The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 30, 1911, Image 8

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    Semi - Weekly Tribune
Ira L, Bare, Editor aod Pablisher.
Ono Year by Mall in ftdvunco $1.25
Ono Year by Carrier in advance. $1.G0
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post
office ai Second" CImi Matter.
TUESDAY, MAY 30. 1011.
Announcement! .
I hereby announce myelf us a can
didate for tho republican nomination
for county treasurer, subject to th
decision it tho voters of tho Primary
Election August 15th, 1911. I will fully
npprocioto the support of republicans.
C. II. Walter.
1 respectfully unnounco that 1 am a
candidate for the republican nomina
tion for county treasurer, subject to
tho decision of tho rotors nt tho pri
mary election August 15th. Support
given me will be appreciated,
Aluert N. Durmn.
I heroby announce my candidacy for
the republican nomination for county
treasurer, subject to the decision of the
republican primary August 16th. I will
appreciate tho support of republicans
on thot day Frank Murray.
Fellow citizonn oc Lincoln county:
1 horebv announce myself a candidate
for county treasurer nnd respectfully
solicit your support at tho polls. If
elected I will endeavor to do my duty
in such a way as to meet tho approval
of tho ncoDlc.
liLZZT WalterB. McNeel.
I announce myself as n candiduto for
unarm, subject to tuo decision or trio
voters at the primary election to be
held Aueust 15th. 1011. and respectfully
ask tho support of republicans at that
A. J. Saljbhuuy.
I hereby announco myself as a can
dlduto for the republican nomination
for Bheriif, subject to th decision of
the voters at tho primary election on
Antrum 15th, and respectfully solicits
your support.
I hereby announce mvself as a candl
date for tho Democratic nomination for
Shorlff. subject to tho decision of the
voters at tbo primary election en August
loth anu respecttuny solicit your
support. U. U. MCUKE.
I hureby unnounco my candidacy for
tho nomination of County Clerk sub
jct to the decision of the republican
arty at the primary.
Wm. Ottkn.
1 hereby nnaounee myself a candidate
let County Clerk subject to the decision
at the Republican Toters at tho pri
mary election to be held Tuesday,
AtytastlS, 1011, and respectfully solicit
year wppert, C. William Yost.
I announco mynelf a candldato for re
nomination for Clerk of District Court,
subject to tha will of the republican
votcrn at the primary election to bo
held Tuesday, August 15th, 1011, nnd I
assur yon that your support will bo
grantly appreciated.
Geo. E, Prosper.
I hereby announce myself as a cnndl
data for the republican nomination for
County Judge, subject to the decision
of the votftrn at tho primary olectlon nn
August, loth, and rcxpctfully solicit
your support. M. E, CitosiiY.
I heroby announce myself ns a candl
duto for the ronubllcan nomination for
countv commlasloner from tho Third
district, subject to the decision of vatorH
at tho primary olectlon. You support n
solicited. J. VV. AUHOTT.
Ilershoy, Neb.
Tho Trlbuno sees no ovldunco of
local activity In tho proposition to
build a read way from Omaha to Den
ver, und it suggests that some interest
be displayed. It is truo that of all
tha counties through which this rlver-to
mountain road will pass nono aro so big
as Lincoln county, and none other than
Keith nnd Deuol nro so sparsely sot
tied, This road, from tho oast to the
west line of Lincoln county, taking into
consideration its more or Iobu elg-xag
courmi, will bo fully sixty miles long.
VTo build a first class road for such
distance Is a financial Impossibility, but
It is not bpyond tho possible to greatly
Improve the accepted main road run
nlng east and west through tho county
Unless nil tho counties tulce nn Interest
In'.thln highway, tho pfojwultlon might
ajpwoll be dropped.
Adtlitienal Announcements.
Thrco additional political unnounco
mentu lippcut' in thin Ittuuo, tlioHo o
, Geo, E. ProBBor, candiduto for clerk of
the district court nomination, M. E
Crosby, who aspirca for tho nomination
for county judge, and C. C. McGuu, of
Sutherland, who wunta tho democratic
nomination for shoritl .
Mr. Prossor is so well known In Lin
t coin county that ho needs little, if any
introduction at our hands. For aquurtor
of tt century he lias Hvudvrlth us, filling
position of trust with credit to himself.
As clerk of the district court helms mudo
an efficient officer; none could do tho
work moro satisfactory than ho has, and
few would do It as well,
M . E. Crosby, who ttcoka tho repub
lican nomination for county judge, is u
young attorney who located In North
Platto a couple of youru ugo, having'
previously lived at Sutherland since
AWhood. Htn granted from the lawl
dlfWHmtirit of tho stato unvortUy
with high credit, and his ability in tbo
legal work has been demonstrated since
his admission to practice in tho courts
of this county. Ho is a man of ex
cellent character nnd during his res-j
idonco here has made many friends.
Mr. Crosby, will make a strong can
C. C. McGoo, who aska for tho dem
ocratic nomination for sheriff, Is a
hustling young man whoso present
homo is in Sutherland. He has lived in
tho county for a number of years, and for
quite a whilo past has engaged in buy
ing nnd shipping horses, and in pursuing
this business has made a largo number
of acquaintances and friends. If thodem
crnts want to nominate a man who will
make a whirlwind campaign, they will
do well to consldor Mr. McGco.
Mrs. Singer Wants a Divorce.
Mrs. Honora Singer, a former North
Platto resident has begun a suit at
Pueblo, Col., for n divorce from her
husband, Amos P. Singer. Tho plaintiff
alleges cruelty, neglect and failure to
3tipport slnco May, 1008. They were
married May 4th, 1880, nt North Platte,
Ncbr., and huvo four children, two of
whom ore minors. Mrs. Singer asks
for temporary alimony in tha sum of
$50 per month, $100 attorney 'b fee, per
manent alimony in u sum not to oxeced
$50 per month, and tho custody of the
minor child, Dorothy Singer.
Brady State Bank Sold.
A change was mado in tho ownership
of tho Drudy State Bank Saturday
when tha vurious stockholders in that
institution sold their stock to C. M.
Trotter, S. L. Burson, R. F. Davis
und W. C. Davis.
Tho following bonrd of directors wero
elected: S. L. Burson, W. C. Davis,
M. Trotter, R. F. Davis, C. M. Trotter,
and tho bank will bo officered in the
futuro as follows; C. M. Trotter, pres
ident; S. L. Bunion, vicepresident; R.
F. Davis, cushion M. Trotter, assis
tant :nhlfr. '
R. F. Davis, tho cashier, is a
brother-in-law of Mr. Trottor and for
the past six years has been -connected
with tho Citizens Stnto Bank, of Oak
land, Iowa, whoro ho has grown up from
boyhood. Brady Vindicator.
Will Begin Construction in June.
Tho Union Pacific has begun tho
actlvo campaign for tho clinching of
right of wuy from Callaway to Gandy
and a party of employes of thn rood
eft Kearney Friday morning for Calla-
wuy to begin at once tho making of
contracts with owners of land. Blank
contracts wero taken by the men and
an effort will bo mado to socuro ail
nocoasar right of way so that the con
struction of tho road can bo Btartcd
without unduo delay.
"Wo nro trying to buy rightof way,"
said n local Union Facile official today,
"and wo are going to buy It." It is gon
orally understood that the people at
Callaway and along tho lino have asked
tho Union Pacific to tnko chargo, to
fioeuro right of way and start tho con
structlon work. It io probablo that
construction will begin tho first of
Juno." Kearney Hub.
For Sale.
Full block ndjolnlng city; contains 12
lota. Lots n short distance away soli
ng for $300 nnd $100. Thrco similar
blockn in this vicinity sold this spring
for $900 and $8G0. Will bcII this block,
also a throo room houso, good barn,
chicken houso, sheds, somo fence,
buildings to bo moved from present
location for $800. Phono 57-1 or see
O. E. Eldor.
Tho first cuue of conviction for illegal
una of waterundorthc municipal owner
ship syBtcm was tried in police court
Saturday morning and Barclay Fawcot,
of Twenty-third and Avenue G, was
fined five dollars and costs. Ho had al
lowed his water to run through un open
I1030 batween the hours of three and
four in tho af tornoon, contrary to tho
city ordinances. Kearney Hub.
It Sartlted The World.
when tho astounding claims wore flrbt
mudo for Bucklen's Arnica. Salve, but
forty years of wonderful cure? hnv 0
proved them true, and everywhere it is
now known ns the best salve on earth
for Burns, Bolls, Scalds, Sores, Cute
Bruises, Sprains, Swellings, Eczemu,
Chapped hands, Fever Sores and Piles.
Only 25c at Stone Drug Co.
Take a Peek
at Miss Rose Bud.
Isn t sho pretty in
her graduating
gown? Really you
arc, Miss R. Bud,
and we want you to
call as you aro ant
Have Us
Every girl In your
turS n 11 5 don't
!1 TI !
Rv .v ffi; iS, r
4 Hows Cut
to CklifomiaL.
New schedule for the San Francisco Overland
Limited, in effect Monday, May 29, saves half
a business day between Missouri River points
'and San Francisco.
This record-breaking time is made possible
by the short line, double track, few curves and
low grades of the
Protected by Electric Block Signals
Excellent Dining Cars.
Ninety pound steel rails and a Sherman
ballasted roadbed, smooth and solid as a rock,
further contribute to speed,
essentials of travel comfort.
The San Francisco Overland Limited is the
finest train in service to California and now
the fastest.
For fares, reservations and all information call on or address
F. E. BUIiLARD, Agent,
North Platte, Nebraska.
Complimentary to Mr. Durbin,
It may seon a little early for candi
dates for county offices to appear in tho
field for tho primaries that occur in
August, but tho announcements are
coming out all round and it is weJJ
enough that tho voters should know
Borne time In advance who arc to
bo tho candidates for the various offices,
and the Winner takes pleasure in call
ing attention to the announcement of
Mr. Albert N. Durbin, olsowhero in
this paper, for tho office of County
Trensurer. Mr. Durbin is so well known
to tho peoplo of this part of Lincoln
county aa to scarcely need n word of
introduction from tho Winner as ho
grew up here from childhood, taught
school In this vicinity for a number of
years, owns a farm hero and has al
ways been identified with the interests
of this part of tho county. He is tho
present efficlentdoputy county treasurer
la throughly conversant witlt tho duties
of tho offico. Ho will bo a strong can
dldato for tho position nnfl as far as we
can learn will receivo tho undivided
Bunnort of tho people of this part of
county. Wellfleot Winner.
A Burglar's Awful Deed
may not paralyze a home bo long as a
mother's long illness. But Dr. King's
New Lifo Pills aro a splendid remedy for
women. "Tlioy gavo mo wonuonui
benefit in constipation nnd femalo
troublo," wroto Mrs. M. C. Duniap, of
Loudlll. Tonn. If ailing try thorn. 25
cents nt Sldno Drug Co.
Brady Vindicator Items.
E. A. Gnrlisch, of North Platte, has
been employed by tho Brady school
Board, as tho instructor in music for
the 'omlng term of public school, Mr.
Garlisch was a visitor in tho city Wed
Ellsworth, the 7-yoar old son of J.
II. Johnson, south of town was kicked
by n horso Monday ovening. Dr.
Fetter was called and tho wound sowed
up and tho little fellow is getting along
T. N. Morgan, a travoling salesman
had both of his ankles sprained by an
accident on n freight trnin in tho local
yards yesterday. Dr. Fottor dressed
the sprains and sont the patient to tho
hospital nt North Platte.
Give Them Help and Many North
Platte People Will be Happier.
"Throw out the Lifo Line"
The kidneys need help.
They're overworked can't get tho
poison filtered out of the blood.
They're getting worse evory minute.
Will you help them?
Doan's Kidney Pills have brought
thousands of kidney sufferers back from
the verge of despair.
Will euro any form of kidney troublo.
Mrs. C. K. Smith, Elsie, Nebr.,soyu:
"For about five years I endured great
agony from kidney disease I could not
rest well, felt weak ana Urea nnd was
fTn ? a 8p?ts
thouRht 1 WM 5,ns ,0 8mother- M
,imb3 8We,led nnd 1 became bo lomoi
1 lImt 1 cou,d h8n"y Rot nround-Thanks i
it0 Doan'a Kidny PilU' 1 am frC0 from i
; nil these troubles. This remedy did such
good work Uat I consider it worthy my !
endorsement." I
For Salo by all dealers. Price 50 cents. 1
Fo9tor-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, New York, '
boIo agent for the United States. I
Remember the name Doan's and
talta no other.
From the Time
These are the
For soroness of the muscles whether
induced by violent exercise or injury,
Chamberlain's Liniment is excellent.
This liniment is also highly esteemed
for tho relief it affords in cases of rheu
matism. Sold by all dealers.
Save Your Suits.
Wouldn't you like to wenr that per
fectly good last spring's suit again?
And wouldn't you wenr it if you could
shorten tho jacket to conform to tho
present style. If voii haven't tho time
to do it, or if you don't know how, just
scnu it to us. wo nro doing a great
deal of this kind of work this snrinrr. us
well as cleaning, dyeing, pressing nnd
adding now collars and cuffs. A few
such chnnges will improve your old
suit so that you will actually enjoy
Tho French Dty Cleaning and Press
ing riacc.
A. SIGEL, The Little Tailor.
223 E. 6th St. Phone 182
Surgeon, Physician, Consultant.
Offico Physicians nnd Surgeons Hospitn
rhones: Offico 642, Residence 6-14.
Parties wishing
50c per 100 lbs.
Phone 05
Go to
Furniture Repairing
and Cabinet Work
Also Wood Turning, Picture Framing
Room Moulding, and Window
Screens a Specialty.
Shop 107 East Fifth.
Siiailca, SinilibHs, Curantnt
A like reiaedy will cure a like
disease as a remedy which has
tho same symptoms, or produces
the sarno in the well, will euro
those in the sick, and with na
ture's help will euro quicker than
any other, and with less expense
to the human economy. This
system of medicine has at its
command anything in tho realm
of cure, such as electricity in any
form, the Vibrator. Massage,
Ilyrotheiafentics. Therefore the
correctness of choosing this line
of treatment, rather than whims
with n Binglo borrowed iden.
For out of town patients nnd all
those Interested: rooms furnished
when desired, for confinement,
medical and the necessary surgi
cal cases. Trained nurses in
Dr. J. S. Twinem,
Medical and Surgical Prncticioncr
4 ifrvi1PS44'lP4'
Physician and Surgeon,
Ofllco over McDonald Bank.
3 pi,nna ) Office 130
J Phones Regldonco 115
Physician and Surgeon.
Day and night calls promptly answered
Ulllce v. b. Hospital, rnone t4Z.
Physician, Surgeon, Optician.
District Surgeon U. P. R. R.
IIehsiiey, Nebraska.
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon
opeciai auunuon given to connnu-
. .. - .. .1 ...M.l ..... .11..
Ofllco Phono 18.1 Res. Phono 283
Ofllco McDonald Stato Ilank llld'g
J ." k'.''k. U... .
A Dhvclrlnnc nnrl Ciirnnnnc v
Omen nvnr Stnnn Dnm C.n. ;
8 Phonos I Office 273
M rhonos' f Residence 273
ar avvivtf
Merchant Tailor.
We hav recently installed a French
Dry Cleaner for Men's and Ladies'
apparel 01 all classess, anu we
guarantee satisfactory work. We
are also tailors and know how to
repair clothes.
We carry samples of goods and
make clothes of all kinds to order,
insuring first-class workmanship
and perfect lit..
Notice to Horsemen.
Tho cood trottinrr stallion. F. A. Rus
sell, will make tho season of 1011 at th
home of E. C. Richards, at the west
end of Eighth street, North Platte.
F. A. RUSSELL 26703,
Trotting Record '2:18
Standard Bred and Registered.
Sire of Sir Crederick. record 2:12&: A
Valentine. 2:184: and other fast horses
F. A. Russell is a son of Ellerslie
Wilkes, by Georao Wilkes, by Hamble
tonian 10. His dnm is Gold Leaf, the
dam of four fast horses. She was by
mamnnno uuasen uy wonmoru warn
brina by Mnmbrinn Cl.itf .
F. A. Russell is bred along tested
lines. He is a fast horse nnd the sire
of fast horses.
Tekms: Fifteen dollars payable at
foaling time, or if mare is sold, or
traded, or removed from county where
owned, due. ana payable at once.
Geo. B. Griffith, Owner.
, The Man, the Girl and the Cigar
a nappy coinpumtion to a certainty,
nnd one should be as i!ood as the
' other. We can't furnish the young
man with the girl, but we can fur
nish him the Cigar, and it will be
cigar as good as tho girl is sweet,
and one which smoked in her pres
ence Will not be offensive to her.
If you don t believe us, try one.
In tho countr court of Lincoln county,
in tho tnattor of l ho osUto of Mars&rot
Jones, deceased- . t .....
On reading ana iiiinK tno veriiiou peti
tion of Danlol P. .loncs. praying tht tho
regular administration of said estato be (lis
penned with, and that tho court rentier a
llnal decrro narolnjrtho solo heirs at law of
tho said Martrarot Jones, deceased, as pro
vided lr sections r20i. B203, ftsl. !W05 and
of Oobhoy's Annotated Btatutcs for tho
state of Nebraska for tho year 1KW
Ordered, mat tn saio. poiiuon 00 noaru on
Juno 20.1911, at Oo'clock a. m . whon all
persons Interested In said matter maynp
pear at tho county court to bo held In and
fnr.nlil rnnntv. In thn court houso In tho
city of North Platto. Nebraska, and show
cause. 11 any mere ue, miyuw prayer 01 mu
petitioner should not bo if ranted.
Also orticreu. mat at tns time anu piacu
aforesaid, tbl court will receive, examine,
ftfiiiist and nllrtv all claims and demands of
all 1 persons nsalnsttho said Margaret Jones,
deceased, and that any persons having such
claims or aetnanas against saui cutaio snau
present tho samo to mo county court on tr
beforo tho (I a to assigned for such hearing.
Dated at North Platto. Nebraska, this 2ind
day of May, 1911 . ,
In tho county court of Lincoln County.
in tho matter or tno estato or jonn u.
ones, deceased. ,
On reading and filing tho verified petition
of Daniel P. Jones, praying that tho regular
aumims'raiion 01 saiu estato io uispensou
with, and that tho court ronder a final decree
naming tLo solo heirs at law of tho said John
I) Jones, deceased, as provided by sections
8202. t,m. fi2W. 5203 and 52oO o Cobboy's
Annotated .statutes for tho stato of Nebraska
for tho year iw.
Ordered, that, tho said uotltlon be heard on
Juno 20, 1911, at 0 o'clock a.m.. when alL
persons Interested In said mattor may ap
pear at tho county court to beheld In and
for aalil countv. In tho court IiohrivJii thn
city of North Platto, Nebraska, and show
cause. If any thoro be, why tho prayor of tho
poiiiionorsuouid not 00 granted.
Also ordered, that'at tho tlrao and placo
aforesaid, this court will receive examine,
adjust and allow all claims and demands of
all persons against tho said John D. Jones,
deceased, and that any persons having such
claims or demands against said estate shall
present tho same to tho county court on or
Dororomoaaio assigned rorsucn Hearing,
Dated at North Platte. Nebraska, this 22nd
day of May, 1911.
John u it a nt, uounty Juage.
Serial No ososo.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Ojllce at North Platte, Neb.
May 18,1911.
Notlco Is hereby irlven that Grant
McNcel, of North Platte. Nebraska, who on
October 13th, 1905 rrado Homestead entry
No. WM, Serial No. (W550. for all of 80c
tlon 2. Twp. 15. N U. 32, W, of tho Oth Prln.
Meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to
mako llnal five year proof, to establish
claim to tho land above described, beforo
tho Register and Receiver at North Platto,
Nebraska, on the 17th day of July, 1911.
Claimant names as witnesses: Darwin
E- Taylor, David W. Macotnbor. James Ho
chan and Arthur Toops, all of North Platte.
miu-fl J.K. Evanh, Reglstor.
Serial No. OtUO.
Department of tho Interior.
U. 8. Land OIUco at North Platto. Neb.
, , , L April 15th 1911.
Notlco lshorobv dvonthat Adnlnh Iter-
orlo. son and ono of the holra of George Upy
cro. deceased claimant, whoso wlfo Is also
ueau, 01 aortn riatio, iMODrasKa,, wno on
Dec 1, 1005, mado homestead entry No. -1507.
Serial No. 01MB, for SH SEM. NWM 8EM,
8W. nnd NWM section 18. township
12. N. Ranire 32. W. of tho sixth Prlnclnal
Meridian has tiled notice of Intention ta
mako . Anal flvo year proof to
establish claim to tho land abovo descrlbod,
beforo tho Register and Receiver at North
riatio. woo., ou tno utn day or Juno.iBii.
Claimant names as witnesses) Danlol
R. McNeel. James Reclian, Walter R. Mc
Nool, William W. Groves allot North Platto,
alB-6 J. Iv. EVANS, Rfirliter.
Perlal No. 04013.
Public Land Halo.
Department of tho Interior.
U. 8. Land Otllco at North Platto. Nob.
M ..... . Apr.15.191L-
Notlco is horebv irlvi-n that, nn tllrr-clnil htr
the Commissioner of the flnnnrnl T.nnil
OIUco, under provisions of Act of Concrcss
approved Juno 27, mw. (34 statV., 517), wo
will offor atnutillc sain, tn tlin hllilr
at ten o'clock a. m.. onthoHthday of Juno
inn. at this ofllco, tho followlnir-descrlbed
land: Lot 4, of Sec. 2. Township 12. N-.
RanBo 31. w. of 0th P.M.
Anv nersons rlalmlni? ndrnrunlv tha nlvirn
described land aro advised to illothoir claims,
or objections, on or before tho tlmo desle-
at- J. E. EVANS. Rec stcr.
Notice for purification.
BorlalNo. 0273;).
. . May 18th. 1B11,
Notlco Is hnrohv irlvnn tlm. 11. Mo.
Neel. of North Platto. Nnh.. wli n. nn Jinn.
30th. 100(1. mado II. E. No. 81042. Sorlal No.
02780. for all of Section 21, Township 15,
is., Kamross. w. of tho Oth Principal Meridian,
has tiled notlco of lntontlonto make final nvn
year proof to establish claim to tho land
abovu described, before tho RcRlstcr and Re
ceiver at North Platte. Nob., on tho 11th day
of July. 1U11.
Claimant names as witnesses: Jamos llo
chan. of North Plotto, Nob.. Henry Doebke.
of North Platto. Nob.. George w. Ferbracho.
of Sutherland. Neb,, and Charles II. Ma
comber, of North Platto. Nob.
J. I'j. Evans, Register.
In thO Coiintr Court Of T.lnrr.'li .rmnlv M.
braska. Apr. 2Sth. 1011.
in tno mattor ui tne estato of Cathorlno
Rrown, deceasod.
Notlco Is hereby irlvon. Hint tlm nrHlmm
of said deceasod will meet the
of said estato, beforo the County Judge of
.luuuiii uuumy, nouraiiKi, at mo county
court room In said county, on tho 27th day of
". unuon tuo san nay or November,
mil, at I) o'clock a m. each day, for tho pur
pose of presenting thelrclatms for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months
aro allowed for creditors tn nroinnt ,hnl
claims and ono year for tho Exccturlx to
sottlo said estate, from tho 21th day of
rtpr.. iiui. nus notice to do published for
four SUCCeSSlVO Weeks 111 thn K.!miYVnlilir
Tribune, a legal newspaper published
in sain county prior to May 27th, 1911.
ma- JiMiiN i, ha rvl .uounty .fudge
Sorlal No. 02218,
Department of tho Interior.
U. S Land OIUco at North Platto. Neb.
Apr art. 1811.
Notlco Is hereby given that WelmanA.
Stearns, of North Platto. Neb., who, on Sept.
21, IWI.mado homnstead entry No. "'7. serial
No.02243 for lou 1-2-3-4. SH NWH.SWk. and
SM. HKli. Section 4. Tmvnsliln 15. X. ltmu-n
3P. W. ot tho Oth Principal Meridian, has
tiled notlco of intention to mako llnal five
year proof, to establish claim to tbo land
almve described, hofore tho Register and Re
ceiver at North Platte. Nebraska, on tlio Wth
day ot June, IfllL
Claimant names as wltnossessConway P.
Ooiiiplxdl and Carl Metiro of North Platta
Neb.. Wllllauit. Roosatid Edward Wright of
Mjrilo. Nub.
J- E. EvaH. Register.
Notice for Publication.
George R. Smitli will take notice,
thnt on the 2(Uh dnv of Anril 1011
John Grant, County Judge in nnd for
Lincoln county, Nebraska, issued nn
order of attachment for the Bum of
SI 3. 50 in an action pending before him,
wherein Lottie Crouen is piantiil and
George R. Smith is defendant, and that
property of the defendant, consisting
of wages due him. in the hnnds of the
Union Pacific Railroad Company, a cor
poration having its place of business in
Lincoln county, Nebraska, has been
attached under sid order. Said cause
was continued to the 17th day of June
Lottib CnctffcN,