I" PLAN BEST Allows Water to Flovv Gently Without Erosion. , .i.J i'- 'x ' By This t?lnn DItchN Banks Are 'Not Disturbed and Harden Until There Is No Danger of a Break Soil U Thoroughly Soaked. f I had two seasons' oXporlonce as an Irrigator In California before I tried irlgating In Idaho, writes MlUor Pur vis In tho Breeder's Gazette. On tho benches In the foothills of tho coast ratiRo In northern California, whore tho soil Is a reddish clay, wo simply ctit the dltoh banks, regulate the flow through the cut by laying two stones In tho opening and lot tho wa ter run for a day or two, never think ing of erosion. I tried this In Idaho and within a few mlnutos all tho wa ter In tho service ditch was going down ono lateral and washing a deop channel through tho ash soli. Thon someone told me that tho best way to do was to make a long box-llko tttliH by nailing tho edges. of four plaatoring laths together and sink this In the ditch bank. I was told this would Drovcnt tho water from washing Its way into ono lateral and make, it possible to divide evenly tho water among all tho latorals In tho field. I made a lot of those lath boxes but thoy did not work on my kind ofootl as tho Holds woro too stoop. A couplo of young chaps, who remembered aomothlng about physics, concluded that they could carry tho water over tho banks of tho ditches In siphons. They bought somo ordi nary gasplpo throo-fourths of an inch in boro, cut It Into flvo-foot lengths, bent tho pieces over a wagon whool and tried them out. Thon thoy lmmo dlatoly got busy making moro siphons. I thon tried tho siphon plan and tho wator that camo down tho service ditch bocamo bo gentle and obodlent that it wont whorovor I wished, in any quantity I wished and wlth.tho least nosslblo erosion of tho land. It gently flowed through the pipes and trickled acrosB tho Holds, soaking tho soil thoroughly without carrying moro than a small quantity with it. I have watched irrigators trying all Borts of plans to provent erosion In thin soil but not ouo of them works bo well as tho siphons Necessarily my various sorvlco ditches must run down hill, making a swift current which rapidly washes deep into tho soil until tho water In tho ditch Is not available. To pre vent this we uso canvas dams or chocks. Thoso arc simply widths of common canvas fastened to a strip They aro long enough to rosch well ncross tho ditch. An Illustration ohowB the manner in which the' can vas 4s fastened to tho cross bar so as to allow surplus water to run out at tho center of tho ditch. In using these checkB tho bar Is laid across tho ditch, the canvas spread on tho bottom and a llttlo earth puddled alone; the edco. Each check raises tho level of tho ditch, "kills" tho cur rent and prevents erosion, also niak ing It easier to uso the siphons by raising tho lovol of tho wator. Tho samo illustration Bhows tho siphons In uso, whoro two checks aro closo together. Just hero tho grado pitches down quite steeply and on tho loft be tween tho two chocks is shown tho upper end of a ditch which runs jitoop ly down hill. It was nocessary to run tho ditch horo to got below tho crater shown in another Illustration and it will bo seen how stoop tho land lies, To savo wasting land the ditch waB ,..t M.lc. ntln nr Invn molr nml come3 to a dead end. By raising tho cross bar In ono of tho checks moro water can bo held back, or lowering it will let moro water through tho opening in tho check. It wns nocos aarv to regulate tho flow of wator very nicely. If too llttlo camo down tho siphons would draw tho witter out and stop. If too much enmo down tho dead end of tho ditch would ovor- flow, By this system tho ditch banks aro not disturbed and soon hnrdon until there 1b no danger of a break. By Duttlng tho siphons in dooply or leBS doenly tho flow of water thoy deliver can be regulated. Thero Is no danger that tho water will wash out tho ditch bank whoro thoy aro sot and tho flow la ,so gontlo that tho light soil la not carried down tho ditch. Cuts In tho ditch bank must bo filled as soon as ono irrigation is finished; lath boxes must bo reset at ovory ir rigation and often several times dur- ing ono Irrigation, but siphons can bo moved from placo to place at any 4i .,!. nrn nlwnvs roadv to work. Slnco they havo been Introduced horo more and moro ranchers aro putting ,,.-, in (uui t. Land Values Increase. Tho incroaso of land values duo to tho irrigation work by tho national government is now estimated at ovor )108,000,000. This Is considerably moro man uie ro u w. r isuwis plants and shows tho direct sain from sucn lormo oi utuuuu. Uu tne government wm uo ,.uuUrmm ui- umaio.y oy b v uunem. of a water supply for their land and who pay a rQasonnblo charge for tho privilege it will bo perceived that tho peoplo as a wiioio win he "out" noth ing, wb.Uo they wllKsharo in tho ad vantages that como from much great er producing capacity. Irrigation Projects. Tho Irrigation projects of tho coun try havo called for tho erection of tho flvo largest dams In tho world. USE p.UMP F0R irrigating Some Practical Suggestions by New Mexico Farmer on Pumping Wa- tcr with Small Engine. feorhf) days ago I read an article an swerlng a query In regard to putting In! a small. Irrigation outfit to water twp acrer of garden. Practically all the' Water wo get In this region (Co lumbus, N. M.) Is lifted by a pump of Bora, sort, and In tho light of expert cnc'e 'Un this' method of Irrigation I would offor somo suggestions which will help tho man who has tho cour ago to tako chargo of weather condi tions In tho ovont that rain falls to fall, aaya a writer In tho Itural New .Yorker. The two-Inch pump and 2& horsepower engine will take care of tho two acres nicely, furnishing about 125 gallons per minute at a speed of 800 revolutions If properly lined out Tho Installation will be more simple to uso the foot Valve on the suction plpo and keep tho pump abovo wator. If thero is danger of debris In the creek sink a box around tho suction. It would bo an expensive mistake to uso a two-inch pipe for 200 feet and work the llttlo engine against so much friction. A throe-Inch pipo connected to tho pump by a roducer and run up at an angle of 45 degrees to a vertical he'lght of 18 feet arranged to empty Into a woodon flumo which connects with tho garden will avoid excessive speed of tho water and also do away with most of tho plpo. Tho suction should be at least 2-Inch plpo. If this is not suited to conditions uso four-inch plpo from puirip to field. This may bo niado of heavy gnlvnn ized plpo material and reduced to tho two-Inch connection on tho pump, but tho flumo will bo moro satisfactory if it can bo used. Tho flumo may bo cheaply mado with two boards put to gether, pig-trough stylo, and lined with roofing paper, lapping tho Joints llko shingles. Another thine should not bo lost sight of; when tho field needs Irrlgn tion it probably will all need It at onco, for tho rain wots tho wholo patch tho same day, and it would bo a wIbo plan to pump an earth tank full of wator and havo It on hand if tho ground can bo sufficiently puddled to hold water: 125 gallons per min ute is a fcoblo' stream to do anything with, and less than that Is llttlo moro than an aggravation unless it bo stored up until sufficient "head" has accumulated to put It out and ovor tho ground. Tho frco government pamphlet, "Practical Irrigation for Be ginners," will bo very helpful in giv ing methods for handling tho water. Tho 125 gallons per mlnuto should bo dollvored at a icost of not moro than 30 cento a day for onglno naphtha If tho right machinery lo selected, and tho best should bo procured; .Its tho cheapest in tho end. Bees left to thomsolvos will gen orally send out ono swarm in a sea son, often Bonding put a second ewarm, Boietlmos a third, Bays a writer In an exchange. In our prac tice wo always havo superspartly full of empty comb, and thl3 makes tho giving of room to the bees much moro practicable thftn wiien empty bocuuup aro given, for thero nccl bo no dolay in f ho wnrit. no wnltlni: on tho build- ers'. no hanging clusters whljo tno honey Is wasting In tho Holds. Tho vnnni. Viaoh. then, do most oi me J w u n - 1 comb building. Securing Fertile Eggs Hons that, havo a wide rango keep thrifty and lay fertile eggs, inu eggs for hatching Bhouid uo cnosen from early-hatched pullets that have been properly fed from tho "day thoy nrn hutched OUt. 'tno OggB iruiu close-yarded liens aro not fit for sot ting. FARM NOTES. Jlmson weed Is poisonous. Havo you begun to test tho seed corn yet? Cheap harnoas often proves an ox nonBlvo Instrument A llttlo axlo grease nppneu wnoro it belongs saves horseflesh. A chean paint, can bo mado from a oninMnn of borax and water mlxod with linseed oil. nnrrota aro high in feeding valuo and aro relished by all kinds of stock, Including horseB. Bettor corn means heapenoa proauc tton, and choapor production means larcor net proms Sow seeds of beans In pots, in a not tmd sow neas for an early crop. Use tho dwarf early kinds. Tho variety of potatoes to plant do ponds upon tho kind of soil in which thoy aro to oo piuuuu. Whon tho Bllo replaces tho straw. pllo tho bank account wilt oxchango places with the mortgage. Ono nOlUlO Krowur uuiuuib nuui lima I , . . rnntmnine six or moro iiuiuiuub ui marketablo size and no culls. Among tho duties of spring, if the work has been neglected in tho fall, is the examination and repair of tho ma chlnory. Many of thoso who undertako farm' f flrBt Umo noco38arlly "f ior denc0 mtX toowI. ,. n fow wlU BUccocd, Consider carefully the matter of out machinery in order that all tho J" on tho farra may earn B fair return upon tho monoy lnvostod. If tho onions In storago havo be come frozen, keep thom bo by an extra covering. Freezing doos thom no harm, but altornato freezing and thawing is ruinous Repair the trollises, arbors and oth or garden fixtures while the plants aro dormant. After painting tho supports1 pruno tho vines and tlo thom up agal for another season's growth. TIAPPC i in' Make Their Home EW YORK. All of New York's animate myriad do not dwoll on tho surface. High over tho hoads of sightseers, at tho summit of some of the tallest ofllco buildings in tho world, live men, womon and childron, who find ll.'o particularly good thero in tho hot nights of summer, A writer for tho Now York Trlbuno was invited to visit such a homo tho other day, and aftor using the elevator to tho roof entered a comfortable look ing living room, occupied by a hnppy looking family. Far from earth as It was, tho room looked pleasingly oarthllke and real. Tho living room had ono entrance, through a pasBago from an .ofllco, .and two exits, ono to tho root and tho oth er Into a largo parlor, lleyond that was a big bedroom. Tho roof was, of course, at noon in summer, a hot desert Burroundod by a hot parapet. N "Busted" Cupid Kicked Out In Cold GEE.' THAT WUZ OHCT THAT .MYWRERS WENT WRQNC U8KOQEE, OKLA. A sluopy and "busted" Don Cupid, kicked out into tho world becauso of his povorty, ono morning recently wearily "hoofod" it along tho ties to Oktaha, wherico ho had come a fow short hours before Llttlo Jenny Ilosmor, an Indian maiden of sixteen years, "who hnd doped from Oktaha with Wesloy Mo ran, about hor own age, was not long in deciding that a couplo cannot Uvo on love nlono, and ten hours aftor tho elopmont had begun the young lover, tired and dojected, waB return ing to tho plow ho had hurriedly left standing in tho field, having been gtvon his dismissal by his llttlo sweot heart. Jenny Hosmcrj although only six- toon, Is heiress to a thousand acres or land near Oktaha. Tho ontlro town site of Wlebert belongs" to ho'r, having boon given it in a will by a roluttvo. Whon sho grows up Jenny will bo rich, but riches could not coroparo with hor lovo for Wesley Moran. To Grandmas Quote DES MOINES, IA. In the remark ablo suit Just tried hero for tho custody of llttlo Joanetto Edwards bo- tweon her rival grandmothers, in which tostlmony purporting to bo tho wlshos of tho chlld'B father and moth er, both of wliom aro dead, conveyed by moans of a spiritualistic modlum waa offered. Judgo Itanslor awarded hor to tho temporary caro of tho child's mother's paronts, Mr. nnd Mrs. W, II. Robinson, and assessed the costs of tho notion , against Mr. and Mrs. L. 11. Edwards, the paronts of her dead father. Mrs. L. H. EdwardB of Cedar Falls, rilstor of Socrotary of Agrlcuturo "Tama Jim" WIlsonAond Mrs. W. II. Robinson, a physlclanof Donvor, were tho litigants for the possession of Jeanotto, who is eight yearB old. The opposing grandmothors aro spiritual- tats, each marshaling what she be lieved to bo a formidable lino of ghost ly ovldenco in support of hor cause. Sells Wife and YOU CAM HAVE 'ER FEfl A 00LUB -m I'LL TROW in DC K103 PHILADELPHIA. According to tho story told by Mrs. Mary Ouglsa of 1817 South Leo strcot, this city, to Maglstrato Hughes sho and hor three children Voro sold by her husband for 91 to a man who, bIio doclaros, has threatened to tako hor by force. In broken English sho asked that her husband bo found and mado to support her and tho threo children whom he bad loft at homo to utnrvo. Though tho alleged transaction took placo somo time ago and though tho woman repulsod tho man who claimed hor as his property, sho declared that sho was still Jn fear that he might como forward, now that her husband has disappeared, and forco htmself Into her homo. "It was threo years ago," sho 'said, "that my husband sold mo. Ho wanted money for moro liquor. Ho gavo mo and tho children for ?1, and I didn't know anything about it, Whon the on House Tops! But tho viow from an altitude of 3CW feat was splendid, and at night, when tho moon camo out ovor tho thousands of lights of river and bay, tho sight: was enchanting. ' The "sky pilot" who led the way, Bald that the heat was not overwhelm ing to him up thero or to his house-: hold at any Umo, "for," no remarxea logically, "If thero Is any brocno go ing, don'.t wo get it?" "Do you over havo any mosquitoes, up horoV" "Very seldom." "How about thundorstorms:" "nolng hoar tho clouds doesn't inako It any worse." Doing oakod If ho dltPnot miss tho grass and flowers ho sighed a little.' recalling sotno country bowor, no doubt, but quickly pointed out a bed of flowers In a cupola that "tho boys" called their "flower houso" or "hot house." "So you have boyaT And how do thoy enjoy this elevation t" p "At first they thought It was tho greatest out, but you know how kids aro. It alt lost Hb novelty In time, nnd now thoy think moro of tho sub way than of tho sights from so great a holght as this." wait several years waa out of the question. And bo Moran loft his plow standing In tho furrow, tho team Btlll unhitched, and In his Bhlrt slooves elopod with Jehny Hoamor, who woro nothing but a llttlo dress of cheap calico. Bclrijr without a ponny, tho two walked along tho railroad tios to Mub kogeo. Whon this city was reached at four o'clock n tho morning Jenny had nlroady tlrod of a povorty-strlck en lovo. and she "sent Wesloy back to Oktaha." Taking tho nmldon at hor word, back to Oktaha Moran walked. Tho Klrl'a aunt and guardian, Mrs. John Nowborry, who camo to tho city look' Ing for the. girl, found hor at tho homo of J". It. Redding on Oak strcot. "When; tho nunt rodo up boforo tho house in tho pollco patrol, Jenny climbed in, Binding, but said not o word. On tho long rldo back to head quarters Bho refused to answer ques tions, but later told a roportor that sho had sent Wesloy homo. In tho samo llttlo calico dress In which sho eloped, Jenny was taken backsto her homo In Oktnha. Tho two camo to Muskogee, the girl said, becauso" sho liked to sco a big city, and Wesley did, too. Jenny says eho is sixteen, but she looks not more than thirteen. Spirits in S Tho ovldenco, aaldo from testimony snowing good character or tho lltl Gants and tholr ability to provldo for tho girl, deals almost exclusively with matlers spiritual, so that Judgo Itan slor was put in a position whore ho must act as umplro botwoon two dls putatlous spooks. Tho principal oral wltnossos woro tho grandmothers, but n lot of docu mentary ovldenco was submitted, all purporting to havo emanated from tho spirit world. Mrs. Edwards testllled that oho was ablo to get Into commu nication with hor son, Bart, fathor or of Jeanotto, moro satisfactory when sho had tho child with hor and that ho wDa far happlor undor such cir cumstances than whon his child was with hor maternal grandmother, Mrs. Robinson gave precisely simi lar testimony with respect to tho spirit of hor daughter, und gavo thiB as the principal causo of action. On cross-examination oho admitted sho was not fully informed on- all tho ins and outs of spiritualism and. waa not ontlrely cloar as to whether sho actu ally talked to her daughter or wheth er It was only hor "subconBclous solt" with whom sho conversed, but sho was suro tho influonco ot'hor daugh ter was directing hor in tho suit. Children for $1 man camo to mo and snld: T will Uvo horo, I own you, you belong to mo. I paid for you,' I thought ho was crazy. i sum, you won t uvo hero,' and I trlod to drlvo him out of tho houso; then ho showed mo my marrlhirn or. tiflcato and said ho had bought mo ior x, i snatcnod it from him, and i navo ii now wnere &0 can't got It; but I am afraid," H A St.. miiB'Bunuj iiugnos aont two of his offlcors to tho woman's homo to voruy nor story. Tho youngstors woro huddled to gother on tho kitchen floor beforo tho siovo, wnicn apparently had not had flro in it for days. Tho baby of nine months waa crying, and tho nthor Joo, five, and Goorgo, a year or bo younger, woro gnawing at chips or wood which thoy had plckod up in tho stroot to klpdlo a flro. There wos not a vestigo of food in tho houso and tho children woro blue with cold and half starved. In ono of tho uppor rooms tho offlcors found an emaciated boy. Mrs. Guglsn's brother, who rocontly camo from Poland, and who Is suffer ing with tuberculosis, Maglstrato Hughes provided enough monoy to buy food for tho family for a row days. fSPOHN'S" Tills. U the rintne of the crculest of all remedies for Distemper, Pink Eye, Heaves, snd the like among nil agra of horses. Sold by DruRRlsta, 1 1 am cm Makers, or lend to the manufacturers. tQ and $1.00 a bottle. Ascents wanted, Send for freo book. Spolm Medical Co., Spec. Contagious Ditewcs, Goshen, Ind. Covered. MotherDid you paint tho tablet Father Yes, I gavo It a coat and two paira of trousers. Harper's Ba car. Garfield Tk, assists overworked dieostlro organs, ' corrects constipation, cleanses the system nnd rids tho blood of Impurities, Full Ufo exists In threo dimensions, art In twd, and science In one; llko a eolld, A superficies, nnd a lino. Reducing tho watts between the acts will not lighten a heavy play. Tell tho dealer you want a Lewis SIdrIo Hinder straight So cigar. A woman who has a nose for news usually has a chin for tolling It Tako Garfield Tea to overcome conitipa tion, clcanee system nnd maintain health. Tho better you bohavo the liottor you'll get along. Now, try It. Please Read These Two Letters. Tho following lottor from Mrs. Orvillo Rock will provo bow ttmvto It la for womon to submit to tho dangora of a surgical operation -whon ife may ho avoided by taking Idia E. Pinkhnm'a vcgetablo ComnountL Sho -was four weeks in the hospital and came home stifieilng worso tlmn boforo. Thon aftor all that suffering Lydi ,Pink hanx'a Vogotablo Compound restored hor health. HERE IS HER OWN STATEMENT. Paw Paw, Mich. "Two years ajco I fmfforedt very sovcroly with a displacement could nob ho on my feet for a lonff tlmo. My physician treated mo for several months without) much re lief, and nt last ont mo to Ann Arbor for an op oration. I was thero four weeks and camo home Bufforlng worso than beforo. My mother ad vised mo to try Jytiia xi. x'lnKiinnrs voffciaoiQ Compound, and I did. To-day I am well and Btrdntr and do all my own housework. I owo my health to Lydia E.Plnkham's Yeeotablo Com pound nnd ndylso ovory woman who In afflicted with any fomnlo complaint to try It.' Mrs. Ovlllo Kock, it. It. No. ti, Paw Paw, Mich, "Thero novor was a wojso, case.1' Itoclcport, Ind. " Thero never was worso cao of woman' ills than mine, nnd X cannot begin to tell you what I suffered. For ovor two years I was not ablo to do anything-. I was In bd for a month nnd the doctor said nothing but an operation would euro mo. My father suggested Jjydta E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound; so to pleaso him I took it, and I improved wonder fully, so I am ablo to travel, rldo horseback, tako long rides and novor fool any 111 of foots from It. I can only ask other suffering womon to give Lydla. E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound a trial boforo submitting to nn operation." Mrs. Margaret Meredith, It, P. D. No. ii, ltockport, Ind, Wo will pay a handsome reward to any porson who will piove to us that theso letters aro nob ponuino and truthful or that either of thosq womon woro prfid in any way for their testimonials, or that tho letters aro published without their pormisalon, or that tho original lottor from each did nob oomo to ua entiroly unsolicited. For SO years fcydia B. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound lias been tho standard remedy for female Ills. No sick woman doos justice to herself who will not try this famous medlclno. Mado exclusively from roots and barbs, ana has thousands of euros to its credit, tuw Mrs. PInkham invites all slek womea W to write her for advice. Sho has culded thousands to health free of charge. Address Mrs, PInkham, JLynm Mass Feeble Guardianship. "I wondor," said tho Sweet Young Thing, "why a man is always bo frightened whon he propoBoa?" "That," said the Ohronlo Bachelor, "is his guardian angel trying to hold him back." Stray Stories. Tr. Pitfrce's Plrnnnnt Pellets remlato and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels, Migar-coaicu, tiny granules, easy 10 uito si candy. Sot yourself earnestly to soe what you were mado to do, and thon sot yourself earnestly to do it. Phillips Drooks. ' Hrs. Wlnslow's Boothlriff Rymp for Children teething, of tens tha Rums, reduces lnflamma llou, allays pain, cures wind colic, SSa a bottle An institution must be proppod up by precodont whon It is no more up lifted by sap. Tao Garfield Tea in tho spring to purify the blood and cleanse tho system. Envy Is punishing ourselves for be ing inferior to our nolghbor. FREE SAMPLE CURED OLD PERSON'S BOWEL TROUBLE 4- One of tho most remarkable proofs of tho unusual laxatlvo merit contained In Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin la that It Is effective not only In peoplo In tho prime of Ufo, but at tho extremes pt aces. As many lettors aro received from mothers regarding tlio cures of children, as from men and women of sixty, seventy and eighty years of ago. It must bo truly a wonderful laxatlvo. In tho cure, of constipation and bowol troublo In old peoplo It has no equal, It corrects tho constipation, dispels tho hoad acho,' biliousness, gas, drowsiness after eating, etc. Peoplo advancing In years should see to ft that their bowels move freely, and If they do not to toko Dr. Valdwcll's Syrup Pepsin, You can pro His Future. Knlckcr Is Jifi a has bdcT Bockor No, a going to ws. THE KCYSTONEi TO HEALTH IS HOSTETTEFt'S STOMACH BITTERS The Bitters is boon to those in convalescence when a tonic and strength maker is needed. Try it and see. X word fa (he wlis is auHteto!. Make the Liver? Do its Duty I Nku time In Inn when the Itrer U ngkt & Mssich snd bowel an rgM, CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS atatlybtitfinnlrt pel a lszy livar to do its duty. pi Cuts Co sUpatloa, Uon. Slek ilssJsdbe, susd Dktross aftor Estlng. Small Pill, 8-sB Do,a, SauOl Prica , Gensiae utu Signature DEFIANCE STARGNHrpK other aurchf onlr li ouncej ma prlo, sal "DKFIANOE" 18 SUPERIOR QUALITY. U Mlctd uwui51 Thtmjsnfs Eyt Wittr tot, J. long your Ufo by healthy bowol action. Clogged bowels invito disease. Womea about to pass the menstrual period cannot do better than uso Syrup Pepsin sevorai times a week until tho system has set tied to Its futuro condition. ' Among tho strongest supporters nf Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin aro Mr. W, a. Zorn of Now Decatur, Ala., and Mr. George 8. Spauldlng of thai National Sol diers' Homo, Kansas, both elderly men. Tho regular size bottles can bo bought of any druggist at fifty cents and ono dol lar, but a frco earnplo bottlo' can bo had by sondlng your addrass to tho doctor. For the freo sample address Dr. W, B. Caldwell, m Caldwell building, Monti cello, III, HBEsnsm firv i kiwi