1. r, iiiitiiiii r HHWC1 In Building Qur Reputation We have surrounded ourselves ayith the very best class of well known 'male's of merchandise which there is no question of merit, Eacli maker lias also es ablished an enviable reputation,.' You .will be perfectly safe in buying such gpodsas we are selling-. V Elgin Watches, Waltham Watches, Hamilton Watches, Ball Watches. Wat erman's Fountain Pens; Pickards China. Gorham Sterling- Silver Plate, Simmons Gold Plated Jewelry. ' s In fact our stock is made up entirely of standard makes of goods which; is full assurance to you of the highclass of merchandise that will be offerefyfypu at our establishment. DIXON, The Jeweler. Inspector for Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Union Pacific , Watch Inspector. SCHILLER & CO., Prescription Druggists First Door North of First National liana DR. W: T. CROOK, DENTIST,, Graduato Northwestern Dniversitv. Offlco over McDonald Stato Dank Mr. Bishop of Denver'who is manag ing the Howe & Maloney sale was called to Cheyenne early in the week and while there taken very ill and will be unable to return for several days. Charles Hendy, Jr., of Denver, has been Visiting in town for a few days while enroute homo from Detroit where he attended n meeting of tho general agents of the Ford automobile. Mr. Hendy says tho factory is 4,300 cars behind ita orders. Next year tho fac tory will turn out 75,000 cars. Wednesday afternoon several layers of brick fell from tho Y. ,M. C. A. building which is undergoing repairs. " Fortunately the workmnnAvero busy on a different section of the building but any one passing on the walk below wouldhavc been crushed. Yesterday tho walks were closed ns they were consid ered too dangerous for traffic while tho construction work is- in progress. J. S. Hoagland left Wednesday for York where with several members of Nebraska I. O. O. F. camps he will make the final inspection on tho now Odd Fellow's Home which is being erected there for the orphans of de ceased members and the aged members of the state, at the cost of $100,000. Tho now building is equipped with every modern convenience, absolutely fireproof and at tho dedication there will bo quite a festivnl among the State Odd Fellows. Local friends of AlexnndorWimborly, a former North Platto boy, will be in terested in tho following which was taken from an Aurora paper of this week. Prof. Alexander Wimberly of tho high school was married yesterday to Miss Florence Brittian. Tho wedding took place at the homo of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Brittian. Tho ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Wimbcrley of Table Rocks., tho father of the groom. Miss Brittainwas one of the graduates of the high school and Mr. Wimbcrloy was one of her .in structors. Prof. Wimborley expects to engage in his profession in. Colorado. Among the Myrtle items of bcws we read this by Charles Gambrel, He says the Columbia Fire Insurance Co. pays iU losses sa quick it makes,ywr head swim. No red tpe. Jukaskjn hand is the way they did basAewith faim. BratC&Q&lmaa, Ge&eVk&Ageats. City Day at Chautauqua. Hastings, Neb., June 28, 1911. Secretary Wilson Tout, North Platte, Neb. My Dear Sir: In answer to your in quiry I take pleasure in saying that wo inaugurated last year at tho Hastings Chautauqua what is called "Hastings Day." Practically all of tho business houses were closed on the afternoon of that day and this gave both proprietors and employees an opportunity to hear tho special program arranged for that day. Wo expect to make that n perma Chautaunun and be- lievo it to bo onoof the mosthelpful aids in-promoting' interest in the assembly, Wo make a spucial offort to provido an attractivo progrnm for that day, giving attention to musical features und such entertainment aa will be most appreciated by a popular nudionce. Very sincerely yours, A . F . T UN ! - K, -' f rJ tary . Bonncr-Cramer Wedding. A wedding marked by ita impressive- ness was solemnised at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jbjjn Bonner Wednesday evening when their eldest daughter Elizabeth became the bride of W. H. Cramer in the presence of ono hun dred friends. Tho bridal party entered the library at 9 o'clock and Btood before n small aitnr wncrc tho double ring ceremony was performed by Rev. Charles Chapman who rend tho ser vice from a family prayer book which was used by tho brido's great grand mother and together with tho altar cloth has been in tho family for more than ji century. The decorations undor tho super vision of Misses Gantt and Clinton, wore composed of asparagus fern and white carnations. Acting as ribbon benrers were. Misses Holon Bonner nnd Ncda Crameil!w,hilo tho rings were carried on n 'small cushion by little Lydia Yost. All were gowned in white embroidered frocks. The bride vnS ' given away by her father. She- wore a handsomo robe of white maryuisetto over white satin with court train and trimmings of ball fringe and pearl beads. Her veil was held in place ' with strings of pearls, Miss Bess Cramer of St. Paul at tended the brido, she wore an nttrracive gown of tan mull with trimmings of baby Irish latfc and black velvet and carried a shower bouquet of white carnations. - Carl S. BonHer stood with the groom. After tho ceremony and congratulations a buffet luncheon was served in which the color scheme of green and white was carried out Adelbert Bonner and Mrs, Earl Stamp played "Thome Andante Religioso" during the marriago service. The gifts were displayed in tho dining room and consisted of many costly and useful articles. The bride is an amiable, bright and talented young lady who has grown to womanhood ipour midst and has. scores of friends who wish her every happiness. She is a finished musician and was awarded highest honors while attend ing the Lincoln Conservatory. Tho groom has made many friends in tho city dur ing his frequent 'visits hero by his en gaging manners. He is a contractor for crain elevators with headquarters at St. Paul, Nebr., and is known in his homo town as a young man of sterling worth. For several weeks Mr. and Mrs Cramer will reside with tho bride's parents after which they expect to locate in Wyoming. Work ob Gasdy Road. A large force men has been work ing steadily oh tho Callaway extension and several milei of the road has been graded and too work of building the bridges is now under way. Wednesday nieht twenty-eight car loads of bridge material, piles, a, pile driver, and nil the necessary accessories passed through Kearnoy enroute to Callaway. Edson Rich',- g.enernl attorney of tho Union Paciftc, and A. D. Schmerhorn, nssistant superintendent, wore in thp city in ft special car Wodnosdny and went to Cnllav&y to inspect the pro gress of thovwOrk. It is boliovad that the oxtenslon "will ha ready for tha first train for actual service in the schedule time. Kearney Hub. Personal Mention. J. P. Steffens, of Omahn, spent Wed nesday with F. R Ginn. Yesterday Peril Wjdener loft for Harrisburg, Ore., to locate. John Conger of Dickens was n town visitor on business yesterday. Miss Roxy Murphy spent tho past few days with Sutherland friends. Miss Lizzio Barnct of Lincoln is tho guest of her cousin Miss Vaunltn. Hayes. J. H. Hollcnbcck loft Wednesday for Kearney to visit relatives until Sun day. , P. W. Crane spent Wcdnpsday at tho Epworth League Convention in Suther land. Attornics James Keefe and Georgo, Gibbs spent Wednesday in PaxtOn on business. Will R. Wilkins, of Gothenburg, was tho guest of his cousin Perry Carson this week. Mrs. Thos. Henley will IcnVo tonight for Denver to visit friends for a week or longer. Adelbert Bonner returned home tho Srat of tho week from the State University. ' Ed Salisbury and. Charles Hill of Gandy transacted business in 'tho city yesterday. Julius Pizer und son Joo left yester day for Hastings to visit rclntjves un til Tuesday. Francis Flynn returned tho first, of, the week from a short visit in Denver with friends. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Coker of Suther land have been visiting in tho city for several days. Miss Verna SorenBon left n fow dnys ago forT ,Omahn .to spend aT fortnight With" relatives. Miss Eda Wendeborn expects to leave Sunday for Omnhn-to spend n week or longer. Mrs. Philip Font and children of Council Bluffs are guests of hor mother Mrs. MnryBakor. Miss Josephine O'Hare is tho guest of friends in Sioux City,, having left early in tho week. Miss Anceline Herrod returned yes terday from a two weeks' visit with friends in Pnxton. Miss Florenco McKay returned to day from a pleasant two weoks visit with friends in Denver. After spending several days in the city, Mrs, Horsig returned tQt Herahoy the first part of tho week.- Mrs. Rnlph Garmnn expects to leave late in the month for Excolsior Springs for the benefit of her health. r Elmer Anderson, who has boon cm ployed in tho Omnhn shops for some time, is visiting relatives. Mrs. Chaa. Yost is enjoying a visit from Mrs. Chas. Lucas, of Shelton, who arrived in tho city Wednesday. Harry Smith and Claude Selby will lenve for Sheridan, Wyo., Monday to spend several days on business. Arthur Roscnbiirg returned yestor- day from Cheyenno after spending three dnys with friends thero. J. B. Elliott will return this evening from Hastings whore ho has been the guest of relatives for somo time. Miss Anna Schworer of tho P. & S. nursing stoff went to Napnneo yester day to bo tho guest of relatives. P. H. Fleggin, general signal fore man, of Cheyenno has been transacting business in town for several days. Rev. M. S. Johnson returned yester day from Portland where ho haB been attending tho Christian Convention. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hnwloy are com templating an extended visit with rela tives in Illinois injthe near future. After a ten day visit with Miss Dorothy Hubbard, Mfss Vera Kerrigan jof Cheyenno went homo Wednesday. G. W. Anderson has" returned from Denver where he attended a photo graphers convention for several days. Ray Cummings hns returned from Kearney where he spent the past week on business for tho Electric Light Co. Mr. and Mrs. Meston of Hastings are expected to arrive today to visit with their son Alex and attend Chautauqua. Mr. and Mrs. Cramer and daughter of Hampton, Neb., arrived hero by auto Wednesday to attend tho Bonnor-Cramer nuptials. Sanford Hartman, Millard Hosier and son Robert returned Wednesday even ing from an enjoyable fishing trip in Wyoming. Fred Rosmussen and family loft on tho branch train Wednesday for Hershcy whero they will make their homo in tho future. Mesdames Wagner and Bormnn re turned to Sioux City after attending tho funeral of their father tho late Fred Brau. Mr. and Mrs. Butler Buchanan are planning a trip to Cherokee Park in a short time, for tho benofit of the for mer's health, T. J. Grancy, of Chicago, arrived horo Wednesday to accept ft position in the plumbing department of Ginn, White & Schatz. y GROCERY SPECIAL For Saturday Only, Lemons par dozen C i-lb can Red Alaska Salmon.. q i -lb can Pink Alaska Salmon.. 12zc Health Club Baking Powder ji ' iH n 25-02 can 1 J 2C Pyramid Washing Powder 2 for 5 c WigjjWi Stick Wonder Wax J? 2 packages 0 L Swifts Premium Hams ' r per lb I 2C Diamond C Hams ' per lb :". . . .' 1 1 2C Pic ftic Hams 4 il per lb Bacon s Per lb 14 2C 3lb Pail Silver Leaf Lard. .... Q 5-lb Pail Silver Leaf .Lard ... . jQ Wilcox Department Store. 1 Mr. nnd Mm. Harry Fleishman have ns their guest this week Miss Edna Brown of New Cnstle, Wyo. V Misses Sarah Kelly, Bessio Chamber lain and Myrtlo Bccler attended the Epworth Leaguo Convention in Suther land. Wednesday. ' Mrs. James Morrow arrived homo yes terday from Portlnnd whore sho went several weckB ago as delegate to tho Christian Convention. Mesdames Gantt nnd Osgood of Basin, Wyo., who are visiting' their mother Mrs. 'Alex Fcnwick, spent several days h Sutherland tills week. Miss Emma Brau departed for her home in SlouxJCity Wednesday ovening, having accompanied hor f ather'H remains to this city last week. Mrs. R. II. Langford and daughter Alice, who havo been visiting relatives In Canada for several week's, returned homo Wednesday evening. Perry Sitton who has been In Larnmlo 011 business with the U. P. hotel and dinhig car department for severnl weeks will return home tomorrow. Mrs. Eliznbcth Johnson of Chicago, arrived hero Wednesday evening-and wjlLmnko her home" in the future With hernieco Mrs. Mary O'Hare. Masters Vincent Roddy nnd Lnwrenco Murrin enmo homo Thursday from Choy enne whero tlioy spent ten days with tho Inttor's nunt Mrs. Chns. Wilson. Mrs. W. C. Elder, son Coltor and grand daughter Helen Glenson will leavo Mon day for a month's stnywith tho former's daughter Mrs. J. R. Johnson in Mnrshw field, Ore. Mrs. Mike Hayes will leavo tho first of the week for Grcon River to nccom pnijy homo her daughter Anna who hns been, visiting relntives thero for somo time. Misses Dnisv and Bessio Cramer of St. Paul, Nebr., came up Wednesday to nttend tho marriago of their brothers While hero they visited the Misses Stamp. Mrs. James Welch of Omaha, who camo here to attend tho funeral 6f the Into Fred Brau, loft Wednesday monv ing. While hero she was tho guest of tho Misses O'Hare. Mrs. M. E. Watts, who was called to Pleasanton, la., early in tho spring by tho death of her mother and has Binco been visiting relatives in eastern cities, arrived homo Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Wilson, of Om aha, Mr. Henry Schuff nnd son of Grand Island and Mrs. E. W. Zelbert of Sid ney viBited Mr. and Mrs. Well Wodnes day while enroute to Sidney by auto. Misses Vivian and Viola Cook, of Newark, N. J., are the guests of Mr. ond Mrs. F. H. Garlow and .will re main for a couple of weeks. The young ladles aro daughters of Mr. Cook, tho advance agent for tho Wild West show. Lthe First National Bank, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital and Surplus $140,000. DIRECTORS: E. F. SEEBERGER, President, M. KEITH NEVILLE, Vicc-Presidenl, F. L. H00NEY, Cashier. ARTHUR McNAMARA, J. J. I1ALLIGAN. Notice for Bids. Sealed bids for tho construction of a Public Library Building will bo re ceived up to 4 o'clock P. M.. July 25th, 1911. by Annlo C. Kramph, Secretary Public Library Board, First Nntionnl Bank Building, North Platto, Nebraska. All bids must be in strict accordance with plans and specifications prepared by Carl E. SchaelTcr, Architect, North Platto, Nebraska and must be accom panied by a certified check for 3 por cent of tho bid, check to bo mndo pay able to Annio C. Kramph, Secretary. Plans can bo seen at the office of Annio C. Kramph, Secretary Public Library Board, North Platto, Nebraska and at tho office of Carl E. Shaeffer, Architect. North Platte, Nebraska. Tho riEnt is reserved to reject nny or nil bids. The successful bidder must furnish u good and sufficient bond for faithful porformanco of tho contract and said bond must ho approved by tho Library Board, their judgment to be Imul and conclusive ns to tho sufficiency of Utw bond. By orW of the Public Library Bu.u !, North Platte, NobrKka. Annik C. Khami'H, Secretary, RtlTI.EK Bl'f'UANAN, President. A Modern Institution For the treatment of medical nnd surgical cases. Opon to the medical profession. Speciul accomodations for confinement cases. Training school for nurses in, connection. Address all comma cations to tho superintendent. Phone 642 Cor. Einhlh and Locust Notice for Bids. Bids will bo received by the sccrotafv of tho school board at Hershcy for a six room brick school house. 1'lnns and specifications on filo and mny bo seen nt Bank of Lincoln Co. Bids will bo re ceived until one o'clock v. m. Julv 22. 1911. Tho board reserves tho right to re ject any or nil oius. iiomo labor to bo employed aB far ns possible. A certified check for $500.00 must accomnanv each bid payable secretary of schooiboard. u. m. IjEYI'OLDT, secy. Sunt. Tmil I nual ropott to tho County Sunt, and finds that tho totnl number of pupils en- Y1((1 in tlm tinhnnla rln!n V... . i. year is 1180. This is divided between C95 boys and 591 girls. Tho total enroll ment for lOOn.m who in7 tm. a gain in enrollment of 119, ormorothnn ai jjurvuuu io wonuor scnool expendi tures increase. Republican County Convention Call. Pursuant to a call Issued by tho Stato Republican Committee, tho republicans of Lincoln county aro horcby called to meet at tho County Court house in North Platto, on Saturday, July 22, 1911, at 2:30 o'clock p. m., for tho purpose of selecting ten delegates to tho Repub lican Stato convontion, to be held nt. Lincoln, Neb., on tho 25 of July, 1911, and for the election of County Central Committee, and for such other business as may bo proper to como before said convention. Tho basis of said call is ono delegate for each fifteen votes or maior fraction thereof, cast nt the 1908 election, provided that no precinct snail navo less man ono representative, for C. O. Bell, for presidential elector. Said apportionment entitles tho several precincts to ine lonowing reprcsenta tion in said convontion. No. Platto 1.....5 No. Platto 2.... ;8 No. Platto 3 8 No. Platto 4 8 Antelope 2 Birdwood 2 Brady 2 Buchanan 2 Cottonwood 3 Cox 2 Deer Creek 1 Dickens 2 Fox Creek 2 Garfield 1 Gaslln 2 Hall 2 Harrison 1 Hinman 3 Hooker 1 Kern 1 Jeffroy 1 Licmou x Maxwell 4 Olllco phono 241. Res. phono 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platto, . . NobraBkn. McDonald Bank Building. Medicino 4 Miller 1 Myrtlo 1 Nichols 5 No well 1 Osgood 1 Pechnm 2 Pay no 2 Plant 1 Rosedalo , 1 Suthcrlard G Selllers 1 Somorsot 3 Sunshine 1 Tnblo 2 Vroman 1 Walker 2 Wallaco 4 Woll 1 Whlttior 1 Willow 2 Total. 107 It is recomemlud thut oach precinct primary bo hold on Friday, July 21st, and that delofmtoc present at the Con vention rrigt tl)'' fu'l votf nf thii rea- Dated at North Platte, Neb., July 10, 1911. Rep. Co. Central (mriiittoe. Statement of the Condition or TUB MUTUAL BUBfl.BENG 8 LOAN ASSOCIATION, of North I'latte, Neurakka. on the' 80th' (lav of June, ion, CertlOcate No. as. ASSETS. Flrot mortgage loant) , U5H 000 CO Htock loans a coo co Oanh , a 832 oy Delinquent Interest, premiums and Uncs Btj 70 Kxpennea and taxes paid 1 102 CO Other ihU ,. 3110 Total,.., un o7i tfj , , MAUlUTlES. .Capital stock paid up .,..$420 hto so Iteaerve (und ..,.-,,..,, it ECO Co Undivided prollt ; 18 151 ou Advance Interest 131 0 Total U1 mi K) REOKIPTS AND KXl'UNDlTUHEfl FOH TUB YEAH ENDING JUNE 30, 1011. UCCllPTH. Ilalance on band July 1, 1010 f 0 ita 63 puea........... Uo umx Interest, anil lines at 203 41- I'OanH repaid... 33 713 W MlKCollani'.ous Ives 4Hi ai Taxes and Insurance! 155 00 Total 2I8 2 01 XXrxNDITmtKS. Loans tjas too 00 Expenses i 74a U7 Htock redeemed,, , t, , 7s 2X8 IS Oanti on hand a 3M CO Taxes and Insurance 1-0 35 Total silils-TcJ fitftli) of NoliraHka, Lincoln county, wt, 1, Hatnuul doozoo, Hcemtary of tho above named Association, do solemnly Nwanr that, tlm fori'KoIni; Rtatimiunt of tho condition of waltl Atoclutloii Is trim nnd eom. f 10 tho' Ixikt of my kuowlcdtm and heller Hamiiii,I(. rn;, , rotary niibtwrlbed and Hworn 10 . , . t. , t,u jrd Otkioi July, lull. (ff'AHK Htri'iTAN vn. Notary rnuiic TllnS. O. I'ATIMCN.IN, 1 ... y-'r "K'Wfco. c Directors. W. 31 t'lTVIM,ll m,