Men's Oxfords $2.50 GIGANTIC CLOTHING SALE. Men's Shoes $1.50 Men's Suits i 4 Boys, u$i Pants Here is the Most Astounding Suit Sale Ever Inaugurated . . . $9. it Work Shirts 39C Men's $3 00 Hats $2.00 Balbriggan Underwear 35c Boys' Suits . $2.00 S 0. K, CRESSLHH. I a S Graduate Dentist. S ? Onko over tho McDonald 2 Stuto Rank. Huv-j Chapman spent yesterday In Lexington. Mr. and Mrs. Clydo Trottorof Brady, wero tho guests of town frionds yester day. Mrs. Jbo Jcssup returned at noon yesterday from a visit with relatives in tho cost. Miss Helen Aldon will return tho first of tho week from a two weeks atay in custom Nebraska. M. E. Boardman left today for uolnta on the branch to transact buoi- nese for a week. Mrs; Chns. Weir will leave Monday for Publo and Colorado Springs to spnd several weeks. New Departure Tonguelesa and Busy Bee Cultivators at Hershey'a, Cor. 5th & Locust Sts. MIm Mae McWilliams will go to Grand Island tomorrow to visit Mrs. T. J. Gorham until Monday. MlfM Scott, stenorranher In the Wil ex & HalliRan office, will leave Tues day Falls City to vlalt relatives. MIm Isabella Doran departed last eveine for iPortlaml and Seattle to viit.fnendfi for a month or more. For Rent One six room and ono five room house In block opposite First Ward MfeOOl. v UUCHANAN i ATTKRSON, MIm Lucy Dunn who has been the swat of Mrs. Thomas Gorham in Grand Island for a week past will return home Sunday. Mrs. Horace Barraclough, who has resided in Needles, Cal.r for several months, is visiting her mother Mrs. Andy Sluder. Mrs. Ccnia WRrd of Mlna, Nev., frand organizer of tho Ladles of tho . of L. F. & E., spent yesterday with the local lodge and at a special meeting exemplified the work of tho order. T havo lust received a lottor from, the Lincoln office of tho Nebraska Central Building & Loan Association, asking me to push" the loan business claiming that they had too much money on hands. If you need money, sea mo at once. , C. F. Temple, District Agont Pitching big league ball and given good support until tho hist fow Innings, Jones won his gamo ngninat Ggnlnlla yesterday. Tho home boys had tho visiting team shut out until tho Bin inning when- ragged fielding allowed runs. Tho locals lilt Nichols, tho pgnl nlla pitcher, almost ut will and his "wild throws pnssad Hcverol man. Score 1 tq a. We have reduced the price to a level that defies precedent and brings about the greatest opportunity in your experience. The best dressed men of this vicinity will take advantage of this wonderful sale. Men of all ages, men of all build, will find a perfect fit. The suits are the newest and most popular styles of the season, and the fab rics, the making and ihe patterns are THE BEST TO BE HAD. Have you purchased your new suit yet? Come to us now. Save time and money. Come now Come. We want every man in North Platte and vicinity to take advantage of this great bargain opportunity. J. The Home of Good Clothes. THIS IS A Cloudo Wcingand left Wednesday night for Denver. Mis? Kate Sncllings of Rawlins is tho gues ot' relatives and friends in town. Mrs. Nols Rasmusson is enjoying a visit from hur noico Miss Sonla Ander son of Iowa. Christian Sclonce sociotv K. P. hall Dowoy street at 11:00 o'clock Sunday. Subject "Life." Miss Molly Wyman of Iowa is the guest ot tho ivrosbau lamuy wuiie on nor wny to Choyenne. Mr. and Mrs. Jns. Jenson arothe nar- onts of a baby girl which was bom to them Wednesday. Mrs. Catherine. Cronin of Choyenne arrived this morning to visit friends for n week or longer. Charles Hcndv Sr.. und daughter Lillian loft this morning for- Kearney to spend several days. Mrs. M. H. Douglas will entortnln tho uonnor-uramor nridal party at a six 0 clock dlnper tins evening. Mrs. Fred Dolson. of Oa island. Cal.. is visiting at tho Dolson homo while cn- routo home lrom Umana. - Harry Barraclough returnud to the city tins morning attcr an absence of several months in tho west Mac Westfall was a passenger on tho morning train, for Kearney where ho goes in tho interests of his moving picture show In that city. Mra.Newton has lust received a now line of French and domestic Hair goods, switches, new Basket Braids etc; latest creation In hair good. Flro Saturday morning destroyed the Ernest Dringman residence at Suther land. Practically all the household goods were burned. For Sale Full breed langshan poultry. Inqulro at 310 West A. street. Phono 208. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Adams, of Hop kins, Mo., former residents of North ni.ii- ...111 nu-t.... . 1 i iHiiu, win wirivu vuuiurruw nuu re main for a week or so an the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will II. McDonald. Mrs. Maudo Maudo Baker of Curtis who has boon taking medical treatment in Rochester, Minn., for soveral weeks returned last evening and will spend a month with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bowon. Jerry Bowen is having his homo in the fourth ward remodeled and enforced bv tho addition of two rooms, extra win dows and verandas and when com pleted will bo ono of tho most modern on north Locust. W. P. ColllnB, who has been In Cal ifornia for several weeks, has seilt to John LoMaster a box of oranges from his orchard at that place. Tho speci mens Bent nro very porfoct evidence that MrC Collins, orchard is a good ono. A business meeting of tho Altar Society of SU Patrick's church will bo held this evening in tho building oast of tho church to make llnul arrange mentH for tho rest tent which they will furnish for tho mumbers, 011 tho Chautauqua grounds. B. McDonald Formally Organized Last Night. Tho North Platto Chamber of Cora- merco was formernlly organized last night with a membership of over one hundred nnd fprty, audit one can judge by tho enthusiasm displayed at the meeting Indt night tho organization is certain to be of much benefit to North Platto. Tho session was ononed by Chairman Halligan and tho report of the com mittee on membership submitted. This committee reported that every citizen approached had Bi'gncd tho list cheer fully and commended the movo to or ganize a commercial body. Following thtB report, tho committee nppointcd nt tho previous meeting submitted tho constitution for adoption. This was read by section and discussed, some amendments rnado and then adopted as amended. Under tho constitution tho organization will bo governed by . a board 01 nino directors, tho president and vice-president being members of the directory. The board will appoint tho secretary, who will bo a paid officer, and the treasurer. The dues will be a dollar a month payable quar terly in advance. Any citizen can be come a member by signing tho consti tution and paying the dues. Tbe object of the club is to promote the wellaro ot North Platte in every way possible, not only in a business way, but it will din into municipal affairs when such action is deemed necessary. Politics ond religion will be eschewed. Upon motion an informal ballot was taken for president This developed a number of nominations, and it was moved that the four highest candidates bo Beiocted from tho list nnd that on tho following vow tho ono receiving the highest votq to be declared presi- aenc ami tno next highest vlce-presl dent. This resulted in tho election of h. v. beeberger as president and M. J. Forbes as vicerpresident For tho seven directors vto bo elected Boventecn names were selected by a committee, and from this list tho fol lowing received tho highest vote: W. V. Hoagland, Ira L. Bare, J. Q. Wil cox, F. II. Garlow, W. P. Snyder, Harry Dixon and R. II. Stuart After presenting tho request of the .Maxwell neonlo requesting the orcanl- zatlon to use its influence in tho effort to have train No. 5 stop at that place, tho meeting adjourned. Lydia A. Fickes and Georgo Waltz wore married by Judge Warren early in tho week. Mrs. Johnson and daughter Valna of Melvorn, la., are vlsUlng Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gnrmiui havlngurnvcd yesterday. Women of our day need to learn how to relax. When you nro tired come to our Parlor for whatever treatment you need most, racial, scalp, hairdrcss- Ing, manicuring, etc. Tub Sanitauy hairduessing Paulok. Mrs. Harry Vincent nnd daughter Margaret willleavo Tuesday fort Love- Innd. Colo., to spend a month wlh her mint. Mr. and Mrs. Goo. MoMlchealof Chi cago who nro guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard MeMlohoal will Uaw f-Vulny evening for Iiuitv, Menu CAS Railroad Items. John Hilbert superintendent of the Union Pacific telephone service, was in tho city Wednesday on business. ' " . Dave Minshall and George Simons of the car department are off duty this" week owning to illness. A snecinl train of nhvsicnns went through yestenlay morning, returning from n convention of medical men in California. A. L. Mohler. irenernl mnnntrer and vicepresident of tho Union Pacific trans acted business in town yesterday while enrouto west. John Mellon traveling freight solicitor for the Chicago & Northwestern lines. was a business caller at tho railroa'd offices yesterday. Tho run of green fruit from Califor nia this year is only about half what it was this time last year.duo probably to the lact that there are two additional lines in the coast trade this year, and it is also a little early for the deciduous fruits which were field back this spring on account of tho cool weather pre vailing on the coast. Two special cars, were attached to No. 16 yesterday with the special ex hibit of the Louisiana state tubcrcolosis commission, which was enrouto from Denver to Omaha. Tho things to be seen in tho exhibit are well calculated to stir tho feeling of tho onlooker, and mako him think well of the heroic ef forts being made to arrest tho ravages of the white plague. PrctbjtcrUa Qnrck. Morning worship at 10:30. Pastor's .themo: The Royal Law of Love. Sab bath school immediately following Owing to the Chautauqua there will be no other services. I have a fine list of bargains in City Real Estate. Seo me at onco, if you aro thinking about buying a home. C. F. Temple. CRYSTAL THEATRE To-Night and Saturday. MOVING PICTURES: "Paradise Lost." "A Day and a Night." "Witch of the Everglades." ;5 and 10 Cents. . North Platte, Nebraska. saAe. A speedy game of ball was ployed at tho atheletic park Wednesday after noon when tho Yeoman shut out. tho Sutherland .team by a score of 6 to 0. Rolfo Hnlligan's pitching was a feature of tho pnmu nnil tin wnn nlilvcnnnnrfnd -The runs were all made during the 4th unu dm innings nnu tne Sutherland players were prevented from reaching second base during tho entire game. Tho game was played in ono hour and ten minutes. The attendance was not what tho Yeoman deserve consider ing the expense of nutting the ground in order and depending upon patronage instead of subscriptions. TJr. A. J. Ames, North Platte, gives tho Three Day Liquor Cure. Cure guar anteed. Price right Reference given. Card of Thanks Wo wish to tharfk Mr. John Evans, G. A. R., W. R. C. and many friends for their kindness, also for the beauti ful floral offerings at the death of our beloved father, Frederick Brau Mns. F. S. Wagneii, Mns. O. C. Bon mah Miss Emma Bkau. Proclamation. To" tho electors of the city of North Platto: Notice is hereby given that on tho 2nd day of August. 1911, in the city of nui ui jtiuiu;, un ciucuon Will De held, at which tho following proposition shall be submitted to the voters Of said city: "Shall the city, of North Platte issue its bonds in tho sum of $22,000.00, in denominations of $1,000.00 uch, dated Apr. 1st 1911, duo in twenty years from their date, but payable at any time after ten years, at .tho option of the said city, to draw interest nt the rate of five per cent perannum, payable semi-annually, principal and interest Payable nt the Fiscal Agency of the tato of Nebraska, In tho city of New York; said bonds to bo issued for the purpose of obtaining money with which to erect a city hall, to accomodate the city ofilcera and records, tho fire de partment arid flro apparatuses and po lice department And shall tho proper 6fllcer of said city bo authorized to leVy and collect a tax annually, in the same manner as other municipal taxes may bo levied and collected, in an amount sufficient to pay tho interest and prin cipal of said bonds as they mature, in addition to the Bum authorized to bo levied by Section 82, Art 3 Chap. 13 Compiled Statutes of tho state of Ne braska for tho year 1909, until said bonds and interests are paid on all tho tho property within the snid city as shown and assessed upon the assess ment rolls of said city." Said bonds to be negotiable In form. Tho polling places for . said election shall be: In the First Ward ut tho hose house in said ward, in tho Second Ward in tho Commissioners room on tho second floor of tho court houso in said wurd, in tho Third Ward at the hose house in said ward nnd in the Fourth Ward at tho hose house in said ward. The ballots to bo issued at said elec tion shall havo printed thereon: Fur Issuing $22,000.00 of tho bond of ths olty of North Platto, for the pur pose of erecting city hall, toaceommo- Neckties 25c Men's Pants Cowboy Suits $1.00 Suit Cases $1.25 dato the city officers and records, the fire department, fire apparatuses, and the police department, and for levying: and collecting a tax nn'ually to pay the interest and principal of said bonds hs thoy mature. Against issuing$22,000.00of the bonds of the city of North Platte, for the purpose of erecting a city hall, to ac commodate tho city officers and records, the fire department, firo apparatus nnd the police department, and for levying and collecting a tax annually to pay the interest and principal of said bonds as thoy mature. Those voting in fnvor of said propo sition shall mark their ballot with a cross, opposite tho paragraph beginning "Forissuing$22,000.00 of thebouds of the city of North Platte ond those vot ing against said proposition shall mark their ballots with a cross, opposite the paragraph begining with "Against the issuing of $22,000.00 bonds of the city of North Platte." Said election shnll be open nt nine o clock a. m. and remain open until seven o'clock p. m. of said date. In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name this 3d day of July, 1911. (Sgd) Thos. Ci Patterson, Attest (Sgd) Chas. F. Temple"" City Clerk. Closing out Sale Echelbery's New and Second Hand Store. Ranges from $5.00 up. . Stoves from $1.00 up. . Large Refrigerators. $4, qoi Gasoline Stoves $i.oo. Dressers from $2.00 up; Commodes from $1.00 tjp. Iron Beds from $1.00 up Carpets, room size, $2.50. Come in and see the goods. Go to SORENSON'S FOR Furniture -Repairing and Cabinet Work Also Wood Turning, Picture Framing Room Moulding, and Window Screens a Specialty. Shop 107 East Fifth. 4: ;fcwMiwntireiim),w(