The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 14, 1911, Image 1

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NO 7
98 Residence Lots For Sale 98
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1.7 OA
All above lots which have prices marked thereon are for sale at said prices; all other lots have been sold.
Each lot is improved with cement sidewalks and crossings five feet wide, sewer, city water and graded streets.
. A five per cent discount is given for cash or the lots will be sold upon the installment plain of one-tenth of the
purchase price down and one-tenth every three months.
- . , , , FOR S AliE BY
; WM. e. shuman.
Cards received In town the lattor
part of last week announced the birth
of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. G. G.
Hupfer, of Ogden, on February 7th.
Don't fail to see the pretty Embroi
deries and Flouncing now on sale at a
discount of twenty por cent at The
Timekeeper Waldo, of District Fore
man Beery's office, will be trans
ferred to Cheyenne, much to the regret
of his irlends. lie will do succeeeeu in
the local office by Carl Drodbeck.
Report was current yesterday that
occupants of houses owned by the Bur
lington had been ordered to vacate, as
the houses were to bo removed to maku
way for grading operations. When tho
report was run down by tho reporte :
If rlavAlnnml flint tViA nnnnnnf tf nnn
house had been ordered to vacate be
cause he did not pay rent.
Imported Tissues, sold everywhere at
35 cents per yard, ino Leader open J
the 1911 price at 25 cents per yard.
Members of the J. T. Club passed sn
enjoyable evening Friday as the guests
of Mrs. J. F. Clabaugh and Mrs. C. S.
Clinton at the homo of the former. In
the card games first prizes were won
by Mrs. N. McCabe and Prof. Garlichs
and the consolation emblems by Mrs.
Schatz and John Kellhor. The refresh
ments were an appreciated feature
of the evening.
The 1911 new styles in Ladies Tailored
suits ar snown at tho Leader.
County Clerk Elliott is acain confined
to the house, being forced to leavo the
ollice Iriday noon. Rheumatism of
bad form is the trouble.
New Spring Skirts, reeularand extra
sizes, just arrived at the Leader.
Eight months in Chicago, seven
months In Boston and six montliB in
New York is the record of William F.
Mann's offering "A Broken Idol," the
original Whitnoy production, which is
coming to tho Keith Thursday evening.
Mi's. Albert Muldson will ontertain
the Harmony Club Friday evening.
The ladies of the Methodist aid society
will meet wltk Mrs. Hendersen on west
Fourth street Thursday afternoon.
Rev. Herbert Covell will return to.
New York City tomorrow after a two
weeks visit with his parents, north of
the river.
District Manager Wilson, ef the Ne
braska Telephone Co.. came up from
Grand Island yesterday and is inspect
ing tho local exchange today.
Merrill Frlsto was In town yesterday
visiting his brother Clydo. He now
holds a clerical position in the Burling
ton railroad office at Hastings.
Tho vlllago of Brady has received a
firo pump'which will get Its water supply
from drive wells located at intervals of
half n block. The first test of the pump
waa pronounced satisfactory.
Now Wool Dress Goods at Wilcox
Department Store.
Plinrlnv Puna nava If unv nnn rinnhtn
tlint North Platte is not in tho banana
belt they aro invited to his residence
nnd.see tho orange tree in bleom. The
tree has a profusion of blossoms.
, Dorryberry & Forbes, generally "dis
tributors forthe big four manufacturers
of agricultural implements, have up to
dato received seven cars of implements
and will receive eight or ten moro cars..
Firo last Wednesday destroyed the
dwelling on tho George place otet of
Brady. It wns occupledjby Wm. Jensen,
but the family wero'away at the timo,
and all tho contents of tho house wore
On account of prevalenco of infectious
diseases tho Third ward school was
closed Friday 'for an Indefinite period.
Tho Second ward school, which has
been closed for two weeks, will not
open for another week.
New Spring Dressos are beginning to
arrive at Wilcox Department Stoio.
Tho Dunbar Co. rendeied n fine con
cept program Saturday evening at the
Keith to a large and appreciative audi
ence Each number was heartily ap
plauded. Particularly fine was "The
Rosary" rendered by the collolst.
Arrangements have beon made for a
special train to Brady this evening for
the accommodation of thoso who csiro
to attend the boxing contest at that
village. The train will leave this term
inal at 8:10 and returning will leave
Brady shortly after midnight
A cattleman remarked the other day
that ho could not recall, during his
thirty years residence in Lincoln county,
winter mere favorable for -stock.
While the pastures wore notvery heavy,
they furnished a fair supply of feed,
and tho nbsanco of stormy and cold
weather called for but light feeding of
A car load of oranges and a car of
npplos will nrrivo tomorrow for the
local dealers. This fruit is stilpped in by
Dolan Fruit Co., of Grand Island and
distributed by T. M. Cohagen in quan
tities to suit. Mr. Cohagen has acted as
distributing agent for tho Dolan com
pany for Boveral years past.
A man named Watkins, a horse
buyer and Belter by occupation, was
taken ill and fainted in tho telephone
exchange nt noon yesterday Dr.'Dent
was summoned and found him in'rather
bad condition, and he was taken to the
Pulver hospital. Watkins had but re
cently been released from quarantine
after having an infectious disease,
Red Seal book-fold French Ginghams
30-inchcs wide, tho best to stand wear
and wash in the country. The Leader
is the only house that has the agency
for this gingham. Price 12J cents per
Tho Schiller & Co. drugstore has been
improved in convenience and appearance
by the re-arrangement of tho furniture
and tho addition of a new prescription
case, additional shelving and casts.
In this re-arrangement much more room
is given for display and storage purpose.
Further improvements will be a metal
ceiling and now paper on the walls.
When fully completed the store will ffe
a top notcher.
New Spring Dress Skirts ot Wilcox
Department Store.
After a two years run In Chicago,
Now York and Boston, "A Broken Idol"
one of tho latest of musical comedies
will bo seen at tho Keith Thursday
evening. Tho piece bus been termed
tho "play of surprises" In as much as
the unexpected hannens evorv few
minutes, Amonc the snectacular effects
Introduced aro a hugh dragon that
turns into eigne dancing gins, beauti
ful rose vases that become animated
show girls and a hugh fiery silk balloon
tnat suns over tno audience. A com
panv of sixty is carried,
Mrs. Isaman, of Aurora, arrived Sat
urday for a visit with her sister, Mrs
Butler Buchanan
Felix Simon returned Sunday from
Omaha, where he had been combining
pleasure and business for a week.
Miss Eva Park, of Chicago, is the
guest of her cousin, Mrs. Clark Bu
chanan, having arrived Saturday night
The finest line of NegllgA Shirts for
men, with or without collars, all shades
and sizes, silk included, just arrived at
The Leader.
Judge Grimes is holding court in Ogal
alia this week. Attorneys Wilcox,
Bccler, Halllgan and Muldoon are in
N. B. Spurrier, of Nichels, left to
day for Lament, Iowa, where he 2 wis
called by the illness of his father, who
suffored a paralytic stroke a few day
Len Kldwell, of Wallace, transacted
business In town Uie latter part of last
week. Ho expecta to leave soon on a
western trip that will extend to Cali
fornia. A seriea of retval meetings well be
held at the Baptistchurch at Maxwell
beginning next Sunday. Rev. Horan,
the pastor, will be assisted by Evan.
gclist Nelson.
Hans Jorgensen, living south of
Sutherland is nursing a broken arm,
resulting from a fall. A little over a
year ago Mr. Jorgensen met with a
similar accident.
L. P. Krong, who has made Lincoln
county his home since 1894, leaves this
weok for LIndsoy, Neb., where he will
engage in farming. Of late Mr. Krong
has lived at Hershey.
0. Hr Eyerly has purchased L. P.
Jepson's Interest in the Bank of Lin
coln county and becomes vice-president
of tho Institution. Mr. Eyerly is recog
nized as one of the progressive busineas
men of the Horshey section.
Gus. Sohlke, the Wizard of all musi
cal comedy producers, spent thirty
days of workj drilling that American
beauty chorus for William F. Mann'a
A Broken Idol" coming to the Keith
Thursday evening.
The celebrated Sterlintr line of Muslin
Underwear for ladles, misses and child
ren, are now on sale at a discount of
twenty por cent at The Leader.
Ed Burke, who had been at Excolalor
Springs for several weeks takine treat
ment for rheumatism, has been visiting
relatives and friends in town for a few
days. Whon Mr. Burke first went to
the springs he was practically helpless,
now his condition is normal.
The latest In Wash Goods, the nonu-
ar brands for 1911, silk Marctuisette in
ail shades, Kaiko silk in all shades,
Silk Foulard In all shades, are now
shown at the Leader.
Julius Pizer. of the Leader, left Sat
urday night for tho eastern markets to
purchase late novelties for his store.
Before leaving he instructed his clerks
that on a:count of needed shelf room
many lines of seasonable sroods should
bo sold at a big discount. A number of
these items are enumerated elsewhere
In these columns.
Wanted Man and wifo to work on
ranch, woman to cook and man to do
work. Good wares to rieht nartiei.
Inquire1 at Cody ranch.
Messrs. Sadler and Hooker, of Hold-
rcge, were in town Saturday boosting
for the Eastman bill in the legislature
which appropriates $100,000 for an agri
cultural school at somenoint in western
Nebraska. Holdredgo la after the
school, and is putting forth a strong
effort to secure Its location.
For Sale Two high grade Red Polled
Bulls'for snlo. First $25 takes one, $30
the other. Louis Macey, 5 miles east of
NorthJPJatte at Gannett.
Members of the younger set were
the guests of Miss Gladys Bird Friday
evening at a masquerade party which
proved d very jolly affair. Entertaining
features suggestive of St. Valentine's
day wero Introduced, and the same
scheme was carried out In the refresh
ments served. House decorations were
in blue and gold, with settings of red
and whito carnations and a liberal dis
play of red hearts.
The Knights of Columbus have prop
erly executed and placed in escrow to
gether with an abstract of title, a
warranty deed conveying to the City of
North Platte the sito for the public li
brary for a consideration of $2,000.00.
The title has been passed on by the
attorney for tho library board and
found to be good. Subscriptions that
have been made to tho fund for the
purchase of this library site are now
due and payable to the secretary. As
soon as the full amount of the purchase
price is roceived the deed will be taken
up and turned ever to the library board
for tho city.
Annie C, Kramni, Sec'y.