The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 28, 1911, Image 8

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    Sferai-Weekly Tribune
One Year by Mall In advance $1.25
Ono Year by Carrier In udvanco $1.60
EnUrod at North Platte, Nebraska, Post
office as Second Class Matter.
Thirty-eight days of the sixty In
which tho legislature Is supposed to
sit have passed. Tomorrow Is the last
day bills may bo Introduced. Up to
yesterday the house had received 542
bills and the .senate 830. Out of the
872 bill's which have bees Introduced
only 87 havo passed either house and
only 14 have passed both houses. In
the house probably 250 bills have been
acted upon by standing cnmmlttccs.
Most of thestt have pone to general file.
Tho houso has about fifty bills ready
for passage, having been approved In
in committee of the whole. Tho sen
ale is slmarly situated except that Its
third roading list Is not overflowing.
Capital removal, once decisively de
feated, Is soon to become an Issuo
again before Uie lovrer house of the
legislature. The new bill which wns in
troduccd as soon as the other one failed
by Willard P. Balloy, representative
from Buffalo county, is so drawn that
tho city of Lincoln has an equ al chance
to retain the capital when the matter
In put to a vote that other cities have
of getting it nway, and If people ol the
state do decide that they may want to
vote upon a choico of'locatlons Lincoln
will' not bo climated as a location. This
will force some of the men who voted
against the other bill to. julth draw
from thoir position that the measure ia
unfair and olther voto for it or show
Bome'othor roason.
A Great Record)
The Uarrirnan railway lines carried 10
par cent of the estimated J.010 passenger
traffic of the United States, or 40,401;
000 people, without fatal accident to
any of tho number. This result is
ascribed to the Installation of safety
devices and is believe'' to have no par
allel In the railroad world.
Therepart, containing this data, has
just been .compiled In the offices of
Julius KrutUchnltt, director of mainten
ance and operation on the system, in
eluding tho Southern Pacific and Union
Pacific railroads, a total of 17,0C0 miles.
The total number of passenger car
ried on a one mile basis was 3,000,000,
000. The, figures of the country's rail
roads for 1010 have not yet been com
piled by the government, but in 1000 the
interstate commerce commission re-
portd the number of passengers carried
as 2!),q00i000000. The figures for 1010
will not exceed ablllton more, it Is said.
Many otner rmirpaui nave gone
through a year without a fatality to
tany of its passengers, but It is Bald
no system has made this record for
such a large total of passengers.
The results on the Harrlman Lines
'are ascribed to a campaign waged by
the management for years to reduce
accidents. The Harrlman system has
iiow more miles of automati; block
signal protection than any other system
in the world. Mr. Kruttschnltt him
self has directed spoclal attention to
the accident problem and began several
yearn ago q bring about a reduction by
, giving complete publicity to alt forms
of aecldents and their investigation
which it ia believed, spurred both of-
fibers and employes to greater efforts
'o safeguard Uvea Intrusted to their
In the year' 11)03-1001 the number of
accidents7' on the; Union Pacific was 20
for 1,000.000 locomotive miles. In tho
fipal half pf 1010 it was only 4 for 1,000,
000 locOmetive miles. On tho Pacific
system 'of, th' Southern. Pacific the
numbrof accidents per 1,000,000 loco
mtyeTriies'was reduced In the-sami
umo iromirj.oio lu.o
Important progress has been made in
recent months, in suppressing ticket
scalping, according to the report of tho
Railway Ticket Protective bureau
Issued during tho dny.
"Since tHo final bulletin," the report
says, "nnnbuncoments by federal and
statu courts of comprehensive and de
"cIrIvo decisions in proceedings brought
1 by this bureau hove enabled suppres
sion pf railway ticket scalping through
injunctions! and criminal procedure in
many localities horetofore infected by
tnla preslstent parasite." Chlcagi
The Railroads were ''Foxy."
. A(iipsdal,diBpatch from Now York
to the Omaha Bee say? in part: The
decision of the Interstate Comraorce
commission against advanced freight
rate has been regarded generally as
severe) blew to the railroads, but semo
well-informed persons who are in a
peeiUea to know tho Inside facts hold
t,v8 to the? contrary. Now comes
ytreJTicrlown financial authority of ti:
city who says that the railroads not
only foresaw such an outcome and la
tlirtjkuw accordingly, but that, I
thlr secret hearts, the. magnates, who
have bn playing a very crafty game,
look upon the devielon with equanimity
More than that, they are not going to
make any fight on the decision but will
bo perfectly content to let tho matter
rest at tho present. According to this
authority the railroads really scored a
coup a coup they had lieon scheming
to bring about, and which had for us
object the prevention of tho physictal
valuation of the. railroad properties
througnout tho country.
A physicial valuation of the roads,
taking into account the value of the
properties, tho amount of watered
tock and how much water the differ
ent roads pay dividends on, offered a
far greater menace thnn the decision
which has just been rendered on freight
rates, This is Pecnuso the government'
could use the facts discovered by such
physicinl valuation as a basis for the
adjustment of rates.
"Tho railroads believe," said the in
formant, "that if the government un
dertakes to find out just how much
water ia in their stocks, there would be
hostilo legislation and readjustment of
rates that will havo a most dcmorallz-
ng effect. The success of such a move
ment, would send stocks tumbling1 in a
manner, not equaled since the panic of
'Now, tho railroads decided 6n a bold
troke. They planned deliberately to
force an Issue in which they would bo
worsted, but what at the same time
would stave off tho dreaded physicial
valuation, So they united in declaring
sweeping increases of rates. A pitiful
mouth was mado concerning the state
of business. Larger freight receipts
were necessary if bankruptcy was to be
avoided, thoy said.
"As was anticipated tho federal
authorities halted the increases. Then
came moro howls of distress from the
roads. Now the Interstate Commcrco
commission has forbidden tho proposed
advances. The howls havo redoubled,
They will continue for quite a time,
All this will. naturally have tho effect
chocking the valuation movement.
Tho friends of the roads have good
grounds for protesting against further
embarrassments and harrasiments. It
looks as though they will succeed in
putting off tho vnluation scheme
For RentFarm.
G40ncros, 540 cultivated; fair improve
ments. Rental one-third. All level,
black Boll and fenced. Fire miles north
from Big Springs; Neb. How much of
this can you farm? Address George
Barth, Hastings, Neb.
Real Estate Transfers.
B. O. Callendor to Mary Potsche nil
of section 1-16-80, $0,000; simo party
to same party section 3-16-31, $6,000.
J. W. Payne to Lincoln Development
Co., northwest quarter soctlon 0-12-29,
Union Realty if Trust Co. to W. J.
Smvtho Wst half of southwest mist-tor
- .
and northeast quarter of southwest
quarter section 17-13-30, $6,000.
Wm Johnson to E. O. Johnson, un
divided one-half interest in east half
of southeast qunrter and bo qr of no
qr-soctlon 15-15-32, $3,000.
Frank Molnke to Union Ronlty &
Co,, west half of weut half section 24-
13-32, $0,240.
North Platte People Have Found
That This is True.
A cold, a Btraln, a sudden wrench,
A little cause may hurt tho kidneys
Spells of backache often follow,
Or some irregularity of the urine.
A certain remedy for such attacks,
A medicine that answers every call,
Is Doan's Kidney Pills, a truo spec
Many North Platto people rely on it,
Hero is North Platte proof.
John T. Hollenbeck, 520 E. 11th St.,
North Platte, Ne,b says: "My kidney
trouble dates back to the Civil War.
When I returned home the privations
had undermined my system and dernn
ged my kidneys. I used a great many
kidney remedies, but nothing compared
with Doaa'a Kidney Pills, which I pro
cured from McDonell & Graves' Drug
Store. I have appealed to them on
numerous (occasions nnd the results
have always been excollent. Of course,
1 am pretty old now, past soventy-
Boven, and must expect some trouble.
but I feel that in Doan's Kidney Pills,
I havo something that will alwayB give
me relief:" ,
For sale by all dealors. Price 50
cents. foater-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
N. Y sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's nnd
take no other.
In the- County Court of Illaoo u County.
Nebraska. '
IiiVlsnUnikScca? U' EsUtq of DuM"n
Whoroas.'LlUiati Il'llruce. has Died In my
Oftleo an Instrument purporting to bo a duly
uvuuuwcaioii copy ot mo last will anu
Testament ot Duncan llallanttae. docoased,
together with a Duly authenticated certttl-
cnui miacnou morcio, stating mat ino nam
Last Will and Tcntaninnt Im hinn ilnlf ml-
mlttod to probato and allowed In tho Sur
rogate's Court of tho County ot Uolawaro.
Htnto of Now YorK. and praying thnt tho
aaiun bo admitted to probato and allowed in
this 8taa tho last Will and Testament of
uiu nam ijuucan itaiiaimne. ucceaatH.
. HU thorofftroordorod.hattliosaldnotUlon
bo hoard on March 87th 11)11. atUnVlnnlr a. m .
thou all nomoim- interested In said matter
may appear at tho county Court to be hold In
and for aald o unty and show oauso why tho
prayer ot tho petitioner ahouhl iiotbovrantod.
It Is also qrderoA, that the tlmo and placo
aforesaid this court will reeolve, examine,
adjust and allow all claims and dimanil nf all
portions affatiitt tho said doconsed and that
wiy. persons navin ucn claims or demands
aualast said dououstid oh all present tno samo
to thocountvVourt onor ueforotue date as
signed iur huvu iicarnitf.
W- a- Kmibh
County Judge
Ity KAthkkinu v OiaitK
Clerk County Court
Thought She Ought:
to Know
Copyright by American Press Asso
elation, 1911.
Young Mrs. Uardenburgh was u
creature of Impulse. She was not only
swayed by impulse, but would take
tho most Important steps without real
izing what she was doing. Decisions
that another would only mnko after
long deliberation sbo would make on
thu instant.
Nevertheless Mrs. Ilnrdcnburgh was
a dear little woman, kind hearted, lov
able and popular with nil who knew
her. The only trnlt thnt Interfered
with ber getting on with all the world
wan thnt If told anything to ono's dis
advantage Bho would not stop to ques
tion tho truth of tho Information, but
proceed nt onco to strike the culprit's
namo off her list
Now. thcro oro persons In tho world
who think nothing of ranking trouble
between other persons, even to tho
members of families. A womnn ono
day gave Mrs. Ilurdcnburgh Informa
tion about her husband's dolnga which
if true would bare marked hlmtfor a
very dishonorable and contemptible
person. Tho Informer bad got the
news from' another, who hud got it
from Borne one elso. Her ground for
toWni? Mrs, nnrdenburch of It was
t fiiit she thought she ought to know
It. It did not occur to the talc
bonrer thnt It might not bo true, and
If It were true It was Just tho thing:
of nil others the guilty mnn's wife
should not know. Nevertheless the
above named reason Is tho universal
excuse of those persons who curry
such Information.
Mrs. nrdentiurgli wus thrown Into
hysterics by the story und.ltiHtoad of
giving her husband an opportunity to
defend himself of the charge, ran
nway to her mother as fast as sbo
could go, Uulng un only child. Iiei
mother was usetj to humoring her nuil
on this occasion gave her unbounded
sympathy. Whether tho good hidy
doubted tho truth of the story and lu
tended Inter to pave the way to 11 roe
onclllatlon does not nppenr. For the
time being she comforted her child ns
best she could. When tho luttor had
recovered ber cquuulmlty her mother
suggested that Bhe send bar husband
tho rcasous for her Might. Tho young
wlfo did bo, sprinkling ber note with
such words ns "perfidious,'' "disgrace
ful." "iniquitous." nnd tho like.
wncq uaruenDurgu rciurncu nome
In tho levelling nnd found the letter.
Instead of running right nrouud to his
wife to explain matters he sat down
to think. It was certainly not pleim
Ing that he bad married q wife who,
when n firebrand was thrown Into the
family. Instead of picking It up nnd
tossing It back at the thrower Imd
proceeded to set the house nfln with
It. If he were going to live with his
wlfo It wnH ccrtnlnly necessary thnt
he eliminate this trnlt lu her, nnd If
he could not eliminate It It wan per
haps better that they should remain
Up hud for some tlmo meditated
going to a distant city to settle a long
Btnmflng mutter of business, liut had
put the trip off from time to time uu
account of having Just been married
Within an hour, after tils roturu to
Ills home he had announced to the scry
nntH thnt he was going away and start
ed for the railway station.
The young wlfo meanwhile wan pass
Ing through the transition cotmuoh to
all persons who act hastily When she
had la-i'ti somewhat calmed her mother
veuiuieu w sukk'i win nir ciinrw
might not-be true. To Ihl the dn ligh
ter responded that the , Informer had
no object In giving false Information
and had done It only since she thought
thu wife ought to know It. Neverthe
less Mrs. Hardenburgh began to be
worried She noted the hour that her
husband usually returned home and
gave hi m time to come to her. After
I novurai hours had elapsed nnd Mr. Hnr
denburgh did not appear she could not
conceal dor trepidation. She gave her
mother ns a reason for It that she
fenred something might havo happened
to him. .
Wheu 10 o'clock came ubd there wiih
uo news from tho culprit husbaud the
butlur was seul to' the houso to, recon
noltor. Hp returned reporting that Mr
Unrdenbiirgh had gone uway
The result of this Information which
Mrs. Ilnrdenburgh'a frloud "thought
Hhe ought to know" opened with tho
most frightful night-.the young wlfo
over spent. From her previous con
demuatlon of her husband sho swung
to the other extreme, and It rushed
upon her with overpowering force that
tho really good man who had mar
ried her could not possibly havo been
guilty of any such conduct n bad been
Imputed to him. Af tor u sleepless night
sho weut homo, hoping to learn some
" ul u " ""V V n, -T.3-
She was disappointed. Tho servants
ouy knew that be bud gono nwny tho
night before. Tho dlscousolato wlfo
thing of hur husband's movements
weut to her husband's olllco, but elicit
cd no information there.
And now Mrs. llnrdonburgh bo-
thought herself to aako inquiries of
the Informer ns to whero sho got tho
Information. The dear woman who had
bo great un tntyrost In her frlcud's af
fairs said that she had "heard It an
coming from"- And Mrs. IJardon
burgh's Investigations never got any
further than "as coming from."
Afler two weeks' absence Mr. Unr-
denburgh returned to llnd hs wlfo
waiting for him, a Very penitent worn
an, not likely to make the naOiu mis
take ngnln.
Strange to say, ihe young wlfo nfter
nil did not appreciate having heard
what puu ought tq Uuow and doea not
atjeuu to the luurmur.
A like
remedy will euro a
A law Immutable, thnt cannot
change, and as true today as
when it first came to light.
truo and tried system that will
bear investigation.
Nature's own treatment whero
remedies are paramount.
For but of town patients and
all those Interested: Rooms fur
nished when desired for confine
ment, medical and the necessary
surgical cases. (Trained nurse in
Dr. J. S. Twinem,
Medical and Surgical Practkioaer
L l ,. -T-
Go to
Furniture Repairing
and' Cabinet Work
Also Wood Turning, Picture Framing
Room Moulding, and Window
Screens a Specialty.
Shop 107 Enst Fifth.
Leading Auctioneer of western
Nebraska'. Charges low and satisfac
tion assured. Phone or write.
Sutherland, Neb.
Happily Surprised.
This picture represents a mah who
received n box of our cigars for a gift.
That he was pleosed can be noted by
his wide smile. You will bo eauallv
Elonscdyvith our cigars, whether you
uy one for a nicklo or dime.
Twenty years experience
means good results for those
who have my services.
Phone or address ine at
North Platte.
The First-Class Shoemaker.
Cumo here fom the enst nnd nm trv
ing to mnko a living. If you are not
Baiisucu wun my worn no charges will
uo mime.
Prices for Repairing.
Men's half soles hand sewed $1.00
Men's half soles nailed 75
Ladies' half boles hand sewed
Ladies' half soles nailed..,
Roys' half soles nailed
Men's heels 35
Ladies' heels , 25
novs' heels 2fi
Rubber heels 50
I can make any kind of a shoo or boot
to oruor. ume in and give mo a trial.
batiBi action guaranteed.
East of First Natn'l Bank.
Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss.
Hn the county court.
In the mattr of tho est u to Mary
uuuioy, ueceaseu
On ruadluir and flllnir tho iwtltlon ot Leon
ard Calvert nravlnir that tho administration
of said estate may bo cranted to Lorenzo
tj. lirittcnhani as aiitpinistrator.
Ordered. That Mar. Kill. lull. dtOnVlrwW
a. m Is avslencd for honrlnc uald petition
when all pornons lntfjrostcd In said matter
may appear at a counlr court to bo .held In
and for said comity nm show causo why tho
prayer ot petitioner should not bo irranted
and that notlco ot tho peudt-nc) of said pet
ition and Did hearing thereof bo arlren to all
persons intcrentud in said matter by publish
ing' a copy ot this order In the North Platto
Tribune, a soml wooklr nowspipor printed
In said county, for alx succensU-o lssuos
prtor to said day of hoarlng
Datod February lflth. 1UI1
fSlH w CKi.nRii, Comity Judeo
Uy Kathcrlno 1" CJark, Clork County Court
Surgeon, Physician. CoHsallaHt.
Office Physicians and Surgeons Hospita
Phones: Office 042, Residence 644.
Decters Ames It Ames,
Physicians anri Surgcens,
Office over Stond Drug Co.
Phones r!"8iB-.
Physician ani Surgcen,
Ofllce over McDonald Bank.
PhyBiclan ana Surgeon.
Day and night calls promptly answered
unico-r. a., tiospitni. I'nonc 04.
Borlal No. 01M3.
United States Lund Ofllco.
At North Platto. Nobraslca, Jan. 21. lull.
Notice Is hnrnhv irivi-n tint. Nlnln
Oundoroon of North Platto Nob., who on
April 2Zd. ltW, mado homestead entry No.
nim. iscnai o. viiij, ror tno soutneant quar
ter southwest nuarter and northwest nuartor
of Section ia. Township 12, N Ilaniro 3D W..
oU tho 0th Principal Meridian, has filed
notice or intention to niako Qnal live roar
proof, to establish claim to tho land above
described, boforo tho register and receiver
at North Platto. Nobraska. on tho 20th da;
of March 1011.
Claimant-names as witnesses! Arthur
rVintifti CJtxtxran Mtnivln R V Minnnn .nil
James Shuck, all of North t'latti). Nob.
U'0 J. B- l.VANS, Heitlstor.
Serial No. 027W.
Department of tho Interior. '
U. S. Land Ofllco at North Platto, Nob.
Nor. urn. iviu.
Notlcolshcrobr.elren tho
at Frank B Llv-
lncston, ot North Platte, N ub.. who on
23rd, 1W5. mado H . E. No. S1SD5. Borlal No.
02TOI, for wostH section 82, Township 16,
N.. ItanuoZO. W. of thoOth Prlncloal Meridian.
has (lied notlcnof Intention to rhakoflual Urn
yearuroor to establish claim to tho land
above described, boforo thd ltcelstcr and Ito-
cetver at North Platte, Nob., on tho 14th day
of Jan . 1UU
Claimant names as witnesses! Perry Camp
bell. Adoipuituiioipn. unaries xirctornitz anu
W II Combs all oforth Platto. Nobr.
J. E. Evans. Begl.yor.
The unknown heirs of Harriet ICelloy,
deceased, win ta o notice that on tho aa dav
nf Jan- 1011, tho plalntlfl. V. 11 llurllne. fllod
his untltlon In tho district court ot Lincoln
county, Nobraska, nyalnst said defendants
tho object ana prayor or winch is to quiet
plalntllf's HUo a against said defendants to
tno ro owing uoscntea lanas to-wit: Tho
cast ouo-half of tho southwest auartor and
lots ttirco ana four, an in section ninotcen,
townshlD ten. raneo thirty-four, west of tho
sixth principal meridian and all in Lincoln
county, Nebraska. And to .forever enjoin
said defendants And all porsons claiming
through and under them from claiming any
right, titlo'or Interest In or to said land.
You are reaulrcd to answer said nctltlon on
or boforo tno nth day or Aiarcn, ivii.
i- ii. HUUL1M3, Piain itr.
J21- ByJamosQ. Mothorsoad, his Altornoy
To Francis Love, Non-Resident Dofoudant
Von aro hereby notified that on tho 6th day
of July. 1010. Vonahy I.ovo filed her petition
ncalnst you In tho dlatrlct court ofLlncolu
county, Nobraska. thoobjoct and prayorof
which aro toooinin a oivorco irom you on
tho crounus that you aro a habitual drunk
ard and havo refused and ncslectcd to nro
vldo malntonanco for tho plaintiff and her
minor child and that you havo been Kulltyof
oxtremu cruelty to this plaintiff.
PlalutUT prays that sha may bo divorced
from you. and that sho may bo Klven tho cus
tody of her minor child Gordon Oliver Lovo.
- Vou aro required to answor said potltlon by
tno um uay or Aiarcn, ivu.,
Vonahy love
J 21 1 Uy Wilcox & Ilalllsan, her attorneys
Chester P. Perry, defendant, will
take notice that on the 23d day of Jan
........ mi i itr n va t..,i
U.lljr. AXl, T. W. UlUCt, UUUIIbjr UUUU
of Lincoln county, Nebraska, issued an
order of attachment for tho sum of
$64.25 in an action pending before him
wherein John C. Den is plaintiff and
Chester F. Perry is defendant, thnt
property of the defendant consisting of
two mowing machines, two slipi or
scrapers, two cooking or sleeping
snacits nas Dcen auacnea unaer saia
Said cause was continued until the
14th day of March. 1911, 9 o'clock a. m
at which time the said matter will come
on for final hearing and tho amount
duo said plaintiff will be ascertained
and the proparty so attached will be
sold according to law to satisfy the
amount so found due.
Plaintiff would furthor allege thnt
there is the sum of SG4.25 duo him for
Roods sold nnd money loaned to said de
fondant. Dated this 8th dny of Feb
ruary, 1911. John C Den.
By Muldoon & Gibbs, his attorneys
Organization of thu North Platte
Co-operative Association.
1. The name of this corporation
shall uo "lne JNortn 1'latte (Jo-opera
tivo Association."
2. Tho ceneral nature of the bus!
ncss shall bo owning and operating a
general store; buying and selling build
ing mnterlal, fuel, farm, dairy and
ranch products and farm machinery; to
borrow and loan money; discount paper;
purchase or rent all real estnto necess
ary for the business of the corporation.
3. Tho capital stock shall be Twenty
five thousand dollars divided into shares
of Ten dollars each, of which five thous
and dollars shall be subscribed and paid
before commencement of business.
4, The oflico of this corporation shall
be In the city of North Platte, Lincoln
county, rseurasua, and the principal
placo of it transacting business shall
bo in Lincoln county.
5, Tho term of existence of this
corporation shall bo for twenty vears.
commencing March 1st, 1911, and term
inating March 1st, 1931.
6. The hlghent amount of indebted
ness to which this corporation shall at
any one time bo subject shrill not ex
ceed two-thirds of its actual subscribed
and paid up stock.
7. Tho business and affairs of this
corporation shall bo managed by a
board of five directors to be elected by
the stock holdors from among thofr
E. W. Mann, -Ralph
O. Chamberlain,
F. T. Redmond,
W. II. LeDoyt,
William Otten.
Olllcot Hotel TImmorman.
Special attention given diseases of
women and emergency, surgery.
Notice for Publication.
Borlal No. 01POI.
. Department of tho Intorlbr.
U. S. Land Ofllco at North Platte. Neb.
... .'. . Jan. th, 1B1I.
Notlco Is horoby given that Andrew K. Mc
In tiro of Horshoy. Nob., who oifJune 28, 11)01,
mado Homestead Entry No. 200SU, Serial No.
01WM. for 8K NK U.fectloo 80. township 12, N ,
range Hi, W ot tho sixth principal morldlan
has fllod notlco ot Intention to make final
five year proof, to establish claim to tio
land ahovo described, boforo tho Register
and, ltccolvor at North Platto, Nebraska,
on the Vth day of March, 1011.
Claimant names as witnesses! Charles
Mei er nnd William Facka both of Dickens,
Nob-, Joseph Evcrlinch and George Oarman.
both of Horshor Nob.
jig;" T K Ktahii. rteclslir
. florlal No. 01S39
Notlco for Publication-Isolated Tract.
Public Land Salo.
i .Department of tho Interior,
U S. xLand Ofllco at North Platte. Nob
v Jan. 12th. 1811
Notice Is hreby given that, as directed by
thoCominlRslonor of tho Qonor&l Land Ofllco
unucr provisions or At or Congress ap
nrovrd Juno 271 h. KHfi. f.U Smia . .M7 will
offer nt phbllc snle. to the highest bidder, at
irnuciucK a m .on tno uti, day or March
lull, at i his olllcn. tho following-described
land: It 1, and NElt of NWK of Soctlon SO,
township 12. N.. Haniro81, W. otflth Principal
Ant bersnna ilfttmlne-ni1vnrnltr Hm ilw.n
described lands are advised to file their
claims or objections on or hoforo tho tlmo
nesijrnntcu for ale. J, K. Evans
J'- Ucglstor,
Serial No. 02083.
Department ot tho Interior.
U. S. Land Ofllco at North Platto, Nob.
, , , . ' January 12th 101.
Notlco Inherent clvnnthnt. .Inonnh Pro..
lanch, of llorshej, Nebraska, who. on
Juno 3UU01, mado homestead entry No.80217,
Borlal No, fatti:,. foriSEW. NW!(. NEW, SEX,
EW.SWM.andSWH SWJi. soctlon 20. town
ship 12, N, liange aj. W.of the sixth Principal
Meridian has uicd notlco ot Intention to
make final II vn vnur nrnnf n
establish claim to tho land abovo doscrlbed,
noiore tno iccgistor anu icocoiver at North
Platte. Nob., on tho th day of Mar-1911,
Claimant names as witnesses i Charles
Meyer, of Dickens. Noli.. Andrew If. Mnln-
tire, Ocorgo affrroan.of Hershey. Nob., Alvln
.ouler.of North Platte. Neb.
J'-s-" .i i icvans. Ileglster.
Serial No 0'MS.
Department of tho Interior
, U. 8. Land Ofllro at North Platto. Nob.
. , . Dec 13th. 1010. ,
Notlco i lior ihv trlvnn lint. Hlln l .n W.I.
kins, of North Platte. Nebraska, who on
April 12th. iw. iradn Homestead entry
No. 21103. Serial No. 0U513. for north half.
and northeast nnnrtor. of southeast Quar
ter ot section 8, township 12. north
ranKo 81, west of tho Hth Principal
Meridian, has lllod notlco of Intention to
mako llnal five year uroof. tn nst&hllnli
claim to tho land abovo described, before
tho Resistor and Receiver at North Platto,
Hourasua, on the 7th day or Foby .1011.
Claimant names as witnesses: John tf.
Fowler, Carl llroedor. Thomas Zimmerman
and Bert Donaldsori all of North Plntto,
dzu-n ' .1. E. Evans. Register.
Borlal No. iwisw.
Department of tho Interior.
U. S. Land Olllco at North Platte. Nob.
. . Dec, is, 1010.
Notlco Is horoby clven that John W. Fowlor
ot North Platto. Nob., who, on Aucr. 23. 1003.
mado homostead .ontrr No. 21131. serlnl Nn
tor southeast quarter, enst halt south
west auartor. southeast Quarter northwest
Quarter and lots 3; 4.5. 0 and 1 Hoc 6, Twp. U,
ii. n. ai, v oi iiieoiu rnncipai meridian, hag
Uicd notlco ot Intention to mako final ilvo
year proof, to- establish claim to tho land
abovo described, boforo tho Reeister and Re
ceiver at North Platto, Nobraska, on tho 7th
day of Foby. 1UI1.
Claimant names as .witnesses-. Carl
Broedor, O. L. Watklns. T.XF. Zimmerman
and A E. Donaldson all ot North Platts.
d20-6 J. E.Evans. Reels tor.
ftnto of Nobraska, Lincoln county, ss
In tho county court
In tho of matter ot tho cstato at
Gustavus Uiban, decoased.
Onreadlntr and tiling- tho potltlon ot Anna
M. Urban', pray Ins that tho administration of
said estato may bo granted to her as ad
ministratrix Ordered, That Fobruary 27th, 1011, at 0
o'clock a. m. Is assigned for hearing' said
petition when all persons Interested In said
matter may appear at a county court,
to bo held In and for said county
and show causo why tho prayor of ipo
tlonor should not bo granted: and that notlco
of tho pendency ot said petition and tho
hearing thereof be elvon to all porsons Inter
ested In said matter by publishing a copy of
this ordor. In tho North Platto Trlbuno a
semi-weekly newspaper printed In said
county, for six succosslvo lssuos. prior to
said day of hearing.
Dated Fobruary tlth. 1011.
w. ELDER. County Judge.
By Kathcrlno F- Olurk, Clork County Court.
- In tho matter of tho cstato of Thomas
J Davlos, deceased.
, In tho county court of Lincoln county, No
braska, January SOth. 1911. T '
Notlco Is horeby given, that tho creditors
ot tho. said deceased will meet tho ex
ecutors ot. said estate, boforo tho County
J ud go of Lincoln county. Neb., at tho county
court room In said county, on tho 27th day of
February, 1011, and on tho 27th day of August.
1011, at U o'clock a - m-cach day. for tho pur
poso of presenting their claims for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months
aro allowed for creditors to present their
claims and ono year for- tho executors
to settlo sattl ostato from tho 30th day
of January, Mil. This notice to bo pub
llshod olght successive Issues In the North
Platto Tribune, a soml-weokly nowspapor
PubJIshoU In saldXounty. prior to February
i?'1",4- . ,w.O. ELDER. County .Tudgo
By Kathorlno F Olahk. Clerk County Court.
, notice! " ' "
Tho unknown heirs of Thomas Lowo.
decoased, will tako notlco that on the th
d?y. .LJ.auu?ry,10,M Margaret J. Bundy.
plaintiff heroin lllod her petition In Iho dis
trict court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
against tho said defendants lmploaded with
Union Pacific railroad company, a corpora
tlonvtho object and prayer of which said
petition aro to quiet tho tltlu to lot eight In
block olBhtr-llyo of tho original town ot tho
city ot North Platto. In tho plaintiff herein.
Margaret J- Bundy, as against tho said do
fendants. the unknown heirs of Thomas
Lowe, decoased. and tho Union Pacific rail
road company, and to enjoin said defendants,
thu unknown heirs ot Thomas - I,owo. do
ceased, from assorting or claiming any .right,
ti tle or Intorest In or to sold lot eight In block
t-lBhty-llvo and irom Interfering with tho
possession of tho plaintiff In tho same, ond
for general equitable relief.
Vou are required to answer said potltlon on
or hofOMthoS7tl,daV of March. Mil.
..... . ... MaiioauetJ. Bundt.
By Wilcox & Ilalllgan Her Attorneys"
Notice to Delinquents.
Notico is hereby given that tho ren
tal upon tho lense contract to tho fol
lowing decribed chool land In Lincoln
County, Nobrnska, as set opposite the
names of the holders hereof. j8 delin
quent and if tho amount which is due is
not paid within CO days from the date
of this notice, said contracts will bo de
c ared forfeited by the Board of Educa
tional Lands and Funds, and said for
feiture will be entered of record In the
. munnor proviaea ov law.
'l1StnMlV,W' SW' SE86
, 1129 Jacob HUcklyor
All 16-11-29 Belle Edmlsten
All 16-12-29 Charlie Empie
1 , , E. C. Cowi.ES,
, oommlssionor of Public Lands and Bull
1 Dated Feb. 10, 1911.