The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 13, 1910, Image 8

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I.awrrmrc Mlakfley, lawyer, bops to
rituiHint with ttic tortfeU not In tlm
jlrptiKon raao o pr-t tho deposition ot
joun unmoro, muilotmlrc. A Indy ro
mifatff Hlitltc-y to buy her a I'tillman
I Ink ft, Ut lvf lior lower 11 nn rn
lAlim lower 10. Ho tlndu a drunken niiiti
In lower 10 nnd retires In ldtvor
. lie (iwnKen in lower 7 ana
(Uicln III olotlim nnil hag mlssltiK. Tho
mnn in tower jo i found murdered. Cir
rtirnatnntlal cvld-noo polnlH to both
Itlikoloy nnd tho man who stole his
nlollicp. Tho trnln In wrecked nnd lllnltc
ley In rescued from n burning enr by n
Rltl In blue. IIIh nrni In broken. Tho girl
proven to be Allnon AVtut. his pnrtnor'fl
HweetlietirL Klitkcley returnii home nnd
tlnd lie In nnrtr Hurvt1llane, Movlntf
picture of tli- trnln Inken Jiwt before
the wrecl: rovrI to Itlnkelny n man lenn
In from the train with bbi iitolon Krln,
Invctltritlnn proven that tho innn'n tmnio
Is Sjilllyan. Mr. Conwuy, tho woman for
whom ttlakdfy tmiibt n Pullman tleket.
trlcn to tnnke a bnwtln with him for tho
forced notr. not Jtnowlnjr that they nro
ttiUntnur. lllaUeley,,nn(l an antnteur de
tective InventlfCRlf tho homo of Bulllvan'n
Jlpr. From, n sarvnnt UlaUeloy lnnnm
that AIImhi Vnt had been ihero on a
lHlt nnd 8Hlllvn bad been attentive to
her, holllvnn. In tho husband of a daunh
Jer of tho murdered man. Ulttkeley'a
houso Is ransacked by tho police.
- CHAPTER XXVI. Continued.
Ho drew n clinlr ncur tlid Inmp and
llghtod n cigarette, nnd for n tlmo wo
wore silent. I wna In tlio Blindow, nnd
I snt back nnd wntched lilnl. It wno
not.BtiprJalng, I thought, that Alio
carod for lilin; women lind' nlwnys
loved lilm, porhnpa becoimo ho nl
ways loved them. Thoro waa no dls
loyalty, In tho thought; It waa tho
latl'a nnttiro to glvo and cmvo nffoc
Hon", Only I was dlrferqnt. I had
never rehlly cared nbout n girl bo
foro, and my llfo had boon Blngulnrly
JovolesB. I had fought, n lonely bat
tla always, Onco beforo, In collogo,
wo had both laid xouraolvca nnd our
callow devotions at tho foot ot tho
name girl. Hor namo waa Dorothy
I hnd forgotten tho real but I re
membered tho scquol. Irt a spirit of
quixotic youth I had rollnqulHhod ray
claim In favor of nichoy nnd had
gone cheerfully on my way, elovatcd
by my liorolo sacrlflco to a aombor,
whito-hot martyrdom. Ab Ib often tho
case, McKnlght'8 first words showed
our riarnllQl Unco of thought. .
"I say, Lolllo," ho naked, "do you ro
mcmber Dorothy Browno? D-r-o-w-n-ol
That wna It!"
"Dorothy Browno?" I ropontod. "Oh
Why yes, I recall her now. Why?"
"Nothing," "bo Bald. "I was think
ing about hoK That'B nil. You re
member you wero crazy nbout hor,
nnd dropped back bccaiiBo uho pre
ferred mo?"
"'I got out," I'anld with dignity, "be
cause you declared you would shoot !
youroolf If she didn't go with you to
something or bthorl"
"Oh, why yoB, I recall now!" ho
mimicked. Ho. tossed his clgarotto
In tho genernl direction of tho hearth
and got up. , Wo worq both a llttlo
conscious, and ho stood with his back
to me, fingering a Japanese vaso on
tho rnantcl.
"I wno thinking," ho began, turning
tho vnso nround, ''that, If you fool
protty well again, nnd and ready to
lako hold, that I should llko to ko
away for n wook or bo. Things nro
fairly woll elenned up at tho ofllco."
"Do you mean you nro golnpf to
perceptibly piusa. Ho turned and
faced nib. with hla lmmlB thrunt 'In
his pockets.
"No, That's off, Lolllo. Tho
Solborte nro going for a wook'o crulso
Hlongf tho coast, I the hot weather
has played bob with mo and tho prulso
utftajti sovon days' breczo anil Drltlgo."
I lighted a clgarotto and offered
jtjlm tho box, but ho refusod. Ho was
looking hogBnrd nnd suddeulyv: tired.
?r could net thlnjc sanytlilng to Bay,
mild Bellherfoould'ho.' evfdohtlv'. Tho
matter botvvcqri ub lay too. doop' for
"Hw'b Canada?" kg asked.
' "Mnrtln snya a mouth, nnd sho will
'bo all right," I returned, In tho samo
lone, Ho picked up his lint, .but ho
ftad , something morip to say. Ho
hliirted it out, lhinlly, half way to tho
"The Sejborts aro not golnG or"a
couplo of days," hu Bald, "and If you
want a day or so off to gp down to
lUchmond yo'ursolt '
"Perhaps I shall," I returned, 'na ln
(llffcvently an I could. "Not going yet,
"Yes. It Is Into." Ho drow In bin
breath, as JfJiO had uomethlng more
to -nay, but the Impulflo'pasaod. "Well,
good night," ho said from tho door
"qood pisht, old man."
The itijxt moniont tho outer door
Blnmmed nnd I hoard tho onglno of
tho Canponbnll throbbing In tho
street;' Then tho qnlot Bottled, down
lamplight I dreamed dreams, t was
goltiK to boo hor.
Suddenly tho Idea ot holng shut
away, oven temporarily, from so great
and wonderful ci world boenmo Intol
erable. Tho pooriihlilty of arrest bo
for'o. I coud IVchmonjl wus
hlde'oil, tlio night without end,
I mudo my esonpa tho next morn
Jpg through tho stUblo back of tho
bouse, ana thon, by devious dark and
wJndluK ways, to tho offlco, There,
nftur ii t-onforenca with lilobs. whoao
Maturfa fjxfcly Jorkcd with oxcUJ
ment, I double-locked tho door of my
privnto odlco and finished off soma
Imperative work. By ten o'clock 1
wnn free, nnd for tho twentieth tlmo
I consulted my trnln schedule At
flvo minutes nftcr ton, with McKnlght
not yet in Bight, Blobs knocked at tho
door, tho doublo rap wo had agreed
upon, nnd on bolng admitted slipped
In nnd qulotly closed tin door behind
him. Ills eyes wcro glistening with
excitement, nnd a purplo dab of typo,
writer ink gnvo him a peculiarly vll
lnlnoim nnd stcnlthy expression.
"They're hero," ho said, "two of
'em, and that crazy Stuart wasn't on,
nnd said you wcro 8omowhoro in tho
A door slammed outside.- followed
by BtopB on tho iincnrpetod outer of
flco. "This way," snld Blobs, In a husky
undertone, and, darting Into a lavn
tory, throw opon a door that I had
nlways supposed looked. Thenco Into
n back ball plied high with boxes and
past tho presses of a boakblndory to
tho freight elevator.
Greatly to Blobs' disappointment',
there was no pursuit. I wna oxhll
aratod but out of breath when wo
onlorged Into nu nlloyway, nnd tho
sharp daylight aliono on Blobs' ex
cited fnco.
"Great sport, isn't It?" I panted,
dropping n dollar Into his palm, Inked
to correspond with his face "Itogular
wnlk'ttway in tho hundred-yard dash."
"Qlmmo two dollars moro and I'll
drop 'em down tho clovntor Bhaft,"
no suggested ferociously. I loft him
"They're Here," He Bald.
thoro with his blood-thirsty schemes,
and started for tho station. I had a
tondoncy to look behind mo now. nnd
then, but I ronohod tho station unno
ticed, Tho nfteruoon wna hot, tho
trnln rolled slowly nlong, stopping to
punt nt BwoltcrJng stations, from
whoso roofn tho heat roso in waves.
But I noticed thoso things objectively,
not; Bubjcctivcly, for at tho end of tho
journoy was a girl with bluo oyos and
dnrk brown hair, hair thnt could
hod I not seen it? hnng loosa In bo-
J witching tauglos or bo twisted into
llttlo colla ot delight.
Tho Sea, the 8and, tho Stars.
I telephoned ns soon nB I reached
my hotel, and I had not "known how
much I had hoped from Boeing her
until I learned that alio was out ot
town, I hung up tho receiver, nlmoBt
dizzy with dhmppolntment, and It waa
fully flyo mlnntea beforo I thought of
calling up again niuf nuking it sho
wiib within, telephone roach. , It'
Boomed Bho wbb down on tho bay stay
ing with tho Samuol Forbosea.
Sammy Forbca! It was a namo to
cbnjnro with just then. In tho old
dnya nt college I had rather iloutod
him, but now I wns ready to tako him,
to my heart, I rompmborcd that he
had always mount woll, anyhow, and
that hO wbb explosively gonorous, I
called him 'up.
"By tho fuinofl ot gnsbllno!" ho said)
when I told him who I wns. "Blake-
loy, tho Fount of Wisdom against
Woman! Jllakcloy, tlio Great, Un
ktascdl Wolcomo to our oltyl"
Whereupon ho proceeded to urge
hie to como down to tho Shack, and
ol nay that I was an ngrccnblo auts
prjao, uocauBo lour, nmea in two
hours youths had called up to nBk; it
Alistw West was Btopplng with him,
npd to suggest that thoy had a vacant
any or two,
"Oh MIm Westl" X shouted polite-
ly. Thoro was a buzzing on tho lino
"Ib sho thoro?"
Ham had no nusplclons. Was not
I in his mind always tho Great Uu
kissed? which Bounds llko tho Great
Unwashed nnd is oven moro of a ro
proach. Ho asked mo down promptly,
as I had hoped, and thrust nsldo my
"Nonsonso," ho sold. "Bring your
self. Tho lndy that keeps my bonrd-Ing-hoUBO
Ib cnlllng to mo to Insist.
You rcmombor Dorothy, don't you,
Dorothy Browno? Sho says unless
you hnvO lost your flguro you can
wear my clothes nil right. All you
need hero is a bathing suit for day
time nnd a dinner coat for evening."
"It Boundn cool," 1 temporized. "If
you nro sure I won't put you out
very woll, Snm, Blnco yon nnd your
wlfo nro good onough. I hnvo a
couple or days free. Gtvo my lovo to
Dorothy until I can do It myself."
Sam met mo himHolf nnd drovo mo
out to tin Shack, which proved to bo
a substantial house overlooking tho
water. On tho way ho confided to mo
that lots or mnrrlcd mon thought thoy
wcro contontcd when they wero mero
ly resigned, but thnt it was tho only
llfo, and that Snm, junior, could awlm
llko a duck. , Incidentally, ho said that
Alison was his wlfo'u cousin, tholr re
apcctlvo grandmothers having, nt
proper Intervals, married tho sumo
man, and that Alison would loso her
good looks it alio Was not careful.
"r Bay sho'a worried, and I Btick to
it," ho said, as ho throw the lines to
a groom nnd proparcd to got out.
"You know hor, and she's tho kind of
girl you think you can read llko a
book. But you can't; don't fool your
self. Tako a good look nt hor nt din
ner, Blako; you won't Joao your head
llko tho other follows and thon toll
mo what's wrong with her. Wo'ro
mighty fond of Alllo."
Ho wont ponderously up the steps,
for Sam had put on weight Blnco I
know him. At tho door ho turned
nround. "Do you happen to know tho
MncLurb'B nt Seal Harbor?" ho
asked lrrolovantly, but Mrs. Snm
enmo into tho hall just thon, both
hands out to groot mo, nnd, whatever
ForbeB had meant to say, ho did not
nick un tho nublcct ntrnln.
p "Wo nro having tea In bore," Doro
thy said gaily, Indicating tho door
behind hor." "Tea by courtesy, be
cause I think tea is tho only bovor-
ngo that Isn't ropresentod. And thon
wo must dress, for this Is hop night
at tho club."
"Which Is ns groat n misnomer ns
thu ton," Sain put In, ponderously
struggling out ot his llnou driving
coat. "It's brldgo night, and tho only
hopa nro in tho beer.
Ho wna Btlll gurgling over this as
ho took mo upstairs. Ho showed mo
my room himself, and then bogan tho
fruitless search for evening rnlmont
that kept ratr homo thnt night from
tho club, For I couldn't wear Sam's
clothes. That waa clear, after a per
spiring senuco ot a halt hour.
"I won't do It, Sam," I suld, when I
had draped hla dross-coat on mo toga
fashion. "Who nm I to hnvo clothing
to Bparo, llko this, .when many u poor
chap hasn't oven a collar door to
cover him. I won't "do it; I'm solflsh,
but not that solflsh."
"Lord," ho said, wiping hla faco,
"how you've kopt your flguro! I can't
wear a bolt any moro; g6t to have
Ho Tclleoted ovor hla grlovnnco for
some tlmo, sitting on tho side of tho
bed. ' You gould go'ns you are," b.Q
ii v i it m
?- -O- , 0
dnld finally. "Wo do it all tho time,
only to-night happens to bo tho an
nual BomothlnK or other, and" ho
trailed oft Into silence, trying to
uuckio my bolt nround him. "A good
b'Ix Inches," ho sighed. "I nover got
Into, a hansom cab any more that I
don't expect to soo tlio horBo fly up
In the air. Well, Alllo isn't going
either, sho turned down Granger this
afternoon, tho Annapolis fellow you
met on tho ' Btalrs.,, Jilgoon-brcaBted
chap and. slip 'always, geta a. hcad
ncho on those occasions."
Ho got up heavily nnd ,weiit to tho
door. "Granger is lenvlrig,V ho said,
"I may bo-nblo to get his dinner coat
for you. littW.woll do you know1 "hor?"
he asked, with tils hand on tho knob.
"If you moan Dolly?"
"Fairly well," I said cautiously.
"Not as well ae I would llko to. I
dined with her last weok In Washing
ton. And I know her bcfo'ro thaf."
Forbes touched a bell instead of go
ing out, nnd told tho Vervint who an
swered to see , it Mr. Granger's suit
case had gone. If not, to bring it
across tho hall. Thon ho enmo back
to his former position on tho bed,
"You see. wo feel resnonslblo for
Alllo near relation nnd all that." ho
began pompously. "And wo can't talk
to tno people hero at tho houso all
tho men nro In lovo with hor. nnd nil
tho women nro Jealous. Thon there's
a lot of money, too, or will bo."
"Confound tho money!" I raut-
tored. "That is nothing; Razor
"I can toll you." ho wont on. "bo-
causo you don't loso your head over
every protty face although Alllo Is
moro than that, of course. But about
a month ago sho went away to Seal
Harbor, to visit Janet MncLuro. Know
ner7 '
"Sho enmo homo to Richmond yes
terday, nnd then enmo down here
Alllo, I moan. And yesterday after
noon Dolly had a lottor from Janet
somothtng about a second man and
saying alio was disappointed not to
havo had Alison there, that sho had
promised them n two-weeks' visit!
What do you make of that? And that
Isn't tho worst. Alllo herself wasn't
In tho room, but thero wcro eight
other women, nnd because Dolly had
put belladonna in her oyes tho night
boforo to soo how sho would look, and
as a result couldn't soo anything near
or than ncrosB tho room, somo ono
rend tho lottor nloud to her, nnd tho
wholo story Is out. Ono of tho cnts
told Granger nnd the boy proposed to
Alllo to-day, to show her ho didn't
caro a tlnkor's dam whoro she had
"Good boy!" I snld, with onthusl
nsm. I liked tho Granger follow
slnco ho waB out of the running. But
Sam was looking nt mo with sus
picion. "Blako," ho said, "If I didn't know
you for what you are, I'd say you woro
interested thoro yourself."
Being so nenr hor, under tho same
roof, with oven tho tie of n dubious
secret between us, was making mo
bendy, I pushed Forbes townrd, tho
"I Interested!" I retorted, holding
him by tho shouldors. "Thero Isn't a
word In your vocabulary to fit my
condition. I nm nn island In a sunlit
Boa of emotion, Snm, a an ompty
plnco surrounded by longing a "
"An empty plnco surrounded by
longing!" ho retorted. "You want
your dinner, that's what's tho matter
with you"
I shut tho door on him thon. Ho
Boiimed Hiuldonly Rordid. Dinner, I
thought! Although, ns n matter of
fact, I mado a very fair meal when,
Grangor's Bult-caso not having gone,
In his coat and somo other man's trou
Bors, I wns finally fit for tho amen
ities. Alison did not como down to
dinner, bo it wns clear sho would not
go Ovor to tho clubhouse dnnce. I
pled my Injured nrm, nnd a fictitious,
vnguoly located sprain from tho
wreck, as an excuso for remaining nt
home. Sam rogalcd tho tablo with
accounts of my distrust of women,
my ono lovo affair with Dorothy; to
which I responded, ns was expected,
that only my fnlluro thero had kopt
mo alnglo all thoso years, nnd that It
Sam should bo mystorlously missing
during tho bathtng hour to-morrow,
nnd so on.
Made Oliver Herford Famous.
Oliver Herford first sprang Into fame
ns n wit so long nco as when Mm
Jnmes Brown-Potter, whoao husband
was n near rolntlvo of tho Into Bishop
Potior, created a sensation by relin
quishing homo and family to go upon
tho stogo. Whllo tho sensation was nt
its holght tho bishop, who felt that
dlBgraco had been brought upon tho
Potter namo by tho lady's cholco of a
career, chancod nt a dinnor nt the
Players' club in Now York to challongo
nnyouo present to ranko a JokO about
him that was not a pun basod on the
yorb "to potter." lorford'a response,
"Actresses will happen In tho beat rog
ulated famlllos" won him tho laurel
wreath ot tho club nnd It has not yot
gono out of his possession. Frank M,
VhUo. in American Mngaslue.
A Recounting of the Adventure of
Femlnlno Aeronauts Before
the Aeroplane's Day.
Paris. Tho interest shown by wo
men in aerial navigation in theso daya
is no now thing. Womon in tho past
havo dono their sharo In conquering
tho roadwaya of tho nlr.
Mllo. Tiblo was tho first French wo
man to make an ascent. On Juno 4,
1781, sho Went up in a baltoon from
Lyons nnd landed safoly in Bclfor.
tu tho following year Mmo. Jllnca and
Mtno. Luzarchc, in Paris, and two
French gtrla, tho Sisters Slmmonet, in
London, mado successful ascents,
Tho first of tho womon whoso dan
tng was repaid by death was Mme.
Mile. Dutrleu, Daring Bird-Woman.
Blanchnrd, wifo of a famous arconaut
Whllo sailing over Paris in a balloon
on July 6, 1819, Bho set off a rocket,
tho balloon caught firo and Bho waa
killed by falling on a roof.
Mmo. Rader, in 18G3, waB caught in
tho ropes of her balloon and suffo
cated. Among tho nttempta of womon to
conquer tho nlr nono was mora ex
citing than that of Mrs. Stock, who
In 1824 wont up from London In com
pany with tho bnlloonlBt Harris. Tho
Journey continued without Incident
until nn attempt was mado to descend.
Then tho apparatus for emptying tho
balloon did not work properly nnd tho
gas escaped too rapidly.
Only lightening tho car could Bavo
tho two balloonlsts, and all tho bal
last had been thrown out. Then Harris
and Mrs. Stock looked each other in
tho eyo for a socond. Thon Harris
throw himself from tho car to save
tho llfo of tho woman who had been
bravo onough to share his peril with
Mmo. FJammarion, wifo ot the fam
ous Camillo, mado a honeymoon trJp
with her husband in tho month of Au
gust, 1847, and landed happily after
fifteen hours at Spa. This successful
oxnmplo was followed by ono traglo
Imitation, when Giusoppo Chnrlemont,
in 1893, started out from Milan with
his brido and two others to mako tho
Journoy to Paris.
Tho first day passed without acci
dent. On tho second day, an tho bal
loon was crossing tho Alps, it waa
caught in a whirlwind, mot n snow
ctorm and fell moro than ono thous
nnd feet In a few seconds. Tho storm
drovo tho car from ono rocky peak
to another and dragged. It over tho
glaciers until nil -tho gas had oscaped
and tho car was left on a mountain.
It remained thero nil ntght, and tho
noxt day tho four, with no implements
nnd no protection against tho cold,
started to make tho perilous descont.
A snowstorm was raging nnd tho
young husband slipped Into a crovnsso
nnd was dashed to death at tho bot
tom. It was thrco days boforo tho
party -found refugo In a hut.
Sarah Bernhardt mado an ascent in
1875 with tho painter Clarin and God
dard, tho balloonist.
Among tho most daring aviators
whq rocontly gave exhibition fllghta
at DoncaBter, England, was Mllo. Du
trlou, n young Frenchwoman. Her
flights in midair woro really remark
ablo, and sho Is tho only woman in tho
.world who has stcored an aoroplano
with a passenger aboard.
"Arkansaw" Recognized as Correct,
but It Drought About a Dispute
in the Senate.
Llttlo Rock, Ark. In tho United
States nnmOB of places nro pro
nounced according to caprico rathor
than according -to rule. Tho people of
Qulncy, Mass.,- ns well ns tho pooplo
of Massachusetts generally, say "Quln
zy," whllo wostorn pcoplo say "Quln
By." In tho samo wny Now England
era nro much amused should any one
pronounco tho name of tholr famous
town ns ovory ono pronounces the
common word that is spelled In tho
samo wny. In other word, tho inhabi
tants of Concord, Mass., glvo tho sec
ond "o" an obscuro sound nnd omit
tho "r" altogether. .Thoy Hvo in "Con
cud." MoRt everybody knows thnt tho cor
rect pronunciation ot Arkansas is "Ar
knnBaw," but thoro aro still many per
sons who call It Arkansas. Tho name
waa fQrmorly spelled Arkansas and An
kansa." Tho final "s" was added by
tho French, and is silent. In tho state
itsolf it la only visitors and nowcom
ors -who Bay Arkansas, At tho samo
tlmo it seems to bo true- that usag
hns not alwayB been uniform. When
Millard Flllmoro was vlco prosldont of
tho United Stntos tho two Arkansas
senators disagreed ns to tho pronun
ciation ot tho namo, Each Insisted
that ho was correct, and Mr. Fillmore,
as prcBidont ot tho senate, campro
miced tho batter by recognizing one
as "tho gentleman from Arkansas'
and tho other as "tho rjentlowan from
For Benefit of Women who
Suffer from Female Ills
Minnpolisf Minn. "I was n groat
jnfforer from femalo troubles which
caused s weaKncsa
and broken, down
condition of tho
system. I read so
much of whatLvdia
E. rinkham's Vegr
etablo Oompound
bad dono for othor
sulTcrlng women. I
flt euro it would
help mo. and I must
eay it did bolp mo
wondorfully. My
pains all left mo. I
fro w stronger, nnd within threo months
was a perfectly woll woman.
"I want this letter mado public- to
Bliow tho bonoilt womon may derivo
from Lydla B. Pinkham'a Vcgetablo
Compound." Mrs. Joidt G, Moldak,
2115 Second St., North, Minneapolis,.
Thousands of unsolicited and genu
ine testimonials llko tho abovo provo
tho efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound, which is made
exclusively from roots and herbs.
Women who Buffer from thoso dis
tressing ills peculiar to their Boxehould
not loso sight of theso facts or doubti
tho ability of Lydia E. Hnkhani'a
Vegetable Compound to rcstoro their
If you -want special ndvico -write
to Mrs. Plnkbain, at Ijyiin, Mass.
confidential. For 20 years sho
lias been helping1 sick women in
this wajr free of charge. Don't
hesitate avrito at once.
Why Rent a Farm
nil be comDelled to tv to vour Innrllnr.l mh
of your hard-earned profits? Own your own
arm. oeeure a irree Homestead In
mnnitoua, Saskatchewan or
AiDertn, or purchase
land In one- of these
districts, and bank a
profit ot $10.00 ar
$I2.0t) an nam
every year.
Land purchased 3
years ago at (10.03 an
acre lias rectently
oh an cod hands at
(25X0 on acre. The
crops crown on these
lands warrant the
advance. You' can
farming: and era In arowlnsr in
the provinces of Manitoba,
Soiuatclirtwan and Alberts.
Frra liome&tcacl anil pre
emption areas, as Well as land
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