Semi -Weekly Tribune tra L. 8re, Editor and PMker. - SUBSCRIPTION HATES. Ono Year by Mail In advance $1.25 One Year by Carrier in advance $1.60 Entered at NorthU'latte, Nebraska, Post office as Second Class Matter. FRIDAY. MARCH 3. 1011 Had the commerce commission per mitted the advance in freight rates asked by the railraads the people of the country would have contributed to thoso corporations an additional twenty five million dollars each year. That would, of course, moan larger dividends for railroads which at present arc suf ficiently large on the actual capital in vented. For tho benefit of agitated railroad officials unfeeling newspapers in New York roproduco tho heartrending roar heard in the metropolis when tho gas company l,was ordered to! reduce tho ! price to.80 cents. "Confiscation" and "ruin" weto common words of tho gaseous ob squad. After fighting tho reduction In tho courts and i meeting defeat, tho company settled down to buslnes. introduced economies and Is how earning 8 per cent dividends. In view of Mr, Roosevelt's sympn thetlc attitude toward tho initiative, the referendum and the recall, we has1. en to send our condolences to Mr. Bryan, Anothor political jowel Is about to bo snatched from his Jeltersonlan bosom. Tho only para mount Issue that Mr. Roosevelt has now left to Mr. Bryan Is that of county option, and we adviso him to lock It In a safety-deposit vault before the col onel begins to swarm southward in March. New York World. The United States senate by a voto of, fifty-four to thirty-throo defeated tho resslution proposing an amendment to constitution providing for tho election of United States sonatora by a direct voto of the people. Tho resolution needed a two-thirds voto to pass, and was four votes short of the required number. Both Nebraska senators voted for the resolution. The vote ehowa a good majority, and is evidence that sentiment toward the popularelection of senators is growing. All; the pro gressive republican senators cast their vote for the resolution. The recent cold wave damaged the fruit prospects of the southern states from 10 to 00 per cent, according to the reports made in the last week by ex perienced horticulturists. The damage in each case depends upon the stage of the buds. Some varieties of peaches were in full bloom, and butlittlo of the crop can bo saved. Other varieties not yet In bloom will be only slightly in jured. Tho cold was severe and wide spread, but did no harm In the north em states where tho orchards and gardens were still in their winter hib ernation. By a vote of forty-six to forty, the United States sonnte on Wednesday sustained senator Lorimers title to a eeat in that body from tho state of Illinois, defeating the resolution pre sented by Senator Reyorldgo declaring 'Lorlmer not legally elected, In thu minds of most people there Is a con viction that Lorimer obtained his seat , by, the illegal use of money, (distributed either by himself or his friends, and If by the latter with his knowledge and consent. The Lorlmer incident is ad dltlonal proof of the need of a constl , tutional amendment providing for the election of eenatora by a direct vote of the pabpla. Neither should It be- forgotten that much credit for the present situation (the denial of the advance in frelgh rates) belongs to President Taft. At the time the railroads first proposed to put into effoct tho freight tariffs now rejected the commorco commission had no authority to suspond proposed ad vancea until their reasonableness could be investigated and determined, By - conference, at the president's suggest ion, the railroads agreed to postpone formal action until the railroad bill then pendiag In congress, could bo acted upon. In the ona case, where tho rate advance had actually been posted, an Injunction suit by the gov eminent prevented action. Cleveland Plalndealer, A new capital removal bill was in troduccd in tho senate Wednesday by Buhrman of Howard, Tibbets Adams and Bodinson of Buffalo, Tho bill differs from the one which was do feated in tho house in that it omits tho division line which was declared to be unfair. It contains the two propoai tie, the first for removal and should that carry for the relocation. These questions are to be submitted at the next general election. The first prop e It tan is to be placed op the ballots and the names of the aspiring cltio will follow. If the neonle decide to re move th capital then tho city obtaliv lag a majority vote will get It. In case ao city geta the. required number of votes the two recelvlnar the highest number will contest at the following election. Any city may enter the, con teet if, there are &G0 signers on the piiu, An Eplo of the Backwoods. Ono of tb epics of tho backwoods, told by John G. Nolhardt In "The Hir er and I," la the adventure of old Hugh Glass, wbo was terribly mnujed by a grizzly up tho Missouri, ho terri bly that tho rest of tho expedition pushed on, leaving n young friend with Bovernl other to soo tho end "It seemed plain thnt ho would have to go soon. So the young friend and the othcra left the old man In the wilder ness to finish the Job by himself. They took Ills weapons nnd hastened after tho main party, for tho country wan hostile. "Hut ono day old Glass woko up and got ono of his eyes open. And when ho saw how things stood ho swore ho would llvo merely for tho nako of kill ing his false friend. Ho crawled to a spring closo by, where ho found n bush of rlpo bullbcrrlcs. Ho waited day after day for strength and finally started out to crawl a small matter of a hundred miles to tho nearest fort. And ho did It tool Also ho found his friend nfter much wandering and for gavo him." Always Feminine. A young chap was walking along a business street with a very pretty girl when he happened to glance Into; a couple of windows wlioro tho latest stylcB of mon's overcoats and suits were displayed. Tho girl noticed It. 8ho stopped and exclaimed: "What a dandy ovorcoatl Why don't you get ono of those, Bob? ' You'll look fine In sldo of that." Slio looked nt everything In that window, nnd tho young chap was de lighted nt her Interest In men's clothes. "You'ro nil right, Grace," said ho. 'That's what I like about you. Most girls would rather look at lingerie waists than nt a man's overcoat and suits." Tho girl laughed. "Well, Hob," snld Bhe, "to bo perfectly honest, tho mir rors In that window aro something to cry for. I was trying to boo if my hat was on ntrnlghtl" The Merits of "Annollok Snuff." Angcllck snuff, tho most noblo com position In tho world, removing all manner of disorders of tho head and brain, easing tho most excruciating pain In n moment, taking away all swimming and giddiness proceeding from vnlKjurs. etc.; nlso drowHlucss, sleepiness und other lothnrgick effects, porfcqtly curing deafness to admira tion rind nil humours and soreness in tho eyes, etc. Corroborates the brain, comforts tho nerves and rovlves the plrlts. Us admirable cfilcncy lu all the abovo mentioned diseases has been experienced abovo a thousand times and very Justly causes it to bo es- teomed tho most boncficlnl snuff lu tho world. Prlco Is. a paper, with direc tions. Sold only nt Mr. Payn's toy shop at tho Angel and Crown, in St. Paul's churchyard, near Chcapsldo.- Advortlscmeut In London Paper, Aug. 0, 1711. rlgnoll In a Temper, On ono occasion BlauchI, tho noted teacher, went on the stone to soo Brl- guoll, tho famous singer, whom ho found pacing up und down liko a mad man, humming ovor his part "Why, Brig, what Is tho matter with you? Aro you norvous? ' ho asked. "Yes, I am nervous," was tho reply us ho walked hardor and faster than ovor. "But, Brig, you ought not to bo nerv ous. I've board you sing tho part 2(H) times. I heard you sing It thirty youre ago." "Thirty years agoj Who aro you that should know so much?" "Who nm I? You know who I am. and I know who you nro." "Very well; you know what I am, but I am Btire you do not kuow what you aro, and if you wish I will tell you. You aro a fool!" Hasina Him. "Mr. Chairman," Batd tho new mem- bor of tho literary club, "I movo-you. alr"- "1 rlso to a point of order, Mr. Chair man," Interrupted one of, tuo other members. "Btnto your polut of order." "Tho gentleman sayo 'I movo you. It la not ouly out of order but utterly absurd for a innn of 114 pounds to talk of 'moving a chairman who weighs U00." "Tho point to woll takcnl" roared tho presiding oOlccr, bringing bis gravel down with a resounding thud. "Tho gontlcmnn will inorely 'movo' or tako bla Beatl" Chicago Tribune. A Cent. A cent Is a llttlo thing, but In the ag gregate It Is mighty, Wo speiik of tbe "coppor cent," nut Jt is not entirely coppor. Its composition la 05 per cent copper, 8 per cent tin and 2 per cent Elnc. That alloy la In reality bronze, and tho odlclal namo of tho cent is "bronio." T)tero used to bo n coppor cent, but nn act discontinuing Us com- ago was passed In 1857. For seven years (1857-01) wo had a ulckel cent hud up to 1857 U copper halt cent. Spoiling His Advantage. Robert Lowo, tho English Journalist, Kaa always saying good things. "Look at that fool throwing awuy his nat ural aavamagoar no oxciaimeu wnen a deaf member of tho houso of com mons put up his ear trumpet His Mile. Mr. Bagcle Confound that tailor! Thcso trouEcrs nro a mllo too long. Sirs, Bugglo-Jlow much shall I turn them up? Mr. Baggie About half un Inch. It H lawful to pray Ood that wo bo not led Into tctuptntlou, but not law ful to ukulk from those that come to us. II. L. Stevenson. Making Insurance Maps. In making Insurance mnps certain features ate considered essential, and tlie growth of the system has proved their wisdom and changed them ouly as regards the amount of detail that has been Incorporated. Of first impor' triilco wero tho colors to show tho dlf- fcrcut materials U3cd lu tho construc tion of a bulldlug. Naturally red seemed a proper color to signify brick and yellow to signify .wood. These colors havo always been employed for these materials. Other colors havo been added from tlmo to tlmo, thus bluo for stone, gray for Iron, etc. In fixing signs and characters for bucii details as stairways, flro csenpes, dumb waiter shafts, etc., a principal object was to mnko them plain nnd distinct. They must be easily under stood by an underwriter without ref erence to my key or mnrglnal foot notes. This object has been carried out. with tho result that when these Insur ance maps aro examined by an Insur ance man today each sign or charac ter has such an Individuality of Its own that It can bo easily distinguished and Is not confused with another. Casslcr's Magazine The Word "Fudno." 'Fudge" is t word with a history. There nro prosaic etymologists, as there always are, who dorlvo If from a Gaelic word meaning deception, but Isaac Disraeli's view Is much mora in teresting. Ho derives It from n certain Captain Fudge, who seems to havo boon u marine Munchausen. "You fudge It" is paid to have been his crow's equivalent to the modem "Hatsl" In n collection of some pa pern of William Crouch, tho Quaker, published In 1712 It Is recorded that one Dcgory Mnrshul! Informed Crouch that "In tho year 1G0.J wo wero sen tenced for banishment to Jamaica by Judges Hyde and Twlsdcn, nnd our number was, fifty-five. We wero put on board tho snip Ulaclc Eagle. The master's namo was Fudge, by some called Lying Fudge." London. Stand ard. The Leipzig Book Fair. Leipzig Is tho lurgest publication cen ter in the world. Moro books nnd pe riodicals nro printed there than any whero olsenud moro peoplo aro en gaged In making and using printers' supplies thnn In Loiftlon, Now York. Berlin or Paris. Many of tho orders for these publications corno from Hug land, France, Austria and other conn tries because tho mechanical work can bo done In Leipzig much cheaper than elsewhere". Moro than half of tho transactions In books take placo nt tin Leipzig book fair, which occurs ovury year at tho Jubilate, tho first week In Easter, when booksellers and publish ers from all parts of Germany assem ble to compare and balance accounts and to make contracts for the next year. A Bawbee From Carlylo. I used to see Carlylo when I lived as a child In Chelsea. I regarded him with extraordinary nvomlon and fenr. One day 1 was scut to post u letter. I Htippovc I was oliler, though uncon scious, as always, of anything nhoad. I cannoned Into Carlylo. The Innmcl laid me tint on the pavement, whero 1 yelled for some minutes, though sooth cd eventually by England s greqt think er. And then this Is the point of tho story Carlylo dived Into his pockets. produced a halfpenny and said kind ly, "Flore In a bnwbeo for Bobby." 1 have the halfpenny to this day. When Mr. Carlylo died I was put Into deep mourning. He was tho first and per- haps the most Interesting of nil my street acquaintances. Ilobert Boss In London Bystander. Self Rollanoo. The uplrlt of self help Is tho root of all genuine growth In tlu Individual, and, exhibited In the lives of many, it eoiiHtltutOH the true source of national vigor und strength. Uelp from with out la often enfeebling lu Its effects. but help from within Invnrlnbly Invlg, orntes. Whatever Ih done for men or clitH8os to a certain extent takes away the stimulus and necessity of doing for themselves, nnd where men are sub jected to ovorKUIdanco and ovurgovorn ment tho Inevitable tendency Is to ron dor thorn comparatively helpless. Sam uol Smiles. A Field at Home. A Boston geutliunan wax showing a West Afrlcnn who Is Interested In missionary work a number of photo grnpIiH. "What Is this?" asked tho visitor. gar.liig lu wonder at ono of thorn. "Oh, tlmt'ti a snapshot taken during n football xciimmnge at tho stndluiu." "But has your church no mission nrlcs to sond among thoso people?' was tho quick rojolndor. Boston Transcript. Crulkahank's Long Artistic Life. In 181KI CrulkHhaukVitH asked hy tho committee who exhibited bin "Worship of Bacchus" to associate with that work some of his early drawings In order to provo that he was uot his own grand rnthorl-'Chesson's "Crnlkshauk." Qettina In Debt. Poverty Is hard, but! debt Is horrible n man uncut ns well havo a smoky house and a Bcoldlng wife, whlchnro said to be the two worst evils of our life. Spurgeon. Pretty Poor. nickB Hluffor Is talking of pn'rchotf' Ing an automobile- WIcks-Bluffer Why, ho couldn't buy u charge of am tnunltlon for an air gunlUostou Trnu Bcrlpt, A wise man should have money tin his head, but not In bis heart Dean Swift. Homeopathy Principles Similes, Similism, Cnranttts A liko remedy will euro a like disease. A law immutable, that cannot change, and as true today as when it first came to light. A true and tried system that will bear investigation. Nature's own treatment where remedies are paramount. For out of town patients and nil those interested: Rooms fur nished when desired for confine ment, medical and the necessary surgical cases. TrnIned nurse in attendance. Dr. J. S. Twinem, Medical and Surgical Practicioner Go to SORENS ONS FOK Furniture Repairing . and Cabinet Work Alto Wood Taming, Picture Framing Room Moulding, and Vindow Screens a Specialty. Shop 107 East Fifth. COL. DAVE LOVE, Auctioneer. Leading Auctioneer of western Nebraska. Charges low and satisfac tion assured. Phone or write. Sutherland, Neb. Happily Surprised. This picture; represents a ,man who received a box of our clears fdr a eift. m, . . . . , , t. . j , xuni. uu wuo jiicuacu cuii uu noiuu his wide smile. You will be eouallv pleased with our cigars, whether you ouy one lor a nicKie or dime. J. F SCHMALZRIED. R. E. LOUDON AUCTIONEER Twenty v-io lauchculc means good results for those i , . wno nave my services. Phnnp nr nHrlrcc m of North Platte. SOMETHING NEW! SAM JENS, The First-Class .hnpmaW ..w w. . Cume here fom the enst nnd am trv ing to make a living. If you are not saUslieU with my work no charges will uo muue. Price for Repairing. Men's half soles hand sowed $1.00 Men's half soles nailed.,.', 75 Ladies' half boles hand sewed 75 Ladies' half soIph nnll Boys' half soles F hohS uoys nan soies naued Ladies' heels; 1 ! : 1 1 : . ! ! ! . 1 1 ! ! ! ! ! 'Ml nnvn hpi)n 9 n,lU I ?'Zu ?k r nmnii.-o'ii-yiA."- to order. Come in and rivo mo n trial. Satisfaction guaranteed. SAM JENS, THE SHOEMAKER East of First Natn'l Bank. OnilKUOK HEARING: ON PETITION KOH Al'l'UlN TSIKNT tIK AIIMINIHTIUVTOK UK A1JS11NIHTUATIC1A. Htato of Nebraska. Lincoln County, ss. In tho county court In tho matter of tho cstato Marv tiuaioy, ueceasca On ruadlnir and flllmr thn Dotltlon of Lnnn- SrsWal,rKarnaVUbol granted to Kronro 8. llrlttonham as administrator. uruorou. uiat Mar. inn. luu. aixo cipcK a. ro.. is asigiioa for hearing said petition when all persons Interested in said mattot a.m.. Is assigned for 'hearing said petition when all persons Intettvited In said mattet mar appear at a county court to bo held lu I and for said county and show causo why tho prayer oi poiiuoner should not uo granted! and that notlco ot tho pcndenci ot said pet ition and tho hearing thereof tie gtvou to all pervons tnteresteil In said matter bv publish ing a copy ot thl ordor tn the North Pint'. Tribune, a bcml woeklv uewspMwr printed In. said county, for six succmlvo Issues prior to saiu uay or hearing. iiaiou i'Uorurr nun. iuii. fil-0 w. u. KLPKn. county .ludce- lly Katberlno V Clark. Clerk County Court- WILLIS J. REDFIELD, M. D. Surgeon, Physician, Consultant. Office Physicians and Surgeons Hospita Phones: Office C42, Residence 644. t A. J. AMES. MARIE AMES. 'A V ilaHarc Arape Ani. !i (; Physiciins and Surgeons, 0 guince ovor scono urug uo. ; Phono t OUco 273 J Q Ilesitfchce 273 is GEO, D. DENT, Physiciin and Surgcen, Office over McDonald Bank. p. ) Office 130 Phones Residenco 115 JOE B. REDFIELD, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Specialty: SKIN DISEASES.. Day nnd night calls promptly answered umce i. a. Hospital, rnone wn. Borial No. 021.23. NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION OEPAIITMKST Or Till! INTP.SIOn. United States Land Ofllco. At North Platto. Nebraska. Jan 21.1011. Notlco la licrobr riven that Niels Oundorson of North, Platto Not)., who (in Anrll 22d. 1W)5. mado homestead entry No. ziiKJ. serial no. vsara, tor tno boutneastauar tor southwoHtqiwrturand northwest ouarior of Section i.rownshlp 12. N.. Range 30 W. nf f.lin mil l-rlni-lnnl Alnrwilfln. Iifta marl notlco of intention to make final flvo year proof, to o-iiablUh claim to tho land above aba doscrlbed, beforo tho register and recolvor at iNortn J'latto. Nebraska, on tho zutu uay nf Murfl, ton Claimant names as witnesses; Arthur Connor. Qcorgo Single 8 W. Mannon and .lames shuck, an or north riattn. Neb. J. w- kvans. uegister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. HorlalNo. 02,04. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Ofllco at North Platto, Neb. Nov. 14th. 110. Notlco Is horobr glvon that 1,'rahk 11 Liv ingston, of North Platto. N eb.. who. on Dec. 23rd. 1U05, mado II- K. No. 'JISDS. Serial No. 02701, for wcstH section .12, Township in, N.. ltaniroZV. W.of thofith Principal Meridian. has tiled notice of intention to mako final five year proof to establish claim to tho land above doscrlbed, beforo tho Itcglster and He celver at North Platto, Nob., on tho 14th day or ,ian-,ivu. Claimant names ns witnesses! l'errr uamn- bell. AdolphHudolph. Charles Krotornltz and w. ii- uouibs an or North t'latte. in our. J. K. Evans, uegister, LTCQAL NOTICE. Tho unknown heirs of Harriot Keller. deceased, win tako notice that on tno ma uay nf Jan liui. thtrplalaUrr. V. II. Purling, filed his petition in tho district court or Lincoln r-fiiin,v. NnnrAlA. ncriklniit. an rl flnfnnriittita tun roiiowiiii? uescriieu ninns to-wit; -rim oast one-nairor tho ttoutuwest quarter and I township ten, rango thirty-four, west of tho iuu. iiiruu aim luur. uii iu iwuuu iiiuuuioii. sixtn principal menu mn ana an in Lincoln r.iiintv. Nnhraska. And tn fnrnvnr onlnlii said defendants and all persons claiming through mid unucr inem irom claiming auv right, title or Interest In or to said land. You aro required to answer said potltlon on or before tho titli uay or March, mi. F. II. HI ItLlMU.rialn lfT. J21-1 liy James Q. Mothorsoad. his Attorney, NOTICE. To Francis Love, Non-Koslduat Dofondant: Vou aro hereby notified that on tho Sth day of July. 1010. Vonahy Lovolllcd her potltlon icalnst sou in tho uiurlct court or Lincoln county, Nebraska, tho object and prayer of which aro to obtain a divorce from you on tho grounds that you aro a habitual drunk ard and have refused and neglected to pro- I vldu maintenance for tho plaintiff and her I minor child and that you havo been guilty of 1 oxtremo cruelty to tins planum Plaintiff nravs that sh mar bodlvorcdd from you, and that she may bo given the cus tody of her minor child Cordon Oliver Love. You aro required to answer said petition by tho Oth day of March, 1UU. VONAHY LOVE. jm ny wilcox & liaillgau. hor attornoys Notice. Chester F. Perry, defendant, will tako notice that on the 23d day of Jan uary, 1911, W. C. Elder, County Judge of Lincoln county, Nebraska, issued nn order of attachment for the sum of $G4.25 in nn action pending before him wherein John U. Den is plaintllt and Chester P. Perry is defendant, that property of the defendant consisting of two mowincr machines, two sllns. or iscraners. two cooKinir or s eeD ni shacks has been attached undor sail order. Said cause was continued until the 14th day of March. 1911. 9 o clock a. m. Hb which iiinv uia Biiiu iiiuiier win loiiiu on for final hearine and the amount due said plaintiff will be ascertained anu the property so nttaenca win be sold according to law to satisfy the amount so found due. PlaintliT would further allece that thore is the sum of S64.25 due him for iroods sold and money loaned to said do- fondant. Dated this 8th dav of Feb- ruarv. 1911. John C Den. I . , J.. . O .1.1 II. uy aiuiaoon uiddb, ms attorneys, Notice. Organization of tha North Platte Co-onerativo Association. 1. The name of this corporation shall uo "ino worm i'latte uo-opcra- tive Association." 2. The general nature of the busi- nn ness snail do owning anu operating a 60 general store; buying and selling build- olr mnt.rini' f. rfoirw K,i shall do owning anu operating a products and 'farm, machinery ; to oorrow anu lonn money: aiscount. paper: purchase or rent all real estate necess- arv for the business of the corporation . The capital stock shall bo Twenty- five thousand dollars divided into shares of Ten dollars each, of which nve thous and dollars shall be subscribed and paid before commencement ot business. 4, Tho oliice of this corporation shall be In the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, and tho principal nlaco of it transacting business shall be In Lincoln county. 5. The term ot existence of this corporation shall bo for twenty years. commencing March 1st, 1911, and term- UlUllllK murcii 1BI, 1JOL. G. The Highest amount of inuebted- corporation shall anyone time be subject shall not ex ceed two-th rda of its uctual subscribed n,vnt,i ,,n atnnV nm,N?l UR 8tck' , . . , lt. . i, iiiu uubiuubo uuu unuira ui mia corporation shall bo mannered bv" a board of five directors to be elected by m. at the store building formerly oc the stock holders from among their cupled by said Smnll on Dewey Street ijuuiuc. . E. W, MANN, Ralph O. Chamberlain, i; V-TT""' W. II. LeDovt, William OftEN. i Notice for Publication, Serial No. 01CTI. I Department of tho Interior. I U. fl- Land OfUco at North Platto. Neb. ' Jan-12th. 1911. Notice 1a hereby (riven that Andrew K. Mc- Intlreof llcrsboy, Nob., who on Juno 28, 1P01, i mado Homestead Entry No. iWJOO. ferial No. MUM, for BH JJR Miction 00. township 12, N . I raniro 02. W of tho sixth Principal meridian has ntcd notlco of Intention to mako final five roar proof, to establish claim to tho land abOTO described, before thn Register and Hecelver at North Platte, Nebraska, on the 9th day of March, IBM. Claimant names as witnesses: unarics Meyer and William Packa both of Dickons, Neb... Joscnh Everlanch and Ooorro (iarman. I both of Hershey Nob. . J12-fl i. K. Kwm, itfeiter Porlat NO. 01359. Notlco for PubllcatlonIsolated Tract. Public Land Bnlo. Department of the Interior, U. P. Land Ofllco at North Platte, Neb Jan. 12th. 1911. Notlco in hrcl)y trlvcn that, as dlrocted br UioConunlHiloner of tho (Jonoral Land Offle.o nii(lir nrnvliliins nf Ant of Comrrnss an proved Juno 27th. 1006. (31 Stats., B17), we will ulTur at public sale, to tho highest bidder, at ten O'clock n. m .on tiiiyith uay or March mil, at this ofllco. the following-described land t Ixit I, nnd NK'4 of NWM of Section 80. township 12, N., ItangeSl. W. of Oth Principal Meridian Any Dorsons clalmloff adversely the abovo described lands are advised to file their claims or objections on or boforo tho tlmo desic'sn-ii forAi. j. k. kvaks jis-6 Keglstor. NOTIOK FOK PullLWAWONi Serial No. 0203S. Department of tho Interior. U. 8. Land Ofllco at North Platto. Nob. January 12th 1911. Notlco Ik hereby given that Josodii Evor- lanch, of Ilotshej. Nebraska, who, on I nno au.liw. mado homestead ontrr NL 20247. Serial No. (B05. forSEW. NWM. NEW. HTM. F.M.SW'l.nnd HWM HWi. .section 20. tnwn- hlp 12. N, Itange itt. W.of the sixth Principal mi ri'iinn has Died notice of intention to make final llvo rear nroof tn t-sUblUh claim to tho land above described, lie fore tho Register and Receiver at North Platto. Nob., on tho 0th day of Mar. 11)11. Claimant names as witnesses! Charles Meyer, of Dickens. Neb., Andrew K. Mcln- y 'v" I VJ?a I,MllllfllHvlm n.,,.... I " -V .i .-. ..i-wmm.. NOTICE. Tho unknown heirs of Thomas Lawn. deceased, will tako notice that on the ftth day of January, mil. Margaret J. Ilundy. plaintiff herein filed her iiotltlon In tho dis trict court of Lincoln county, Nebraska. agnlnst tho said defendants Impleaded with Union Pacific railroad company, a corpora tion, tho object and prayer of which said potltlon aro no quiet the title to lot eight In block olghtyflvo of tho original town of tho city, of North Platto. in the plaintiff herein. Aiargarot J - liunuy. as against tho said de fendants, tho unknown helm of Thomas Lowe, deceased, nnd tho Union Pacific rail road company, and to enjoin said defendants, the unknown heirs of Thomas Lowo. do- ceased, from asserting or claiming any right, tmooriiitercM in or to said lot eight in block olghty-llvu und ironi interfering with tho possession of tho pHlntllf In tho satn, and for general eonltablo relief. You are red Hired to answer said nctltlnn nn or bofom tho 27th day of March, 1911. MAUUAItET J. llUNDT, Ry Wilcox & Ilaltlgan llur Attorneys. Notice to Delinquents. Notice is hereby given that the ren tal upon the lease contract to the fol lowing decribed chool land in Lincoln County. Nebraska, as set oonosite the names of the holders hereof, is delin- i uui. uuiu mui ii to uaio nuiu ino uuiu i or this notice, said contracts will be tie- c arert forfeited hv the Ronrd of Krincn. tionnl Lands and Funds, and said for feiture will be entered of record in the manner provided by law. S El N El. N Wl. SW 1. SE1 36- 1129 Jacob Ituckiyer All 16-1129 Belle Edmisten t All 161229 Charlie Empie E. C. Cowles. Commissioner of Public Lands and Buil dings. Dated Feb. 10, 1911. NOTICE OV HEARING. In tho County Court of Lincoln County. Nebraska. In tho matter of tho Estate of Duncan Dallantlno, Deceased. Whoreas. Lillian 11 Ttruce. has filed In mr ofllco an Instrument purporting to be a duly ntiuicmic&tco copy ot tno last wm ana Testament of Duncan Ilallantlnc. deceased. together with a duly authenticated certifi cate attached theroto, stating that the said Last V in and Testament has boon duly ad mitted to probate and allowed In tho Sur rogate's Court ot tho County ot Delaware Htato of New YorK. nnd that tho s&nio bo admitted to probato and allowed In this Stao as tho last will and Testament of tho said Duncan llallantlne, deceased. It Is t herefore ordered, that tho said potltlon bo heard on March Kith lull, at uo clock a, m- when all persons Interested In said matter may appear at tho county Court to bo hold In and for said c untr and show canso why tha a r prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. it is also ordered, that tho lime and nlaco aforesaid this court will recclvo, examine adjust and allow all claims and demand ot all persons against tho saiu aeccasou ana that any persons having such claims or demands aifainstsaui deceased snail present the samo to the county court on or beforo the date as signed for such hearing. w. u. EMlltn. County Judge By KATiitmiNK V- Oi.aiik Clork County Court Notice of Incorporation. Notice is hereby given that the Knufmann'& Wernert Company has been amy incorporated unaer tno laws ot the state of Nebraska. The name ot saia corporation is tne Kaut- mann & Wernert Com nun v. Its nrin- cinal place of transacting business is at North Platte, Nebraska. Tho een- era! nature of tha business to bo trans- acted Is a rreneral mercantile business I J, 1 , . tunu tne owning anu teasing or sucn real estate ns is necessary zor tne proper conduct of said business. The author ized capital stock is $5,000, all of which was fully subscribed and paid in at tne commencement of tho business. The existence of said corporation com menced on tho 1st day of February, 1911, and shall termlnnte on the 31st day of January, 19GI. The highest 7 'TO i u" il r . ,V,K"e01' ot indebtedness or liability to which said corporation is at anv t ma le.Lif" J L?XJ y"'k, " v" i " i' -"i""' lv':; ?Tlw . of said corporation shall becon- ducted by a board of directors, con sisting of three in number. KAUFMANN & WERNERT Co. By David Katjfmann. Pres. Attest Walter J. O'CoNNon, Secy. f24-4 In tho United States District Court, For tho District of Nebraska, XNortn 1'iaue Division. In tho matter of ) Case No. 13 Kyle D. Small, V In Bankruptcy Bankrupt. ) Voluntary Petition. NOTICE OF SALE. Notice is hereby eiven that hv vlrtnn of an order issued by the District at Courts the United States for the Die. - 1 trie t of Nebraska. North Platte Til vlalnn 1 1 will, ns tho Trni.n In xinny,r..t:. t iu.V V ?r , t;"""' iJ .r ?f , tho estate Kyle D. Small, uanKmpt, on tne 11th day of March. 1911. in uiu ciiy oi iMonn natte, webraska, offer for sale nil of tho estate of said j bankrupt. Said property consists of n siock oi snoes, store tlxtureB and lease of said store buildinrr. I jAS. p, keefe, Trustee,