Semi-Weekly Tribune Ira L Ire, Editor and Psbluber. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Ono Year by Mail In advance. $1.25 Ons Tear by Carrier in ndvanco $1.60 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post office as Second Class Matter. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7. 1011 It Is expected that tho county option bill introduced in the state senate will come to a vote today; at least that is tU. nl.n tUnt lin Imnn nntllnnrl. Thn fcliu Jimi hunk una wvva, passage of tho bill In the sonate depends on the vote of Senator Bartling; ir he Votes for the measure It wlltpusi; if ho votes against it will fall. Itwill there fore be scon that la this particular in stance, at least, Sonator Bartling Is a vory Important person. Dun's review of trade published Sat urday said: Improved outlook of iron and steel ; greater Interest in dry goods; larger dealings in hides and leather; generally excellent crop advices, an ex panding market for bonds, facilitated by tho continuing ease in money; the indications of an increasing credit bal ance abroad, due in part to the bettor conditions in foreign commerce and tho action of tho Union Pacific systom In voting to spend $75,000,000 In tho next few years In double tracking the rond these ara signs of a forward movemont which serves to inspire confidence among business men in all branches of trade aad inquiry, In spite of tho fact that the volume of transaction? Is still below the point of normal output. In weatorn Nebraska a traction en gine pulling a gang of from oixtecn to twenty plows is a fairly common sight. The owners of these outfits are able to make a good showing of profit, whothor they use them for their own work or do a general business of plowing or breaking prairie at bo much an acre. In eastern Nobraskn, owing to tho smaller fields and the well stocked con dition of the farms, the large machines do not find a ready market. No doubt tho farmers of this part of tho atato arelwalting for the auto-plow, which is now undergoing a test in southern Kan sas. It runs on three wheels and pulls a gang of three plows. One man operates it. at an expenditure of ten gallons of gasoline in a day, during which he will plow fifteen acres with a thirty-five horse-power machine. When the ap paratus is not needed for plowing it can' be used as a power producor for all sorts of farming operations. This ma chine is te "revolutionize farming" more than any other device has dono since the invention or tho reaper. State Journal. Will the Farmers Stampede? Senator Brown's determination to support tho Canadian reciprocity agreement is significant. It, moans that tho agricultural west in congress is not rushing to the opposition. And It Is on the farmers of tho country that the success of tho measuro depends. To take his stand involves some per sonal riBK, ior unless tno termors nro ablo to see a llttio further than the tip ofthelrnote they may be stampeded against the. measure. Tho cold fact is that the proposed reciprocity doprlves the Nebraska Farmor of whatever pro tection he has had from the tariff while returning him nothing but some possible savings in the cost of lumber and fish. It has long been tho habit of Interests or industries to fly into a panic at the suggestion of losing so much as a comma from thoir tariff schedule. They seldom look, tho fanners least of all, to see whether their sacrifice of a penny may not wave them a pound. They grab at the penny and let tho- pound g&. Thus do tariff iniquities arise The manufacturing interests, which have sad seats at the tariff table 'while the farmers picked a fow crumbs from uie lioor, are watcning us with n cynical sneer, Last year wo wanted revision downward on thoir schedules. This year wo got it on our own. "Watch them stand pat,' ' thoy say. Incidentally, as thoy know, wo will in that case continue' to trado them broad for our crumbs. It is to be hoped that tho farmers will see the point and stay with Senator Brown, and -that the Nebraska leglsla ture will decisively defeat its anti-rec iprocity resolution. Once got tho far mer free from his petty direct interest in the tariff, and tho aorlous tariff abuses under which ho suitors and which have bv nlavintr iHoiHiuuiuij wiumBoivua -!...! .1 I . . . 1 1.. i. r s will crumble like a scarecrow in a cyclone. The simple fact is that tho western farmer has not received and is not now receiving appreciable benefit from the tariffs on his products. The president paints out that tho day his reciprocity message went to contrroBs the price of wheat at Winnipeg and at Minneapolis was oniy one cent npart. A tariff of 25 cents a bushel on Cana dian wheat no more profits our farmers in such case than a tariff on the green cheese in the moon. It doesn't tako courage to consent to removol of such a tariff. It takes only sense. The1 far- mer will gain dollars whero hq loses doaiihnuts ot giving up his own Bmall and meetly imaginary tariff interests, thus setting himself free, morally and nnlltlcallv. to butter nt tho uniust tariffs favoring their tateiiMts at his expense. State Journal. Farmers to Fight the U. P. Organization of every farmer owning property along the main lino of the Union Pacific In Nebraska isplanned to light in the courts what the farmere term the "million dollar grab" of that railroad. Tho Union Pacific hag laid claim to 100 feet on each side of the present 200-foot right of way under an old grant made to George Francis Train by which tho railway claimi it was given 400 feet clear across tho state for a right of I way. Tho farmers combat this assertion by claiming n later grant cut the width of tho richt of wnv to 200 foot and that the railrond Is now operating under the ll f mr 8rant' Some time ago the Union Pacific broucht suit in the fcdornl court at Grand Island to compel farmors in Hail county to surrender the 100-foot strip across thoir farms which many of them have been using for a quarter of a cen tury. During tho last few months nearly every land owner along tno union Pacific right of way has received offers from tho railroad to lease the disputed strip to them. Attorneys for tho farm ers assert the leases are written so as to give tho impression that the railroad is not at all suro of its title to the land In question. Just nt present the railroad is giving its especial attention to Platte and Merrick counties, and delegation of farmors from those counties wero in Lincoln Monday to con sultthc Btato railway commission and tno govornor in regard to tno "grno. Joseph Morsoof Wood river was spokes man for tho delegation. Tho Platte county farmers havo raised a fund of nearly $2,000 to pay th? expenses of a legal fight and are ready to Increase that sum whenever necessary. They plan to call a Btato wido mass meeting at some point along the Union Pacific main line whan ar rangements to settle tho ownership of tho 200-foot strip will be made. It is proposed to begin suit against the railroad, preferably in the Btato courts, to quiet titlo to tho land, and if necessary the controversy will be enrried to the supremo court of tho United States. Tho present plan is to raise a fund of $10,000 or more and to employ ono or two ablo attorneys who will havo full charge of the case with money enough to push it to a finish. Tho visit of the Platte county men to Lincoln Monday was for tho purpose of seeing if the atato railway commission could tako action in tho matter. Mho govornor was called upon moro with the idoa that he might offer Boino suggestions in nn advisory capacity than that ho could take any action in tho matter. To lose a strip of a 100 fcot across n quarter section of land will mean tho loss of about twelvo acres, and across a Boctlon a loss or about titty acres, With land valued at $50 to $150 an aero, it is oasily seen that tho farmors are in danger of losing considorublo valuablo land. Among tho counties which will bo ouocteu uy tno rauroacrs claim aro Dodge, Colfax, Platto, Merrick, Polk, Hall, Buffalo, Dawson, Lincoln -and Keith. Lincoln Star. TAKE IT IN TIME. Just as Scores of North Piatte People Have. Waiting doean't pay. If you neglect the aching back, Urinary troubles, diabetes, surely follows. Doiin's Kidnoy Pilla relieve backache, Cure overy kidney ill. North Platto citizens endorso them. Mrs. A. G. Wessborg, 708 W. 4th St, North Platte, Nobr., says: "I hold, if anything, a hlghor regard for Dean's Kidney Pilla than when I recommended them Aug. 7, 1907. Another member of my family has since been troubled with kidnoy complaint and recoived a world of benefit through tho uso of Doan's Kidnoy Pills. I told in a previous state ment how I hud obtained relief from a dragging pain in my back and trouble with myltidneys. A doctor diagnosed my complaint as a floating kidney Many a day I was unablo to stand up on account of the pain through my kidneys and the secretions from these organs were unnatural. An operation was ad visou out lucKiiy i icurneu oi uonn s Kidney Pills and procured a Bupply from McDonoIl & Graves' Jrug Store and began thoir uso. A fow days' use ban ished the nains. and restored mv lcidnnv I . ' ' . to the rnroner work nir order nnrl lm Forsalo by all dealers. Price 50 cents. toster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. N. Y., sole agents for tho United btatcs, Remember tho namoDoan's-und tako no othor. Notice to, Bidders. Sealed bids will be rocoivod by the trustees of the First Baptist church of North Platte, Neb., till noon February 37th, for the sale of the parsonage just west of tho poatoffice. The trustees reserro the right to re ject any or all bids. All bids to bo re coived by tho undersigned. II. R. McMiCHAEL, Sec. df Trustees, THE TWO DETECTIVES By WARREN GRANT FOX Copyright by American Proa Asso ciation, 1911. I was sitting Jn a railway sliitlon waiting for a train. A man sat near me, but I didn't look at hlui. All I re membered afterward was that ho wns a mnu. Presently I turned and saw on tho scat whero ho had been n rectangular package. I looked about for Km owner, but could seo no one who appeared to havo missed It. I took It up, not doubting for a moment that tho person who hnd loft it would come back for It. But although I re mained thcro soma tlmo no ono came. Then I opened tho package, which proved to be n box containing Jowcls. It wns plain to me that thoy wero of considerable value. Whllo I wns looking at them two men enmo up to mo. Seeing them ap proach, I closed tho box, but thoy told mo to open It, and as oon as tnoy saw Us contents congratulated each other on finding, us thoy expressed It, tho "Huntington jowcls." Thoy bo- llovod tho fltory I told them of how I hnd como Into their possession, "for," they said, "tho man who hnH stolen thoni would not bo examining them in n public place." Thoy had received orders to watch this station for tho thief, nnd ho, doubtless suspecting thnt lio would not bo permitted to lenvo it without being searched, in ordor to avoid being caught with tho plunder on him hnd left It on tho Heat. "Lot us act liko friends met by chance' said ono of thorn, "for tho follow is doubtless watching us, his intention being to shadow you nnd trick you out of them." So I put the box In my pocket, and tho two men went nwny. I remained a few minutes longer, then left tho sta- tion and went home. I wns quite Biiro I was followed not only by tho thief, but by tho two detectives, but wheth er tho former know nnythiug about tho latter 1 did not know. I had not been at homo ten minutes when thcro was n ring nt my doorbell and the detectives entered. "W611," said tho spokosman, "I think wo may nt onco turn In tho Jowcls. Tho thief doubtless has marked your houso and will try, cither by diplo macy or Btealth, to got possession -of them. You'd hotter bo prepared for him tonight; ho mny brenk in to your houso nnd try to get them by force." "I'm always prepared for such things," I replied, and, pulling out a drawer from a cabinet, I took up u six shooter. "Good for you," said ono of tho mon, I don't think nny ono breaking into your houso will got much. Let mo havo tho Jewels. I'll tako them to the polico station, and if you'll call tomor row I uuro say you'll bo paia a Hand some reward by tho owner." "All right," I replied, "but you must glvo mo somo evidence that you'ro au thorized to receive them." "Authorlzcdl" exclaimed tho spokes man, "wo navo found you in poB3ca- jjiou of tho property, and it's our duty to run you in with tho jewels. But you'vo told so straight n story that wo dou't wish to lnconvonlenco you. If you don't glvo up tho stolon goods we'll havo to tako you along." "I'll go with you willingly," I Bald. For tho first tlmo a suspicion came to mo that poBslbly theso dolec tlves might put mo in n holo. When I Bald that I would go willingly thoy gavo each other a look. It scorned to mo that they didn't wish mo to go with them; they proforrcd to tako tho goniH themselves. Thoy went Into nn other room for consultation. This proved to mo conclusively that thoy wero not detectives, but very likely had thoniRolvoH Htolon tho jowels, thnt they had feared arrest nnd hnd taken this method of getting their plunder out of tho station. When thoy return ea I una supped tun revolver up my slcovo. Ono of them stepped to tho telephone nnd called for a carriage. Now. if ho had culled for a polico patrol wagon I should havo known that ho wns a bona fldo olllccr. As It was, I know ho wasn't; thnt thoy wore going to pretend to tako mo in n carriage to a station, but really to Be euro tho jowels on tho way. when tho cnrrlngo arrived I had imcKca into n corner. Thoy told mo to como with thom, but Instead of do Ing so 1 Hhouted "frauds upp and pointed my wenpon toward them. For tunately they wero very near togotlior nnd I could cover both nt ono tlmo. Ono of thom put his hands up nt onco, but tho other mndo n movo of his hnnd to his hip. I Bblvored tho hand with a bullet, nnd tho bloody hand went up Immediately. Then, backing to tho telephone. I held both mon In position wlillo 1 called up tho polico, My two detectives wero In n box. could kill thom If thoy moved, and if thoy didn't malu a movo to get away thoy would go to tho penitentiary. But it was with them n choice between death and prison, and thoy choso prls on. In a fow minutes n patrol wagon dashed up to tho houso nnd sovcral policemen, carrying cocked rovolvers camo in. iiouo, iom uugani" finid tno ser geant in commnnd. "Caught again! And you, Poto Miller! I thought you wero working tho west." I had captured tho Iluntlngton Jow CIS, um tins wasn't nil. Tho property was worm n hundred thousand dol inrs, ana there was a rownrd offered of ton thousand. This reward, with a bonus, was pnld mo. for C hnd risked my Ufo In retaining them. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS HOSPITAL. A Modern Institution for the treatment of Medical and Surgical Cases. Grad uate Nursing. Physician in attendance day or night Special accommodations for confinement casc3. 721-23 North Locu t Telephone No. G42. Go to SORENSON S FOIt Furniture Repairing and Cabinet Work Alio Wood Turning, Picture Framing Room Moulding, and Window Screens a Specialty. Shop 107 East Fifth. f thP 4 m 9 . A. J. AMES. MARIE AMES. Docfors Ames & Ames, 8 8 6 Physicians and Surgeons, Office over Stone Drug Co. I Fhones Residence 273 Happily Surprised. This picture represents a man who received a box of our cigars for a gift That he was pleased can bo noted by his wide smile. You will bo equally pleased witn our cigars, whether you buy ono for a nlckle or dime. J. P. SCHNALZRIED. , NOTICE. To I-'rancIs Lovo, Non-Rdsl'lont Dofondants Vou aro horobr notified that on tho Bth lav ot July, 1010. Vonahy Lovo lllod hor petition acalnst you In tho district rnnrt nt I.lnrnlii county. Nebraska, tho object and Dray or of which aro louuiam a divorce irom you on mo (.'rounds mat you aro a Habitual drunk' am anu navo roruanu ana nra runnd tn nrn vhlo maintenance for tho plnlntllT and hor minor ciuiu ana mat you navo been culltyor extreme cruolty to this plaintiff. riainuir prays mat sun may bo divorced irom you. anu mat si o mav no civnn tun run- todv of hor minor child tlnrdnn DllvnrTivn I on aro required to answer said potltlon by tho Bth day of March, 1U1I. vdnahv T.nvw. jiii uy uiicox tt iiamiran, nor attorneys Notice. Tho Board of Countv Commissioners makes the following estimate of ex penses for Lincoln county, Nebraska, ior mo year inn. uenerni fund $40,000.00. General road fund 420,000.00. Gonoral bridge fund $12,000.00, Soldiers relief fund $1,000.00. DISTRICT BONDS. North Platte bridere bond and interest $1,300.00 hureke bridge bond und interest 2.600.00 liorshey bridge bond and interest G00.00 Dostwick bridco bond and interest 250.00 District No, 1. bond and interet (oldi n Ann nn ' Uistrict No I, bond and interest (new o nnn nn District No. 2. bond and intorest 160.00 District No. 118, bond and intorest 190.00 District No. 122, bond and interest 105, bond and interest 115.00 . District No. 105.00 District No. 7. bond and intorest bzu.uu District No. 36. bond and interest 30.00 District No. 55, bond and interest 125.00 District No. 8G, bond and interest 1U0.00 District No. 92, 115.00 District No. 98, 115.00 bond and interest bond and interest District No. 87, bond and intorest District No. 47, bond nnd interest 130.00 District No. 37, bond and interest IdoU.UU District No. 19. bond 71.00 Stnto of Nebraska. Ceuntv of Lincoln, ss I, F. R. Elliott, county clork of Lin coln county, do hereby certify that the abovo and foregoing is a truo and cor rect copy of the estimate for expenses made by the county commissioners for Lincoln county, Nebraska, for the year 1911. Dated North Platte, Nob., Jan. 27, 1911. f24-4 F. R. Elliott, County Clerk. ifc 4r sk h, GEO. D.DENT, Physician and Surgeen, Office over McDonald Dank. - ) Offlco ISO rnones f Residence 115 J Read No. 342. To all whom it mav concern: Tho commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at tho corner to flec tions 14, IB, 22 and 23, T. 12, N., R. 28 W., running thence north on section lino i milo to tho J section corner be Secs. 14 and 15, thence west on center lino j mile to tho ccntor corner of said sec tion 1G. thence!north on center line of sec tion 4 milo to tho J section corner be tween sections 10 and 1G, thenco west on section lino between sections 10 and 15, and 0 nnd 1G, to a point 8. GO chs. west of tho corner to BcctlonsD, 10, 16 and 16, T. 12, N. It. 28 W. to connect with present traveled road, nnd to vacate that part of Road No. 45, running diag onally across section 15 and across that part or section 10, said township and range, lying easterly of tho west ter minal Doint of tho newlv located rnnd; has reported in favor of the establish ment of the now road and the vacation of part of road No. 45, and all object ions mere io, or claims ior damages, must be filed in the county clerk's offlco on or before noon of the 12th day of March, 1911, or such road will be es tablished and vacated without refer ence thereto. Dated North Platto. Neb.. Jnnuarv 3d, 1911. j? . it. ejLliott, uounty uiork. Vacation Part Road No 143. Tho commissioner aoDointed for tho purpose of vacating that part of Road No. 143: Ruhnine throuch S. E. J of Section 10, Town 9, Rango 30, and divert travel over the now cematery road No. 226, mo uieiance into town oeing tno same, has reported in favor of the vacation and all objections thereto must be filed In the office of the county clerk on or oeiore noon on uie utn day of March, VJll. Dated North Platte. Nebr.. Dec. 31. 1910. F. R. Elliott. County Clerk. Chance in Road 319 To all whom it mav concern: ino commissioner appointed for the purpose of viewing Road No. 319J as 10 a proposea ioiiows: uommencincr at station jno. 45 on road No. 3194 on southwest nunrtar oi soumeast quarter oi section l, town 9. range 27, and running thence across the canvon to the west side of the canyon, thence in a southeasterly direc tion down East Deer Creek Canyon, across sections 12-9-27. sw. ar. 7-9-26. and 18-9-2G to station G7 on cast side of said canyon on said road No. 3191 said road to follow the west side of tho canyon taking ono rod from the canyon bottom and three rods frem the noints. Except said road is to pass through tho cut south of J. E. Smith's houso and thence back into the main Dcor Creek canyon on the west side. And to vacate that portion of road No. 319J lyincr between stations 46 and 67 has reported in favor of the chanca and vacation and any objections thereto must do nied in tno oliice of the county clerk on or before noon on tho 25th dav of March, 1911, or such road will be changed without reference thereto. Dated North Platto. Neb.. Jan. 21, 1911. j24-4 F. R. Elliott, County Clerk. Sorlal No. 02S23. NOTICE FOR PUHL1CATION DEPARTMENT OP THE INTKlllOIt. United States Land Ofllco. At North Platto. Nobraska. Jan. 21. 1911 Notico la hnrobr idvnn that Nlnla uuntiurson oi norm riauo oo wuo on April 22d. 1905, mado homestead entry No. 21183. Serial No. 02523. for tho southeast nunr- tor southwest nuartor and northwest nnartnr oi occuon o, xownsiup is, ltange au w of tho 0th Prlnelrial Meridian, line fllpH notice of lntontion to mako llnal live roar nroof. to establish claim to thn land Wn described, beforo tho register and receiver at north i'latto, Nobraska, on tho 20th day of March 1011. Claimant names as witnesses: Arthur uonnor. ueoriro hlncrlo. H. w. ninnnnn and James HiiucK, all of North I'latto. Nob. .1. H- kvawh. ltegtstor. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. 02701. Department of the Interior. U. 8. Land Ofllco at North Platto, Nob, Nov. 14th. 1V10. Notice Is horobr clven that Frank II. lncston. of North Plattn. N nh.. who. nn l)iwv 23rd. 1(K, made II. E. No. 21595. Sorlal No. ior west sections. Township ja, N.. itancazv. w. or tliootti l'rlnclnal Alnrldlan. has filed notico ot intention to mako final 11 vo year proof to establish claim to tho land llAVII flnDi.ltuirl 1... ... .1... 1 1 celver at North Platte, Nob., on tho 14th day ot Jan.. 1911. uiaimant names as witnesses: I'erry Camp boll. Adolph Rudolph. Charles Rrutornltz and w. ll. combs ail of North I'latto. Nobr. J. E. Evans. Register. LEO AL NOTICE. Tho unknown heirs of Harriot IfAllnv. docoased, will tako notice that on tho 23d day nf Jan- 1911. tho plalntlir, V, 11 Hurling, filed his DOtltlou In tho district court of Lincoln county, Nobraska, against said dofondants tho object ana prayer ot which is to qulot plaintiff's tltlo as against said dofondants to tho following dcscrlted lands to-wlt: Tho east ono-naitot tno soutuwest ouartor and lots turoo ana four, an in section nineteen. townshli) ton. ranee thirty-four. west, nf Mm sixth principal meridian and all in Lincoln county, Nobraska. And to forover enjoin salu aoroiHiants ana an persons claiming through and under them from claiming nnv right, titlo or Interest in or to said land. You aro required to answer said petition on or oeioro mo mn day or marcn, mu. i ii. iiuicbiMu.i'iain'iir, j2M Uy James G. Alothorsoad, his Attornoy Notice to the Public. Sealed bids will bo received at tho county clerk's oliice at North Platte. Neb., until noon on the 1st day of i eoruary, mi, ior tno rent ot south- Aflat nnn.ra. Dantlnn 1.4 InniMnUIn 11 lange 31, known as the Lincoln County Tl T7t m i 1. 1 . - i uui ruriu. xurina iu uu cuhii rent. Dated North Platte. Neb.. Dec. 31 1910. F. R. Elliott, County Clerk Notice for Bids. To all whom it may concern: Bids will bo received bv tho countv clork of Lincoln county, Nebraska, for tho grading of 50,000 cubic yards of earth roads, more or less, work to be uone witn elevator grader. For haullnc dirt one mile or loss. Didder to deposit u certified check of $600.00 with tho bid, to insure the county that the bidder will enter into contract, if awarded the contract. Printed blanks (forbldders) furnished by the county clerk. Bids will bo received" bv tho countv clerk until 12 in. on the 18th day of Feb. 1911. The board reserves tho right to reject uny or uu uius. Dated North Platte, Neb., Jan. 21 1911. xfl5 F. R. Elliott, County Clerk, DR. A. A. (WARD, Olllcet Hotel Timmorman. Special attention given diseases oi women and emergency surgery. Notice for Publication. Serial No. 01091. Department of tho Interior. U. 8. Land Ofllco at North I'latto. Neb. . . . . , Jan. 12th, 1911. Notice is horobr id von that Andrew K." Mc Intlroof Nob., who on Juno 23. 1004, mado Homestead Entry No, 20US9, Serial No. 01W4. for HM NK M.ection HO. township 12. N . rantro 1)2, W of tho sixth prlnolpal meridian hail Clod nollcn of Intention to mako final fl vo year proof, to establish claim to ttio land above described, beforo thn Register and Receiver at North I'latto, Nobraska. on tho 9th day of March, 1911, OlfLlmfLTIfc nniriM an wtttmsaita! f1ria1na Meyer and William Facka both of Dickens, Nob., Joseph Everlanch and George Carman, both of Ilershcy Nob. J"-" J. K. KVAK. Rerlster Perlal No. 04859. Notico for Publication-Isolated Tract. Public Land Salo, Department of the Interior. O 8. Land Ofllco at North I'latto. Nob Jan. 12th. 1911 Notice N hereby (riven that, as dlrocted by under provisions of Act of Congress ap proved June 27th. 1000, (SI Stats., ili), we will offer at public sale, to tho blithest bidder, at len uciuRK a. m..on mo mi, day or March 1911. at this olllco. tho following-described land ! L"t I. and NEW of N WW of fl-ntton so. ?wri "IP 12. N.. RangoSi. w. of 8th.l'rinclpal Meridian Atir iinnnti-UlmtniT .vamhIm im described lands aro advised to lie their claims or objections on or beforo tho time ursiirnniou ior sale. J. K. Ktarb J1'' RogUtor. NOTIOR FOR I'DRLIOATION. 8eriol No. 02083. Department of tho Interior. U. S. Land OBIco at North I'latto. Nob. Notico Isherflhv plvnnfhiiTn. lanch. of Ilorshoj, Nobraska. who, on .Tuuo. ao.lPOI, mado homestead entry No. 20217, Serial No. Ctt)85. for BE. NWk. NEW, BEW I'LiMiV8'?.nd8W 8WJ.soctlon 20 town ship 12. N. Range 82. W.of tho sixth Principal Meridian has fllod notico of lntontion to m. J?n t flna! . flv. . roor to establish claim, to tho land abovo described, boforo tho Ueglstor and Rccolvor at North rianp. cb., on tno win day or Mar. 1911. Claimant names as witnesses! Charles Moyor. of Dickens. Nob., Andrew IC. Mcln tlro. Georiro lrnnlmtr. Nh A loin Zaulor. of North Platte. Neb. I' J K BVAN8. Roglst'ir. ORDER OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR Ai-i-uinuiunT uv AIJS11N1HT KATOR OR ADMINISTRATRIX. State of Nobraska. Lincoln County, ss. In tho county court. in thn mnttnr nt Mm T?Min1 Urlttlngham. deceased. On readlni? and mine thn nntlllnn nt nrrln Drl.tlnrham praying that tho administration of said estate may bo granted to Olydo Trotter as administrator. wraorea, mat Fob, utn. 1911, at 2 o'clock a, in., Is assigned for hoarlng said potltlon Tli on all persons Interested In said mattet way appear at a county court to bo hold In anu iorsaia county and show caus,o why tho prayer of petitioner should not bo granted! and that notico of tho pondenc) ot said pet ition and tho hoarlng thereof bo gtven to all porsons lntorostod In said matter by publish ing a copy of this ordor in tho North PUtto Tribune a Boml-weokl.v newspaper printed In said county, for six successlvo lssuos prior to said day of hearing. waieu January luin, iuiu. i7'?,.. . iv. O.Er,Ki. County Judge. iy Kathorlno F. Clark. Clork County Court. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. 0?513. Department of tho Interior U. S. Land Ofllco at North Platto. Nob. . . Dec. 13th. 1010. Notico Is horobr irlven Mint, nil n Ijik Wil. kins, of North Platto. Nobraska. who on April 12th, 1905. trade Homestead entry No. 21103. Sorlal No. 02513. for north half. and northeast Quarter, of southeast Quar ter of section . townshlD 12. north ranfio. 31. west of tho uth Principal Meridian, has fllod notico of Intention to mako final flvn vnur nrnnf. tr oatuhlliiri claim to tho land abovo described, beforo ino uegistor ana Kecoivor at North Platte, Nebraska, on the 7th day of Foby., 1911. uiaimant names as witnesses: John w. Fowlor. Carl Hrnerter. Tlinmnn 'Immnrtnun and Ilert Donaldson all of North Platto. Nob. 120-0 J. E. Evans, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. 0J20. Department ot tho Interior, U. S. Land Ofllco at North Platto. Nob. Dec. 13. 1910. Notico Is horobvelvon tliat.Tnlin w. Pnwlnr ot North Platto. Nob., who. on Aug. 23. 1005, mado homestead ontrv Nn. LMI31. Kerlftl Nn. 03J20, for southeast quarter, east half south west quarter, southeast quarter northwest quarter and lots 3, 4,5. 8 and 7 Sec 0, Twp. 12. n. n. si, vi oi ino um rrincipai wormian, has 11 led notico of intention to mako final flvn year proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo described, boforo tho Register and Ite colvor at North Platto, Nobraska, on tho 7th day of Foby, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: Carl llroedor, O. L. Watklns. T. V. Zimmerman and A E. Donaldson all ot North Platto, Nob. dao-e J. E. Evans. Roglstor. PRORATE NOTICE. In tho matter of tho estato ot Thomas Davles, docoased. In tho countv court of T.lnenln cminfv M. braska, January sotli. 1911, Notico Is hereby given, that thn r.rndltnra of tho sold deceased will meet tho ex ecutors of said estate, lmrnrn Mm Judgo of Lincoln county. Neb., at tho county uuuri ruum 111 buiu county, on ino.UU uay Ot I'ebruary, 1911, and on tho 27th day of August, 1911, at 9 o'clock a- m, each day, forthopur poso of presenting their claims for examina tion, adjustment, ana allowance. Six months aro allowed for creditors to nresnnt. timip claims and ono yoar for tho executors to settlo said estate from tho 80th day of January. 1911. This notico to bo pub lished eight successlvo Issues in the North I'latto Tribune, a snml-wnnWlv nnwininn. published In said county, prior to Fobruary 7, 1911, 4?L7r i Wvv, - ELDER. County Judgo Hy Kathorlno F Claur. Clerk County Court. SHERIFF'S SALE. Hv vlrtun nf an order nf anln luannA r. tho district court of Lincoln county, Nobras ka, upon a docroo of foreclosure rendered In said court whoroln Nora Ualcb Is Plaintiff and Carrlo L. Michael ot al aro defendants, and to mo dtrectod, I win on tno iuiu uay of February, 1911. at 1 o'clock n. in. at thn ntt tmm door of tho court house in North Platto. Lincoln county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to tho highest bidder ijr cash, to satisfy said decree, interest and costs, tho following descrllied nrmuirtv tn.mi.. Southeast quirtor (8 E M)and tho 8outh nan or tno worth naif aft of NH) of Section Thirty-four (31) Township Elovon (11). N. of Rango Thirty-four (3D Lincoln county, Dated North Plattn. Neh.. .Tan nil. inn JIS I- L. Mll.TOminilOKll. SherliT ORDER OF HEARING ON ORIGINAL PRORATE OF WILL.0 State of Nobraska. Lincoln County, ss. In the county court. January M), 1911. In tho mattor of tho estate of W. T. Miller, deceased. -n0M?fttU,ura1(1 mi.ncr tho, Potltlon of Marlon 1' 1.lilUn,,)r,ayln? Viat Instrument. Ulcd on thn SOth day of Jan. 1911. and purporting to be thu last will and testament of tho said deceased, may be proved, approved, probated, allowed and recorded as the last will and testament of tho said W. T. Millor, docoased. and that tho execution of said Instrument may bo committed and tho administration of said estato way bp granted to Marlon T. Mil ler, and 1 ayniond H. Miller, as executors. Ordered. That February 13th. 191 at uK!Jcp,im- Mld 'or hoarlng said petition, when all persons Interested In said matter may appear at a county court to bo held in aud for said county, and show causo h"yir.u,1iaj'or.P? th0 Potltlonor should not be granted, This notico to bo published Blx succenalyo Issues in tho North Platto Tri bune, a boml-Weokly nowspaporpubllshod In said county prior to said day of hoarlng , , , O. Kmkh, County Judgo. fal-a 0'ark, Olcrit County Court.