The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 13, 1911, Image 8

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    Sttm-WceWy Tribune
One Year bj Mail in advance ?1.2i
One Yew by Carrier In advance ,$1.&)
(Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post
office m Second Lite natter.
TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1911.
De Year Part.
With tho season of extreme hot
weather now upon ua, unusual car
should bo exercised to keep, your
alleyB and yards free from unsightly
and nauseous coruptton such as tho
foul manuro heaps" and the loathsorrvi
garbage cans which are so often care
lessly or rather thoughtlessly per
mitted to exist in out-of-the-way places.
Not only do such detract from tho trln
and neat appearances of a place bu .
they arc nothing more than fly ami
germ Incubators and disease producerj
that If tolerated for any length of
time will prove n menance to th
public health. It has been demon
strated beyond any question of doubt
that tho fly is a deadly foe to human
kind, and why people will permit to
exist right undor their noses a hatchery
of tho pest Is a mystery.
It must bo admitted that North
Platto is happily Infested with but few
of the class of Individuals who are in
different with regard to the appcarancci
f tiwir homes and business places, tin
sanitary conditions of the city, or tin
feelings and rights of their fellowmon,
but just as each swarm of bees has ltd
drones so overy community has its
careless cltizenswho though they do nt t
spoil 'vliat good the others aro accom
plishing, their disinterestedness and
lack of sympathy and enthusiasm is a
restraint that breaks a cog it tin
wheel of progress toward a better,
cleaner, more sightly city.
Let us Btrlvo toward improvement in
every way so that people will point to
North Platte as a model city, when
they will want to come and llvo anl
cast their let. There Is not a town or
its size anywhere that can boast of
better business houses, mora progresslv 1
and enterprising business men or moro
beautiful homes, well kept lawnr,
fine shade trees; broad streets anl
driveways, and we want everything
else about our surroundings to be juat
All Honor te Baffnle Bill.
Just when the sun is scorching its way
. ...
over tne summer aays, ana you snap
down.the ttosk top, jerk your straw hat
from the peg on the wall, telephono
homt to the wife and little ones to get
ready for a day's outing in the summer
park, and soon after start with lunch
baskets for a short surcease from tin
toll and' sweaty strife of the big city,
did you ever think who gave you that
amusement park, the one man in all thl i
world who conceived an idea, tlie frui
tion of which means the amusement
parks as you And themscattorad through
out the land? It was none other than
Buffalo Bill, and yet we have neve
Ideatlfled him In any particular degreo
with the Inception of our wholcsomi
method of enjoying a day at the sea
shore and enjoying with the kiddles th
merry whirls en the riding devices, thu
chutes, the menagerie, and the othe
healthful outdoor entertainers. BuiTali
Bill fa responsible for that. Ills wholi
life has been s crowded with othe
deeds of such a spectacular nature lha
fow have had the time to devott
to a little research and trace the hlatorj
of out door amusement entertainments.
And this Is how it came about.
On July 4, 1882, the citizens of Nortl
Platte, Nebraska, decided to hold their
first fourth of July celebration. Buffalo
Tllll at that time, widely known In the
west as a plainsman, the champion oi
all buffalo hunters, an Indian lighter,
a man that knew every trail, ever)
canyon, who had fought In the civil war,
who had under the greatest generals os
the day served as chief of scouts, wh
had struggled in collective and individ
ual warfare with the devilish redskins,
to him a committee went and Bough
his aid in making tho celebration vf blj:
success. lie was asked to gather a fev
cowboys and give a sort of a Wild Wcs1
show; he did more than that, ho gathered
from, the different tribes of Indians wlu
ovan then wero on the war path,
he collected cowboys and various dare
davits and gun fighters of the plains,
he conelived tlw Idea of roproduclnt
many scenes familiar to oil that time of
Pony express riding, expert shootintr,
the old stage conch robbory and a turn
dred other things that were happenint
in tlie early day life. Th event was n
tremendous and instantaneous success.
The history of Buffalo Bill and his Wile
West, l tableted on the pages of every
coutry's history.
Cody determined then to travel 'with
his show and tell the world a message
of peace, "good will and oppertunttiei
that awaited the brawn and sturtJj
pioneers who would haaferd fate in th.
He psrne U New Yosk and ever af
Staten Island gave tin first IwHcwtku
ii what WM ttxtftVelaH Ittfcv tke aue
minds ook up his suggestion and today
wo have the result, the Coney Island of
New York, the Luna Parks of a. hun
dred cities, tho Venice of California
and the Manchester of London. Each
and every one trace its history to th
time that Buffalo Bill innauguratcd hit
season under canvass at Staten Island
Few at that time thought of the far
reaching effect of the Colonel's idea,
few gave importance to the little ex
hibition of Wild Wcsternism at Norti
Platte on that sultry July Fourth h
1882. But the end is not yet, that
very day and circumstance gave birtt
to all the frontier days ns we have then
now, the Mountain and Pains celebra
tion at Denver and the other imitations
that hnvo followed in its woke all, owa
alleganco and credit for their beginning
to none other than the world fame!
Buffalo Bill.
It's no wonder then that now on lib
farewell the citizens are axious to do
him honor, That they aro waiting witi
open arms to greet tho old scout for
the last timo in the saddle, It is not
surprising that tho railroads are al
ready luylng plans for the most exten
sive excursions that they have over
planned. That the press of tho entire
country has been enthused over th'
prospect of chronicling tho events that
aro to tako place on Cody's homo com
ing day. August 19th will mark an
epoch In North Platte history, it will
concentrate on it that day tho eyes of th t
entire world. Tho west loves a ma i
who decB things, It honors a man who
will brave his life to butter the con
ditions of his fellow man, it esteem)
thcTman wo has been received wit.i
tho highest good will frpm every
country and more than that it respects
Buffulo Bill for the honesty of his put
poso, his sincerity in reclaiming tho
West. He is tho enly showman this
world has over known that has takeo
his profits and spent fortunes In dig
ging canals and dams that others, .those
to follow In succeeding generation!,
might havo a home this and more
Buffalo Bill has dono and that only
partly cxplalns why the entire countr
will join North Platto In going Cody
Tho Stnto Press Association meet
last week was tho best and most inter
esting In ovory way the boyB hnve hold
in many a year und all wore glad to hi
thoro und nartako of tho ironlnl cool
fellowship and hospitality of tho Omahv
people, wno made their stay ono contin
ual round of pleasure und interest. C.
C. Johns, who has hold tho eecr-tnry-
shlp of the association for three years
was made permanent secretary ( and 1 1
appreciation of his Interestand untiring
efforts for the welfare of tho organiza
tion was presented with ahandBomoSGO
gold watch. Mr. Johns Is tho advertising
manager for tho well known firm of
waiDacu di Sons nt Grand Island, un J
occasionally dips his pon into tho in c
and writes something worth while read
ing. Ho Ib Intensely interested in overj
thing going on for tho cenornl rrood of
his community. Newspaper men know a
good thing whon thoy havo It, that's
why Bro. JohnB has been made a poi-
mnnont llxturc.
Elsowhcro H. J. Runner announce i
himself as a candidate for the repub
lican nomlnutlon for county commis
sioner from tho Third district. Mr.
Runner has boon a resident of Llncol i
county for twenty-seven yonrs. IU
first located In Wallace nrccinct whera
ho lived for twenty-ono yours, remov
ing te Nowcll preclnct-hls nresont
homo-six yonrs ago. yllo was raised n
i it , i i . .
repuuncun in a not ueu or democracy
In Kentucky, und in times when It wn'i
very unpopular to bo n republican. Hut
notwithstanding the Bcoffs and jeors ami
the tlneatcnlngs of tar and foatho
treatment, or oven worse, ho remained
truo to his colors and hus remained
steadfast. Having so long lived in thn
county he is well acquainted with itit
needs, and as a commissioner would bu
In position to intelligently use his bes:
efforts for the good of tho taxpayers.
Attomoy H. D. Rhon camo un from
Lexington yesterday morning to nttonc
the adjourned term of distric tcour;
which Is now In uossirin,
When North Platte Citizens Show
the Certain Way Out.
There enn be no just reason why any
roador of this will continue to Buffer
tho torturoB of an aihing back, tho an
noynnco of unlnnry disorders, the tho
danger of diabetes or any kidney illu
whan relief is so near. at hand und thn
most positive proof given that thoy can
be cured. Head what a North Platto
citizen says:
J. M. Harper, 409 Dewey street,
North Platto, Neb., says: "I hud oq
caslon to use Doon's Kidney Pilln
whon living In Creston, Iowa, and
found them to bo a splendid kldnoy
remedy. Their uso removed a pain ncros;i
my back which had troubled nut
greatly. Thoy strengthened my kid-
nnys and regulated the passages o'
the kidney secretions. I do not hes
itate to recommend Donn'a Kidney Pilh
most highly, Thoy can bo procured
from MoDonell & Graves' store."
ForSaleby all dealers. Prlco 60 cento.
Fottter-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York,
sole agent fo the United States.
Notice is horoby given that tho City
Council of tho City of North Platte.
Lincoln County, Nebraska, will sit ai
a Hoard of Equalization beginning at
tlie hour of 7:30 o'clock p. m of the
20th day of June, 1011, at tho Counci1
Chamber ill tho Court House In tlu
Cltv of North Platte, Lincoln County,
Nebraska, for tho purpose of levylm
on tho real estate lying and bolnj.
within "Sower District G-J" taxes for
tho purpose of naylng tho costs of tlto
construction of a lateral sower In salt!
"Scwor District G-4" and that said
taxes will bo lovled upon each parco!
of real estato according to tho extent,
of bcnollts to such property by reason
of tho construction of said lateral
sower, and If tlie said Council filial
find such benefits to be equal and uni
form such lovy of taxes will bo ac
cording to tho front foot of the lot
of real estato within said "Sower Dis
trict G-4" or according to such otluu
rule as tho City Council sitting a,
such Hoard of Equalization may adopt.
for tho distribution or adjustment ot
such costs.
All persons interested will file tholi
objections, if any they have, to the
assessing of taxes against their pro
iiuiijf un or uuiuru uio zvm nay O
June, 1911, at 7:.'M) o'clock n, in., (ecu
ai tune) w in u o u tv uiork.
By order of tho Mayor and Cltv
Council mado tho 31st day of May,
CIIAS. V. TEMPLE, City Clerk.
Notico Is hnrehvirlvim rlini. Hmrih
Council of the City of North Platto
Lincoln county, Nebraska, will sit
as a Hoard of Equalization beglnnifiL
at thn hour of 7:.'i n. in., nt f.ii rwf
day of Juno, loll, at the counci.
cimimer in uio court liouso in the
city of North Platte, Lincoln county
Nooraska, for tho purpose of lovylni
on tho real estato lying and bolni
within "Sower District G-,'1" taxes fo.
tho nurnosu of navlntr t.lim'nsrja nt flu,
construction of a lateral sower In salt
sower district u-;j" and that salt
taxes will be lovled upon each parco
of real estate arrnnrillmr ti tUn nvfon.
-- . ..... v auvi.'
of bunollts to such property by reasoi
vi liiu cuiisiruuuuii oi saiu laiora
sower, and If tho said Council shal
find such bonollts to bo equal and
uniform such lovy of taxes will bd
according to tho front foot of tho oU
or real estate within said "Sowe
District G-.V or according- to such
other rulo as tho City Council slttlnr
as such Hoard of Equalization mav
adopt for tho distribution or adjust
ment of such costs.
All persons Interested will fllo their
objections, If any thoy havo, to the
assosslnir of taxes acriilnsr, thMr
property on or before tho 20th day o''
Juno, 1911, at 7:.'10o'cloclc, p. m (cen
tral tune) with tho city clerk.
By order of tho Mayor and Cltj
Council mado tho.'llstdavof May, 19li.
CnAS. V. TEMPL1-X City dlork
Notice Is hereby given .that the
,Cll,V Cmill(il nt t,)n Ctltv nt "Nnvfl
Platto, Lincoln county, Nobraska
will sit as a Board of Equalization
iH!L'iimmir nr, i nn nniir ni in n'oinnir
p. in., of the 20th day of Juno, 1911.
tiu but) umiiicn uiliunuur III UIO COliru
nouso in uio city or worth Platto
Lincoln county, Nobraska, for the
purposo of levying on tho roal estate
lying and bolng within "Sower Dis
trict V" taxes for tho purposo of pay
ing tho costs of tho construction of a
latoral sewor in said "Sower District
F" and that said taxes will bo lovlec
upon each parcol of real estate uo
cording to tho extent or bonollts to
such nrnnorhv hv rpnenti nt flm ....
structlon of said latoral sowor, and It"
uio am council snau iinu sucn bono
llts to bo equal and uniform such levj
or taxes will bo according to thofronb
font, nf thrt lrt.i nt vnnl i,etnt,i ,,i.
T rt " - wuvMtW F Villi,
said "Sowor District F" or according
to such fil linr ruin nu tlin olf.v
sitting as such Hoard of Equallzatloi
iiiuj uiuiiib lur tun uistriuuuon or an
justmcnt of such costs.
All DfUKOtiH lnt.nrnfirnil will (II.. flml,.
objections, If any thoy havo, to the
usnufiMmK ui lixus againsb cnoii'
property on or before tho 20th day o '
Juno Hill, at 7:30 o'clock, p. in.,
(contral time), with tho city dork.
Hv rfrdnr if At-iA-nr "mui n.H-.v
Council mado tho .'llsbdav of Mav 1911.
juas. i-'. 'L'iSiMPLB, City Clork.
Kotleo Is hornhv irlvnn flinf. flw
City Council or tho City or North
Platto, Lincoln County, Nobraska.
will sit as a Board or Equalization
ivKiuiiiiiK tvu hi iiuur vi tiov (1 CIOCU
P. M.. Of the ''Oil I rliLV nt .limn inn
at tho council chamhor In tho court
nouso in tno cuy or worth Platto,
Lincoln county, Nobraska, for tho
purposo of levying on tho real estate
lying and being within "Sower Dis
trict P" taxes for tho purposo of pav
ing tho costs or tho construction of a
i.itouii Kuwer in niki "hewer uistrict
P" and that said taxes will bo levied
iiDon each narnnt nt m-il noinin n...
cording to tho oxtont of v bonoilt
to, such proporty by reason or the
construction or said latoral sowor, and
U thosaid council shall llndsuch bon
ollts to be oquirl and uniform such
iov,v m win do according to tlu
front fool, of tho lots of real estate
within said "Nownr lllctrlft- ! ...
according to such othor vulo as tlu
as tho City Couucll.sltting as a boaro
(if (mi!lllynt Inn. mm- nl.f f- i.r
--- .....j i..wru Jl till.
distribution or adjustment of such
All persons Interested will lllo theli
objections, K any thoy havo, to the
assessing or taxes against tholr prop
erty on or bororo tho 20th day ol
June, 1911, at 7:30 o'clock p. m., (cen
tral time) with tho city clork.
By order or tho Mayor and Cltj
Council made tho .'list day or May, 1911
CIIAS. F. TEMPLE, Cltv Clork.
Bids for School House.
Tho school board of District No. f?
will recoivo bids for. tho constructor
of a ono-story two room pressed brick
school house on the present site of the
Platte Valley school building oiah;
IV,1!"8 S3.1 nnd north of North Platte
Bids will bo received by J. C. Wilson
treasurer. North Platte, Neb., up t
noon i of the 17th day of Juno. Spec
Iflcatlona for building can bo seen w
office of tho County Supt. Ebright.
A certified check, payable to J. C
Wilson, Treasurer, must accompany
each bid, which will bo returned wher
bid Is accepted or rojected.
Tlw beard reseevoa the ritht to re
ject any .or tjjl felJ.
ikim'u BbARn PlST. N0, 6.
I hereby announce myself as a . can
didate for tho republican nomlnatiot
for county treasurer, subject to the
decision of tho voters of tho Primarj
Election August 16th, 1911. I will fullv
appreciate the support of republicans
C. II. Walter.
1 respectfully announce that I am n
candidate for the republican nomina
tion for county treasurer, subject to
the decision of the voters at the pri
mary election August 15th. Support,
given me will be appreciated.
, Albert N. Durhin.
I hereby unnounco my candidacy fo
the republican nomination for county
treasurer, subject to the decision of the
republican primary August 15th. I will
appreciate the support of renublican:i
on that day Frank Murray.
Fellow citizens of Lincoln county:
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for county treasurer and respectfully
solicit your support nt tho polls. I
elected I will endeavor to do my dutj'
in such n way as to meet tho approval
of tho people.
Walter B. McNeel.
I announce myself as a candidate fo
sheriff, subject to the decision of th i
voters at the primary election to b
held August 15th, 1911, and respectfully
ask the support of republicans at tha:
A. J. Salisbury. ,
I horoby announce myself as a can
didate for tho republican nomination
for sheriff, subject to th decision o
tho voters at tho primary election on
August 15th, and respectfully solicit!
your support.
I. L. Miltonreroer
I hereby announce myself us a candi
date for tno Democratic nomination fo
Sheriff, subject to the decision of th.
voters at tho primary election on Augus .
15th nnd respectfully solicit you
Bupport. , C. C. McGee.
I hereby nnnounco my candidacy fo
tho nomination of County Clerk sub
ject to the decision of the republican
party at tho primary.
Wm. Otten.
I horoby announce myself a candidate
for County Clork subject to thcdeciffioi
of tho Republican voters nt tho pri
mory election to bo held Tuesday
August 15, 1911, nnd respectfully solid"
your support. , C. William Yost.
I announce myself a candidate for re
nomination for Clerk of District Court,
subject to the will of the republican
voters at tho primary election to be
held Tuesday, August 15th, 1911, and (
assur you that your support will bu
greatly appreciated.
Geo. E. Prosser.B
I hereby announce myself ns a candi
date for tno republican nomination fo
County Judge, subject to tho decision
of tho votors at the primary election mi
August, 15th, and rcnpectfully solid,
your support. M. E. Crosdy.
Zll hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the republican nomination
for county judge, subject to tho de
cision of tho votors at tho primary
olection August 15th.
E. W. Crane.
I hereby announce myself os a candi
date for the republican nomination fo
county commissioner from the Thin!
district, subject to the decision of voter i
at tho primary election. You support n
solicited. J. W. Abbott,
Horshoy, Neb
I hero nnnounco myself a candidat
for tho republican nomination for count;
commissioner from tho Third district,
subjectto tho decision of the voters n:
tho primary olection in August, nnd re
spectfully solicit your support. I am i
resident of Nowell precint nnd my post
oflho uddrcss is Hcrshey.
H . J. Runner.
Any Mites in Your
NNMI, Poultry
right with
Lico Liquid.
That will f:
them. I .
drowns thcn
: 1.1. .
cracks, where they breed and thrive ant!
Indoawny through the day until tho fowli
come back to roost nt night. Get into old
clothes and with a sprayer or eprinklinj;
can full of Conkey s Lico Liquid, go over
tho wholo place and paint tho roosts with
the same stuff. Try this. Wcnuaranleo
It effective. Conkey's Lico Liquid 35c qt.;
60c 2 qts,; $1.00 a gallon.
Schiller & Co., Agents.
Pur ties wishing
50c per 100 lbs.
Phone 95
Similes, S'ruIibhs, Curantus
A like remedy will cure a like
diseaseas a remedy which hns
tho snmo symptoms, or produces
the -same in tho well, will euro
those in the Bick, and with na
ture's help will euro quicker than
any other, and with less expense
to tho human economy. This
system of medicine has at Its
command nnything in tho realm
of cure, such as electricity in any
form, tho- Vibrator, Massage,
Hyrotherufenties. Therefore the
correctness of choosing this lino
of treatment, rather than vyhimB
with a single borrowed iden.
For out of town patients and all
those interested: rooms furnished
when desired, for confinement,
medicnl and the necessary surgi
cal cases. Trained nurses in
Dr. J. S. Twinem,
Medical abd Surgical Prnclicioncr
i. Physician and Surgeon,
2 Office over McDonald Bank.
3 I Hones y Residence 115
Physician and Surgeon.
Day and night callH promptly answered
Office P. S. Hospital. Phone 042.
I Physician, Surgeon, Optician
1 "District Surgeon U. P. R. R
I Hersiiey, Nebraska.
g DR. J. S. TWINEM, j
lomeopthlorhylclan ond Surgeon O
v Bpcclnl attention el von to conilno- !!
D meats ana children's diseases,
Olllco I'liono IKl Vtos. 1'hono ZS3 tl
Onico McDonald Stato Hank Illd'e
".....""..."..i...- ........
, ...,t.
A. J.
'? Hnr.1
Doctors Ames & Ames,
f; Physicians and Surgeons,
is Oftlce over Stone Drug Co.
9 Phones I Office 273 U
3 1 1101168 f Residence 273 tj
Surgeon, Physician. Consultant.
Ofllce Physicians and Surgeons Hospita
Phonos: Office 642, Residence 644.
Spirclla Corset.
The Ladtes's Home Journal. Dplini.-
ator, Vogue, etc., are advertising thu
r SI mi
apirciia corset, these advertisement:)
are of particular interest to corset
wearers. As local corsetiere for tho
Spirclla Company I am in position to
give you the benetit ol my trainini;
and experience. I guarantee your cor
ret to fit you, to be the proper model
for VOU. I do residence f if liner, will
call, demonstrate the corset and ex
plain it to you at your convenience.
408 East Sixth St.
Phone Red 202.
Merchant Tailor.
We havo recently installed a French
Dry Cleaner for Meji's and Ladies.'
apparel of all classess, ' and wo
guarantee satisfactory work. Wo
are also tailors and know how to
repair clothes.
Wo carry samples of goods and
make clothes of all kinds to order,
insuring first-class workmanship
and perfect fit.
The Man. tho Girl and thnCkinr
a hanny combination to n trprtnintv
and ono should he as good as tho
other. We can't furnish the young
man with the girl, hut we can fur-
msn mm the Cjgnr, and it will be a
cigar as dood a3 the riirl is Rwwt.
and one which smoked in hnr W
ence will not be offensive to her.
If you don t believe us, try one.
Go to
Furniture Repairing
and Cabinet Work
Alio Wood Turning Picture Framing
Room Moulding, and Window
Screens ,a Specialty.
Shop 107 East Fifth
Intlio cotinty court of Lincoln countr.
In tho matter of the estate of Marearei
Jones deceased.
On rending and (lllnR the verlflod
tlon of Danlnt V. Jones, priirlnjr that the
regular administration of said estate be flls
ixstincd. with, nnd that tho court render a
llnal decree naming the solo heirs at law of
thosaid Margaret Jones, dnceased, ns pro
Vltleil br sections 6202. K03. OuW. B30S Mid
fi20of Cobbey Annotated Btatutca for iho
state of NobrnHla for tho rear IWJ
Ordered, that th said petition bo heard on
Juno 20. lOlij nt 0 o'clock n m , when all
persons Interested In said matter may up
pear at tho county court to bo held In nd
for said county, in the court house In ho
city or North riatto. Nebraska, and show
cause. If any there be. why the prayer of tho
potltlotior should not bo granted
AlsoorjloriO. that at tho tlmo and plnco
aforesaid, this court will receive, examine
adjust and allow nil claims nnd demands of
nlllpcrsons against tho said Margaret'
deceased, and that any persons having such
claims or demands against said estate hhall
present the snmo to tho countr court on ir
before tho date assigned for such hearing.
Dated at North Platto. Nobraska, this and
day of May, mil.
m-M . John Oiiakt. County Judge.
In tho county court of Lincoln County,
In tho matter of tho estato of John I).
Jones, deceased.
On reading nnd filing tho verified petition
of Iianlel I'.Joneri. praying that tho regular
admlnlnratlan of said estato bo dlspen-cd
with, and that tho court render a final decree
naming tl.p sole holm ntlawof Urn said John
;i'0l,P8, deceased, as provided by Realms
8S02. BU 5-4)1, 5:03 nnd HWi o Cohbty's
Annotated Stntiites for the stato of Nobrahka
for tho year 1WW.
Ordered, thai, the said petition bo board on
June). Mil. at V o'clock n. m.. when all
persons Interested In said mattor' may ap
pear at tho county court to behold in tnd
for eald countr. In the court house In tho
city of North I'latte. Nebraska, and show
cause. If any there bo, why tho prayer of tho
petitioner should not bo granted
Also ordored, that at tho tinio and plice
aforesaid, this court will receive, examine
adjust nnd nllow nil claims and demands of
all persons against tho said John I). Jot es.
deceased, and that any persons buvlng sveh
claims or demands against said estate shall
present tho samo to the county court on or
boforo tho date assigned for such hearing.
Dated at North I'latte, Nobraska. thls2;nd
day of May, Mil.
John Grant. County Judge
Serial No. 0-.UMI.
Department of tho InUrlor
U. S. Land Olllco at North I'latte. Neb,
.. . . Mav IS. Mil.
Notlco Is lioroby given that Grant
McNeel, of North I'latte, Nebraska, who on
October 13th. 1W rrado Homestead I entry
No. silROfl. Serial No. 02C50. for nil of "oc
Uon 2. Twp. 15. N.. It. 32 w. of the 0th l'.lS.
Meridian, has Hied notlco of Intention to
make final Uvo rear proof, to establish
claim to tho land abovo described, boliro
tho Heglstor and Receiver at North l'lat U.
Nobraskn. oil ithe 17tb dar of
Claimant names as winifsses: iJarwln
K- Taylor. David W. Macorabor. James Bo
chan and Arthur Toops. all of North Watto.
w'0-" J.K. TCVANfl, Register..
Serial No. 0271.
Notlco ishoroby glvon that Walter B. Mo-
i7.c.ul'., worm i'latte. N ob.. who, on Jan. t
BOth. HOI. made II. Ii No. M))2. Serial No
02723. for all of SectlJr. SI.- T6wns" Ip l
N.. Itnnge32. W. of thoilth Principal Meridian
has filed notice of Intention to make tlnal Jlvo
year proof to establish claim to tho Innd
abpvo described, . before tho Register nnd Ro
Sf .TS?y linf.r " b-' 0,1 t00'1'"'ay
Claimant names as witnesses: James lio-
SV avn- . ?,?rHl ob- llonr' Doebke.
?. Ni0.rH1 1 lattV' tnl ' Oeorgo W. Korbrarho
of Sutherland. Nob,, ami Charles II. Ma
comber, of North I'latte Nob.
J. E. Kvans, Register.
Tn tu Ctiyr i v 1- n T lHfl,1n'. ...
braska": Apr! 2sth.Tn w "1"'nr "u"
in uio mniiei ortneestnto of Cathorlno
Brown, deceased.
of said deceased will meet tho Exocuirlx
of said estato. boforo tho County Judge of
I I II J'A 1 1 1 ."11.. 1,1. Nnl.l. . ....
-""wit. t.uuiu,i .luuiaaKH. ac mo county
court room In said county, on tho 27th dar of
fif.1'1 ..M' ttr''on t"Q Ttlt day of Novoml-or.
Mil, at 0 o'clock a. m. uach day. tor tho pur
poso of prosoutlng thelrcl&lms for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance Slxmoraha
aro nllowed fnr (.nwllin ...
claims and ono year for tlie hxecturlx to
settle said estato, from tho 24th day of
vl,a """Co 10 no publlslicd for
four successive weoks In tho Heinl-Wecltly
Irlbuno. n legal newspaper published
tn said county prior to May '27th. liill.
ma-i John hkant.coiihij' .iudg
Sorlal No. (ttJIS.
Dppartmont of tho Interior,
u. S. Land Olllco at North Platte. Nob.
xr ... i . AVr. 2H. Mlt.
Notlco Is liereby given that Wolman A .
..AHSS1.1"' ul, "on" riaiie. oo., wno, unfit pt.
CJ. ''y-01,11110, 1'omesleart entry No. 2037.soiTal
HVi. HE'. Section 4 Township liango
rJ'-ol- the flth Principal Meridian, has
filed notlco of Intention to make final live
year proof, to establish claim to tho lund
abpvo des -rtbeir. before the Register nnd ao
celvor at North Plntte, Nebraska, on thu)ti
day of June. 1011.
Clalmnnt nann ns wltncssessConway P.
Campbell and Carl JlcGrow of North Platto
Nob.. William 8. Rosa nnd Edwnrd Wright of
Myrtle, Neb.
- J. E. Evans. Register.
Notice for Publication.
Geori'H II. Smith will tnin nntln
that on the 26th day of April 1911,
John Grant, County Judge In and for
Lincoln county, Nebraska, issued an
order of attachment for tho sum of
513.00 in an action pending hefore htm,
wherein Lottie Cronen ia plantilT t-nd
ueorgo it. amitn is defendant, arid that
tniinrtvnf thn" ilefonilnnt. cnnclaftno
of wages due him, in the hands of iho
union raciiij itanroau company, a cor
poration having its place of business In
Lincoln county, Nebraska, haa been
attaclied under snid order. Said causo
was continued to the 17th ilnv nf .lima
1'JlL Lottie Cronen.
Notion Ik ImrMliv irlvnn tlmt ii
City Council will rot'olvo bids for tho
construction of coniont crossva ks
and approaches ami sidewalks to bo
laid bv tho eitv for thn ir,..i v,..
of 191 1: -
Hills must l)l h.iserl nnnn flin unu.
Illcatlons of tho city oiiL'lneor, which
to on uio in uiu uuicooi tne CUV ClOi'K.
All bids must bo In by 6 o'clock, p.
in., (central timnl nn thu Wtli ilnv nf
Juno, 1911.
Tho Council reserves tho right to
rejet arj or nil bids. x
CnAS. F. T155IPLE, dltjr ClIc.