Wedding Bells. A few days ago wo advertised, referring to our friends who did not believe in "No Wedding Bells for Me," and to our surprise there were more diamonds sold than we had any idea would be called for. Now all these happy ones will soon bo united, and at homo you are already asking, "What shall we give So-and-So for their wedding gift?" This question is asked so often each year, and when it comes down to decision, your jeweler is usually the one to re ceive a visit. Now some jewelers do not think of looking out for this, but will let you select from what they have in stock possibly for years and when you send your gift it is an old style piece. We have ench year given this occasion earnest study, and are prepared to satisfy the most fastidious taste. All that we ask of you is to favor us with a call and feast your eyes on the beautiful assortment of new Solid Silver, Silver-plated Ware, Hand Painted China, Cut Glass, Clocks, Etc. CLINTON, Jeweler and Optican. We have laid can we show you? away several very pretty Christmas gifts, DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dcnlisf. Ofllce over tho McDonald Stuto flank. w a L. D, Grimes visit in Donvor. returned today from n Curl Abrnhnnson spent with friends in town. last evening NOTICE. The Sale at the Leader, which is proving such a great success, will be continued until Saturday evening, No vember 26th. Don't delay taking advantage of the great bargains offered. Ilighcjit prico paid for shelled corn. John Bkatt. Miss Graco Jones, of Denver. Is tho guest of Mrs, II. II. Bulck. A B Yates, of Sutherland, Is trans acting business in town today. County division Was ngain defeated in Custer county Tuesday, this time by majority of 1,(500. N. E.- Jenkins returned to Chama, Now Mexico, yostordny afternoon after spending severul weeks in town. II. II. Bulck has rcturnbd from Grand Island, where ho attended the conven tion of Nebraska blacksmiths. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Cousu, of Gothenburg are visiting at tho J. W. Slutts homo in Urn third ward. Mrs. Emma jWllson arrived from Iowa this week after spending Borne time with relatives at points in that state. 4J Horse l'ovvor Gasolinu Engine for $30.00. John Bratt. George nobcrta, of Maxwell, and 15, II. Springer, of Brady, tho two candi dates for county commissioner, nro in town today uvvniling tho results of ' the olllclal canvass. Weather forecast Pair and warmer tonight and Saturday, Maximum torn oratura yesterday 26; one year ago 36, Minimum temperature this morning 83; cno yonr ago CO. For Sulo Chicken ranch adjoining tins city, uuy this ana got rich. Hhatt & Goodman. Slstor Amelda returned Inst evening from Hustings whero oho spent several duys this week. Tho report of a epl- j dermic of acnrlot fever in tho Academy proved without foundation and Slstor Amelda reports tho school in excellent condition. Tho one case, which proved but a slight one, was removed and no i urthor cases have doveloped. The .Initial meoting of tho J. T Club was hold nl the Geo, Austin residence last evening with Mrs. Austin and Mrs. Albert Muldoon as hostesses. Six tables wore used in playing high live and the evening passed vory pleasantly for all, First prizes wore won by John Murray and Mrs. James Hart whilo tho booby prlzos woro awarded to Dr. McCabo and Mrs. E. T. Soeborgor. At tho close of tho :nul games a two courso lunch was served. A hunt has been organized at Paxton, tho losing side to pay for a suppor, to be served nt Paxton. Two captains will be secured who will choose up sides from tho list sent in boforo November 18th. Tho hunt will occur November 19th. All who wish to participate send in their noines to F. S. Cogner. P ing your ladios with you. Tho gamo to bo killed will bo anything from rabbits to coyotes, each to count a certain per cent, and all to be killed November 10th, A big time is promised. Como and take part. Roberts Elected Commissioner. Tho board of canvassers completed their work at noon today. Tho can vass gives Roberts a majority of twenty-four for county commissioner, Iloborts received 1293 votes and Sprin ger 12G9. Tho vote in Osgood proclnct, referred to olsowhcro, would not re sult in Springer's election. bus- Shoriff Mlltonberger transacted mess in buthcrlanu yesterday. Seo our Bhow windows for special new goods DixoN tho Jowoior. Tho ladies of the Presbyterian church will hold a fair and supper in tho church pprlors December 1st. For Rent Houses, furnished nud unfurnished rooms. Bit att & Goodman. Mrs. W. W. Birge returned this week from a visit with her daughter Alice, wno is attending the state university. W. V. Honeland carrled'Koithcbuntv by n majority of 130, whlla Busheo lost tho county by 1G0, according to tho Ogalalla News. On account of a derailment at Col ton yesterday morning, traffic was much delayed yesterday, No. G not reaching this city until last evening. Considerable talk is mado relativo to the number of cases of typhoid fover in town this fall, nnd yot according to mo statement or n leaning physician the numuor this year is not noarly so largo as last year. Last fall this phy sician had twenty cases, this fall only twelve, and tho cases this fall aro not as severo as those of lost year. The Luthoran Aid Society will meet next week with Mrs. Gus Anderson. returned yesterday visit with relatives W. T. Walker from an extended in West Virginia. A firm of Kearney nlumbcrs have Bent men hero to instate tho heating plant in Bratts remodled residence. The mission band of the Lutheran church will meet ntthc parish house nt three oclock Saturday afternoon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ralph Garmnn went to Horsey Wednesday to spend several days hunting in that section. If your idle money is not earning good rata of interest, see Bratt & Goodman. part Wm. Hoyso loft the early Utah, to Mrs of tho week for Huntington. visit her daughter several months. Mrs Wm . Neil), of Chnrlestown, Va., nrrlvcd today for a protracted visit with her daughter, Mrs. M, Keith Neville. A good alarm clock ntDixons for $1.00. "Polly of tho Circus" will bo tho at traction nt tho Keith this evening. The company arrived from Grand Island this afternoon. E. A. Grantham, of Lexington, pres identof tho North Platte Telephone Co., spent Wednesday in town looking after business affairs. Clarence Garman returned last night from Elyrio, Ohio, whore he was called about two weeks ago to attend the funeral of his nephew. Miss Celia Quirk arrived from Grand Island last evening for a brief visit withrolativesin town boforo returning to her homo in Green River. For sale Milk nnd cream' at N. P. Meat Market. Phone orders to D75. Mrs. Will Burroughs, of Denver, ar rived Tuesday evening, having been called here by tho death of her father tho lato J. W. McCauloy. Mrs. D. O. Tcol and two children have been spending this week with Mrp. Teel'a parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. N. Klein. They will remain over next week. Tho Cotorio club was entertained In n very enjoyable manner by Mrs. Earl Davis Wednesday afternoon. Tho enter tnining feature was progressive high five, followed by light refreshments. For Sale Piano and household goods. Call nt 310 East Fourth streot. Tho official canvass of tho votes is being made today, but tho work was not completed in timo for the results to bo obtained for this issue of Tho Tri bune. The only mntter of real interest to bo do eloped by the canvass will be the vote on county commissioner, which is so close that it can only be dotcr rncned by the canvass. You will be glad to know that you can got a Inequality light weight hoao that will givo the servico of heavy ones. Armor Pinto Hosioy is known as the long life hosiery of tho ago. Sold by Small; The Big Shocman. Over in Osgood precinct tho voters got it into their heads that only tho residents of the commissioner district had a right to vote for com missioner. As a result some of the vo ters did not enst their votes for com missioner while with others who did vote for that officer tho vote was not counted by the board. If tho official cnn,vass results in a jlose vote for com missioner it is probablo tho ballots for Osgood precinct will bo opened and counted for the candidato for whom they woro cast. W. T. Wilcox nnd J. J. Halllgan went to oshkosh Wednesday to attend tho sessions of district court. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Patterson left Wednesday night for Julesburg whero Mr. Patterson has secured a grading contract with the Union Pacific. Miss Alberry, teacher in tho Wash ington school resigned her position this week nnd it will bo filled temporarily by Mrs. V. Lucas. Miss Alberry returned to Kearney. E. Wcrtz arrived Tuesday and has accepted n position as stenographer in the office or District Foreman Beery, succeeding Ed. Mulcahey, who has been transferred to Choyenne. Earl Brown, foremerly of this city, but who has been spending tho past two years in Wyoming, visited relatives in town the early part of the week en route to Fremont whero ho will spend some time with relatives. The opera season is now at hand. Wo have a largo variety of fine opera glasses pear), silver nnd enameled. Dixon, The Jeweler. Mrs. Votaw, of Denver, who has been spending the' past several weeks with her brothers, tho Messrs. Ericcson of Maxwell, is in town as the guest of Mrs. John Murray, while enrouto home. $8.00 fountain pen at Dixon's for $2.50. $4.00 fountain pen at Dixon's for $1.25 only twenty-one of factory line at above prices. The members of tho vestry and the rector of tho Episcopal church together with their wives were very pleasantly entertained Wednesday evening by Mr. nnd Mrs. M. II. Douglas and Arthur Boyd at tho homo of tho former. The presenco of the ladies was in tho nature of a Burprise, for at nine o'clock after tho men had finished the business mat ters, tho ladies, who had previously gathered at the P. J. Gilman residence, walked in on their unspecting husbands. Enjoyable refreshments consisting of two courses wero served at a lata hour. Wc do not have complaint in our hosiery department sinco we have been Belling Armor Plato Stockings. Thoy give long, satisfactory service. Same prico but more wear. Small, Tho Big Shoeman. Now that wo aro to have a demo cratic congress, we have a right to ex pect the railroads to at once construct proposed lines. Tho cry has been that on account of unfriendly legislation at Washington, proposed lines of road would not bo built; but now that the democrats are to bo in the saddle this fear will vanish, for the democratic party was never known to pass laws unfriendly to corporations. We con fidently expect work on the Burlington's Platto valley lino to begin early next spring. Frederick Thompson's "Polly of tho Circus" will bo the attraction at the Keith this Friday evening. It will bo presented here with Miss Ida St. Leon in the titular rolo, supported by all tho important members of the original "Polly of tho Circus" Company. Tho third act reproduction of a big tent show performance, while it could nardly bo mado more realistic than it has al ways been, will have added features to lend to its' attractiveness. Among the circus acts will be the famous Barlow ' m 1 j -k m -k ' T-V rroupo or reriormtng romes una uogs. North Side Hardware Store Carries a full line of Shelf nnd Builders' Hardware, Barb Wire and other sup plies for farmers. O. B. Fraser. 711 No. Locust St. Phone 312. Improved Train Service to Chicago. Six trains daily in each direction bo tween North Platto, Lexington nnd Chicago, via tho Chicago, Union Pa cific and Northwestern lino including sunerblv electric lighted Denver Spec ial which leaves North Platto nt 5:35 every evening, reaching Chicngo nt 1:30 p. m. tho next day. A solid through train with conven ient schedules nnd nil travel conven iences, Full information on application to the Ticket Agent Union Pacific R. R. John S. Twinem, M. D., llemeupalhic Physician and Surgeon. Snoclttl attention to Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Office: McDonald Stato Bank Building, Coiner 6th & Dowoy Sts. Phones: Office 183. Residence 283. ....C L O T H I N C... We are wholesalers of clothing and our purchases for fall comprise nearly 1,500 suits, all of the most popular fabrics and are all made in the latest cuts to our order. We purchase the cloth and have them' made by one of the best tailoring es tablismunts in New York City, We carry all sizes up to 52 and can fit the smallest boy and the largest man either in a suit, pants or overcoat. Note a few of our Wrecked Prices: All Wool Blue Serge. Mohair Lining, sold elsewhere on special sale at $18.00 our Knockout price All Wool Cassimero, vi fine heavy Suit for winter wear, good $18.00 values, our Knockout price .... $12.48 $12.48 Fur Overcoats in . a variety of the best wearing Furs onlv. Our great special is a KANAKA WOLF fully guaranteed, usually sold from $22.50 to $27.50, our Knockout price Others $18, $20, $22 50 and $27.50. All guaranteed. $15.00 Cloth Overcoats for menkaiid boys. Pants for men and boys in all grades. Everything in the ready to wear line at Knockout Prices. JOHNSON'S CASH STORE Also Kearney and Schuyler. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Keith Theatre, Monday, November 14th. One Merry night. Laugh? You'll scream; you can't help it when you see "The Widow Perkins" The Greatest Musical Comedy of the Season. WARDA, ns tho widow, the. ono decided novelty creation of tho season. A great feature the "Dance Du Vorapiro" a story without words based on Kipling's poem; never shown hitherto outside of tho eastern cities. A supporting company of excellent merit. Twelve musical numbers. Tho funniest comedy ever seen. Special scenery for every act Gruber and Kew, tho musical duo, playing on tho greatest number of instruments ever seen here. PRICES: 25, 50 AND 75 CENTS. r Ed J. VanDerhoof SKYS Talk about Tin Pants, Cast Iron Trousers and Hobble Shirts, but when it comes to the REAL THING IN PANTS we've got them all shinned. If you folks have any doubt about our HEAL THING IN' PANTS looh in our north window and make a guess "IT'S THE DUTCHESS." . . The Star Clothing House, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. THE First National Bank, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital and Surplus $140,000. ARTHUR McNAMARA,r.Prcsidcnf, E. F. SEEBERGER, Vice-President, H. KEITH NEVILLE, Vice-Presluenf, F. L. MG0NEY, Cisfaicr. Destroyed by Fire. The Inman home in the Plattview sub-division was burned to the ground Tuesday together with the greater part of the furniture. The alarm was sounded shortly bo foro midnight and waa promptly re sponded to by the Are companies but the flames by that, time had gained such headway that little or nothing could be done and only a few articles of furniture could bo removed from the burning building, a piano being among the' pieces burned. Early in the evening a blaze originated n the houso in some unknown manner but the blaze it was supposed was put out by members of the family. On account of the odor of varnish in the house from work which was being done the family retired for the night in a small movable houso which stood apart from tho new house and during the night the fire again sprung up and be fore they became aware of it the house was completely enveloped in flames. The home had only recently been built and was covered by insurance. Majority Favor County Option The majority given Aldrichin Lincoln county about 600 can be taken as evidence that a majority of the people of the county are in favor of county op tion, and that if the proposition is sub mitted to the voters it will carry. There ia little question but that thelissua in tho state was county option republic- tans wno are opposed to county option voted for Dahlman and democrats who favor the measure voted for Aldrich. For Rent Six room dweling Barn and 2J acres' 6 blocks from Central school. Buchanan & Patterson. Agents Boy and girl agents. Sell 24 pa:kages of postal cards for us at 10 cents each and receive a real aero plane free. Write today. Home Supply Co., Dept. 6, 502 W. Kansas, Pittsburg, Kansas. CRYSTAL THEATRE To-Night and Saturday. MOVING PICTURES: "A Victim of Jealousy," 'The Forest Ranger." VAUDEVILLE: 'The LoughertyV' and 15 Cents. "Read Me", I am worth it. My writer took pains to think of you. You take two minutes to read and think of him, and at the same time it will do you good to know that we always think of you, especially when wo are buying our merchandise. We had you in mind when we bought our line of solid silver, we knew you would soon be wanting a wedding gift, and now we are expecting to see you at our store to look, not necessarily to buy, but to favor us with a call of inspection. Amongst the assortment are: Salad Dishes Almond Dishes Cake Dishes Bon Bon Dishes Mayonnaise Dishes and many other beautiful artfcles. Our solid silver knives, forks and spoons are also well assorted. CLINTON, Jeweler and Optican. We are commencing to lay away Christmas gifts, drop in and look . around. Persian ...Cream Will keep your hands from chap ping during cold weather. It is not greasy and very pleasant .to use. 15 Cents Per Bottle. Schiller's Hard Water Soap..... produces a quick lather, removes dirt easily and is free from AL KALI. 3 Bars 25 Cents. Schiller & Company Family Druggists.