The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 20, 1910, Image 8

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I Lots and
For Sale Now in Water
Go's Third Addition to
ft I of SftvMft fppt
8 Tracts of 2.14 to
ft EASY TERMS. Seven
Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L Bare, Edits and Publiiter.
Ono Year by Mail In aiivuaco $120
0ns Toar by Carrier in udvnnco $1.60
Kntcrod nt North Platte, Nobrnska, Post
oillco as Second Class Matter.
;local mention.
Harry Worrell, of Suthorlnnd, was n
business visitor In town yesterday.
Mrs. Frnnk DickonBon and Mrs. Wm.
Eves, of Hershey, wore visitors in town
Fred Rnsmussen, emnloyed on the
Ogalalln News, apont Sunday with hia
family In town.
County Commissioner Springer camo
up from Brndy yesterday and spent the.
dny mingling with friends.
Frank P. Hoy, of Gnrflokl, waB In
town yesterday enrouto homo from a
visit at hia old stamping ground in
Henry Potorson, of Oakland, Cnl.,
will arrive In town Saturday. Ho is in
poor health, and will probably remain
hero for a number of months.
Th spirit In which the Chrlstmne
giftla given counts for all. Wo would
rather nave a person glvo us a ten-cent
collar button freely thun a diamond
ring grudgingly.
Stovo Panus, who gavo Clara Cook
300 to bind a promise to wed, after
which Clara balked, has recovered $200
of the amount paid. Whethor ho will
mako attempt to got tho other $100 Is
not, known. Perhaps ho will consider
tho experience worth tho hundred.
In making appointments to Btnto
oillco Uovortior-olcct Aldrlch is follow
ing In tho footsteps of all his predoces
Mors he practically falls to rcgonizo.
that portion of Nebraska west of tho
east line of Lincoln county. Perhaps,
though, none of the political patriots of
western Nebraska have boon applicants
for state appointments,
II. S. Keith returned yesterday from
Omaha, where he was called by tho ill
ness of his son Ray. His condition is
critical and tho physicians hold out no
hope. He wbb taken to Long Pino by
Ms brother Harold, who is In position
to look after him Tho dlsonso has now
fastened Itself upon organs other than
tho lungs.
For Sale A fow loads of alfalfa de
livered. Phono D. 7C.
In the county court yestorday F. R.
Owlngs was fined fifty dollars and costs
for maintaining u gambling tnblo in n
publio place. This was the final hear
ing of the caso brought against Owlngs
last October, in which Mr. VanCleuvo
was the complaining witness, for allow
ing pea-ball pool to bo played in his
place on Locust street.
The Tramp Grocery carries Usingor
of Milwaukeo lino of sausages. They
include Braumnschwelgor stylo Liber
wurat, Meltwurat (fino), Knnckwurat,
Smoked Brntwurst, Blutwurst, Butts
from Young Pigs and Cervolat (Gooth
ingei) style.
In a conversation with Manager
Cooloy. or the company playing at tho
Keith list evening, it was learned that
thia season has so far been very dis
astrous to theatrical companies. Week
before lust twelve strong companies
that wero out on tho road woro called
in becauso they wero not paying ex
penses. For Sale.
N. J of N.l Sec. 8, T. 1G, R. 35,
143 83-100 acres, about S miles N. E,
or Dickens, Neb. On C. B. & 0. R. R.
unimproved; all level, no blow-outs,
black Bandy loam. $10 per acre. Address
Box 137, Sneca. Neb.
A span of two year old mules weigh
ing 2580 pounds Bold at Kearnoy tho
other Uay for $500. Evidently muleB
are mutate
For Sle, or trade for clear land,
mywi room Wueo and two lots in Col
orado , Springe; clear, Address Box 7,
SomeriMit, Neb.
Small Tracts
fmm $30 nn fo
2.42 acres from $80
According to Location.
per cent interest on Deferred
Tho county commissioners of Hall
county havo voted, to nak the county
attorney to enter a nollo prosequi in
tho enso of George Poell, who, about
six years ngo, when firing on tho rail
road, saved n child's life at the cost of
a leg and other injuries to himself.
Though a republican, he was nominated
ana elected county cierK on tno demo
cratic ticket and later reelected. He
defaulted with a cortnin amount of
county money, nnd was deposed from
ofllce,. Now the commissioners havo
granted the request of a largo number of
Eotltloners, who' remember Poell's
rave, net, and wish further persecution
dropped. It is also hinted, and Pooll
clnlms, that othors got tho money, and
ho was merely a tool, but ho refuses to
divulgo tho names of the guilty parties.
Thoro was a significant paragraph in
tho aftor-dinnor talk of Theodoro Roose
velt nt the Now Haven chamber of com-
morco banquot Tuesday evening, which
gives un accurate hint of his stato mind
since the recent election regarding the
reintivo position ot tno insurgents and
tho progressives in the republican nartv.
Ho said: "I am u radical, but f am a
radical who earnestly desires to see a
radical programme carried out by con
servatives' This can bo taken as
nothing short of a full endorsement of
tho Tuft administration, in which a
conservntive-progressivo has been sue
cessfully whipping Into shape tho rncil
cnl program of tho radical ex-president
Thero is no inconsistency in this posi'
tton. Tno crusader is not tno wise law'
f - At 1. , 1 . 1 II.
muKur. uvun WHiiiL'u one may do inuis
oonslblo to tho other and each mav be
or equal voiue. in una nnot paragraph
uooBovor nas given tno country in a
fow words enough to think about for
tho coming two yenrs. -Kearnoy Hub.
Xraas Trees.
Got. tho Michigan Spruce, tho finest
troo grown, for Xmas trees. Got your
order in early ns we havo only a limited
supply. All kinds Xmas decorations,
Preti Opinioni.
It costs 20 cents a mllo to haul a con-
'rossoum, worth $600 a yenr in private
fo, to a $7,500 job, and a traction en
gino couldn't pull him away as long ns he
can bamboozlo the innocent const! tutcnt.
Louisville Jourier-Journal.
Anybody who la nttomptlng to write
nn obituary for T. R.' should take noto
of tho fact that ho is preparing for an
othor spoechmaktng tour on which ho
will accept soma of the 3,000 invitations
to address the people upon the affaire
of tho day.- -Sioux City Trlbuno.
A British agricultural export snya
that tho blame for tho cost of hieh liv
ing is to bo placed upon the American
fr-rmer, Tho unfortunate fnrmer is tho
senpegoat for about ovorythlng oxcopt
earthquakes and tho British peers' veto
power. Tho high cost of living has only
got around to him in its natural turn.
Baltimore American.
Tho United States of Amorcla Is tho
largest republic that the world has ever
seen. Novor beforo hns popular self
novermont been oven attempted on such
n scale. And tho fact that to the poor
and oppressed of all nations Americu is
still the promised land is conclusive
proof that in tho judgment of mankind
no experiment in human liberty has
over been bo successful. Chicago Inter
Improved Train Service to Chicago.
Six trains dally in each direction be
tween North Platto. Lexington nnd
Chicago, via the Chicago. Union Pa
cific nnd Northwestern line including
superbly electric lighted Denver Spec
ial which leaves North Plutte 5:35
every evening, reaching Chicago at
1:30 p. tn. tho next day.
A solid through train with conven
ient schedules and nil train conven
iences. Full information on application
to the Ticket Agent Union Pacific R, R.
Somerset News.
E. Roberta is delivering corn. Ho is
driving fqur horses. He recently
bought a team of Will Smith.
Nearly ovorybody Is attending the
ruvlvnl meetings at Wellfleet,
D. E. McConnel sold n fine doublo
standard polled Hcrfovd bull to Jens
Jensen, of Curtis.
G. W. Hannah will go to Farnam to
purchase a car of com.
Thero will bo a Christmas trco and
entertainment at Somerset on tho
evening of the 21th.
of Land 1
ft no rh ft
to $500 each.
Payments. Apply to ft
John McConnell exnects to mako nn
exhibit of Hereford cnttlo at tho west
ern stock Bhow at Denver.
Wnlter Gartrell's new houso is about
John McConnel senLsomoof his prize
winning potatoes to Lincoln with Prof,
uowers. Ho soys: "They are great. 1
would never havo thoucht vou could
grow such potatoes in south Lincoln
:ounty. They cook fine."
North Platte, Like Every City and
Towh in the Union, Receives it.
People with kidney ills want to bo
cured. When one suitors tno tortures
of an lachinir back, relief is cnirerlv
BoughtTTor. Thoro nro many remedies
today that relieve but do not cure. Here
la evidence to prove that uoan a Kiu
nev Pills cure, and the euro is lastinc.
Mrs. Christina Plckott, 318 East B.
St., North Platto, Neb., says: "I have
used Doan'a Kidney Pills, which I pro
cured from McDonell & Graves' Drug
btoro, lor Kidney troublo nnd find
them to bo just tho remedy I needed
for backache and othor kidney disor
dors. Whenever I am suffering from
theso troubles, I appeal to Doan s Kid
ney mis and thoir use elves mo re
lief. Other members of my family
have taken Doan's Kidney Pills with
excellent results."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Fo8tor-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo,
N. Y., sole agents for tho United
States. 1
Rcmomber the name Doan's nnd
tnko no other.
Medical Staff:
Dr. D. T. Quigley. Dr. G. B- Dent.
Dr. V Lucas.
A general hospital for all acute and
chronic cases medical, surgica
and obstrctric. Open to tho medi
cal profession- For further infor
mation address,
Doctors Ames & Ames, (J
fj Physicians and Surgeons, j
lj Ofllco ovor Stono Drug Co. Je
lhoneB b nosidence 273 6
Wo do all klnda of cleaning, pressing,
dyoinc and repairing for ladies' and
genta. We call nnd deliver tho goods
A. SIGEL, The Little Tailor.
223 E, Gth St. Phono 182.
Is ono of the requisites for a Christmas
dinner, but for tho male members of
your dinner party a good cigar is also
necessary. Wo mako cigars of
acknowledged merit, they have that
flavor that all smokers like. The good
ness is found in our five cent cigar us in
tho ten center, but of course thero is
more of it in the latter. Aid by the
way. why not ttivo your husband.
father or gentleman friend a box of our
cigars asjn Christmas present?
Wills J Hedfleld. M 1) .1 U McK(rhan, M D
Drs. Redfield & McKlrahan
Phsiciant and Surgeons.
All Cnlls Promptly Answered. Phones
Office nt P. nnd S. Hospital.
Auction of School Land.
Notice is hereby given that on tho
19th day of December, 1910, at one
o'clock p. m., at tho county treasurer's
oince in Lincoln county, the Commls
nlnnnrnf Pnhlle T.nrwlu nnd (In llitlnrrs
or his authorized representative, will
offer for lease nt public auction all
euucationai lands in said county which
havo been declared forfo ted for non-
paymentof rental or interest ns follows:
All of section 16-9-27 R. E. & Chas.
Hi section 16-10-33 T. T. Padorott.
SWJ section 86-16-34 Anna A. Patterr
EJ section 86-16-29 F. P. Willis.
Dated Nov. 21, 1910
E. B. Cowles, Commissioner of Pub
lie lands and Buildings.
Notice to Bidders.
Sealed bids will bo received nt tho
oflico of tho county clerk of Lincoln
County. Nebraska, on or before Do
comber 31, 1910, for records, blanks
and supplies estimated as follows:
Class A books.
4-8 vqr. plain records loose leaf.
4-8 qr. printed pago records loose
4-tax lists 1-4 nr.. 2-6 nr..-1-3 nr.
The above records to be made of the
best linen ledger pnpor, full bound, ex
tra ends bands nnd fronts.
6000 tax receipts in duplicate, or trip
licate. 2 dozen chnttlo files of 200 pages each,
43 assessor's books, ledger paper,
cloth bound per book.
10,000 assessor's schedules in dupli
Poll books for 43 preclnctB (general
Poll books for 43 precincts (primary
Class B
Whole sheet blanks per 100.
Half sheet blanks per 100.
Quarter sheet blanks per 100.
Envelopes SixGJ por 1000.
Envolopoa 4x9i per 1000.
Class C
Sanford's, Carter's or Stafford writ
iner fluid nor auart.
Spencerian, Glucinum or Tall a pens
por gross.
. Vnnndium or Falcon pens per gross.
Velvet pencils or equal, rubber tips,
per cross.
All of Bald samples to be first classand
to bo furnished ns required by the
county oliicer8.
Successful bidder to furnish bond to
to bo npproved by the county board.
each bidder to have printed on tho en
velope, "uids tor Jmntlng."
Tho commissioners of said county re
servo tho right to reject any or all bids.
Dated North Platte, Nebraska, Nov.
29 1910.
F. R. ELLlorr.County Clerk.
Road No. 341.
To all whom it may concern: -
Tho special commissioner appointed
to locate a public road as follows: Com
mencing 20 rods south of tho southwest
corner of tho N. W.J of Section 26,
Township 13, Rnngo 20, and running
tnenco lnasoutneny direction toiiowing
the present traveled road to the south
side of section 26 to a point about 20
rods east) of the S. W. corner of section
26, T. 13, R. 26, thenco east on section
lino between sections 26 and 35. thence
sou th on section lino 1 mile, thence jeast
J mile to connect with the public road
We further ask that a road be es
tablished nB follows: Commencing at
S. W. corner of N. W. J of section 36,
T. 13. R. 26. thenco South to tho S. W.
cornor of S. W. i of Sec. 36. T. 13, R-
26, thenco west to N. W. cornor of Sec.
2, T. 12, R. 26, thenco South on section
lino 1 milo to connect with public road,
has reported in favor of the establish
ment of tho proposed road nnd all ob
jections thoreto or claims for damage
must bo filed In tho ofllco of the county
clerk on or beforo noon on tho 15th day
of Feb,, 1911, or such road will bo
established without rcforonco thereto.
Dated North Platto, Nebr., Dec. 2,
F. R. Elliott, County Clerk.
Road No 337.
To all whom it may concern:
Tho special commissioner appointed
for tho nurnosed of locntinc a public
road as follows: Commencing nt a point
about 20 rods cast of the N W cornor
of tho S. E. i Section 12, Township 10,
North, of Range 26, nnd running thence
in a North Westerly direction across
tho Northoast quarter and North
west quarter of Section 12, T. 10,
R. 20, following tho old traveled trail
to the si. W. corner or section lu, t.
10, R. 26, hns reported In favor of the
establishment of said road and all
claims for ditmngo or objections there
to must bo filed in the office of tho
county clerk on or before noon on tho
8th day of February, or such road will
bo established without reference thero
Dated North Platte, Nobr., Dec. 6,
1910. F, R. Elliott, County Clerk.
Similea, Similitas, CnraBtM
A liko remedy will euro a like
A law immutable, that cannot
change, nnd ns truo today as
when it first came to light.
truo and tried system that will
bear .investigation.
Nature's own treatment where
remedies are paramount.
For out of town patients and
nil those interested: Rooms fur
nished when desired for confine
ment, medical and tho necessary
surgical cases. Trained nurse in
Dr. J. S. Twinera,
Medical and Surgical Practicioner
A Modern Institution for
the treatment of Medical
and Surgical Cases. Grad
uate Nursing. Physician
in attendance day or night
Special accommodations
for confinement cases.
721-23 North LocW t
Telephone No. 642.
Phone 268
flour, Feed, drain or tiny
Having recently purchased tho
B. A. Wilson feed store nt tho
corner of Sixth and Locust Sts.
I respectfully invito a share of
tho patronage of tho public.
Prompt delivery.
Go to
Furniture Repairing
and Cabinet Work
Also Wood Turning, Picture Framing
Room Moulding, and Window
Screens a Specialty.
Shop 107 Eaat Fifth.
Serial No. 02704.
Dotiortmont of tho Intnrlor.
U. 8. Land Oillco at North l'latto, Nob,
m OV. Hill, 1VIU.
Notice is liorobv irlvon that Frank II.
Ineston. of North l'latto, N ob.. who. on Doc,
23rd. 11)00. made II. Ii. No. 21505. Serial No,
O2T01. for west H Bectlon 32. Township IS.
N Hideo 20, w, of thoflth Principal Meridian,
lias (Hod notice ot Intention to mako final Hvo
year proof to establish claim to tho land
above described, boforo tho Itcclstor and Ho
colvor at North Platto, Nob., on tho 14th day
of Jan., 1011.
Claimant names as witnesses: I'orry Camp
ix'ii, nuuiiui liuuuinn, uiiarips ureiomitz ana
w. ii. vomos an or norm riaito, Nobr.
J. E. Evans, Register,
ROAD NO. 339.
To all whom It mnv pntirom-
Tho commissioner appointed to locato
a road commencing nt the quarter sec
tion corner between sections 26 and 27,
T. 11 N., R. 27 W. and running thence
in a Buuuiuuaioriy, souineriy ana east-
erlv direction thrnnrth tha woof Violf
- --.w.0. 1 1 LJ b IIUU
southwest quarter of section 26, east
nun west nan anu west nair southeast
quarter ot section 35, 8aid township
nnd rancrn. thenm rhrnnnh W 9 rwl nn
line between enst half and west half of
east nait, ana through eouthenst quart
er southeast quarter of section 2. T. 10
ii.. iv. tfi v., inence tnrough north
enst quarter northeast quarter of sec
tlnn 11- north hnlf nnd nnnll,n.t n..n.
or of section 12 to n point 2.80 chains
north of the southeast comer of section
12, T. 10 N., R. 27 west, thence south
on uno ociwcen sections 12 and 13,
T. 10, R. 27 and sections 7 and 18. T.
10, R. 26, 29M6 chains, thence
tnrough west halt and southwest quart
nr Bour.hnnat nunrror nf
- 1 " - w. uwvwvtl .U, A..
10. R. 2ft to n nn nf nn lln. l,f,
sections 18 and 19, 43.78 chains east of
the Southwest corner of section 18,
thence on lino between sections 18 nnd
iv zu.oy chains, thenco through north
nnst nlinrtnr nnrthnnaf nnm-tni, nt
tion 19, northwest quarter and east
nun oi suction zv, anu tnrough north
oast quarter northeast quarter of sec
tlon 2f). fl in M rnncrri 9ft W .
. - - f -tiv, tr u u
point on line between sections 28 nnd
20. tnrmfnntfntr thorn SnM w.n.1 i,
; O tJM.v. tuau iu uo
40 feet wide, except between sections
iz ana u, x. iu, u. zi and sections 7
uuu io, x iu n. ynoro u la to be
HO font wlflfl. nnrl hnhvnan aann to
and 19, T. 10, R. ,26, where it is to bo
oo reec wiue, nas reported in fayor of
iiiu c-Buiuiiaiimuni mereoi. All objec
nuns ineruio. or cinims ior damage
must ha illod In thn nfllra nf tha
vioir uu ur uuiuru noon on me autn day
of January, 1911, or such road will bo
established without reference thereto.
Dated North Plattu. Nih.. Nmr 90
F. R. Elmott, County Clerk.
Physician and SaneeM,
f ' Ofllco over McDonald Bank.
I Ofllce 130
1 Residence 115
Serial No. 01912-021M.
. United 8tates Land Office.
At North Platto. Nobraska, Nov. 36, 1910.
Notice Is nernhv irlvnn thit nnra
n. Bchaffer. of Myrtle, Nobraska, who, on
Nor. 23rd. 10O3, mado liomeatoad entrr No.
19779, Serial No. 01912. for tho southoastiutar
ter, and on July 10th. 1901, mado II. E.
No. 2037H Serial No. 0.'1S1. fnr tlin niv.fh.lf
of tho nouthwest auartor, and lots 0 nnd 7,
all In Bectlon 0. Township 18, N Itaniro 29 W.,
of tho th Principal Morldlan, has filed
nouco oi intention to mako final nro year
Sroof. to establish claim to tho land above
escribed, beforo tho register and rccolror
at Nortli Platto, Nobraska. on the 23d day
of Jan. 1911.
Claimant names as wltnossosi Arthur H.
Tpdonhoft. of Tryon, Nob.i CaporF. 8lrlts.
ol North Plat o. Neb.: Eueno Ardory. of
wanuy, noD., anu it. is. lX)UUon Ot KOItH
Platte. Nob.
nVM J. E. Evans. Register.
Tho state of Nobraska, Lincoln County, as
In tho County Court.
In tho matter nf Mm ntt nt Ttv n.
Raynor. Deceased
i o tno creditors of said estate:
You arn Imreliv nntldnd ih. T .nt ant t.
tho COlintr court rnnm In Nnrlh Pl.itn In
aid county, on Seth day of December. 1910, at
oJclP- ? ,m , and on tho 20th day of June,
. 1 . . :".- m ui., w rcuuivc mill uxaui-
lno all claims against said estate, with a rlew
to their adjustment and allowance Tho tlmo
limited for tho presentation of claims against
saldestatolsSn onths from thoSHth day of
wtceuiuer a. u itfiu, anu tho tlmo limited
for payment of debts Is ono yoar from said
2th day of December. 1910.
This notlco to be published eight success
vo issuos In tho North Platto Heml-Weok-ly
Trlbuno. prior to Docomber adth, 1910. ,
Witness my hand and tho seal of said
county court, this 28th day of Norombor. 1910.
v. u. i'.r.iiEn. ounty juago.
oeriai no- vato.
Department of tho Interior
U. S. Land Ofllco at North Platto. Neb.
, . Deo I3th.l9i0.
.wv.i.wa uw.u. KIIVII ,ftK Villi UVV 1 1 ft I.
kins, of North Platto. Nobraska, who on
Apr".,.S.t,n' J?: ttado Homestead entry
No. 21103. Serial No. 02818. for north half,
and northoast Quarter, of Bouthoast Quar
ter of section 8, township 12, north
rango 31, west of tho 0th Principal
Morldlan, lias tiled notlco ot intention to
muln flnnl Htfn . . . V.I I I.
claim to tho land abovo descrllwd, boforo
uiu ncgisior ana icocoirer at iNonu l'latto,
Nobraska. on the 7th day of Koby.. 1911.
uniuiom names as witnesses: jonn w.
and Bert Donaldson 'all of North Platto.
20- J.K. Evans. Hogtster.
Serial No. 02020.
Department of tho Interior.
U. S. Land Ofllco at North Platto. Nob.
Dec, IS. 1910
Notlco Is hereby gron that John W. Fowler
ot North Platto. Nob., who. on Aug. 23, 1905.
mado homostoad entry No. 21(81. serial No.
02U20, for southeast quarter, east half south
west Quarter, southeast auartor northwest
Quarter and lots 3, (.5, o and 7 Sec 0. Twp. 12.
N. lyai, W of tho 6th Principal Morldlan. has
filed notlco of Intention to mako final flvo
year proof.) ostabllsh claim to tho land
aboTo described, boforo tho Register and Ro
colror at North Platto. Nobraska, on tho 7th
day ot Foby.1911.
Claimant names as wltnossosi Carl
Broedor. O. L. Watklns. T. F. Zlmmorman
and A E. Donaldson all of North Platto.
d20-6 J. E. Evans. Registor.
Notice for Publication.
Serial No. 01960.
Department of tho Interior.
U. 8. Land Ofllco at North Platto. Nob.
...... . , . Nor. 6th, 1910.
Notice Is horobyglron that Frank J. Facka
of North Platto. Nob., who on Juno 28tb,
1901, mado Homestead Entry No. 2002, Sorlal
No. OlWbO. for all of ectlon 11, township 12. N .
Range J2. W. of thq sixth prlnclpt' meridian,
has fllod notlco of lntontion to mako final
flvoyear proof, to establish claim to tho
land abovo descrlbod. boforo tho Registor
and. H??0!, ?fcr Nortn platto. Nebraska,
on tho 7th day of January, 1011.
Claimant names as witnesses: Spencer
Edmlstenand Washington Kdmlston. both of
Horshoy. Nob.. Charles Moyor. of Dickons,
Neb. Adam Donaldson of North Platte, Neb.
n!0- J. R. Evans. ItPirUtr.
Sorlal No. U2195.
Department of tho Interior.
U. S. Land Office at North Platto. Nob.
Notlco Is hereby glren that Anna Sch walgor
of North Platto, Neb., who on March
21st. 1905. mado Homestead Entry No. 21118.
Serial No. wm. for tho neM. oK nwK. soM.
sM. 8w4 section 28. township 18, north,
rango so, west ot tho 6th principal meridian,
has filed notlco ot lntontion to mako Anal
flro yoar proof, to establish claim to tho
land abovo described, beforo tho roglster
and rccolror at North Platto. Nebraska,
on tho 7th day of January 1911.
Olalmant names as witnesses: D. W. Moon.
CbrlH Johnson O. F. Slrlts and Fred J.
Bromers, all of North Platto, Neb.
n 10-0 I R. Rvano. KmrUtAr.
C. M. Gray and Mrs- C M Gray. his. wlfo.
will tako nottco that on the 9th day of No
vember. 1910, tho Atlanta 8tato Bank, a
banking corporation, plalntlf heroin, fllod
Its petition In tho district court of Lincoln
county, Nobraska, against said defendants,
G. M. Gray and Mrs. O. M. Gray, tho object
and prayer of which aro to forecloso a cer
tain mortgato oxocutcd by Henry Feathers
and Semlra Foathors to F. M. Oarponter
glron to socuro a cortaln promissory noto In
tho sum of 8700.00 dated Prairie City. Iowa,
May23d, 1U05. and due and pay ablo on or be
foro May 23d. 1908, drawing intorest at tho
rate of 0 por cent por annum and 8 per cent
after duo, which mortgago convoyed as hot
curlty to tho said F. M. Carpenter, tho west
H ot section '7, township 16, n- range SO w;
that said note and mortgage were duly as
signed and transferred to tho plaintiff herein
beforo maturity for a good and valuablo con
sideration and in tho usual course ot busi
ness: that tho said plaintltt Is now tho owner
and holder of said note and mortgage and
entitled to tho moneys duo thereon, and thero
Is now duo on said noto and mortgago the
sum ot $825.00 and 8 per coin from tho 9th day
ot November. 1910; that platntlir prays for a
decree that the defendant or any ot them be
required to pay tho same or that said prem
ises may bo sold to satisfy tho amount found
dun. That tho first truo and real name ot
tho dofeudant O. M. Gray Is to plaintiff un
known and that the tint, true and real name
otMr. O- M. Gray, the wife of tho dofendant
O. M Gray, is unknown to plaintiff and tho
same cannot bo ascertained aftor diligent
search and Inquiry,
You and each of you aro required to answer
aid Petition on or Ixifoin Mi.nrlnv. tlinSH rinv
of January. 1U11.
Dated this 21st day of Novomlor. 1910.
By A Mumjoon, Its Attorney
Legal Notice.
Julius L. DcRenter, will take
notice that on the 4th dav of
August, J910, Ella A. DeRentcr, plain-
lilt herein, liiea nor petition in the
District Court of Lincoln Countv. Ne
braska, against said defendant, tho
object and prayer of which is to obtain
a divorco from said defendant unon tho
grounds of extreme cruelty practiced
y defendant against plaintiff, on Sep
tember 19,' 1903, and his desertion of tno
plaintiff, and fniluro to support and
care for said Dlaintiff durintr the time
when plantiff was in need of medical
attention. And for tho restoration of
the plaintiff's name to that of her
maiden name. Ella A. Hume, and for
such othor relief as equity may afford.
You are reoulred to answer said pe
tition on or before the 2Cth day of De-
tember, 1910.
uateu the 14th uay oi November,
Ella A. DeRenter, Plaintiff.