world's record. In audition" to tho mnny bonofita it providos members. It Is seeking nt this lime to establish three splendid benevo lent Institutions, ono to be a homo for tho orphans of deceased members, whore they will bo provided for nnd educated until they nro of an ago en abling them to care for themselves. Another homo will bo created for aged and infirm members, where they may spend their declining years in comfort. A third Institution will bo a genoral hospital for members, planned on tho most modern and scientific basis, where tho best of medical and surgical treat ment will bo extended and tho most difficult of casus given attention. A striklrig feature about tho Owls Is that each local nest has almost entire authority in the conduct of its nflairs. It possesses tho greatest posslblo do- ?rco of homo rule, among other things or instnnco, establishing tho ago nt which members may be roccivod or rejected. It is comparatively freo from Interference of Bupromo officers or other nests. All members who become officers, do so, with tho understanding that thoy shall recelvo no financial reward. Tho order of Owls is a four-degree secret society of pood fellows who be lieve In lovo and laughter nnd tho "Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. It does not believe In postponing end's, on joymont until nftor doath. It teaches and distributes good cheer now. It considers It Its duty and pleasuro to caro for tho needy and suffering. It pays $7 per week In caso of sickness or accident and $100 in caso of doath. It possesses as beautiful ritual but no rellgjous observance. Therd is nothing to offend the roll glon or Irreligion of any man. Jly Bpocial dispensation from tho supremo lodge, tho initiation feo before yio charter closes in this citv ha3 been placed nt $5.00. After tho organisation tho. initlatloiuwlll- bo. -nob-less tharv$10 nor more than $25. Those Interested will find Messrs. Hill and Kpalor nt iiuuman s cigar store, unxioqs t(i ox Choice of all our Young Women's Oxfords nnd Pumps, Buttons, Lnce or Strap, low heels, sizes 2 to 5J-, regular $3,60 grades. Clearance fZ sale price . . . t' ., PeO Choice of all of our Young Women's Oxford's and ,45 Pumps, Patent Leather, Gun Metal or Vlci Kid, Low heels, sizes 2i to 5J, grades, clearance sale and 3 Eye t eUO Choice of all of bur Misses' Roman Sandals, 5 straps and 2 strap Suede Pumps, in fact Qh all the $2.50, clearance sale price I (Ot) Regular $2.25, "and $2.00 grades same as above Sizes 8i toill. Clearance Sale &4 A $2.65 $2.45 $1.95 Choice of all oiir sold for $2.00 and $.175. Sizes 11 M A to 2. Clearance sale price JIbttU Same as aboye slzes 8Ho 11. Regular ft J jg $1.75 and $l.j0 clearance sale price, . $ tt J) cash only. Choice ITof any Child's Oxfords or Roman San dals. Take your pick of our stock in sizes 51 to plain in details concerning membership and nil other features of tho order. Far Sale. 100 eis f dirt at 15 ceU R. L. fiirge. Episcopal Church SaaJay. Early Celebration of Holy Commun fon 8 n. m. Morning "Prayer and Sermon at 10:JW n. m. Subject, A Minister's Meditation on Mr. Frank Dixon's locturo "The Mnn vs. tho Mas3." Men particularly invited. Sunday school at 12 m. Sunday s chool nt St. Paul's chnpel at 8 p, m. Money To Loan on Real Estate. To help yon build, buy or improve. Long time or monthly payments. Brattle Goodman. Yesterday morning Mayor Patterson appointed Arthur McNAmnrn, W. R. Malonoy and J. B. McDonald as a coni initteo to solicit among the businem mon and citizens for a Loving Cup to bo presented to Col. W. F. Cody upon his arrival hero Atlgust 10th. This is to show that our people appreciate what tho Colonel hns dono for our city and tho international reputation which ho gained and tnko this moans of showlnjr their good will toward him. Suits All Classes. Tho cigars wo make and sell suits all classes of mon. Wo have sovoral brands of nickel cigars which are pro nounced n superior articlo by smokers of good judgment. For tho man who wants n finer cigar, we have tho ten centers, which aro as good a cigar as you can buy any whore. Thoro are men In North Platto who have smoked our cigars for over twenty-fivo yenrs and are satisfied. That tolls tlm story of thVqttnlftyr I F. SCrllYIALZRIED. regular $2.50 price. a .rci.iiir Misses' Oxfordsjand Pumps that Choice of any Child's Oxfords or Roman San dals. Take your pick of our whole stock in sizes 1 to 5. Clearance sale price fm 1 ib 1 snmm:rr 1 - i w vy 1 n M2m : :