MANY EXCELLENT QUALITIES PORTABLE COLONY HOUSE IS OF PURE-BRED JERSEY COW ducks. RAPIDLY BECOMING POPULAR That weod right in tho hill is your worst enemy. Reasons for Claim That Animal Is Superior to All Others Principally Used Scattered About Farm Without Yards Tho fnrmor is not much different Is Her Ability to Prodaco Butter and Chccso Eco nomically and Records Mado In Many Tests Gives liar Reputation That Is Indisputable. , Chickens Being Given Free Range During Summer During Winter Houses May be Broughiv ' Nearer Farm Buildings Fresh Air Is Essential. from anybody elso. Homo-grown plants aro much su perior to bought plants. Ulro what mon you neod early. It is very difficult to tell tho ago of 7h You want a quick fertilizer for po tatoes, Tho applo trco borer. U a trouble eotno worm. Oct ready tho lamb creep so they can got a good start. Wood1 charcoal should always bo kopt In tho hog pen. A small threshing outfit on tho nv erago farm will not pay. s Let tho grass got n good start bo foro turning tho stock on It. Tho las of May is plenty early enough to turn tho calf out on grass. Working out buttermilk and work ing In Bait Is whoro tho overworking is dono. The borer is tho most common and it is tho most troublosomo enemy of tho poach. It la a good plan to liavo tho horses and cows cloan up tholr mangers aft er each food. Havo grass paddock for tho calves bo they can graze at will and havo tho exerclsb they need. A farm raisod cow is much superior In most ovory respect to tho ono bought at tho cattlo yards. Don't forgot tho llttlo ducks In caso of a shower, for If you do ono will bo apt to havo dead ducks. Belgian or yellow carrots aro hardy, mako largo root growth and aro tho best roots for horses and colts. Tho most inhuman measures are often omployed for "breaking up" hens that nature prompts to set when their owners don't want them to. Grading of cream is receiving moro .attention by tho dairy press and dairy men than it possibly ever Ijas in tho nlstory of tho dairy business. In squabs the flesh Is whitish, as seen through the skin, but in a yenr old bird it takes on a light purplo shado and grows darkor with ago. Trim the young treo in tho orchard right from tho start Low-headed trees aro best; thero-foro, prune from tho top down and not from tho bottom up. u has noon snown repeatedly on demonstration farms that disking be foro plowing is ono of the most paying operations in tho preparation of a seed bed. vVhon tho calf is two weeks old mix ono teasnoonful of linseed meal and oiio teaspoonful of flour mid dlings, which should bo thoroughly scalded in each feod. Seeds of cauliflower, cabbage, let tuco, celery and tomatoeB, sown in tho cold frame about tho middlo of Jthls month will furnish good, stocky plants lor tho principal early summer crop, Tho litters of a gilt, which is tho first littor of a sow, aro usually smaller and slower in growth than when tho dam is of moro mature ago, hence much profit must not bo ex pected. Cold frame plants aro often bettor ,than plants raised in tho hotbed, as they aro stouter, thick stemmed and havo moro flno fibrous roots and aro less liable to wilt when set out in tho open ground. Whoro prices are too low to feed young pigs for porkors, it Is hotter to sell them for sucking pigs, although this plan Is seldom resorted to owing to the better prices which are obtain able for the former. August is nono too early to decide which plants shall bo taken into the window garden and their treatmont from tho time of the decision should bo such us will ilt them to mako a lino display during tho winter, rather than get tho finest prcsont showing. In tho nowor mothods adppted In some of tho largest dairies tho milk is not touched by tho hands of tho workers from tho timo tho cows aro automatically milked with a maehlno to tho tlmo tho fluid is placed in bot tles ready for delivery. In tho flower garden bow sweet peas outdoors just as oarly as possible, It is important to get them in early, becauso the moro growth mado In cool weathor, tho moro flowers thoro will be. Thoso from lato-plantod seeds aro not nearly so successful. Cattlo will never do well Jn the samo pasturo wlth sheep. Land Intended for enrlntr crops Bhould bo plowed in tho fall. Havo tho holes for tho trees to bo removed dug wido and deep. Squab raising seems to bo a fa vorite occupation with suburban peo ple. . Largo trees should bo taken- up when tho earth is frozen around tho root3. ' A farmer can toll tho valuo of corn stover without making any sorlous mistake. Land intendod for roots should bo plowed as scon as tho ground is dry enough to work. Mix poultry droppings with an oqual quantity of flno earth, and put ono handful to tho hill. As soon as tho calf learns to e'at hay, placo ono handful of whole oats In tho food box onco a day. " A beautiful hedge Is mado by using zinnias In tho back row, thon calllop bIh with white phlox as a border. Mangles and sugar boots aro tho host rdots to grow for cattlo, shoop and pigs, and Belgian carrots for horses. Asters can bo planted in rows of whito and lavender, with very pleasing results, provided tho oamo kind is used in each row. Young turkoyB usually havo black feet, which after two years turn grny and dull, nnd becomo paler and moro sickly ns ago advances.' Surplus suckers In blackberry or red raspborry patches should bo treat ed Just like weeds; don't lot tho rows got too Wido nor too thick. Hons in good health having access to tho dust bath will usually keep freo from lice. Tho house should bo swept clean every morning. In most all branches of business competition is generally recognlzod as a groat stimulant, but In tho creamory . i ' . , uusiuess n iiua ucun overuono. Tho, storekeeper who keeps eggs In his cellar from n week to a month needs to bo looked after; Eggs should bo shipped along as fast as' possible'. Lot tho calk suck tho cow ,a fow days; this milk is not fit for human feed and is what tho calf needs to cleanse tho bowels and tone up tho system. It la saldu . that naval oranges sprung from a single tree that was found growing on tho northern shore of the Mediterranean sea, nearly' 350 years ago. In dipping pigs groat care must bo oxerclsod to cover every part of his body from tail to snout. If a patch as big as a thumb nail is left untouched It may contain tho nuclus of a now crop. Look well after tho water. Keep It always before . tho fowls, pure nnd cloan, and ronow It froquontly, Do not allow thorn to oat snow. Do not let them drink water grown topid In the Bun. Moro insects will bo killed in a greenhouse if fumigating apparatus bo placed near tho roof bo that tho fumes will descend, rising , vapors leaving tho lower part of a houso par tlally fumigated. In careful tests mado at tho sovoral stations it Is found that there la llttlo or no difference in the feeding valuo of tho dry matter of roots and ensi lage and tho gonoral opinion is in fayor of the allago. Honey is tho purest and tho least harmful of sweets. Tho honey crop Is mostly gain, for no flowers need noccssarlly bo raised to pasture tho boos. They aid in tho fertilization of fruit trees and tho smaller clovers. Hog cholera Is estimated to havo been tho causo of Iobbbs of over $2,. 000,000 to farmers of Illinois, but In tho future this loss will be greatly low ored, It Is firmly believed, now that Borum 2b being manufactured and imod extensively, says the Swtno Breeder. - By far tho best way to uso manuro for grain is to Bproad and mix it with the aoll before drilling; tho best way to top-dress the grain early In tho fall, and tho third best during tho win ter, when ground Is dry enough to haul over. Clay Is called a hoavy soil and sand a light soil. This 'does not refer to weight, howoVor. Light nnd heavy as applied to soils aro terms which refer to thn caso or difficulty with which they can be plowed or cultivated. Prize Winning After a lifetime spont In learning tho business of kcoplng cown I do not hosltato to say to tho young man roared on a farm: "Farm; and If you farm, keep stock; and If you keop stock, keep cows; and If -you keep cows, keop Jersey cows," writes II. S, Chapman In tho Breeder's Gazette. Of course, I ndd to this, "If you keop Jersey cows, keep registered Jorsoy cows. My reasons for maintaining that tho Jorsoy cow is suporior to all others as a butter cow aro as fol lows: Her ability to produce butter and :hecso economically stands undisput ed. Her record in many public tests, Including tho Chicago, St. Louis and Portland expositions, has gtven her tho reputation, cnviablo and indisput able, of being tho world's greatest but ter cow. Tho extra slzo of tho fat globules in Jorsey milk renders tho buttor of superior grain nnd firmness and moro easily separated from tho cream. Tho Jersey cow haB tho function of assimilation developed to a greator degrco than any other breed. Sho la a high-grade specialist as a feeder. Sho will glvo profltablo roturns from a ration so rich (concentrated) that other cows can not nsslmllato It. It Is this ability to stand force-feeding that has brought tho Jersey out ahead in bo many public tests. This is a merit of tho Jersey that can profitably bo taken advantage of in a working dairy herd. In tho herd in which tho rais ing of stock is tho primary" considera tion I would keep a little closor to na ture, oven at tho risk of surrendering to some extent tho morltorlous quali ties that artificial conditions havo pro duced. Superiority In numbers makes tho Jersey a moro practical animal than her rivals. Tho animal that naturally Is matched against tho Jersey Is tho Guernsey. Thq Guernsoy has her good points and doubtless merits tho friends sho has won. If you llko Guernseys better than Jerseys, that may bo a reason why you may succeed bettor with them. I am frank to ad mit that my personal preferenco for Jerseys doubtless has been a factor in my success with JerBoys. But Betting asldo personal likes and dlsllkcB, It is far easier for tho beginner to start with Jersoys, because bo many moro bulls of that breed aro kopt than of Guernseys. Consequently, thoro Ib far less oxcuso for inbreeding, and the breeder easily can find tho bloodlines that ho needs In his herd without tho expenso of frequently buying a bull. Another point In favor of tho Jorsoy cow Is her medium-small sizo. Ex periments havo proved that It rc quires about 2 pounds of balanced VESTIBULE IN THE HOG HOUSE ft An Iowa Hubscrlbor, Mr. Horaco Carter, sonds tho following suggestion to tho Homestead, which Involves tho uso of a vestibule in a hog house In cold weathor. "Many hog houses aro mado very cold in winter through hav ing a door left open for the hogs to go in and out and oven la case a swing door is usod tho wind will blow through. All draft is shut off by moans of a vestlbulo constructed as follows: Placo a small shod 3x5 feet In front of tho door to tho hog houso. This can easily be removed la warm Jersey Cow. ration por day to sustain each 10Q pounds of an animal's llvo wolght;; tho dairy products and gain In llvo woight aro mado from what feod can ho assimilatod In excess of tho sua; talnlng rntlon. Then If tho 000-pound, cow will produce nB much dairy prod uct In 10 years as will tho 1,400-pound cow, enn wo afford to carry this extra! 500 pounds of llvo wolght for a term of 10 years at a cost of 36,600 pounds of feed, Just for tho extra C00 pounds of poor beef wo would havo at tho end of that time?' Just tho item of extra cost of barn room for tho larger ani mal for tho 10 years would overbal ance tho valuo of tho extra amount of beef. However, If thoro is such a thing as a practical dual-purposo cow it is to bo found in somo of tho fam ilies of largo Jerseys. Tho popular demand for largo cowa made It necessary for mo to carry a family of largo Jerocys during the last 20 years. This family of cows welghod from 1,200 to 1,300 pounds each, but in our families of Bmallor cowb wo had a far greator proportion that would mako 2 pounds of buttor por day, and they would do it on less feed. Last but not least in this brief sum ming up of tho most salient excellen cies of tho Jersey, I placo her beauty, No other member of tho wholo bovine family can for a moment comparo with her. Sho Is tho prettiest cow thero 1b. Her prominent oyo and ox- prcsslvo countenance, togothor with hor alert, drcss-pnrado attitude, win for her tho admiration of all lovors of tho beautiful. Hor capabilities in point of looks aro so great that it real ly has to bo admitted that in'Bomo families beauty has been cultivated at tho expense of cither and moro lm portant characteristics. The Care of Lambs. At eight to ten days of ago lambs will begin to cat. At that tlmo n creep Bhould bo built which will givo them access to a feed box containing grain and a trough with hay.' Box, trough and feed should always be kept sweet and clean. A good grain ration for lambs la mado as follows: Mix one-third part of ollmeal with ono part each of bran, oats and flno cornmeal. Red alfalfa hay or tho second cutting of alfalfa hay aro tho most doslrablo form of roughage. Of tho two alfalfa Ib to bo much preferred. It 1b a Good idea to keop up the grain feed right along until tho lambs aro sent to market. By bo doing tho lambs aro kept fat all tho time and aro ready to bo turned Into ensh on short notice should the market tako a sudden rise. weathor and used for several wintora Tho doors aro made of old carpets or burlap or any old cloth bnndy with a strip of wood on tho bottom to keop it straight. Hogs will very readily loam to pass through them. In teaching them pin ono side of tho curtain up leaving a small holo, and after awhllo tbo curtain can bo let down entirely and they will go through Just tho oamo. The curtains may bo mado to serve two purposes by keeping them saturated with coal oil or aome dip for lice. mm Tho colony houso is becoming very popular with tho poultrymcn of to day, cither exclusively or used In con junction with tho ordinary stylo poul try house. Tho colony houso, as tho namo im plies, Is principally usod scattered about tho farm without yards, tho chickens boing given freo tango dur ing tho summer. in tho winter and spring tho houses nro brought nearer tho farm buildings and used with yards us brood coops or brooding pona, writes E. P, Barry in tho Town nnd Country Journal. Tho portablo colony houso is Jised quite extensively by tho villager, and for raising chickens or keeping a family flock on tho rear of a city lot they cannot bo excelled, especially when tho tenant is a renter, as they may bo knocked down nnd moved as readily as any of tho houso furniture. Tho cssoutlnl requirements of a chicken houso nro plenty of light, frcBh air, proper ventilation, and that it should bo vermin proof. Anything short of thoso primary requirements will result In loss. The building of makeshift coops In ordo'r to savo a dollar Is fnlno economy. As the deep litter method of feeding Is very deslrnble, especially In stormy weather nnd during tho winter- tho -r- sr-s r An Ideal Portable houso Bhould bo light bo tho chickons con easily boo to scratch for grain ocattorod In tho littor. Fresh air chicken houses nro being rocognlzod as tho best for uso in any cllmato and tho expert poultrymcn of today havolong Blnco dono away with artificially heated housoo, no attempt bolng mado to ralso tho tomporaturo oxcoptlng In very cold clImnteB whero a curtuln is somotlmos usod in front of tho roosting room. Open front scratching shed coopa nro tho ordor of tho day. Propor voutllatlon Is practically as sured with an opon front houso shield ed, in stormy weather, by muslin curtains. Tho closed houso with ventilating fluo or cupola on tho rpof are ornamental death traps of tho past. Thoy did glvo n flnlshod nlr to tho building from un architectural point of vlow but thoy wore tho causo of bad colds which ofton dovoloped into croup, Any poultry houso should bo suffi ciently weatherproof to keep out rain and snow nnd protoct tho fowl from bad windstorms. Tho building Bhould bo provided with a dry floor whothor it bo of boards or dirt. Protection must bo given tho poul try from all kinds of cnomlcs such as rata, Bkunks, coons, cats, dogs and hawks, or tho loss at times Is some thing appalling. It Is not an uncom mon occurrence to hnvo a wholo ilock of small chickens slaughtered during ono night's rnld from a rat or skunk. It Is vory annoying to hnvo flno plump chickens up to tho broiler ago plckod off by a cat or hawk ono nt a tlmo until tho flock hns dwindled to almost half Its slzo originally. For thla reason wo bollovo it will pay to build houses Hint will lnsuro protection against troubles which so GERMAN FARMERS AT LABOR r - ' ' The Illustration glveu herewith shown tho laborers at work on ono of tho largest farms in thp eastern part of Germany, These laborers "setzen elne Dlote," harvest tho corn, then put It In a hugo pile, as shown, so that it being all tight together, the corn can't fell out, and it is secure from rain. often thronten chickons cooped la mako shift buildings. Tho nccompnnying drnwing fully illustrates a colony houso that is proof against any of tho mishaps wo havo mcutioncdi providing, however, tho closed yard pan in adopted in stead of freo rango. Wo havo had excellent success with this method, in two instances raising every chick, to tho broiler ago, plncod in tho coop, without accident. In ono caso thero wer6"T0 chickB in n 3xCfoot coop, with a 3xG-foot yard; in tho other 79 chicks In a 4x9-f.qot coop with a 4x6 foot ynrd. Of material and workmanship to bo used in tho construction of tho colony house heroin described! Floor Joist or frame, to be 2x3 inches of redwood or cedar. Floor: To bo of well-seasonod tonguod nnd grooved plno, surfaced, secret nailed. Exterior Covorlng: To bo of matched, tongucd and grooved boards 1x4 Inchon, surfaced two sides and welt aonsnnod; to be well nailed to top and bottom cleats 1x4 inches stir-; faced. If portablo to bo fastened at four cornera Inatdo with stroug hooka and eyes. Roof: To bo covered with any good roofing material or tin, well painted. Da t l .Tars i n ,w ,t-rl I It Colony House. roof to project nt loast four inches and it portablo to bo fastened at four cornera lnsldo with strong hooks nnd oyos, Sash: "Will bo of dry sugar pine, woll milled, to be doublo hung whoro shown with plaited saBh cord, with Iron weights and pulleys, to bo not loss' than ono Inch thick. If glazed, glass to bo 21 ounces. If covored with muslin and one-half Inch mesh wlro ns shown In plan, same to bo well tacked with odgoa covorod by neat cleats countorsunk. Doors: Will not be loss than ono Inch thick coverod with muslin nnd ono-hnlf inch rnosh wlro cloth as shown in tho plan, same to be well tacked with edges covored by neat blent countersunk samo as sash, to be hung with sultablo hinges and fas toned with barrol bolt or iron bottom. Transom door to hlngo from top and bo fitted with regular transom lift; Each end of houso to bo furnished with a drop door whero shown to bo oporntod with a cord at a point where shown in plan and fitted with proper whool pulleys, cord to bo fastened whoro shown to a sultablo hook, Royal Stock Show. At tho last Royal Stock show, of, England, tho cntlro 2,000 head of stock entered woro Judged tho first day, JD0, 000 was given in cash premiums and tho attendance was 52,000 people in a stnglo day. At theso shows no horso racos or sldo attractions of any kind aro permitted. Farms of United States. It is estimated that tho farms of tho United States with all, thoy con tain In tho way of livestock and im provements aro worth about $30,000, 000. From tho wagon ono man hands the corn to tho other; they form shelves' on tho pilo, when ono sholf or horizon tal shoet Is compact another is formed, etc., until the pllo la quite high. ' The laborers tako pride la making these compact piles, which rsia nor atoms nan easily destroy.