The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 10, 1911, Image 5

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A Lawyer and
A Simpleton
Copyright, 1U0, by Associated Lit
orary Press.
One-Fifth Off
Until January the 13th we will give you a discount of Done-fifth from the
regular price of every article carried in our Dry Goods, Cloaks, Dresses, Suits,
Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Notions, Gents Furnishings and Shoe Stock. These goods will be
sold to you at regular price and one-fifth deducted from your bill. During this sale we will
not open any new goods in these departments, so it will pay you to come early before the as-
sortments are broken.
Graduate Northwestern University.
4 Ofilce over McDonald State Bank
! Mrs. Chris Tagader submitted to an
operation for a tumorous growth at St.
Luke's hospital Sunday and 1b getting
along nicely.
Mrs. Saml. Richard3 has been in
town for several days looking after her
property interests.
Eva M. Baldwin has sold to the Union
Realty Co. the west half of lot 4,
block 102, for a consideration of one
dollar and valuable considerations.
Before you purchase your wants,
come. Uok and Bee if we cannot make
you. some money.
4 ThbH
ub Clothing Dept.
Our sincere thanks are extended' to
those who so kindly assisted us before
and during the burial of our beloved
son. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Anderson,
Mrs. A. P. Hay ward.
Wanted to sell Ono three year old
black Percheron Stallion. Registered
No- 62422. L. E. Ebright, two miles
west of Experimental farm.
Miss Ruth Patterson, who had been
home for a couple of weeks recuperat
ing from a long siege of scarlet fever,
returned to Omaha Friday to resume
her duties as a teacher in the public
That Lillian Russell is a star in the
theatrical world is evidenced by the
fact that she travels in a special car.
Few actresses who visits North Platte
can affords such a luxury and the car
by the way, is a most luxurious one.
Fewer saloons and higher licenso is
the suggestion that some of our citizens
are making for the next municipal
year. The fewer saloons the more
easily they are controlled, yet the bus
iness is then mado amonoply, and mon
opolies are not popular.
For the first time in forty-seven
years Maine haB a democratic United
States senator. That the change has oc
curred is probably due to the sins of com
mission or omission of the republicans,
and the political "spanking" will prob
ably do that party some good.
J.' R. Young, of Omaha, ropresent
tnrr tlin RmnHwiek-Balko Co.. was in
town yesterday conferring with Elk's
committeo relativo to purchasing bil
liard tables for tho new building. He
sold tho Committee three tables at a
cost of $925.
Tho five-year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Murdock, of Ogden. who has
been visiting at the home of Will Booth,
was operated upon Saturday for ob
struction of the bowels by Drs. McCabe
and Lucas. The little patient is re
ported to begettingalongsatisfactorily.
Sheriff Miltonborger went to the
Sutherland section yesterday and ar
rested a man named Miller on the
chargo of disposing of property on
which the Hershoy and 'Sutherland
banks held mortgages. Through tho
efforts of relatives, however, tho money
due the banks was paid and Miller was
released from custody.
Jast Listed For Quick Sale
1G0 acres of bottom land within
miles of this city. Living creek
through it This is a real bargain.
us show you.
We also have an improved section.
Good 7-room houBo, barn, granary,
grove, cattle, horses, hay, grain, etc.
Everything goes. 1J mile from school.
12 miles from city. Can sell at $12.50
per acre, part time, low interest.
Bratt& Goodman
Everglades Bargain
Parties unable to continue payments
on contracts for 10 acres choice Ever
glades and town lot, will accept $300;
nnt ndVi hnintinn mnnthlv. Alternate
olllno- nt SMO. for 10
C.UU1I MUM t " " T r tV
npriH nml town lot. Contracts I oiler
carry features making them worth ?G50.
You save $350. Investigate this. F.
L. McGready, General Agent, Box 28-1,
Allegheny, Penn.
Wilcox Department Store.
S Graduate Denlisl.
J Office over tho McDonald
Stato Bank.
The weather man at Washington pre
dicts that a cold wave of marked sever
ity will reach this section of the country
tomorrow. This wave had its forma
tion in tho Artie Zone, reached Alaska
the latter part of last week and is
coming this way with a swoop that will,
make its presence felt.
When Mr. and Mrs. Austin left North
Platte for Salt Lake to attend the wed
ding of their son, they had twenty-six
hours to spnre on the train Bcneuuio.
Owing to a succession of mishaps to
tho trains,' they reached tho cathedral
just as tho bridal party entered the
building. It was a, close call tq miasjng
tho coretnony.
Paul Ryan, of this city, and Miss
Ada S. Link, of Grand Island, were
united in marriage at tho W. H. Ryan
home yesterday. The bride is well
known in the Island, having until a few
days ago filled a position in tho Wolbach
store. Mr. uyan nas long neen a resi
dent of town, and his large circle of
friends extend best wishes to him and
tho lady of his choice.
Wanted A woman to do housework
by the day. Inquire nt the U. S.
weather bureau.
Announcement that tho Nebraska
bank guaranty law, recently held good
by the United States supreme court,
will not be placed in eftect fortorty
days was made by Attorney General
Martin Saturday morning. Mr. Martin
said that under the law governing pro
cedure in the supremo court forty days
are allowed for the defeated parties to
file a motion for a rehearing. Until this
time has elapsed nothing will be dono
in the way of placing tho law in effect
said Mr. Martin.
Wanted to sell Eight brood mares.
Weight 1050 to 1500 pounds. L. E.
Ebright, two miles west of Experiment
tal farm.
Sometime ago Supt. Tout was noti
fied that Dr. Frank G. Smith haB been
elected to the Illinois legislature and
that he would have to cancel all lecture
course dates between Jan. 1 and May 1.
While this is to be recretted and manv
will bo disappointed yet attempts were
at once begun to get a good attraction
to fill the place. The Redpath Bureau,
seeing the condition, generously of
fered to senutno wcatnorwax urotiiers
Quartette as a substitute and this offer
was accepted, lhey will bo hero on
Friday, March 31, 1911. All season
ticket holders will be admitted free.
For Sule Same choice Poland China
Boars, also some Red Polled Bulls.
Pavne'B Dairy Farm. ono half milo Bouth
of North Platte.
Concerted action on the nart of North
Platte people might result in improved
mail arrivals from the east. Our main
mail is supposed to arrive on No. 11 at
1:47 p. m., but untortunnteiy that train
is from two to four hours lata everv
day, and occasionally so late that (he
postotnee rorce is not able to distribute
it until after closing hours. In such
caseB the Omaha papers nre twenty
four hours old when we get them.
What North Platte needs and is entitled
to is un early morning mall, such as we
had formerly. It is probablo that if
the citizens would take the matter up
with tho postal authorities relief would
be cr ran ted. Let's make a move in the
- A Valuable Work.
On sale at the book stores of C. M.
Newton and H. W. Rincker; Price $1:25:
"North Platte and its Associations.''
This work i3 neatly bound and illus
trated, and tells of stirring incidents
thnt took placo when North Platto was
a rough frontier town, and traces the
progress of the city since that timo.
Associations of Cottonwood Springs
and Fort Mcpherson aro treated at
length; and accounts of Indian atroci
ties and battles given. On tho whole,
this book ought to find a place in every
homo In North Platte.
355 c
Proposed Library Site.
At a meeting of the Carnegio library
committeo Saturday evening a com
munication was received from tho
Knights of Columbus of offering to sell
50x80 feet of their property at the
corner of Fourth and Locust streets for
$2,000. The portion of tho lot offered
adjoins the alley.
The communication was discussed by
tho committee and Chairman Patterson
was authorized to appoint a committee
to solicit subscriptions to the amount
of $2,000.
This site is certainly tho best yet. of
fered or found obtainable, and is Cen
trally located; in fact is the most de
sirable site possible to obtain.
Mr. Patterson will name his com
mittee within a fow days and it will
soon be known whether tho people of
North Platte desire tho $10,000 library
building which Mr. Carnegie is willing
to donate. Certainly it is an offer that
the city cannot afford to turn down,
and certainly there is sufficient public
Bpiritedness among our citizens, to sub
scribe $2,000 to purchase the site. It
will, certainly placo North Platte in the
list of back-number, foggy towns if
we fail to take advantage of this oppor
tunity to secure a library building that
will be a credit to the town and even
tually a library that will do much to
ward assisting'in the education of tho
young and informing the old.
Miss Margaret Brogan, of Keystone,
has been a guest of Mrs. J. L. Murphy
fokseveral days.
A Rare Opportunity to Buy
Clothing at Cost and Below. . .
On account of the unfavorable condition of the weather we
are going to offer our entire stock of MEN'S AND BOYS'
We have one assortment of Men's Suits, broken in lots,
that sold from $12.50 to $18, which we will close out at $7.98
Another assortment of Suits that sold for $15.00 to 20.00
which we are offering you at $12.50. Our regular stock of
Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats at 20 per cent discount.
Our goods are all marked at regular prices,
customer the chance to see that the proper
Ladies and Misses Suits, Skirts and Cloaks.
One lot of Ladies' Suits and Jackets at ONE-HALF OFF regular price.
One lot of Ladies' Skirts ONE-THIRD LESS regular price.
On all regular lines a discount of one-fifth off. Remember no make up price.
All goods are marked in plain figures, figure the discount yourself.
Yors for one price to all less discount,
The Hub Clothing Dept.
W T. BANKS, Prop. C. K. MARTINI, Mgr.
A Greek employed nt the ice houses
was ruther badly bruised on the legs
and body yesterday by ice falling on
Fred Hanlon. lata Union Pacific
watchman at Columbus, is visiting his
family in town while mwaiting assign
ment to seme other position.
Two parties of Union Pacific engineers
hare been working both cast and west
of Sidney. The supposition is tha.t it
is preliminary to double tracking the
road from Jufesburg to Cheyenne.
J. E. Rodman, landscape gardner for
the Union Pacific, spent Sunday in
town and visited the plantation east of
town to Bee how tho trees planted last
summer are standing the winter
Nearly four hundred men are now
employed by the Union Pacific at this
terminal in cutting and storing ice.
(The crop on the iakq east of towntvt ill
ne harvested by tho end of this week.
In nddition to the crop from this lake,
heavy shipments nre being made from
the Gotheriburg lake and also from
New Year Resolutions '
Resolve: That you will placo your in
surance where you can got tho best at
lowest rates. Call and let us explain our
policies before you renew.
Temple Real Estate & Ins. Agency.
Bert Morgan, colored, of Welfleot,
is in town and will be arraigned in tho
county court on the charge of accessory
in tho stealing of a horso. Meyers who
stole tho horse of Ed Eggers, living In
tho canyons south of town, plead guilty
to tho chargo in the county court. Ho
says ho asked Morgan whero he could
buy a horse, and Morgan suggested
that he steal one and that Morgan
knew he was to steal tho animal.
A fcaadiome cottage on East Sixth St.
within five blocks of Dewey St Only
$1700.00, not rasck mere thaa the
naked lot is worth. $500.00 cash and
balance monthly payments
New six room cottage en East Fourth
St. $23000.00, $800.00 cash balance
small monthly payments.
Good five room cottage, summer
kitchen, outbuildings, electric lights,
city water and sewer connection, in
West end only six blocks from corner
of Sixth and Dewey St. $1600.00.
$300.00 cash and balance monthly
These are cnt prices to effect quick
sale. First come first served.
Buchanan & Patterson, Sole Agents.
so we give the
discount is given
When old John Calrues, villager,
died be left bis son, Peter, twenty-five
years old. Tho wlfo and mother bad
been dead for many years. Old John
was not exactly a miser, but he was
known as a money saver. From the
age of ton, when bo met with nn acci
dent, Peter was the simpleton of the
village and a butt of ridicule, though
be had been known as a bright child
for tho first fow years. Tho doctors
Bald thcro was something pressing on
tho brain and thnt an operation would
Ox things all right, but tho father
balked at tho cost, and so Peter re
mained n slnip.cton. It was only,
when tho old man camo to dlo that
he regretted his stinginess and neglect
and Bold to tho lawyer who drew the
"Everything goes to Peter. He's
8lmplo minded, but ho will get along.
I want you to advlso him and be a
eort of father. Pcoplo think I've got
a lot of money, but that's all non
sonso. You can tell rotor, however,
that thcro's something bidden away la
tho house that ho'll ctno across some
day and appreciate."
Lawyers aro entirely human outside
of a courtroom. That bidden treasure
had tho same effect on Attorney Hea
dorson as It would have bad on a
plumber or blacksmith. Just where In
tho houso was It concealed? Was It
hi gold or greonbneks? Was It $10,
000 or doublo tho sum? And wasn't
It a shnino that It should go to a sim
pleton, whoso wants wore already bud
Tho moro tho lawyer argued and rea
soned with himself tho more reason
ablo It looked that bo should como Into
possession of thnt treasure Ho felt
that ho could even convince a judgo
and Jury of tho fact Within three
months ho was scheming. Ho called
at tho houso now nnd then to seo Teter.
Tho young man seldom left tho prem
ises. IIo mndo garden, cborcd about
tho placo and went to bed with the
hens. It was easy to mako an oxcuse
to get htm out of tho houso for an hour
or two. Then tho lawyer Instituted a
search. IIo mndo thrco of thorn and
found nothing not that tho treasure
wasn't there, but because thcro are
scores and scores of biding places In
any houso. Thcso Vain Bcnrchcs con
vinced Mr. Henderson that ho should
como Into legal possession of tho hoaeo,
Bo thnt ho might pull It to piece If
necossary. v
In nclllng It thero would bo mwrk
provided for tho Btinploton. Tho law
yer would glvo him a cortaln sum of
money and a gravel pit to boot The
money would draw Interest and every
lond of gravel dug out would bring
Peter 15 cents. Killing two birds with
ono stono, you bco. Attornoy, Hondcr
son oven got tho credit of being a
philanthropist nnd humanitarian.
Of courso tho simpleton wns clny In
tho hands of tho potter. Ho went to
llvo with n family at bo much per year,
and ho wont to work In the gravel pit
Tho lawyor didn't rush things In mak
ing other searches. Ho waited for
weoks. Then at odd times bo system
atized his work.
Twos a qucor thing that happened
after awhllo. Attornoy Henderson read
n trensuro story In n mngazlno. It bad
many points similar to bis. Tho heirs
toro an old houso down piece by piece
In senrch of a miser's loot nnd then
found It In tho old clock on tho mnn
tol. Tho Idea took root Nono of tho
old furnlturo had been removed. The
searcher went at It to Inspect nnd
ovorhnul. It took thrco moro searches
to bring success. Under tho ragged
cover of aft old loungo on which Peter
had sat and slept for years was found
a tlntypo of tho young man's mother.
It wns In n cardboard box, and In the
handwriting of tho father wero a fow
lines explaining tho Identity of tho pic
ture and nddlng that It was a treas
ure to bo valued moro than money.
After reading tho lines tho lawyer
could not doubt that tho And wns what
tho old man referred to whon on bis
dying bed.
There wns no ono present to listen
to Attornoy nonderson's "plea" when
ho decided thnt ho had been sold and
thnt ho nlono was rcsponslblo for tho
tolling. It was doubtless n strong and
able effort no had paid full valuo for
property ho did not want, nnd tho only
consolation ho hnd wns In feeling that
tho gravel pit wns moro or less of n
fraud. Simpleton Pcto hnd plugged
nwny nt getting out gravel, but had
met with lonm nnd sand Instead. Ho
was about to abandon his labors when
tho Irony of fato showed Its hand. Tho
wholo vlllngo wns Jumped out of Its
boots ono afternoon whon ho rushed
along tho mnlu street swinging his
lint nnd shouting. As ho rushed bnck
agnln ho was followed by n crowd. lie
led It to tho gravel pit and to a small
stout box ho had unearthed. When
tho box was broken open It was found
to contain $25,000 In English sover
eigns, burled during tho Itovolutlonary
Tho crowd flrst cursed Peter, for his
luck. Then It cheered him and bore
him In triumph all but ono of the
crowd. Attornoy Henderson had tho
tlntypo of a homely old woman, dead
for Years, nnd tho slmnletnn hnd n
box of gold from a played out gravol )
Which snmo is a truo Btory, and
tho moral of It, ns nenr ns tho author
can mnko out, is thnt, whllo one sharp
mnn mny got tho hotter of another,
noil her ono of them can always get
tho better of a fooL