The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 10, 1911, Image 4

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    0 j jvrrisrtj
HPHERE is no prettier
than the wearing
of a photograph of a dear one concealed within
a dainty locket. It serves the two-fold purpose of
an artistic article of personal adornment and the
photograph is a dear bit of refined sentiment.
Jeweler aid Optician
North Piaffe. Neb.
At The Kfith Theatre Monday evening, March 20th.
Prescription Druggists
Flnt Door North of
Klrl National Bank
Reduction in Prices
All square horse blankets will bo
sold at a discount of ten per cent, and
all robes at twenty per cent. M. C
Rodger' harness shop, Sixth street.
Orer Pint National. Phone 1U
, Plnrlr Hm Tin nan hum rirrhflA tit
Nettie J. Brooks lot 7 and 8, block 122,
for $2,G00.
Wanted A girl for general bouFe
work. Inquire of Mrs, Geo. T. Field,
502 west Fifth.
lira. Chaa. Pass and Miss Anna Gib
bona left yesterday for a visit with
Omaha friends.
The Woman's Auxilary of the Y. M.
C. A. will meet in the Y. M. C. A.
rooms Tneday afternoon.
The Platte Plunbing and Heating
Ce. is prepared to do Plumbing and
Heating in first-class manner.
, Mrs. Harry PorUr and daughter have
returned from a visit with friends at
Minden. Earth is how brighter for
( Mr. and Mrs. Lem Bailey went to
Cozad yesterday, accompanying home
L - I . l. 1 11 !t
ing them.
White Orpington are the big winter
layers and best general purpose fowl.
' Eggs from select pen fr sale.
E. A. Cahy.
John C. Chase, a socialist orator, will
deliver an address ot the court house
Monnay evening. An invitation is ex
tended to all to attend,
"Bill" Davis, the Saturday Evening
Post boy, and Russell Longford are
measle victims, the disease having de
veloped last evening.
. Attend the millinery opening Thurs
day and Friday, March 9th and 10th.
Mora hats, preUler hats, cheaper hats.
You nhal judge. Come and see.
The Hun.
On March 1st twenty-five per cent
of the 1910 wljeat crep, or 179,690,000
. bushels, .was still in the hands of the
farmers, and 404 per cent of tho 1910
com crop -still on the farms.
Judge Grant's first net was to issuo a
marriage license, and he did this before
he got his seat warm. He wua
appointed to he judgeship about four
o'clock, qualified, and then issued the
liuy your pprmg hat at
prebcrt Co, Co. Every
Tenth hat free.
North Platto friends of Capt. J. S,
Robbinn, postmaster at Wallace, will
regret to leurn thnt his health be
came worse a week ago and oil last
Tuesday he was taken to an Omaha
hospital for treatment.
Traveling Engineer Barney O'Neil
spent yesterday in town.
Trained nurse. Good references.
Phone 390 or call at 419 W. Fifth.
The Home Missionary Society will
hold an exch'angeat Howe & Maloney's
store next Saturday.
Felix Simons and family left Wednes
day for Lincoln, where thy will make
their future home.
For Sale GOO fence posts at six
cents each. Phone II. S. Hoskins,
Hershey. Roy Anders.
SupL Geo. H. Likcrt was in town
yestcrdby .coming here to accompany
east the Lnvett special.
The Union Realty and Trust Co. has
sold to Jno. L. Schlientz the south half
of lots 1 and 2, block 9C,for $1,600,
1 Big Ben will ring you out ef bed on
Judge Grant Appointed Judge.
At the session of the county - commis
sioners yesterday afternoon, John Grant
was appointed county judge to succeed
the late Judge Elder. The appointment
holds until next-January, when he will
be succeeded by the candidate elected
thisjfall. Mr. Grant was theonlyavowed
applicant for the office.
The appointee is an attorney of a
number of years practice art thin know
ledge of the law ought to well qualify
him for the position.
Leeal Notice.
All persons are hereby warned not to
trespass en that tract of land in sec
tion 28, formerly a part of the Isaac
Dillon property part lyinsrwest of the
county road and extending from the'
North Platte River to corporation line
of the city of North Platte. Tres
passers will be liable to prosecution.
worn natte, March 6th.
W. W. Bihce, Agent.
Providing for the submittingtto the elector of the city tho question: "Shall the
City of North Platte issue its bonds in the sum of ?I5,000.00 for the purpose
of obtaining money with which to erect a city hall to accommodate tho city
officers and records, the fire department, fire apparatuses and police depart
ment, and tc provide for the levying and collecting, by the proper officers
' ofsaid city, a tax annually to pay the interest and principal of said bonds
as they mature?" 1
Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City ot North Platte, Nebraska:
Section 1. That at the election to be held in said City of Nrth Platte on
the4thdny of April, 1911, the' following proposition shall bo submitted to the
voters of said City: 'Shall the City of North Platte issue its bonds in the sum
or $15,000.00, in denominations of $1,003.00 each, dated July 1st, 1911, due in 20
years from their date, but payable at any time after ten years, at tho option of
said city, to draw Interest at the rate of five per cont per annum, payable semi
annually, principal and interest payable at the fiscal agency of the State of Ne
braska in the City of New York Said bonds to be utsod for the purpose .of ob
taining money with which to erect a city hall tj accommodate the city officers
and city records, the fire" department and fire apparatuses, and the police de
partment. And shall tho proper officers of said city be authorized to levy and
collect a tax annually in the same manner ns other municipal taxes may be lev
ied and collected, in an amount sufficient to' pay the interest and principal of
said bonds as they mature, in addition to the sum authorized to be levied in Sec
tion 82, Article 3, Chapter 13, Compiled Statutes of the State of Nebraska for
the year 1909, on all jthc property within said city, as shown and valued upon the
assessment rolls of the assessors of said city. Sid bonds to be negotiable in
The ballots to be used at said election shall have printed thereon:
' FOR ,
Issuing $15,000.00 of the bonds of the City of North Platte for tho purpose
of erecting a city hall to accommodate the city officers and city records, fire
department and fire apparatuses, and the police department, and for levying
and collecting a tax annually to pay the interest and principal of said bonds ad
they mature.
Issuing $15,000.00 of the bonds of the City of North Platto for the purpose
of erecting a city hall to accommodate the city officers and rocords, fire depart
ment and fire apparatuses and police department, and against levying and col
lecting a tax annually to pay the interest and principal of said bonds as they
mature. 1
Section 2. Those voting in favor of said proposition shall mark their ballots
with an (X) after the paragraph beginning: FOR issuing $15,000.00 of the bonds
of the city of North Platto. Those voting against said proposition shall imark"
their ballots with an (X) after the paragraph beginning AGAINST issuing
$15,000.00 of the bonds of the city of North Platte. '
Section 3. Notice of said electio shall be given by publication in The North
Platte Semi-Weekly Tribune, a newspaper, and in general circulation in said
city, for three weeks prior to the date of said election, and be included in proc
lamation of tho Mayor in calling election, and the Clerk is hereby instructed to
cause publication of said notice to be made.
Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after
its passage and approval according to law.
Daed this 7th day of March, 1911. ,
Attest: (Signed) Chab. F. Temple, (Signed) Titos. C. Pattekson,
City Clerk. . JRMayor.
SEAL Passed and approved this 7th day of March, 1911. ' j
time. The best alarm clock made.
DtxON, The Jeweler.
Lee D. Grimes left Wednesday for
Marathon, Florida, vhere he will accept
position with a corps of civil engineers
who are engaged in railroad work.
Mr. and Mrs. George Schiller, of
Ida urove, lowa, aro the gutata oi tneir there aro nl)0Ut half a dozen tracts of
son fcdgar bchlller anu xamiiy, having innU between this city and Omaha that
arrived Tuesday afternoon. have not yet been settled un. With
For Sale Alfalfa hay. Phone Fremont these exceptions the company has un-
Watts, E 501. disputed possession of its 400-foot strip
m.- ion nn t P,.ifWm.r nnnt Grand Island Independent.
becomes effective today, and the usual
Quality in every part of the
shoe. Quality in the design
in the leathers, in the work
,manship, outside, inside, un
. n . i II
derneatn. particularly ' un
'm ' .111 .
derneatn, wnere tne rea
value of a shoe becomes
apparent. No disguises are
used to cover inferiority. Ou
factories build shoes on their
honor, and you reap the ben
cut of their service.
Wilcox Department. More,
Give Up the Fight.
That the Union Pacific will have
easier sailing than was anticipated in
establishing its title to the 400-foot
wide right-of-way through Nebraska,
is indicated in the withdrawal of the
test cose not long ago brought in the dis
trict court in Me rick county. A farmer
of that county went $ntocurt.or th6
purpose of legally enjoining tho rail
road company from setting its fences
over a distance of 200 feet from either
side of tho tracks The case was set
forbearing for the term last week, but
when the time for tho trial came the
plaintiff's attorneys dissmissed the case.
J. M. Shivoley, of Fremont, who was
la this city a fow days ago, who is
right-of-way agent for tho Union Pa
cific, and has charge of the work of re
claiming the 400-foot right-of-way,says
Picture a small group of very
beautiful . dresses probably
as beautiful and practical "and
individual as could be brought
together by taking just the
best from each good maker
in the country. Then picture
tne price as low as you pay
for ordinary styles,
Would you be Interested?
lixactiv tnat kind ot an op
portunity is now presented at
Wilcox's. And you are at
perfect liberty to come in and
look them over without any
obligation to purchase. We
are always glad to show our
Wilcox Department Store.
Samuel E. Rork's Sensational Musical
Production. (Original Company)
The Queen
Distinct Novelty in amusements
Music by John T. Hall. Lyrics
rukh to those points is expected. Pas
senger traffic west has beh very heavy
for two weeks, and with the cheap r&to
n effect additional equipment vill be
A few old pieces of jowelry manA"
times will sell for a handsome little
sum. look up me scrap jawciry anu
silver you have; wo will buy it from
you no mattor how small the quantity
Dixon, The Jeweler.
Tho .Free Lanco csUmatcs a loss of
$2-1.000 as a result of tho fire in that
village early yesterday morning, dis
ributcd as follows; Tolofsen lumber
yard $20,000, Shane's carpenter shop
$700, Piexaon's store building $2,000,
Jenkins barn and Sweeny & Hall barn
J, O. Anderson's annual sale of
Poland China and Duroc Jersey Hogs
will be held at Lexington, March 16.
They still have a few choice cockerels
laf t and are booking orders for eggs at
$1.00 per setting of 15, and $4.00 per
er 100 for incubators, from flock
headed by 11 lb cockerels. Also 4 Red
Palled bulls at private sale.
AK chapter P. E. O. met with Mrs.
Ed. Davis Wednesday afternoon and
elected officers as follows: President,
Mrs.- York Hlnmnn; vice-president,
Mrs. J. G. Beeler; treasurer, Mrs.
Edgar Schiller; recording secretary,
Mrs. John Evans; corresponding sec
retary, Mrs. I, L. Miltonberger; guard,
Mrs. John Twinem; delegate to the
convention which will be held at Cen
tral City in June, Mrs, Edgar Schiller;
alternates, Mrs. E. S. Davis and
Mrs. Georgu Prosser.
"Barriers Burned Away."
"Barriers Burned Away" tho story
by E. P. Roe, and founded upon the
great Chicago fire, has been made into
a play by George Middloton and has
attained immediate success.
The play like the book tells a good
wholesome story, which, while it enter
tains it carries a great moral lesson.
The story tells of the love of a poor but
brilliant young man for n rich and
haughty girl, who scoffs at all religion,
but finally the barriers of religion and
wealth aro swept awny in tho great
Chicago fire ana all ends happily.
ileftsrs. caskcll-r.incvtuy & carpen
terhavo supplied an excellent scenic
production and b splendid cast for the
play, which it is said, will provo as
popular as Mr. Roe's novel with its
millions of readers.
This great play will bo presentod nt
the Keith next Wednesday evening.
will soon be but
a memory. Has
your stay in the
country benefitted
you in health and
epirusi tnen now
is the time to
have some
Come to this
studio and get
portraits that will
do you full jus
tice at tho period
be looking
New seven mam tinui iu anuth nirt when you should
of the city. Only eight blocks eat
Urge lot, 88x150 feet, Nice trees i
IawB. Sidewalks ia. Only $3,00. G.W.ANDERSON
Easy terms.
Temple Real Estate & In. Ageacy.
1 a4 2 McDesald Block.
successor to
E. O. Halveratedt.
Merchant Tailor.
We have recently installed a French
Dry Cleaner for Men's and Ladies'
apparel ot all classess, anu we
guarantee satisfactory work. We
are also tailors anu Know now to
repair clothes.
We carry samples of goods and
make clothes of all kinds to order,
insuring first-class workmanship
and perfect ht.
by Paul M. Potter,
by Vincent Bryan.
Night life of Paris correctly portrayed in 150 minutes,
without waste of .time and money.
Special feature, direct from the Moulin Rouge: Paris,
"L Amour de i'Apache," introducing the original
rZLD Apache Dance with a special cast.
Swift, smart, saucy and gorgeously girly. The largest
musical organization en tour.
Prices S1.50, SI.OO, 75c, 50c.
Pure bred young Berkshire
Boars can be registered.
Inquire at Hershey's Hard
ware Store, corner Fifth
and Locust streets, North
Platte, Nebraska,
Phone No. 15.
At the U nion Stock Yards, North Platte, commenc
ing at
1:30 p, m., sharp,
Ofllco: Hotel Tinimerrotn
Special attention given diseases of
women and emergency surgery.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received at tho office of the
City clerk of North Platte. Nebraska.
up to five o'clock p. m., March 21, 11)11,.
lor uie construction 01 a lateral sewer
in Sewer District "P" in said city ac
cording to plans and specifications now
on file in the office of the city clerk of
said city.
Approximate estimate of cost of
sower lateral as per report of city en
gineer is $3,369.00.
Local labor to be employed as far ns
Certified check on local bank of 2 per
cent of amount of bid will be required
to insure entering into contract
Satisfactory bond to bo given when
contract is signed.
Mayor and council reserve the right
to reject any or all bids.
By order of the city council.
Ciias. F. Temple, City Clerk.
The offering consists of broke norses, good flesh,
quality and bone. They are three years old and up
wards, and will weigh from noo to 1400 pounds.
All thrifty young shoats, weighing from fifty to
seventy pounds.
TERMS. Eight months' time will be given on approved
security, notes to bear ten per cent interest from date. Parties
wishing to pay cash will be allowed a discount of five per cent
Garlow, Jones and Wickam,
CQL,-T. F. WATTS, Auctioneer.
Notice for Publication.
Serial No. OlSfio-UMKH.
Department of tlio Interior,
d. Laud Ottlce at North IMatto. Neb.
Mar 7tn. mil.
Notlcu U hereby eiven that Chris Schlck.ot
North Platte. Neb., who on May 2.
undo UorotMtnad Kntry No. lvftiri, Serial No.
tilWO. for HV4 XKH. and SH NWi. and on
June SO tli. 1WJ1. mario Homestead Entry No.
J.KU, Serial No. (Oft), for NH NWM. NH NKM
and SM. all iu Section. 3), Township. II.
ran?" ?J. V ot the alxth principal meridian
has filed notice o( Intention to make dual
Arc rear proof, to establish claim to the
laud abore described, boftfro tliu Ueetstor
and Itocelvor at North Plat to Nebra.ika.
on the th dr of May. 1911.
Claimant names as witnesses: Tjoruu
I'urdy. Jesa tanr, Samunl Hawkins, 1'rautc
Pteel all of Nortlf Platte, Nebraska.
tnltM J. R. Eva hk. RwUtftr-
SorlalNo 0IUI7.
nonartmPiit of tho Interior
U. t Land OllU-o at North Platto. Nob.
tin iomt o "fa"" Homestead entrr
rni. bw:,l(m 3J. towns i n 1(1. north
x to"' t to 10" :r1t?.,wtbiiSh
anil Hl!rilvnr V.l. in.....
on ,thc loth dav of Mr Voi'?"1'
namon as wltnisaa! n.vid
.urovt's, all
J- E Kvak8. lloclstcr.
the lteclstur
Nubraska, on
(Jlalninnt t
of North'. W.rovt.s. all
of Mnil.i.-.ria .'" "ur ne,
ofJll!l.!,orli. Nob.