1 GRADUATION GIFTS That will be appreciated, lasting and Useful are the kind we have to offer you from our immense new line. We have a few specials wt; wish td call your at tention to, on which we are making1 special prices: Small Diamond Rings, - $8 1o $40 (Fine for Gifts) Gold Filled Watches, ----- $12 to $30 (Guaranteed, A present that will always prove useful) Souvenir Spoons, - - - 75c to $3.00 Odd Forks, - - - - $1.25 to $3.00 A fine Hull Umbrella can be had for from 3.00 to $6.00. Silver Novelties in great variety. Let us show you a few of our new goods. DIXON, The Jeweler Union Pacific Watch Inspector. SCHILLER & CO., Prescription Druggists First Door North of First National Hank B. A. Humphrey, of Sutherland, transacted business in town today. Wanted Girl for Housework. En quiro C. S. Clinton, 201 West 4th St. The J. D. Club will meat this even ing with Miss Margaret Craigie. Mr. und Mrs. 13. L. Robinson are spending today with their son Guy and wife in Grand Island. . Furnished rooms for rent. Inquire a 304 West Sixth or phono BIk 406. Mrs. L. Chonin. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reynolds re turned this morning from their wedding trip to Douglas, Ariz., and other south western points. A trinl sack of "Occident" flour makes u steady customer. Gueeson. The L. O. T. M. will hold a social and dancq at the K. P. hall, Monday evening, May 29. Ice cream and cake Will be served. I have a few second hand buggies ' and one spring wagon left that you can get cheap. They are in good repair, nicely painted and striped. I want to get these out of the way at once. J. H. VanCleave. The case of the state against Albert Lantz, charged with wife desertion, was settled by the interested parties. Lantz will pay his wifo ten dollars per month for at least sixty months. The big discount sale still continues at Maloney & Lintz. . So far during May Judge Grant has ' issued -ten marriage licenses, which is not a very heavy showing for the month. As June is the month of roses and brides, the Judge hopes to do better next month than ho has this' month. Jos. Spies wishes to announce that he is prepared to furnish all consumers . with Lexington artificial ice. Phone 161. The North Platte Telopnone Co. having announced that it will expend .forty thousand dollars in improving the lo:al system, the report has gone forth that the company will increase the rates in order to "play even" on tho prosposcd expenditure. Whether this will prove true, we do not know, but we notice that in Grand Island the same company has reduced all phono rates fifty cents per month. DR. 0. II. CRESSLER. S Graduate Dentist. 5 e J Oftlco over tho McDonald J State Bank. 9 e Miss Mary Tighe loft today for a visit with friends in Columbus. Dr. W. F. Miller, dentist, will be here Monday and Tuesday returning to Fremont Wednesday. For Sale Choice Seed Potatoes. Inquire of W. V, Birge. "j. E. Rodman, tho Union Pacific landscape gardener, is in town today inspecting the tree plantation. Davis & Chorpenning report the Bale of a model 33 Buiuk car this week to Marvin Perry, of Gandy. This firm has so far sold twenty cars this season. Wnnted Plain sewing. Mary L. Mar tin, 308 South Chestnut St. The Millett family living on east Fourth street in the Trustee's nddition, was quarantined this morning on account of small-pox, There nre seven children in the house. Mrs. J. C. Worley, who has been Visiting her daughter Mrs. J. T. Murphy, leaves tonight for her home in Kansas City. She will be accompanied by Eber Murphy. "Jimmie" Langley, at one time an employe of tho local shops, is now superintendent of motive power on a road out of Seattle. He makes his headquarters in the latter city. An enormous passenger engine en route west for service on the Southern Pacific, will bring in No. 9 this after noon. Tho monster will bo held over at this terminal until the arrival of No. 9 tomorrow and sent west on that train. I will have tomato plants, celery cabbage, etc., for Bale in plentiful quantities this week. Phone mo. MltS. V. SCHAKMAN. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. McEvoy leave tomorrow morning for Boston and other eastern points. It has been forty years since Mr. McEvoy has visited his old haunts in the New England states, and he anticipates a yery pleasant visit. For Sale. Seven pedigreed Pit Bull Terriers, four. weeks old. Inquire of Wm. Moore, at (Jarson ez. L.andgrat'8 Darner snop. Special Sale on Tub Suits FRIDAY. SATURDAY AND MONDAY J All at $0 OS) one price Some have long some have short jackets, none of them were made to sell for less than $5.00, some as high as $15,00, ajl nicely made from good serviceable materials Wilcox Department Store. ' fleam Entertainment. The entertainment given nt the Keith last evening by Miss Allan's pupils was well attended and proved interesting and pleasing. Particularly good was ho "Crowning of tho Frost King," In which n numbor of the little tots took part. Tho othor numbers were also good. Miss Allen Is certainly a success nt drilling children, .nnd her entertainments nre always pleasing to to the audiences. Observe Ascension Day. Yesterday was observed with Ascen sion Day services by Palestine Common dory, Knights Templar. In the after noan service was held at tho Presbyter ian church, Rt. Rev. George A. Beechcr of Kearney preaching tho sermon. Fol- owing this tho recently elected ofilcera were installed and then the members of tho O. E. S. sorved the menu for a banquet Following this latter function dancing wns indulged in by the younger members and their ladles. Several out of town mambera at tended tho ovents of the day and evening. Contemplated Ditch Improvements. Receiver J. C. Wilson, of tho North Platte Ditch Co., has returned from Scottts Bluffs whore ho investigated the cement dams, hoadgntes and drops used by tho ditches in that section. Mr. Wilson was so well pleased with this class of work there that he has decided to reconstruct the headgate, spillway and drop of tho North Platto ditch and will uso cement ns the material. In addition to tho toow headgate, it is thought best to construct a cement dam extending about one-half way ucross the river. This would prove u per manent dam and do away with .hay dams which have been built each sen son for twenty years. Engineer Willis, of Bridcenort. who fa experienced in this class ' of engi neering work, will bo here in a few days to make the necessary surveys and estimates and the actual work will begin in August. The headsates of tho North Platte and Paxton & Herohey ditches are only about eight rods distant, and as the dam would be Df erreat benefit to tho, latter ditch, it is hoped to get the P. & H. users interested in tho con struction of the dam. Oii Fellows Attention. Our Grand Master has called on all Lodges to take part in o'sorvanco of Memoral Day, May 30. All members of tho order are re quested to meet at the hall at 9 a. m. east time, and proceed to tho cemetery and decorato tho graves of our brothers, and to co-operate with tho G. A. R. By order of tho Lodge. ' John Palmer, Noblo Grand. Bids For Two School Houses. The Bchool board of District No. 127 hereby calls for bids on the construction of 'two achooljhouscs In District No. 127, ono school houso to be located near the Catholic cemetery and ono about 1J miles east of tho Bratt School Houso. The board desires bids on threo kinds of construction hollow tilo stucco, cement block, and frame above the foundation and also on tho foundation alone according to plans and specifica tions in tho oflko of County Superin tendent Ebright. Denied bids will be received in tho oflko of Supt. Ebright or in the North Plntto Post Office not atcr than C p. m. June 15th,. Each contractor olforfng a bid must accompany tho bid by n certified check for $50.00 payable to Scott Reynolds, Treasurer. All checks will be returned when bids are rejected or contract signed. The Board reserves tho right to reject any or nil bids. School Board No. 137 Per W. P. Snydor, Director. Oh! You Millinery. Wholcale prices at The Hub. Mrs. Evelyn McCalley, of Bozeman, Mont., nrrived Inst night for a two weeks' visit with her sister Mrs. J. F. Clabaugh. Mrs. McCalley Is ehroute home from a trip in tho east. Elsowhero bids aro asked for the construction of a new school building at Hershoy and for two buildings in ho district south of the river. This indi cates a healthy growth of population in those, Bections. C. . Howe, of Oshkosh, ia in town today and will remain until Monday when he will go to Omaha to attend the socialist state convention. Messrs. Bell, Warren and Canrlghtof tills city, will also attend the convention. W. T. Banks, who announces hie re tirement from business next January, will devote ''is time to farming and stockgrowing on his farm southeast of town. Thirty years of merchandizing ought to satisfy anyone, says Mr, Banks. A heavy windstorm struck North Platte about eleven o'clock last night, which twisted branches off trees and for a time threatened to develop .into a tornado. Southwest of town there was vivid lightning and indications that rain accompanied the storm. M. E. Crosby and E. W. Crano aro considering tho advisability of becom ing candidates for tho republican noml nation for county judge. Urider the new law tho salary of tho county judge of this county is eighteen hundred dollars per year, with five hundred additional for clerk hire. This makes the office a desirable one. Now is tho timo to get rid of your rheumatism. You will find Chamber lain's Liniment wonderfully effective Ono application will convince you of its morits. Try it. For Bale by all dealers. Food Commissioner W. R. Jackson hns issued warning in the form of jetter which ho is sending oyer tho state that any persons selling bad eggs will bo prosecuted to the full extent of tho aw, and adds that all dealers must candle all eggs parchased by them. The lotter is tio beginning of a vigorous campaign which Commissioner Jackson proposes to push. The sale of bad eggs, either by a fnrmer, a morchant, or one womnn of tho neighborhood to another. Mr. Jackson asserts is unlawful and ho will accordingly prosecute all such cases Hero's a little Rhyme Of tho Good Old Summer Time, When both Black and Solid Colors aro In Style; But without a jest, When ym speak about tho best, Tho INTFRWOVEN loads the rest about a milo. We've got them tho greatest 25c laii-noso ever made. TGEHEEL m No HolesNo Darning. Wilcox Dep't. Store. Jolted Mark Twain. "Murk l vain," n.i tit . lutigiiBlue od- Uor, "(brought out ".101111 01' aiv anony mously. uiMOii' no uiKuowit'UKeu mi uuthorahlp lie ao.net 1 lick tlHlii'd for compliments about it. One evening it a dinner ho mild curelosaiy lo u sou- utot": " 'Aro yuu 11 novel reader?' ' 'Yes, n great novel render,' wns the reply. " '1 iloii'fc HimiiiiHn vnn'rn fiillowliit? 'Quit anonymous-now Hcrlnl, "Joan of Are?" ' "Indeed I am, though, every in stallment.' "What do you think of It? Is It gootlV '"That's hardly n fair question to nsk me,' tho senator, who know tho book'H real author, replied. 'You see, I wrote "Joan of Arc" myself.' " Brides In Iceland. A quaint old superstition lu Iceland Is that every bride must invito nil her (Mends to n dinner In her own home and .every nrtlclo of food must bo pre pared oy uie unuo ncrscir. u sue is successful In plenslng her guests she not only receives praise for her own skill, but helps nloug her younger bIs ere, wuo tire men nssumuu 10 uo equally good ut cooking and conse quently liavo a much better clianco of getting married. Woolgathering. "For one's wits to go woolgather ing" Is an alluHlon to u pitiful indus try sometimes seen in older countries. In parts of France, Germany and Spain very old people are sometimes employed In gathering wool, from bushes in aheop pastures, whoro It lias been plucked from tho ileeco ns tho animals pass too closo to tho branches. Chalmers Ease of Control Kind Little Boy. "Has my boy been a Httlo defender and been" kind to dumb animals today?" "Yes. grandma. I lot your, canary out of the cngi and when my cut caught It I sot Towner on her." A Change of Opinion. "I suppose, old fellow, your wifo ntlll thinks sho married a trcusuro?" re marked 11 bachelor to i married friend. "No." said the benedict; "I have a dlstlin t Iinpri'MHloii (hut she regards me h 11 troumir'!" A Soft Aruwor. The wifo of 11 111 it 11 who camp homo late limlstud upon 11 reason. "Wliun 1 go out without you," he said. "I do not enjoy mytu'lf half ns much, and It laki-s mo twice ns long." CRYSTAL ' THEATRE notri stands (or all you can ask in a motor car, Ghalmers Cars are simple iri construction; simple to operate; Its no trick to learn to drive a Chalmers, This is a car especially goodfor the man who wants to do his own driving1. A Very large number o women drive the Chalmers "30" because of the one pedal control Every drive likes this feature. ' ye guarahtee to teach every buyer how to drive. . You can learn the rules in twenty minutes, After that its just a matter of' practice. . ' Chalmers cars are built to be let alone. Don't tinker with them just for fun. They're built to run. Running won't hurt them. Even fast running won't, if you like a thriij occasionally. If you insist bn punishing thenv they will stand hard knocks until' you marvel that any machine could stand up. Hadn't you better see us about your delivery date? MINER HINMAN, Dealer North Platte, Nebraska. Chalmers "30," $1600 Includlns Uosch Msenoto. PrcU-O-Llto tank, gas lamps, throo oil lamps, horn and tools. Dotachablo Foro-doors. tl, Ileal srado Mohair too, 1 100 additional. Why not get the Best? The 1911 "Standard Fire Insurunce Tables" quotes the leading ten companies (American and U.S. Branch of Foreign) in the follow! ig order as respects their Ca9h Assets and Surplus to Policy-holdersthe most apparent and easily available evidence of what's "behind the policy." Ca$h Assets. 1 THE HOME, jy, 30,178,914 2 Hartford.., f. 24,363,635 3 CONTINENTAL 24,198,038 4 AETNA- 21,023,545 5 GERMAN AM., N. Y. i7.l70.112 G INS. CO. of N. A 10,040,265 7 Fidellty-Phenlx 13,790,298 8 LIV. & LON. & GLOBE 13, 745,409 9 Royal 11,534,555 10 National, Conn 10,792,293 Surplus t Policy Holders. 1 THE HOME $16,829,613 2 CONTINENTAL 15,003,601 3 AETNA. ', 12,869,016 4 GER. AM., N. Y 9,042,400 5 Hurtford 8,923,007 6 INS. CO. of N. A .7,712,034 7 Fidolity-Phenix 5,784,087 3 PHOENIX, CONN 5,(555,131 9 LIV. & LON. & GLOBE 5,155.975 10 Springfield, F, & M 4,6-12,28 Wo aro exclusive agents at North Platto for .each of tho Insurance Companies in the foregoing lists whoso names are printed in capital letters. It is only by placing your Fire Insurance with ua that you ore assured of getting tho best. BUCHANAN & PATTERSON. To-Night and Saturday. MOVING PICTURES: "At the White Man's Door," "Vanity and Its Cure." VAUDEVILLE: Burton Sisters in "The Ar kansas Aunt and the College Girl." 10 and 15 Cents. THE First National Bank, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital and Surplus $140,000. ARTHUR McNlMARA, President , E. T. SEEBERGER, Vice-President, M. KEITH NEVILLE, Vice-Presidenf, F. L. MOONEY, Cashier. Irs i till yifmMMWWr rfTssTil A Modern Institution For the treatment of medical and surgical coses. Open to the medical profession. Special accommodation for confinement coses Training school for nurses in connection. Address nil communi cations to tho superintendent. Phone 642 Car. Eighth ana Locust coming to his notice