1 Semi - Weekly Tribune Ira L Rare, Editor and PuWUKer. SUBSCRIPTION HATES. Ono Year by Mnil In mlranco $1.25 Ono Year by Carder in advance ..... .$1.00 Entered at North Platto, Nebraska, Post oDlco as Second Class Matter. FRIDAY, MAY 12. 1911. Bills havo been Introduced In con gress giving $6,000 a yenr each to the widows of Grover Cleveland and Ben jamin Harrison This Is ono way this country takes of showing Its. ap-, preciatlon of tho services of its presidents. W. II. Thompson, "tho little nlant" of Grand Island, announces his candi Resolution. Whereas, It has pleased our heavenly father to removo from our midst our beloved and esteemed neighbor Ltta Cohaon, and In tholoss of ourneighbor wo! lose a faithful and helpful werkor who always had a smile and welcome for everyone. Resolved, Wo tho mem bers of Silvor Leaf Camp Royal Neigh bors of America solcmly and affection ately sympathize with the Jfamliy In this hour of sorrow and thatour charter bo draped in morning for 30 days and this resolution bo spread upon tho re cords of our camp and a copy of the same sent to tho family. Mns. V. E. Elliott, Mrs, M. Sciiatz, Mns. A. D. Jacohs. Boyhodd Days. As we speed through life, on tho wings of tlm, our thoughts go back to our youth at tho approach of tho circus Thero is not ono amonK us who docB ot uranu is.nnu, nnnounCcB """ not remember his first circus In the dacy for the United States scnatorshlp . . . n ... .,,,, J... f .-o, SnnntnrTIrnwri. Mr. Thomr)-""-'? " " ' . 7, son Is one of the recognized leaders of democracy in Nebraska. For many years he has been on tho firing lino and has net flinched, henre his titlo of the "little giant." If wo are to be so i.n fortunate as to have another demo cratic senator forced upon us, wo know of none we would rather have than Mr. Thompson. President Taft indulged in Borne plain talk Monday in explaining to twenty five members of the National Grange tliat he docs not Intend to play 'politics with tho Canadian reciprocity ngrco- meet, even if tho enactment of tha measure costs him the farmer voto. Tho president told his visitors bluntly that he was sorry to hoar that republi can farmers would desert tho party if the agreement goos through, but fear of such desortlon would not change his conviction as to the wisdom of such legislation. Ho said that ho bclioved reciprocity to bo the best thing for tho whole country, and that ho did not in tend to arguo it. This week sees the beginning of the formalities leading up to the corona tion of.Britnin's king on June 22. With six weeks of red tape and solemn stngo piny ahead of him, who would bo a king! More partlclarly a king who must take orders from a liberal pre mier today and a conservative premier tomorrow. Tho toll of a hod xarrlor will be light compared with tho slavery-of George V. to courtH und pa- redes and pageants. The program for land from town to town. Who doe not remember the funny old clown with his comic actions and quaint sayings; the lady rider skipping banners on the back of tho horse; the smell of the saw dust rfng and of tho animals and how vou Hacked water for tho elephant to work your way into the show? Mother Time nnd tho demands of u never-satisfied public have changed all this. The modern show contains three rings; two elevuted stages, and a large menagerie that would havu been an, im possibility with the old wagon show They nro now transported by rail, and oftlmes cover as mucli distance in ono night as tho wagon show did in two weeks' travel. Yet tho circus, as of old, is the one great pleasure looked forward to by tho children. On that day oven tho old grow young and join in the revelry and pleasures of.iho children. How often havo you heard it said, "I am going to the show to take tho children," when way down in their hearts they are glad of tho excuse? Now that-our city is to be visited by Campbell Brothers Great Consolidated Show on Thursday May, 18, let uaallbe come children once again, and get the full enjoyment of all the many features this great modern enterprise offers to the public. Arguments nro being made in con gross to find a way to reduco the 'ot of food, and particularly to reduco the wide gap between what tho consumer pays and tho producer receives. Con- THE First National Bank, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital and Surplus $140,000. ARTHUR McNlMARA, President. E. F. SEEBERGER, Vice-President, H. KEITH NEVILLE, Vice-President, F. L. MOONEY, Cashier. Why not get the Best? Tho 1911 Standard Firo Insurance Tables" quotes the leading ten companies (American and U.S. Branch of Foreign) in the followhg order as respects their Cash Assets and surplus to Folicy-holders the most apparent and easily available evidence of what's "behind the policy." Cash Assets. 1 THE HOME $30,178,914 2 Hnrtford.., 24,363.1335 3 CONTINENTAL 24,198,038 4 AETNA 21,023,545 5 GERMAN AM., N. Y. a7.170,112 G IS. CO. of N. A lG,01i2G5 7 Fldellty-Phenix 13,790,298 8 LIV. & LON. & GLOBE 13,745,09 9 Royal....' 11,634,555 10 National, Conn 10,792,293 Surplus t Policy Holders. 1 THE HOME ?16.829,613 2 CONTINENTAL 15,063,601 3 AETNA 12,369,010 4 GER. AM., N. Y 9,042,400 5 Hartford 8,923,967 6 INS. CO. of N. A 7,712,334 7 Fidehty-Phenlx 5,734,087 8 PHOENIX, CONN 5,655,131 9 LIV. & LON. & GLOBE 5,156.976 10 Springfield, F. & M 4,G42,28 BUCHANAN & PATTERSON. gressman Ituckor, of Colorado, the coranatioBdav alone fills six nuwsnaner otner day presented some startling columns, and contains an Infinity of figures In regard to this gap formality calculated to fire thejolnor" with envy. To any American, used to tho ways of a country where presidents may be slapped upon tho back, thin solemn parading seems droll and child isf). But let us not grudge King George his pomp and parade. Thero iBn't much else left to being it British King. Journal. Tho Lincoln correspondent of the Omaha World-Herald sent tho following to that paper a few days ago: "Ne braskaas will bo permitted next year to soo the rare picture of Victor Rose water tending support to Congressman' George W, Nerris in tho rnce of the latter for senatorial honors. Although tho senatorial fight seems distant, the game is bolng played right now and as on food consumed by New York City. For in stance while the consumers paid over $60,000,000 for tho potatoes they used, tho farmer only received $8,000,000; tho oggs consumed cost the consumors $28, 000,000, while tho farmer received $18, 000,00 for tho Borne eggs; tho difference in cabbage was $8,000,000; in coffee it was $10,000,000. In fact in nearly all the items that go to make up tho food supply a larger sharo wont to tho dis tributor than to tho producer, 1 Ono long blast and so vernlshoft ones, from a Blren whistle larger than any fire alarm in tho state, will announce the arrival of tho Omaha and South Omaha business men when they aro within half a mllo of North Platto on Tuesday, May 23. Thoso towns which a part of it comes tho report that Rose- !ulV0 whIstl" to,?lvo "ro n,nrmi! water will not oppose Norrls if the lat ter gives protnl8o of bolng able to rim Senator Brawn in the primaries," Tho Bee's opposition to Senator Brown is purely personal, it is not because Sena tor Brown has not made a good record as senator, Senator Brown saw fit to I recommend n cortaln Omaha resident for a federal position, and it so hap pened that the Bee did not like the man recommended and opposed the applicant. This is the foundation of the Bed's op position to Senator Brown. It is another Instance of tho Bee's policy to attempt te kill off politically thoso who dure oppose It, Juarez in Hands of Rebels. El Paso, Tex., May 10, -The whlto flag is floating over the Moxlcnn bar racks at Juarez and tho surrender of the city by tho federals to tho rebels under General Madero is complete. When tho attack was resumed this afternoon, four shots from the rebel artillery tore Bueh largo holes in the barracks that the whlto flag Immediately was hoisted and at 12:45 except for oc casional shooting in tho foothills, tho firing had ceased. Tho rnuin (Unset of Juarez Is in ruins, some of tho houses being riddled with bullets. Plaster, brick nnd pllosof de bris are scattered ovory where. Windows In muny of tho utoroshavc been crushed in, but icbelHuro guarding tho entrances to them to proven 5 looting. Somo of the houses havq beua domolishsd by tho dynamite bombs and shells. Dr. Zuniga, in ckargo of the federal hosnital for the last three days, admitted at 11:35 o'clock that ho had treatod over 100 federal wounded, twenty of whom may die. Around the customs house, the church and tljajnll between thirty.flve and forty federals, ho says, are lying dead in the streets, been warnod by tho Commercial Club of Omaha that their fire companies may not have uaoless runs, Frequently whon this whistle has boon blown on former trips, tho reception committees ran away from the depots and got out tho hoso carts to fight firo. only to have their visitors arrivo and see a fast ran in search of a fire. For this reasons t)io Omniums want it known that tlioy carry such n whistle and it will bo re member the duy und thu time of their arrival. A Modern Institution For the treatment of medical and surgical cases. Open to the medical profession. Special accommodation for confinement cases Training school for nurses in connection. , Address all communi cations to the superintendent . t Phone 642 Cor. Eighth and Locust Notice for Publication. George R. Smith will toko notice. hat on tho 20th dav of Aurll 1911. John Grant, County Judgo in and for uncom"county, Nebraska, issued, an order of attachment for tho sum of P13.G0 in an Action pending before him. wherein Lottie (Jronen is plantlit and Georgo R. Smith is defendant, and that property of tho defendant, consisting of wages duo him, in the hands of tho Union Pacific Railroad Company, a cor- E oration having its place of business in incoln county, Nebraskn, has been attached under said order. Said cause was continued to tho 17th day of Juno 1911. Lottie Cuonen, Plantiff. i Any ono who will board teachers dur ing tho Junior Normal, which will open June 5th, or who will ront rooms, cither furnished or unfurnished, or who will rent a hoine furnished, please notify tho County Superintendent, phono No. 605, or drop a cnrd'in the office. William Eimiairr, Co. Surr. For Sale. The southeast quarter sectioi)5-l3-31; W acres in section 2-13.3J, alHO block 3 Swth Park Add. to North Platto. For gruM I bm terras mures H. E. Nichols, I Lice and Chicks To he successful with poultry you cannot raise both. To rid setting liens and chicks of lice and mites use Lee's Insect Powder To rid poultry houses of lice, mites and all vermin use Lee's Lice Killer The only killer of any value, and do not nccopt uny other kind offered just as good Lee's Chick Food will start them right all food anfl no chaff. 1 For sale by SCHILLER a CO., Family Druggists, "it dour north First Nation! Hunk Save Your Suits. Wouldn't you like to wear that per fectly good last spring's suit again? And wouldn't you wear it if you could shorten tho jacket to conform to tho present Btyle. If you haven't tho tidio to do it, or If you don't know how, just send It to us. Wo nro doing n great deal of this kind of work this spring, as well as cleaning, dyeing, pressing and adding new collars and cuffs. A few such changes suit so that economy, will you improve your will actually enjoy Tho French Diy Cleaning and Press ing I'lace. A. SIGEL, The Little Tailor. 223 E. Gth St. Phono 182 old We Manufacture Tqnts, awnings for store windows, tarpaulin, wag on covers and horse cov ers, tents, cots and camg, chairs for sale or rent. Grand Island Tent and Awning Co., Grand Island, Neb. Homeopathy Principles Similes, SkulibM, CiirastM A liko remedy will cure a liko diseaso as a remedy which has tho same symptoms, or produces the same In tho well, will cure those in tho sick, and with na ture's help will cure quicker than arty other, and with less expense to the human economy. This system of medicine has at its command anything In the realm of cure, such as electricity in any form, the Vibrator. Massage, Hyrothcrafenties. Therefore tho correctness of choosing this line of treatment, rather than whims with a Bingl6 borrowed idea. For out of town patients and all thoso interested: rooms furnished when desired, for confinement, medical and the necessary surgi cal cases. Trained nurses in attendance. Dr. J. S. Twinem, Medical aad Surgical Practicioner Notice to Horsemen. sell, will make the reason of 1911 at th home of E C. Richards, nt the west end of Eighth street, North Platte. F. A. RUSSELL 26703. Tretttilg Record 2:18)4 Standard Bred aad Registered. Sire of Sir Crederick, record 2:12; A. Valentine, 2:18J: and other fast horses. t A. Kussell is a son or uiicrsne Wilkes, by George Wilkes, by Hamble tonian 10. His dam is Gold Leaf, the dam of four fast horses. She was by Mambrino IiuBsell by Woodford Mam brina by Mambrina Chi f . F. A. Russell is bred along tested lines. He is a fast horse nnd the sire of fast horses. TEfiMs:--Flfteen dollars payable at foaling tlmo, or if maro la sold, or traded, or removed from county where owned, due and payablo at onCe. Geo. B. Griffith, Owner. , u. GEO. D. DENT, Physician and Surgeon, Office over McDonald Bank. Phn Office 130 Phones Residence 115 ijr'fUHfrfl'fl' JMMMMi'JS'fl' f JOE B. REDFIELD. M. D. Physician ana Surgeon. Speclalfyt-SKIN DISEASES. Day and night calls promptly answered Office r. S. Hospital, mono 04 is. NOTIOK FOIl PUBLICATION. Serial No. 0940. DntiBrtmnntnf ttin Interior. H. Land Olllco at North l'lattc, Nnb. Anrll 15th 1011. Notlco Ishorobr elronthat AdolDh Iter- erle. Hon and ono ot tbe liclra nt Georgo Ilej crlo. deceased claimant, wlioso wlfo Is alsd riond. ot North l'lattc, Nobrnska.. who on ltec l, iuu-, made homestead entry xo.ximi, Horlal No. OUlfl. for HM HEM, NWM BFM, BWk. and NWM section 18. township 12, N. Hanue M, W. of tho sixth Principal Meridian has uicu notlco o: intention to mako final tlvo year proof to establish clatm to tho land above described, boforo tho Iteglstcr and Kecolvor at North Platto. Nob., on tho nth day of Juno-lBU. uiaimant namos as witnesses) uaniei II. SlcNeol.. lames lteclian, IValtur B- Mc Nonl, William W. Orovcs allot North Platto, Nob., ai-n ,i ic icvrt NHMioiiiMpr. NOTIOn FOIl PUHMOATION ISOLATED TKAOT. FCrlBl NO. 01913. Do U. 8. Public Land Halo. jartmmit ot tho Intorlor. vv e are exclusive agents ot North Plntte for eacli of the Insurance Companies in the foregoing lists whose names are printed in capital letters. uisoniyoy placing your lure insurance witn us time you are assured of getting the best. DR. A, A. WARD, OIUco! Hotel Tlmmorman. Special attention given diseases of women and emergency surgery. ' una: Land OQlce arNorth Platte. Neb. Anr 1.1. toil. Notlco Is horcby slvcn that, as directed by tho Comm'Mloner of tho Oencral Land OIUco. under provisions of Act of Congress approved .lunozi. nw, i;u stats., cw). -wo will offer at public sale, to tho highest blddor at ten o'clock a m-. on thoHth day of Juno Kill, at this 0(11 co. tho followlne-doscrlbod land: Lot 4, ot Sec, 2. Township 12, N-, IV A .... ... .1 1.. 1 . described land are advised to lllotholr claims, or objections, on or before. tLo tirao aesut- natad for sale. aiH-n J. E. KVANB. Ites-lster. V X DR. W. W. SADLER, Physician, Surgeon, Optician. ! District Surgeon U. P. It. R. I Hekshey. Nebraska. ft ieee) DR. J. S. TWINEM, Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Special attention given to confine ments and children's diseases, Ofll Phono 183 Res. Phono 283 O co McDonald Stato Hank Bid A T ivtca uthlD a lira V l w. ruuiMjt 4wm.,M iiinuut f . Doclors Ames & Ames, Physicians and Surgeons, U Office over Stone Drug Co. O Phonea I Office 273 6 i nones ReBidence 273 Notice for Publication. Serial No. 01110-05000. Department of tho Interior. U. B. Land Olllco at North Platto, Neb. Mar- 7th, 1011. Notlco Is horoby trlvon that Chris Schick. of North Platto. Nob., who on May 28, 1W)1, mado Ilomostoad Entry No. lMiai.Herlal No. Uiwo. for 8K NR H. and BH NWM. and on Juno Wtti. niado liomcstoaa ivntrv Mo. 302U4, gorlal No. l000. for NK NW. NX NE! anclBtt, an in section. v. Township, ii. N . range 29, W otthoslxtn principal meridian has Died notlco ot Intention to malto anal Qvoyoar proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, boforo tlm Registor and Receiver at Nortli Plat to Nebraska, on the Uth day ot May. 1U11. Uiaimant namos as witnesses', uoren t.. l Tn.l T nwr l).Mi.t ll.bln. I.1--1 . t llli), I .v3.i iaiu.1 uauiuui nu n nii.Di A M 1 1 iv Stool all ot North Platto. Nebraska. mlU-n .1. K. KVAT. ICPiTlRter. NOTICE TOR PUBLIOATION, Serial No 011)17. Department of tho Intorlor XT. S. Land Olllco at North Platte, Nob. II.. 7.l. 1m, . u m , .u. .ii... ' X.. . I I 1 . n ... i . r - .. I ... 1 1 rf McNool. of North Platto, Nebraska, who on May tlth, 1MJI. rrado Homestead entry No. 10i7. Serial No. 01047. for south half. northeast quarter and south half northwest quarter ot section 34, township 10, north Tango 82, west or tno utn rnncipai Meridian, has tiled notlco ot Intention to mako final live year proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo descrlbod, boforo . tho ucglster and Receiver at North l'lattc, 1 I Nebraska, onlthc lOihday ot May. 1011. Ulalmant names as witnesses: David Macomber. .Tames Ilechan, W. W. Orovcs. all of North Platto. Neb., Walter Beauchamp, of buthorland, Nob. miu-u .i. U. wvans, iteglstcr. Borlal NO. 01551. Notlco for Publication-Isolated Tract. Public Land Sale. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Olllco at North Platto. Nob March 8. 1911 Notlco is horobv trlvon that, tii dlrp.r.tnri liv tho CommlHslonnr nf the (. erinrnl T.nnd Dlllrn unuer provisions or Act or unngrcss op proved Juno 27th. lUtO. (( Stats.. 517). wo will We have recently installed a French ??' JK8?" s,0iJ K V." hJS?lMi. Dry Cleaner for Men s and Ladies m. i tui JiO'ce. tho . following-described. F. J. BRQEKER, Merchant Tailor. Uncle am Stands First, Uncle Sam, in his suit of stars and stripes, stands first among all nations, nna in tins eievnteu position no is like our cignrs tno equal of any ana sur passed by none. We havo been mak ing cigurs in XNorin riatte lor over a quarter of a century. If wo did not mako good cigars wo would havo been out or business years ago for no one would buy our cigars it .. thoylworo not gooti. isn t tnis.truef J. F. SCHMALZRIED apparei 01 an ciassess, and we guarantee satisfactory work. We are also tailors and know how to repair clothes. We carry samples of goods and make clothes of all kinds to order, insuring first-class workmanship and perfect fit. land: EM of SEX of Section 0. township 15. N ttangoau, w. "i utn principal meridian- Any nersons clalmtDif ndverselr ttin ilmvn descrlbod lands aro advised to file their claims or objections on or boforo tho tlmo designated for alo. J. K. Rvanb m7-0 Register, tho Thirteenth WILLIS J. REDFIELD, rVK D. SurgcoB, Physician, Consultant. Olllco Physicians and Surgeons Hospita Phones: Offico C12, Residence 644. . Notice for Bids. Notice is Hereby given that sealed bids will bo recoived ntthe office of the City Clerk of North Platto, Nebraska, up to five o.clock p.m., May 30th, 1911, for tho construction of a lateral sower In Sewer District "N"' being an exten sion to the present latoral therein, in Baitl City according to plans and spedlficntions now on filo in tho City Clerk of said City. Approximate estimate of cost of sewer lateral as por report of City Engineer is ?31Q3.70. Local labor to be employed as far as practicable. Certified check on local bank of 2 per cent of amount of bids will bo required to insure entering into contract, Satisfactory bond to bo given when contract is signed. Mayornnd Council reserve tho right to reject any or all bids. J By order of the City Council. j fJitAS. F, Tbmplk, City Clerk, Go to SORENSON'S FOR Furniture Repairing and Cabinet Work Also Wosd Turning, Picttire Framing Roob Moulding, and Window Screens a Specialty. Shop 107 East Fifth. In tho District Court of Judicial District In and for Lincoln County. Nebraska. Thomas Coopor. Plalutlff, VH. Gharlos Kraucls. Mao ltleliuidMiii. Ijinlsn ItlchardMUi and Margaret HlchurilHon. Dnrmi. dants- NOTIOK. Charles Francis. Mao Klchardson, Ixnilso Richardson and MarcanM Ulchardfinn.dnrnn ddanto, will tulio notlco that on the 27th, day of Marcli 1U11. Thomas Coopcr.plalntllt horeln uieu nis poiuion in tno District court of Lin coln Countv. NohrasUn. xirnlnHt. aalil lnfn. dants.thc object and prayorof which aro tobo- euro tlio cancellation of a deed purporting to havo been executed by Aloxandor Klchardson Deceased, and prutondlng to convoy an un divided ono half interest to William U. Klchardson. deceased to BEH N VfH and lots 8. 4 and &, Township ID north ot Kango Twenty-six west. 0th, l, M. and to havo tho title of said Premises quieted In this plaintiff. You aro reohlrcd to answer said petition on or boforo tho 6th day of May, 11)11. Dated March 27th 1U11. Thomas Cooi'Kit. Plaintiff lly Geo. K. Kronch, Attornoy BARGAIN IN LAND. - Section 5, Township 12, Range 33. Price $5,000. For terms address L. C. AHLlORN, Kensington, Ks. NOTIOn FOR I'UIUJOATION. Horlal No. 0T18. Department of tho Intorlor, U. 8- Land Olllco at North l'lattc. Neb. Apr. 1, 1011. Notlco Is heroin- irlvon that Wnlmnn A . ntcarns, or Norm natto. sxou., wno, on cent. SI, lUOI.mado homes toad entry No. 03.17, serial iio.u-.-o ior lots i wi. BniYM.tYM, ana H'l HRU. Section I. Townshln 15. N. llim 2. W. ot tho tlth Principal Meridian, has II leu notlco of Intention to maliu final live year proof, to tfctabllsh claim to tho land above les rll0(. tieforo tho lteclstor and ltn. celver at North Platto, Nebraska, on tho '.tlth uoy in junu. tuit. Claimant namos as wltnosses:Conway P, Camplll and CarlMcOrow of North Platte. Nn William a ....I tv.lXl.t -1 Mrytle, Nob. J. E. KVAN8. Register. PROI1ATE NOTICE. In tho County Court of Lincoln county. Ne braska. Apr. &th, 1011. . " in tno matter ot tno estate ot Catherine Ilrown, deceased. MOtlCO IS UCretiy Clven. that thn rrndllim I of said decnasod will meet tlm P.Tn.riv of said estate, iHiforo tho County Judgo of uneom county, Nobraska. at tho county court room In said county, on tho 27th day of ?.!f.y' '."J.1 f'."1 9n 11,8 27t" tyot Novombor. IWl, ate o'clock a- m. each day. for tho pur ppso of prosentlng theirclalms for examina tion, adjustment aud allowance. 81x months aro allowed for crc'dltnrii tn nrauint t),nl claims and ono year for tho Kxocturlx to sottio. sam estato, from tho tlth day of Apr,. iU. This notlco to bo published, for four aucceasivo weeks in tho Boml-Wookly Tribune, a lcgitl newspaper published in roiv luuiii