ANGORA GOATS VALUABLE ' AS PASTURE SCAVENGERS One Animal tp Aero Will Keep Briers. Weeds and Bushes Completely Subdued on Land That Is Inclined to Grow Up in Wood. PROFITABLE PIGEON RAISING REQUIRES INEXPENSIVE PENS Buildings Should be Comfortable nnd Convenient but Need! Not be Elaborate It In of Vital Importance That Drinking Founts be Clean. to doctor hor. , Strawberries work In well with vegotable growing. Sprny for soft scale Duy only tho beat seeds, Plant somo strawberries this spring. If a hen Is very Btck, it scarcely pays ' "- - Look out for- mltea. Select seed corn early. ( ! Tho cow never tires of sllago. Don't put n-elck fowl lti a coop with iionltby ones. Scraps from the table will help to' reducttho feed bills. Old com Is tho bostyecd until tho cew gets well cured out. ' Ercry corn grower should tost ev ?ery car of seed corn this year. In buying n cow tho first thing to lo Is to lookwoll Into thovbrcod. Green-cut bono must not bo con founded with ground ' bono or bono meal. A great deal of Interest Is being (manifested tbcso days In tho small jfarm. Horses, hogs, pigs and calves eat tillage and thrlvo on it as well as 'doos tho dairy cow. ' Tho milk from a cow in a poor run down condition is certain to bo cor respondingly poor. 1 Evory orchard ought to bo planted Jin checks to admit of clean cultivation pvlth tho smallest amount of hoeing. i On tho averago farm, fifty hons bring ns big returns as the best cow In thd herd with less feed and caro. j Many times, ono hill will produce lx eight-ounco potatoes; which is t tho rato of 520 Lushols per aero. jcured by a tablespoonful of baking soda in slop three times a day for a pveok. Tho cream separator, tho silo and Itho manure spreader should find a jplace in tho equipment of evory dairy Sarin. Tho feeding of clover hay to poultry is a very1 slmplo mattor and can bo Successfully done bv linv farmer or poultryman. Scales aro a good thing for a man to have. They onablo him to know Just what ho has to sell and also what ho buys. Ewes that go Into their winter quar ters in an unthrifty and low flesh con dition cannot bring good vigorous lambs In tho spring. There is often a tendency on the part of beginners to Increase their herds too rapidly. Better go slowly and breed only the best. A variety of crops certainly adds to tho pleasuro of living, if ho can havo on his tablo the early strawborrlcs and tho late blackberries. Go carefully over your farming scheme as you worked It last season, try to dlscovor tho weak spots and sot to work to remedy them. If you havo plenty of pasture and milk, that veal calf will make lilco baby beef this fall late, elthor for mar ket or for tho homo meat Bupply. ! It is estimated that 00 per cent of tho poultry product of the country come from tho farm, and that tho value of these Is closo to $300,000,000 yearly. A fow drops of tincture of iron In the drinking water makes an excel lent spring tonic for the poultry. It tonos up tho system and makes rich, red blood. While there is moro or les proju dlco against tho use of ryo as food for farm animals, It forms a valuable addition to oats nnd barley for llvo Btock in Germany. Thn mattor of keening records is lm portant. Tho farmer should bo ablo to tako account of stock at tho be ginning of evory year, tho same as , any merchant does. If wo neglect tho hen houses this Bnring till they aro allvo with Hco and mites, wo desorvo tho consequences. It will tako but a fow minutes to clean it out thoroughly and .not much long or to soak roosts, boxes and every thing olso with kerosene. A coat of whitewash can bo put on almost as quickly, and good dry clean earth shoveled In when tho filthy floor has boon cleaned out. Follow this kero sene business up overy ten days or so for a tlmo and it will bo a pretty tough louse or mlto that stays around Tho first week is tho critical tlmo in tlhs llfo of tho llttlo pig. Don't try to food ten hogs in a trough big enough for only six. Under domestication the hog has be come "an animal of wide distribution. Now is the timo to nroduco lots of milk. Plenty of tlmo nnd prices aro high. A weak point In" dalrylnit Is tho lack of cleanliness at all times nnd ln'nll things. Treating small grains with 'formalin Is too important to bo overlooked by farmers. To give nrofltablo returns dairy cows must be well bred, woll fed and well managed. ThO most nrnfltnliln nut tronn for tho middlo states nro tho chostnuts, wal nuts and Bkcllbarks. Tho first crcat roaulslto in tho caro of stock Is perfect cleanliness, puro air and abundant sunshlno. A hen that docs not lay usually docs not bother tho trap nest unloss sho Is aftor eggs for food. Flax has been found a profitable crop in the. West and seems well suited to tho pralrlo soils. In buying a barrel churn don't got ono too small; if you do you will find It takes a long time to churn. Rnlslnc of broilers is a. business bv. ltsolf. Start on a small scalo and thon with success lncreaso tho capacity. Scrub poultry may servo a good pur poso In tho pot, but thoy should not be permitted to propagato tholr kind. Stables should bo well lighted and so arrangod that tho light will not' strlko tho animals directly In the eyes. Fow farmers and poultrymen know about tho feeding valuo of bright, woll-cured clover hay for laying hons. You can not mako a greater mis take than to confine your breeding ducks, especially if they aro Indian Runners. Ono of tho very important things to do this month Is to mnlcn vour solec-i tion of seeds nnd plants nnd order tnem now. Pruning annlo troos Involves so many principles that only tho most general survey can bo given in a short discussion. Tho dairy cow Is ono of tho best money makers on tho farm; but, liko nens. suo nays only accordlnc to "valuo received." Tho Holsteln, the Ayrshire nnd tho milking shorthorn aro tho best breods for tho milk farmer- to 1 raise. For cream select tho Guernsey. Good comfortablo housing and Judl-, clous feeding aro tho two cardinal principles of successfully wintering tho breeding owes. Tho valuo of skim milk on tho farm when fed in conjunction with grain is greater than it is usually .given credit for being. It is a good tlmo now to tako an In ventory of your farm nnd plan to koop records of all transactions connocted with your farming operations. Don't bo in a hurry to got rid of tho old bull. Remember that ho has prov en himself and the calf that you buy will be more or loss of a lottery. A chilled egg will bring forth a weak chick if it hatches at all and a weak chick that has hard work to llvo is sometimes worso than no chick at all. During tho breeding season mate ono drake with four ducks until tho last of April, then diminish tho num ber of drakes to ono drako t;o llvo or six ducks, Tho lack of succosa which so many farmers have with chickens In largoly duo to a lack of planning, nnd thoy neglect to glvo tho fowls tho attention these plans call for. Anyone can cnslly sco that bono Is ono of tho best feeds for producing eggs, as tho fat assists In forming tho yolk eft tho egg and also In sustain ing tho fowl In winter. flutter is a good price. Feed Is com paratively cheap, especially so If you havo saved all of your roughage, such as cornstalks, tho best of our straw, and things of that sort which fre quently go to waste. In making good butter and wrap ping tho prints wltll paper printed with your namo and tho namo of tho farm, tho goods will advertise them selves and by making up your milk at homo you aro sure to get all tbero is in It if you go at tho work properly. Angora Goat My experience with tho Angora goat for tho past llvo yoara has proved that ono goat to tho acre will keep tho briars, weeds and bushes com pletely subduod In land that la In clined to grow up In blackberry briars and hickory, oak, rod bud, dogwood, Bumao and similar growths, writes Uu fus Lester of Wayne county W. Va., In tho Orango Judd Farmer. At tho Bamo tlmo, tho land will ylold as much pasturo for horaos, cattle, hogs or sheep ob It would If tho goats woro not on It. AHklndB of stock scorn to do well In tho samo pasturo with tho goats. For tho goat to bo of best sorvlcb 'tho undorbrush should bo cut out or llro should run through tho woods, so as to kill tho small timber. Tho largo tlmbor should bo girdled bo as to kill It, and tho goats will thon koop tho sprouts down until tho rootB of ' tho timber dlo out and bluo grass will sod tho land. This will require about FRUIT TREE PLANTING POINTS Should bo Placed in Ground Whllo Dormant in Well Drained Soil With Ilolo Largo Enough to Spread Roots. (Dy rilOF. iOHN W. LLOYD,. Illinois Farmers' Institute.) 1. When to plant fruit trees: Whllo thoy nro dormant; whllo tho ground is in a workablo condition; lato in the fall after growth has stopped, or early In tho spring beforo It has bo gun. 2. Whore? In well-drained soil. 3. How? Dig an amplo holo; spread tho roots out in their natural position and pack lino earth around them. It Is handy to separate tho clods from tho fino soil In digging. Thero Is always a balanco botwoon tho roots and branches of a tree, so if many roots havo been cut off in dig ging tho treo from tho nursery, a cor responding nmount of tho top must come off. If trees faro plnntod In ,tho fall somo precaution should bo made against their being heaved out of tho ground by nltornato freozlng z.xid thaw ing. This can bo done by spreading a thick layer of straw or manuro around tho treo. Thero aro four essential points in tho caro of. fruit troes. They aro: 1. Tillago. 2. Fertilization. 3. Pruning. 4. Protection from enemies. Tillage la Just as necossnry in treo raising as In corn raising, and for tho same reasons: To avoid tho competi tion of othor plants, to conserve mols turo and to rondor plant food avail able Intelligent pruning 1b also vory nec essary to raising fruit. Each bud on a tree Is cnpablo of giving riso to a branch, and If every branch Is allowod to grow tho treo will becoino too dense. Wo must thin out tho branches In tho treo topa or wo will havo llttlo fruit. It takes molsturo to dovolop an applo and sunlight to color It: so tho foliage must not bo too thick. Pruning Is also omployed to mako tho treo as sumo tho desired shapo. It should nlso distribute tho large branchos oqul distantly, as nearly as possible It Is UNSUSPECTED WATER DANGERS Cesspool. Tho diagrams show tho possibility by material conducted through! tubular through llmeBtono rocks. Sink Sink -' ' i ' ' ' nrn i i and Does. threo years. Tho Angora goat Is not afraid ol dogs and can protect ltsolf woll against tholr attacks. Thoy nro fond of but ting each othor In play, but I nover saw 6no nttompt to fight othor Btock. It requires somo kind of fonco to keep tho goat In which ho cannot stand on tho top of or climb up. Tho best fonco for Angora goats Is tllo woven wiro fence. This fonco need not bo over 40 or 42 inches high. Tho fonco must bo closo to tho ground, so thoy cannot crawl under. When tholr hair Is long onough to protect thorn goats will ofton crawl through a barbed wlro fonco, If tho wires aro not vory closo or tho posts closo togothor with tho wires woll Btrotchod. Goats will not Jump over any fonco, they want to climb up, and then thoy will Jump down, or thoy will Jump up on top of tho fonco nnd thon down; but they never Jump over a fonco llko a mulo or steer. always best to grow n good strong branch on tho southwost Bldo of tho treo, whoro tho hot suns nnd strong wlndB como from. In pruning, wo Bhould cut tho limb In such a way that it will heal quickly. To do this tho limb Bhould always bo cut as closo to tho body ns posslblo, and parallel with it. A saw should bo ufeed, and tho wound must bo coated over with whlto nalnt or snmnthitip- slmllnr, to prevent weathering and In- roction from bactorla or fungus growths. Another Imnortnnt thine u to koop trimming off tho ends of tho iimns on young treos. m iThoro nro threo kinds of onomlon that trooa muBt bo prdtectod from. Tho first of theso lncludoa rabbits, mlco, etc. A tall pleco of heavy papor tica arouna tuo baso of tho young treo, or a nloco of wire seroonlmr will nnt. tlo this matter. Tho second class of onomics contnlns tho Innncfn of wlilrh tho scale insocts nro tho most danger ous, Tho scalo Insect can bo controlled by t-nntylnn with a llmo-sulnhur wnnh and tho chewing Insocts by spraying witn parts green. Tho third class of enemies consists of funcniH dNnnMnn These can bo controlled bv unravlmr with Dordoaux mixture, which 1b com posed as follows: Four pounds copper sulphnte, lour pounds Umo, GO pounds water. Best Lubricant for Machinery. Where tho pressure Is heavy tho lubricant should be thick In order to resist being squeezed out undor tho load. For light pressures oil should bo used. Thus for a wagou hoavy greaso la best, while for a cream sep arator of high speed n thin oil is necessary In order that its viscosity will not add to tho friction. Solid substances In a flnoly divided stnto, such as graphite, aro often used of fectlvoly to reduce friction. This Is regarded as n good practice In hand, ling tho bearings of a windmill, which can only bo looked after occasionally. Peaches on Grape Vines. It Is reported that near Greonsburg, Intl., a largo grapo vino In somo man ner bpcamo Inoculated with a seeding or Bhoot from a peach tree nnd last Benson grew a half dozen well-formed small peaches. of wells and" springs bolng polluted water passages in clay solla or oven ny F. A. BOTTEru Pigeons do not hood a fancy houso; an old bam or building of any de scription can bo fitted Up to servo tholr needs. If tho building is to houso 25 palm of homers, it should bo bovoh feet wldo by ten foot long, nnd if moro thau ono houso is to bo built undor tho samo roof, leave an alloy way from threo to four foot wldo separating it from tho pon by a wlro hotting. m Tho front of tho building should bo eight foot high, with six light win dows. Directly nbovo tho windows two holes aovou by eight Inchos should bo placed, through which tho pigeons can come, nnd go. They Bhould bo provldod with a slide to bo closed whon tho wonthor Is very cold. These can bo opened and closed, from tho alloy-way by pieces of ropo and pul leys. Tho Oy pea should bo as high nnd wldo an tho front of tho pen propor and nbout 18 foot long. It should bo enclosed with wlro netting Biuall onough to keep Bparrows out Six foot from tho ground a six-Inch wldo board should be placed from front of houso to ond of run on elthor eldo as nn alighting board. Tho bathing-pan should bo placed in tho fly, nnd there should bo n door in tho front of tho fly through which a person can pass In and out. Thcso doors nro simply n frame covorod with wlro. In tho pons, nest-boxes In tlors aro built on either side, preferably on tho enst nnd west walls. Theso boxes aro 4 foot high, 10 foot long, arranged in Position of Feeding Trouoh. pnlrs 1 foot doop, 1 foot high and 2 foot long, dlvldod by n capital T front, thus limiting two nests of each box. Each sldo now has 20 pairs of boxes, nmplo for 25 pairs of brooders or moro, up to 35 pairs, but this is rather overcrowding tho blrjls. When tho building Just doscrlbod Iibb bocn furnished with receptacles for food, wator, oyster shell, salt, grit DUAL PURPOSE LOG STABLE An excellent plan for constructing n log stablo, nbout 40 by 20 foot, with concreto floor, to accommodato horses on ono sldo and cows on tho othor, Is given below: Mako a foundation for stablo a few' cues abovo floor lino. To build wall ) InchcB wldo and 2 foot 0' InchcB deop will tako ton yards gravel, or if you uso Btono flllor, olght yards gravel and two yards stone. It you uso fillers, flvo barrels cement; If all gravel, six barrels cement, mixed eight to ono. First three Inches of floor will tako olght yards gravol, flvo barrols comont, eight to ono; second coat, ono Inch CHARCOAL FED YOUNG DUCKS Sxporimonto in Ireland Indicate That liurnt Wood in Somo Form la Important in Fattening Poultry. In a recent Issue of tho Journal of Agriculture for Ireland was given an account of experiments conducted for tho purposo of docldlng tha exact valuo of charcoal as a meaiiR of keop Ing birds that are closoly confined In good hoalth during tho porlod of fat toning. Elghteon largo, healthy Ayles bury ducklings woro aolected from a largo flock, nnd divided Into three pons, each pen containing 0 duck lings. Tho ducklings woro fed upon foodB which previous experiment had shown to bo profitable and econom ical, mimoly, boiled potatoes, bnrloy meal, ground oats, skim milk and tal low greaves, Tho method of prepar ing the food was to boll, strain and pound up tho potatoos, which beforo boiling would constltuto about one third by weight of tho mash. Ilarley meal nnd ground oats wero thon In equul partH mixed with tho potatoos. Skim milk was added to form a rather wot mash. This was fod to tho duck lings from tho end of tho fifth to tho beginning of tho ninth week. During the Inst two weeks of fattening, ani mal food In tho form of rough fat pr tullow cracklings was addod to the mash, the allowance being about two ounces pef day to each duck. Grit and water for drinking wero liberally sup plied. Apart from the charcoal, th? and charcoal, nnd thoroughly whlto-1 washed insldo.'lt is ready to havo the! birds placed in It. On a woll conducted pigeon plant! tho routine should bo as follows: In summer at llvo o'clock In tho morning, all birds nro watered; 7:30,, fed; 12:30, wnturod; 4, fed. In win-' tor, 0:30 In tho morning, watered; 8.; fod; 12:30, wntorod; 3, fed, At flvoi In tlio afternoon all tho founts aro emptied of tholr water ttf prevent freezing. It Is of vital importanco that tho; drlnklng-founts Bhould bo kept per fectly clonn by froquont washing and, scouring. Thoy Bhould bo washed wltlu water containing & cupful of crudo' carbolic acid to a bucketful of water. A pigeon will not batho In doopi water. It always measures tho .depth; of tho water with its head and bill,' Position of Water Can, and If it Is bo doop that another bird by sitting on Ha back can push it un dor nnd drown it, tho bird will not batho In that water. Mako your pana not over four inchca doop. Twice ft wook in summor la ofton enough to batho birds, nnd orica a week In win tor. A good rain 1b equivalent to a bath,, nB tho birds will Bit on tho running- board and hold up their wings toi cntch tho drops. It tho woather should turn cold soon aftor bathing, thoy should bo driven Into tho housoi and tho windows Bhould bo closod. Ubo al two-gallon drlnklng-fount for. CO birds. Tho cut showB exactly how, thla fount Bhould bo placed In tho loft.; Tho fount must bo kept perfectly clean always. Footling troughs should bo 4 feet long, 4 InchOB wldo, 1V6 inchos doop, placed In tho contor of tho loft, so tho food can bo thrown into tho trough from tho alleyway. Keop it always clean and dry. Koop plenty of grit, oystor aboil nnd charcoal, togothor with a Back ot baked salt, beforo tho birds all tho tlmo. i thick, will roqulro 2 2-3 yar&J sand, four barrols comeht, tnlxod throo td ono. Ram first coat down liM-d. Flatten logs on two stdos, bottom and top Bides. Cut ond ot log to "V" ohapo longthwlso of log on top side, then cut "V" across ond of log on urn dor pldo. TIiobo will fit ono on top of other. Tho illustration shows how tc cut lgs to p!iM them In position. TTso two polos nnd roll thorn up to jlato, or you can do thlB Kith team ot horsefe by using ropo. Tlw ropo to ond of each polo, thon bring thorn down around log, bringing tho other ends back over" building. Hook on tho team, and thoy will roll up vory easily. food rocolvod by all tho ducklings waa tho samo. Tables woro given bb Ao tho results: of tho trials, which aooln to indicnto that charcoal in ono form or anothor is Important in the profitable fatton. ing of ducks, It nppearod to keep tho ducklings honlthy, and enabled fatten Ing to bo continued with profit for a much longer porlod than whon char-, coal was not allowed. Experiments with geese wero conducted on similar linos, and gnvo ulinost Identical ro Bults. Tho foods fed to tho geoso woro tho samo ns thoso fed to tho ducks, except that thoy got stooped oats instead of mash for tho ovonlng, meal, mnsh being fed in tho morning.' Tho charcoal fed to both ducks and geoso was burnt wood, broken lino. Lettuce on Benches. Good lettuco enn bo grown upon, benches, but thoso who mako a spo-i clalty ot It plant out in thoroughly' prepared soil at tho usual ground lovcl' of tho house. In tho latter enso moro, of tho Bpaco can bo given tho crop, as, tho, walks aro roduced to 10 or 12-lnch1 boards laid on tho bods. Tho best soil for lettuco la a good, rotted sod, lib erally enriched with well-rotted ma nuro, Avoid frosh manure for this crop. Glvo wntor modoratoly whon, first planted, increasing tho supply as, tho plants-develop In slzo. Farms In Holy Land. According to Mr. Frank G. Carpono tor, tho noted trnvolor, "farms" In tho Holy Land aro ofton not blggor than, bed quilts nnd seldom contain moral than threo or four acros. Thero are but few farms ot large slzo in tha country. uch a place