NOTES -w-iADOWBROOK fv? , FARM Keop the land busy. Exnmtno tho owo's udder. Turkeys are quickly destroyed by In sects. Tho first crop of nlslko clover Is the ono to savotfor seod.- Mules are especially annoying and frequently kill young colts. Alfalfa cannot stand pasturing tho first season, nnd never closely, A dairy cow should bo allowed td rest from six tn eight weeks beforo freshening. Whero dairying Is not practiced tho MULES ARE MOST NEGLECTED AND ABUSED OF FARM ANIMALS In First Place It Should bo of Good Stock, Not From Scrubby Marc, but Dam of Blood Brooding Qualities by , Proper Treatment and Attention it Can bo Made in First, Year Good Feeding Essential. SPRAYING FOR CONTROL OF . INSECT AND FUNGOUS ENEMIES Marked Incrcaso Has Been Noted VlthlnPast Decade Work Largely Due to Work of Experiment Stations iti. , Demonstrating Effectiveness of Operation and Profit Attending It Some Injury. Ducks ont many bugs. Goslings must Jmvo free range, Tho quickest returns nro from baby bcof. Exorclso Is onsontlal to tho bcBt growth of tho foal. You have somo things to loom aftor you got an Incubator. Tho best tltno to cut tho lamb's tall and castrate In at ono weak old, Calves mako.moro gain with aglvon amount of food than does older stock. Too much emphasis cannot bo laid upon tho lino of cover crops in our orchards. Giving wator at Irregular tlmos Is Injurious not only to chicks, but to old fowls. It Is seldom that tho very early vnriotlcs of potatoos yield so woll as thoso a llttlo lator. Man's object In fruit growing is tho production and Improvement of tho odlblo portion of tho fruit. Good ventilation Is essential; but It should , bo so arranged that tho cows iihall not bo otposod to a draught Everybody knows that In July woathcr cows glvo a larger amount of milk than In cold and wintry woathor. Ilulld a good shod to shelter tho tools; It Is doubtful if you can mako 33 1-3 per cent, profit In any othor way. , Thoro Is a boat tomporature, for each Individual lot of cream, but thlB can bo determined only by expert enco. 1 Aro thoro any old npplo trcos In your orchard bearing undesirable Xrutt? Easy, to graft, good varieties upon them. Keep on good terms with the' ewes no that you can catch and handle them without, causing utiduo disturb ancd In the pens. There is no phase of the dairy bust tieflH that net-da more study or more careful management than does tho breeding of the cow, As tho time draws near for calving, tho cow shouM be put into a comfort nbte box stall, having plonty of bed ding to keep hor dry. The open swill barrel standing by tho kitchen door. Is a dlroct lnvlta tlon to typhoid, diphtheria and llko dscases to enter tho homo. Whon live stock prices drop it 1b al ways the man who knows how to make mpat at; tho least cost per pound "who realizes the largest profit. When tho fruit .buds come very thick most people take It as a sign of a big yield, but when fruit grows too thlekly It must necessarily be very small. If the udder becomes hard or shows a tendency to garget, apply unsalted lard and give it a vlgoroous rubbing; after which give the ewe a good dose or salts. Skim milk, which Is whole milk, minus part of Kb fat, and whloh costs only bait as much as whole milk, fur nishes protein about four times as cheaply as beef. When (he cow is comfortable and contented, she responds with a flow of milk far Id excess of that which she gives when she has been, uacomfort ablo and irritated.' Cherry rot or brown rot affects ail atene fruits, including peach, apricots, etc. It is by far the raost serious and baffling ef cherry diseases to the com mcrclal cherry grower, Noyer feed hay, or sweep or In any way stir up dust lust previous to milk. Ing time, for this will contribute to the Introduction of bacteria, which tamlHates and Injures the quality of tuo milk, In dipping pigs great care roust ha exercised to coyer every part of iub wwy rrora tail to Bnout. If t patch aa big as a thumb nail is left un tcucued it may contain the nucleus of a new crop. At tho time of mating, if the owes are put on an aftermath' or flush pas ture, tuey are more aut to coma in heat and tako the ram quicker, and this brings your lambs in a shorter time and the lambing la over with more quickly than if they come alony, calf will havo .also to pay for keeping tho cow a yoarX Twenty tons of stable manure on a half aero Is about tho right proportion for tuo garden. Tho host broom corn la crown In Illinois nnd Indiana. It rcnulroa a deep, rich mellow soil. Tho way to got a good milk flow and he'd It through the year Is to give good cows good caro. It is cstlmntod that morn tlinn n mil. lion fruit troos will bo sot out In Mon tana tho prosont season. Ainoricnn farmers htiv mnrn Minn ono hundred million dollars' worth of farm machinery ovcry year. The way ho carries his hoad and tall moro than nnythlng clso con tributes, to stylo In tho horso. A CAtlOn Will nnll nn i hn fnnrlnt a - - - - "" w a 1 1 uv V IUI about doublo tho prlco per pound that Is paiu ror uncaponlzed cockerels. Examlno tho owo'n udder and tenli cnrofully; seo that both teats aro open or you may get a caked udder. It lx tint nnniirrh tm I.. - " o wju Dim uu full-bred;, thoro must bo Individual merit as well as bluo-bloodcd ancestry. Whoro small runs aro used, scfnno and sweep them beforo heavy rains. Then turn tho ground over and sow oats, Keep a lookout for colds: It moans roup, If you let It run. Use a llttlo kcroscno and vnscllno and check tho cold. Of courso, tho fruit must havo more or Jess shado, but nnturo will tako enro of that aftor Intelligent pruning has been dono. Tho milker should bo clean In nil rcSUOCtS. Iln fthmilil nnt iiha tnh finrn ho should wash and dry his hands Juut before milking. Tho Shropshire shoen have been placed rank one, the. Hampshlro rank two, the Southdown threo. Tho Dor set ranks fourth. Location and demand govern to a large oxtent the particular phase of dairying practiced in tho various sections of tho country. Every orchardlst must ubo his own Judgment us to how his spraying op erations for tho control of tho codling moth shall bo carried on. Whoro cows aro kept in tho stalls much of tho tlmo, tt Is not unreason able to say that, tho barn should bo light enough for onq to read In. Don't neglect to crease tho wagons that do tho regular work about tho farm. Hard oil Is choaper than horseflesh, and a lot moro hu mane. Cantaloupes should not bo Rrown near squsBh. pumpkin or cucumber vinos, as. tho pollen will mix, giving tho cantaloupes a flavor of tho squaBh or cucumber. Peed that Is left In tho manRor over night after being mussed over becomes sour and should be romoved and tho manger thoroughly cleaned beforo put ting in fresh feed, Lot the new-born calf stay In tho stall or pasture with Us mother for several days, and sho will let It feed at times nnd In amounts best sultod to Its needs in life. During tho hot, dry summor, and Ir fly time. It Is desirable to make dairy cows moro comfortablo than can bo done while they are running about and gathering tholr own food. Just how deeply the corn and othei spring crops should be cultivated and Just how long the cultivation should be continued is a mat,tor upon which farmers differ widoly in opinion, Barley meal, low grade flour and white middlings added to the mash aro useful In preventing summer dtar rhoeaa. Keep granulated charcoal be fore the birds for the same purpose Undoubtedly one of the most reimm eratlve branches of the poultry busi ness for tne average poultryman la the production of crrb. comhlnM With the sain of market broilers as a side line. - An open-front house wtth sloping board roof and triangular board sldos makos a good placo for tho pigs or brood now lu, summer. Another good hoghouBe for summer uso la ono with the root only sloping two ways' and both ends loft out This la protecting jf- lHP-llKBBBBHlKByBBBBBBBMB5BBBBBBBB Sjcg?1AvMivMUBjHRS rnyMBMHHHHyfTRK jMKBHBSSlBBDteBSBF 6tUS - '' .;tML - - v r jRwfSBHBHBHSBBSBSBBSfM iCT'S 3ly"KilwP,J1lHBB,tT MtaiBisltefVjiiHHIPiBiBMBMBl fiSfSBSSBHHttafjttBjSjHHBa BSHHBjBB3HpLJ3BMJS Prize Winning Jack. Mules, much abused and neglected animals, arc not generally Understood by farmorsj A mulo In tho first placo must bo of good stock, not an off spring of somo scrubby mare, but a moro with good breeding qualities, writes Ed MoLaughlln In tho Iturnl Now Yorkor. A mulo of tho mam moth stock Ib supposed to bo tho best mulo under nil conditions. Mules aro cheaper than colts, for tho sorvlco foo Is not gonorally ns high. Many poo plo mako a mistako In working tho mnro too soon nfter foaling. Nevor work a mnro under ton days, then she can do light work, but tho mulo must bo loft in tho barn. When the mare is brought Hn from work never allow tho mulo to suck as long as the mam in warm ah mulo la two or throo weoks old turn ii out in a Jot away from tho' mare, especially at nleht. for hard on a mnro, much more than colts. Whon tho mule Is about two months old ho may bo allowed to eat a few outs, about a nlnt In h IncrenBo as ho grows oldor, or tho same amount of bran along with a lit tle hay, alfalfa la preferred. At tho nge of ntno months a mule should bo wounou, not gradually, but nil at once. Tako It away from tho maro and nOVOr lot It SUCk nftferwnr,!,, u should bo put by hlmseK or tied up. A "mo you enn glvo hn car of corn at n meal and a small amount pf hay. Tho mulo should bo turned out in -rnir weather and not loft to stand In tho stablo. A mulo should bo made linfnm Yin Is a yoar old. This can hn Hnnn tv good breeding and tho proper caro. tt is not nocessary to glvo a groat quantity of food to him during the winter, but It must bo of thn klnri tn koop him growing, Buch as alfulfa DIRT THAT POISONS THE MILK Tho difference between a clean cow and a dirty one Is strikingly shown In the, picture. The cow on tho right had been running on pasture ton days, sleeping out at night when the photo graph wao taken. Naturally a great deal of the filth sho had accumulated In a vile stablo had boon rubbod oft and washed off by the rains, but enough remains to show that her milk would carryv poison to hundreds of gallons wheii added to that of othor cowb In the datry, At the Illinois Btatlon It was found that tho milk from tho nverago, unwashed, un brushed cow contained many tlmos as much dirt as that from a perfectly hay, sllago, some corn fodder, somo corn and chopped food occasionally. Oats aro very good, but very expen sive food. In spring ho may bo turned out on paBturo during tho day and fed somo hay at night nnd morning, because grass at this tlmo Is very washy. As tho grass gets older Ieavo on pasture, but bo suro to havo plenty of shado nnd wator. A mulo should not be broken until ho Is throo years old, although many aro broken beforo they are noar that ago. With tho proper handling ho will be found to be easier to manage than horso colts. I always work them bo side a good steady horse. Do not work mules togothpr until thoroughly broken, or you may have somo trou ble After this tlmo he may bo found to do moro and hotter work, than a horse colt at tho same ago, that is you can work him harder. When nt this time you may say that a mulo Is easlor raised and at less cost than horso colts, In that they do not requlro as &uch caro and loss- food to keop them In good condition. Mulo colts will bring moro money than an aver ago horse colt, even though ho may bo blemished In somo way. He will sell when a blomlshod horso colt would not sell. Feed for Hens. In tho laying pens we glvo warm mash In tho morning, feeding very carefully, Just enough to warm tho birds; then we glvo greens, roots llko turnlpB and sugar beets and alfalfa hay. For iho main moal, at four la tho ntternoon, wo give a good supply of mixed grain, chiefly wheat in tho Utter, and then wo always glvo them moro than they can eat so thoy will have somo loft over for tho next morning. clean cow. This is not guoss work, as a glazed dish equal In szo to a pall was hold under a cow's udder 44 'minutes, tho average tlmo consumed In milking', wbllo motions similar to milking wore mado. Tho dirt caught in the dish was then carefully wolshed, It was then found that milk from soiled and muddy udders similar to that Bhwn by the cow on tho right contained from 20 to 24 times as much dirt as from that from a clean cow. Ghort Pasture. Tho man who turns to pastliro too early usually lias much to Bay about short pasture all summer. (By W. "W. DONNO, Main Agricultural Experiment Btatlon.) Tho spraying of economic plants for tho control of Insect nnd fungdus-ene-mlcs has markodly Increasod within tho past decade. This is largely duo to the work of experiment stations in demonstrating tho effectiveness of tho operation and tho profit nttondlng it Great improvements In spray inachi cry and materials have helped much towards tho adoption of spraying as an annual farm operation, and espe cially Is this truo of the fruit growing Industry. The progressive orchardlst today recognizes the necessity of timely, thorough nnd Intelligent appli cation of insecticides and fungicides in ordor to sell his fruit In tho best and most profitable ranrkets. Tho tncrenBo of spraying operations has, howovor, been accompanied by Borlous problems for the solution of which tho growor turns to tho expert montor. Tho ubo of bordeaux mixture, for many years tho standard orchard Bpray, nnd oven today recognized as tho best all-around funglcido known, ban been accompanied by injury to fruit and foliage Complaints of such Injury havo been Increasing with each season and nro not confined to nny section of tho country. Tho sovorlty of the Injury varies in degree and in different sea sons. It hns long been known that bordeaux mlxturo cannot bo used with safoty on the poach and Japanese nBuVsflsiBBrBwHffijfflW ' IsHHBHfcff'BHjWiQlffl EH Lime Sulphur perlor to concentrated home made stock solutions whon. those aro prop erly mado and stored. Tho former are, moreover, considerably moro ex- plum when the tree Is in leaf, although Cordley and Cato report tbo uso of 5-C-60 and 3-C-50 formulao on pench foliage without injurious results. Commercial Hmo-sulphur prepara tions now on the market aro not su- Hydrometer and Cylinder. pensive. At present prices of mate Mai tho homo mado concentrato can be made at a coat of one-third to one fourth that of an equal volume of a commercial solution It the materials aro bought in quantity. ThiB does not Include the original outlay for a cooker and barrels for storage. The commercial preparation Is a conveni ence, requiring nothing but a knowl edge of its donBlty beforo diluting. Tho home made concentrato can be mado at any time and It properly bar- PROTECTION FROM CUTWORM To protect tomato nnd other plants from tbo cutworm, take stiff pupor and mould it around a 3-iuch shaft fastening the edges with small tacks making tubes i Inches long. These relod and kopt from freezing can be stored Indefinitely. Homo made lime-, sulphur can also at present bo made cheaper than tho homo-proparod bor deaux mlxturo, so far ns cost of ln- grodlents aro concerned. Tho choice', on grounds of economy Is, therefore,' moroly between tho expondlturo of money or tlmo nnd lnbor. Homo mado boiled concontrnted lime-sulphur may bo mado as follows: Sulphur .' .....100 pounds Llmo, best grade 65 pounds Wator sufllclcnt to mako 60 gallons. Slako tho lime, mix tho sulphur Into n thin paste with a llttlo wator, add It to tho llmo, add sufficient wator to mako 60 gallons, bring to a boll and boil vigorously for 30 to 45 mlnutos. Tho sediment is Uion allowod to set tle, aftor which tho clear dark amber colored liquid is drawn off and may bo stored in casks for futuro use In making this solution a largo Iron kottfo or cookor of somo Bort is noccs-,. Bary. A stock feed cookor of largo; capacity wllj answer. Klg. 1 shows n, satisfactory form. Tho solution enrt nlao be .made with tho ubo of dlrectj steam, and this means has boon fre quently employed when largo quanti ties of tho material are made. ! With our present knowledge,' tho strength of Hmo-sulphur to uso doJ , ponds upon its density. This may bj determined by a cheap and simply Instrument called tho hydrometer. This consists of a hollow glass tube Cooker. Its lower end terminating in a weight ed bulb (Fig. 2). Placing this' In a liquid It sinks until tho liquid dis placed equals its weight In light so lutions, therefore, it will sink deoper than in hoavy or dense ones. Tho gradations to bo read aro marked on the scale on tho neck of tho Instru ment and nro in degrees Boaume, or tn termB of specific gravity. Some in struments give' both scales. Tho Beaumo Is tho ono most gonorally used. - , These, Instruments nro absolutely necessary for tho proper ubo of lime sulphur solutions. Kohlrabi. The kohlrabi Is ono of tho most popular vegetables In European coun-. tries. In America this vegetable has nevor boon popular because yory few people havo tried it, and, theroforo, aro not familiar with Its merits. When produced under proper conditions it is moro delicate In flavor than tur nips. This vegotable should bo plantod In moist soil and tho plants thinned in tho row so that they will not stand more than six or soven inchos. The rows, should bo about 15 Inchos apart. If. to be cultivated wtth a, wheel hoe, while they should bov28 to 30 Inches apart If .a horso cultivator is to be used. Maklno Clover Hay. My method la to cut It down nttpr. the dow Is oft In the morning or lato in tho afternoon. Beforo It gets very dry I start tho tedder and run over it three or four times with this machine Lato In the evening J. put it up In tall, alender shocks, which stand there until next morning, whon it is hauled into the barn and a largo quantity of It put together tho moro tho bettor, but It la not tramped in. If the weather is fair I often allow it to stand In the shock for two or three dayB and it dries out in the shock. 't trotters Jjet sun cvfwirer can bo placod around the plants as shown in Illustration. Pigeon manure Is imported' Into England from Egypt . in say two or three months. and cool.