The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 13, 1910, Image 3

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'But Chronto Kidney Trouble Was
Finally Cured.
WASHINGTON. -That the Panama canal will bo practically complotcd In
1913 1b mado evident by the report of tho Isthmian canal commission
for tho llBcal year ended Juno 30 kst, which has Just boon mado public.
Tho work of oxcavatlou has gono on with remarkable rapidity, dcsplto tho
delays caused In many placoB by floods nnd landslides. Tho making of tho
lock gates already Is under way In Pittsburg. Hoalth conditions In tho
canal zone are improvod, and, as President Taft told tho employees tho
other day, tho laborers thero aro tho best paid In tho world. Colonel
Gocthals, tho chief engineer of tho commission, has expressed tho belief
that .tho canal will bo virtually flnlshod long before tho date sot for tho
opening, arid President Taft and othor ofllclals who havo been to Panfima
Horse Raoing Is Principal Amuse
ment of Island.
Leading Native Product Is Copra,
Made From Cocoanut Also Ex
perlment With All Sorts of
' ' Rubber Plants.
New York. Tho volcano In Savall,
tho larcest of tho Sainonn Islands
Which was awarded to Great Drltaln
-when Samoa wns divided up a little
more than ten years ago and which
was later ceded to Germany In ex
change for valuable rights iji tho Solo
mon and Tonga Islands, Is still active
nnd lava has ruined a large part of
the island, according to Dr. W. H.
Solf, tho governor of German Samoa,
,who arrived from Apia on his way to
Germany to take a holiday.
Doctor Solf has boon governor of
German Samoa over since tho colony
becamo such. He is popular with
American diplomatic and consular
representatives. Ho speaks English
as easily as his native language Ho
had a good word to say for Captain
Parker, tho governor of Tutuila.
"Captain Parker, a vory ablo man,
Is much beloved by tho Samoans,"
Bald Doctor Solf at tho Holland house.
"Relations between tho Americans
nnd Germans aro most cordial and tho
natives liavo bocomo qulto pacified.
.They have also begun to Bhow a lit
tlo moro Interest In their work. They
will never work for othor people aB
contract laborers, however, und this
Is the Tenson why tho Gorman govern
ment felt obliged to import Chinese
labor. Tho Chlncso coolies have so
'far been found satisfactory. Thero
nro now about 1.G00 of Uiem and thero
Is a Chlncso consul at Apia. Tho
country is developing fast.
' '.'Tho Reading natlvo, product is
copra, mado from tho cocoanut. The
government has mndo stringent laws
ithat only a good quality of tho stuff
I)o produced, and this has raised tho
lvalue of Samoan copra. Tho natives
bro obliged to plant cocoanut trees
pn all Idlo lands. Tho whlto planters
Bo In for cocoa and rubber. In Apia
there Is Invested English and Ameri
can capital beside Gormans. Tho
(three nationalities nnd tho natives aro
living together harmoniously. Tho
jwhlto population is growing, and bo
Js the Samoan.
"As for rubber, so far thero has been
practically no output For flvo or six
years we have been trying all sorts
bf rubber plants. Tho samples nro
very good. Several companies nro
slanting, but noub of tho product has
Loon exported yet. Tho revenues of
the country aro now flvo times bigger
than they wore ton years ago. Va
imve a telephone servlco nnd good
roads. Automobiles aro few, but wo
imve fine horses. In fact, horse racing
is the principal amusement of tho
jplace. Thore is a sports club, of
.which I am tho 'protector,' and good
J' irlzoB are offerod. It is our boast
hat we have the best horses in tbo
Doctor Solf lives In Robert Louis
Stevenson's old home, Vnillma, which
fwas bought by tho Germnn govern
ment, enlarged and turned Into" tho
government house.
"Thore aro excursions every Bteam
uhlp day to Vaillraa and Stevenson's
tomb on the hill," said Doctor Solf.
'"Many of tho travolers who make tho
pilgrimages nro Australians and Now
iCealandors, who seem to bo among his
most devoted admirers. No, wo do not
have much excitement in Samoa, ns a
ruk, though tho volcano on Savall
has provided a lot of it. In tho first
years of Us activity it destroyed lots
of fcrtllo territory. Tho natives wore
transplanted to Upolu. But lately tho
lava has found an outlet underneath
the oldor lava, by which It flows di
rectly to tho sea. Wo hopo this will
continuo open and that thero will be
no moro outbursts. A great region la
now covered thick with lava, and, of
courso, tho land Is destroyed for agri
cultural purposes, it Is qulto black."
Thieves Menace Communication Be
tween Capital and Moscow
Substitute Aluminum.
St. Petersburg.1-Tcleplionlc commu
nication has ben opened from Moscow
to NlJnI-Novgorod and such Important
cotton spinning centers as Vladimir,
Shuy and Ivanovo-Vosnoscnsk. Tho
linos aro air lines, notwithstanding tho
painful experiences of tho St. Petersburg-Moscow
line, which is useless for
hours sovcral times a week owing to
tho practiso of stealing tho copper
wlro. Tho ,St. Petersburg-Moscow tolo
phono has boon working for yenrs, yet
it is still found imposslblo to prevent
this practiso of cutting lengths of cop
per wiro by potty thlovos. Tho now
lino to NIJnl-Nqvgorod is of aluminum,
tho promoters fondly believing that
this motal will bo Immune from 'tho
wire thieves, as "aluminum Is not so
familiar a form of hardwaro as cop
8oclety Girls Who Encage In Them
Have Clearer Minds Day of
Tomboy Is Past.
Boston. Miss Mario Loo- of Brook
lino, n cousin of Mrs. Thcodoro
Roosovelt, says nthletlcs, as engaged
in by tho presont day socloty girl,
havo given her a clearer mind and
driven out scandals and intrigues
which onco filled tho Hvo3 of many
women of leisure
Miss 1x30 was tho organizer of a
bnsoball team composod of Boston so
cloty girls who havo their summer
homes on the north shore. Sho is a
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Gcorgo Leo.
Along the north shoro last summor
tho girls had more fun out of their
baseball toam than out of anything
olso. Miss Leo says:
"Alice Tborndyko Is tha captain
and under her leadership soma of tho
girls have become quite skilful play
ers. Among tho many othor girls
who havo taken up baseball are Clara
Wlnthrop, Cathorino Breed, Susanno
Thayer, Mary L. Armory and Gladys
"Tho typical socloty girl of today
is tho prophet and saviour of tho or
dinary young girl of the twentieth
century. Tlianko to tho society girl,
tho young woman who shouldors a
golf hag and starts for tho links six
days in tho week -)a today a normal
type. It is duo to her that tho girl
of today who swims, rows and rides a
horse is no longer looked upon as' a
'toinloy' or as 'mannish.'
"In no phaso of prosont-dny llfo
enn tho contrast hotween socloty as
it Is and as It was years ago bo moro
Btrongly set forth than in tho popu
larity of nthleilcR. Rich and poor
havo their part in outdoor sports and
athletics have a larger sharo of fern
lnlno attention than they ever had.
"It is true tho colleges havo dono
much In recent years for tho popu
Pint of Deor and Three Cents Paid
for Return of Gems Worth
Fully 62.5C0.
London. For n necklnco of sov-
cnty-ono pearls and n diamond clasp,
valued at about $2,G00, a landlady of
Stamford, it was stated recently, gavo
her lodger a pint of beer nnd 3 cents.
This vory extraordinary transaction
soonis to havo boon equally satlsfnc
tory to both parties, who woro wholly
unaware of tho valuo qf tho nock
lace, which wns lost from a motor car
In tho neighborhood of Stumford.
Tho necklnco wob tho property oj
A. C. Daker of Cosgrovo hall, Stonoy
Stratford, and was Insured at Lloyd's,
who offered a roward of $250 for its
Eventually it left Iho lnndlndy for
tho local pawnbroker, who notified
tho police, and was subsequently re
stored to tho owner.
Louisville Bars FlrVworkc
Louisvlllo, Ky. Tho toy pistol, tha
cannon crackor and tho roman can
dlo aro to bid adlou to Louisvlllo.
After ono moro cdlebrntlon tho now
measure which provonts tho salo ol
all dangerous flroworku Jn tho city
aftor January 1, 1911, will go Into ef
fect Most Healthy City.
North Carver, Mass. This town,
population. 800, Is so healthy thnt
thero arq no doctors nnd no under
takers. Tho last funeral was hold
two years ago. Tho town once boast
ed a physician, but ho moved away 18
months ago.
larity of athletics. A girl among girls
in college has the tlmo and tho in
centive to go into things of tho sort
that in many cases she does not havo
at homo. Yot if a girl's part In ath
lotlcs wero to bo confined to her col
logo days It would not amount to
much. Even for tho ordinary girl of
no special advantages nthlotlcs today
play an Important part In hor llfo
and tho slandered socloty girl is re
sponsible for this.
"It Is tho socloty girl, and not tho
collogo girl who has dono moro for
athletics than any othor cIobb of
young porsons In tho country. Tho
young woman of fashion makes ath
letics attractive to tho general run
of persons. Tho scandals and In
trigues which n century ago woro
linked with what was known as 'high
society' havo given placo to some
thing better and moro wholesome"
Drop In Fur Values,
Froderlcton, N. B. Tho Canadian fur
trado Is expected to bo less profitable
to trappers this season than formorly,
Advices from London, ono of tho im
portant fur markets of the world, to
which a largo part of tho Canadian
product is sent, announce n heavy
drop in values.
Tho slump ranges from 10 per cont
on raccoon skins to GO per cont on
silver fox.
Decries Careers for Women.
Ann Arbor, Mich, "Dellvor mo
from tho woman who comes to tho
university to prepare for a career,"
said President II. D. Hutchlns of the
University of Michigan, In his annual
address to tho women of the collogo.
Ho urged tho women to select studies
that would boitor fit them for bolng
bomomukors and mothers, Jf they had
particular ability tbo careor would
seek Uiem,
Will Scrutinize the
WASHINGTON. Comptroller of tho
Currency M'irrny is now hard nt
work in limiting sharper and moro
sonrchlng tho official supervision nnd
control of tho national banks. Ho re
quires tho examiners to mnko tholr
(Investigations moro complete and ox
acting. Ho has changed examiners
from ono district to nnothor, and If
they thus lose something of knowlcdgo
about local conditions, they are sot
froo from Induonceu which breed par
tiality and prejudice Official Inquiry
Is In this way lifted nbovo cliques nnd
tho mnstery of ono or two institutions
In a city.
Tho latest stop Is to call on tho ox
nmlncrs in tho ' several districts to
make out lists of tho conconiB which
nro largest borrowers nt tho banks.
Such roports from tho .11 districts nro
to bo tabulated at tho WnsMngtou
oftlco which will bo so created n clear
ing house of commercial credits, Tho
rocord Is to bo kept In confidence,
nnd tho names of banks carrying
heavy lines of paper will not bo ex
posed. Individuals and corporations which
Savings Made in
WITH a navy Increasing in bIzo, tho
estimates for tho exponso bf tha
naval establishment for tho noxt fls
cal year show a saving of ovor $4,
000,000, ns .compnrod with tho anu uut
appropriated laBt year. For tho pres
ent fiscal year tho estimates wero
110,000,000 less than tho appropria
tions for tho prccodtng yenr. 1Y
two years taken togothor show econ
omy with incrensod efficiency.
Competition in tho fleot hns boon
encouraged nnd has resulted in butter
target practise, economy in coal con
sumption and in consumption of sup
plies. Full power trials of vessels
under orulBlngxcondltlons havo boon
conducted, Tho fastest battleships
ori tho recent full power trials woro
tho only ones ropnlrod at navy yarda
under tho present system of navy
yard organization.
Tho greatest progress In tho navy
has boon in target practise It has
boon duo to carefully conducted com
petitions, whoro ship line boon pitted
Supreme Court May Urisquat 300,000
THE legal battlo which has ragad
in Kentucky for Bovoral genera
tions ovor tho validity of so-called
"blanket" grantB of land by Vlrglnln,
tho mothor state, and ovon Kentucky
Itself during tho cnrllor years of
statehood, has como before tho Su
premo court of tho United States for
decision. Titles to lnnds now said to
bo worth at least $10,000,000 dopond
upon tho decision of tho court. Orig
inally Bomo of tho lund wns procured
nt 2 cunts an acre.
Arguments wero mado as to tho
constitutionality of tho Kentucky
statute undor which It Is clnlmcd n
forfolturo of tho tltlo to 40,000 acres
of land, held by tho Kentucky Union
company, would bo workod In favor
of tho occupants of tho laud. Imme
diately nfter this case, It is expected
Uncle Sam Goes
THE government of tho United
States has turned Its wholo dotcc
tlvo machinery towarc unearthing and
destroying tho whlto Blavo traffic, as
it exists betwoon tho states or between
foreign countries nnd tho United
States. It is tho plan of tho dopart
mont of Justlco to mnko ono nweep on
all tho largo cities at onco, nnd strlko,
if possible, ono staggering blow at the
Tho government's authority comos
from tho Mann net, imposing upon tho
interstato aspects of tho crlmo penal
ties of flvo years' imprisonment or a
flno of $5,000. According (0 informa
tion already received at Washington,
Pittsburg 1b tho canter of tho trndo,
though clues discovered in Chicago
mnko that city an Important substa
tion. The firsts swoop, it ia Intended,
Bank Borrowers
strain tholr credit soon got beyond tho
resources of tholr homo banks. Thoy
g&brond for loans. Noto brokers do
rlvoVhoIr profit from this practiso.
When failures occur It often hnppons
that tho bankrupt is debtor to banks
nt points rcmoto from each other.
Ono lender docs not know how many
others havo been buying tho
sort of imp or. Rollnnco on business
statements becomes trust on broken
reeds by changed conditions as wall
as by ovcr-oangulno estimates.
Tho now policy of Comptroller Mur
ray will tend to restrict credit at both
ends of tho transaction. Borrowers
who expand unduly will tnko warning
when they learn thnt rocord of all
tholr loans Is kept for rovlow. They
will discern tho need nt caution In put
ting out their obligations, and will do
loss business on other pooplo's cap
ital. They will fool omo alarm nt tho
broad nomipubllclty of tholr affairs
nnd will ruduco tholr appeals to loud'
ors, Tho weakest of tho largo bor
rowers will first bo compelled to ro
duca their loans. All who rely too
much on borrowing will soo tho veil
lifted from tholr operations and will
come to act knowing thai' thoy aro do
ing business in tho open. Thoso who
nro fairly ontitlcd to tho orodlt which
thoy nak can gat no harm. Tho dan
ger of tho output of bad paper will bo
diminished, nnd banks will bo warned
against assets not doslrablo.
the Naval Service
against ship, man against man and of
ficer against officer. In this wny ovary
ono hns been put upon his mottlo nnd
results havo closely measured tho
relative worth of tho various ahlps
nnd ofllcors.
Tho coBt of work at navy yards
hnB fallen matorlnlly. Steol castings
mado at navy yards havo been ro
duccd from about 0 cents a pound to
about G conts, and iron castings lmvo
boon cut from nbout 4 Mi cents a
pound to 2 if,.
Although tho navy has Increased In
slzo, tho cost of tho coal la expected
to bo about ? 1,000,000 less during tha
current fiscal year thnn during the
previous ono. Tho estimator for fuel
for tho coming year havo been de
creased by $1,000,000. Improvement
has boon mado In tho uso of lubri
cating oil, Tho cost of suppllos has
boon reducod by moro than SO per
cent, nnd In freight und transporta
tion of supplies thero has boon a
Buving of nbout $100,000.
Tho most serious wnato of funds
undor tho navy dopartraont ban prob
ably booi that duo to expenditures
upon vessols that nro not fit to tnko
part In any futuro war, Thero aro
many of thaso vessels that will prob
ably bo relegated to tho rosorvo or
bo placed out of commission in tho
near futuro.
tho suits Involving tho tltlo of tha
eastern Kentucky lunds will bo takon
ADout ',tuu,uuu acres or land are
said to llo undor tho doubtful tltlo of
thoso "blanket" grants. On the othor
hand, 300,000 citizens of Kontucky
lmvo entered those lands. Claimants
undor tho "blnnkot" grantB call then
tiio attorney general or tho com
monwealth of Kontucky has ap
peared in tho Bupromo court to as
sort In dafenso of tholr claim of tltlo
thnt thoy nro tho pooplo who have
built up tho state, and oroctcd a com
monwealth, with Us court houses and
school houses, Its municipalities nnd
Internal Improvements,
Thoy havo for yearn, tho nttornoy
general has said in a briof, fllad with
Iho court, paid taxes on tho land,
whtlo a search of tho records, whero
such Information would bo found, ho
sayu, shows thnt tho sum total of all
taxes paid by tho claimants undor tho
Virginia grants in litigation, since.
tho organization of Kontucky in 1702,
to tho presont tlmo, does not oxceod
After White Slavers
will bo Btarted slm'JtnncousIv in Now
Yorlt, Philadelphia Pittsburg, Chicago
nnd Ban Francisco.
OfllcorB at porta of entry havo boon
asked to incroaao tholr vlgllauco and
to inspect female Immigrants with po-
cullar care. Mcunwh llo ofllcors nt in
land cities will watch nnd report tho
movemonts of nil suspects.
In Now York Homo monthH nun nin,
trlct Attomoy Whitman mado an nr.
fort to trap somo of tho men back
of tho trado In thnt city, but thoy es
caped, Tho only wny to capturo tho
offenders, according to tho ngonts of
tho department of justice. Is to hnvn
tho authorities of nil tho largo cltle
act together. Tho government nirnntH
will not try to "clonn up" tho vari
ous cities, Thoy will simply go after
tho leaders gr tho synulcato.
In Chicago somo urresta havo been
mndo. but those nro only. tho bccln.
nlng of tho gonernl crusade, It Is
said. In uovoriil casos It wan. found
that mon In thnt city had brought
women from Franco. Some of tho
linos dovoloped In Chicago by theso
arrests can bo traced throughout the
Charles Von Soohni. 201 A St,
Colfnx, Wash., says: "For 30 years I
Buffered from kidney troublo and wna
laid up tor days at a time. Thero was
a dull noho through
tho small of my
back and riiad rheu
matic palna inovcry
joint. The kidney)
secretions passed
too f rooly nnd I was
annoyed by having
to nrtfto nt night I
could not work without Intense suf
fering. Through tho uso of Doan's
ICIdney PIUb, 1 was practically given a
now pair of kidneys. I cannot1 exag
gerate their virtue."
Remember tho nnmo Donne.
For salo by nil dealers. GO cents a
box. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Duffnlo, N. Y.
It Revolted Him.
William Loeb, Jr., nt n dinner In
Now York, referred with a smllo to
the knrflhor penalties, oven to Impris
onment, that nro now to bo Inflicted
upon smugglers, v i-
"Thoy tnko It hnrd, very hard, thoso
smugglers," said Mr. Lrtob. "Rovolted
at tho slzo of tholr flues, they, mako
mo think of acorgp White, tho chick
en thief.
"'What I ' Gcorgo Bhouted reproach
fully on honrtng his sontonco. 'What!
Ton dollars for stoalln that chlckon?
Why, Judge, I could 'a' bought a
smarter hen for BO cants! "
-Th,wt li mora Catarrh fct thli Mtlon et the f'oontr
than all other dUejuu put together, and until, the U
tew year wat tiippoted to bo Incurable. For a crcat
many ycari doctori (renounced It ft kX'nl dUt-aao and
Ittlrriuw local remeaiw. ana oy cowuinur uuing
o ir with local treatment. Dronounced It Incurable.'
telenet hat prowl Catartlt to be a coiuUtutlonal Ul-
lam. and tncrtmra require conniiuiwnn irrauncow
llallf catarrh cure, manufactured lir V, J. Cheney
k Co.. Toledo, Ohio, to tho only COnitltuttonat cur on
the market. It to taken Internally l dotes Irom 10
tropt to a teatpnonlut. It acta directly on Iho blood
ind mucoiu aurlacea of the tyttcm. They oner on
hundred dollars for any rata It falti to cure. Bead
lor circular! and trattmonlalt.
Addrmi 1". J. ciikni;y a cu., Toreuo, uara.
Fold by Dnwlata. Tta.
Trto llall'a Family lli!t for contttpaMea.
Ha Never Shaved Again,
Mnrmnduko What do you Biippose
that wrotched barber Bald when ho
elmved mo?
Bortlo 1 don't know,
Mnrmnduko Ho said it romlndod
him of u gnmo ho used to play whoa
a boy culled "Hunt tho Hare,"
for Rod, Weak, Weary, WutiryEyea
nndaranulntcdlQyolIds. Murino Doesn't
Smart Soothes liyo Pnln. Druggists
Soli Murino ,Eyo Romody, Liquid, 25c,
COo, $1.00. Murine Eyo Salve In
ABoptlo Tubes, 25c, $1.00, Eyo Books
ana Eyo Advico iroe uy Man,
Murine Eyo Remedy Co., Chicago,
Feminine Lorjlc.
A woman Is always right.
-How do you llguro that outT
-Well, a woman is, Isn't she?
Him Yes, I aupposo so,
Hor And Popo snya: "Whatever Is,
Is light." Soo7 Chicago News
Important to Mothers
12xnmlno carefully every bottle of
ASTORIA, a safo and suro romody for
Infanta and children, and boo that It
Tlfrf 41irk
Signature of Ct&72&5&
In Ubo For Ovor SO Years.
Tho Kind You Havo Alwnya Bought.
"That man wouldn't touch a cont
Hint didn't bolong to him."
"I know," roplled Mr. Dustln Stax.
"But how about giving him a chance
at $10,000?"
Ten Beautiful Christmas Cards Fro
To oulcklv Introduce tho blearest and
host farm Innriinl In tha West, ivn mahn
tills Bpocinf 20 dity bargain otter: Bond 1(1
rents for trial 3 months' subicrlptlon and
wo will Ktvo you frco our collection of 10
vory iincst uoia ismuoaseu unnatmas pose
pnnln. Nebraska Farrn Journal, 319
IUiiiko Outnilnsr. Omaha, Hob.
As gold is triad by tho furnaco. and
tlio basor metal Is shown; so the hol
low-hearted frlond is known by ad
versity. Motnstaslo.
Metropoiltan Dallies Giving Advice
How to Check Rheumatism and
Kidney Trouble.
This le a fjlmplo homo recipe now
being mado known in all the larger
hltloB through tho newspapers. It lfl
ntonded to check tho many casoa o
Rheumatism and dread kldnoy trouble
Svhlch havo mado no many crlpplos,
Invalids and weaklings of somo of our
brightest and strongest pcoplo.
Tho druggists everywhere, ovon in
tho smallest communities, havo been
notified to supply thoraflolvcB with the
lugrodlonto, and tho Buftoror will have
ho troublo to obtain them. Tho pre
scription is aa follows: Fluid Extract
fctandollon, ono-half ounco; Compound
Kargon, ono ounco, and Compound
Byrup of Sarsaparllla, throe ouncoB.
Mix by Bbaklog well in a bottlo. Tho
dose is ono tcaspoonful aftor each,
meal and at bcdtlmo.
Recent experiments In hospital
cases prove thla elmplo mlxturo ef
fective in Rhoumatism, Bccauso 06
its posltivo action upon tho cljjnlnn
tlvo tlssuos of tho kidneys, It compels
theso most vital organs to filter from
tho blood nnd Bystom tho -wnsto Im
purities and urle nchl which nro tho
causo of rhoumatism, It clonnses tho
kidneys, strengthens them and re
movoa quickly such symptoms aa
backncho, blood disorders, bladder
weakness, froquont urination, painful
scalding and discolored urlno. It acta
ns a Rontlo, thorough regulator to tho
entlro kldnoy otructuro.
Thoso who Buffor nnd nro accus
tomed to purchnBo a hottlo of modi
clno Bhould not lot a llttlo locon
venlonco Interforo with making thla
up, or havo your druggist do It for you,