The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 09, 1910, Image 1

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NO 92
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fc hXWW W .
The new Methodist church at Lexing
ton will be dedicated next Sunday.
Bishop Mclntyre, of St. Paul, will be
The county commissioners adjourned
Tuesday evening until Decembor 20th.
Tho proceedings of this week's scBsion
will be found on another page.
The Wesleyan University Gleo Club
will visit North Platte Dee. 10th and
give a concert under the auspices of tho
Y. M. G. A. The conceit will be held
at Wendle's music hall in the Gooze
Mrs. Jas. Hart will hold an exchange
at Howe & Moloney's Saturday at
which she will have on sale bread, cakes,
doughnuts, home made mlnco meat,
cookies and baked beans. The Catholic
Girls will also have on Bale fancy aprons.
Miss Jessie Blankenburg will organ
iro claBses in China painting. Those
interested may call nt 102 West 6th St.
Also a line of hand painted china and
other hand decorated Christmas gifts
for sale, and orders taken.
Every thing in tho bakery lino. Take
homo one of our fine fruit cakes. Your
Xmas dinner will not be complete with
out one these cakes.
Enterprise Bakery.
Field Agent Bryan, of Grand Island
sugar factory, visited Keystone, on tho
north river branch, Wednesday and
mado contracts for 165 acres of beets
for next year. Two of these contracts
were thirty acres each, one fortwenty
flv.e acres and tho other for eighty acres.
A case of small-pox developed Wed
nesday in tho family of Rev. Allen
Chamborlain, a young son being the
victim. As tho boy had attended school
the day bofore, the Second ward build
ing, which ho attends, was thoroughly
fumigated during tho day.
Sco Rincker's fine line of China.
Suitable presents for Christmas.
Though the population of Nebraska
ha" beer, given by counties, only four
cittesjhave been acquainted with the
number of people they contain. These
four are Omaha, Lincoln, Fremont and
Norfolk. Tho Tribune ha3 attempted to
learn North Plattes's population, but
so far has not been successful.
The board of directors of the Com
mercial Club held a meeting Tuesday
evening and ordered tho salo of the
furniture preparatory to winding up
the affairs of tho club on December
31st. A skylight will be placed In the
rooms and on January 1st Photographer
VonGoetz will take possession of tho
Early shoppers get beat selections;
our stock is now complete.
Dixon the Jeweler.
In the county court Tuesday Marvin
Dickinson had a hearing on a charge of
resisting arrest at the hands of Marshal
Combs, of Maxwell. Considerable evi
dence was introduced, and at the con
clusion tho defendant was discharged
by Judge Eider. Palm, who was charged
with a similiar offence, did not appear
in court.
We have an entire new shipment of
china cupa and saucers, plates, etc., for
Christmas trade.
Buchanan Co.
Georcro BroDhv. stato organizer of
tha state railroad men's protective and
investors association, spent Wednes
day and yesterday in town on business
connected with the association. Tho
ntfitn association now has over 10.000
members, and it is predicated that
within ri vear it will have doublo that
number. Every state in the Union has
a stato association.
A girl baby was born Wednesday
morning to Mr. and Mrs. Albert btom
Dr. Dent was called to Somerset yes
tcrday to attend a Mrs. Howard who is
critically in.
J. W. Abbott recently sold to Anna
Nelson the west one-half of lot 5, block
2, in Hcrshey, for a consideration of
Don't forget tho Catholic, Girl's apron
sale at Howe & Maloney's Saturday,
All kinds of fancy and plain aprons on
N. Kozlowski, a clothing merchant of
Omaha, was in town yesterday looking
up n location to which to move his
Since January first Judge Elder has
issued one hundred and forty-two mar
riage licenses. Tho Judge hopes to make
it ono hundred and fifty by the end of
the year.
Edward F. Assay, of Odessa and
Orzella Tucker, of Paxton, were mar
ried by Judgo Elder Saturday, and Mon
day ho united Harry Sopors, of Denver,
and Lilian Hcndy, of LaSallo.
Wanted to sell Eight brood mares,
Weight 1050 to 1500 pounds. L. E.
Ebright,two miles west of Experimental
All the sugar beets that were siloed
at Hershey have been shinned out. One
of the growers says tho action of tho
sugar company in taking the beets off
tneir nanus so promptly this mil proved
very satisfactory.
A special feature of our stock is the
opportunity for selection. In all depart
ments we are showing new ana ex
ceptional goods at reasonable prices.
DIXON, Tho Jeweler.
While coming down to his work Wed
nesday morning J. G. Mcllvane slipped
and fell on tho sidewalk and cut quite
a gash in one of his legs. The injury
was so severe as to cause him to lay oft
for several days.
Seal-shipt oysters now on tap at
Buchanan Co. Grocery.
S. P. Stryker. now located at Lincoln.
was in town yesterday enrouto to Her
shey. Mr. Stryker is Interested in tho
recently burned alfalfa meal mill at
Hershey and comes here to consult
with other stockholders as to what stops
shall betaken as to rebuilding the mill.
Show windows on Dowey street give
ovidence of the approach of Christmas.
Merchants say the holiday trade has
started in a satisfactory manner and
they anticipates a big business. In ex
pectation of this Ihoy are displaying un
usually large stocks suitablo for the
Seven residents of Platteviow
and Tabor sub divisions which were
recently taken into the city limits,
havo united in a protest to the
city council against such action. If the
council refuses to recognize their pro
test and excludo them from tho corpor
ation limits, they threaten to bring an
action in tho courts compelling the city
to rescind its action.
For Rent.
6 room house on north side, close in.
Good cellar and wash house. City water
in house ana yard. $18.00.
2 nice store rooms on corner of Locust
and Ninth, streets. Corner room $20,
south room $25.
The upstairs of the above building is
fitted up with 14 nice rooms. All
modern. A fine proposition for keep
ing roomers. $40. per month.
Or wo will make a lease for the
whole building on good terms.
Temple Real Estate & Ins. Agency,
C. F. Temple, Mgr.
Arthur McNamara returned yester
day from a brief visit in Omaha.
Mrs. J. L. Murphy loft yesterday
morning for a visit with friends in Om
aha. Richmond Birgo returned the early
part of tho week from a week'8 visit
in Omaha and Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Mann loft Wed
nesday morning for a two weekB visit
in Kansas City and St. Louis.
Mrs Fred Elliott, Jr., and children,
of Omaha, aro visiting relatives in town
and will lemnin for several weeks.
George Pattorson, living north of tho
river, went to Council Bluffs Tuesday
to attend the f unercl of hia sister, Mrs.
Keys, which was held Wednesday.
Ed Burke, formerly In business in
this city, who had been suffering with
rheumatism at Lead, S. D., has been
taken to Excelsior Springs, Mo., for
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kosbau, living
southwest of town, returned tho early
part of the week from Excelsior Springs,
whore Mrs. Kosbau had been taking
treatment for several weekB. ,
John Burko, n former North Platte
boy and at ono time employed as clork
in tho McDonald Bank, visited rela
tives and friends In own Boveral days
this week. Ho is now located in Fre
Miss Florence Donegan will entertain
tho J. J. club at her homo this evening.
Miss Edith Patterson will bo hostess
at the session of tho young ladies'
bridge club tomorrow evening.
The high school foot ball team will
be entertained at the Beeler homo to
morrow evening, with a number of high
school girls as the hostesses.
The Catholic Girls' Club will be en
tertained Monday evening by Miss
Evelyn Jcffers, assisted by Misses
Gena Malonoy, Mary McGovern, May
MiWilliams and EfTio Christ.
Postmaster Thomson Reappointed.
Dispatches from Washington stato
that the name of R. D. Thomson has
been sent to the senato for confirmation
as postmaster at North Platte, This
result was anticipated for two reasons;
first because his administration of the
office has been highly satisfactory, to
the patrons, and in such, instances the
postoflice department is inclined to
lavor tnn retention oi tne nrumDent
no master how long his servlco may
have been. The other reason is that
In Congressman Klnkaid's view tho re
appointment of Mr. Thomson would
lead to less political friction than the
appointment of either Mr. Davis or Mr.
Bare. In this view Mr. Kinkald did
not place full value on tho republican
ism oi citner uavis or uare, neuner oi
whom would havo shown "soreness"
had ono or the other been appointed,
and neither will they feel so over tho
re-appointment of Mr. Thomson.
mis writer aid not scck tne oiuce
for its emoluments; it was more to
escape the daily grind of newspaper
work for a year or two, the intention
being, in case of appointment, to placo
The Tribune in thenands of a competent
Thompson, Davis and Bare will con
tinue to bo the best of friends and will
in the future, as th past, work for tho
triumph of republican principals.
Home made mincemeat, cakes, bread,
doughnuts and cookies for salo at Howe
& Maloney's Saturday. Orders will be
taken for Fruit Cakes.
Our display of plain and
is tne best shown in trio
fancy china
city. Tramp
Lots and Small Tracts of Land
For Sale Now in Water
Go's Third Addition to
ifl EASY TERMS. Seven per cent interest on Deferred Payments. Apply to
1 A. WICKSTROM, Supt.,
Lots 50x140 feet from $30.00 to $200.00 each.
Tracts of 2.14 to 2.42 acres from $80 to $500 each.
According to Location.
Buy the Man a Christmas Present
at a Man's Store.
And get him something this year he xvill appreciate. The indiscriminate
purchasing of presents is dangerous, We are an exclusive Men's store and
carry Everytliing for Men to wear.
"Miller-Made" Suits and Overcoats.
"Ide" Coat Sliirts and Collars.
"Munsing" Union Suits.
"Buster Brown" Hosiey.
"French Shriner & Urner" Shoes.
"Stetson" "Tiger" and Imported-Hats fc? Caps.
"KHngs" Bath Robes, Smoking Jackets, Etc., '
"Wilson Brothers" Neckwear.
"Bradley's" Knit Mufflers and Smoking Jackets.
Belts, Jewelry Sets, Night Robe and Pajamas.
Each of the above lines represent the best, the pick of the markets. A
present selected from these lines ivill please any man and if selected from our
stock ivill be right. We replace anything unsatisfactory.
Newest Stock, Best Lighted and Best Equipped
Men's Store in the City. Everything for Men.
Drehert Clothing Co.,
Air Ship Pastes Over City.
An air craft of some description passed
oast over tho city Tuesday evening at
8:15. This statement might be doubted
were it not vouched for by such men as
G. H. Zentmoyor, Will Hawloy, Goorgo
Savin and nearly a Bcoro othors who
wore at tho trainmaster's building at
tho time and saw tho craft.
It was first noticed bv Mr. Zontmoycr
andnt that time was coming toward the
city from tho north of west. Ho called
the attention or otnors to it ana it was
wntched until it disannnared from sight.
The ship was apparently 500 or 600 feet
in tho nir, ami ns it passea over mo
town reports iiko a pistol snot woro
heard. Tho course east apparently fol
lowed tho river. Attention to the ship
was attracted by n bright light carried,
rather than by tho form, tho outllno of
tho ship being rather indistinct.
Xmas Trees.
Got the Michigan Spruco, tho finest
twswt swmsmiim c Ymno frnna l.nt Urtiir
order in early as wo havo only a limited
supply. All kinds xmas decorations,
North Platte's Railroad Business.
Tho stato railway commission has
compiled statistics showing tho gross
railroad business at a number or tho
lamer towns of the Btute. According
to tho figures, as published in the
Omaha Bee. tho total friecht and pas
sencer business transacted in North
l'latto in luua was dzaz.wa. in isnw it
was $281,034 ana tor the year onuing
Juno. 1910. it had Increased to 5U&.7tl.
an increase or nearly $30U,uou in tnreo
vears. If these figures aro correct.
certainly tne snowing is a wonueriui
one. Bradv Is tho onlv other point in
Lincoln county whoro tho businesses
ahown. in 1908 the total at that point
was $32,032, in VJW it wns J37.0&U anu
in 1910 the total shows $118,099.
If vou select vour holiday gifts oarlv
you have tho advantage of beat selec
tions at lowest prices, uoous soiecieu
now will be held untill Christmas.
Dixon, Tub Jewelek.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
December 5, 1910.
Board of county commissioners met
pursuant to adjournment, present
springer, streitz ana county cierK.
Tho following claims were allowed:
W. T. Elliott serving subpoenas, $8.80
W. T. Elliott, bridge work, Maxwell
bridge 210.00
Ed Buchs, rood work, 119.00
John II. Rltner, bridge work, 297.25
Lewis Perkins, ovorseer DIst. 58
Sofia Anderson, caro of Emma An
derson, 27.00
G. E. Parson, cash to bo used
Rond DIst. 17. 100.00
W. D. Waldo, road grading, 1000,00
Wm. Diamond, cash t bo used
Road DIst. 4. 100.00
Wellfleet Farmers' Instituo 18.75
Ira L. Bare, printing nnd publishing.
C. E. Parsons, hauling lumber, 28.00
W. M, Dymond, bridge work, 83.00
J. M. Wilson, salary, 05.80
Ray G. Langford. county treasurer.
You are hereby authorized to correct
tax list us to W. 3. Cowgill, W. H.
Camblln and E. H. Springer, nsaessed
in the villiage of Brady, their personal
tax being outside the corporate limits.
C A. Lowell, Balaryas doputy sheriff
I. L. Miltonborrer. services as ahoriff
for November, 100.00.
A. a. and J. J. Leppor, error in taxes ;
J. A. Van Orsdalo. error in taxes.
E. G. Richards, error in taxes, 1.46
O.H. Byerle, orror in taxes 2.45.
Wm Ebrieht. salary arid oxnenscs for
Novembor 150.00.
E. T. Tramp, mdse for poor; 40.00
M. H. McDermott, services, 1.50.
Schiller & Co., mdso for jail and poor.
Jas. Howo. services Kabalek caso.
George Garman, delivering ballots.
sundry persons, services as bnillu.
Knox and Walter, coal, 198.12.
Ed Connor, cash to bo used in road
DIst. 53, 50.00.
J. C. Ready, cash to be used In road
Diet. 42,75.00, v
P. H. Smith, cash to bo used In DIst.
7, 100.00.
wm uorignt. omco expenses, 03.48.
Adjourned untill tomorrow.
uocomuer u, iuio.
Board met same as yesterday, pres
ent Springer and Streitz, commis
M. C. Dial, rofund on taxos, 2.75
J. C. Hatch and Co., culvert, 33.00
E. C. Hostetter, bridge work, 51.00
E. C. Hostetter, bridge work, 80.50
O'Rourko & Kratzensteln, nails and
bolts, 44.67
M. J. Reilly, road work, 49.00
H. A. Moyer, assessor, 27.00
L. N. Larson, cash to bo used in
Road Dist. 20, 50.00
C. Sodacott, hay for facine, G.OO
Sundry persons, measuring srraden
and fills, 75.30
Sunday porsonssorvices road No. 287.
Sundry persons, survov Road No. 339.
(Craig road) 319.00
Sundry persons, survey Road No. 335.
Sundry persons, survey Road No.
311, 127.00
Sunday persons, survey Road No.
323, 104.05
M. W. of A,, rent of hall for prim
ary and general olectlon, 8.00.
Ray Langford, county troasurer, you
aro hereby authorized to correct tax of
C. A. Lowo for the year 1910 on ac
count of orror on number qt cattle
from 8.23 to 4.C9.
American Investment Co., damages,
county Road No. 218J, 90.00.
Sundry porsons Borvlcca as jurors,
Joseph Spies, road work District No.
1, 25.00.
Lester Walker, balnnco salary as'
Sunday persons, services general
olectlon 1010, 778.40.
A. P. Streitz, services. 33.00. Ad
journed until Decembor 20th.
I! A 1
Coorilthl 1909, bf c,
Zlmmciman Co.
v. t
No. 37
Women as Well as Men
Have to be out in the slush and wet, and as they
not as hardy as men, their shoe needs at this time of
the year should be very carefully looked after, for wet
feet often mean a doctor bill, and there is a great deal
more satisfaction in a shoe bill, for you get more goocl
and more comfort out of what it calls for.
521 Dewey Street, North Platte, Neb.