HIM f1 ! z. z r-0- I TWO PORTS BY DONALD ALLEN kLJSi .by WILBUR. D NkSWT mmm PUZZLING TRICK WITH SACK Man Placed In Bag It Enabled to Free Himself In Few Seconds by Holding Rope. Tho magician appears accompanied by his assistant. Mo has a sack sim ilar to n meal bag only on n largo iscale. Tho upper end of this bag is shown In Fig. 1, with tho ropo laced In tho cloth. Ho then selects several Ifvuyiu tiuill mo uuuieucu ll U CUIU UUl- tco to cxamlno tho sack to see that thero is absolutely no deception what over In Its makeup, says a writer in the Popular Mechanics. When they aro satisfied that the bag or sack is all right, tho magician places his as sistant tnsldo and drawing the bag around him he allows tbo committee to tie him up with as many knots as they choose to mako, as shown lnl img. z. Tho bag with its occupant Is placod jln a small cabinet which the commit- 'tco surround to see that thero is no .,. t ' rr. l i .t j . I luuisiuu ueip, iuq magician men iukuu i 'his watch and shows the 'audience ithat In less than 30 seconds his assist iant will-emerge from tho cabinet with Ithe sack In his hand. This ho does, Trick With Sack. jthe sack Is again examined and found to bo tho same as when it was first " ' ... , . , . . The solution Is when tho assistant .onterB the bag he pullB in about 15 inches of tho rope and holds It, as 7 V. .. r , lis tying him up. As soon ns ho is In tho cabinet ho merely lets out the .slack thus making enough room for hlB body to pass through. When he is .out of tho bag ho quickly unties tho 'knots and then stops from his cabinet - .. . .......... SIMPLfc fUULb lb AMUblNu By Making Geometrical Star as Illus trated One Can Make Nino Straight Rows of Buttons. Get somo buttons or checkers and place them In such an order that you Jwill havo nino straight rows of five ibuttons each. You will find by mak- ling tho geomotrical design shown In Geometrical Puzzle. the cut this feat can -be accomplished. Of course, when you toll somebody else to do, that you do not want to show them the Btar or give any hint how it is to bo done. You will flnd it Dosslblo to amuse a party or family qulto a while with this simple puzzle, which Isn't so slmplo until you know how lt is done. Color Your Own Pictures. Somo of our amateur photographers may bo interested In learning an easy way of coloring a photogrnph nicely without having first taken les sons In drawing or painting. This Is tho method: After you havo printed your photogrnph, and before you mount lt on cardboard, hold It against the window, placing the picture sitro toward tho glass; then sketch clearly on the back of tho picture tho out lines of tho parts to be colored. When hu in competed Dlaco tho nlcturo eido of the photograph against a blot- ter and apply tho desired colors to tho bacit oi tne picture, Keeping wun- . . .i ... 1 1 u rrv. I m . x i k.. pare a mlxturo consisting of ten parts Cenzino ana one van vuueune, aim nnnr this over the nhotosrrnnh. rub- blng it thoroughly into tho paper with tho finger. Do this both on the face and back of tho picture. After the cloture has become transparent through this process let It stand for in hour or two, then dry it with a cloth and mount lt on cardboard. hoog'hT new ved- I'F.S mcv-cty a m Alter o "teste my dcdv - U mc Tflv to' her Vet AAhtn I biT w - - J T- J was sjankecfl And 3nt rioHT -To Bed MONEY MADE IN BUTTERFLIES Queer occupation by Vnlch Men Mako Living In Wild Jungles of India and Africa. Ono of tho queerest of occupations by which men mako thotr living is but terfly hunting, and hh it 1b, now con ducted in the jungles of India and Africa it is also as full of adventuro and narrow escapes as tiger hunting or gold mining. The butterflies of our Holds and woods are, of course, too common to have any value, but thero are very raro varieties that will bring as high as $1,000 a specimen, and it is to catch theso that men undertake all manner of risks. Before a man can attempt butterfly hunting ho must have a thorough scientific education, and then ho can go to Africa, and by col lecung uzaruB and orchids and raro plants along with the butterflies he can often make- very large sums of money, In capturing butterflies In tho Jungle tho collector often has to climb trees whnp np nr , ,nw, nn,, lakes ana B,t vcry qu,ctly wUn h,8 long net in hand and wait for tho ap- of Bome boaut,ful butterfly. Tvn h ,,,. ,, annnn . in t u down , nnd k ,t f ; shipment to London. If he Is fortunate 0 h t0 flnd an enUre, new d raro vnrlet h(J cftn soraotlme8 mk9la wholo ycar.B Halnry out of lt M woaithy people In Europo have magnifl- cent prlva(o co,lectlons of Insects, and there. are 0iBO good pubnc collections ow"ned by the governments. Good Trap After All. A Connecticut man being annoyed by n huge rat which persisted In ma king away with chicken feed and pretty much everything else that lt found In tho barn loft, set a trap for the marauder. Tho trap was a now fanglcd nffalr, baited with a nico plcco of toasted cheese, but the rat was too cunning, so an old-fashioned, steel- pronged trap was burled under tho chaff in' the well-worn path from un der tho hny, nnd the new trap pushed aside. The old rat was caught tho first night and killed, and no one thought of tho other trap for three weeks. When tho farmer's boy went to look for it, a mass of stuff in tho center attracted his attention, nnd, on examination, It was found that a cou ple of half-grown rats had found their way into it, and had settled down to make tho bcBt of tho situation. Thoy had drawn in through the spaces at least two quarts of chaff and bits of hay and had gone to housekeeping. They looked surprised at being dis turbed, nnd the farmer Is now exhibit ing them as specimens of contentment under difficulties. DIFFERENT LIE8. Tommy What's tho difference be- tween black lies and whlto lies? Lucy White lies aro what I toll, and black ones aro what you'ro al- I wn ta Inllin' When you havent a Bcrttp of bw;a , lh. home And tho children begin to cry. Don' "?,2tftnd com-H:1 tnern t0 tarv outright. Juit give them a little pie. Tlnderbo Still Used. Matches have not yet displaced the tlnderbox In certain rural district of Spam and Italy. ty Mother me & nice FRAP NEST IS EASILY MADE One Shown In Illustration Ha leen Used at Several Stations With Much Success. . Tho trap nest shown In the lllustra Jon horowith has been usod with sat isfaction nt a number of poultry sta tions. It Is vory simple, Inexpensive, any to attond and certain in Us ac tion. It is a box-ltko structure, 28 inches .ong, 13 inches wide, and 1C Inches leep, insldo measurements. A dlvl lion board with a circular opening 7 "4 nches in dlaraoter is placed across .he box, 12 inches from tho rear and Nest Set Ready for Use. 15 Inches from the front Tho rear lection Is, tho nest proper. Instead of i tight door at tho entrance, a light !romo of lxl4-lnch stuff Is covered with wire netting of a one-Inch mesh The door Is ten incheB square and ioes not fill the entlro entrance, a,1 ipace of two inches being loft at tho bottom nnd ono Inch nt tho top, with i good margin at each aide to avoid 'rtctton. It Is hinged at tho top and iwingB into tho box. Tho hinges aro placed on tho front of tho top of the loor rather than at tho center or rear, :he better to secure complete clos Ing action. Tho trap consists of ono, piece of stiff wire about threo-slx- teenthB of nn lndh In diameter and 22 inches long, This picco of wire Is shaped bo that a section of lt 11 Inches long rests directly across the circular opening in the division board and Is held In plncb by two clamps one on cither sldo of tho circular spenlng. Tho clamps fit loosely and tho slotB are long enough to allow tho wlro to work up and down about six Inches, without much friction. The noxt section of wire Is eight Inches long, and is bent so that lt is at right ingles with tho 11-lnch section, and passes along tho side of tho box 11 Inches abovo the floor toward tho en trance door, and is fastened strongly to tho wall by staples, but yet looBely enough that the wlro can roll easily. The remaining section of tho wlro, which is thrco inches long, Is bent toward tho center of tho box, with an upward inclination, so that It sup ports the door when the latter Is open. Tho end of tho wire is turned over smoothly, forming n notch Into which the door may bo slipped when opened. As the hen passes undor tho. open door and thon through tho circular opening to tho nest, she raises herself so that her keel may pass over tho lower part of the division board. In doing bo, her back presses agalnBt tho horizontal wlro and lifts lt enough that tho end supporting the door slides from under it. Tho door swings down nnd passes a wlro spring (near the bottom of the box at tho entrance), which locks It and prevents the hen from escaping and tho others from entering. A strong button can be at tached to tho center of the box at the bottom of tho outside to hold tho door Frame Work of Nest. In position whon closed. "By turning tbo button, the door con then be swung outward to release the bird, Selecting Eggs for Setting. A selected lot of ono dozen hena will lay i as many eggs as the aver ago farmer will caro to have hatched, nnd if the hens are ro-matcd to a puro-bredcock he will be the Biro oi all tho chickens hatched on tho farm, thus securing uniformity In color and general characteristics, instead of having chicks of all shapes, sizes and colors and not of a characteristic merit. The hens not In company will lay Just as many eggs as If with them, and the eggs will possess bet ter keeping qualities than thoso thai are fertile. Care of Chicks. , As soon as tho young chicks are hatched It Is a good plan to remove them to the garden or out under tb .trees. If the weather la favorable, -where they can get plenty of InsecU to eat and catch all they like. (Copjiliht, I9it, by AuccIiuU Llttrtrr l'ttu.) Miss Dora Hnrbon was out of sorts I with tho world. When a girl feels that way sho sheds n fow tears; she feels herself neglected; sho thinks of drowning; sho snaps back at tho family cook; she would potson tho family parrot -If tho family had one. Thero is but ono thing to console her, find that is to mako for n dell In tho woods and -write somo sad poetry. Fortunately for Mlsa Dora, there wnB a bit of woods back of tho ma- nor house. Thero was a doll. Tho afternoon was fine, nnd sho took pencil nnd papor along enough to write a dozen snd poems, Miss Dorn was not In love, and a stern father nnd nn ambitious mothor hnd not been filing objections, Nono or her girl frlf nds hnd been crowing over her. Sho hadn't dtscov- cred n freckle on her face or n molo on her elbow. Sho wns sad because sho wnB snd. Thero aro times when oven men and women 80 yeurs old get sad streaks on nnd turn to poetry as tho panacea. Poetry is an cscapo vnlve. Thoro nro hundreds of per- sona in prison who wouldn't hnve been thoro had they been provided with a dell nnd pencil and pnper. Miss Dora snnk down beside n rock In tho dell with a nigh of rollof. Sho could shod tho silent tear now with- out tho parlor mold respectfully and sympatneticniiy asking- her if she hnd got popper In her eyes. Thoro nro parlor maids and othorn who will not understand when bouIb aro a-wonry. A rabbit ran across tho doll, but wao scarcely observed. A squirrel cnniiercu, ana was voioa u nuisance, A quail sounded his "Bob White," and a stick was thrown at him. Thero was a program to go tnrougn witu to wruo a saa poem, Pencil nnd paper must bo mado ready, nna men an tno snd tningB oi mo must bo called to mind. Ono may oven include tho various eruptions of Bank Down Beside a Dell. Rock In tho Vesuvius In tho thought Thon tho pen or pencil must be chowed for long minutes. By this time, ono feols thnt if ono of tho trees were to fall and body would bo glad. It is well to roitinmhnr flin niinnloH nnil nnrrnfn and kittens that have been drowned, nnd tho snd fato meted out to them sooner or later. In about half an hour it Is high tlmo to begin to wrlto the poem. MIhh Dora hecan. Onco aha was ready sho struck boldly out with: ri, ,-t,i if ia nr., i , ' wnrM it in nnd ' Tls a world of nothing but sorrow-" a.. v 7r V nliiiiiifA Hm mnf isrltii n anil nnm i If a sudden stop Bomcwhero, nnd tho poor poet grits his teeth In vain, After half an hour spent in trying to flnUh verso number ono of n ten verso poerq, tho paper and pencil wero laid aside, and Miss Dora strolled about Sho was feeling bet ter, There wero wlntergrcen berrlos growing In tho dell. She gathered and ato some. Then sho went down to tho creek to watch tho Uttlo fish, and finally went back to the houso feeling a great deal better. Not until evening did she remember tho two lines of poetry loft on n flat stono In the doll. She would recover them next dny. Perhaps she would build on perhaps not. Something took place up In thnt dell within nn hour aXter Miss Dorn icii u, anu sno was in ignoranco oi It until tno next afternoon. She strolled that way again, humming to herself Instead of 'sighing, and when she picked up her two lines of poetry behold) In a neat but mas- -iiiinn hnn.i mmn nnn m,i nrtrtni tho f wo HnoR- "And It fills me with grief nnd makosi on tnnA That I'll hie mo for homo on tho morrow" w a mn.nuiinn hnnrf? Had hTia flni.h,! th ver- without realizing It? Had she written that she was mad when Bhe was only sad? Here was a mystery. The girl looked all around, but Sherlock Holmes was not thero. Sho sat down nnd thought and stood up and cogitated, but It was a quarter of nn hour beforo tho bright thought came. Then sho sat down and wroto two more linos: '"Tls n struggle to llvo 'tis easy, to dlo-3- A sigh nnd n gasp, nnd 'tis over." Then sho laid tho papor down nnd weighted lt with n pebble, nnd laid tho poucll across. If n ghost had como nftor her tho day beforo nnd written those nddltloual lines, Bho wanted to mako suro of It. If It wna a mnn, then ho hnd trespassed on prlvnto grounds nnd done an luipu- dent thing, nnd sho would lay a trap nnd cutch him nnd toll him what she thouijht of him. j,ut the minute she had bolted nor noonday lunch tho next day, Mlsa Dora set oft for tho doll. Sho was two hours ahend of time. Sho np- proached tho spot on tiptoes. No ono there! She sat down behind a bush to Walt nnd watch. Halt arc hour passed, nnd thon Hal hnl A young mnn appeared on tho scono. Ho iB trim of flguro and rnlhor good looking, but ho sinlles llko a villain, h0 advanc-s to tho Btono and picks nn tho imuer and reads and chuckles. Then ho sits down nnd ndds two unoa o complcto verso number two: vnd blow yourself up Bomo forty rr,dB hltth. ynd innd In tho thistles nnd clover." Ho i enlaces tho paper on the stono, BmilCB rnd chuckles, nnd Is about to !, 1,1. dennrturo when ho feels tho nrsonco of a crlzzly bear or tiger on unod-looklnK girl near him, and turns yor n moment he and Miss Dora onk into each other's ovcb. Then .ho stons forward and nlokd up the sheet nnd reada what ho has writ ton, and turns on him with: sir. how daro you do such u tiling!" "II beg your your pardon," "But you nro a trespasser horo." "I I didn't know it" "And you nro Impudent, sir very Impudent!" "I didn't moan to bo, you know. Truly, MIbb " "Don't say you didn't know. You knew, you wcro adding thoso lines didn't youT lmpudent7 Why, It's far worse. I don't know how you can excuso yourself." "Tho only excuso I havo Is that I'm also a pool." "I came out horo to wrlto a poem on grief," said MIeb Dora, as she stopped back n paco, "and you como along and mako fun of It "But I didn't think I did so vory badly," ho defended, ns ho reached for tho sheet In her hand. "Let mo rend tho verses aloud nnd boo If tho rhymes and tho sentiment nro not maintained." In a well toned volco he started out and finished tho first verso, but bo foro ho could begin tbo second, the girl stopped him with tho Ingenuous quory: "Do you really and truly think that Is poetry?" "No, I really and truly don't," he laughed. "I wbb sad when I wroto my part "And I was In n hurry to get nwny when I wroto mlno. I think you nro Miss Hnrben. I am Mr. Arthur Wnyno. Tho family Uvea on tho hill a m"0 W' .ana httV0 bcon .truv.01. ,nK "nu JUBl Bl nnd homo. As for poetry " "Yes?" "I think wo nro both poets, but we can't wrlto poetry!" But thoy both proved to bo good tamers, wnicn is mo nexi uobi ming, and young Mr. Wnyno called, nnd they tnlkcd nnd talked, nnd tho moro -hoy tnlkcd the moro interested they became, nnd at the prcBont Juncture thoy aro hnppily looking forward to H trip that mny extend around ' tho He Just Told Her to Stop Talking Lady Sybil Smith, ono of England's militant -suffragettes, obeyed tho first command, pf mnn as soon ns sho set her foot ashore from tho Lusltanlu tho other morning. Sho Is young and hand Bomo, nnd hnd begun to toll what her plans woro for her stay In Amor lea as the guest of J. I'lerpont Mor gan, Jr., whon her husband, Vivien Smith, who lacked n militant air, stepped up and told her ladyship not to tnlk too much. Tho Englishwoman hnd hnd tlmo to sny that she had not planned tho pn rado of women In London for Juno 1", although sho Intends to return In tlmo to take nnrt In It. She said Bho would iiko to moot Mrs. Belmont, hut sho l going to Canada nnd Vnhcouvor, and tncn rjght back to London. Now York American. Even Obvious, A Marshall negro wbb locked up tho othor day for vagrancy. When his case camo up hla lawyer put on tho tMd a 400 pound washerwoman, who W8B BUOWn lO OO w "Qcntleraen, earn tno attorney, "can anyone look on tho wlfo of this defendant and say that he Is without Ul v The Jury thought not Saline Coun- ly (Mo.) News. The fashion pago attracts tho eyes Of nil tho laaicM rnir; Who knows what luring fancies rise At what Is ftlctured thereT The lady who Is skin and bone, Tho lady who Is fat Knch thinks about herself alone And smiles: "I'll look HKo tnau- Tho sylphllke waist, tho lUsomo shape Appeals to iter wno s piump; Tho Kanaly ono thinks they can drape Her till she's less u rrump. tone, lan; short, stout-all think tb same And In their mental chat Enrh lets hCr fancy flash to flamo With: "I will look llko maw Ah, woll, Rood brother, you and I Look nt the fashions, too You may he more than six feet high And slender to'tho view, I may bo short and round, but we Observe tho tailors piai And say: "That style will do for me. Twill mako mo look like that" I sometimes wonder if on earth Thoro Is a living one Of such a perfect shape and girth But when all's said and done It Blmmers down to this same thins Of shoes nnd clothes and hat: Each of us gives his fancy wing With: "I will look llko thatl" Kindness Thwarted Again. Tho man with the tromulouB Bide whiskers and tho stately silk hat stopped at tho edge pf the excavation and said to tho hunky laborer -who was Kbout to push tho wheolbarrow: "Ah, my friondl It is Bplendld to contemplato the Influence that your bono and sinew, will havo In tho con structive perfection or tho Btructuro that will arise here, and" "One sidol" grunted tho laborer, going ahead with tho -wheelbarrow. Tho man turned to another laborer who wan about to descend Into the ex cavation and "who hnd a pick on his Bhouldor. "Tho personification of energy!" ha smiled, tugging at his right Bldewhis kor. "Energy! In the days to como our chlldron'a children will gaze upon tho mighty cdlflco that shall stand here, nnd thoy will see the concrete result of tho Inspiration bf labor, which" "Qnngwny!" Bhoutcd another man with a wheelbarrow, and tho man with tho pick, having lighted hlB pipe Bturtod down the ladder, turning so that hlR pick knockod oft the silk hat of tho enthusiastic man. As the latter stooped to pick up his hat ha wna bumped by a whoolbarrow, and .when ho flnully assembled himself ho was being supported by tho crossing pollcomnti, who hold tho wreck of tho hat in his free hand. , "Hn-n-a-al" Bhouted tho kindly mnn "Coarso, unfeeling, unthinking! I nt tempt to show them tho higher side of llfo, to awaked in them tho " "Run on. now," said tho officer. "It's enrly in th' day for you to get Btewcd this way, Btr." So tho man went to his office and dictated a complaint against tho offi cer, whoso number ho had forgotten to take A Tense Tragedy. Ho clnBped her waist With a Blgh tho beauteous girt loolo ed Into his eyes. "Please!" sho whispered. "No!" ho muttered. She bent forward until hqr soft halt brushed his face. Still ho grasped her waist. Sho pleaded with him to loosen hit claBp, but ho was obdurato, Suddenly her eyes flashed with th flro of wrath, Sho glared at him with tlo boraerk) or rngo that slumbers lh tho soul oi all women. Daunted to Bomo extent ho rotrent cd slightly, but tenaciously kept hit hold on her waist. "I command you!" Bho cried. "Command nothlngl" ho answered "I got my orders that I ain't to lcl you havo this waist till youpay th $10 C, O. D., and I guess I know mj business." Thon with a soft shudder, she du& up tbo money and got her waist. A Business Question. FJrBt Stock Promoter Yes, skinned this Hon myself. Second Stock Promoter How man) shares did you sell him? J