The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 10, 1911, Image 4

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    January Clearing Sale.
Owing to unfavorable weather conditions, we are greatly overstocked on Winter Goods. We must reduce our stock quickly to make room for our Spring
, a fact that forces us to sacrifice our splendid stock regardless of cost. Our entire store has been converted into a veritable barcain bazaar, offering a grand
display of seasonable merchandise at prices that are bound to startle eyery economical buyer in this community. Plenty of winter weather ahead. Secure what you
want right now at a great saving. This will be the biggest thing in the sale line you have seen in many a day.
900 high grade Suits and Overcoats now on sale at cost prices and less. The most fashionable weaves, modes and shades in vogue this season.
Fine collection of $15 to $18
Suits and Overcoats on sale at
i. Special Sale of Shoes at Marvelomly Low Pricc.
IT 1 lot $4 allocs, In patent, box cnlf, vlclantl film metal, j QQ
jjfr 1 lot Sa50 sI'oct, iiVpato'nt; box calf,' Vlcl' ond gun Vf".ft
t. motnl. on salo nt mvJ
1 lot $3.50 bIiocs, In Oxblood leather, winter weight (J f"A
on solo nt H'
Heavy High Cut Shoes, in red ond green leathers, Kromolk soles,
14 tolR-ln. 2 buckles. Boys high cut shoes, In red leather, 2 buckles
20 Per cent Discount.
In brown, tan, pray, black
and fancy mixtures. TIkcc and
four button. Not an ol I st lj
or pattern in stock. The choice
of ' America's best clothes
for choice of suits and overcoats
that were priced at 12.50 to $15
In gray, brown and black,
kme length walking coats, and
l'uvjr. .fc'tVHsh aiiio coats with
presto and convertible collar.
All our stock of high grade
elegantly tailored coats.
Mens Suits and Overcoats
worth $18.00, $20.00 to $25.00
Boys Suits and Pants
At less than makers, prices. 200 Double-breasted ;
short, .straight pant suits, ages 5 to 16 years. 200 Boys
short straight pants, ages '4 to 12 years at
One-Half Regular Price.
values on solo at.
7? Shirts.
4 Monarch, Dress and Negligee Off-,
shirts, fine patterns, all sizes. OOL
r f!lnrtt liiiUi irni!f shirts.
regular $1.50, 1.75 and $2
One-Fifth Off
Trunks, Suit Cases and Valises.
Hats and Caps
John B. Stetson and Rival makes, in
soft and stiff hats, regular $5, $3 and
$2.50 grades. Winter caps, all the
good shapes, fur lined, regular $1.50,
$1.25, $1.00 values.
20 per cent discount.
Cotton, cotton and wool mixed and all wool.
We've every fabric that's suitable for Underwear,
white, black and colors, medium and heavy weights, 2
piece and union suits of the famous Staley and Superior Oj,
makes, regular price $1.00 to $5,00 per garment,
All go at 20 Per Cent Discount J
Holeproof guaranteed hose, 6 pairs in
box, regular $1.50, sale price $1.20.
Interwoven Shawnit and Iron Clad,
regular per pair 25c, sale price 2Qc
Our bargain festival is on right now. Don't postpone the hour of buying or you may be everlastingly too late. These bargains will be picked up at once by shrewd buyers.
J. B. McDonald
One lot Men's odd Pants, ranging in
price from 2.50 to $6. Now is the time a2
to provide yourself with an extra pair T
At one-half regular price. $5
Big line of Sweater CoaU at 20 per S
cent Discount.
To the High School Boys and Girls
How do you like the 191 1 Class
Neat, arn't they.
That's the way wc do our work.
Try us next time for repairs; ,
CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician
Over KlrHt National, l'hone H8 t
The Lutheran aid society will moet
Thursday .aftomoon at the parish houBO.
MIbs Fern Griffin returned to Denver
Saturday after a week's visit at the
Dullard residence
Miss Olive Wutta, attending the stato
normal at Kearnoy, returned to that in
stitution yesterday.
Tho Baptist aid society will moot
Friday afternoon with Mrs. M. fc.
Loudon, 820 So. Chestnut street.
Georgo B. Wohb, of Kansas city, a
brother of hra. W. R. Powell, Is a
guest at the home of tho latter.
Wantod-A Rlrl for Mnornl house
work. Inquire at 417 East Fifth ntreet.
Miss Margaret McFadden, of Pnxton,
and her cousin Miss MrGtnloy of New
York, aro guosts of MIbs Mary Mc
Govern, Man's Hats, $3.00 and $2.50 qualities
at $2.25 at Tim Hub Clothing Dept.
The Modern Brothorhood of America
will hold an installation of officers to
night In the K. P. hall after which a
social time will be held.
Mrs. Groff and daughter Lulu re
turned to their home in Talrbury yes
terday after a two weeks' visit with
Dr. and Mrs. Brock.
The next number on the North Platte
Lecture Course will be Col. Bob Seeds.
He will b here Jan. 26th. Don't fear
to adyiiw friends to attend, as Col. Seeds
It making one of tho best tours this
yer that Tie has ever made.
' P. II. Burmood, of Somerset, is doing
Uulnew in town to'day, Ho says the
farmers raised plenty corn last season
ta vm them through tho winter and that
they are in good shape.
Mrs. W. J. Stuart will entertain tho
mothers' club Wednesday aftomoon.
Jncob Pizer, of HaBtingB, was the
guest of Julius Pizer and family yester
Mrs. L. E. Roacho and children loft
the lattor part of last week for visit
with friends in Lincoln.
Fivo candidates were initiated Into
tho B. P. O. Elks last evening. Had
not tho show been on that number
would have boon trebled.
C. F. Williams, of Gothenburg, Dlst.
Deputy Grand Mnstor of tho I. O. O.
F., will instull the officers of Walla
Walla Lodgo on Thursday,
Mrs, Rose Barlott roturned to Lin
coln yostordny, having been called here
by tho death of her father. Roy Mur
ray will return to Lincoln tomorrow.
If your Idle money Is not earning
nntlsfnctorv interest, let Bratt & Good
man invest it in some of their gilt
odgo 8 per cone ttrst mortgago loans,
Sheriff Miltonbergor wont to the
Tlttvl.irnrkI Rnntlnn trlflflir trt AOCVA fl Wflt.
rant on Carl Lunkwltz, who is charged
with drawing a gun on Frank Case.
The two mon indulged in a fight and
Lunkwltz hadCasolarrested for assault,
now Caso comes back on Lunkwltz on
tho abovo cnargo.
Best barcains over offered In nice
homes and choice building lots. Sco
Bratt & Goodman before you buy
Sam Gens, arrived from tho Oast Sat
unlny and will open a shoo repair shop
in tho building east of the Greoson
grocery on east Sixth street. Mr. Gens
comes recommended as a first-class
shoe repairer. Ho asks for a share of
patronage of tho public and guarantees
satisfactory work at reasonable prices.
If work is not satisfactory you need not
For R eat
We have two houses for rent, one 0
room houso on W. Oth St.. $14.00, and
one 4 room house on E. 11th St., $12.00,
Both comfortable houses.
Temple Real Estate & Ins. Agency.
Money To Loau
If ncedincr monov to nav off vour
old loan or buy additional property, see
matt & uoodman
1 1
1 1 - ' -
is a
Dr. H. L. McLeav. of Gandy,
visitor in town today.
Plinn T? nAfllfnw tf MnvnT.ll . ta
transacting business in town today.
Dr. Marie Ames was called to tho E.
W. ranch yesterday to attend a patient.
The Travel and Study Club will meet
with Mrs. Ray Cummings tomorrow
evening. "
E. R. Smith, of Gandy, was a visitor
in town yesterday and attended the
theatro last night.
Mrs. Dunn, of Redar Ranids, Iowa.
arrived today for a visit with her
daughter Mrs. Jas. Hart. v
The Presbyterian aid Society will!;
meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs.
Geo. F. Williams at tho manso.
Ray Cummings, of tho electric light
ItUMIIftllljr , IUIU.IICU klU,U,UMJ ..Will tk
week's visit at points in Iowa.
Wo urn told that Chaa. Ilondv will
leaBO his ranch at Maxwell and with
his family will remove to this city.
Mrs. M. C. Rodgers was taken to
St. Luko'R hospital yostorday to re
coivo treatment for typhoid fever.
Tho heating plant In tho Elks build
ing was put In service yesterday. This
will give the painters a show to com
plete their work, which will require
about three weeks. Tho furniture foe
tho building will not, howevor, arrive
until tho middle of next month.
Lillian Russell nnd company presented
"In Search of a Sinnor" last evening to
a well filled house at The Keith. Tho
play is notparticularly strong, but it Is
one in which this star has amplo scopo
to display her ability along tho comedy
line . and her personal attractiveness,
notwithstanding her advanced years.
In her role last evening she certainly
proved a chic and fascinating widow,
and her repartee proved refreshing.
To my Customers aad the Public
After January 1st, 1911, I will sell
hardware for Cash only.,
I will soli Stoves and Farm Imple
ments for cash or approved notes as in
tho past.
Thanking you for your past patronage
1 win endeavor to merit more ot it in
the future.
Wishing you all a Happy and Pros
porous Now Year I am
Yours truly,
Jos. IIehshey.
4ii ii'i'Jci
Physician and Surgeon,
Offico over McDonald Bank.
Pn i Offico 130
Phonea Residence 115
Prescription Druggists
First Door North of
li'lret National Hanlc
Cold Wave Coming.
Weather forecast: Snow tonight od
Wednesday. Much colder with cold
wavo coming and drop in temperature
to zero.
The maximum temperature yester
day was 61, a year ago 36; minimum
this morning 24, a year ago 6.
Fire Insurance.
Got the best and cheapest. Bratt &
Goodman writo It.
Christian Church Notes.
The Wide Awake class of tho Bible
school was very pleasantly entertained
Inst evening by Mr. nnd Mrs. J. E.
Jeffries. A Ehort business session was
conducted by tho nev president Mrs.
Anna Boguo, after which a delightful
social period was enjoyed by all. Tho
hostess served a fine lunch. The class
mcots next month with Mrs. Pagett.
Miss Lena McGrow led tho C. E.
meeting Sunday ovening. Miss Linnie
Scott i tho new president of thoBOcioty.
A social for all tha young people of
tho church will bo given at the homo of
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Greeson Friday
Tho reports at the annual meeting
Sunday afternoon showed last year's
wprk to have been the best in the his
tory of the congregation. Tho net gain
in membership since Mr. Johnson, be
came minister (14 months) has been
07. From this number 16 have- been ad
ded to tho non-resident roll.
Thoro was a largo attendance both
morning and ovening at tho regular
sorvices last Sunday, and also at the
Bible school and C. E. services. The
New Year gives promiso of both spirit
ual and numerical growth.
For Rent
Houses and furnished nnd unfurnished
Bratt & Goodman
. In tlio District Court ot Dawson County,
In tlio maUor ot the application ot Ida
IMchards. administratrix, for license to soli
real CHtatn.
Notli'ti Is horohr elvon that In pursuauco to
au order of the ilonorabto llruno O, llootot
lor. Judirn of tlio District Court of Dawson
county, Nebraska, mode on tho 31st day of
December. 1V10, for tho sale of tho real estate
hereinafter described, thoro will bo sold at
publlo vendue to tho highest blddor for cash
at tlio cast front door ot the court house in
mo citr ot norm naito, in tlio county of Utv
coll), stato ot Nebraska, on tho 2d dar of Keb
ruary. 1U11. at tho hour ot 10 o'clock, a. m.,
tlio followliik' described real estate, to-wlt:
All ot lots llvo (&) and six (6). ot block three (3).
oi urn irusieu b auuiiioii to Norm I'lttio.
Nebraska, and allot lots fortv-elu-ht (48) mil
forty-nine ((V), of I'lattovlow Subdivision an
platted ami recorded In Dood ltecord It-1 at
paifo4U ot tlio records ot tho County Clerk's
olllce. ot Lincoln county, Nebraska, Said sale
will remain open ono nour.
Dated this 10th day of January 1011.
Ida liiciuiips,
Administratrix of thoestato of Samuol ltkh
aids, deceased JlO-1
J Off
Sale ever known in the city
on high class merchandise
Clothing Co
During January.
J off I
Fred Walton in the tunny
comedy "Bertie's Enleve
ment". "Summer Tragedy".
The Boyd's in a comedy
skit "Wanted, a Job."
10 and 15 Cents.
Surgeon, Physician. CeiMaltant.
OfTice Physicians and Surgeons Hoapita
umco ihz, Kesldence 644.
gents. We call and deliver the goods'
A. SIGEL, The Little Tailor.
223 E. 6th St. Phone 182.