Historical TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, JANUARY 10. 1811. NO 101 sasasassss 1 f F t State I Our Thirty-sixth Semi-Annual Clearing Sale COMMENCES SATURDAY, JAN. 7th. Our semi-annual clearing ales are anxiously awaited by the people of North Platte and vicinity bocause they re alize that they get the best bargains of the season. To make room for our spring stock we will make a clean sweep, 20 to 50 PER CENT DISCOUNT Twenty-five and fifty per cent discount on all our Ladies, Misses and Ohildrens Cloaks, Tailored Suits and Furs. Twenty-five and fift per cent discount on all our Mens Fur and Cloth Overcoats. 200 Dress Skirts, all shades and sizes,vworth up to $10, your choice at this clearing sale for $4.98.' We have a number of Blankets and Quilts which we. must dispose of at very low prices while the cold weather lasts A large variety of the celebrated Mantua and Luzerene Underwear at a saving of 20 to 30 cents on the dollar. Mens and Boys Suits in broken sizes which must be closed out at about one-half value, at prices from $5.48 to $10 Mr. Yesner, a practical shoe man, has charge of that department and will close out many lines at wholesale prices. Our spring line of French Ginghams are all in and will be sold at a discount of twenty per cent. Call and see them. These Discounts .Apply to Cash IPxircliases Only. THIS SALE WILL CLOSE TUESDAY, JANUARY 3 1st. J. PEER, Prop. THE LEADER, north platte. TOWN AND COUNTY-NEWS Tho Episcopal gulled will moot Thurs day afternoon with Mra. Welch, west Front St. County Judge Elder has not been feeling very well for several days and haB not been at his office. C. O. Weingand is working up busi ness for another Texas excursion that will leave January 17th, Miss Allen is expected back January 12th and will finish her fall termwlth a pupils' recital January 20th at the Keith. P. O. Johnson has sold to C. E. Pe terson tho west half of the southeast quarter of section 14-14-32, for a con sideration of $5, 800. The county commissioners convened in session this forenoon, this being the date on which tho law says that body shall regularly convene.., Judge Grimes, Reporter Cary and Attorneys Wilcox and Hoagland went to Oshkosh yesterday, where a term of courtis being held this week. A skylight is being placed In the quarters formerly occupied by tho Commercial club, and as soon as this is completed Photographer VonGoetz will take possession. Never before in tho history of North Platte have such prices been placed on Men's Hats, Ladies' and Misses' Suits and Cloaks as they are now sold at our sale. The Hub Clothing Dept. Mrs. Edith Gantt having failed to close the deal for the Mrs. Annie Church residence on weBt Fourth St., the property was sold Saturday to C. O. Weingand for $6,000. Mr. Weingand will build a garage on the premises, paper the house throughout and then move thereto. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Austin, who were married nt Salt Lake City last week, will arrive homo Borne time this week. Following the ceremony, which occured at the Catholic Cathedral, the bride and 'groom loft for Denver, where they have.since been visiting friends. Supt. Ebright tn's morning sent to tho corn show at Lincoln two samples of Lincoln county corn. These samples were exhibited at tho boy.s and girl's county contest. One sxhlbit was grown by Lloyd Reynolds, of Maxwell, and yielded sixty-eight bushels to tho aere; the other by Mark McConnel of Hor shey averaged sixty-five bushels to the acre. , TV1mIniifn. mnthnr of J. H. Edminston, whose illness was noted last week, died eaturaay lorenoon. ine ao nniiu) tuna itml! ndvjinced in venn. and death was duo to a general weakening M 1 T- . oi tne system, runerai curvicea iv held at the Baptist church Sunday u F Irirnnnn nnil thn samn nlcht the re mains were taker to Lomax, Neb., for interment. Mrs. Anna Schwaiger, of the north side, and Frank Kacka of the south side, were in town Saturday making final proofs on their homesteads. John Brattwill move this week into his remodeled and enlarged residence. The improvements made classes it among the most modern .residences in town. In a letter to The Tribune W. H. Fikes, of St. Louis, sends his best re gards to all his old North Platte friends. Mr. Fikes Btates that he and his family nre enjoying good heath and doing well. An instrument has been filed with tho county clerk appointing' A. Wick strom as agent of the Hershey Land Co., upon whom any process may, be served for and on behalf of the com pany. All the local ice houses are being fill ed with a very good quality of ice rang ing from twelve to sixteen inches in thickness. There will bo no lack of ice during the coming season and tho price ought not to bo very Btiff. Certificate of the incorporation of the Hershey Land Co., has been filed with the county clerk. The capital stock is $10,000. Tho directors of tho company are W. P. Burnham, T. F. Silkman and A. J. Bleecker, nil of New York. It has been decided to have a tree plantation on the Cody ranch and next spring twenty-five or more acres will be set out to various varieties, it is prob able that tho work will bo under the direction of J. E. Rodman, the Union Pacific forester. Senator Hoagalnd came up from Lin ;oln Friday night, havine been called home to conduct a case in court. Sen ator Hoagland looks for an early con sideration of tho county option measure and also an immediate fight on the re apportionment bill. Salesmen Wanted to look after our interest in Lincoln and adjacent counties. Salary or Commission. Adress Tho Harvey Oil Co. Cleveland, Ohio. Articles of incorporation of tho Buf falo Bill Gun Club have been filed with the county clerk. Tho capital stock is $500; twelve shares of common stock at $25 per share and forty shares of preferred stock at $5 per share Tho corporation is to bo governed by a board of three directors. Writing from St. Petersburg. Fla., W. J. Crusen, who has been in that place for several weeks, says: This is a lovely climate; the weather is like a summer day up north. I have lots of sport fishing and boating. This is cer tainly a place for pleasure in the winter. I am well and enjoying myself. Ranch for Rent Bids will bo received for cash rent of tho ranch now occupied by W. C. Pat terson by me up to noon Mch 10th, 1911. The plowed land must be cultivated, fences nnd improvements kept in repair. Lease will be for one year with a pri vilege of flvo years. J. E. Evans ABOUT PEOPLE. A. W. Hoatson, of Sutherland, tran sacted business in town yesterday. Clarence Harrington, of Denver, has been visiting friends in town several days. Claude Selby returned to Chicago Saturday to resume his studies at a medical college. Mrs. W. II. McDonald returned Sat urday evening from a visit with friends in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Wernot, of Kearney, arrived Sunday fora visit with relatives and friends. Miss Maude Reese has returned to Kearney after a week's visit with Mrs. John McGraw. Miss Amanda Mylander, a student at the Kearney normal, returned to that institution Saturday. Miss Nellie Bratt, who had been visit ing relatives in Donver for several weeks, returned home Saturday. W. C.Reynolds, Sutherland's Nasby and editor of the Free Lance, trans acted business In town yesterday, A. F. Strcitz was called to Omaha at noon yestorday by a telegram announc ing that his father was not expected to live. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Austin returned Saturday from Salt Lake City, where they had gone to attend tho Austin Cricker wedding. Mrs. Joseph Ottman and Mrs. Frank Ottman, of GreenRiver, Wyo., are the guests of Mrs. Will Jotters and other friends in town, having arrived yester day. Miss Evelyn Daly expected to return to her Omaha school Sunday, but was taken ill that morning with slight heart trouble and has been advised by the at tending physician to remain in bed this weeK. J. J. Halligan was called to Omaha Saturday to be present at an operation found necessary to bo performed upon his daughter Lucile, who in company with her mother wont to Omaha tho early part of tho week. Colonel Cody spent Sunday in town while enroute to Arizona to look nfter his mining interests. The Colonel is quito enthusiastic over his mining prop- h- erty, as the ore is increasing in nss as the claims are developed. ric! Good Last Chance To Get A Homestead Fort Berthold Indian Reservation In formation Bureau, Ryder, N. D., will furnish you information tegarding the opening of sam. Vro desire to extend our sincere thanks to the D. of II., M. B. A., L. O. T. M., Neighbors nnd Friends for their kindness and sympathy rendered us at the funeral of the lata James Jones und for the lovely flowers. Relatives. SOCIETY NOTES. The Indian Card will meet with Mrs, E. F. Seeberger Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. W. H. C. Woodhurst will eritor tnin tho Birthday Club Saturday after noon. Mrs. Ed. Ogier will entertain the Club Novita at her homo Wednesday afternoon. The GOO Club will bo entertained this evening by Mra. Geo. B. Dent and Mrs, Ira L. Bare at tho home of the former. Tho Catholic Girl's club will bo en tertained tonight at tho homo of the Misses Ottenstein, assisted by Misses Anna O'Hare, Josio O'Hare and Irene Neville. All members are expected to bo present as an election of officers for the coming year will bo held and other business of importance transacted. Members of the Harmony card club passed a very pleasant evening Friday as tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Osgood. First prizes wero awarded to Mrs. J. F. Clabaugh nnd E. A. Garlichs and tho consolation emblems to Mrs. J. C. Federhoof and Julius Pizor. Tho refreshments were an enjoyable feature. To Advertise for Bids. J. E. Evans is'in receipt of a letter from Congressman Kink aid in which ho states that within two weeks advertise ment will bo published asking for bids for the construction of the North Platte federal building. It therefore looks as though actual work on the building would bo commenced bv tho first of June at the latest. Commissioners' Proceedings. January 4th, 1911. Board of county commissioners met gursuant to adjournment, present pringer and Streitz and county clerk. Settlement made with Win. Smith, road district 22, and found duo him $50.50, which is allowed on District 22 ior uu.uu Claim of Wm. Smith. nvnrHnnr DlnK 22, allowed for 25.00 settlement made with ovorseer dls- trlpf Mn 1 nn1 fnlinrl tni Mtvi 11 (IK which is allowed on Road Diet. No, 1 for 11.65 Ray C. Langford, county treasurer: You are hereby authorized to refund to for George Lapt poll tax of 2.50 reason that said tax was paid in Frontier county. Also enncol Buckley tax in North Platto as same was as sessed in Plant precinct, Ray C. Langford, county treasurer: You are hereby authorized to cancel that part of special tax on road Dist. SO for 1910 In excess of the fifteen mills against U. P. R. R. Co. W. T. Elliott, bridge work at Brady bridge allowed on bridge fund for 285.00 Settlement made with Louis Refior district 10 and find 15.95 due Lincoln county, which ho has turned into the county treasury. Settlement made with Rex Gllman and find duo county 2.80, which he has turned into the county treasury. Settlement made with F. C. Wheeler, overseer district 12 and lind due him 8.50 which he haB filed. Settlement mado with J. II. Knorr. overseer district 37, and approved same. uay u. Liangtord. county treasurer: You hereby authorized to correct tax of W. H. Merrick & Co., of Maxwell from 2950 to 2150 on account of deductions of book accounts to which they were entitled. Ray C. Landlord, county treasurer: You nre hereby authorized to cancel tax or VV. V. Hoagland as to mortgage for 2,125.00 no said mortgage was part of purchase price of tho property bought, according to supremo court decision. Settlement made with Thos. Mc Connel and find 10.00 due him, which Is allowed on district 49 for 10.00 Claim of F. C. Wheeler, balance duo him as road overseer allowed on Dist. 12, for 8.50 Sophia Anderson, enro of Emma An derson 27.00 Carl Lunkwitz, bridge work, 212.00 Rex Gllman, bridge work, 40.00 Geo. T. Field, lumber 83.85 G. T. Field, lumber, 80.70 G. T. Field, lumber, 37.05 G. T. Field, lumber, road district 49, 11.25 G. T. Field, lumber, road district 1, 10.10 G. T. Field, bridge fund, 11.70 C. F. Iddings, lumber, 24.00 C. F. Iddings, lumber, 29.05 C. F. Iddings, lumber, 52.85 C. F. Iddings, lumber, 198.90 G. T. Field, lumber, 5C3.47 Ray C. Lanirford. countv treasurer: You nro hereby authorized to purchase typo writer tor tho county treasurer's oltice. Adjourned until tomorrow. Januarys, 1911 County Commissioners met Bame as yestorday, present Springer and Streitz and county clerk. Resignation of Rex Gllman, as super intendent of bridgo at Brady is ac cepted. Resignation of Joe Soderman, justico of the peace at Brady accepted to take oljfect at onc. Joseph Wilson, custodian of court houio, G5.50. Paul G. Meyer, writing and filing clalmB 1.50, disallowed for reason that county is not liable. Ray C. Langfqrd, county treasurer: You are hereby authorized to refund to W. W. Winnuest tho sum of 21.75 tax for 1909 paid under protest for reason that bank stock given on schedulo was paid by the Bank of Brady. Paul G. Meyer, for Monarch type writer 92.50 Claim of Jennie Miltonberger as jailor ior iiz.du, disallowed ror reason county is not llablo. O. A. Bacon, expenses to Lincoln three times, and postage and livery hire. 105.00. ' W. C. Eider, services, 50.40. Settlement made with overseer dis trict 20 and find balance due him of 88.50, which claim Is allowed for 38.50, as E. H. Springer, services, 9.00 I. L. Miltonberger, salary, 100.00 Whereupon the board adjourns until 2 p. m. as tho board of 1910. January 5th, 2 p. m. The board of county commissioners met as por recess taken and organize ns a new board of county commissioners with C. II. Wal ter chairman, A. F. Streitz and G. W. Roberts; present Streitz nnd Roberts and county clerk. The Telegraph and The Tribune arc designated as the official papers for Lincoln county, Nebraska, for the year 1911, each to roceivo one-half legal rate. ODenincr bids for countv nrlntinor thero being but one bid. Hemnhifl Printing Co., of North Platte, the board acceptB their bid on class Blotter heads and envelopes, nnd rejects bid on class A. Settlement made with H. E. Ander son overseer road district 21 and find 20.53 duo tho county which he has turned into the county treasury. Settlement mado with Fred Simants, overseer road district 30 and find duo him 104.50. claim filed and allowed. Board adjourned until Jan, G, 1911. January 0, 1911. Board mot pursuant to adjournment present Streitz and Roberts and county clerk. The official bonds wero approved follows. Road Overseeus. A. W. Hoatson, District No, 5 Jessie Long, District 31, Nato Bratten, District 34 Fred Marquette; District 9 L. N. Brummet, pistrlct 40 Wm. Smith, District 22 Deo Raney, District 44 A. J. DonciBon, District 8 S. Trusty, District 43 Fred Simants, District 30 II. D. Lewis, District 32 C. E. Parsons, District 17 J. C. Crow, District 11 Wm A. Hayes, District 20 C. Van Nntto, District 21 I. V. Dailey, District 37 J. J. Glnapp, District 10 C. G. ClarJf,$itrict51 C. L. Apptegato,' District 39 G. L. William's, District 33 E. B. Ream, District 49 llenery Breternitz, District 1 C. A. Howard, District 14 James Beechnn. District 27 Wm Peterson, District 18 Jno. M. KImor, District 3G Aug. W, Johnson. District 15 Geo, E. French, county attorney . v. iv. crandell, justico, Medicine precinct. II. F. Coats, justice. Sutherland J, D. Kellehor, justice, Maxwell A. S. Jenkins, justice, Sutherland 1 Terkle Jepsen, assessor Fox Creek. JeBsIe Kunkle, assessor Kem ;" C. S. Kilmer, assessor, Table . ' J. K. Crow, assessor, Osgood. Settlement mada with Fred ' Mar. quotti, oversier of Road DIstrJctANo. 9 and find due him the sum of 2,00), which claim was allowed out of tha fund of District No. 9. I Adjourned nintil regular- meoting, January 10th 101L