Balls Commercial lb size, 17 jewels in settings, adjusted to heat, cold and three positions, patent micarmentic regulator, extra fine damask teened and finished throughout. 20 Year Gold Filled Case Price $25.00. Each Ball watch is guaranteed in every part and particular. No -watch is per-1 mitted to leave the factory until it is proven by the most exhaustive tests to be a' perfectly accurate time keeper. DIXON, The Jeweler, Union Pacific Watch Inspector. DR. W. F. CROOK, A ' DENTIST, A Ofllce over McDonald State Bank h Money to Loan On real estate by Bratt & Goodman. Miss Jessie Hatfield returned Sunday from a protracted visit with friends in California. Misti Boitha Oleson, who is teaching school in tlio cast part of the state, i home on a visit. A light rain, which latter turned to snow, fell last night, and this morning the ground was covered to the depth of an inch. It was a very wot snoW and added considerable moisture to the ground For Salo S. C. It. I. Red eggs for hatching. 15 for $1.00-100 for $6.00 1113 West Sixth St. The automobile fever in North Platte promises to be more virulent this sum mer than last. Several railroad men are among the victims, and nothing short of ownership of a car will cur them. ' Planjand specifications for the new federal building were received yester day by Postmaster Davis. These plans were sent here for examination by any contractor who may care to submit a bid for the cortrnctlonof the huildlng. Wanted Several First Class Sales men to sell groceries and supplies to farmers, ranchers and large consumers. New money making proposition. F. L. McCluro & Co. Sioux City, la, Dickey Bros., with an eye for the beautiful, are having their ico cream parlor paneled with mirrors, and other wise enhanced in appearance When these improvements aro completed the Messrs. Dickey can boast of one of the swellcst places of its kind in the state. Geo. L. Carter, traveling for the Peters cartridge company, has been making this town his headquarters for n few (Jays and radiating out to the smaller towns. George is having splendid success as the representative of the above company, and is likewise enjoy ing his visit with his old frionds vin North Platte. Alfalfa Seed. Twice recleaned and Gov't tested. 99 Eer cent germinable. $11 per bushel. ,ouls Macey, 5 miles East of North Platte, at Gannett. New Oxfords. We have just opened a new ship ment of Pumps and Oxfords. The styles shown will interest you. Wilcox Dspartment Store. Standard Watches. I DR. 0. II. CRESSLER. I 5 Graduate Dentist. 2 z Ofllco over tho McDonald Stato Bank. FOR SALE. Several nice homes in fine Inmfinn from $700 to $8000. One-third cash: balance to suit. Also some very choice residence lots $150 up to $1500. We have also had listed with us several tracts of land at bargain prices, dee us before you buy. BRATT & GOODMAN. Miss Hannah Keliher plnsantly en tertained a party of vounir neonlo at her homo last evening. Jbhn Beyerle expects to take a triii in about ten days to points in Washing ton and California with a view of locating. Mrs. E. H. Gengo, of Greeley, is ex pected in the city hout April 18th to attend tho Elk dedication as tho guest of M-s. Halligan. Special Agent McCIements of the Wyoming division was in the city yes terday in conference with local agent B. L. Robinson. Tho La Vogue Suits and Coats in all the new models and fabrics at the Hub Clothing Dept. R. D. Bacon, thi Fremont tree man, is in town today with a car load of trees and shrubbery, which was ordered last fall by city and suburban residents. Geo. Messelheiser who has been con nected with the Experimental station tho past two years, moved last week to Wayne, Neb., whro ho expects to locate. Friday night, April 7th, there will be a regular meeting of Sarah Rebakah Lodge. Every member is urged-to be present. Business of importance. By order of Noblo Gard. For Rent 22 acres three miles west of town; also 240 acres north ol Well fleet. Address W. V. Hoagland, North Platte. A. J. Salisbury has lately returned from Montana whera ho disposed of u tract of fruit land at a substantial ad vance and expects to leave today for Central City to look after his ranch property in Merrick county. Ben Delatour, of Lewellen, spent the day in this city yesterday returning on No. 97 this morning, and advises that his father and brother and himself aro about to go into the banking business at Lowcllen, and boing woll and pop ularly known in that vicinity will no doubt make a sucess of it. RESIDENCE LOTS FOR SALE. Roy B. Tabor, Trustee, still has for sale 98 residence lots in Trustee's and Riverdale Additions to North Platte, Nebraska. These lots are situated between seven and ten blocks from Dewey street and each is improved with cement sidewalks and crossings five feet wide, sewer, city water and graded streets. Prices: Fourth and Fifth streets inside lots $350, corner Lots $400. Third and Sixth streets inside lots $300, corner lots $250. Second and Front streets inside lots $200, corner lots $250. Terms: A five per cent discount is given for cash or the lots will bi sold upon the installment nlan of one tenth down and one-tewfth every three months. For Sale by Wa. E. Shumas. George Duncan who had been con trading hero for tho past year, moved his family and household goods to Ognl Inlla Saturday where ho hn3 n prospect for a number of buildings tho coming year. A. E. Donaldson whohodbeun ranch ing In this county for many years, left with his family Friday for La Fruta, Texas, where ho purchased some fruit land and expects to lo-ato Although ho retains his land holding in this county. George Freiberg, who is now a resi dent of Denver, enmo down Saturday to accompany Mrs. Freiberg home, after a pleasant visit of several weeks with relatives. Mr. Freiberg says he likes Denver so well thnt it would take extraordinary inducements to get him to leavo there. If Georga N. Glbbs is not elected to the very honorablo position of police judge today it will not b through any fault of his campaign manugoi James Fearless Ktofc. If every finess known to political science has not been em braced by J. Fearless, it has been on account of tho short duration of the enmnaitrn and the inability to crowd ten days' work ino two. J. Fearless is to politics what J. Rufus Wallingford was to high finance a peach. A declamatory contest wns lipid nt tho hlnh school auditorium Saturdav evening. Tho humorous and oratorical classes were represented, Clark Lo Dioyt taking first honors nnd ho will represent North Platto in tho district contest to be held at Loxinirton Thurs day evening. Edward Thompson, a contestant in tho oratorical class was awarded second honors. Tho readings were interspersed with selections by the high school orchestra, piuno solo by Florence McKnv and n cornet and nlano duet by Miss Irma nnd Hurry Huffman. A. J. Salisburv came over from Gnmlv in his ajito Saturday night, having j ust returned irom Arnoia wnerc 110 nnd been to attend a big banquet given by tho ladles for the new railroad fund, and cleared $379.00. He says tho rail road fever is infectious in that vicinity and ereuns of bovs nnd criris raised $100.00 each in $10 00 subscriptions, which the married ladies and old men quickly duplicated by like "mounts. Tho requirou amounts have nlmost been renched by the various counties along tho right of way from Broken Bow toTryon inowestern terminus. E. F. Sceberircr was onerated unori for appendicites in Omaha yesterday forenoon. Word received last evenintr was to the effect thnt his condition was as good as could bu expected. Jehn Wallenhauut received word this morning that he had become a grand father, a son being born to Mr and Mrs. Joe Wallenhaupt of Chicago. The grand- T .. . I e i r i i i - mviicr ib 01 courso uigniy ciaiea. Bratt & Goodman write fire, light ning, tornado, cyclone and hail insur ance in the best companies on earth at the cheapest rate. Try them. By tho vote of tho house on Fridav night tho possibility of submitting the question of capital removal was defer red for two years, when it will not only bo a live issue but thorouclv maturecf. The first bill, which was defeated by me ueiecuon 01 uussctt 01 isuiinio was not an "unfair" bill. Tho second bill, which was the best that could be offered after the first bill was betrayed in tho house of its friends, was tho -uniair" mil uecause it would have permitted a pooling of issues butween a fow large cities of the eastern part of the stato regardless of tho merits of the removal proposition and would havo defeated tho very end in view, viz: Re location in central Nebraska ' where it belongs and where it must some time inevitably be nlaccd. Removal senti ment will grow and tho next legislature win deal with tho matter intelligently. Kearney Hub. Hand Tailored Suit. Havo you decided what color vour Spring Clothes aro to bo? Aro you going to wear a brown, gray, bluo or tun? Are you going to wear striped or plain? Aro you going to wear Scotch or fancy cheviot or worsted? It's immatorial to us what material you prefer, because our stock is allcovoring. mere is something which is of very material interest to us. thoucli. and it 1, are you going to purchase your now suit from usor someone else? If you see our ciomcg, we Know or whom you 11 uuy. Why not givo us a chance. uur timo is yours. The Hun Clothing Dept. Alice Ruoson, famous Englliih sou nrcuo in "ine Arcauians, tho big New York musical comedy success with iuo peopio at Keith Theatre, April 0th. I WW M - ' mm fN- ic The Presbyterian aid socioty will mnet in the church parlor Thursday aucrnoon. Tho Enisconnl tniild will moptnt itm hnmo of Mrs. Geo. W. Finn Thursday Hiicrnuon. The Study Club met nt tho homo of Airs. it. u. Urock last evening nnd had n very pleasant nnd interesting session. Lost Small bunch of keys on leather ring ueiween uraf otlico and 1'eteroon rooming house. Return to this ofllco nnd receive reward. John Buuke. An cxchanno will be held at tho Howe & Malonoy store Saturday by the Episcopal guild, the receipts of which will be donated to tho Y. M. C. A. The usual lino of cakes, broad, pies, etc., will be on salo. If your idle money is not invested in good, sofo first mortenco loant. nettlntr 7 por cent to 8 per cent scml-nnnunl merest, seo uratt a uoodmnn, The vnudovillo feature nt the Crvslnl for tonight nnd tomorrow night U one of tho host Manager Westfnll has ever of tho public. The season for killlnrr wild duck closes tomorrow. As this is a typical dny for duck shooting, nnd in view of tho arly closing of tho season, the numbwr who are out today iti quest of me iowi is unusually large. Dr. J. K. Elms the ove snecialist will fit glasses, furnish medicines, do his surgical work and treat nil forms of chronic disease for one half of former pricekon Saturdays. Sundays nnd Mon days 'dniy. Office over Star Clothing House. It is not unlikely that Locust street will bo graced before tho end of 1911 with a four-story business block. With such a building, in addition to the fedcrftl building, Locust street will bo n "heap of mud on n stick," ns Ed Howe says. Wo wish to thank our friends for their many considerate nets and kind ness shown ub during tho sickness and death of our mother and wife, also to Kay t;. Langrord and O. E. Elder for tho flowers given by them. u. J. meyer, and children. For Rent. Houtos nnd unfurnished rooms, stor- uge roam and safe deposit boxes B1UTT UOODMAN. Presbyterian Church. Wm. Glndslono, th" English states man, speaking ot tno Presbyterian church, once snid; "It hns given tho advantages which in civil order belong to local self government nnd represen tative institutions orderly hnuits of mind: the development of a genuine individuality; the sense of a common life and tho disposition onornoticallv to defend it; tho love of luw confined with tho love 01 freedom." In the cxerciso of these historic characteristics of our church we meet tomorrow night, at the church, for our annual congregational meeting. Reports of the yeari work in the various departments of our churchy will bo presented. Officers for tho coming year are to bo elected. All membors 01 the church aro urged to be present and toko part. This is local, representativo self-government in religious affairs. This is tho mst importnnt business mooting of our church year. It will differ from others of recent years in that there is no money to bo raised. For Sale. M hniiKA nt 900 anilfll HTnnln 2f nn.l 7J lots on west Sixth St. Buy of ownor and uuve agents commission. THOS. UHTON. CRYSTAL THEATRE MOVING PICTURES: "The Misses Finch" "The Golden Supper." VAUDEVILLE: Ingram & Lind. Those novelty dancers. 10 and 15 Cents. . , , UKrHKEK-SSALK. onlor l-uol to mo b tlio District Court of T I itAlinlir ? I . . . i I wlit'i-H i Krro llunrl is plaintiff and Paul I) ll.i.wl 4n. .t..t1 tlt.l i. iji.. " ". uiuuii i 'iii;. i.c 1 E fill ri il I'ntnt.nliv nrn ilfirnmliiiiiH I will .... tliu Dili ilay of Slay. lull, at tlio hour of 1 o'cloci p. m. atiliouiiht front door of tho Court iioiiho In (do eh y of North l'latto. l.lni.-ol ('ounty. Nubrahkn, Kiih at public to tliu lilnhmt hlddor niKjn tlio foil' owlnfr .rmsto wit: Unefoartli fash, onu fourtli ii ono ii'Hi, uno-fourth In two years ami on fourth In tliruo yoars after Halo, with tlio op mn of tlio tmri'lmMir to iiaV all urhIi or o j. y Iii full ni, any ilmu. with boo1 and t.ltlll.l. tl II WJ.I . .... I.... .1..... ..I ..... nuiuwii 'in niiisiuin mr nuiurri'u iiaymeiiiHi uatil idi month l.i ilraiv Int.trnBf. nl.tltn ..i ..r mIx per unt ptir annum payahlo annually. tlio foi iwlnt'dowTllwil rnal ewtato towlti Allot -.ootlon , In TowiiHhlp II. North of Italic' 11 wustot I Iks lit li 1. M. In l.ln..,lr, comm Nnhraska. Datuii this istnaj of April, ldll. Oica Ki.iikii. Hofcroo. OUDKU I'Oit IIRAItlNO. In tlv braeka In tl Mlleli. On r Kloyd ml ml i). with ai natnlm V. Ml HoiHIui Iwiy'M Nohrai- Ordoi o'cloci PUtltlOi matter to Im and m comity couct of Lincoln county, No- " mattor of tho estato of Ida I' ll (luuuahiiil . idlnif and llllntr tho verified petition of . Mitchell. prayliikMhat tho reirular iruuuii ot Hani maio no tiii.puni.od 1 that thti court rondor Una! docroo law of tho said Ida '"iiiyj' . ocoaiiocJ. an provided by - teot. aaua. aaoi. nor, and oaw of Cob nnotatcd Hiatuto of tho Stato of -. iur inn year ivw. wl. That April ystli. lflll. at o- m. in asslirned for hoarluir Haiti when all pornons lntorostd fn nald may appoar at a county court, held In and for kalil conntv owcauKO, if any thoro bo, why tho f tho vptloner uhould not bo trranted. '? N,orUi I'lattu, NehrauUa, thin UUt prayer Hat da. of al-a 'laii ll Ji'il Johk Ohant, County Judge To-Night Spring's Best Suits! Kir-scJhurnrjklfM& Buy Shoes Now! We move the Small shoe stock to our other store in a few days and offer you Special Inducements to stock up on Shoes before moving. The very highest grade footwear at less than manufacturers cost should induce you to lay in a supply for future as well present use Save Money. Johnson's Cash Store, SELLING THE SMALL SHOE STOCK. Why Not Get the Best? The 1911 "Standard Fire Insurance Tables" quotes tho leading ten companies (American and U. S. Branch of Foreign) in the following order as respects their Cash Assets and Surplus to Policy-holders the most apparent and easily avnlluble evidence of what's "behind the policy." Cash Assets. 1 THE HOME $30,178,014 2 Hartford 2-1,303,035 3 CONTINENTAL 21,198,038 4 AETNA 21,023,545 C GERMAN AM., N. Y.. 17,170,112 6 INS. CO. of N. A 10,040,205 7 Fldellty-Phenix 13,700,298 8 LIV. & LON. & GLOBE 13,745,409 9 Royal 11,534,555 10 National. Conn 10.792.293 Wo are exclusive niicnts at North Companies in tho foregoing lists whose names arc printed in capitul luiicru. It Is only by placlnii your Fire assured of getting, the best. BUCHANAN & A Modern Institution For the treatment of medical and surgical cases. Open to the medial profession. Special accommodation for confinement coses Training school for nurses in connection. Address nil communi cations to tho superintendent Phone 642 Cor. F.iVhlli ami l.nru.i NY man who cares' h "rap" about the kiwi of clothes he wears couldn't help waxing en thusiastic over our splendid Spring showing of Suits. They will reach home to you So diversified is the assort ment of cholco patterns that you will be very much puz zled as to which to select, and among thorn nil you will not find a single weave that could offend tho finest sense of good taste. The Price Range $l5by casy lleps up te$25 Dressed in one of our good Suits n Man has n fair start on tho rood to prosperity. Our splendid Clothes servico is yours, Sir, if you desire itl Always pleased to show you. J. B. THE HOME OF GOOD CLOTHES Buy Now. Surplus to Policy Holders. 1 THE HOME $10,829,013 2 CONTINENTAL 15,003,601 8 AETNA 12,309,010 4 GER. AM., N. Y 9,042,400 C Hartford 8,923,007 0 INS. CO. of N. A 7,712,334 7 Fidelity-Phontx 5,734,087 8 PHOENIX, CONN 5,655,101 9 LIV. & LON. & GLOBE 5,155.975 10 Springfield, F. & M 4.642.281 Platte for each of tho Tnsiirnnnn Insurance! with ns thnt vnn urn PATTERSON. 1 1