rialT? STORY C J Q)hen a Jftan JfCarries By MARY ROBERTS RINEHART Jlulhor of The Circular Staircase, The thtan In Lower Ten, Etc. , CopjrrlaUtlew.bT tbeDobU-MertlllCo. 6 3YNOPSI8. James Wilson or Jimmy an ho Is called by his frlonda. Jimmy was rotund and looked shorter than ho really was. Ills ambition In Ufa was to lio taken eerlounly, but people Rteadlly refused to do so, his art Is considered a huso Joke, except to himself, If ho asked peoplo to dlnnor ov cryono oxpectod a frolic. Jimmy marries Bella Knowlea; thoy llvo together a year and aro divorced. Jimmy's friends nr- ' rancro to colobrato the llr.it anniversary of his divorce. Those who attond the party are Miss Kathorlno McNolr, who every ono calls Kit, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Brown, tho Misses Mercer, Maxwell Reed and a Mr, Thomas Harbison a South American civil englncor. Tho party is in full swing when Jimmy receives a tele gram from his Aunt Sellnn, who will ar- , rivo in four hours to visit him and his wife. Jimmy gets his funds from Aunt fiellna uild after ho marries sho doubles his nllowancc. Ho neglects to toll her of his divorce, ns sho Is opposed to it. Jim my takes Kit into his confidence, he tries to devise Bomo way so that his aunt will not learn that ho has no lonaer a wlfo. Ho suBgcsts that Kit play tho hostess for ono nlRlit, bo Mrs. Wilson pro tern. Kit refuses, but is finely prevailed upon to net tho part. Aunt Sollna arrives and tho deception works out as planned, as sho had never scon Jim's wife. Jim's Jap servant Is taken 111. his face is covered with spots. Bolla, Jimmy's divorced wife, enters tho houso and asks Kit who is be ing taken away in tho ambulanco? Bella insists It Is Jim. Kit tolls her Jim is well and Is In tho houso. Bolla tells Kit it wasn't Jim sho wanted to sec, but Tnkn hirn. tho Jap servant, as sho wlshod to sccuro his services. nlng around Ilka this but thoro Is not a servant in tho houso! They havo gone, the ontlro lot." "That's Odd," ho said slowly. "Gono! Aro you sure 7" In reply I pointed to tho servants' wing. "Trunks packed," I said trag ically, "rooms empty, kltchon and pan trloa full of dishes. Did you over hoar of anything Uko It?" "Never," ho asserted. "It makes mo suspect" What ho Buspectod ho did not say; Instead ho turnod on his hcol, without n word of explanation, and ran down tho stairs. I stood star ing after him, wondering If ovury ono In tho placo had gono crazy. TheSi I heard Botty Mercer scream and tho rest talking loud nnd laughing, and Mr. Harbison enmo up tho stairs again twp at a time. "How long has that Jnp been ailing, Mrs. Wilson?" ho asked. "I I don't know," I ropllod helpless ly. "What Is tho troublo, anyhow?" "I think ho probably has somothlng contagious," ho said, "nnd It has scared tho servants away. As Mr. Drown said, ho looked spotty. I sug gested to your husband thaj It might bo as woll to got tho houso emptied in case wo aro corroct." "Oh, yes, by all moans," I said eagorly. I couldn't got away too soon. "I'll go nnd get my" Then I stopped. Why, tho man wouldn't oxpect mo to lenvo; I would linvo to play out tho wretched farco to tho end! "I'll go down and boo thorn off," I finished lamely, and wo went together down tho stairs. Just for tho moment I forgot Bella altogether, I 'found Aunt Sollna bonnoted and cloaked, taking a stirrup cup of Pomona for hor nerves, and tho rest throwing on their wraps In a hur ry. Downstairs Max was telephoning for his car, which wasn't duo for nn hour, and Jim Was walking up nnd down, swearing under his broath. With tho prospect of getting rid of them all, and of going homo comfort ably to try to forgot tho wholo wrotch ed affair, I cheered up qulto a lot. I oven plnyed up my part of hostess, and Dallns told mo, asldo, that I was a brick. Just then Jim threw open tho front door. Thoro was a man on tho top stop, With his mouth full of tacks, and ho was nailing something to tho doori Just below Jlm'a Floroutno bronzo, CHAPTER IV. (Continued.) "It's Immoral," I protested, "It's Immoral to steal your " "My own butler!" Bho broko In Im patiently. "You'ro not usually so scrupulous, Kit. Hurry! I hear that hateful Anno Brown." So wo slid back along the hall, and I rang for Takahlro. But no ono enmo. "I think I ought to toll you, Bella," I said as wo waited, and Bella was staring around tho room "I think you ought to know that Miss Caruthera Is hero." Bolla shrugged her shoulders. "Well, thank goodness," sho said, "I don't havo to boo bfcr. Tho only ploaBant thing f romembor about my year of married llfo is that I did not moot Aunt Sollna." I rang again, but still there was no answer. And thon It occurred" to mo that tho stillness below stairs waB al most oppressive Bolla was noticing things, too, for sho began to faston her veil again with a malicious llttlo smllo, "Ono of tho tilings I remember my lato husband saying," sho observed, "was that ho could manngo this houso, nnd had dono It for years, with flaw less sorvlco. Stand on tho boll, Kit." 1 I did. Wo stood thoro, with tho table, JuBt as ft had been loft, be tween us and waited for a response. Bella was growing Impatient. Sho raised hor oyobrows (she Is vory " handsomo, Bolla is) and flung out hor chin no if Bho had begun to enjoy tho borriblo situation. , I thought I hoard a rattle of sllvor from tho pantry Just thon, and I hur ried to tho door in a, rngo. But tho pantry was empty of servants and full of dlsheB, and all tho UghtB woro out but ono, which was burning dimly. I could havo sworn that I saw ono pf tho servants duck Into tho stairway to tho basement, but when I got there tho stairs were empty, and something was burning in tho kltchon bolow. Bolla had followed mo and was peer ing ovor my Bhouldor curiously. "Thero Isn't a sorvnnt In tho houso," sho 'said triumphantly. And whon wo wont down to tho kitchen, sho seemed to bo right. It was in dlsgracoful or dor, nnd" ono of tho bottles of wine that had been banished from tho din ing room sat half empty on tho floor. "Drunk I" Bolla said with conviction. He Was r Nailing Something Door. to tho knockor, and standing back,wlth his head on ono sldo to boo ff It wbb straight. "What aro you doing?" Jim de manded fiercely, but tho man only drovo another tack. It was Mr. Har bison who stopped outside and read tho card. It said "Smallpox." v "Smallpox," Mr. Harbison read, as if ho couldn't bollovo It Then ho turned to us, huddlod In tho hall. "It seoms It wasn't mcaslos, nttor all," he Bald cheerfully. "I movo wo got into Mr. Reed's automobile out thoro, and havo a vaccination party. I suppose evon you blaso socloty folk havo not exhausted that kind of diver slon." But tho man on tho stop spat his tacks In his hand and spoko for tho first tlmo. "No, you don't," ho Bald. "Not on your llfo, Just stop back, pleaso, and closo tho door. This houso is quar antlned." jumping up nnd almost dropping hei nmmonM bottlo. "My dear Bella! Homo?" , Jimmy groaned nt tho foot of th stairs, but Anno Brown was gottin; over her tenra nnd now sho turned on me In a temper. . "It's all your fault," sho said. "I was going to stay nt homo nnd got a 11U1 sloop" N . , "Woll, you can sloop now," Dallas broko In. "Thoro'll bo nothing to dn but, Bleep." "I thlnlc you haven't grasped tho situation, Dal," I Bald Icily. "Thero will bo plenty to do. Thoro Isnjt u Borvant In tho houso I" t "No sorvants!" everybody cried at onco. Tho Mcrcor girls stoppod gig gling. ! "Holy cnts!" Max stopped In thd act of hanging up his ovorcont. "Do. you mean why, I can't shavo myself! I'll cut my head off." "You'll do more than that," I rej tortcd grimly. "You will carry coal and tendjlrcs nnd ompty nsh pons and whon you aro not doing any ot thoso things thoro will bo pots and pans to wash and beds to maho." Then thoro wna n row. Wo had worked back to tho den now. nnd I stood In front of tho fireplnco nnd le$ tho storm bent around mo, and trloil to look porfectly cold nnd lndlfforonti and not to boo Mr. Harbison's shocked. fnco. No wondor ho thought them a lot of savages, browboating thoir host ess tho way thoy did. "It'a n fool thing nnyhow," Max Reed wound up, "to celobrato tho an niversary of a divorce especially '' Hero ho caught Jlm'a oyo and stopped.1 But 1 had suddenly rememi bored.' Bolla down In tho bnsomont! Could anything havo boon worsoi And of courso sho would havo hys toria and thon turn on mo nnd blamo mo for It all. It nil enmo ovor mo at onco and overwhelmed mo, whllo Anno was crying and saying sho wouldn't cook if Bho starved for it, and Aunt Sollna whb taking off her wraps. I felt queor nil ovor, nnd I snt down suddenly. Mr. Hnrblson was looking at me, and ho brought mo a glass of wine. "It won't bo so bad as you fear," ho .said comfortingly. "Thero will bd no danger onco wo aro vaccinated, and many hands ,mnko light work. Thoy nro pretty raw now, becauso tho thing Is now to them, but by morning thoy will bo reconciled." "It isn't tho work: It la somothlng entirely different," I said. And It was. Bella and work could hardly bo spokou In tho same breath. If I had only turned hor out as Bho deserved to bo, whon sho flrBt came, instead of nllowing hor to carry through tho wretched farco about 3eo- ing Tnkahiro! Or If I had only run to tho basoment tbo moment tho houso was quarantined, and got hor out tho areaway or coal holol And now tlmo wan iiylng, and Aunt Sollna had mo by tho arm, and any momont I expected Bella to pounco on us through Iho doorway and the wholo situation to explode with a bang. It was after oloven before thoy woro rational enough to discuss ways and. means, nnd, of courso, tho first thing) suggested was that we all adjourn bo low stnirs nnd cloan up after dlnnor. I could havo Blaltt Max Reo'd for tho notion, nnd tho Morcor girls for tnklng him up. "Of courso wo will," Ihoy said In a duet. "What n lark!" And thoy nctu-' ally began to pin up tholr dlnnor gowns. It was Jim who stopped that) METHOD IN BELGIUM State Helps Municipalities and Private Owners. Financial Aid In Constructing Irriga tion Projects It Equal to About Half the Expense Value of t Drained Lands. IRRIGATION IN BtSET FIELDS No aid Is extended by tho Bolglnu government for tho Improvement of marsh lands west bt tho Satnbro nnd Mouse rivers, for tho reason that thoso lands aro bottor than thoso In tho higher parts of Belgium nnd that tho drnlnngo Is of great Importance, for cultivation, to tho landowners. Tho stato grnnta no oubsldlos for tho canalization executed for Irrigation In tho sandy plains ot tho Campinos reg ion, north of tho provinces of Ant werp and Llmburg, but allows prlvnto partlos to tnko wntor auppllba from tho navlgnblo canal called tho Junc tion cnnnl ot tho Mouso ntnl Schclt rivers, says tho Breeders Gazotto. Tho marshy and wot lands of n cer tain area (about 74.2 ncrcs) and above, whoso sanitary conditions havo been Improved by drninngo (ditches or pipes nro nenrly all united in "Wnt crlnguo." This la a legally recognized association of landownors interostcd in tho work ot drying nnd irrigating tholr lands. Tho wntorlnguos lu tho vnlloys of tho navlgablo rlvcra aro placed under tho supervision of tho ministry of public works, whllo thoso In tho valleys of unnnvlgablo Btronma nro undor tho ministry of ngrlculturo. Concorulng tho last-mentioned, tlio stnto does not oxecuto tho Irrigation work, but helps tho municipalities nnd interested owners' associations (water- ingucs) granting them subsidies and also lending them tho services of tho Btnft ot tho agricultural hydraulic ad' ministration for tho study ot projects nlso for tho dlroctlon and supervision of work. Subsidies nro only granted for drnlnago ot landa of-41ttlo vnluo for improving sanitary conditions, whon nocossary for tho gonornl health of tho country, In vlow of suppressing fogs and for tho Interest of ngrlculturo, Tho subsidies nro grantod by tho gov' ernmont In full ownorshlp nnd aro not to bo ropnld. Thoro is no gonoral law defining tho nld which tho govornmont may extend to provinces, municipalities, to dls trlcts, to corporations, or to private parties for, tho execution of works which aro to bo of moro than local bonoflt. Tho Btnto takes chargo at tho total expenses for tho construction of Btich works na uro'plannod and con structed by tho ministry of agrlcul turo. Tho mission of tho govornmont ngonts ends ns soon na tho drainage work la nccompllshod, theao ngentB only supervising tho work. Tho im mediate supervision of tho work, tho preservation, tho maneuvering of slulcos, lntnkos of wntor, etc., aro un dor tho caro of tho wntorlnguos If tho landa belong to prlvnto ownora united in association, and undor tho caro ot communal administrations if tho lnnds bolong to communoa. Tho finnnoial nld ot tho stnto In works of this kind is generally equal to half tho oxponses. Tho government also lends gratuitous ly tha sorvlcos of lta ataft for tho study of projects ns woll aa for tho dl roctlon nnd Buporvlslon of work. Tho largest marsh lands which havo boon drained In tho higher part of Bolglum Should Be Delayed as Long as There Is Ourriclerrt Moisture to Keep Up Steady Growth. Tho Irrigation ot Iho boot Holds should bo dolnyed as long ns thoro Is Hiifflclcnt moisture! lir tho soli to koop up aBtoady growth. Too onrly irrigation tends to mnkb , a turnlp-shnpcd boot and- produces nn unusually henvy growth of leaves with out corresponding development of tho root. Tho Boll Bhould bo kept In a thorough stnto of tlllngo by froquent cultivations, so that tho loss ot mots turo by direct evaporation may bo oljght, says tho Field and Pnrm. Thoro is n miuaio courso as to tho tlmo or this Application of water to tho crop, for If hold oft too long tho bo6t will begin to mature nnd so prevent its proper development lntor. Exporlonco nlono will docldo tho best prnctlco, but in n goncrnl way It Is no ndvnn- tngo tp this crop to irrlgato . whon thoro la nufllclont moisture to koop up a vigorous growth. After Irrigation and fin soon na tho ground lms dried out sufficiently, n cultivation throo or four Inches dcop should follow. Tuo narrow cultivator shovel, bull, calf or door tongues should bo used In order to pulverlzo tho soil ns much ns pou Biuio. u tho Dec to nnvo bocomo so largo that tho loaves would bo In jural, tho uno of thoso Implements would lnjuro rather than bonoflt tho crop and should bo avoided. Tho fur rows will then romuln ns they nro In tho furrow Irrigation nnd sorvo for subsoquont irrigations. If plants nro not too largo tho furrowing for follow ing irrigations should not bo put off too long after tho cultivation, ns thoro Is dangor ot Injuring tho loaves. IRRIGATION WATER IN ROADS Highways In Many Places Found to De Very Dad nnd In Spots Almost Impae3abte by Leaks. Irrigation wntor In roads Is not only a wasto of wntor, but It doos innk vory bad roads, sometimes Impassablo onus. In Gallatin vulloy. Mont., recent ly, wo wero delayed for nonrly an hour nnd hnd to go to n fnnn houso for ropes, otc, with which to pull tho nuto In which wo woro riding out ot tho mud, caused by n leak which two mln uten with a spado would havo stopped In several othor places wo found tho roads In vory bnd condition from small but ovldontly long ncgloctod leaks from noarby ditches, says a wrltor In tho North Dakota Farmor. This Is ono of tho disagrooablo drawbacks In many irrlgatod sections nnd a llttlo, n vory tllttlo tlmoly enro would provont It, Colorado has found this such a mils nnco that section 30C0 ot tho stato statutes roads: "Any person who shall cnuso wnsto wntor or wntor from nny ditch, road, drain or flumo, or othor placo to flow In on upon nny road or highway so ns to do damago to tho Bruno, bIiuII bo subjoct to a fluo ot not less than $10 nor mora than $300 for each ofTonso and ohall bo liable to any porson In a civil action for any damages resulting thoro- from." And still thoro nro somo vory bad roads from loaky ditches In Colorado as wo can testify. Wo think that not Iosb than $10 nor moro than $G0 would perhaps bo bottor nnd this not apply unloss tho lonk can bo shown to havo OWES HER HEALT1 msm mm Kim l;w. M'S.MiA To Lydla E. PInkham'a Vegetable Compound Scottvlllo. Mloh. " I want to tell you how much good LydlnE.Plnkham'a vogotaoio com pound and Sanative Wash havo dono me. I llvo on a farm nnd haVo worked very hard. I am forty, ilvo vcars old. and nra tho mother of thirteen children. Jinny peoplo think it Btrnngo tuatiam not broken down with hard work and tho caro of mv fam. lly, but I tell thorn of my good frlond- your vogomuio uompounu, ana time thoro will bo no bnckncho nnd bearing flown pains for thorn If thoy will taka it as I liavo. I am ocarcoly ovor with. uub i& in tuo nouso. "I will ear also that I think thero la no hotter mcdlclno to bo found for young girls to build thorn up and make thorn strong and woll. My oldoBti flaughter has taken Lydla E. Pink, lianra Vogotablo Compound for pain ful periods nnd irrogularlty, and it has nlwnya helped hor. X am always rcauy ana wining to ppcak a good word for tho Lydla E. I'lnkhanVB llomcdlos. I toll ovory ono I meot that I owo my health and hap. jlnosa to theso wondorfttl medicines Mrs. J. G. JoHN60H,ScottYlllo,Mlcb,, Lydla E.Plnkham'8 Vogotablo Com pound, mado from natlvo rdots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harm ful drugs, and to-day holds tho record for tho largest number of actual curoa of female, diseases. SENT HAIL TO THE MOON Embryo Man-of-War's Man at Last Convinced Offlcor Ho Was.At. tending to His Duty. This Is tho Btory of ono of tho mem bers of tho Massachusetts Nnvnl He serves. On tho Bocond night ot tho crulso of tho Ban Francisco, ono ot tho amntour tarti was on wafch. Tho night was clear, and myriads of Btars twinklod in tho Bky, but thoro was no moon. Suddonly tho rosorvo sang out, "Light aboy!" "Where away?" asked tho oulcor ot tho dock. "Far, far away," ropllod the would-bo man-of. war's man. Whon tho offlcor had ro covorod from the Bhock occasioned by this unsoamanllke nnswor he looked ovor tuo rail in uio uirecuon inai- cated by the rosorve's flngor, and thon ho had another fit. "What's tha mattor with you7" growlod (bo offlcor. Can't you recognlzo the rising moon whon you boo it?" "Moon! moon!" stammorod tho ombryo sea dog. "I beg your pardon, sir! Thon he Bhoutod, as It maKtng amends tor hir error, "Moon ahoy!" boon a ncKloctod ono. or from two to "Oh, look hero, you peoplo," ho ob-j do not mousuro moro than 247.4 ncrcs thrco dnya' standing. Too sovoro a 111 ...A t . A 1 A, JB . rrt. I 1 A 1 -11 I a. Ject'od, "I'm not going to lot you do- each. Theso drained lnnds extend nil that. Wo'll get somo servants In tw ovor tho territories of tho provinces -morrow. I'll go uown ana put out mcj lights. Thoro will bo onough clean dishes for bronkfast" It was lucky for rao that this started! a now discussion thon and thoro nbouti who would got tho breakfast. In tho- mldst of tho oxcltomont I slipped! away to carry tho news to Bolla. Shcj was wnore i nau lore nor, anu sno uau( mado herself a cup of tea, and wasj very much at homo, which wasj natural. . t "Do you know," sho said ominously,! "that you havo boon away for two hours7 And that I havo gono through! agonies ot norvousnoss for foar ilm Wilson would como down and thlnki I camo hero to soo him." (TO BE CONTINUED.) of Namur and Luxemburg, principally In tho latter. Moat of tho drained landa belong to prlvnto parties, somo to communes, but nono to tho state. Tho valuo of marsh lands after drain- ago Is doublo to trlplo tho value of tho landa boforo tho work waB accom plished. CHAPTER V. From the Tree of Love. Thero is hardly nny uao trying to describo whnt followed. Anno Brown began to cry, and talk about tho chil dren. (She went to Europo once nnd stayed until they all got over tho whooping cough.) And Dallas said ho But I didn't think so. Thoro had not had a pull, becauso his mill controlled lieon tlmo onouKh. for ono thing. Sud. I forgot how many votes, and tho denly I romomberod the nmbulanco thing to do was to bo qulot nnd com AH, WHO KNOW3? "Do you know," sho said, "I didn that bad been tho causo of Bella's np pearanc(j for no ono could believe her bIIIv story about Takahlro. I fortnblo and wo would feet out in tho morning. Max took it as a huge Joko, and somebody found blm at tbo tolo- elmply loft her thoro, staring helpless- phono, calling up his club, Tho Mor ly at tho confusion, and ran upstairs again: through tho dining roomr-past Jimmy and Aunt Sollna, past Leila Morcor and Max, who wero flirting on tho Btairs, up, up to tho servants' bed rooms, and thoro my suspicions wero verified. Thoro was ovory ovidonco of ,a hasty flight; in threo bedrooms five trunks stood locked and ominous, and tho closets yawned with open door, empty. Bolla had boon right; thoro was not n sorvnnt in tho house. AavI omorged from tho untidy empti ness ot tho servants' wing, I met Mr. Harbison coming out of tho studio, "I wish you would lot medo aomo of this running about for you, Mrs. Wilson," ho said gravely. "You are not well, and I can't think of anything worso for a headache. Has tho but lor's Illness clogged tho household ma chinery?" . "Worse," I replied, trying not to breatho In gasps. "I wouldn't bo run- cer. girls wero hysterically giggling, and Aunt Sollna sat on a stlff-backod chair and took aromatlo spirits of am monia.. As for Jim, ho had collapsed on tho lowest stop, of tho stairs, and sat thero with his head in his hands. When he did look up, ho didn't dare to look at mo. Tho Harbison man was arguing with tho Impassive Individual on the top stop outside, 'and I saw him got out his pocketbook and offer a crisp bundlo of brlls. But tho man from tho board of health only smllod and tacked nt his offenslvo sign. After n whllo Mr. Harbison camo in nnd closed tho door, and wo stared at ono anothor. "I know whnt I'm going to do," I said, swallowing a lump in my throat, "I'm going to get out through a base ment window at tho back. I'm going home." "Homo!" Aunt Sollna gaspod, want to como to this place at nil. 1 bnd an Idea that It would bo awfully; stupid." . "And havon't you found It stupid,": bo asked. "You know I havon'L" "How should I know?" "No placo could bo stupid It you' wero thero." "It Is vory nlco of you to say so." "I shall bo bo aorry whon you loavo.' It has bcon tho most glorious wook of my life." "I am glad to know that; but I hopo thero may bo many moro glorious weeks In store for you." After ho had gono to tho tennis cpurt and left hor alono on tho wide veranda, sho slghod and said to herself: "How sad It is that a woman Id de nied tho right to tell a mnn sho euros for him I Who knows what would havo hnppenod It 1 might havo told' him all?" "Ha!' Another Kind. I" said tbo Russian count, with' a tierce bcowi on ms Muscovite raa-' tures. "This worm ot an American wrltor has Insulted mo with his pen!" 'Had ho written a biting satlro about you?" Inquired tbo fair charmer to whom ho spoke. STORE UP WINTER MOISTURE Sufficient Water for Crops Assured by Deep Plowing In Fall to Absorb Rains and Snow. Doubtless many n Minnesota form or has thought, during tho past sea ion, as ho witnossod the destruction sr curtailment of his crops by tho long-continued drought, "What a flno thing an irrigating plant would havo boon tills year!" A few horticulturists and market gardonors In . this stato havo already Installed such plants, and athors are planning to do so. Bays a wrltor in tho Northwestern Agricultur tst. "By uso of pumps and windmills or gasoline motors, many small pieces of land can bo suppllod with water, Dn many farms, small stronmB, lakes or swamps nro so situatod that their waters can cosily bo turned upon tho land for Irrigating purposes. Theso methods of helping nature to help It Bolt havo long since been learned by Mio settlers of tho seml-arld regions of tho west, whoro tho Irrlgatod lands are now tho most highly productive of all lands," But tho farmor to whom such (ources of water supply aro not yet avnllablo may, If ho will, "bottlo up luch a quantity of water, Just .under tho Burfaco of bis land by plowing It deeply In tho fall so that It will absorb all tho rnlnB nnd melted snows, and then cultivating so as to kcop it cov ercd with a dust mulchas to assure a sufficiency of moisturo for his crops, This Is tho wholo sucrot ot so-called "dry fanning," which Is in roality only Irrigation undor nnothor form. "Nothing tho count, after mo!" so gentlomanly!" yolled "Ho has named his pig Selection of the Drood 8oW, Sows that como from prolific fnm Hies aro moro cortaln to inhorit thoso qualities and becomo good mothers than thoso that descond from fam tiles that iro less prolific. penalty prevonts rathor than encour ages complaints of this kind. , GENERAL FARM NOTES. Whon tho crust forms nftor a rain stir tho soli. Don't lot tho cowb or young things loso In condition now. Bnnk up tho old barns to shut out tho cold wind undor tho floors. Do not wasto feed on n cow that Is not returning a profit on tho food sho onts. Hogs properly sheltered will thrivo on much less food than thoso exposed to cold. Don't condomn hor it you aro only giving hor onough feed to koop llfo In hor body, Tho flrBt tost to bo given a new workmnn on tho farm is to Bond him out with n team. Alfalfa hay and corn havo bocn found to bo a most satisfactory fatton Ing toed for hogs. Alfalfa In n young orchard would bo all right If grown only beyond tho roach of tho treo roots, Tho wholo secret of profit In poul try culturo is ' In following naturo's way in tho caro ot tho stock, It Is tho height of folly to think that a hog can llvo for any longth of tlmo or oven fatton without wntor. If tho food Is nllowvd to sour in tho troughs, It will throw tho hogs off food This will check growth, and Is a loss HogB that havo dlod from tho chol era should bo Immediately burned or burlod dooply and covered with quick- linio, Unless a hon .hns a groat valuo, as a hreodcr or as a mother It Is woll to lot hor go to tho dresnod poultry mar kot nftor her third ynnr. Tho watorglass method of prosor vlng eggs Is considered by tho miijori ty of poultrymon who havo tried It tho most satisfactory of nny. With good corn onsllago and clovor or alfalfa hay, nnd homo-grown grnlns with porhnps somo whont bran nnd oil-meal added, a flno profit can bo mado from a herd ot good dairy cows Tho manure from a herd of cowb properly Bnved and appllod, will oach yonr enablo Iho dairyman to raise larger amounts of forage and grain Tho hotter tho cows, tho grontor tho profit As It Appeared In Print. Senator Nowlands of Novada was soaring In dobato ono day, soaring so high ho "hit tho colling." Ho realized ho was getting a trlflo flowery and to excuso hlmsolf said: "Indeod, Mr. President, porforVld oratory may be pardoned, for this subjoct furnishes all tho food oloquonco needs." That sounded pretty good to Mr. Nowlnnds, but ho was a bit abashed when ho road In tho Congressional Hocprd next day that ho asserted his toplb "furnished all tho food elephants need." Disapproving Constituents. 'How Is your member ot congresrf spondlng tho holidays?" "Doln" nothln' at homo Instead ot in Washington." A woman's idea of a great financier Is a man who can stralghton out her exponso account RE3ULTS OF FOOD. Health and Natural' Conditions Cor-" From Right Feeding. Man, physically, should bo like a perfectly regulated mnchlno, each part working easily In its appropri ate placo. A alight dorangemont causes unduo friction and wear, and. trequontly ruins tbo ontlro system. A well-known educator ot Boston found a way to koop tho brain and tho body In that harmonious co-opera tion which mnkes a Joy of living. "Two ycarB ngo' sho wrltos, "bolng In n condition of norvous exhaustion, I resigned my position as toachor, which. I had hold for ovor 40 years. Since then tho ontlro rost has, of courso, been a benefit, but tho uso of Grape-Nuts has removed ono groat causo ot illness In tho past, namely, constipation, nnd its attondnnt evils. "I gonornlly mnko my ontlro break fast on a raw egg beaten into four spoonfuls ot Grnpo-Nuts, with a llttlo hot milk or hot wator added. I Ilka it extremely, my food assimilates, and my bowels take caro of themselves. I find my brain powor and physical enduranco much groutor nnd I know that tho uso of tho Grape-Nuts has contributed largely to this rosult, "It Is with feelings of gratitude that I wrlto this testimonial, and trust It may bo tho means of aiding othors In tholr search for Iioalth." Namo given by Postum Co., Battlo Creole, Mich. Road tho llttlo book, "Tho Road to Wcllvlllo," in pkgs. "Thoro'a a Rea son." , Kvrr rend Uio nlxire letlert A new one iippenm from time to time, Tliey nre Keiiulnc, true, unci full ol iiuiuaa Lutcrcat. tr