jg- C CJl C U CS tC O C CU K tJ C C-i : C s u cj cj c a c I This is your cliance to save money. Take advantage of it. One lot Fine Corset Cover Embroideries $1.00 quality 79c One lot $1.50 Petticoats $1.19 Ladies' Shirt Waists Made of all over Embroid ery. Cheap at $1.50. 98c Mens Summer Shirts and Drawers 25 cent quality 19c Childrens' knitted waistCUnion Suits always 50c, what we have go for 39c Men's $4.00 Walkover Shoes $2.98 ' - One lot Lawns per yard 3k Ladies' Muslin Drawers ' 19c Now is the time to buy that Dress Skii One lot 50c Wool Dress Goods 39c One lot Ladies Shoes Fine goods but not newest styles, some sold up to $4 $148 Satisfaction guaran teed, goods cheerfully exchanged or money refunded. Stock Reducing Sale From May 6th to 21st, 1911. The sole object of this sale is to effect a quick and positive turning of all odd lots, broken lines and seasonable goods into money. Along with these lots left from early spring business we will sell a great many Summer Goods. This will be the greatest opportunity you will have to save money this season. GROCERY SPECIALS One day only Saturday, May the 6th. Swift's Premium Hams Ifflr per lb v2( Swift's Boned Pic Nib Hams per lb 12k 15 c 15 c 29 c 7k Sauer Kraut 2 cans. . . . Pumpkin, 2 cans. Gallon Apples, per can . Egg-O-Sce, ,per pkg . . LAWNS AND BATISTES. 1 lot 25c quality all col- n ors. per yd 1 l, lot 15c and 1 8c quality 4 r per yd 1 ZL 1 lot iajc quality per yd Q 1 lot few colors, per yd . . 3C MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Children's Drawers.... Jq 19c 19c Children's Skirts Ladies' Drawers Ladies' Combinations $ 1 'JQ quality "... J Ladies' Combinations 4 4Q $1.50 quality J1 1 7 Ladies Gowns Si 00 quality Ladies Gowns, $1.25 quality 79c 98c We do not sell cheap goods But good goods cheap. There will be many other lots on sale and as we run out of those lots adver tised we will make up new ones. We expect this to be the busiest two weeks this this store ever had. We will do our part, now do yours. Sale begins at 7:30 a. Wilcox North Our store closes at 6:30 p. RUGS 10 cent discount on all Rugs, large stock to pick fro.m late patterns. FOULARDS Regular 50c grade, good assort ment of patterns and colors, while while. they last at per yd 39c One-Fourth Off on Dress Skirts One-Fourth off on Ladies' Suits. One-Fourth Off on Ladies and Childrens Coats One-Fourth off on Silk and Wool Dresses. artment Store, Platte, Nebraska m. except Saturdays. SHOES Mens Oxfords $3.50 quality $1.98 Mens Walkover Oxfords Qq 3. 50 to $4 quality t0 Mens Walk Over Shoes $4 quality 2.98 Mens Work Shoes $2.25 4 rQ to 2. 50 grades 1 wyO Boys Oxfords $1.75 to 4 Q 3. 00 grade 1,0 7 Y.ouths Oxfords $1.75 to 4 to $2 grade f ,0 Little Gents Oxfords 4 4Q 1.25 to $1.50 grade. . 1.1 Ladies Shoes $3 103.50 J I Q quality "40 Ladies Shoes $2.50 to $3 j An grade 1,70 Ladies Oxfords $3.50 to in $4 quality LAO Ladies Oxfords 2.50 to 4 fQ $3 grade l0 Misses Oxfords 1.75, $2 i AO and 2.50 1 ,40 Misses Oxfords $1 .50 to 4 d'Q 1.75 quality Childrens Oxfords $1.25 to 1.50 grade .98 LADIES SHIRTWAISTS. Lot 1 ladies waists assort ed colors and styles 75c i A quality 4C Lot 2 ladies white waists a great many styles, Q O 1.50 quality OC Lot 4, ladies fine whitest I HQ waists, 2.50 quality. . ,l,0 HOUSE DRESSES. Lot 1 ladies house dress-tf 4 4 Q es, 1.50 quality Jl I Lot 2 ladiefe house dress- 4 QQ es 2.50 quality m., May 6 We want the Money You want the Goods. One lot 27 inch Embroidery 50c Quality 33c One lot $1.00 Petticoats 79c Children's Muslin Drawers 7c Men s Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers 39c 25c Turkish Towels While they last 19c Ladies' $3.50 and $4.00 Oxfords ' $2.48 One lot Children's Dresses 39c Ladies 10c Vests 7c You can afford that New Coat now. Ladies' $1.25 Night Gowns 98c One Lot of Ladies' and Childrens Hose," 15c quality, lie If You Do Not Attend this Sale You Lose Money. 7? S-? 52 52 52 2 52 52 53 Sl& P-S ? P,& tMt tMf P,vS PjS PS SJi P- AS. P Z SlA a A SJZ 52 2 52 531 52 52 52 S"2 S