Semi -Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One Year by Mail In advance $1.25 Ono Year by Carrier in udvnnco $1.60 Entered at North Platte. Nebraska, Post olllco as Second Ulass Matter. FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1011. Having In view the farmer and stockman of his district, Congressman Kinkald will Introduce a bill placing farm implement and fencing wiro on tho free HatWhothT ho will succeed in getting tho bill reported Is question able. iho thirty-fifth annual encampment of the Grand Arm' Republic will be held at Kearnoy May 17th and 18th. Tho purado on the 18th will bo under the. direction of Judgelloagland of this city, who la senior aid and chief of BtafT. It looka very much as though the democratic majority in congress will succeed in repeating history provide for free trade, a lower level of prices, scarcity of employment at lower wages and a general unsatisfactory condition of business. It is now proposed by tho way up clergyman to shorten the tencommand mcnts to suit modern tastes. This is evidence that religion, liko political policies, must bo changed to suit changed conditions, though the ten com mandments have until now been satis factory to t''e people. Resident of a number of towns bo tween North Platto and tho Wyoming lino have sent word that they want the agricultural school located at North Pluttc and will use their influence in that direction. In some of these towns whore commercial clubs exist resolu tions endorsing North Platto will bo passed. Lieutenant Governor Mluvlllo R. Hopo wcll died at his home ntTekamah Tues day morning. For three terms he held the lleutennnt governshlp, and was re spected and admired by all. He was born in Indiana in 1845, served in th civil war, and then engaged as a bull whacker for freighters between Ft. Leavenworth und Laramie. Ho located at Teknmnh in 1870. Speaking of advertising Nebraska the Omaha Beo sayB: "Every newspaper In Nebraska is a permanent publicity bu reau for the state. Thcso newspaper nak no subsidies, but thoy are entitled to, and should receive, appreciative rec ognition of what they nro doing, and substantial support from all other busi ness institutions and members of the community that aharoin tho benefits." The legal battle against the forest reserves of the woBt In particular, and conservation by the federal government of natural resources in general wa3 lost Monday in the supreme court of tho United States. That tribunal not only upheld the constitutionality of tho establishment of the reserves for any national and public purpose, but it settled onco for nil that the fedoral government and not the states may say how tho reserves may bo used. By n majority of nearly GOO tho city of Lincoln reversed its anti-saloon pol icy Tuesday, and voted to have twenty fivo suloons at a license of $2,000 each. Tho fight was clean cut, tho personality of tho two candidates for mayor cut ting no figure, bb both wore committed to carry out tho wishes of a majoiity of the people on the liquor question. The result of tho vote was a surprise to the "dry" element in Lincoln, who anticipated an Increased majority against the saloons. For two years the sale of liquor had been prohibited, and it can be oaid that tho proposition had been given a fair trial and found unsat isfactory by a number of tho votera. Ten thousand employes of tho Pittsbure division of tho Penn sylvania road wont out on a strike Monday. These Include the em ployes of the big shops at Altoona. The, union' affected nro tho Brotherhood of Carmen, Boilermakers and Helpers, Sheet Metal Workers, the International Association of Machinists nnd Laborers, and the Federal Labor Union, an organ ization of foreign laborors about railroads, all of which are nfllliated with the American Federation of Labor. The cause la the allegation by the men that In Its retrenchment policy tjie railroad dismissed men who wero active in organizing and carrying on their unions. In speaking of the city election in Lincoln Tuesday tho State Journal said : Like tho primary, tho election all seem ed to go ono wuy. From tho time the first precinct return came in last night there was hardly n glimmer of hopt- for tho dry cause. The wets gained even In the dry words so consistently that thoro was never a doubt of their victory after the count began coming in. It was the worst Bhock the drys havo hnd sinco they won their first victory two years ago. It will be a long time bifforo somu of them enn realize what happonod, and still longer before they can understand what brought ubout this unexpected result. Dramatic Recital. An interesting program by Miss Allen's pupils will bo given at tho Keith Theatre Thursday evening, May 25th, including an elaborate children's flower fairy play entitled "The Crowning of tho Frost King" dramatized and ar ranged by Miss Allen from ono of Louisa M. Alcolt's flower fables; also readings arranged by Miss Allen from "Helen's Babies". There will be various scenes, readings and physical culture drills. Notice is hereby given that tho part nership heretofore existing between the undersigned under tho name Temple Real Estate & Insurance Agency is dis solved, dating from tho 1st of May, 1011. All accourit duo tho firm nro payable to C. F. Temple. J. G. Bugler, C. F. Temple. Jesgo Slcrks and Mary Johnson, who gave their rcsidenco as Nebraska, were married by Judgo Grant Wednesday. Notice. Tho co-pnrtnorship heretofore exist ing between Alexander F. Drebert and J. F. Clabaugh, under the firm name of Drebert Clothing Co. Is dissolved by by mutual consent. J. F. Clabaugh pur chasing tho interest owned by said Drebert, and tho business will bo con tinued bo tho snid J. F. Clabaugh, who assumes all tho Indebtedness of the said firm of Drebert Clothing Co. of North Platte, und all accounts duo said Dre bert Clothing Co. are duo and payable to tho said J. F. Clabaugh at the usual place of business, 520 Dewey St.. North Platte, Neb., who will so conduct the business as to merit your future pat ronage. Tho high class of merchandise at a nominal price will be maintained. J. F. Clahaugii. Lice and Chicks To be successful with poultry you cannot raise both. To rid setting liens und chicks of lice nnd mites use Lee'3 Insect Powder To rid poultry houses of lice, mites and all vermon use Lee's Lice Killer Tho only killer of any value, and do n ot accept uny other kind offered just as good Lee's Chice Food will start them right all food and no chaff. For sale by SCHILLER a CO., Family Druggists. lrst door north First National Bank. We Manufacture Tents, awnings for store windows, tarpaulin, wag on covers and horse cov ersf tents, cots and camp chairs for sale or rent. Grand Island Tent and Awning Co., Grand Island, Neb. DR. J. S. TWINEM, Homeopathla Physician and Surfieon a Spwjlal attonllon clvon to confirm- 5 9 moms nnu children's dlscasos. Z s Olllco Phono 183 ltos. Phono 283 g Olllco McDonald Btato Hank llldV jjj A. J. AMES. MARIE AMES, jj jj Doctors Ames & Ames, ji Physicians and Surgeons, 8 Olllco over Stone Drug Co. 0 9 Phonos I0fflce 273 g i i,10no9 f Residence 273 Y, NOTICE for PUIILIOATION- Horlal No. ittiit), 41 it oI)?pri0?nt of t,l Interior. U. 8- Land Olllco at North Platto. Noli, N'nllKAlal.nmV.w ..! .1.. Apr??' .?lUVS?, 0,,NPr"' Matt?. Nab., who. on Pent. v 8,'l?,.d8. ,,.1m.M..loa'1 !)rZ N- flfon.Borial Bi?. HKKt. tjcctlon 4 Townahln 11?. N y.SS iiUy.ot the. 0th Principal Meridian, hoi tiled notlco of Intention to mako Unul five rear proof, to establish claim to tho laud atxivo dwirllxHl. before iho Keulstor and to" Swo"juh10lV. NobrMk' on th0 '" Claimant iiaimti ax wltnoiwessCoiiway p. OauiplM.II and Carl McUrow of North Platte. Neb., Wljllaw B. Kuw and Edward Wrlcht of oirrtio, ftou J- KKVANS.JUcBUtor. , PRORATE NOTICE. In tho Oounty Court of Lincoln county. No braska. Apr. &th. 1MI. w"niy. no In tho matter of the citato of Catherine Ilrovrn. deceased. Notice, Is hontby rtveu. that tho creditor of said deceased will ini-nL tlm Rn,ti,,..i. otsalti ostate. borore tho County Judeo of Lincoln county. Nobraska. at tho county court room in said county, on thoirtthdayof May, Ml, and on tho Wth dayof November, lull, at U o'clock a- to. each day, for tho pur pose of prosoiitlnir tholrclalms for oxatuTna lion, adjubtmuut and allowancu. 81 k months aro allownd for urodltoni to nrcsont timir claims and ono year for tho Kxocturlx to aottlo Halil citato, from tho 21th day of Apr,. lUlt. This notlco to tm published for four augovtslvo ivvku In tho BumMVeokly Trlijuno. a local iiow,nix:r publlnhod lnll oeanty May. Wth. lvlt. jonn unAnT.county .luogb, AN ORDINANCE: n . . x'roviuing lor mo construction or a Lateral Sower District to be known nn Extension to Sowor District "N"; to consist of Blocks 04 nnd 05 of the Original Plat of tho City of North Platte. Nebraskn, and also Blocks 2-3-4-G-fi una 7 or North I'latte Town Lot Cnv pany's Addition tothoCityof Ntrtli Platto, Nebraskn, except lots 1 and 2 and G and 7 of ench of said Blocka 2-3-4-G-G and 7 which aro excluded from said District; said Lateral Sewer com mencing wnero me present Lateral in DIst. N terminates on Elm Street, runniutrthenco in a westerly direction on tho center lino of the alley In said blocks 04 and 05 original town of the City of North Platte, and Blocka 2-3-4-5-6 and 7 of tho North Platto Town Lot Company's Addition to th City of North Platte, to where the center line of said alloy intersects tho west lino of uuld block 2, To bo constructed of sewer pipe 10 In. in diameter, with proper flush tunk, man-holes and appliances; providing for an estimate of the cost thereof and for bids for mnking a con tract for said Lateral sewer: nlso nrovitl lng for the levying against the nbut- ting iota nnu lots not abutting accord ing to tho front footato thereof, alonir the lino ot' said sower, and also accord ing to the special assessments levied for tho construction ot said sewer; Special assessments to provide the cost or con structing the same: Be it ordained by tho Mayer and City Council of tho City of North Platte, Nebraska: Section 1: That the lateral sower dis trict to bo known as Extension to Sewer District "N" be formed from blocka 04 und 05 oriirlnal nlut of tho Citv of North Platte and Blocks 2-3-4-5-0 and 7 of North Platte Town Lots Company's Audition to tne Uity or North riatte. excluding therefrom Iota 1 nnd 2- and 0" and 7 of said Blocks 2-3-4-5-G nnd 7 North Platte Town Lot Company' Addition to tho City of North Platte, Ncbr. Section 2: That the lateral sower be constructed of 10 in. sewer pipe, at the proper depth, on a grade required by tho present sewer system of said city, commencing whore tho presont lateral In District N of Elm Street terminates, running thence in a westerly direction on the center line of tho alloy In blocks 04 und 05 original town of tho Citv of North Platte, and blocks 2 8-4-5-0 and 7 North P latto Town Lot Company's Addition to the City of North Platte to where the center line of said alley intersects tho west lino of block 2 North Platto Town Lot Company's Addition to the City of North Platto, Nebr., together with the necessary mnn-holes. fln3h tanks and appliances along the line of said pro posed lateral sewer. Section 3: That tho engineer of snid citv at once urennro and lilo with the clork therof, on estimate of the total cost of said proposed lateral sower. Section 4: That after said estimate Is made and filed ns herein provided, that tho clerk of said citv at onco nro- ceed to advertise in manner and form required by law. for bids for the con struction of said lateral sewer and ap pliances, reserving to said city of Nortli Platto tho right to reject any and all bids therofor. Section u: If an annroved bid bo made for said work, that a contract therefor be cntored into bv the mavor of said city of North Platte, Nebraska, attested oy tne cleric, witti tho neces sary provisions nrotectinor the interests of said city, upon tho contractor fur- nisning a bond in sulliclent amount for tho faithful performance of said con tract. Section C: To nay for tho costs of construction of said lateral sower flush tanks, man-holes nnd ap pliances, a special assessment shall be lavitd according te tho law tigalnBt the lots abutting upon the line ot said lat eral sewer, and also on lots included in said District not abutting on said sewer in accordance with the benefits received. Section 7: This ordinance shall take effect and bein forco from nnd after its passage, approval and publication. Passed and nDnroved this second dav of May, 1011 TIIOS. C. 1'ATTEUSON, Mayor, Attest: Chas. P. Temple, City Clerk AN ORDINANCE. Providing for tho construction of a lateral sewer district to bo known as lateral sower district "A";, to consist Of blocks 1-8-0 and 10 In Penlston's addi tion to tho city of North Platte; said lateral sewer commencing where tho center line of tho alloy of block 1 in tersects tho main sowor north of snid block, running thence in a southernly direction on tho center lino of the nlloy in said blocks 1-80 und 10 to where the center line of said alley intcrsocts with the south lino of block 16: there to ter minate with proper flush tunka to be constructed of sewer nine 10 in in diameter, with proper flush tanks, man holes and anniiunccs: nrovid nc for an estimate of the cost thereof and for bids for malting a contract for said lateral sower; also providing for levying ngainst aouuing lots according to tlm iront footage thereof along the line of snid Bevver, special assessments to pay tho cost of constructing- the same, Be it ordained by tho mayor and city council of tho city of North Platte, Nebraska: Section 1: That a Lateral Sewer Dis trict to be known ns Lateral Sower Dis trict "V bo formed from Blocks 1-8-0 and 10 in Penniston'a Addition to the City of North Platte, Nebraska. Section 2: That a Intornl snwer be constructed of 10 in. sower pipes at the proper depth and on a grade required by the present Bewer system of Bald city, commencing where the center line of tho alley of Block 1 intersects tho main sewer north of said block 1, flienco running in u s uthornly direc tion on tho center lino of tho ullf-y of said blocks 1-8-0 nnd 10 to where the center line of said ulloy inforsects the south lino of block 10. together with the necessary mnn-holes, flush tanks and appliances nlong tho line of said proposed Lateral sower. ' Section 3: That the engineer of said city at onco prepared nnd file with the clork thereof an cstimnto of tho total post of suld proposed Lateral sewer. Section 4: That after said estimate is mado and filed as herein provided that the clerk of said city proceed at once to advertise In manner according to law, for bids for the construction of said Lateral Sawer and appliances, re serving to the said city the right to re ject any nnd nil bda therofor. Section 5: If an approved bid be made for said contract thut n contract there fore be entered Into by the Muyor of aid city of North Platto, attested by the Clork, with tho necessary provis ions protecting the interests of said city, upon th contractor furnishing a bond in sufficient amount for tho faith ful performance of the said contract. Suction 6: To pny tho costB of con struction of sBid Lateral Sower, flush tanks, man holen and appliances, a special a88c?stnent shall bo levied ac cording to law against the abutting lots upon tho line of said lateral eewer, ac cording to the foot frontage thereof. Section 7: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the passage, approval and publication of the same. Paused and approved this 2nd day of May, 1011. Tiios. C. Patteuson, Mayor. Attest: Chas. P. Temple, City Clerk. Every Person m North Plalte, Read This. If any person or porsonflnhall put the carcass of any dead animal, r tho offals from any slaughter house or butcher's ostnblishment,'packlnghouse, or fish h"tiso, or any spoiled meats, or spoiled fish, or any putrid animal sub stance, or tho contents of nnv privy vault, uponorinto anyrlyer, bay, creek, pond, canal, road, Btrect, nlloy, lot, field, meadow public ground, mnrket space, or common, or if tho owner or owners, occupant or occupants thereof shall knowingly permit the samo to re main in nny of the nforesaid situations, to tho annoyunco of the citizens of this state, or any of them, or shall neglect or rofuso to remove or abate the nuisance occasioned thereby, within twenty four hours after knowledge of tho existence of such nuisance upn any of tho nbove described promises owned or occupied by him, her, or them, or nftcr notice thereof In writing1 from tho street com missioner, supervisor, constable, any trustee, or health officer of nny city or precinct in which such nuisance shall exist, ovury such person shull bo fined in any sum not less thnn one nor more than fifty dollnrs. An if said nuisance be not abated within twenty four hours thereafter, it shall bo deemed a second offenco against tho provisions of this section nnd every like neglect of each twenty four hours thereafter shall be considered an additional offenco against tho provisions of this section. I. L. MlLTONHEIlGER, a 21-4 Sheriff. Uncle Sam Stands First, Uncle Sam, in his suit of stars and Btripes, stands first among all nations, nnd in this elevnted position he ia like our cigars tho equal of any and sur passed by none. We have been mak ing cigars in North Platto for over a quarter of n century. If wo did not mnko good cigars we would hnvo been out of .business years agofor no ono would buy our cigars If thoy 'were not good. Isn'tthis.truo? J F SCHMALZRIED. Section 5, Township 12, Range 33. Price $5,000. For terms address L. C. AHLBORN, Kensington, Ks. Notice to Horsemen. The good trotting stallion, P. A. Rus sell, will make tho season of 1011 at th homo of E. C. Richards, nt tho west ond of Eighth street, North Platte. F. A. RUSSELL 26703, Trolling Record 2:18 Standard Bred and Registered. Siro of Sir Credorick, record 2:12J; A. Valentine, 2:181: and other fast horses. P. A. Russell is n son of Ellerslie Wilkes, by Georgo Wilkes, by Hnmblo toninn 10. His dnm is Gold Leaf, tho dam of four fast horses. She was by luunionnu itussen dy woourord Aiam brina by Mnmbrlna f. P. A. Russell is bred alone- tested lines. Ho is n fast horse and the sire of fast horses. Tbkms: Fifteen dollars payable at foaling tlmo, or if mare is sold, or traded, or removed from county where owned, duo and payable ut onco. Geo. B. Griffith, Owner. NOTIOK tfOIt I'WHLIOATION ISOLATED Tit ACT. HiTlal No 011)13. I'uullc Lnml Hnlo. Dopartuicnt of tho Interior. U. S. Land Ofllco at Nortli Platto. Nob. Aiir IK. Illl I Notice In bornliy irlrcn that, as dlroctod y tho Oommtastonor of tho flnnnml T.ntirt Olllco, undor provisions of Act of Comrrcss niuiruTuu .iiuui-i. vju( i,h siRi., Dm, wo will offer nt nubile salo. to tho htghost hiildor at ton o'clock a. n., on thodth day ot .hi no lull, at this olllco. tho followlnc-doscrlhod lund! Lot 4. of tfce. 3. Tmrnfitiln 12. N.. Hanco SI. W of flth 1', M. Any DonionH claiming tlm Kimvn dotscrlhed laud aro advlsuil to lllotholr claims, orobjootlniji ouur hoforo tho tlmo doslg- MB" 0 J It kVANS. fcMsWr. Homeopathy Principles Similes, Sieiilibtu, Curanlus- A like remedy will cure a like disease as a remedy which has tho samo symptoms, or produces the same in tho well, will cure those i In the sick, and with na ture's help will euro quicker than any other, and with fuss expense to the human economy. This system of medicine has at its command anything in tho realm of cure, such as electricity in any form, the Vibrator. Massage, Hyrothorafcntie8. Therefore tho correctness of choosing this lino of treatment, rather than whims with n single borrowed Idea. For out of town patients and all those interested: rooms furnished when desired, for confinement, medical and the necessary surgi cal cases. Trained nurses in attendance. Dr. J. S. Twinem Medical and Surgical Praclicioncr I I GEO. D.DENT, Physician and Surgcen, Office over McDonald Bank. JOE B. REDFIELD, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Specially! SKIN DISEASES. Day and night calls promptly answered Office P. S. Hospital. Phone 642. DR. A, A. WARD, Ofllco: Hotel Tlmmorman. Special attention given diseases of women and emergency surgery. 1 DR. W. W. SADLER, 1 Physician, Surgeon, Optician. I District Surgeon U. P. R. R. I Hershey, Nebraska. WILLIS J. REDFIELD, M. D. Surgeon, Physician, Consultant. Office Physicians and Surgeons Hospita Phones: Office 642, Residence 644. F. J. BRGEKER Merchant Tailor. We have recently installed a French Dry Cleaner for Men's and Ladies' apparel of all classess, and we guarantee satisfactory work. We are also tailors and know how to repair clothes. We carry samples of goods and make clothes of all kinds to order, insuring first-class workmanship ana perfect lit. Go to SORENSON'S FOU Furniture Repairing and Cabinet Work Also Wood Turning, Picture Framing Room Moulding, and Window Screens a Specialty. Shop 107 East Fifth. NOTIOR l-'OH l'UHLlOATlON. Horlal No. (WI0. Department ot tho Interior. U- 8. Land Olllco at North l'latto. Nob. . April lfith 1011. Notlco Ib horohy Riven that Ailolph Hoy orlo. Hon and ono of tho holm of Ueorirn llnv crlo. deceased claimant, whose wlfo la also aoaa. or noun riatio, Notraska who on Deo- 1. 1105, mado homestead ontrjr No.21507. Serial No. OUItl. for HM 8KM. NWH SE4 BWW. and NWM section 18. townsliln 12. N. Itaneo 3S, W. of tho sixth 1'rlnclpal Meridian haa filed notlco of Intention to make final flvo year proof to osiauusn ciaim to mo tana auovo described, loforo tho ItcirUtor and Itecelvor at North I'latte, Neb., on tho 0th day of Juno 1011. Claimant names ns nltnnnanMt rinnfnl 11. McNeol. James llochan, Wnltor 11 Mc- ooi, wjuiain w. uroves allot wortn l'latto. Nob , aW-S .1 K KVANP. TtoBlstcr. Order of Hearing for Summnry Ad ministration. In tho Matter of the Estate of Eu genie Sturges, deceased. In the County Court. Stnto of Nebraska, Lincoln On reading and filing the petition of Loren C. Sturges praying that regular administration of said estate may bo waived as provided by Sections 5202-3-4 Cobbey's Annotated Statutes of 1909. Ordered, that May 8th, 1911, nt 9 o'clock in tho forenoon is assigned for heaWng said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear in tho county court to be held in and for aaid county and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted. This order to be printed for six suc cassive issues in tho North Platto Semi Weekly Tribuue. a lesrol newsnancr published in Lincoln county, Nebraska, prior 10 may am, xnil. Save Your Suits. Wouldn't you liko to wear that per fectly good last spring's suit again? And wouldn't you wear it if you could shorten tho jacket to conform to tho present style. If you haven't tho tlmo to do It, or If you don't know how, just send it to us. We nre doing a groat deal of this kind of work this spring, ns well ns cleaning, dyeing, pressing nnd adding new collara nnd cuffs. A few such change will improvo your old suit so that you will actually enjoy economy. The French Dty Cleaning and Press ing Place. A. SIGEL, The Little Tailor. 223 E. CthSt. Phone 182 Notice for Publication. Serial No. OlWo-CKOfit). Dopartmcntof tho Interior. U. 8- Land Ofllco at North l'latto, Nob. ...... . . Mar. 7th, 1011. Notlco Is horohr jrlvon that Chris Hchlck.of North l'latto, Nob., who on Mar 2S. 1M)I, mado Homrstead Kntry No. UHWtl, Serial No. 01U00. for 8M NRM. and 8M NW and on Juno 20th. 1U0I, mado Homestead Entry No. 202.U Horlal , No. 06000 for NM NWX. NH NEK and BH, all In Section. !S). Township, II, N , Fantr.?. W nfthoslxtn principal morldlan has Hied notlco of Intention to nialto final flvo year proof, to CHtahllsh claim to tho land abovo described, before tho Itoitlstor aild Ilocolvor at North I'lat to Nebraska, on tho (Ith day of May, 1011. Claimant names as witnesses: Lorcn Purdy. Jess Lone. Samuel Hawkins, 1'rank Htcol all of North l'latto. Nebraska. mllM T B. Ffiii.. rwinter. , llEKEHEE'S SALE- Notlco Is horobrelvon that by vlrtuoof an order Issued to mo b tho District Court of Lincoln county. Nebraska. In an action wherein Krcd Hnnd Is plaintiff and Paul I). Ilund, An:ia Uund and tho Union Pacific Hallroad company aro defendants, I will on tho i 0th day of May, 1911, at tho hour of 1 o'clock p. in. at tho east front door of tho Court IIouso In tho city of North l'latto, Lincoln county, Nebraska, soli at public auction to tho hlehest btddor upon the roll owlnir terms to wit! One-fourth cash, ono fourth In ono yoar, one-fourth In two years and ono-fourth in three years af tor sale, with tho option of tho purchaser to pay all i-ash or to pay In full at, any time, with trood and sulliclent surcltlcs foi deferred payments, said payments to draw Interest at tho rato of six per cent per annum payablo annually, tho following described real cstato to wit: All of Section 83. In Township 11. North of Itaniro 31 west of tho 0th l M. In Lincoln county. Nebraska- Dated this 1st da) of April, Mil. OllA K, KU)Klt. Itoferco. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No 01UI7. Department of tho Interior U. S. Land Ofllco at North l'latto. Nob. r ., . . . Mar 7th. 1B11. Notlco Is horoby clvon that Mayboll O. JlcNoel. of North l'latto. Nobraska. who on 5Bjr.Ul ,w4. rdo Homestead, entry No. 10887. Serial No. 01017. for south half, northeast quarter and south halt northwest quarter of soctlon 84, township 16. north ransq 82, west of tho Otb Principal Meridian, has filed notlco ot Intention to mako Unal flvo year proof, to establish claim to Uiq land abovo described, before tho Itcfflster and Itecelvor at North I'latte, Nobraska, on Ithc 10th day of May, 1011. Claimant names as witnesses: David Macombor, James Median. W. W. Groves, all of North l'latto. Nob.. Walter Ueauchamp, or Sutherland, Nob. mio-fl J. E. Evans. Resistor. Rorlal No. UI55I. Notlco for Publication-Isolated Tract. Public Land 8alo. Department of tho Interior, U. 8. Land Ofllco at North Platte. Nob , . . March 8, 1011 Notlco la horoby jjlvon that, as directed by tho Commissioner of tho General Land Ofllco undor provisions of Act of Congress ap proved Juno 27th, 1006. (31 Stats., S17), we will olTor at public sale, to tho hltrhost bidder, at ten o'clock a. in., on tho Bib day of May, Ml, at tills ofllco. tho followlntr-descrftjod land: E54 of SEX of Section 0, township 15, N Ilanuoao. V. oftith Principal Meridian- Any persons claiming adversely tho abovo described lands aro advised to fllo tholr claims or objeatlons on or Iwiforo tho tlmo deshtnated for alo. J. K. Evans n'6. Reclster. , hJ. 1M'9.Plsl,rIct.0o"rt,of ,l10 Thirteenth Judicial District In and tor Lincoln County, Nobraska. Thomas-Coopor. Plaintiff, vs. Charlos Francis. Mao Rlchatdson. Imlso Richardson and Margaret Richardson, Dofon-dauis- . . NOTICE. Charles Francis. Mao Richardson, Lonlso Richardson nnd Marirarot Hlchardsoii.ilrfon ddar.ts, will tuko notlco that on the 27th, day of March 1011. Thomas Cooper.plalntlir horoln filed his petition In thu District. Court of Lin coln County. NobrasUa, ntralnst. said dnfon dants.the object and prnyi ror which aro to se cure Iho cancellation of a deed purporting to havo been oxecutrd by Alexander Richardson Deceased, and protondlmr to convoy an un divided one half Interest to William II. Richardson, doceasod to BEX N V!H and lots 8, and 6, Township 10 north of Raniro Twenty-six west, flth. P. M. and to havo tho title of said Promises uulotod in tills plaintiff . You ore required to answor said potition on or hoforo tho 8th day of May, 1011. Dated March 27th 1011. Thomas Coo Plaintiff Ily Geo. L. iToneh. Attorney ORDER OF HEARING ON PETITION TO WAIVE ADMINISTRATION. In tho Comity Conrt of Lincoln County, Nobraska. " State ot Nobraska, Lincoln County, S3. In tho matter of tho ostato of lturrdoll Alyoa, decoasiHl. On reading and flllnir tho petition of Jamos Alyeo praylmr that tho resrular administra tion of tho estiito of llurrdoll Ayloa. deceased, may he waived In Lincoln Country. Nebraska, as provided by section 6202-3-4. ordered: That May I, 1011, at 0 o'clock a-m-, Baid potition will bo hoard at which time mi. isvinwua HiiuruniiHi in nam u.iiatd may ap pear before tho county court of said county and show cause why tho prayor of said potl- j . . . . MtuuM, aim reiruiar administration of said ostato waived, and decree of heirship entered. This order to bo printed for six sueeciMvu issues in tho North Platto Tribune, a, suml-weukly nowspapor. published in Lincoln County, Nebraska. juim uiiamt. county Juuire. VjniniJl nn c"nmrT.HinMfii Tho State of Nobraska. I.a Lincoin uounty. " In tho County Court- Ti ... , . np ,1... ......... . . ... v..u uiuhui u. tuu uniuiu 01 .101 III II. Johnson, deceased- To tho creditors, helrn. iniiaioos, ami others interested In tho ostato of John il. Johnson. - m i? "P1100- UlRt Thllda Johnson has uuiiij tuurk a report or her doliies as Administratrix ot shl.nstato and Jtlsordored that tho samo stand forhoarlntr foro tho court at tho hour of U o'clock o. m.. lit. wllfi'll t mn Riiv nDNAii I. ........... ...i pear and except to audcontost tho samo. And ,1 ywOTint is oruorwi tivuii lfJth1 'pi'.VR? 'r..8 ,f succosslvolssues fn tho ...ruii.i -, ..m....u, ii;hui iiuwspapur published In said county prior to said dajof Witness my hand and tho seal of thu county court at North Platto this 10th day of Aprft John oh a nt, cotmi Jtmit