Semi-Weekly Tribune ttn I . Bare, Editor and I'ublwher. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. One Year by Mail In mlvmcp $1.2fl One Year by Carrier in advance $1.M Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post office asccond Class Matter. FRIDAY. MARCH 10, 1911 Upon his return from Washington to Chicago tho early part of the week Son- ator "Lorlmer was greeted as a hero, several thousand lining the streets nnd "showering flowers upon., him." We trust these frenzied admirers were not secured on tho same basis as It was re ported votes In iho Illinois legislature were secured. W. J. Bryan recently stated that ha did not consldor Governor Harmon an "available" man for tho democratic nomination for president. This moves fiovemor Wilson up n notch or two among tho possibilities. While Mr. Bryan's attitude toward Governor Har mon may not goyorn, It will neverthe less cut some figure. If tho members of the new congress pay Attention to the noods of their per sonal nockotbooks as well as the com fort of the country they will pass a rec iprocity measure and adjourn before the Chnutaunun season onens. It is said that Champ Clark stands to lose engagements worth $9,000 to him if congress remains in session through the dog dayB. Lincoln Journal. Rubber, which for a time soured above two dollars a pound, has dropped to about a dollar. Tho Increnoo in the production last year was ten thousand tons, hence tho decrease in price. When aUtomobilcs becamo so popular everybody looked for n big advanco In rubber,' which came, but at tho some time the rubbor plantations increased wonderfully in number and tho supply more than kopl pace with tho Increased dumand. Tho defeat of county option moans that it will be a political issue in 1912, and In fact until so decisively settled as to leave no doubt as to the real feeling of the" heonle on tho subject. Had tho measure been defeated in tho legisla ture by a heavy majority tho Issuo would not have bobbed up in tho next campaign, but the closeness of the voto gives county optlonlsts courage to again force it into politics at tho next gen eral election, The Colorado Highway commission will bo taken over the propohcd, routo through Nebraska, following tho Union Pacific railway, In a coupla . of weeks, by H. B. FrodrickBon, a stnto repro sentative'of the Touring Club of America. This iu dono in order to sat isfy the commission as to the most log ical route across this stnto. A trans continental read mania being made and the Colorado Highway commission will-'chooso this routo from Dcnvor east at a meeting to bo hold about tho middle of this month, Thoy want to know what route to connect with In this state. ' The resignation of Richard A. Dnllin- ger. as secretary of tho Interior, vyas accepted by President Taft'Tuesday, and Waltfr L. Fisher, of Chicago, ap pointed as his successor. It appears, in the correspondence between tho presi dent and Mr. Ballinger, winch was given out by' the white house, that tlfo secretary's resignation has been in the president's hand since January 19, and was held in aboyance at'the re- quest of Mr. Taf t and that the latter accepted Jit at the urgent request of Mr. Ballinger. In giving his consent to the secretary's retirement, Mr. Taf t takes occasion to declare with emphasis his unchanging faith in tho integrity of tho motives and the ofllcinl standards of Mr. Ballinger nnd his unmeasured Indignation of thoso who assailed him, declaring that ho has "beon tho sub ject of one of the most unscrupulous conspiracies for tho defamation of character that history can sl.ow." Tho most extensivo movement of troops and war vessels ever executed in this .country in time ofpeace is now under way by. order of tho president as commander-in-chief of the urmy and navy, tha objective point being tho country north of the Mexican boundary and waters of tho two oceans at either end of It. Twenty-two thousand sold lorsT-mbre, than one-fourth of the army orthe United States of all arms of et tho sorvlce aro moving toward the Mexican border. Four armored cruisers, corripHsfng th fifth division of tho Atlantic fleet, have been ordered from the northern waters to the naval station at Guantanarao; Cuba, and most of the Pacific fleet is, or shortly will bo, on Ub way to assemuio c sun reciro aim bun Diecro. Cal.. and 2.000 marines aro nre par Rig to make tha Guantaxamo station tttmnorarv headnuarters. It was ofll- eiallv announced at the white house and at tha war and navv department tedav that the purpose of this great mobiliza tion, unprecedented save In war times, Is the training of officers and men under jaorvlcfi conditions and practice 'In co operation between tho naval and land forces. Unusual pains were taken by all officially concerned In the matter to give this color to the sudden activities but these statements were accepted with increasing reserve. A Modern Institution For tho treatment of medical and surgical cases. Open to tlie medical profession. Special accommodation for confinement cases Training school for nurses in connection. Address all communi cations to the superintendent. Phone 642 Cor. Eighth nod Locust Chautauqua Directors Meet. A Special meeting of the Board of Directors of tho North Platte Chautau qua Association was hold Friday oven ing in tho ofllco of the Secretory. Two vacancies in tho Board, caused by the removal from town of K. D. Smnll and Eben Warner, wero Hired by tho elec tlon of Wilson Tout aud Ray C. Lang ford. Contracts for the tents wero or dered by the Board and a committee on grounds was appointed. Mrs. Lena Morrow Lewis was en gaged to glvehor lecture on some phase of Socialism for p'ne of the afternoon sessions. She comes vory highly rec ommended and Is known by somo of our local psoplc. Plans for disposing of tickets for tho coming session wero dis cussed and the Board adjourned to moot March 24th at the same place. C. A. Howe Married. Tho York Dally News of Tuesday contained this item, which will be of interest to our readers: A quiot wedding took place Inst even ing at 5 o'clock In tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rhoades, one and one-half miles northwest of the city. The parties to tho happy event wore Charles A. Howo, of Oshkosh, Neb., and Sarah D. Gardiner, of York. Tho wedding ceremony was characterized by simplic ity and Informality, yot with dignity nnd lmproasivencss as Rev. Alexundcr Bennott pronounced the vows, using tho ring service and ritual of tho Motho- dlot Episcopal church. A small party of immcdlatn relatives nnd friends wero witnesses to the event, Including Mrs. Nancy E. Gardiner, mother of tho bride, Mr. John Ittncr, the Misses Ittner, tho Misses Myers. Mrs. Rhondes, nt whoso home wero extended tho wedding hospitalities, is a twin sister of the bride. A bountiful wedding dinner was served, and joyful was tho hour. Choice presents wero mado tho bride. Mr and Mrs. Howo tako a wedding journey to Miami; Florida, after which they will reside on Mr. Howe's ranch ut Oshkosh. Well wishes are extended this estimable couplo from tho many who know them. With receipts of 14,000 bond the bulk nog price nt umaha Wednesday was $0.74. One yeni ago with receipts n little hoavier tho bulk sold at $9.78. If supply and demand regulate price, then wo aro not eating as much pork by nbout onu-fourtlr as wo did a year ago. Rheumatic Throws Away His Crutches. Johnston City, III. Robert Fremaux, who had contracted n sovero case of inflamatory rheumatism while working in the mines here, has had n rather re in ark able recovery, considering that ho wasunublo to get nlong without crutches and that ho was so quickly put on his feet.. The treatment which accom plished this wonderful rosult Is n British preparatlbn, "Coitno," known also as the "king remedy for rheuma tism," because It has been used and publicly endorsed by members of tho roynl family. Mr. Fremaux, whohnd just laid down his pick after & hard day's labor, and who seemed as spry ns a school boy, said: "1 had boon a outfocor from in flamatory rheumatism for Hvo months. Boforo I took 'Colmo' 1 walked with crutches, hut now I walk like other follows, my rneumntiem is entirely gone and I am now back working in tho mino with my former strength and vigor. Tho remouy winch cured Mr. I're muux has recently been brought to this country, the American distributer being ttio uoimo uompany, zw Jeucrson Street, Chicago. "Celmo Ib also obtain able in this city, being sold by Schillor & Co. FOR Some choice bred more boars. Poland . PAYNE'S DIART FARM, One-half mile south of postoffiiqe. Bcelcr-SIii'nkle. Married at tho home of the bride at Herhey, Nob., Friday evoning, March 6th, at C p. in, Rev. JohnBon officiat ing, Rcgina Anna, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. F. Bceler to Claude L. Shinkle. Tho wedding was a quiet event, only relatives and n few Invited friends wit nessing the ceremony. Tho contracting parties are well and favorably known, having lived in "Lincoln county nil their lives. Tho goom is the son of W. J. Shinkle, a ranch man living on the North River, whilo tho bride Is the dnughtor of Horshoy'o genial atoro keeper. The brldo was , becomlngTy dressed In white nnd carried a boquet of brido's rosos. Miss Ethel, sister of bride, acted as bride, s maid and was dressed in light blue, carrying a boquet of pink roses. James Callaway was best man. Mis Villa Bergeman of. North Plnttc played the wedding march, who was attractively nrrnyed In silk lavender Miss Mabel Sawyer also of North Platte won nttcndnnt to tho bride. Mr, and Mrs. Shinkle expect to make their home on n rnnh in tho noar future, Attendant. Commissioners' Proceedings. Mnrch 8th, 1911. Hoard met in regular session, pres ent Commissioners Walter nnd Streitz nnd county clerk. , Claim of J. M, Wilson, janitor, at lowed for $05. CO. y. Clnim of Lester Walkor, poormastor, allowed for 100.00 Resignation of II. C. Reagan, nsses- sur for Dickens precinct, accepted and Alvin Brown appointed assessor of snld precinct. v Road No. 334 enmo up for final ac tion, but on "account of a petition being presented asking for a change in said roau, tinni action is uoterrcu until Aiay 8th Board adjourned until tomorrow. R. E. LOUDON AUCTIONEER twenty years experience means good results tor those who have my services. Phone or address me at North Platte. Change Proposed Road No. 334. The commissioner appointed to view the change in proposed road No. 334. Commencing nt station JMo. iz on nroDosed road No. 334 about 20 rods ease and 10 rods north of the south went corner northeast nunrter of north west diiarter of section 30. township 14, rnnco 33 nnd running thonce southeast to the nunrter section comer between northeast quarter and southeast quarter of tho northwest nunrter section S0-14- 33 thence east one-half mile on quarter section line of tho northeast quarter section 30-14-33 to connect thereat with Second Street in the city of Sutherland, Neb., nnd to vacate all that part of proposed road 334 between station number 12 and station number 0, has renorted in favor of the chunge, with the followlntf oxcention in tho net t on the road is to jog north at the northwest corner of tho Gummorvland. fair not to bo a snuarc loir, but the centor of the road is to be the north west corner of tho Gummery land, from that point tho Raid road is to run east nlong the north lino of tho Gummery land taking tho entire 06 feet for the public road from tho Wilson land, and all .objections thereto or claims for dnmntro must bo filed in tho oflieo ol tho county clerk on or before May the 8th, lull, or such road will bo estab lished without reference thereto. mi- F. R. Elliott, County Clerk. SPCUE China Sows. Also a few Homeopathy Principle s Similca, Siruilibus, Curantus A liko remedy will cure A ilko disease. N A law immutable, that cannot change, and as true today as when it first came to light. true and tried system that will bear investigation. Nature's own treatment whore remedies nre paramount For out of town patients and all those interested: Rooms fur nished when desirca for confine ment, medical and the necessary surgical cases. (Trained nurse in attendance. Dr. J. S. Twinem, Medical and Surgical Practicioncr Go to SORENS ONS FOIt Furniture Repairing and Cabinet Work Also Wood Turning, Picture Framing Room Moulding, and Window Screens a Specialty. - Shop 107 East Fifth. Happily Surprised. This picture represents a man who received a box of our cigars for a gift. That he was pleased can be noted by his wide smile. You will bo equally pleased with our cigars, whether you buy one lor a nicKlo or dime. J F. SCBMALZRIED. t- COL. DAVE LOVE, Auctioneer. Leading' Auctioneer of western Nebraska. Charges low and satiafac tion assured. Phone or write. Sutherland, Neb. OIirtKKOP HKAIUNOON PKTITION FOK Arl UlNTMKNT III' ADMINISTRATOR OR ADMINISTRATRIX Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In tho county court. In tho matter ot tho estate Marr Dinner, ueceascu. On readlnir and filing tho netltlon of Leon ard Calvert nravlnir that the administration of said estate may bo granted to Lorenzo 8. llrlttcnham as administrator. Ordered, TUat Mar, nth. mil, atoo'c.lock a. m.. Is assigned for hearing said uetltlon when all persons Interested In said manor may appear at. a county court to Ihi held In and foruald county and showauso why tho prayer of petitioner should notrtto granted; and thatnotlCHOf tho pond ones of said pet ition and tho hearing thereof bo given to all liorsoiw Interested In said matter by publish ing a copy or this order In tho North l'latto L'rlbuno. a noml -weekly nowsuanur printed In said county, for six successive Issues prior to said day or hearing. Dated February lUtlw Hill. f2lft W. O. Ki.dku. Countr .Tiiilcrn lly Katherlno F- Clark. Clerk County Court- NOTICE FOR BIDS. Notlco is hereby iriven that sealed bids will be received at the oflieo of tho city clerk of North Platte. Nebraska. up to fivo o'clock p. m., March 21, 1011, lor tne construction or a lateral sewer In Sower District "G3" n sa d c tv nc cording to plans and specifications now on file in tho oflieo of tho city clork of said city. Approximate estimate of cost of Bower lateral as per report of city en gineer is yoz.tu. Local labor to bo employed as far as practicable. Certified check on local bank of 2 por cent of amount of bid will bo required to insure entering into contract. satisfactory bona to bo given when contract is Blgned Mayor and council reserve the right to reject any or nil was. By order of tho'city council. Chas. F, Temple, City Clork NOTICE FOR BIDS. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the ofllce of the city clerk of North Platte, Nebraska, up to fivo o'clock p. m., March 21, 1911, lor tne construction or n lateral sewer In Sower District "F" in said cltv nc cording to plans and specifications now uii iiiu in ma uiiiv.'u ui nit: wuy ciuiK ui said city. Approximate cstimnhj of cost of sower laterel ns por report of city on glnoe'r Is $1,118.00. V- Local labor to be employed as far as nracticab e. Certified check on local tfank of 2 per cent or amount or bid will bo required to insure entering into contract. Satisfactory bond to be given when contract is signed. Mayor and council reserve tho right to reject any anu an bids. By order of the city council. Chah, F. Temple, City Clerk. WILLIS J. tfEDFIELD, M. D. Surgeon. Physician, Consultant. Ofll ce Physicians and Surgeons Hospita Phones: Ofllce C42, Residence G44 i A. J. AMES. MAIUE AMES. I I Dsclors Ames & Ames, -Physicians and Surgcens, Ofllce over Stono Drug Co. I. 8 Phones S ' 1 UUBlUUUtV GEO. D.DENT, I Physician and Siirgcon, r Ofllco over McDonald Bank, f I rSKSiii i JOE B. REDFIELD, M. D. Physician and Surgoon. Specially! SKIN DISEASES. Day and night calls promptly answered uince r. a. Hospital, mono U4Z. Serial No. 0112.1. NOTICE KOU I'UIILIOATION DKPAUTMENT 0" TUB IKTWUOtl. United States Land Oillco. At North Plat to. Nebraska. Jan 21.1011. Notlco Is hereby elvon that Nluls undersoil or North l'latto Nan., who on April zzd. two, mado homestead entry No. 21183. Serial No. ViXli. for tho southeast nuar- tor southwest iiirtor and northwest nuarter Of tho 6th Prluclnal Meridian, has filed motlco of Intention to make dual live rear uroof. to osmbllshrlalm to ilio land above uescribcu, tieroro tho roRistor and rocolvor at north l'latto, Nobraska. on tho -Uth day of March 101 1. Claimant names as witnesses: Arthur Connor, ueortre Mnirlu. H W Mannon and .lames Bliucit, all or North l'latto, Nob. Jil-o J. K- r.VANB, KeiHstor. NOTICE FOR I'UnLIOATION. Korlal No. OtfO-l. Department of the Intorlor. U.S. Land Oillco at North I'lattc, Neb. Nov. llth. IHO. Notice Is horohr elvnn that Frank 11 TMv- lncston. of North l'latto, N ob., who, on Dec. 23rd. 1V0S. mado II. K. No. al55. Serial No. 02701, for westH section 3i. Township IS. N.. llanK02. W. or tho 0th Principal Meridian, has tiled notlcnof Intention to maku1 final Hvo yar proof to establish claim to tho land above ueseniwd, boforo tho ltcclster and lie celver at North l'latto. Nob., on tho Utlrday of Jan. .11)11. uiaitnant names aw witnesses: rorry camp bell. Adolph Kudolph, Charles nretornltz and iv ii. uoinus an or North l'latto, Nebr. J. E. Evans, Register. Serial o.oi5Sl. Notlco forl'ubllcatlon-lsolatod Tract. Public Land Salo. Dobartmontof tho Intorlor. U. 8. Land Ofllco at North Platte. Nob March s. 1VU Notlco Is lirebr (riven that, as directed by tho Commissioner of the General Land Ofllce under provisions of Act of Conuross ap proved June 27th, 1000. (31 Stats., 017), wo will olTcr at miblic sale, to tho hlshost bidder, at ten o'clock a. -m.. on tno tat, uay or May, ivii, ai tins oiuco. tne rouowintr-aescriixxi tana: Hit orsi;H or Pactum t). township i. IN. Hanitoso. w. or at h l'rlnc nal Meridian. Any porsons claiming adversely tho abovo described lands aro advised to lllo their claims or objections on or lmforo tho ttmo designated foralo. J. K. Evans m7-o ltcelstor. NOTICK FOR I'UIILIOATION. Serial No. 02810. Department of tho Intorlor, U. S, Land Oillco at North l'latto. Nob. March 3. 1011. Notlco Is horobyglvon that Qeorgo J Long ot North l'latto. mob., -who. on April zi. lwo, mado homestead entry No. Sl&f serial No. UMlll. for southwest nuartor. Sec 20. Two. 14. N. R. zu, w or tho th 1'rluclpal Morldlan, has tiled notlco or intention to mako linai live year proof, to establish clajfti to tho land abovo described, boforo tho Register and Re ceiver at North l'latto. Nobraska, on tho 0th uay or May. lvm. Claimant names as witnesses: Oeorgu Kopf, Qeorgo Patterson, Chris Schick and Fred Slraanu. all ot North l'latto, Not). m7-0 J. E. Evans. Register. Notice. Chester F. Perry, defendant, will take notice that on the. 23d day of Jan uary, mil, w. U. Jiiuer, county Judge of Lincoln county, Nebraska, issued an order of attachment for the sum of $64:25 in an action pending'before him wherein John C. Den is plaintiff and Chester F. Perry is defendant, that property of tho defendant consisting of two mowing machines, two slips or scrapers, two cooking or sleeping shacks has beep attached under said order. Said cause was continued until the 14th day of March, 1911, 9 o'clock a. m. at which time the Baid matter will come on for final hearing and the amount duo said plaintiir will be ascertained and the property .so attached will be solo according to law to satisiy tne amount so found due. Plaintiff would further allege that there Is the sum of $64.25 due him for goods sold nnd monoy loaned to said de fendant. Dated this 8th day of Feb ruary, 1911. John C Den. liy Muluoon u Ulbos, tils attorneys. Notice. Organization of tho North Platte Co-operative Association. l. Tne name ot tins corporation shall be "Tho North Platte Co-opera tive Association." ness shall be owning and operating n general store; buying nnu selling build nc .material, fuel, farm, dairy and Fancn Ioa,uct3 a',u :arm mocninoryj to borrow and loan money; discount paper; purchase or rent all real estate necess ary for the business of the corporation. 3. The capital stock shnll ba Twenty five thousand dollars divided into shares of Ten dollars each, of which five thous and dollars shnll bo subscribed and paid before commencement of business. 1. Tho oilico of this corporation shall be in the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, nnd tho principal placo.of it transacting business shall bo in Lincoln county. 5. Tho term of existence of this corporation shall be for twenty years, commencing March 1st, 1911, and term- i inuiiUK imiri:ii -woi. G. Tho hichent amount of indebted ness to which this corporation shall at any one time bo subject shall not ex ceed two-thirds of its actual subscribed nnd paid up stock. , 7, The business and affairs of this corporation shall , bo managed by a board of five directors to be elected by the stock holders from among their number. E. W. Mann, Ralph O, Chamberlain, F. T. Redmond, W. II. LeDovt, William Otten. NOTICE. The unknown heirs of Thomas Lowe, deceased, will take notice that on tho Sth day ot January, mil, Margaret J. Xundy, piaintiir herein men her petition in the dis- planum Herein men ner I'UMUUll in 1110 ui trlct c'ourt of Llii-oln county. NoTirask airolnst the said defendants Impleaded wli a. with Union Pnciflii ralltoad company, a corpora tion, the iibjwr aid prayer of which said pfiliion aro to ttl-f. tho title to lotclgbt in bl'Wk ulf'litr-nro or tho original town of ttio city ot North Platie. In the plaintiff herein, Margaret J liundy, an against the said do fondants, tho unknown .heirs of Thomas Lowe, deceased, and tho Union I'aclflc rail road company, and to enjoin said defendants, tho unknown helm ot Thomas Lowe, de ceased, from asserting or claiming any right, title or Interest In or to said lotnlght In block olghty-llvo and irom. Interfering with tho possession of the plalntllf in iho samo, and for general eif'ltablo relief. You ar required to answer said petition on or befo'n tho 27th day of March, 1011. MAHOAUKT J. UUNDT, Ily Wilcox A Halllgan Ilor Attornoys. Notice to Delinquents. Notice is hereby eiven that the ren tal upon tha lease contract to the fol lowing docribed "chool land In Lincoln County, Nebraska, as set opposite the names of tho holders hereof, is delin quent and if the amount which is duo is not paid within CO days from the date of this notice, said contracts will be de clared forfeited by the Board of Educa tional .Lands and Funds, and said for feiting will be entered of record in tho manner provided bv law. SEINE, N WJ, SW, S El 36 11-29 Jacob Buekiyer All lb-ll m Heile Edmlsten All 161229 Charlie Empie E. C. Cmvi.Es. Commissioner of Public Lands and Buil dings. Dated Feb. 10, 1911. NOTICE OF HEARING. In tha Counttr Court nf Lincoln flmmHf Nebraska. In the matter of tho Estate of Duncan Hallantlno, Deceased. . Whoroat. Lillian 11. Ilrucohas (Hod In mi oillco an Instrument purporting to bo a duly authenticated copy of tho last Will and Testament of Duncan Hallantlne, deceased, together with a duly authenticated certifi cate attached theroto, stating that tho said iast win Aixi testament lias boon duly ad mitted to probato and allowed In tho Sur rogate's Court of tho County of Delaware State of Now YorK. nnd nrnrltirr thnt f hn same bo admitted to probato and allowed In tins Bta-o as too last will and Testament of tho said Duncan Hallantlno, decoased. il is inoreioro onioreo, mat tho sam petition bo hoard on March 27th 1911, at U o'clock a. m .. when ell persons Interested In said matter mal appoar at tho county Court to bo hold In and for said c unty and show causo why tho prayer nt tho petitioner should not bo granted. it is also ordered, that tho tlmo and placo aforesaid this court will rocolvo. examlno, adjust and allow all claims and domand of all persons against tho said deceased and that any personi having such claims or demands agalnstsald deceased shall present tho samo to tho county court on or before the da to as signed ror bucii bearing. W. O. Ei.tiKit. County Jtidgo lly KATitr.uiNE F. Or.AitK Clork County Court Notice of Incorporation. Notice is hereby eiven thnt tho Knufmann &VernertComDa'hv-has bean duly incorporated under the laws of tlie state or Nebraska. The name of said corporation is the Kauf mann & Wernert Company. Its prin cipal place of transacting business is nt North Platte, Nebraska. The gen eral nature of tho business to be trans acted is a general mercantile business and tho owning and leasing of such real estate as is necessary for the proper conduct of said business. The author ized capital stock is $5,000, nil of which was fully subscribed and paid in at tho commencement of the business. The existence of said corporation com menced on the 1st day of February, 1911, and shall terminate on the Slat day of Janunry, 1961. The highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which said corporation is at any time to subject itself shall not exceed two thirds of its paidup capital stock. The affairs of said corporation shall becon- ducted by a board of directors, con sisting of three in number. KAUr MANN & WERNERT Go. By David Kaufmann. Pres. Attest WALTER J. O'CONNOR, Secy. f24-4 In the United States District Court, For tho District of Nebraska, North Platte Division. In tho matter of ) Case No. 13 Kyle D. Small, J- In Bankruptcy Bankrupt, ) Voluntary Petition. NOTICE OF SALE. Notice is hereby civen that bv virtue of an order issued by the District Court of tho United States for the Dis trict of Nebraska, North Platte Division, I will, as the Trustee in Bankrqptcy of. the estate Kylo D. Small, bankrupt, on tho 11th day of March, 1911, at ,two o'clock p. m. at the store building formerly oc cupied by said Small on Dewey .Street in the city of North Platte, Nebraska, oiler for sale all of the estate of Baid bankrupt. Said property consists of a stock of shoes store fixtures and a lease of said store building. Jas. F. Keefe, Trustee. NOTICE FOR BIDS, Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received it the office of tho City Clerk of North Platte, Ne braska, up to 5 o'clock p. m., March 21, 1911, for the construction of a lateral sewer in Sewer District "G 4," in said city according to plans and specifications now on file in tho office of tho city plerk of said city. Approximate estimate cost of sewer lateral as por report of city engineer is 5984.G0. Local labor to be employed as far as practicable. Certified check on local bank of 2 per cent of amount of bid will be required to insuro entering into contract. Satisfactory bond to be given when contrnct is Bigned. Mayor and council reserve the right to reject any or all bids. By ordor of city council. Chas. F. Temple, City Clerk. NOTICE FOR BIDS. Notlco is hereby given that sealed bids will bo received at the ofllco of the city clork of North Platte, Nebraska, up to fivo o'clock, p. m., Mnrch 21st, 1911, for the construction of extension of sewer main on "A" street in said city according to plans and specifica tions now on file in tho ofllco of tho City Clerk of said City. Approximate estimate of cost of said extension as perreport of City en gineer is $875.00. Local labor to be employed as far as practicable. Certified check on local hank of 2per cent of amount of bid will bo required to Insuro entering into contrnct. Satisfactory bond to be given when contract is signed. Mayor and council reserve the right to reject any or all bids. By order of tha city council. Chas. F. Temple, CityCIe.rk.