'(Mr ' --.- j.-. uwi w r..5 wvaiyiyw i. im iwwumTMMir i nif iniii rim JULY 4th, THE LAST DAY On July 5th the stock of Merchandise of THE LEADER must be removed, -for on the fallowing day the ajt0f ations to the building will begin. The desire i to close-out the stock as far .as possible by that date, and in otclor ' to d.o this the stock is being of ered at a V? ; , - ,'. . r V 'I 'I Wit . ; : : - Reduction of 20 to 50 Percent This .Alteration Sale of THE LEADER has been a ,bona fide sale. It is not 'boptalk" each article has been sold at the advertised price. That this is true will be 'testified to by ail who have made purchases during the Sale. Every article has been sold at a discount of from 20 to 50 percent off regular selling price. It has been a harvest for the economical buyer who has had a desire to secure reliable Merchandise at A Big Discount. Hundreds have called made purchases and gone away satisfied that TH LEADER'S Alteration Sale is a Bona Eide Reduction Sale, a harvest of Bargains in UP-TO-DATE GOODS. The line of CARPETS and RU0S will be Closed, Out Entirely, for in the -future this line will not be carried. This line will bo glosed out at ridiculously Low Prices. Gome to this Feast of Bargains Remember, Sale Ends July 4th THE LEADER DEPARTMENT STORE, J. PIZER, Prop., North Platte, Neb. . 1 1 1 . . Well WITH THE DUTCH COLLARS which are so much in vogue this year no woman's outfit is or,lftw. without several nieces of ueck adornment. Antia ngina- the. oonularitv o this style in advance, wd bought VMvilv in beautiful "Lavalliers" which make an ordinary tiM. lnnU hpniitiful and a orettv one even more so. This one of the handsomest pieces of jewelry ever won; and we have set u price mui win icavc u wnv- w-... GlinijOii jeweler anp optician North PUtte, Nebraska. .,T, ,0. rUeron transacted bubiness at1 Ft. Morgan, Col., yestQfday, Seo our Suggestion Window for erad iation gifts. Dixon, The Jeweler. The station at O'Fallons has been closed and the oporatoru transferred to Dexter. m ' WnntedA competent girl. Apply at 412 West Fourth street. Clark LoDovt is now on tho. road to ' recovery, his improvement in tho pub fow days being rapid. Mrs, S,.,W. Kolly hatj been visjUng hor'motVicr, Mra. John Frnnzen in Suth erinnd,,for, a.couplo of dayB. Tlio annual salo of summer ribbons Wins Saturday. May 27th. in tho Millinery Dept. at Wilcox' Dept. Store. Members of the Swastika Club passed an enjoyablo afternoon Wednes day as tho Jtuesta of Mrs. Arthur time. Card games were the entertaining foa tureu, 'follawed by refreshments. GreeseH is naw selling his third car 'Occident." At th meetinsr of tho Lutheran ladles' aid Boclety this week tho follow intjofflcera were elected for tho ensuing year: President Mrs. u. a. Johnson, Vice President Mrs, IT. W, Hlrd, Sec'y and Treasurer Mrs A. 1 Yost, Asst. Sc'y Miss Jennie Carlson, The ladles for wtertalnsaent haye been grouped Is tfartea and carA will be printed (lis ium tfaM rteam and the date of RTrnUrUltnnt8. Fred Elliott hn8 roturned from week's visit with his eon Fred and family In Omaha. A Royal Tourist Automobile for Bale cheaii or will trade for North Platte property, Seo O. K. Eldor. Hugh Domett, or Cheyenne, spent vestorday in town, coming here to at tend tho Ascension Day services of tho Knights Templar. Miss AlmaWaltcmath will return the latter part of next week from Wash ington, D. C, whoro she has been at tending school. Wo havo just received an exceptional fine lot of ilno pearl and diamond jewelry. TVso goods must bo seen to bo appreciated. We hope to bo favored With a call from you. UIXON, TIIO jowoior. Tho Indies auxiliary of tho B. of L. E. and their husbands tendered Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A. Dill a farewell party Tues day evening, a gathering that proved a moat plenant ono, though each guest expressed regret that Mr. nnd Mrs. Dill were to leave North Platte. MrB. Dill was presented with a pretty auxil iary pin us a romombrnnco of hr as sociation with the local division, A two course lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Sandall expect to leave next week for a three month's visit with relatives in Sweden. Wanted Competent girl for house work. Apply at 412 west Fourth St. A number of members of the local council of the Knights of Colum bus are planning on attending . . -1 . tno initiatory services ana Dunquet which will bo civeu by the Columbus council Sunday. ' Miss Murrio Johnson, n former North Platto young lndy, was married at Wlnnemucca, Nevada, last Friday to William Shormnn Kalbaugh. WhilO living in this city Miss Johnson was cm ployed ob a teacher in tho schools. You pay a little moro for better Holt nnu it civea you Better Dreaa tnat o true economy, "Occident" will prove it, UHEKSON. H. S. Pelton, president of tho General Construction Co., spent yesterday Jn town' gottlng tho preliminary work started on the federal ' building. Mr. Pelton soys tho building will bo com pleted at tho specified time July first of next year. Th"e first spade of dirt on the excava tion for tho basoment of the federal building was thrown yesterday, when a ho'e five and one-half feet deep was dug in order to determine tho oxnet nature of tho soli, Ed Walker has as sembled a big force of men and teams for excavation work and constructing the concrete foundation. Maloney & Lintz is the placo to come for a good hat cheap. Members of the Cotorie Club were hostesses at a social function Tuesday evening at which their husbands were the honored guests, the home of Mr. and Mra. Y. B. Brown being the plnco of ontertalng feature, und six tables were jn use. Prize winners were Mrs. Rus Boll Wyman, Mrs. Owens, Will Yost nnd Bert Brown. Lunch was served. D&. W. F. CROOK, jx DENTIST, g Graduate Northwestern University. L Office over McDonald State Bank p Will We Celebrated? A meeting will be held at tho court house at eight o'clock this evening to discuss the proposition of holding a a Fourth of July celebration. It is re quested that our citizens show their in terest in the matter by attending this meeting nnd help work up enthusiusm for a big celebration of tho country's natal day. Sunday School Associations. Tho Nebraska State Sunday School Association will meet at Grand Island June G to 8. Each Sunday school is urged to send a dticgata to this convention, iurther moro in the event each Sunday school cannot send a delegate they will please send their report to W. W. Scott, S. S. Missionary. North Platters Make Good Showing. The North Platte trap shooters who went to Lincoln Sunday to participate in a tournament, made a mighty good Knowing. In Tuesday's event, with 150 clay birds to a man, A. D. McDonell broke 134, A. Muldoon 134, Ralph Starkoy 133, II. Rebhausen 131, Keith Nnvillo 129, J. C. Den l8, and Will Wntklns 117. Tho highest Bcore by amateur shooters was 143, and 14G by professionals. For Sale. Full block adjoining city; contains 12 lots. Lots a short distanco away sell ing for $300 nnd $400. Three similar blocks in this vicinity sold this spring for $900 and $850. Will sell this block, also a three room house, good barn, chicken house, sheds, some fence. buildings to be moved from present location for $800. Phone 574 or see O. E. Elder. Anaouucement. Fellow citizens of T-lnrnln rnnntv? I hereby announce myself a candidate for county treasurer and respectfully solicit vour BUnnort tit thn nniln Tf elected I will endeavor to do my duty in such a way as to meet tho approval of the people. WALTElt B. McNEEL. Come! See! Eat! You'll bo disappointed if you don't. Saturday, May 27th from 11:30, :on- timiinc thn rp.qfc nf thn Hnvwn Inrlton of tho Christian church will cive vou good things to eat. Behold what wo offer for 15 cents: Bread and butter sandwiches pickles Baked Beans or Potato Salad Pumpkin Pie Coffee Ic,o cream and cake 10 cents oxtra. Don't forget the place Elk Block next to new ten cant ntor. W bowa Lflll day. "ADVO" Canned Goods RtdHctira in Meat Price. Fresh pork from 10 to 12i cents per pound, lard in bulk or pail 10 cents per pound, smoked meats cheaper thnu at any othur place m town SCMRiEBKK'S) WHAT MARKET. We are starting our canvas for "ADVO" Canned Goods to be 'delivered in Novem- , ber. As the lady who is doing this work will only be here for a short time we will not be able to cover the whole town but will do the best we can. Please leave your ,name at the store and we will be sure and see you. Wilcox Dfpmt Store; Base Ball Dope. Indications aro that North Platte will have some ball this season, by "some' we mean that the interest will probably bo greater than for several seasons. At present we have two teams, with tho probability of a third and tho orgariiza tion of a city league. The two teams already orgrnhsed are the Y. M. C. A. and tho Yeoman. Both theso teams; have been working out for sovcral weeks, and in a practice five-inning game Wednesday evening tho Yrioman lost to tho Y. M. C. A. by n score of three to four. Tho lino up of the Y. M. C. A. team is;Albln Sandall catcher, Corbln Jones pitcher, Jim Keefe short, Dr. Kerr first base, Geo. N. Gibba second, Guy Swope third, E. II. Evans left field, John Tucker center and Carl Brodbcck right. Substitutes Francis Sandall and Carl ShaofTor. The diamond at the ball park has been put in good shape, the fence und grand stand which had blown down have been 'rebuilt, and everything is in shape for tho season. Uniforms for the Y. M. C. A. team were ordered this week. In addition to tho formation of the city league, efforts will bo made to se cure games with teams of surrounding towns. Notice for Bids. Bids will be received by tho secretary of the school board at Hershey for six room brick school houso. Plans and specification on file nnd may be seen at Bank of Lincoln Co. Bids will be received until one o'clock p, m. Juno 10, 15)11. The board reserves the right to reject nny or all bids. Homo labor to be em ployed as far as possible. A certified aheck for $500.00 must accompany each bid payable to secretary of school board. D. M. LfcYPOLDT, Secy. Colonel W. F. Cody wired F. II. Gar low Wednesday evening that the Buf- inio uiii vviiu west snow suttcred no serious damage in the railroad wreck which was reported near Boston Wed nesday morning. He said that the show openod in Boston on ' time Wednesday afternoon, showing to 10, 000 people. v Strayed from the Doolittlo farm 5 milea aonthwost of North Platto May 20th, a bay horse weighing about 900, roached mane and wiro cuts on ono front and one hind foot. Phono D75 if you can give any information aa to its whereabouts. Miss Whittaker's Millinery Sale started Wednesday May 24th. Prices on Trimmed Hats are half and less at this sale. Ostrich Plumed Hats and all un- trimmed shnpes will bo sold at 25 por cent discount. Ofilnials at this terminal have been notified that a new time card will go Into effect Sunday. The changes in the arrival hour of trains will bo few, about the only ones of importance being on the time of truing No. 1 and 2, in which our peoplo aro not particularly Interested. The rumor that Denver trains 13 and 14 would bo put back into service is denied officially. Anv ono who 'will bonrd tenchora dn Ug the Junior Normal, which will open June 5th. or who wi . rent rooms. jeithor furnished or unfurnished, or who win rent a nouse iurnlsueu. mease notify the County Superintendent, phone No. 505, or drop a card in tho office. William Ebmght, Co. Suit. Walter B. McNeel elsewhere an nounces his candidncy for the demo cratic nomination for county treasurer at tho primnry election.- Mr. McNeel has been a resident of Lincoln connty for twenty-five years; his vocation is thnt of cattle grower and fnrmor nnd his residence is ubout ten miles north west of town. He has been closely identified with politics not only in Lin coln county but In the entire west part of the state, and is recognized as one of tho democratic whoel horses. If earnest work should bo rewarded, then Mr. McNeel is entitled to favor from his democratic brethem, and should receive tho nomination, Mr. McNeo! will make a formidable candidate for the nomination. A NY one now can have a hard wood Floor with either light or dark inlaid border or at least what looks and wears like one My demonstrator who will be at the STONE DRUG CO., next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday will show you what I mean and when you have seen her work you will be able to see her produce the same result It's great Don't miss it. CHI-NAMEL. DR. HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS. Blmtl.M wllh Mih Tltt l Fit Uii(mitM. ngtlsh, German, Spanish, Portugueso and French, No. FOR prie 1. Feif n, Congestions, Inflammation! 35 2. Wormi. Worm fever, or Worm DUuu.,35 3. Colic. Crying and Wakefulness ot InXanU.25 4. Diarrhea, ot Children and Adults HH 5. Dytentery, Orlplngt, Dllloui CoUo 25 7. Couehi, Coldt, llronchltll 25 8. Toothache, Faceacho, Nourahjla ,25 9. Headache, Sick Headache, VertlflO 25 tO. Dyspepsia, Indication, Weak Stomach 35 13. Croup, Hoarse Cough, Laryngitis 25 t i. Bait lllieum. Eruptions, Erysipelas? .,25 15. lthennmtlm,or Xllicumatlc Pains 155 1G. 1'evcr and A me, Malaria 25 17. Tiles, Blind or Bleeding, External, Internol.25 18. Ophthalmia, Weak or Inflamed Eyes U5 10. Catarrh, Influenza, Cold in Iload 25 20. Whooping Coitsh,8po3modlo Cough 85 21. Asthma.OQprossed, Difficult Drcatutag us .77. Kidney Dlseaso, Gravel, Calculi t 05 SS. rVerrous Debility, Vital Weakness ,. . S.00 20. Soro Mouth, I'ovor Korea or CnnS-cr "5 30. Urinary Incontinence, Wetting Bod 35 11. Bore Throat, yulnsynud Diphtheria...., ...as 13. Chrmiio Concestlnnn, Iloadachos...., 25 r7 Crljpc, Hay Tcvcr and Summer Cold.. ..26 srasll tmttlo of ri-u-rfht I'olleta. Ots the res! ju ,.4 by ilrupjjlsu, or bent ou receipt ot price, "MV-1 iw-iok rent f-ve. vStanda for Choi- era, Bomo people think. But I'm n Bmart chickenT know that C standa for fVintrnv 1 wno can put the kibosh on Cholera, indigestion and Bowel Trouble in uie chicks with Conkey'si cnolera Remedy. Price 50c, Schiller & Co,, Agents.