1 Two Things That Count 81 hc senc In Buying Diamonds. Rcliabilhy af the Dealer. You cannot be sure of oro without the other; even with our, experience we buy of reliable concerns, whose repu tation and responsibility precludes the possibility of their using deception. So should you. We will give you tho best value possible. We have a very complete stock. Wo Do our own diamond mounting in our own store. Union PacHlc Watch Inspector DIXON, The Jeweler. North Platte, Nebraska. DR. W. F. CROOK, 3 DENTIST, J Graduate Northwestern University. n Office over McDonald Stato Bank DR. 0. tl. CRESSLER, I George Rcndlo has been in Gibbon for a week post rustling life inaurunce. - Lace Curtains, Portieres and Lounge Coven at the Hub Clothing Dept. Mrs. Merrill Wilcox returned to Cozad this morning after a brief visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Wilcox. Paper hanging, painting and decora ting. Satisfaction guaranteed. Guy Boyer, phone 574. The Lutheran Brotherhood will meet at the parish house this evening with Oscar Sandall and Chas. Lierk as leaden. ,Cap3 to match your spring suit. Come .take a look at those caps made of same material as suit. . . . Hub Qlothino Deit. Miss Lenore Cummings, of Chicago, will arrive in town Sunday and will be a guest pf Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Cun ningham for an indefinite time. .' 'Choice Dairy Butter. Phono E 504. Already Planned. There were few persons ,who know, the Locke family even in a casual way who had not discovered that Mrs. Loke was In tho habit of niiKKlng her husband and children. She loved tlicni dearly, but at times nobody would liavo surmlscd'It. i "What did Mr. Locke say when he found hluisclf snfo after those hours of danger?" some one asked u friend who had been In company with Mr. Locke on an oceau Hleaeuir wlilcli met wlth'nn acefdent In mid-Atlantic. "He never says the ordinary thing." ' "No," said tho fricud, with a dry smile, "no didn't that time. I said to him, 'James, we ought to make some thing more of our lives from having them spared to us In this way,' for 1 had felt pretty solemn, I can toll you. I've no doubt James did, too, but what hp said was, 'William, a good share of tho. rest of my life will bo spent In ex. plaining to Theodora how I happened io choose that steamer when thero were dozens of others that reached homo without any accident' "-Youth's Companion. Graduate Dcnlisf. Ortlce over tho McDonald State Bank. m979t n Lady Maccabees Attention. Every member requested to bo pres ent tomorrow afternoon at the K. P. hall as their will bo an election of delegates to the state convention. This is important. Lady Commander. The Water Situation. The ten hundred and fifty patrons of th North Platte water company might ns well bo acquainted with tho fact now that this summer there will be no wast ing of water. In fact those patronB who have lawns will be thankful to get sufficient water to keep the grass growing instead of allowing, tho water to run from morning until night and some Units all night. So long as thero woro GOO or 800 con sumers the company placed little if any restrictions en the consumption; but now with 1050 water users the condi tion is difTorent it is different because tho present plant Is inadequate to supply tho increased number if tho woatoful ness of former years ia permitted. Hence there will be n change; just what tho change will be has not been definitely) decided upon by tho receiver of tho company. Suffice to any, how ever, that it will be radical. It may be- that the order will go forth that lawns can bo sprinkled only by holding the hose, that ground sprinklers will not bo permitted. That would bo n radical change, to be sure, but don't bo shocked if such notice Is served upon you and cussing the water company won't help matters ono iota. Tho Tribune is simply wa-nlng you to be ready to take your medicine. Remember the Christian Science lecture at the Keith theatre tonight. Everybody welcome. Real Estate Transfers. G. C Weedman to T. E. Wells, west half section 20-16-28, $3,200. Geo. E. French to Mayme E. Smith Lot 5, block 157, North Platte, $2,700. Union Reality & Trust Co,, to Edna J. Lindenkugel section 13-13-33 $13,440. Sarah Schneider to Laurits Hansen, south half section 1-10-28, $4,000. Thomas Petersen to S. J. Swingholm northwest quarter section 34-11-28, $1,800. Goorgo Mcsselheiser to M. E. Bakaskic southeast section 34-15-30, $2,000. Sarah Mohney to G. A. Pulmer south east quarter and east half northeast quarter section 35-14-29, $3,000. The Long Spoon. "Tomkyns" recently heard, tho ex pression "If you sup with the devil you will need n long spoon." "Tbouph I never heard It befo.ro," ho says, "It Is evidently fairly well known, and what I should like to know Is, What docs it meau, and where docs it come from?" It means that If you aro going to sit down to n meal with his Satanic majesty you will need a long spoon to avoid the necessity of getting too near' tho old gentleman and, In Its general sense, of course, It Implies that If you hove dealings with n dan gerous or notorious person It behooves you to use great caution. If comes from one of the "Ingoldsby Legends," and tho quotation reads: Who auppes with tho Dovlllo Bholdo have ' a lontr epoono. London Answers. Attacks School Principal. a sovom nttnek on school principal. Chas. B. Allen, of Sylvanla, Go., is thus told by him, "Formore than three viim " he writes. "I suffered indescrl- hnhln torture from rhoumatism, liver trouble, and diseased kid All remedies failed till I used Electric Bitten, but four bottles of this wonderful remeay curea me com nintaiv " Such results nre common Thousands bleaa them forcurlngstomach trouble, female complaints, kidney dls .rjr VilllnimnnHi. and for new health andlgar. Try tham. Only 80c at Stsn Mrs. Goo. Frleberg, of Denver, has been visiting North Platte relatives aud friends this week. Morgan & Landgraf have opened a picture show at tho Lloyd opera house, the initial performance being given last night. Three pictures and two illustrated songs are given each even ing, with a change of program on Mon day vand Thursday evenings. Finkelstinc man-tailored ladies and misses skirts in evervthinE modern in genuity suggests at the Hub Clothing Dept. County Surveyor Moyer went to the head .of tho North Platto ditch this morning to computo the flow of water. It seems that water users claim they do not receive the amount of wntor to which they ore entitled and nre about to bring an action against the company. For Rent 22 acres three miles west of town; also 240 ncreB north ot Well fleet. Address W. V. Hongland, North Platte. Tho funeral of the late Mrs. Kate Brown was held from tho Prebyterian church . Wednesday afternoon, the friends present filling the seating capac ity of the auditorium. Thoaddress was delivered by Rev. Williams, It being impossible, at the last moment, for Rev. Greenlee, of Omahn, to come. For Sale Two fresh milk cows at my farm ton miles South east of city J Phone 554 R line. A firo last evening in the Chns. John son house in tho Third ward badly burned ono room and the smoke and water damaged furnishings in other rooms, Tho flames were extinguished by the early arrival of tho hoso company. Tho fire Is supposed to have originated by the explosion of a lamp which had been lighted and left burning while Mrs. Johnson was temporarily absent from the house. Diamonds arc a good investment and our offerings are very attractive. Lot us show you. Dixon, The, Jeweler. Governor Aldrich Thursday morning oxercised his vdto prerogative for tho first time in ref uslnc to npprovo the Taylor stock yards bill. No action was attempted in tho way ot overturning tho veto. Instead, tho house voted to make the consideration of tho Ollis stock yards measure a special order. In giving hlB reasons for vetoing fho Tay lor bill the governor declared that he considered the designation of such cor porations as "Public Markets" not a good law. A Fierce Night Alarm. is the hoarse, startling couch of a child, suddenly attacked by croup. Often It aroused Lewis unamniin or Manchester, O.. R. R. No. 21 for1 their four child- ren were greatly subject to croup. "Sometimes In severe attacks," he wrote "we were afraid they would die. but since' we proved what a certain remedy Dr. King's New Discovery is wo have no fear. We rely on it for croup and for coughs, colds or any throat or lung trouble'' So do thousands of others. So nlay you. Asthma, Hay Fever. LaGrinne. Whoopinz Couch. Hemorrhages fly before it. 60c and $1.00. rlkl bettls free. Bold by Stone Drag Additional Mail Carrier, Owine; to the increased business it has been necessary to increase the number of city mall carriers, nnd Homer Rector, having passed the nec essary examination'has been added to the force as substitute carrier. Ho will prove a good man for the work. 1 Tho Firo Bag. Every whaler and Healer that Balled the seas In the cluys of wooden sblpt carried a Urn bug. Thin was n tarpau lin bag about a foot long and six Inchon wldo lined with waterproof material, with Interlining of oilcloth and thick flannel. Into this was placed tho flint and tinder box fur klndllug (Ire. and tl.0 bag was then securely fastened with doublo flupH and tied to keop lt& contents dry. It was the special duty of tho second tnute to look after the firo bag aud In case of Mil wreck to at tack It at once to his person by means of stout strap? provided for tho pur pose. Thiw If olllcors and crew were cast nway on some deserted shore In the desolnto arctic circle tho meann of obtaining a Ore to warm themselves by and to heat food and drink would not bo wanting us long as the precious Urol bag was snfo. Tho steam whalers and Healers of tho present day still carry u lire bag stowed In the lifeboat With the bread aud wa ter, but now It Is of rubber nnd con tains half n dozen tin boxes of matches. Now York Press. 'SCHILLER & CO., Prescription Druggists First Door North ot First National llauk A Fine Heme For Sale. We have tho exclusive ngency of tho R. N. Lamb residence property on tho north eldo for sate. This property consists oT two CO foot lots with an 8 room modern dwelling threon, including hot-wnter heat. Two small Iioubcs on the alley that rent for $10.00 per month. Lots nil filled and curbing in. This property is situated right in tho business section of the north sid and the lota alone will bo worth more than tho price naked for tho improved property in n shor ttime. Mr. Lamb has in viow another busi ness proposition that ho wishes to use the money in ght away, and has placed the very low price of $-1,700.00 on this property. See Us at pneo if Inter ested. Temple Real Est ate & Ins. Agency. For Rent Sulto of rooms over Stnr Clothing House. Inquire of E. J. Van-Derhoof. Keith Theatre Tonight. Tho leciuro on Christian Scicnco at Keith Theatre isnot an invitation affair. While n few invitations woro sent out they woro mennt. ns n formal announcement? that the lecturo was to bo held tonight. Whethor you received an Invitation or not, you nro cordially invited to attend. Keith Theatre promptly at 8:30 tonight. Has Millions of Friends. How would you like to number your friends by millions us Bucklen's Arnica Salve docs? Its astounding' cures In the past forty years made them, It is the best Salve In the world forsoreB, ulcors, eczema, burns, boils, rcalds, cutn, corns, sore eyes, sprains, swellings, bruises, cold sores. Has no cquul for piles. 25c at Stone Drug Co. ' , . ; Do You Want a Floiir that makes the lightest, daintiest most delicious bread imaginable? Of course you do. Then you should use UNION FLOUR. It makes better bread, better biscuit, better cakes and bet ter pastry than any other flour sold, and it has the satisfying quality which is unattainable save from a flour of the rich glutinous wheat from which Union Flour is made. Price $L40 a Sack. To be had only at tent Store. Wilcox Heparin Ranch For Rent. - The Spear improved ranch of 2635 acres located 7 miles northeast of North Platte, all fenced and cross fenced into several large pastures, 2 wells and windmills, five room good frame dwel ling, plenty of stable room and chicken house, about 160 acres in cultivation. Possession given at once. BUCHANAN & PATTERSON, Agents. Easter Gloves. Homeopatky Principles Siinilca, Similibus, Curantus- A like romedy will euro n like di8ea80 as a remedy which has the same symptoms, or produces the same in tho wall, will euro those in the sick, and with na ture's holp will euro quicker than any other, nnd with Iee3 expense to the human economy. This system of medicine has at its command anything in tho realm of cure, such ns electricity Jn any form, the Vibrator. Massage, Hyrothcrafontiem. Therefore tho correctness of choosing this line of treatment, rather than whims with u singlo borrowed idea. For out of town patients and all those interested: rooms furnished when desired, for confinement, medical and tho necessary surgi cal cases. Trained nurses in attendance. Dr. J. S. Twinem, Medical and Surgical Prncticioncr Why Not Get the Best? Tho 1011 "Standard iFire Insurance Tables" quote tlw 'leading ten companies (American and U.S. Branch of Foreign) In the foltowhg order ns respects their Cash Assets and Surplus to Policy-holders the most apparent and easily available evldenco of what's "behind tlie poHcy." Cask AwetJ. 1 THE HOME $30,178,914 2 Hartford 24.363.G35 3 CONTINENTAL 24,198,038 4 AETNA 21,023,545 5 GERMAN AM., N. Y.. 17,170,112 G INS. CO. of N. A. 10.040.2C5 7 Fidcllty-Phonix 13,700,298 8 LIV. & LON. & GLOBE 13,745,409 9 Itoynl 11,534,555 10 National, Conn 10,792,293 Surplus In Pelky HsWeri. 1 THE HOME $16,8,61S 2 CONTINENTAL 15,0S,W1 3 AETNA, 12,399,01 4 GER. AM,, N. Y 9,042,400 5 Hartford 8.98,967 0 INS. CO. of N. A 7,712,814 7 Fldelity-Phenix 6,71,087 8 PHOENIX, CONN 5,966,131 9 LIV. & LON.N& GLOBE 6,186.978 10 Springfield, F. & M 4,642,241 Wq nro oxclusivo orients at North Platto for each of the Insurance Companies in tho foregoing lists whoso names are printed In capital letters. It is only by placing your Fire Insurance with us that you xare assured of getting tho best. BUCHANAN & PATTERSON. ALMERS' CARS ASK MINOR HXNMAN FOR A DEMONSTRATION. Chalmers 30, $1,5.00. Chalmers 40, $2,750 or Sale or Lease -BY- ratt & Goodman. Some of tho following lands are for sale and not for lease while some are for lease only. If interested let us hear from you regarding same. SEC. So, or 21 Section 3 Section 0 Soir i 17 No or 17 Soqr 35 Nw r. 29 Shi VJ No qr 30 Nw qr .85 Sw qr 9 Section 25 E hf; 1 Soqr 10 Sw qr no qr; no qr nw qr; h hf nw qr 15 Nw qr 19 Ehf. v 21 No qr. 5 Section 13 Section 31 No qrso qr, 9 S9MSSDSR DR. J. S. TWINEM, g Homeopathic Phylcln and Surgeon O ? Apodal attention elvon to confine- J I menu and clillUron'N dlscasoH, " a Olllco I'liono 183 -v.Itu.t. l'hono 2M a Olllco McDonald Btato Itank Illd'if e Better buy them now while vou can be fitted without the hurry and rush that always comes just efore Easter. Our stock is now complete as to sizes and colors. Wilcox Dprtment Store., MISS NELLIE BtRKEMSHAW Experienced , Hair Dresser and Dcauly Culturisl Diploma PhoB 300 No qr 15 Seqr.....' 7 N hf & aw qr 7 S hf 19 No qr 20 Section 25 N hf Nwqr 28 Section .'29 Nw qr 30 Shf .33 Section..; 11 Section 15 Section 17 Section 23 Ehfw hf 82 Section 1 Sw qr 11 Nc qr 11 Soctlon 19 So qr 27 E hf nw or & w hf no nr 30 Sw qr 35 Ne qr 35 Section. ...,15 Section 17 , Ne qr . . . , 3 ' Sour. 5 W hf 7 So qr 9 In lit s ni So qr 23 Section 1 Section..,.. 3 Nw nr. ................. . 8 Section 29 Section , 5 W hf 7 E hf 7 Section 31 Section 33 Section 33 E hf 2 Sw qr , 4 No qr 17 E hf aw qr & w hf on qr. .4 Section... 13 Section 23 Shf gwqr ;...28 S hf no qr & n hf so qr, ,32 Section 33 Sw qr 3-1 Se qr 5 W hf 7 Section 9 Nw or 19 Nw qr 21 Section 29 S hf bo qr :.. 17 TWP. 12 14 14 14 14 15 10 10 10 9 10 10 15 1G 20 10 10 9 10 11 13 13 14 14 1G 10 1G 1G 1G 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 10 1G 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 1G 10 16 10 10 1G y nan 2G 20 2G 20 20 26 26 20 27. 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 23, , 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 80 30 30 80 30 80 30 80 30 SO 30 80 80 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 80 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 Nhf near '.' 20 Nwqr ." ,28 Section ...'... 8 So qr 9 Nw or 9 Nw qr 11' uoction l Section ,.,..19 S hf Bwqr 20 No qr no qr, i 80 W hf & Be qr 1 Ne qr 21 S hf b hf 82 E hf bo qr 85 vv nr so qr ;u Sw nr 85 Ne qr bw qr; w hf bo qr; oe.qr so qr z Ne qr 22 N hf nw qr....... , .27 No nr........ ....85 Section 15 Swqr 5 Nw qr ,,, 17 N hf-nw qr 25 Section .'...35 Nw qr . G Ne qr G Sw qr.( 8 Ne qr 18 Nw qr 20 Nw qr 29 Nw qr 33 E hf sw qr & w hf e qr.33 N hf n hf 1 N hf n hf 3 Se qr G Sw qr 9 W hr Be qr 19 W hf & e hf so qr 10 ww qr 27 Nw qr 30 E hf whf &my qrnw qr.31 Ne qr be qr,. E hf.., Nw qr. So qr., W hf. 12 20 5 5 ,29 ,29 ,14 24 , G . 9 33 Ne qr E hf ne qr & n hf se qr Sw qr. , Sw qr..'. 1 Ne qr so qr E hf bw qr&nwqrowqr35 E hf....! ' 1 Se qr ; G Se qr 11 Sw qr ,.22 Sw qr 29 Se qr ,.,....., 6 Nw qr , 17 Se qr , 25 N hf so qr ,.33 Section , 7 Nw qr 8 Ne qr , 9 N hf ne qr 11 Nw qr 14 Nw qr ....25 Section ...33 Section ...25 Section 29 No qr 19 Sw qr , 19 Se qr 12 Ni qr se qr; 8 hf ne qr; nw qr ae qr; 32 Lots 2, 3,4, &nhf n hf..33 Lots 1 &2 .,.34 9' 9 10 ,W 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12- 12 13 13 18 13 16 16 10 16 16 9 I- 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 16 16 16 16 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1G 16 9 9 12 14 14 14 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 81 31 81 81 31 81 81 31 31 31 31 81 31 31 31 31 81 82 82 82 82 32 32 82 32 32v 82 32 82 32 32 32 32 82 32 82 82 32 82 82 82 82 82 32 82 82 83 33 83 83 33 33 83 33 83 33 33 33 83 33 33 33 33 83 34 34 34 34 34 U BRATT & GOODMAN, NORTH PLATTE, NEIRA5KA.