THE SEMI-WEEKLY TR1BUHE LIIA L. DARK, Publisher. TERMS, 1.25 IN ADVANCE NORTH PLATTE, NEBRA8KA EPITOME OF EVENTS GENERAL NEWS AND NOTES FRESH FROM THE WIRE. THE STORY IN A NUTSHELL Embracing a Condensation of Events In Which Readers Generally Ara Moro or Less Concerned. Washington. Democrat look for an extra session of congress nml nro making prepara tions accordingly. The scnato defeated tho resolution proposing an nniendmont to tho con stitution to provide tliat sonntors bo elected by direct voto of tho people Representative 8. C. Smith hnH ro fdgnod n a mombor of tho monetary commission and Representative J, P. McLachllh of California', who was not re-elected to tho houso, has been ap pointed to succeed him, Secretary of tho Interior Dalllngor fixed, until further notice, at $2 por ncro tho chargo for operating and maintenance by tho government of lands norvod by tho Okanogan irriga tion project, Washington. Tho mints will stop making gold coins uh soon ns Prosldont Tnft signs tho bill which congress has passed permitting tho secretary of tho treasury to Issue gold certificates Against gold bullion and forolgn gold coin, Represontatlvo Chnrlea F. Soott of Kunons attacked tho initiative, refe rendum and recall as revolutionary and subversive to our present-form of government in n speech In the house. Ills nttltudo cm thoso questions cost mm ronomlnatlon last fall. Tho houso passed n bill by Ropro- contntlvo Burko of South Dakota, chairman of tho commlttco on Indian affairs, giving tho interior department general authority to dispose of loft- over lands In any Indian reservation previously thrown opon to entry. The house special commlttco Ap pointed to investigate Senator Gora'u charges of attempted bribery In con nection with J. W. McMurray'B Indian land contrdcta finds that Jako L. Ham- on did muko an Improper proposal to Senator Qoro concerning tho con tracts. The hoiino commlttco on territories unanimously approved tho constitu tion of tho rtdw stato of Now Moxlco nnd recommondod Its approval by tho houso, Tho commlttco doclaros it han found tho document "to bo republican In form hut It makes no distinction on civil or political rights on account of raco or color and that It Is not ro- pugnant to tho constitution of tho United States or tho declaration of indopondonco." General. Tho Minnesota Iioubo han passed u bill nbolluhtng capital punishment Tho sonato voted to seat Lorlmor by 40 to 10 and tho strugglo is ondod. Dr. Vnsquoz Gomez says ho has ro celvod ovorturos for poaco from tho Diaz government. Forty ono alleged momborfl of tho Camorra will noon be tried by tho Italian government Mrs, Mnldwln Drummond was rob bed of 139.000 worth of Jowols on board nn Atlantic llnor. "William II. Lewis, a nogro, has been nominated by tho prosldont to bo assistant nttornoy gonoral. presidential sunrago for women was voted down by tho Kansas houso in commlttoo of tho whole. Hungnrlan postolllco records show that $37,000,000 was sent to that country during 1010 by Austro-Huuga Thins living in America. Tho government of Ilnytl has ad vised tho Amorlqan stato department that tho revolution In that country Is ondod mid thoMlvos of foreigners nro cocuro, Tho Alabnmu liouso haa passed tho Smith bill rogulntlng tho snlo of liquor, said to bo tho most drastic menBuro on tho subject ovor enacted In any Btnto. Gonernl health In tho Philippines Is tho best In ton, years nnd government authorities nro confluent improved ennltary conditions havo removed dangor of plaguo. Ono of tho blggoat fish houses In Chicago hns cut tho prlco of fresh fish moro than llfty per cent. Unproco dented catches In tho big lakes of iCannda Is given as tho reason. Tho contract onterod Into by Max- lino Fornnndoz, representing Costa Itlen. and Minor C. Keith, vice pros! dent of the United Fruit company, for tho refunding of tho forolgn dobt of Cos4i Rica hiiB boon upprovod by con Kress, Tho contract provIdoB for a refunding scheme. Tho Bupromo court of Nebraska do elded that Thomas Johnson now at tho stato penitentiary must hang. Tho attorney gonoral, by a houso resolution, haB been asked what steps are being taken in tho coffee trust Inquiry. A bill providing for tho gradual nbolshmont of convict contract labor system in MUsourl was passed by tho etato senate. Mayor J. M". Edwards of Porum, Okln., has boon convicted of forglyg & deed to olghty Ucres of Jand, nml has been sentenced to seven years In the pnlUntlary, Flro destroyed $100,000 worth of property nt Mitchell, Ind. A apoclaj houso domtnlttco inado an ndvorso report on bonding companies. Tho Kansas Bcnato voted to estab lish n state school for mines at Weir, Ohcrokeo county. Tho federal grand Jury in New York hns onterod Into an Investiga tion of tho "beef trust" Arizona's constitution waB nfflrmod by 7C.12 of tho total vote, accord ing to tho official canvass. Governor Morris of Montana has approved tho bill providing tho com mission form of government for clt- Ics. Charles E. Morrlam was nomi nated by republicans and Carter Har rison by domoorats for mayor of Chi cago. Tho Montana scnato -voted unanl- hously to pass a bill providing tho commission form of government for municipalities. Tho fcdoral circuit court of appeals nt Richmond, Va lias decided that electricity is morchandlso when gen erated and sold. Kansas City owners of tho Luck Tlgor mino in Honorn, Moxlco, havo been advised thnt tho rebels havo solzod tho property. .Tudgo Advocate. Crowdor has do- elded tho war department Is nt lib erty to accept tho brooding horses Riven by August I3elmont, Thirteen Kansas City physicians havo been arrested on fodornl Indict ments for spreading Improper propos als In advertising lltoraturo. President Tnft has accepted an In vitation to attend Balllo P. Waggon or'B nnnunl children's plcnlo In Atch ison, Kann., next September. Tho English cabinet is reported 1J tho Times to havo agreed on reten tion of Irish mombcrn in tho Imper ial parliament, but In reduced num bers, Two hundred women, most of thorn accompanied by their husbnndfl, at tended a boxing match In Syracuse, N. Y., given for tho benefit of n hos pital. Two hundred citizens of El Pnso havo petitioned President Taft and congress that tho United States tako no stops to lntorforo In tho Mexican revolution. Tho Kansas houso hnas passed n resolution that names of candidates for United States senator shall not bo placed on tho ballot at primary elections. Tho Interstate cqmmorco commis sion wants congress to rollovo It from any connection with mediation nnd arbitration proceedings undor tho Erdman net. After spondlng nearly six years In tho federal prison nt Leavenworth, Frank G. Illgolow, tho Mllwaukoo bnnker, was roloasod, according to authorltatlvo- voportti. Tho PInkortonB say that "Old Hill" Minor, second only to Josso James' In notoriety ns n bandit, Is ono of tho men nrrostod for tho rocont Gaines- vlllo, Ga., train robbery. Fifty thousand buslnoss men of Georgia nnd nearby Btatos have been InvJtod by tolophono to nttond tho Southern Commercial Congress In At lanta, Ga., March 8 to 10. Prosldont Dnvld It. Kerr of West minster collogd, Fulton, Mo., has ton dored his resignation. Ho hns boon offorod tho prosldonoy of Whltworth collogo at Tncoma, Wash. Tho houso npprovod a bill to pro- vldo for tho erection of a monument ovor tho gravo of ProBldont John Ty lor at Richmond, Vn. Tho limit of ox- ponso In tho bill Is $10,000. Socrotnry of Commerce Nagcl will lnvostlgato tho chargo that IlguroB of 'tho department of statistics havo boon distorted to show othor than tho truo Btnto of oxnorta and Imports. Tho MUsourl sonnlo has passed a bill requiring mall order Iioubob to tako out a llconso to do buslnoss in the stnto for which tho feo shall bo 1 to 5 per cent of tho uggrogate Bales. Dr. Theobald Smith, professor of comparative pathology at Harvard ii, . i,i .. , if i,,i plaguo starts In tho west it might bo spread to tho. oast through tho mo- dtum of milk. Tho MUpourl sonato passod a bill submitting to tho people at a special election to bo called by Gov. Had- ley, u proposition to voto $3,000,000 bonds for rebuilding tho burned capl tol at .Tofforson City Colonel Pollakoff, administrator of tho" commissary department of tho Moscow military district, was sen tenced to five years Imprisonment on conviction of having demanded and rccelvod bribes from contractors. Tho main building of Mount St. Mary'a collogo, a largo and woll equipped Roman Catholic Institution on Watohuug mountain, nonr Plain- field. N. J., was burned Thursday, on. tailing n loss of moro thnn $200,000. Personal. Tho sonato failed to ratify tho now Jnpanoso trade and commerce treaty, Tho earl of Dudley will retire ni governor gonoral of Australia In Juno H, II. Flsk has tondorod his reslg nation as superintendent of Haskol1 lnstltuto, tho 1 mil an school at Law ronce, Kas. Ex-Mayor Dunno of Chicago wnntt nn odlclal count of tho Into primaries Henry L. Myers has been chosor Benotor from Montana, succeeding Senator Cartor. A comploto' reorganization of the domocrntte party In Pennsylvania has boon decided upon. Senator Hoyburn complained thnt tho forestry sorvlco was costing toe much money for tho good It does. Charles Foster, a gamo wnrdon was found dead with a bullet wound through his stomach at tho foot ot Turkey mountain, four miles south of Tulsa, Okla. ALMOST UNANIMOUS OLLIS YARD8 BILL PAS8ES SEN ATE 25 TO 3. NAYS ARE FROM DOUGLAS Threo Representatives Hand In Writ- ten Explanations for Their Oppo sition .to the Bill. Tho OIHs stock yards bill, ob ap proved by tho eenato commlttco of tho whole, passed tho sonato by & voto of 25 to 3, tho only dissenting votes coming from tho members from Dauglag county Tanner, Horton and Reagan. These threo handed up written explanations of their votos declaring that the bill was a blow at a great Nobrnska Industry and cortaln to work harm and oxponso both 'to tho stock yards and shlppors. Albert, who has tried to chango tho bill In tho committee meetings to mako it n less specific measure, vot ed for it with tho explanation thnt ho did not approvo of this particular bill, but It scorned to bo tho best that could bo agreed upon. Tho voto was 25 ayos and 3 nays. Thoso absent woro Imrtos, Placok and Smith of Fillmore. Cordeal and Volpp wcro paired. Carrying Concealed Weapons. Carrying conccnled weapons will become a felony under a bill by Slide makor which was recommended for passago by tho liouso commlttco of tho whole. At the present tlmo It Is a misdemeanor, punlahnblo by a maximum flno of 9100 or a Jnll sen tence. Undor tho Shoemaker law u maximum ponnlty of two years In' tho penitentiary could bo imposed. A caltiso Is added to tho bill permitting any honostly employed citizen to car ry a weapon for eolf-protectlon. Pure Seed Measure. With laws on tho statuto books povldlng for puro foods, pure drugs and puro paints, tho farmer mombors of the legislature nro now -seeking a law which will guarantoo them pure seeds. Tho bill making this provision Is houso roll No. 219, by Hardin nnd Sanborn. It provides that seeds must not only bo freo, nccordlng to a speci fied standard, from wood Seeds, but that thoy must show a certain test of power to germinate. Last Chance For Dills. Thlrty-slx now bills wero introduc ed in tho sonato March 1st tho last day on which bills may boMntroduc- od. Tho total number this year is 390. Two yoara ago 407 bills woro introduced In tho unnor liouso. In tho houso on tho last, day for bills 100 now moasurcs woro Introduced, mak ing n total of 703, or 125 moro than at tho session two years ago. More Time for Settlers. A letter wa received by tho sennto from R. A. P,alllngor, secretary of tho lntorlor, stating thnt tho resolution recommending nn extension of tlmo to settlors In tho North Plntto district for payment on tholr land would ro colvo his best attention. It is undor stood that Bnlllngor has assured con grousmou that tho extension of tlmo will bo granted. Holmes Has Another Bill. nccnuso tho first .bill calling for tho purchase of additional lands for tho Nobraska school for tho deaf at Omaha and appropriating somo $G2, 000 thorofor. did not spocify whoro tho iand to bo purchased was to bo located, HolmcB of Douglas has in- (reduced another measure In which tho necessary changes uro made. State Board of. Control. Tho sonato passed liouso Roll No 81 on third reading attor extended debnto which soomod to portend tho dofoat of tho monsuro nt ono tlmo. Irho bill provides for n stnto bonrd ol control for dopondent, jiogloqted chil dren. It will not lntorforo with es tablished private and bonovolent as sociations or homes, , Anti-Treat Bill Advanced. Tho EvniiB nntl-treut bill, which makes a snloon keeper llablo for vi olation of tho existing stnto law which prohibits treating at a bar was recommended for third reading In tho liouso. Tho bill puts a heavy re sponsibility upon n saloon keopor or his employes to prevent any sort of treating. Change In Election Hours. Tho bill to set tho hours of elec tion at from 8 o'clock In tho morning to 9 o'clock nt night wa3 recommend ed for passago by tho houso. Tho chango was made to pormlt tho farm era as well as mn.iy worklngmon a ciinnco to voto without losing nny tlmo from tholr work. Mortgage Exemption. Tho stato sonato passed Sonata Fllo No, 271, by Aubrey Smith, which oxomptB all mortgagos on real estate property from taxation. There woro a number of mombors who woro not qulto suro that tho bill would hotter tho condition of tho men who borrow money, but as thoy bolloved In tho purposo of tho measure, thoy Woro willing to tako a chance. A clerical error Jn tho bill wns corrected during tho third reading by unanimous con sent Tho voto was 27 to 1, Cox ol THE OLLIQ MEASURE. Stock Yards Bill Placed on General File. Tho 0111b stock yards bill as It was amended in conference was put on general file by the sonato and unloss somo senators chango tholr votes, will bo passed. Tho Taylor-Dolezal bill was similarly placed by tho houso. Toxt of tho 01113 mcasuro fol lows: "S, F. 11C. A bill for an act defin ing stock yards, providing for tho regulation and control of tho samo, giving tho stnto hallway commission Jurisdiction to regulato tho service, tolls and charges thereof and provid ing penalties, and to declare such stock yards common carriers nnd re pealing sections 3167-a and 31C7-b of Cobbey's Annotated StatutOB of No braika for 1909." "Section 1. Tho terms stock yards as used herein shall moan nnd em brace all corporations, Individuals, as sociations of individuals, tholr les sees, trustees or receivers (appointed by any court of lawful authority what soever) that now or hereafter may own, operate, manago or control any yards and pens, railroad tracks,, switches, engines or other motive) powor, for tho purpose of handling llvo stock In transit and for salo and all stock yards aro hereby declared to be common carriers. "Sec. 2. Tho stato railway com mission shall havo power to lssuo or ders regulating sorvlco and charges of all kinds at all stock yards, and tho samo shall bo enforced In tho snmo manner and under ttfo samo penalties ns orders regulating com mon carriers, provided, that whore no othor penalty Is provided by law for n violation of any such order, It shall bo punlshablo by 'a ponalty of not less than $100, nor moro than $600 and whero tho violation Is a con tinuing ono, each day thereof shall conslltuto a separnto offense. Caring for Stock. "Section 3. Every stock yards shall handle, unload and yard all cars of llvo stock arriving betweon tho hours of C o'clock a. m, and 6 o'clock p. in. and deliver Into yards usod by com mission Company, when so requested, within two hours nftor tho llnnl do livery of tho snmo at the tracks of said stock yards by tho connecting railroad, oxcopt in cases of unavold nJblo delay or unusual circumstances. For each half hour's dolay In hand ling and unloading llvo stock boyond tho period proscribed herein any suoh stock yard shall forfeit and pay to tho shlppor of said live stock or his agent ns demurrago, within 24 hours' after unloading said llvo stock, tho sum of $6 for each car of llvo stock so delayed. Said payment to be mado by mailing draft or certified chock to agent or ownor. Provided, that If any part of tho forfeitures de scribed in this Boction shall bo col lected by a suit at law an nttornoy's feo of $5 por car shall bo allowed the plaintiff by tho court, but not exceed ing $15 on any ono shipment "Sec. 4. Every stock yard shall keep a record showing tho tlmo of delivery and turning over at tho yard of satd stock to tho commission firm,, agent or ownor. "Sec. 5. Every Btock yard shall furnish scalo facilities sufficient to weigh nil llvo stock without unreas onable dolay. It shall furnish ynrd ago to handlo nil llvo stock in ynrds and no chargo shall bo mado for yard ago whero yards aro not furnished. "Sec. C. That soctlous 31C7-a and 31C7-b of Cobbey's Annotated Stat utes of Nebraska for 1900 bo and tho samo aro hereby ropenled." Bill to Increase Salaries. iTlio sonato placed on third reading Volpp's bill Increasing tho salary of stato officers and Tanner's bill pro viding for n; bipartisan publication of constitutional amendments. Tho "Volpp bill, as amended, provides that tho govornor shall roccivo $7',&uu a yoar, tho auditor, treasurer and nt tornoy gonoral, $4,500, and tho other stato olllcors, $3,500 por annum. Deficiencies and Claims. Tho deficiencies and claims bills Wero among the Inst batch Introduced In tho houso. Tho latter carries a to tal of $5G,0GG,75, as against $179,542 two years ago. A few small deficien cies, have beou taken care of In sop nrato bills'. The Measure Postponed. Robert .Smith, clerk of tho district court In Douglas county, npp'earod be fore tho liouso commlttoo on Judlclnry and succeeded In gottlng postponed indefinitely a bill changing tho feo system for court clerks. The Albert BUI Defeated. Tho Albort bill placing all' public sorvlco corporations under tho con trol of tho Btnto rallwny commission was killed In tho sonato by a votot of Oft -i-i ' , Memorial to Congress. Tho houso adoptod a resolution, In troduced by Dushoo, memorializing congress to pass tho pending bill ex tending to Bottlers In tho government reclamation district n longer tlmo to pay for tholr water rights. New Capital Removal Bill. Among tho now bills In tho sonato tho last day for introducing thorn wns a now capital removal Nblll of forod by Bodlnaon of Buffalo, Buhr man of allll and Tlbbots ot Adams ropresontlng rospoctlvoly the claims of Kearney, Grand Island nnd Hast Ings. Tho bill provides that the quos tlon of removal shall bo submitted to tho poople at tho next eloctlon. It tho proposition of relocating gets majority of tlio votes caBt, tho capi tal gobs to thq city receiving the ma jority of the votes. THE EXTRA SESSION PRESIDENT 8URPRI8E3 MANY BY ISSUING A CALL. THOUGHT IT WOULD NOT GOME rhough Chief Executive Threatened an Extra Session Some Senators Did Not Look For It. ) Washington. Notwithstanding tho posltlvcnoss with which President Tnft had repeatedly said, in all but direct nnd official language, that un less congress should enact legislation to put into operation the Canadian reciprocity agreement, ho would sum mon nn extra session to resume con sideration of tho Btibject his fulfill ment of that threat within two hours of adjournment wbb an actual suiy" prlso to many mombors of that body. It was ospoclnlly so In tho sonato. As lnto as nn hour beforo final ad journment Saturday, leading sena tors and others about tho capltol mado bets there would bo no extra sosslon. Pressure nothing less than tro mendous had boon brought to bear upon members of congress to pre vent tho calling of tho extra sosslon. Until tho last moment rumors wero Incessant that a way would bo found to avoid It One of tho most persistent was that Micro wcro in progress negotiations between the president and the Cana dian government looking to tho with drawal of tho agreement by ono" par ty or tho other so as to glvo excuse for withholding tho special call. Anothr rumor was that there was an understanding between tho presi dent and tho republican leaders In congress that ono or more, of tho ap propriation bills, preferably tho gen eral dellcloncy bill, was to bo "lost in tho shufllo," so that the special session would bo unavoidable. Still another was that the loaders had determined to hold up somo ap propriation In which tho White House was especially interested, and at tho last momont mako Its passago conditional upon tho abandonment of tho extra session projects. Tho blockado of the appropriation bills In tho filibusters In both houses yester day tended to glvo color td' these stories. Somo got so far as to say that if cortaln senators had believed tho president would nctunlly mako good his threat they would havo mado strenuous efforts to pass the reci procity bill. Whatever may bo tho de gree or absence of truth In any of thoso stories, thoro enn be no doubt that tho lssuo of tho president's oxtra session proclamation mot scant welcome at tho hands of tnoso mom- bers of congress who after tho stress of tho past sosslon will barely have tlmo to go homo for a brlot respite and to adjust tholr affairs for anothor session, which many think will ex tend far Into tho summer. Thero aro thoso who bellovo It will bo so long as to leave oply a "constructive re bo 0088," beforo tho regular session gins in Decombcr. CONGRESS AT AN END. Sixty-First Adjourns Without Acting on Big Measures. Washington. The Sixty-first con gross, heedlc&s 'of oho of tho most Im portant legislative tasks Bet beforo it, came to. an end shortly aftor noon Saturday. Within tho hodr following President Tnft had Issued a proclama tlon calling tho now congress to moot In extraordinary session at noon on Tiiosday, April 4. Ho wlllthen sub mit for ratification to a houso over whelmlngly democratic, tho reciproci ty ngreemont with Canada. Bin Fire at Minneapolis. Minneapolis, Minn. Ono of tho most disastrous urea this city has ovor,known destroyed on Sunday the Syndlcnto block on Nicollet avonuo, betweon Fifth and Sixth streets. Tho total loss Is cstlmatod at $1,000,000, Mrs. Schuyler Colfax Dead. . South Rend, Ind. Mrs. Ellon Wado Colfax, 73 years old, widow of VIco President Colfax, died hero Sundny after an Illness of soveral months Sh'o wns a nlcco of Senator Den Wndo ot Ohio. Extra Session Date. Washington. It was nt tho request of the 'democrats of tho house and tho sonato that the prosldont fixed tho date for tho boglnnlng ot tho extra session at April 4. Reign of Terror In Haytl. Capo Haytlon, Hriytl. This city is experiencing n rolgn of terror ap proaching that of 1908 whon citizens suspooted of disloyalty to President Alexis wero tnkon from their homes at night and shot Lorlmer Welcomed Home. Chicago. Admirers of Senator Wll Ham Lorlmer to tho number of sev eral thousand, groetod him hero Sun day upon his return from Washing ton. Two hundred nnd fifty automo biles, forming a parade with two bands, escorted tho senator from the station to his residence, whero an enthusiastic recoptlon followed. Sen ator Larimer was accompanied by for mer Judgo Ifanea and llvo dotectlves who mot him at Fort Wayno, Ind. Ho was given a noisy welcome by a great crowd. NEBRASKA IN BRIEP. News Notes of Interest from Various? Sections. "" . Tho revival' meetings at Table Rock closed with ovor thirty conversions. Over 100 laymen of tho Methodist church attended tho recent convention. In Grand Island. Thero Is a movement in Lincoln te close the poBtofilca on Sunday. There is somo opposition to tho Innovation. Superintendent of Schools aHrrlsot Jefferson county attended the meet- ln of national superintendents at Mobllo, Ala. Tho Midwest hospital, which has. icen conducted In Hoidrego for sev eral years, Is to bo changed into & rooming house. Oscar Grlssom of Beatrice pleaded. guilty in pollco court to tho charge of wlfo beating nnd was sentenced, to sixty days In the county Jail. At Beatrlco tho 8-year-old son or William Malwald was run over by a. wagon loaded with oats nnd probably fatally Injured. Ho Is paralyzed from, tho waist down. Miss Hattlo Woodbury, tho eldest daughter of George E. Woodbury, who lived with her parents in St Paul was found dead in bed, bIio having died during" the night. Tho pollco have decided to Btop gambling In Nebraska City and with thnt end in view they arrested Fred McLaughlan, Pnul Holsncr and th& colored porter at the Grand hotel. Thoy rounded up threo strangers after wards shooting craps and tho lattor woro given ten minutes In which to leavo tho city, and tho first threo aro to bo held fqr trial. Five now damage suits against tho- Burlington, growing out of tho flood. of July C, 1908-, havo been Instituted In district court of Lancaster county by proporty owners whoso holdings were sltunted in tho inundated dis trict and who allege that the realty was damaged and their personnl pro perty and growing crops were de strqyed by tho overflow. A serious lire occurred at Crete. It started In a hnv shed and in n mo mont half a block, Including a Fair mont station and Radamakor's lum ber shed on Twolfth and Now Hamp shire street, was a mass of flames. A hard wind fnnncd the blaze and many residences wero In danger until tho llamos woro held under control by tho firemen with threo etreamB of water. Tho fire la believed to havo been started by somo school boys smok ing near several tons of baled hay. Tho convention ot Royal Nolghbors closed nt Kearney when after a stormy session Mrs. W. F. Morrill, representing tho Omaha Commercial cldb and tho Douglas county delega tions, won tho fight for tho next tri ennial state convention which will bo held In tho state metropolis. Mrs. Kato Remington, of Omaha, was en dorsed almost unnnlmously for tho election to tho supremo board of man agers to bo hold In Denver. Mrs. H. H. Hoer of Wymore, whoso husband Is in tho county Jail at Ma rysvlllo, Kan., awaiting trlnl on tho chargo of belrg implicated In the Hanover, Kan., bank robbery, reple vied tho autotnobllo which sho claims belongs to her and In which tho bank robbers are supposed to have made their escapo. The coroner so;no time ago attempted to replevin tlio enr from Sheriff Schick, but failed. Deputy Stato Veterinarian Bostrom has Issued notico relating to the re moval 6f quarantine from several counties in th'o western part of tho state. Tho notico reads: "Whereas it part ot tho stato ot Nebraska has been placed undor quarantine for cat- tlo scabies by tho federal government and whereas tho honorable secretary of agriculture and tho chief of tho bureau of animal Industry havo de cided to remove on January 15, 1910, said federal quarantlno from tho counties of Custer, Dawson and. Boyd, nnd on August 1, 1910, tho counties of Hayes, Hitchcock, Chase and Dun dy, wo also approvo of removal ot quarantlno from said counties." Miss Hazel Robinson and Miss Mao Brennan of Hastings were qulto badly hurt by being run ovor by an auto which was driven by L, Phillips, formerly ot Sutton but now of Has tings. Tho young women were cross ing tho intersection nt Hastings avo nuo and Second street whon tho ac cident happened. Tho majority of wide-awake corn growers realize tho advantnge of test ing tho germination of their seed corn boforo planting. Tho "ear to row" mothod of Improving corn- has em phasized tho need of selecting seed corn on the ear. Although the appa ratus required for testing tho germi nation of enr corn need not zo expens ive, still It la belloved that there aro ma'ny who hesitate to undertake this work through fear that It will involvo tho expenditure ot much tlmo and la bor, To satisfy this demand and to arouso a greater Interest In corn im provement, the Nobrnska Seed La boratory has arranged to make slnglo oar germination tests of seod corn for Nobrnska farmers, Not moro than fifty tests, however, can bo mado for ono person. Dr. Phillip Bartholomew of Blue Hill was bound ovor by Judge But ton for trlnl In tho district court of Adams county on tho chargo of as saulting Miss Elaine Hyatt of Hast ings with felonious Intent Bond wns fixed' at $3,000 and sureties wero quickly furnished. Tho suit brought against tho Union Pacific for violating tho anti-pass law bill, Issuing a pass to Dr. F. A. Gra ham,! district surgeon at Lincoln, was reversed by the supremo court on tho solo ground that tho state failed to provo that tho offense was committed In Lancaster county. Hamilton voting no. 4? -4. i