The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 28, 1910, Image 9

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I am frequently troubled with kidney ano)
bladder trouble, especially in the Spring
and Fall. Iking an old ve'Tan of tho
Civil War, a little eipoouro or cold settles
on my kidneys, and then I am laid up
with kidney or bladder trouble. Yooi
bwamp-Root was recommended to mo a
number of years ngo, and I took a number
of bottles of it and was more than pleased
with the results. I consider Swamp-Root
the greatest and best kidney medicine on
tho market, and It never fails to give
quick remits in kidney trouble, bladder
troublo and lamo back.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot has dono me
to much good that I feel if any words of
initio will be the means of relieving any
poor sufferers that you are at liberty to
use this letter as you sco Jit.
Yours very truly,
, Des Moines, la.
BUte' of Iowa )
Polk County ea'
, A. 11. ITanton, n retail druggist ot this
city, being first duly sworn, deposes and
cays, that ho is well acquainted with
George W. Atchley, who gave tho above
testimonial; that said Atchley made and
signed raid testimonial in my presenca
and that I have cold said Atcldey a part
of the Swamp-Ttoot referred to in abovft
testimonial. Affiant further Bays that
Georgo W. Atchley is a well known citl
rcn of this city and an honorable man
und that it was Mr. Atchlcy's desire to
givo uld testimonial.
Subscribed to in my presenca and
worn to before me, this 23rd of March,
K. J. FISK, Notary Public.
nr. Klkurk r.
1UcIm.iIw. H. T.
Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You
, Send to Dr. Kilmer &, Co., Ilingham
ton', N.' Y., for a sample bottle. It will
convince anyone. You will also receive
a booklet of valuablo information, telling
all about the kidneys and bladder. When
writing, be sure and mention this paper.
1'or sale ot all drug stores. Prico City
cents and one-dollar.
More to Be Pitted.
Tramp (to lonely spinster) Como
'Missus, nrst ycr 'usband If 'o nln't
cot a pair o' trousers to give away.
Spinster (anx-fun not to expose her
solitude) Sorry, my good mun, ho
h never wears such things. Punch.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars newurd (or any
Cue ot catarrh that cannot lie cured by Halir
Catarrh Cure
F. J. CIIENKV & CO, Toledo. O.
We. the undersigned, luve known V, J. Chene
tor tho last IS ycarafcand belleie him perfectly hon.
oratye In nil bmlndta transactions and financially
ible to carry out any obllraUoos made by his firm.
Wholesale DrusrUta, Toledo. O.
Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting
dlrectlv upon tho blood and mucous surfaces ot the
intern. Testimonials sent tree. Prlco J cents per
bottle. Rnld by all DnurUU.
Take UaU'a Family rills lor constipation.
Childlike Ignorance.
Laura Jean Libbey, discussing In
nrooklyn hor successful appearando
on the stage, eald:
"I talk in my monologue nbout love,
marriage and the other Interests of
tho heart. On theso subjects women,
especially youug women, are strangely
ignorant. .
"They really make me think, you
know, of tho little girl who was asked
by her teacher:
" 'What can you tell us about Solo
mon?' "'Solomon,' replied tho llttlo girl,
'was very fond of animals.'
" 'And how, ray doar,' said tho teach
er, 'do you make that out?'
"'Because,' answorcd tho llttlo girl,
'tho Bible says ho had COO porcu
pines.' "
Prudent Drldegroom.
"Tho uncertainties of llfo In New
York aro reflected In wedding rings,"
said tho Jowolcr. "Of all tho wedding
rings I havo sold this. season nioro
than half wcro brought back after tho
ceremony to havo tho dato put on. The
rest of tho Inscription was engraved
when tho ring was purchased, but In
order that tho dato might bo correct
it was cautiously omitted until after
tho knot was tied."
Force of Habit Too Strong.
Diner How Is It that most of the
things on your bill of fare aro struck
Walter (confidingly) Our new man
ager used to bo an editor.
' A cheerful man is a pessimist's Idea
of a fool.
Can be made of many ordinary
fhotnt" dishes by adding
The little booklet, "GOOD
IES," in pkgs., tells how.
Two dozen or more slmplt in
expensive dainties that will delight
the family.
"The Memory Lingers"
LFostum Cereal Company, Ltd.,
Battle Creek, lllcb.
Odd News From Big Cities
Stprics of Strange Happenings in tho
Metropolitan Towns
Gun Fires Million
EW YORK. A gun that, its Inven
tor says, can shoot a million bul
lets nn hour at n cost of $20;. Hint
uses nolthcr powdir nor compressed
air, and that Arcs bullets that do not
require bIioIIb, was shot for tho en
lightenment of a delegation ot Now
York roportors. Tho reporters saw
tho gun shoot, but they wero not per
mitted to sco that part ot tho gun
out of which which tho llttlo steel bul
lets camo with bucIi rapidity.
A Swiss named Dangertor was In
troduced ns tho Inventor. In order
that tho secret should bo maintained,
that pnrt of ho mcchanUm that It Is
snld causes tho rapid shooting was
covered with oilcloth. Only tho motor
that operates tho gun and tho llttlo
buckctllko receptacles Into which the
bullets nro poured by tho quart were
vlslblo to tho reporters.
There wero targets mado of a series
of big bonrds nrrangod In box fashion,
each plank about a foot behind tho
one In front of It. Thero vyora four
boards In each target. When tho
bullets started to fly, they riddled tho
target into n pile of splinters a foot
high, aud they did it In Iobs than n
West Pointers Inflict a
EST POINT, N. Y. To tho aver
ago man who doesn't rub up much
with army officers the Wtst Point "si
lence," which has been Inflicted on
Capt. Hufus E. l.ongan, instructor In
tnctlcs hero, Is a eood deal of a mys
tery. Most pcoplo understand that n
"silence" Is a refusnl of the cadets to
talk In tho presoneo of tho offending
Instructor or ofllclal, but that is about
as far as their Information goes.
A 'sllcnco" Is a well organized pro"
test on tho part of tho students of tho
Military academy against somo net
of ono In authority. It may oven bo
an expression ot general dislike, as
seems to bo tho case In tho ignoring of
Captain Longnn, who had only recent
ly been assigned from the Eloventh
Infantry to do duty nt tho academy.
How it originated no ono knows, but It
ha3 been practised at tho military
school fo many years, and In several
cases has bren effective In causing
Texas City Runs
PARIS, Tex. Tho first and only mu
nicipal abattoir and animal reduc
tion plant In tho United States is in
this city, and has boon in successful
oporntlon for sovaral months. It marks
tho beginning of a now era in munici
pal ownership of Industries that di
rectly concern tho welfaro of tho peo
ple. It Is said that tho idea is practical
for all cities and that St would work to
particular advantage in towns of 10,
000 to 100,000 population. It generally
adopted It may lead to u solution of
tho problem ot h'lgh cost ot meat and
other food products.
In Paris, with an estimated popula
tion of 16,000, tho municipal sanitary
department found It very difficult to
supcrvlso tho several separato slaugh
ter houses maintained by tho butchors.
Drinking Cup Sediment Kills a Pig
CHICAGO Public drinking cups aro
dangerous. They aro excellent
mediums for transmitting tho germs
of disease. Especially Is this truo in
public and parochial schols, whero
u largo number of children aro com
pelled to usotho srtmo cups, according
to tho health bureau.
Statistics show about ono person In
sixty has tuberculosis, and among
school children Micro always aro
thoso who havo somo ot tho commun
icable diseases In light form, und
theso undoubtedly aro communicated
by tho uso of tho common cup,
So fully is this understood that sev
eral statos havo passed laws abol
ishing tho public drinking cup, aud
compelling railroads and public car
riers to supply individual ones. Tho
Bullets an Hour
minute. All in nil, It was estimated
that no less than 15,000 bullets
pierced tho target.
Tho reporters woro permitted thon
to enter tho gunroom, Thoy saw a
motor from tho wheel ot which n belt
was operated. Tho belt connected tho
motor with another wheel which "waH
a part ot tho mechanism on tho top
of which was tho oilcloth covered
weapon out ot which tho bullets camo.
They also saw tho llttlo buckets, on
either oldo of tho gun, Into which tho
bullets nro poured as they aro need
ed. Tho roportors asked to see tho
gun In operation. Mr. Bnngorter or
dered another target nwung Into posi
tion. Thoro was anothor whirl and n,
second storm of bullous struck the tar
get. Tho fusillade lasted about ton
seconds. Again was tho targot de
molished. But Mr. Bangcrtor ami his nsso
clatos roftiEod to say anything nbout
what was undor tho oilcloth la tho
llttlo gunroom. Thoy did glvo out'n
typowrllton statement, howovcr, say
ing that ono ot those guns "could faco
an army of thirty rcglmonts of sol
diers or 30,000 men, and could mow
down that entire body of men aB easy
as a knlfo cuts tho gross. Thoro is no
earthly possibility for any army to
successfully fnco tho flro from n gun
of this kind which pours n vorltablo
hailstorm of bullets into tho attack
ing forces, who must olthor sacrlflco
tholr lives or turn In retreat."
tho removal of ofllcors who havo
ceased to bo useful becausn of their
goneral unpopularity.
Tho "sllonco" Is most offoctlvo In
the mess hall, and it Is horo that It Is
nlmost Invariably "sprung." While
dlsclpllno Is relaxed nt mess, neverthe
less tho ctlquotto Is strict. A cadet
captain, by vlrtuo of his corps rank, is
superintendent of tho mess. At tho
head of enck- tablo sits n mumbor of
tho first class tho graduating class.
Every prlvato of tho first class Is an
assistant of tho mess hall under tho
cadot "captain, and tho tables taka
their cuo from his conduct at all times.
Tables do not ply knlfo and fork until
tho first class man gives silent per
mission. When It 1b agreed to Inflict
"sllonco" on an ofllccr, no ono looks nt
him ns ho appears In tho mess hall,
Tho first class men nt tho heads of tha
tables fold their arms and look
straight ahead. Tho second, third
and fourth class men Imllato tho attl
tudc. Thero la absoluto sllonco, not
n sound or n movement being mado to
break tho stillness.
Tho extreme penalty provldod by
law for this degree of Insubordination
Is dismissal from tho academy. Ex
tremes measures, however, nro resort
ed to only in unusunl cases.
Its Own Abattoir
Vho health ot tho pcoplo was con
stantly menaced by tho uns'nnltary
conditions under which tho animals
wcro slaughtered and tho meats han
dled. Theso prlvato slaughter houses woro
rudely constructed and most ot them
wcro In somo swamp or thlckot. Dur
ing tho summor flies wero about the
premises In untold millions. Thoy
covered -the slnughtored animals. The
odor was terrific, and, indood, tho
wholo surroundings wcro such that It
appeared to all thdt tho meat slaugh
tered under such conditions was not
at all fit for food.
Tho city thon determined to estnb
llsh its own nbbatolr aud to provide
rules and regulations that would In
suro tho slaughtering of only healthy
and woll-condltloued animals and the
delivery to thq pcoplo of ment in per
feet sanitary condition. Tho proposl
tlon was agitated and met with gen
oral favor on tho part of tho public
An Issuo of $10,000 of bonds was votei
for tho construction of tho plant. It
wnB equipped with sanitary nrrange
menta nnd Is modern and comploto Jn
every respect.
plan also has been advocated In
schools, but tho better nnd snfor plan
1b belloved to bo tho Installation ol
what aro known as "bubbling" cups
with tho water flowing over tho rJmi
all tho time.
A cup used in a high school foi
sovoral months without having beon
washed waB found to bo lined inslds
with n thick brownish deposit. Un
dor the mlcroscopo this doposlt proved
to bo composed of partlcleB of mud
thousands of bits of dead skin, nnd
millions ot bacteria. Somo of thlj
sedlraont wns Injected undor tho skin
of a healthy guinea pig nnd forty
hours later tho pig died. An oxamlna
tlon afterward showed thnt pneumonia
germs had caused death, A socond
guinea pig was Inoculated with some
ot tho sediment from tho sumo cur
and developed tuberculosis. Carofui
Inquiry showed that Bovoral pupils
In this Bchool from which tho cup
was taken woro thon suffering from
An agitation Is urged asking tho
school board to Install tho "bubbling"
cupe In all schools.
May Sell 100,000,000 Red Cross Seals.
Twenty-flvo million Ked Cross
Christmas seals havo been printed
and nro being distributed by tho Amor
lean Red Cross, nnd nrrangomcnts
hnvo beon mado to print 100;000,000
If necessary, it Is expected that' this
number will bo nodded. Whllo tho
sticker is perforated ' llko thoio usod
last yenr, It Is Intended for uso Only
aB a seal on tho back of lcttcs. Tho
seal Is ono inch square with tho con
ventional lied Cross In tho center
and tho words, "Merry Christmas
Happy Now Year. American Red
Cross" In a clrclo about it. Tho col
ors nro red and green. Tho design is
by Mrs. Gtilon Thompson, ot Water
bury, Conn., who received $100 as a
prlzo for her sketch.
"I am 'a man soventy yearn old. My
Jands word very soro nnd cracked
open on tho Innldea for over a year
with lnrgo sores. ( Thoy would crack
open and bleed, Itch, liurn and ncho
co that I could not sleep and could do
but llttlo "work. Thoy wero so bad
that I could not dress mysolf in tho
monilnff. They would bleed nnd tho
blood dropped on tho floor. I called
on two doctors, but thoy did mo no
good. I could get nothing to do any
good till I got tho Cutlcurn Sonp nud
Cutlcura Ointment. About a year
ugo my daughter got ft cako ot Cutl
cura Soap nnd ono box of Cutlcura
Olntmont nnd in ono week from tho
time I began to uso thorn my hands
wero all hoalcd up and thoy -havo not
been n mlto soro slnco. I woiild not
bo without tho Cutlcura Remedies.
"They also cured a had soro on tho ;
hand ot ono of my nolghbor'n children,
nnd thoy think very highly of tho Cutl
cura Remedies. John W. Ilaety, So. Ef
hnghanl, N. II., Mar. 5, and Apr. 11, '05."
Popularity of Thnls.
"Every other young uctreas Is call
ing herself Thais," said Henry E. Dlx
oy at n dinner nt Mauqutn's. "Thais
McGlnnls, Thais Endlcott, Thais
Schmidt tho thing Is universal.
"Universal and ridiculous; for they
who havo road Anatolo Franco's story
of 'Thais' know that Him was a very
naughty llttlo girl, Indeed. I am qulto
suro that no real render of ThalB'
would over, under any circumstances,
consent to bo called such a namo.
"It lnnkcs mo think ot a man who,
taking his Infant. daughter to bo bap
tized, told tho clergyman ,to call hor
"'But I refuse to cnll her Venus,'
said tho elorgymnn, Indignantly. 'Vo
huh Is tho namo ot a pagan goddooa.'
"'Well, how nbout your own girl,
Diana?' said tho man."
Important to Mothors
Examlno carefully .every bottlo of
CASTORIA, a safe and suro remedy for
Infants and children, and sco that it
Bears tho sTi IT!
Signature 0ffi&&V
In Uso For Over SO Years.
Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought.
The Way It Looked.
Mrs. Bcnham How do you llko my
Bcnhnm You mean tho ono with
the mayonnalso dressing?
When Rubbers Becomo Nececcary
And your nliocn pinch, iilialto Into your
shoes AIIcii'r Foot-Hnso, tho antiseptic
powder for tho feet. Cures tired, nchltiK
feet and taken tho Btlnp out of Cornn and
Hunlomi. AlwnyH uso It for UreaklnK In
New shoes nnd for dnnclng parties. Bold
everywhere xsc. Bamnlo mulled FREE.
Andres. Allen S. Olmsted, Lo ltoy, N. Y.
Against Orders.
"If you refuse mo, Miss Gladys, I
shnll got a ropp and commit sui
cide." "No, colonel, you must not do
that. Papa said distinctly ho would
not have you hanging about horo."
Beautiful Post Cards Free.
Send 2o Btnmp for flvo sample of our
very best Gold nnd Rilk Finish Birthday,
flower nud Motto Post Cards; beautiful
colors and loveliest deIjrn. Art Post
Card Co., 731 Jackson St., Topeka, Kan.
Economy !s tho art of living , as
though you aro poor when you aro
Toally not no; whereas, if you aro
really poop and llvo that way that'll
stinginess. .
Tho future nnd tho past aro near
relations to tho prosent.
Fads for Weak Women
Nine-tenths ot nil the sickness of women is due to some derangement or dis.
case of tho organs distinctly feminine. Such sickness can be cured Is cured
every day by
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
It Makes Weak Women Strong,
Sick Women Welt.
It acts directly on the organs affected and Is at the samo tlrao a general restora
tive toiao ,or the whole system. It oures female complaint right in the privaoy
of home. It makes unnecessary the disagreeable questioning, examinations and
local treatment so universally insisted upon by doctors, end so abhorrent to
every modest woman.
We shall not particularize here as to the symptoms of
thoso peculiar affections incident to women, but those
wanting full Information as to their symptoms and
means of positive cure are referred to the People's Cora
rnon Sense Medical Adviser 1008 pages, newly revised
and Edition, sent free on receipt of 21 one
cent stamps to cover cost ot mailing only; or, Jn cloth
binding for 31 stamps.
. Address Dr. It. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
To accopt defeat gracefully, start
rour retreat In tlmo.
Mrs. Wlnstaws Boothlnr; Kyrnp.
KorrhlUlron tnottiln
nottiliik'. ujftrnitliuifiiiua, rruurpilru
lay wiii.curus wind coilft ! iboa bulUe.
Tho word "tired" Is much used and
Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vagetab! Compound
What is the uso of procrastinating in the face of such
evidence as the'.following letters represent? If you arc a
sick woman or know one who is, what sensible reason have
you for not giving Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound a trial r For 30 ycarg we have been publishing such
testimonial letters as these thousands of them they are
genuine and honest, too, every
Mrs. S. J. Barber sayn J
tnblo Compound
is ino ucat mctti
clno in tho world
for women nnd
If col it toy duty
to lot others
know tho pood it
hfto dono lor inc.
Throo years njro
I had n tumor
which tho doctor
said would havo
to bo removed by nn oporntlon or I
could not llvo moro than a year,
or two. nt most. 1 wroto Mrs. Plnk
lmm, ntLynn, Mass., for ndvlco. nnd
took 14 bottles of Lytlin 13. Pink
ham's Vogotablo Compound, nnd to
day tho tumor la pono nnd Inmn
perfectly well woman. I hopo my
tcstlmonml will bo of benefit to oth
ors.M Mrs. S. J. Baiuikii, Scott,
Mrs. E. F. Ilnycs sayat
"1 was undof the
doctor's treat
ment for a fibroid
tumor. I suffered
with nnin. noro-
Incss, ulontlng.
lanu couid not
Iwnlk or stand on
my foot nny
length of llmo. I
wroto to Mrs.
Plnkhnra for nd
vlco, followed hor
dlrootlons nnd
took Lydin B. Plnkham's Vogotablo
Compound. To-dny 1 am n well
woman, tho tumor was ospollcd nud
my wholo system strengthened. I
ndvlso nil womon who aro nfflloted
with tumors or fomalo troublos to
try Lydia E. Plnkham's Vogotablo
Compound." Mrs. E. P. Hayks,
1600 Washington St., Doston, Mass.
ar -as
For 30 yenrs Lydia B. Pinkliam's VoRctablo
Compound lins been tho standard remedy for
fomalo ilia. No Rick woman docs juKtlco to
licrsolf who -will not try thin famous medicine.
Mado exclusively from roots und herbs, And
has thousands of euros to its credit
rArtHMrs.Plnkham invites nil sick women
W to wrlto her for advice "Sho .haH
guided thousands tq health frco of charfro.
Address Sirs. Pinkhnm, Lynn, Mass
Stupendous Publicity Piano Contest
FREE to you FREE
Ut Prtio, IIOO.W SKOUIIHTUOM I'lANO, 3n4 t'rlio, Otntlemnn' Hold Watoh nnd 'Chick. 1150.00.
n! I'rlii', tadliVOolil Wttlcli nnd Clirck, 4th Trim, 6 Next Hint Answnrn Check, IIWS.0U. Hill l'rliit,
10 Next llou Ananore Clinrk, Illi I'rlio, 15 Noil llititt Anwrn Ulwck, K0.0O. bill l'rlio.10 Nrillliui
Aiuvippi, 11.00 llirlilnOulil. TlionlmrnOtiwIn nmcuotl milium ch lonanli llio purchmu ut anjr uw
ulunuInuurOuiaha, Netiratka, or Mlnnnnpolliaturva.
55 Big Prizes FREE for Solving This Rebus--55
lo xdTnrtlw our factory, and to&cmmnllitiln on year It ha) taken otbr rnatwfaclaror CO yvan ts
do. pUuo iru oodortod bj Wot Auvrlca grttttV Uvlna nrtliis , and ar taWr itisflard.
Our plan of oUlmi pianos direct from factory to homo catiout tho uilddloman. You aro your own ogent.-
HOW TO DO IT Htyle tho ItrhM carefully then wrllo the annwer plalnlyj orUlnallty and
,. , mi ii ncatneiH count, llsauroandonclo&o a telf Addrcued cnvclopo to iuun'
llialyourawuru tflllnotuoruluvntorloatlntboinall. Addrct ,
It Ib novor pollto to contradict n
Blrl, except vhon Bho Hays nho dooan't
want to bo Ulnse'd, and then It can bo
dono nllently,
one of them.
Mrs. Gcorjro May snys :
"Ho ono knows
what I havo suf
forod from fc-
ilmalo troubles,
Mncnralgla pains,
anu uaoKneno.
My doctor said
ho could not give
mo anything to
euro it Through
tho ndvlco of a
friend I bogan
to uso Lvdla E.
IPlnkham'a Voto-
tablo Compound, and tho pain soon
disappeared. 1 continued itn uso
nnd am now in porfoot health.
Lydin E. Pinkhanrs Vogotablo Com
pound lins been a Clod-send to mo
ns I beliovo I should havo been in
my gravo If It had not been for Mrs.
Plnkhatn'a ndvico nnd Lydia 3C
Plnkham's Vogotablo Compound."
Mrs. Gkokoe May, 80 4th Avo.,
Patorson, N.J.
Mrs. W. K. Housh snys :
"1 hnvo boon
completely cured
of a sovoro fo
malo troublo by
Lydia E. Plnk
ham's Vegotabln
Compound, and
want to recom
mond It to nil suf
fering women."
Mrs. W. K.
Housh, 7 Eaat
viow Avo., Cln
cinnati. Ohio.
Ilccauao your case ia a dinicult
ono, doctors having dono you no
good, do not continue to BUlTor with
out giving Lydia E. Plnkham'.a Vog
otablo Compound a trial. It surely
bus cured many cases of fomalo ills,
fibroid tumors, irrcgu-lnrlUc8,perlodiopainfj,backacho,olc.
" 1 y 1
' R
Bad Breath
' 'For ionth9 1 had Rreat trouble with my
stomach and used all kinds of medicines.
My tongue hrus been actually as green as
grosa, my breath having a bad odor. Two
weeksago a friend recommended Cascarets
and after using them I can willingly and
cheerfully oay that they liave entirely
cured inc. I therefore let you know that I
ohall recommend them to any one suffer,
ing from such troubles." Cum. II. Hal
pern, 114 E. 7th St., New York, N. Y.
Pleasant, Palatabla, Potent, TaotoOood,
Do Good. Never Sicken. Woakcn or Oripo.
10c, 25o, 50c, Nevcraolrimbulk. Tho sren
ulna tablet stamped G C C, Ucaranteod to
euro or your money back, 93
I In great tarlsty for aalo at tho lnwoit pr oos by I
f WSHTSUS SSWSWrtH DaiOJ, lllW.iimtet.,CMM
Watson H. Rotenan n.Waab. Uuolnfnx. Hilt
oat mrrenoca, Best multa.
D1TCUT YOUlt IDEAS. Itiey may brine TOO nualth. bl-tiugi Ilook KriNi, hot. few.
ITlUionUd Co..l'at.Ajs.. Uox K.Wuthlrutlon.U.O.
W N. U OMAHA, NO. 4319107""
piiroatlioBkln nmlBcliiaaripreTtiitlTeforoUierH. Clnuld affen on
the tongue. Hofo for lirood ?niire and all others. Meat klduey remedy ; W
cenu und 11.(0 r bottle.- M.W and $10.00 (lie dozen. Bold by nil driiRRlaU
und home tood hoitBeti, or aut expren puld, by the wauufaoturera,