The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 25, 1911, Image 2

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AL v
a Jffan
Jlulhor of Tht Qrtular SMrtatt,
Tht dttan In Lowtt
Tin, Etc
Onprlght by Id DobU-Mtrtlll Co.
James Wllnon or Jimmy an ho Is called
by Ills frtonds. .Jimmy wan rotund and
looked shorter than ho really was. Ill
utnbltlon In llfo wan to Itotukon seriously,
lint tinoplo stendlly refused to do so, his
nrt I considered a huge John, except to
liliiinflir. If hn finked ncntile to dinner ev
cryono expected a frolic. Jimmy married
llclla Knowlos; thoy llvo together a year
nna nro aivorcea. Jimmy s mentis in
ranjro to eclcbrato tlin nrst nnnlvcrsary
of din dlvorco. Tho party Is In full swing
when Jimmy reeolvis n tclcKram from liln
Aunt Hollna, who will nulvo In four hours
to vUlt him and his wife. He neKlccts to
toll hor of hl dlvorco. Jimmy taken Kit
Into his confidence, ho trie to devlio
nomo way no that his aunt will not learn
that ho haii no lonijer a wife. Ho suit
itcsts that Kit piny tho hostess for ono
ulttht. be Mia. Wilson pro torn. Aunt Bo
llnn arrives and tho deception works out
ns planned. Jim's Jap servant la taken
III. Holla, Jlmmy'ii divorced wire, enters
tho housa and nsh Kit who Is bclmr ta
ken away In tho ambulance? Bella Insist
It la Jim. Kit tolls her Jim In well nnd Is
In tho liouie. Harbison Htops out on tho
porch and discovers a man tacking a
card on the door. Ho demand an ex
planation. Tho man points to the placard
nnd Harbison nres tho word "Bmallpox"
prlnlofl on It. Ho tells him tho Kuests
en imcit louvo tho houso until tho quaran
lino In lifted. Tho guests suddenly ronl
lio their predicament, tho women Bhed
fears, tho men consider It ft (rood Joke.
Tho all Important question nrfscs an to
who In to prepnro tho meals and perform
tho other household duties. Harbison fin
ally solves tho matlfir. After tho llftlnir
of tho qiiarantlno Hovornt letters nro found
In tho mall box undelivered, ono Is ad
drennpd to Henry Llewellyn, In.uln.un,
Chlln. which was wrltton by Harbison.
I to ilwrllies minutely of their Incarcera
tion, also of hln Infatuation for Mrs. Wil
son. Aunt Hcllim Is taken (11 with la
Ki'lppo. lietty acts an nurse. Harbison
Hnds Kltstilklnir on tho roof. Hho tells
him that Ulm has boon treating her out
rnKoounly.' llnrblsnn fully believing that
idio In Mrs, Wilson, tells her thut nho
doesn't mean tho thlimn she Is snyltig
Hbout hnr husband. Kit starts down
fit aim. whon suddenly nho Is Rraspcd In
tho arms of, man who kisses hor sev
eral times. Bhe bellovcn that Harbison
lid ItJind U hiunlltatcd. Aunt flollnn, tolls
Jimmy' that hsr cameo, breastpin and
otner articles of Jowoiry havo been stoler..
Hho accuses Hotly of tho theft.
' CHAPTER XI, (Continued;)
"I saw you klfla hor In tho dining
room, remonibor, tlmt!" Aunt S611na
went on, giving tho Hcrow auothor
It was' Holla's turn to bo oxoltcd.
Hho gavo .mo an awful ataro, thou aha
fixed hot eyes pn Jim.
"Ueeidos," Aunt Holloa w.oqt on,
"you told.wio today that yau loved
hor.' Don't rtVriy It, James'-
Holla couldn't keep quiet unothor In-
Hlant. Suo came over and stood nt
tho foot of tho bed.
'I'lonsQ "don't oxclto youroolf. dear
Miss Caruthors," sho said, In a volco
HKo ico. "Kvory ono knows that no
loven hor; ho simply ovorllows with
It. It It Is qulto a uy-word among
tholr friends, Thoy havo boon sitting
together In a corner all ovonlng.V
Yes, that was whnt sho said; when
l. .1 4. X - .a
ii"" .
nuu ciiiu nu juniuun, vuw. iiiiiiiivu yn I
my ncoi anu wont to tno uoor; then I
turned to hor, with my hand on the
"YOU Have boon misinformed," I
iwld coldly. "You can not possibly
know, bavins snout three hnura In a
t i " - - - - ' ' I
4 corner yournen wuu Mr. uaruison."
i auuor jealousy in a woman.
Well, Aunt Sollna ato all tho lobster
naiad, and drank tho port after Bella
u Hiu uor .v was ueoi, iron aim
wlHe, and sho slept nil -night, and
wan abta to Bit up In a chair tho next
day, -und so Infatuated with Rolla
that sho would not lot her out of her
sight. Rut that is ahoad of tho story.
At midnight tho hohso was fairly
tjuiot, oxcopt for Jim, who kept walk
ing around tho halls becauso he
couldn't sloop, I got up at last and
ordcrotl htm. to bod, and ho htul the
audacity to huvo a grluvanco with me,
"Look at my oltuatlon now!" ho
nald, Bitting pensively on a utenra ro-
dlator. "Aunt Sollnu Is crnsy. I only
klBsed your Jiabd, anyhow, nnd I don't
kiibw why you sat In tho don all oven-
foe: vo.i mieiit i.nv,, w,,WM i.f ii.ii.
lug; you might havo known that Holla
woum nonco it wuy coumu't you
loavo mo nlono to my misery?"
"Very woll," L oald, much offonded.
"Aftor this I ohall sit with Ptarmigan
1n tho kltchon, Ht s tho only gcntlo
man In tho houso."
I loft htm bahbllng npologlea aud
,vont to bedi.Uut,.!. had nn uncomfort
able rQoiljic tKat Uella had boon a wit
,e to, our, conversation, for the door
into AuBlna's room closed Boftly
aa I DAiMedr
I knew -beforehand that I -was not
.going te Wife. The Instant I turned
out the light tho nightmare ovonts of
the eyealng ranged themselves In a
procession, or a series of tableaux, one
after the other: Flannlarim nn fli
iroof, with the Dracolet on hla palm,
looking acouslngly at mo; Mr. Harbl
sob and tho scene on tho roof, with
y flippancy; and tho result of that
ilppaftcy tho man on tho etnlra, tho
arma that held tno, tho torrlblo kisses
tUat had (wovched tny lips it, was nw
jfull And then tho absurd ultuatlon,
across Aunt Sollnn's bod, and Holla b
fncol Oil, It was nil bo ridiculous my
having thought tlmt tho Harbison man
was a gentleman, and finding him n
cad, und worso. It wns excruciatingly
funny. I qulto got a hoadacho from
laughing; Indcod I laughed until I
found I was crying, and then I know I
wnB going to havo an attack of
Btrangulated emotion, called hysteria.
So I got up and turned on nil tho
lights, and bathed my faco with
logno, and felt better.
Hut I did not go to sloop. When
tho hall clock chimed two, I discover
ed I was hungry; I had had nothing
slnco luncheon, and oven tho thirst
following tho South American goulash
was gono. Thero was probably some
thing to cat In tho pantry, and If thero
was not, I was qulto equal to going
to tho basement.
As It happened, howevor, I found a
very orderly assortment of left-overs
and a pltchor of milk, which had no
business thoro, In tho pantry, and
with plenty of light I was not at all
I ato bread and butter and drank
milk, nnd was fast becoming a ra
tional person again; I had pulled out
ono of tho drawers part way, and
with n tray ncross tho corner I had
Improvised a comfortablo Beat. And
then I noticed that tho drawer was
full of soiled napkins, nnd I romembor
cd tho bracelot. I hardly know why 1
decldo-t to go through tho drawer
again after Flunnlgan had already dono
It, but I did. I finished my milk and
then, getting down on my knees, I
proceeded systematically to empty tho
drawer, I took out porhapB n
nnpklno nnd as many dollies without
finding anything. Thon I took out a
largo tray cloth, and thoro was some
thing on It that mado mo look farther.
Ono corner of It had boon scorched,
tho clear and well-dotlned Imprint of n
lighted ctgarotto or cigar, a blackened
streak that trailed off Into u brown
nnd yollow. I had a queer, trombly
fooling, fiB If I woro on tho brink of n
dlBcovory- perhaps Anno's pearls, or
tho cuff buttons with storks painted
an china In tho contor. Hut tho only
thing I found, down In tho cornor of
tho drawer, was a half-burnod clga
rctto. To mo, It soomcd quite enough. It
was ono of tho South American ciga
rettes, with n tobacco wrapper lnstond
of papor, that Mr. Harbison Binokcd.
The Roof Garden.
I wns qulto ill the next morning
from oxcltomcnt, I suppose. Anyhow,
I did not get up, and thero wasn't
nny breakfast. Jim Bnld ho roused
1'iannignn nt eight ociock. to go
down and got tho flro started, and thon
1 Was Quite Equal to Qolnn to tho
wont back to bod, Rut FInnnlgnn did
not got up. Ho nppoarod, Bkooplshly,
hntf-nnst ten. nnd liv thnt tlmo
Holla WHS ilown. In n. tnworlni? rnco.
and had burned hor hand and got
utauvui Ituvi m4 VUllVU Ml
tray for Aunt Sollna and herself.
Ab tho othora HtrnKfrifd down timv
and nobody put anything away. Lolllo
Morcor mado mo aomo tea and scorch
od toast, and brought It, about 11
"I never saw auch a houso," sho do
clarod. "A dozen housomnlds couldn't
put It In ordor. Why should every
man that biiioUcb drop ashos wherovor
ho happona to bo?'
"That's tho question of tho ngqa," I
replied languidly. "What -was Max
talking bo horribly about a llttlo
whllo ago?" Ixilllo looked up ag
"About nothing nt all," sho declared.
"0OMt0nlmIt., ScatL5f ?iathiJ!5
L ' t 1 . K!
Mn Bays ho couldn't got It off, nnd
his clothes stick to him, and It ho
should forgot nnd strlko a match In
tho In tho usual way, ho would ex
plode Ho can clean his own tub to
morrow," sho finished vindictively.
At noon Jim enmo in to huo mo,
bringing Anno aa a concession to
Holla. Ho was In a rngo, and ho car
ried tho morning "paper llko a club In
his hand.
"What Bort of a newspaper Ho
would you call tlils?" ho demanded Ir
ritably. "It makos mo crazy; every
body with a mental Imago of mo loan
ing over tho parapot of tho roof, wa
ving a board, with tho rest of you sit
ting on my logs to keep mo from
"Mnybo thoro'a a picture!" Anno
said hopefully.
Jim looked.
"No plcturo," he announced. "I won.
dor why they restrained thomsolveal I
wish Holla would, keop off the roof,"
ho added, with frosh access of rngo,
"or wWr h mask or yoll. One of those
follows la going to recognize her, nnd
thoro'll bo tho deuco to pay."
"Whon you nro all through discuss
ing this thing, perhaps you will tell
mo what Is tho matter," I remarked,
from my couch. "Why did you lean
over tho parapet Jim, and who snt on
your logs?"
"I didn't; nobody did," ho retorted.
waving tho nowspapor. "It's a He cut
out of tho wholo cloth, that's what It
I naked you girls to bo docent to
thoso reporters; It never pays to of
fend a newspaper man. LIston to this,
Ho road tho nrtlclo rapidly, furi
ously, pnuslng overy now and thon to
mako an exasperated comment
Attempt nt Rscapo Frustrated MOm-
bera of tho Four Hundred
Defy tho Law.
" IflnAilnl rtfflAAf 'Kfr1ftii,1 Int..
tho quarantined houso of James
Wilson, artist and clubman, on Nine
ty-fifth street, reported this morning
a daring attempt .nt oscapo, mado at
3 a. m. It la In tins houso that aomo
eight or nlno mombers of tho smart
set wcro Imprisoned during the course
of a dlnnor party, when tho Japanese
butler developed smallpox. Tho party
shut In tho Iioubo Includes Miss Kath
crlno McNalr, tho daughter of Theo
doro McNalr of tho Inter-Ocean sys
tem; Mr. nnd Mrs. Dallas Ilrown, tho
MIbscs Mercer, Maxwell Reed, tho
well-known clubman and whip, and a
Mr. Thomns Harbison, guest of tho
Dallas Drowns and a South American.
"'Offlcor McCloud'n story, told to a
Chronlclo reporter this morning, Is nn
follows: The occupants of tho houso
had boon uneasy all day. From tho
air of Bubdued bustle, and from n caro-
ful Inspection of tho roof, made by the
ontlro party during tho afternoon, his
suspicion had boon, aroused. Nothing
unusual, howavor, occurred during tho
early part of tho night. From eight
o'clock to twolvo McCloud was ro
Hefted from duty,, his placo bolng
taken by Mlchaol Shauo of tho Eighty
sixth street station.
" 'Whon McCloud enmo on duty nt
midnight, Shano reported that about
11 o'clock tho searchlight of a stoamor
on tho river, flashing over tho houso,
had shown a man crouching on tho
parnpot, evidently surveying tho roof
acroBS, which nt this point Is only 12
fcot distant, with a view of making
his oscnpo. On Booing Shano bolow,
howevor, ho had beat n rotrcat, but
not boforo tho offlcor had seen him
distinctly. Ho was dressed In ovonlng
clothos nnd woro a light tan over
" 'Ofllcor McCloud rollovcd Shano at
midnight, and sont for a plain-clothes
man from tho station houso. This man
was stationed on tho roof of tho Bov
lngton rosldonco next door, with Btrlct
injunctions to provent an oscapo from
tho quarantined manBlon. Nothing
Busnlclous havlnc occurred, tho man
on tho roof loft about 3 n. m report
ing to McCloud bolow thnt ovorythlng
was qulot. At that moment, glancing
skywnrd, ono of tho odlcors wns ns
tounded to sco a long narrow board
project Itself from tho coping of tho
Wilson houso, wavor uncertainly for'
a momont, nnd thon advanco stealth
ily toward tho parnpot across. Whon
It was within a foot or two of n rest
ing place, McCloud called sharply to
tho invisible refug'oo nbovo, at tho
Bamo tlmo firing his revolver lu the
"'Tho result waa surprising. Tho
board stopped, trembled, swayed n llt
tlo. and dropped, mUalng tho vigilant
offlcor by a hair's breadth, and crash
ing to tho comont with a torrlfla forco.
An Inspection of tho roof from the
Bovlngton houso, later, revealed noth
ing unusual. It Is ovldcnt, however,
that tho quarantlno is proving lrksomo
to1 tho Inhabitants of tho Boquestorcd,
rosldonco, most of whom nro typical
Bocloty folk, without resources In
thomBolvcB. Tholr condition, without
vnlots and maids, is certainly pitiable.
It haB been rumored that tho ladles
aro doing their own hair, nnd that tho
gentlemen havo been rcducod to put
ting tholr own buttons in their shirts.
This doplorablo situation, however, Is
"'Tho vlgllanco of tho board of
hoalth has boon most commondablo In
thlsvcase. Beginning with a wngor
over tho tolophono that thoy would
brenk quarantine In 24 hours, nnd ond
lng with tho attempt to span a 12-foot
gulf with a board, over which to cross
to frocdom, thoso shut-In society folk
havo shown characteristic disregard
of tho laws of tho state. It Is quite
tlmo to oxtend to the millionaire tho
Bamo strictness thnt hoops tho com
mutor at homo for thrco weeks with
tho moaMcB; that makes him got tho
milk bottles, nnd groceries fronj, tho
gato-post and Bmell, like dog-soap for
a month nfterward, as a result of dis
Wo sat In dond Btlonce for a minuto.
VPorhans It Is truo." I said. "Not
of you, Jim hut somo ono may hnvo
tried to got out that way. In fact, I
think It cxtromoly likely."
"Who? FInnnlgnn? You couldn't
drlvo htm out. Hc'b having tho tlmo
of hlB life, Do you Buspoct mo?"
"Como awny and don't flght," Anno
broko in pacifically. "You will have
to havo luncheon sont In, Jimmy; no
body has ordorod anything from the
shops, nnd I fool llko old Mother Hub
Tho Point of View.
"Honesty Is tho best policy."
on your llfo," blurtod out tho
nnco agont.
Pleating Conversationalist.
A ploanlng conversationalist is any
woman who doesn't say "llaton" about
ovory five seconds.
OME'fl not nieroty four square
TiiouRti with plcturts hung nnd glided,
nomo is where affectfcm calls,
Homo's a shrlno tho heart has bullded."
Skim Milk.
Many pooplo have an idea that
skimmed milk is only fit for the
chickens or pigs, when-even aftor tho
avorago milk Is skimmed It still con
tains nearly ten por cent of solids or
nutrltlvo Ingredients.
Taken by Itsolf, ektm milk Is rathor
thin, and ono has to drink a large
quantity to got tho necessary nourish
ment A pound of round steak con
tains 0.18 pound of protein and has a
fuol valuo of 870 calories. Ftyo
pounds of milk, or two And a half
quarts, will furnish nearly the same
amount of protein, and has tho same
amount of fuel value as a pound of
round steak.
A lunch of bread and skim milk la
very nutritious.'
Tho cooking of milk makos the pro
talds somewhat moro difficult of di
gestion for most persons, but thoro
aro oxcoptlons. There aro eomo who
cannot tako fresh milk with comfort,
but with whom boiled milk agrees
very woll.
When milk Is taken Into tho stom
ach It la curdlod at once by the ac
tion qt tho pepsin nnd tho gastric
Julco. Whon milk Is drunk as a hover
ago In large quantities tho casein
gathorn In largo lumps, which cause
Indigestion In somo.
Milk ranks among tho most dlgostl
bio of tho animal foods In respect to
all Us Ingredients.
Mnny dollctouB puddings, llko suet
and bread nnd custards of all kinds,
mny'bo mado of skim milk. Bread is
mado moro nourishing by tho addition
of milk lnstoad of using all water.
Indian PuddlngA
Tako two quarts of milk (skim milk
will 'bo as good as tho wholo milk),
uculd ono quart and stir In a cup of
cornmcal, a cup of suet, stir until tho
moal Is woll scalded, then ndd a cup
of raisins, ono and a fourth cupfuts of
brown BUgar, two woll beaten eggs.
Bako thrco hours, stirring occasional
ly tho first hour. Sprinkle a llttlo
flour ovor tho top the last halt of tho
baking, which makos a nlco brown
crust with tho suot which, stays at
tho top.
This pudding is sorved hot ana -will
warm up as good tho last day as It
was at tho ilrst.
ND- sco how everywhere
Lovo comforts, strengthens,
helps and saves us all;
What opportunities -of good befall
To mako llfo sweet and fair,
Cella Thaxter.
A Few Unusual Recipes.
Hero nro eomo recipes that tho
cooks will llko to try:
Norwegian Potato Sausage.
Put nlno pooled potatoes through
meat chopper with ono and a half
pounds of round beef and ono small
onion; soason with salt and popper,
Fill largo sausago casings with tho
mlxturo, tlo securoiy and Keep In a
heavy brlno until needed, Whon
wauieu to servo, dou an nour, nna
sorvo Biiccu on a piattor well gar
Whon a llttlo ham la left ovor from
dlnnor, chop It nnd use It In an omelot
for nnpthor moal. This will provo But-
ftclontly nutrltlvo and will snvo tho
meat bill.
German Rice.
Cook a cup of rlco in boiling water
to cover, stirring occasionally with a
fork to hoop from scorching. Add a
tonspoonful each of salt and butter,
and whon noarly dono add a cup, of
milk. Sorvo with brownod bitf tar,
sugar and cinnamon sprinkled on top
peanut ooup.
Put n pint of froshly-ronstod pea
nuts through a moot choppor soveral
Umos.' Hont ono pint of milk with a
pint of wator; thlckon with a tnblo-
Bpoonful each of flour nnd butter
cooked together. Soason with Bait
and popper. Add tho peanuts and
cook ton minutes.
Rlco Muffins.
Tako n cunful of boiled rice, ono cun
of Bwoot milk, two eggs, two table-
spoonfuls of molted butter, ono ton
spoonful of sugnr nnd two teaspoons
of baklug powder sifted with two' cups
of flour, and n teaapoontuV of ' salt
Hake half an hour.
When making cuotard plo, add a few
diced slices of woll sugared plncap-
plo to tho custard.
Date and Nut Salad,
Prepare lottuco and servo with
dates cut in strips and sprinkled with
walnuts. Sorved with French dress
lng. Molted butter may bo used In
the placo of olivo oil.
OME souls there are' like the
cactus blossom, surrounded
by a prickling mass ot ugliness, them-
iDolvos a marvel of sweetness.
More About Flsh.
Flsh should bo perfectly fro3h, al
though It may bo kept well It frozen
and cooked as soon as it Is thawed.
Another thing to bo roniembered In
serving fish Is to have It thorcughly
cooked, or It will bo Indigestible
Very serious poisoning has resulted
from fish that has begun to decom
pose. All varieties of fish need an accom
paniment of starchy food to make a
well balanced meal. ,
Ab the Juices of flsh have a ten-'
dency to alkalinity, the use of acids,
lemon .and vinegar, Is desirable to
neutralize the food.
The flesh of fresh fish Is Arm and
hard and will rlso when pressed with
the fingers.
See that the eyes are bright and
stand out well In the head and the
gills bright. Whon flsh loee their
firmness they are not considered good
Frozen fish should bo thawed In
cold water. Salt flsh should bo soaked
skin sldo up, to draw out tho salt.
Whon scaling flsh that are difficult,
dip them quickly Into boiling water
nn instant and tho scales will como off
much hotter.
If flsh must bo kept, wrap It In a,
cloth wrung out of cold water nnd
well sprinkled with salt. Keop In a'
cool place, away from butter tind
To Bono a Flsh. Clean nnd strip off
tho skin, lay on a lioard, bogln at tho
tall. Run a knlfo under tho flesh close
to the bono, and ocrapo awny clean
from tho bono, holding tho flsh enro
fully, not to break tho flakes.
When tho flesh Is romovod on ono
sldo, Blip tho knlfo under tho bono
and remove It Then pull out all tho
small bones loft. Only flsh with largo
bones should bo used for boning.
Flllots of Ash nro tho flosh sepa
rated from tho bone.
When boiling flsh, tlo up In a pleco
of white cloth, then It may bo served
without breaking, It handled cnrofully.
Flsh that aro lucking In fat, llko
cod or bass, should havo fat supplied
in tho cooking or serving.
'ElStmn misused, an Idle hour
waltlnir to bo cmulovod. Idle
hands with no occupation. Idle and empty
minds with nothing to think of thoso nro
tno main temptations to ovll. Fill up
that empty void, employ those vacant
hours, occupy those listless hands, and
ovll' will depart becauso it hat no place
10 enter in, becauso It Is coriquamd by
Good. Dean Stanley.
Ways of Serving Meats.
An economical dish Which Is both
appetizing nnd may bo mado attrac
tive, is mutton with pons. Buy a
choap qtft of mutton and stow it in
simmering water until tender, or near
ly s6, thon add a cupful of, peas and
sorvo tho stow garnished with peas.
Mutton Stew for Two.
Tako two mutton chops cut from
noar tho shoulder. Put thorn In a shal
low pan having n tight covor. Pour
ovor boiling wator and simmer, add
ing water ns it bolls away, using Just
enough to keep tho moat from burn
ing. Add two slices of turnip, two
small onions and a halt an hour bo
foro serving tw.o common-sized pota
toes. Add salt and popper, romovo
the meat and vegetables and thicken
tho gravy with flour. Season with
catsup and sorvo.
Sheep's Tongue, Braised.
Wash tho tongues, drodgo with
flour and salt and brown in salt pork
fat with two onions chopped ilno.
Cover with stock or water, add a
sprig of parsloy nnd cook until tender.
Removo.tho akin, nnd trim neatly at
tho roots.' Place on a mound of spin
ach In the tenter of a dish and ar
rango tho tonguos around tho spin
ach. - '
Cold Boiled Ham.
Molt half a glass of currant Jolly,
add a tonspoonful ot butter, a little
pepper, and when hot add soveral thin
slices of boiled ham. Servo when hot.
Drains, Spanish Style.
Skin and wash tha brains und boll
20 minutes in Baited wator. Have
ready four boiled potatoes cut into
dlco. Put In a frying pan two tablo
8poonfuls of butter; whon It 1b hot
ndd a small flnoly-mlnced onion, a tea-
spoonful of minced red popper and
garlic and four tomatoes sliced thin.
Soason with salt and popper and stir
until woll cooked. Add tho potatoes
and brains and soason.
When nlco sweot cldor is obtnlnabio
try cooking a slice of ham until
brown on both sides, thon add a halt
cup ot cldor and simmer, using tho
cider ns a sauco when it is served.
Good Word for the Departed.
Hero is tno Kind of an omtuary a.
Georgia .editor put up for a man:
"Poor Jim Jones slung his earthly gar-
monts on a limb and swam tho river
yesterday. He did not stand back be
cause the water was cold, but plunged
right In and struck out for tho other
shore and met the angols smiling. Jim
wns a poor man, but had his subscrip
tion to his homo papor paid up and
cot thero In good shape. Poaco to his
The Reason.
"Do you think tho boy will say what
ho sees put in the sausages?"
"No, ho'a only thankful ho Isn't put
Into them htmsolf."
I ll
The question of reciprocal tradoj-e-
latlons between the United States and
Canada has provoked, considerable
discussion and Interest Whatover
else the discussion may have done, it
has brought out the fact that on tfc(
Canadian sldo of the line the agri
cultural situation Is one that forces
attention, and it has also brought fetth.
the fact which It Is well to face.vthat
on the American side of the border,
there la a vastly Increasing popula
tion to be fed with a somewhat de
creasing proportion of food products.
This article la Intended to point out
to those who may "wish to becomo ot
those who can raise wheat, eats, bar
ley, flax, cattle and hogs at tho least
cost that the opportunities la Central
Canada are what they are seeking.
During the past year tho official fig
ures show that upwards ot 130,000
Americans located, in Canada, and the
greatest majority of these have sottled
on farms, and when the time comes.
which it will within a few years, thoy
will be ready to help serve their par
ent country with the food stuffs that
its increasing population -will require'.
Tho Immigration for tho spring has
now sot lu in great carnost, and train
load after train load of a splendid
class of settlers loavo -weekly from
Kansas City, Omaha, Chicago, De
troit, St Palil and othor polntn. Most
of theso aro destined through to points
In Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al
berta. Tho reports that como from
the different farming districts thoro
aro that tho spring is opening up-well,
and tho prospects for a Bplcndldcrop
this yoar nr very good. In some dis
tricts good homesteads nro- yet : avail
able Tho prico ot all farm lands has
naturally had an increaso, . but It la
Btlll nway bolow Its oarnlng capacity.
Tho Immigration branch of the Domini
ion Government has Just published It?
1911 illustrated pamphlot, which mnj
bo secured on application to the De
partment of tho Interior, Ottawa,
Canada, or any of tho agents of the
Dominion Government, whoso adver
tisement may appear olsowhoro in this
This world is but a fleeting show,
And yot thero's not a mnn
But wnnts to oco as much of tho'
Porformanco as ho can.
"I suffered from tho early part of
Decembor until nearly the beginning
of March with severe eklu oruptlona
on my fnco and scalp. At first I
treated it as a trivial matter. But
aftor having used castllo soap, medi
cated washrags, cold oroam, vanish
ing cream, etc., I found no, rollof what-,
ovor. Aftor that I diagnosed my caso
as eczema, becauso of its dry, scaly
appearance. Tho Itching and burning
of my scalp bocamo so intonso that I
thought should go mad, having not
siopt regumny tor montns past, only
at intervals, waking up now arid then
becauso of tho burning and Itching of
my Bkln. Having read different tes
timonials of cures by tho Cutlcura
Romcdlcs, I decided to purchaso a box
of Cutlcura Ointment and a cako of
Cutlcura Soap. Aftor using thom for
a few days I recognized a marked
chango in my condition. I bought
about two boxes of Cutlcura Ointment
and flvo cakos of Cutlcura Soap In all,
and after a fow days I was ontlroly
freo from the itching and burning.
My eczoma wns entirely cured, nil
duo to using Cutlcura Soap and Oint
ment daily. Hereafter I will novor
bo without a cako of Cutlcura Soap on
my wnshstand. I highly recommend
tho Cutlcura Remedies to anyono suf'
forlng from similar skin eruptions and
hope you will publish my lettor bo
that others may Jearn of Cutlcura
Remedies and bo curod" (Signed)
David M. Shaw, caro Paymaster, Pier
55, N. R., Now York City, Juno 2, 1910.1
Cutlcura Remedies sold evorywhoro.
Send to Potter Drug & Chcm. Co(p.,
Boston, for froo book on ukln and
Bcalp troubles.
Away with theso cemetories of
stone; they aro Indecent; lot mo fade
Into tho anonymous grass"! "
Sickly Smile
"Wipe it off your otherwise
good looking -face put ou that
good health smile that CAS
CARETS will give you as
a- result from the aire of
Constipation or a torpid liver.
It's so easy do it you'll see.
CASCARETS lOo box for week's
treatment, all drtimrlsu. Blcsrwt soller
la the vrorU. Million boxes a moatb.
sons EYES