The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 03, 1911, Image 5

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Office over tho McDonald 5
State Bank. 5
Mac Westphal transacted buslnejs in
Kearney yesterday.
W. M. Cunningham is confined to bed
with a very severe attack of grippe,
which strnck him full force yestorday.
Christian Science service Sunday at
11 a. m., K. P. hall, GIGi Dewey
street. Subject: "Spirit." All are
For Rent Five room house. Inquire
at 505 West 11th street, or phone 503.
Mr. and MrB. S. B. Parr arrrived
from Omaha last night, Mr. Parr hav
ing been transferred as operator to
the local office.
P. 0. Stiver, editor of the Freeport,
111., Bulletin, is spending today in
town. He comes here to look after
some land he owns south of tho river.
Valentine postcards at one cent each.
Big line. Como in and see them.
Rincker's Book Stoke.
Mr. Meyer, a representative of the
Gund Brewing Co., is in town today on
business connected with the loan which
tho company has on the Timmerman
A Greek was arrested yesterday
for living with a woman who is the
wife of a white man. The woman is
also wanted, but has not yet been
Weather .forecast Fair tonight and
Saturday, somewhat colder tomorrow.
Maximum temperature yesterday 62, a
year ago 30; minimum this morning 21,
a year ago 7.
C. A. Weir returned last night from
Lincoln, where ho had been for a
couple of days in ,the interests of
railroad bills which affect railroad em
ployes. As spring approaches prospective
land buyers arc beginning to arrive,
and real estate dealers anticipate fairly
active business in land transfers. The
dry weather of last' Beason seems not
to have effected real estate values.
The ladies aid society of tho Presby
terian church will hold a social appro
priate to Washington's birthday at the
church parlors on February 23d. Lunch
will bo served. Watch the papers for
further announcements.
W. C. Boguo has been invited to at
tend tho golden anniversary of the or,
ganization of the 83d New York
Volunteers which will be held in New
York City May 27th. Mr. Bogue wa3
a member of C. Co., of that regi
ment. He may decide to attend.
An alphabetical contest formed the
entertaining feature of tho meeting of
the Club Nevita at the home of Mrs.
A. S. Coates Wednesday afternoon. In
this Mrs. Lowell won the first prize and
Mrs. Ogier the consolation. Very en
joyable was the lunch served.
As an evidence of the wide ex
tont of sickness among children, it is
stated that twenty pupils were absent
out of one room yesterday on account
of physical indisposition. The main
trouble with tho children seens to bo
bad colds.
See Rinckor's line of penny valentine
post cards. Fine line.
Sheriff Miltonberger returned last
night from Hastings, where he escorted
Frank Bennett to the insane asylum.
Bennett was adjudged insane at a hear
ing held Wednesday. His condition is
that of an imbecile, and he had never
developed a vicious nature, though his
mother, who is a widow, had a constant
fear that he would sot firo to tho build
ings. Bennett is thirty-nine years of
age and unmarried.
Far Sale My residence on west
Fourth street; seven rooms, modern ex
cept heat, outside laundry, barn, cellar;
88-foot lot, fine lawn, nice shade trees,
cement walks. Terms to suit purchaser,
C. O. Weinoand.
Words comes in letter from Califor
nia that the engagement between Mrs.
W. A. Paxton jr., and Stanley Ander
son has bean broken off. The wedding
was impending, and friends of Mrs.
Paxton went on from here to attend
tho ceremony. No cause is assigned for
the breaking of the engagement. Its
announcement camo as a great surprise
in Omaha and the news of its tormina
tion was also received with interest in
the exclusive circles Ogalalla News
We have an exceptionally fine line of
valentines at a wide range of prices.
RiNCKEit's Book Stoke,
Street Commissioner Salisbury, who
aims to have the streets look neat, is
experiencing considerable trouble with
citizens who Insist on dumping, their
ashes on the streets. It is probably not
generally known that there is an or
dinanco prohibiting the deposit of ashes
in the streets or tho alleys. The street
commissioners does not feel like making
a complaint against those who do this
but unless the practice is discontinued
017 0. II. CRESSLER,
Graduate Dentist.
1911 I
I White Sale on White Goods j l
We have just received our mammoth line of the celebrated Sterling Un- jr
derwear for ladies, misses and children, regular and extra large sizes, comprising
night gowns, chemise gowns, corset covers, drawers, skirts, princess slips, cover
drawer and combination, cover drawer skirt combination, matchless sets, etc., all
on sale at a discount of twenty percent,
Our line of embroderies and laces for 191 1 have just arrived. They include
all the latest designs, ranging in price from five cents to two dollars yer yard.
All on sale at a discount of twenty per cent.
'i c$bbo yards of the
the best -standard of goods manufactured in the United States. These goods are
being sold at a discount of twenty per cent.
Spring Silks.
Command see the latest of patterns for 111 in Spring Silks. The Leader
is always the fust in showing the latest novelties. The time is here for you to
make your purchases in the above lines, and now is thettime to be first.
Chief of Polico Lowell left town last
night to hunt for a man who is wanted
here for a misdemeanor.
George Scharmnn, living on the W.
L. Park farm in Nichols precinct, is
reported to bo critically ill. -lie had a
siege of typhoid fever, which developed
organic trouble.
Miss Lucy Brown, who was taken
sick while teaching school at Brady and
sent to nn Omaha hospital, was released
this week and returned to her homo at
Madrid. Miss Brown was in the hospi
tal six weeks.
Copy for the new telephone directory
was placed in the hands of tho printer
this week nnd will be issued the latter
part of the month. It will contain
telephone subscribers in North Platte,
adjacent farmer lines, and those in all
towns between here and Big Springs.
A Mr. Milner, of Broken Bow, has
been in town for a couple of days look
ing over the ground with the view of
opening a cafe in the basoment of the
Timmerman building. Wo understand h
is satisfied with the conditions and will
soon begin business.
Night Policeman Friend expects to
round up a bunch of boys who hav.j
been using street lights as a target for
22-calibro rifles. In the south and east
narts of town lichts are broken in this
way practically every day, and Officer
menu is uuiumm cviuciicd uiui. win
locate the boys,
Hogarth Usod to Forget.
William Hogarth, tho famous Eng
lish artist, was so nbsentinlnded h"
caused his friends much entertain
ment. When ho was prosperous enough
to have his own carrlago he flrst used
It to ninko n call upon tho lord mayor.
When ho camo out of tho Mansion
House it was raining hard, and tho
nrtlst tramped tho cntiro way home,
wot to tho skin. When asked why bo
had not come In tho carrlngo he said
lie forgot all about it, and a messen
ger had to bo dispatched to thocouch
uinn to tell him to return.
Why Ho Stopped.
They had been engaged only a week.
Ho had kissed her fully forty Uracil
that ovenlug. When ho stopped tho
tours came into her oy, and sho said:
"Dearest, you have ceased to love
"No, I hnven't," he replied, "but 1
must breathe." Ladies Homo Journal.
Cunning signifies especially a habit
or gift of overreaching, accompanied
with eujoymopt and a sense of superi
ority, It is associated with small and
dull conceit und with an nbsoluto want
of sympathy or affection. It is tho In
tensest rendering of vulgarity, absoluto
and utter. Rusklu.
Equal to tho Cat.
Remptc-Johnson has trained his cut
to climb ji brick wall. Nlstor-Oh,
that's no stunt! I'vo trained my ivy
Embroideries and Laces.
Ginghams and Zephyrs.
celebrated Red Seal book fold
Tho Bird Table.
In tho old countries of Europe the
bird tablo may still bo seen in the
rural districts. A bird tablo is mado
by driving a short stako into tho
ground and flrnily milling a shallow
wooden box on top of it. Tho box
gcnorally measures two by three foot
and has a number of holes In the
bottom to drain it of rain or snow
water. It is always high enough to
bo beyond reach of any cat that might
try to leap to it from tho ground. Care
also is taken to select a spot far euough
from fences, trees or buildings to pre
vent cats from pouncing down on it
when the birds nro feeding. Into the
bird table go scraps from the house
tablo and kitchen, pieces of stale
bread and cake, strips of fat meat,
potato parings, carrot euds. bits of
nny kind of tnblo greens, npplo Kklns
and cores and cabbago leaves. All
kinds of nonmlgratory birds come
to feed at tho bird table, and many a
song bird has been saved by It from
starvnUon when a deep snow has cov
ered tho ground nnd seed grasses. An
English naturalist counted twenty
seven species of birds ut tho bird tnblo
in tils garden in a slnglo morning
after a heavy fall of snow.
and Saturday.
"A Gold Necklace", "More
than His Duty."
DeVerne and DesRoches,
Singing and Dancing, bits of
Musical Comedy.
10 and 15 Cents.
Surgeon, Physician, Consultant.
Office Physicians and Surgeons IJosplta
Phones: Ofllce 042, Residence 6-14.
Leading Auctioneer of western
Nebraska, Charges low and satisfac
just arrived, which are
Physician and Surgeon.
Day and night calls promptly nnswered
unice r. o. nospuai. mono (w2.
is often more ef
fective than the
most elaborate
pose. You can see
proof of it in the
sample photos to
be seen nt this
as you want them,
howovar. You se
lect the attitude
you prefer. We
will do our best to
make it tho best
photograph you
have ever had
successor to
H. 0. Halvorstedt
nf. .1 1 1 1 j t
wcuo an Kinus or cleaning, pressing.
ayemg ana repairing ior males' an
gents. We call and deliver tho goods
A. SIGEL, The Little Tailor.
223 E. 6th St. Phone 182.
Phone 268
Flour, Feed, Groin or Hay
Having recently purchased tho
B. A. Wilson feed Btoro at tho
corner of Sixth and Locust Sta.
I respectfully invito a share of
tho patronago of tho public.
Prompt delivery.
Mir1 -
The Reward
She Received For Bringing Wash
ington Information
Copyrlsht by American Tress Asso
ciation 1911.
When Washington was nt Cnmbrldgo
In command of tho patriot nrmy hold
ing tho British shut up in Boston it
was his object to capture thorn If ho
could, If not to forco them out. Ho
sent a spy into tho city to learn of
tholr strength and condition.
Tho young man selected for this
work was Joel Armstrong, twenty-
two yearn old, who a few days boforo
had loft Boston to join tho nrmy at
Cambridge on tho ovo of his betrothal
to Bally Perkins.
Washington Instructed him to dls-
cover Just what supplier and ammuni
tion tho British possessed. Tho pen
oral know tho numbers and armament.
It 1b not far from Oambridgo to Bos
ton; indeed, thoy nro now one city.
Joel had no need to fear being taken In
citizen's dress, for ho had no uniform,
no had always lived in Boston nnd
know nil routes between It and its en
virons. Ho wont through In tho night,
and in tho morning when Sally had
Just lighted tho Oro In tho kitchen and
was swinging tho crano bearing tho
pot to boll tho water ho walked In,
and thoy woro locked In each other's
Thero was no groat danger to Joel
In going about tho city so long as ho
was not llablo to bo caught with In
formation on his person. Tho Ameri
can nrmy was cbnsldcrcd by tho Brit
ish rather as a rabblo than an organ
ized forco, nnd transitory nt that.
Joel collected nil tho Information ho
wanted from patriot citizens who know
very well how Gonernl Howe was situ
ated. But ho did not daro tniBt to
his memory. Besides, certain citizens
woro desirous of sending communica
tions to Washington Informing him of
vnrious matters Important for him to
know. Joel took all theso letters and
papers to Sally and asked her to sow
them in tho lining of his coat.
Now, It so hnppcucd that a British
soldier whom Jool had known and had
told that ho was going to Gambrldgo to
fight against tho tyrant king saw
Joel walking past Fnnoull hall. This
soldlor saw tho young patriot go Into
tho house whero Sally Perkins lived
and told his captain of tho circum
stances. Tho captain told his colonel,
and a guard wns sent to the houso to
provout Joel's going back to tho Araerl
can nrmy, lest ho carry information.
It so happened thnt Sally was bow
Ing tho papers in Joel's coat when,
looking out through u window from
which sho could sco soma distance
down tho street, sho spied n eqund of
soldiers coming, tho officer making In
qulrlcs as ho camo. Sho also saw a
citizen point to her homo. Quick as
a flash sho inferred that Jool was In
danger. Pulling a hugo chest out
from under n bed, sho put hor lover
into it nnd shoved It back as tho sol
dlcrs stopped boforo tho houso and
surrounded It An officer walked in
without knocking and found Sally at
her spinning wheel.
Jool wns not discovered, but tho
guard remained outsldo on watch so
that If ho wero still thero ho could
not leave. Sally told Joel of tho sltua
tion, and ho was much chagrined that
ho could not deliver tho Information
ho possessed to General Washington.
"I supposo I Bhall havo to burn It
all," ho said.
"How would it do for mo to tako it?"
Sally asked.
"Do you think you could?"
"Of course."
So Joel transferred tho papers to
Sally, who concealed thom about her
person and walked out of tho houso
in faco of tho guard. Tho officer
looked dubious about lotting hor go,
Blnco ho had received orders to permit
no ono to lenvo tho houso. But Sully
paid no attention to him, though her
heart wns beating liko a trip hammer.
Sully, fearing oho might bo followed,
went among tho shops making pur
chases. Sho saw a redcoat following
her, but managed to cludo him. When
It was qullo dark sho started for Cam
bridge, keeping to tho fields. Finding
a bout on tho Charles river, sho ap
propriated it and, rowing across, was
takon in by nu Amerlcun sentry, Sho
asked to bo conducted to tho com
mandor In chief.
Washington wns conferring with
peoplo who called to boo him on in
numornblo subjects when n sentry nn
nounccd Sally Forkins.
"Whnt can I do for you, Mistress
Perkins?" asked tho gonernl.
"Nothing, general. I nm doing some
thing for you. You sent Joel Arm
strong, a soldlor in your army, to Bos
ton for Information. Ho Is shut up
thero nnd cannot leavo for tho red
coats who oro watching tho house
ncro is what ho collected for you."
Tho general's faco lighted at seeing
tho papers. Ho took them and, having
glanced nt thom, said:
"Wo nro under obligations to you
Mistress Perkins, for theso papers
which aro of great value to us. What
can I do in recognition of our appro-
cintion of your heroic net? Is thero
anything I enn giro you?"
'Tch, general, n kiss. I would Uko
to bo ablo to say that I havo kissed
tho commander in chief."
Washington, though ho was old
enough (0 bo tho girl's father, colored
slightly, no was so dignified as well
ns modest that this reward given bo
foro a dozen persons wns a grent trial
to him. Ho submitted to bo kissed on
tho cheek by tho girl, then said:
"Now that this worthless roward
has boon given you must go'nnd havo
somothlng of value a supper."
.Tool Armstrong remained bidden till
Fox Gamester.
Charles James Fox, tho English
statesman, was oven more notorious in
tho 'gaming world than ho was famous
In tho world of politics. He had
squandered $250,000 boforo coming ot
ago. Ho became ono of the most profit
gato gamesters of tho vicious days in
which he lived. Some of his finest dis
plays in debate were sandwiched be
tween oxcitoment such as would un-
nervo most men who had no serious
business on hand. Walpole has given
a glimpse of a typical passage In this
extraordinary man's llfo. He had to
tako part In the discussion on the
thirty-nine articles In parliament on a
certain Thursday. He had sat up play
ing hazard from Tuesday evening until
5 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon. An
hour boforo ho had recovered $00,000
that ho had lost and by dinner time,
which was 5 o'clock, ended losing $55,-
000. On Thursday ho spoke In tho
dobato, went to dinner at past 11 at
night; thenco to n club, whero ho
drank till 7 tho noxt morning; thenco
to a gambling houso, whero he won
$30,000, and botweon 8 and 4 In the
afternoon ho sot out on a Journoy to
Plratai and Strategy.
Thn vtrtiimin Inland of Snrk was not
nlwnvn so. When Edward III. was
kin cr. Snrk wns n. haunt of titrates and
wreckers. Sir A. Connn Doylo in "Sir
Nlgol" tollB now thoy uvou not upon
tho Island, "but from whut thoy enn
gather upon tho sea around It. Thoy
nro broken folk from all countries
Justlco fliers, prison breakors, roavers,
csenned boinlsmcn. niurdorors and
Btaff breakers who havo mado their
wny to this outland plnco and hold it
against all comers." Tho morchanta
of llvn nnd Winchelscu fitted out nn
expedition against thoso scourges of
tho narrow seas. A landing was 00
ininrwi hv Himtoirv. Leave was ob
tained to bury n supposititious dead
Bailor on tho island, tno uurying pariy
to como unarmed. But that apparent
coflln was tilled with weapons, and so
was Surk cleansed of its evil Inhabit
nnts. London Standard.
A Story of Mathews.
Charles Muthowa ono day previous
to tho period of his publicly proclaimed
dlro bankruptcy Invited a friond to
dlno with him. Tho walnuts wero
wnBhod down by some rnro sherry.
"That's n delicious wiuo,"'hIs friond
exclaimed. "It must havo cost you a
lot of money."
"It didn't cost mo nnytlilng that I
know of," U10 flighty comedian nn
sworcd, with a shrug.
"You hnd it glvou to you, then?" tho
friend suggested.
"Oh, no," answorcd Mathows; "I
bought It from Ellis, in Bond street"
"But ho will chnrgo you something
for it?" tho friond oxclalmcd In aston
lshmont. "I bollovo ho does wrlto something
down in n book," Charles retorted
gravoly. "Lot's havo another glass,
my boy."
When Toa Was Dear.
Thoso who crumbln nt tho nrleo of
tea should turn for consolation to tho
records of lis prlco in early times. At
its flrst Introduction Into England,
about tho mlddlo of thn flovnntnenth
contury, ten fetched anything between
u nnu io u pound, uud though a fall
in prlco quickly took plnco tho East
India comnanv still had to nnv ovnr
4 for tho two pounds of ten which it
presented tho king. Howovcr, oven
thus it is doubtful If tho ten merchants
trot vorv fat. seelntr that tho Imnortu-
tlon of somo 4,000 pounds In 1078 wus
enough to elut tho market for somo
yours. London Chronicle
English Injustice
An Australian tourist traveling in
tho west of Ireland usked nn old wo-
mun how fur it wns to tho nearest
town. Sho sadly looked nt biuvthen'
sighed and said:
"It wns flvo nlco miles two yeuni
ago, but somo English brute enma over
with chains nnd mndo it Roven, nnd
our hearts aro broko walking it over
slnco. Bud luck to them!"
And sho disappeared into tho house,
leaving him there. Illustrated Bits.
Cramp In the Leo,
To thoso who suffer from Cramp in
tho leg nt night tho following hint
may bo useful; Whon tho cramp
comes on tnko a good strong string
a long garter will do wind It round
tho leg ovor tho plnco that Is affected
und tako un end In each hand and
glvo it a sharp pull, ono that will hurt
n littlo. IiiRtuntly tho cramp will do
part, and tho sufferer can return to
bed assured It will not como on again
that night.
A Mean Question.
"Yes, it was George's Idea to glvo
mo a sliver spoon for every birthday."
"How many hns ho given you?"
"Why, twenty-two."
"Why did ho stop?"-CIevoland Plain
"I havo a romarkablo history" "be
gan tho lady who looked liko n possi
ble client.
"To tell or soil?" inquired tho U'sr
yor cautiously. Washington Herald.
A Dubious 8aylng.
Ho Thoy say that tho faco is an
lndox of tho mind. Sho I don't know.
It doesn't follow becauso a woman's
fnco Is mndo up that her mind Is. Bos
ton Transcript.
It Takes Time.
. "Has littlo Mrs. It. cousolod herself
ever her husbnnd's death yet?"
"Oh, no; no yet! You know what
long tlmo these Insurance companies
tako to pay I"
Wo must not sit down and look for
miracles. Eliot.
tion assured. Phone or write,
Sutherland, Neb.
to do that Detroit News.
he will bo forced to take such action.
Boston was evacuated.