The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 28, 1910, Image 10

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    Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L Bare, Editor ti TMi&t.
Ono Year bv Mail in advance $1.25
One Tear by Carrier In advance $1.50
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post
t ofhco m Second Class Matter.
Mr. Hitchcock cannot clear his record
in the Bartley tlcnl by cnllh& Edgar
Howard n poker player and a black
mailer. What tho pcoplo demand of
Hitchcock is genuine evidence that he
was not in on tho Bartley shortage.
Nothing lesa than such proof, Mr.
Hitchcock, will natlafy tho people.
Thomiiislng bnlloon America has been
heard from and tho aeronauts arc safe.
This balloon started from St. Louis
October 17th with nine other contes
tante In an international contest, and
landed on tho 19th in tho wilds of Que
bec after a sustained flight of 1,350
miles. This establishes a new world's
Chairman Davis, of the republican
county central committee, Is In receipt
of a telegram annnounclng that Grant
Martin, republican candidate for attor
ney general, will bo hero to speak at
tho republican rally nt tlio Lloyd opera
houso on Wednesday evening of next
week. Mr. Martin is a forcoful talker,
and with the addrcssby Mr. Aldrlch tho
audlonco-ls certain to hear good things
Never wero railroad revenues so
great or railroad orders for equipment
bo small as they nro today, says tho
New York Journal of Commorco. Nor
is there any prospect of an increase in
the volume of railroad buying of steel
during tho balance of the current month,
Tho steel mills, howovor, havo reason
to believe that aftor tho November
election and a settlement of the rate
question largor orders will come from
railroads for rails, bridges, machinery
and other equipment.
A South Omaha market pnpor prints
the following: "A number of farmers
from the different parts of tho state
who vero visiting in tho lobby today
are one in the assertion that mature
hogs have never been so scarce as thoy
are at present. The dragnet of high
prices has beon effectual and few - old
hogs are loft. A 278-pound average
during September and relatively heavy
weights at othor points tell of old-sow
liquidation that is borne out by market
Suit has been brought in district
court by the Kearnoy Water & Eloctric
Power company against tho powor
companies of Gothenburg, Lexington
and Cozad to secure an injunction en
joining the said companies from UBlng
water from the Platto river for Irri
gation purposes. For sevoral months
ktho Kearney company has beon unablo
to secure water for powor purposes,
duo, the plaintiff claims, to tho fact
that tho water Is taken from tho river
nt Gothenburg, Lexington and Cozad.
John Christopherson, tho young drug
clerk of Calloway, who was charged
with manslaughter in connection with
the death of Mrs. D. E. Moses of that
place several wcoks ago, was discharged
from custody in county court by Judge
Holcomb, In passing on the caso tho
judge said ho was convinced tho affair
was a most deplorable accldont and
that the defendant hnd no criminal
Intent when ho Bold 'the drug. Tho
preliminary hearing lasted two days
and attracted much attentiou.
The promoters of the oil well which
during the summer has been drilled in
the northern limits of Shelton are elated
ablyjwrtaln that before tho well goes
uown, mucn iiiriner on win nave neon
struek. Every indication of oil has
made Its appearance. The 'dirt that is
now. thrown out Ib tainted with crudo
oil and when thrown into tho river a
coat of oil immodlatly forms on tho
surface of the water. This loads the
engineer in charge to stato his positive
conclusion that beforo many days go
by he will have found oil. The well is
nqw down six hundred feet.
Socialist Rally.
The socialists of North Platte will
have a rally at tho court house Friday
evening, Nov. 4th, at 8 p, m, Fred J.
Warren will occupy tho platform as
speaker, and explain tho genuine issues
of the day from a worklngman's stand
point. Mr. Warren Is a logical and In
toresting spoakor and has tow equals,
if any, on tho platform today. Come
. out and hear him, us this will be an in
tellectual treat you cannot afford to
Remember the dato Friday evoning,
November 4th, at 8 p, m., nt the court
house. Ladles especially invited.
W. E. Thomas, proprietor of tho
Central hotel In Hickman for tho past
lx months la moving. bck to Univer
sity Placa today. 'R$Da,ly of North
Platte, Neb., Is moving In to i,e.ko his
pic. Lincoln journal,
Wednesday evening for a few days visit
wtta menu m town.
RcrcMatttive Buface t LefuUtWe
Record Geod:
Berton K. Busheo's record as rep
resentative to tho last session of the
Nebraska legislature is replete with
the quality and quantity of work ac
complished. Coming as ho does from
tho very western district of tho state
and boing new to tho work tho good
work ho accomplished goes far toward
showing that ho has both sticktoltive
ness and force of character. He is one
of thoso men who, starting with noth
ing, has fought upward through the
various vicissitudes of life until ho is
counted as a successful man in busi
ness and a successful man always makes
tha best material for offices of pub
lic trust.
His legislative record shows that he
Introduced the bill appropriating $75,
000 for tho aid of weak school districts
in Western Nebraska, thus enabling
many districts to hold six or eight
months of school where only four or five
were possible beforo. The benefits of
this law can hardly bo estimated.
Ho also introduced the bill locating
another experimental station in this
part of the state and the station is now
in operation In Scottsbluff county.
He was ono of a very few who secured
$25,000 to pny off tho old wolf bounty
claims and it was a hard fight to get
even that.
He introduced and secured tho pas
sago of four good irrigation bills badly
needed in the district.
Ho did not miss recording his voto on
a single bill during the entlro session
and tho record shows that tho best of
judgement was used in his voting.
The record stands out clearly and
clean, though it was largely a democrat
ic legislature Mr. Bushoo,. by his
offectlvo methods secured mora for
Westorn Nebraska than has any rep
resentative secured before him.
Among tho important things to bo ac
complished in tho next session is tho
re-apportionment of tho state into leg
islative districts Westorn Nebraska
should have a largor representation and
there will bo a hard fight to got it.
Mr. Bushoo has had tha oxporienco now
and is tho only logical man to send
to Lincoln from this district. He
has shown his ability to cope against
hoavy odds and will bo found on the
firing line faithfully roprosonting his
constituency. Ho. should bo returned.-
From Kimball Obsorvorjof Oct. 20, 1910.
Keep it Before the People.
Keep It beforo the pooplo that:
On January 8, 1803, Joseph S. Bart
ley, elected us a ropublclan , became
stato treasurer of Nebraska; that
Qn December 28, 1893, G. M. Hitch
cock, editor and publisher of the World
Herald, borrowed $3,000 from State
Treasurer Bartley; that
On Septembor 25, 1895, the noto rep
resenting the $3,000 of stolen state
money was renewed by Hitchcock and
covered up In the name of the samo
banker, but endorsed over to Bartley;
Not untlll Septembor 25, 1895, "was
n socond mortgage for 53,000 recorded
as protended security for the loan; that
In January, 1897, Bartloy proved to
bo a defaulter for over $5000,000. of
which tho $3,000 loaned to Hitchcock
was a part; that
On September 14, 1901, when tho prop
orty went to foreclosure Burtley was
still in prison; that '
On Octobor 1, 1001, when tho noto
outlawed Bartloy was In tho peniten
tiary serving sontonco for embezzlinjr
tho monoy which Hitchcock enjoyed;
In 1904 when pressed to pay up Hitch
cock repudiated all obligation for tho
$3,000, sotting up tho statuto of limita
tion; that '
Tp this day nelthor Bartloy nor tho
stato has ovor been reimbursed the
$3,000, of which Mr. Hitchcock is still
tho beneficiary. Omaha Bee.
A competitivo examination will bo
held at North Platto, Neb., on Fobru
ury Din, iuu, lor tne urst grude or
clerical and for the third crude or sub
clerical position in tho various field
branches of tho fedoral service' outside
of Washington, D. C,
A young lady of Plorro, S. D owes
her llfo to tho "rat" sho was woaring
wiiun Hiiu wus uiruwn irom a uucKing
uroncno aim atrucK upon nor neau. As
a life preservor tho "rat" seoms to bo
all right: as an article of fussy adorn
mom it is uutoront.
flnrl Dnnnlhnlmnp nt If anuria Plf
hss been transacting business in town
lor several nays.
A Runaway Stagecoach
Copyright, 1910, by American I'rosa
'The stugecouc'h of tuu'pitHt." hum
one of n party discussing thu compara
tive dangers of different uiethotla uf
travel, "had Its advuntnges. True, a
recklcsH driver would once In nwliili'
swing round u sharp curve on a niuun-
tain side and spill load uf pnssi'M
gcrs down n precipice u few thuim.iiiil
feet, but Mich occurrences were rare.
1 remember ono close call 1 hud out In
Colorado half a coutury ago when 1
was a youngster that 1 wouldn't like
to go through ngulu. If an accident
of vqunl Importance should hnppcn to
a rallrond train, even on comparatively
level ground, It would bo awful.
"On tho particular occasion I'm go
ing to toll you about wo started from
Georgetown. In tho mountains, to go
down to Denver. Thorc's a loop rail
road at Georgetown now, but at that
tlmo thero was nothing but a turn
pike A green hand at driving, an
Irishman, Mllco Itourko, from the sta
bler, -hnd been put on tho box. tho reg
ular driver, Dan Patterson, hnvlug
been laid off for Illness. Patterson
was lnsldo tho coach, going down to
Golden City, whero ho lived. ,
"It was a One day. and wo wero re
galed with many oxtenslvo views of
the plains at the foot of tho range.
appearing for all the world like an
ocean. Indeed, geologists say that It
was onco an ocean bottom. From the
brow, of nn cmtnenco whoro wo wore
admiring ono of theso vlows wo could
sco tho road beforo us winding down
a steep lncllno and nt tho bottom ris
ing a Bhorter dlstnnco to'ariother sum
mit. A few moments after wo started
down wo noticed that Instead of going
slow, as was necessary for safety on
such Inclines, wo seemed to start off
with a quickening paco and wero soon
rolling downward at a furious speed.
Patterson thrust his head out of the
window and drew it In again, white
as a cloth.
" 'What la It?' wo all asked breath
" 'Don't know, but wo'ro all likely to
bo dashed to pieces.'
"Coming from a trained stago driver.
this set us all wild. Some of tho
women grasped frantically nt the
doors, but two of us men, ono on
each side, knowing that to Jump would
bo certain death and remaining lnfdde
might mean life, held the doom shut
But tho Inside of that stagecoach was
tho wildest Bceno I over witnessed
women shrieking nnd men (some of
thcml trying to rcassuro them, while
others wero holding on to something
as If In that way they could bold tho
coach back.
'But looking outsldo was worso then
tho Inside. The few scrub trees .thero
wero beside tho road shot by llko ar
rows. The coach swayed, and as or-
cry curve in tho road wo felt sure It
would upset, and sometimes nn upset
meant a spill over tho side of a preci
pice. Wo kopt hoping that thero
would be some slackening of speed,
but Instead of Blackening tho paco was
continually growing faster, and tho
quicker tho pace tho moro tho coach
"By this tlmo tho babel among tho
passengers was deafening. Somo were
prnylng, while others wero shouting
nt us two men who kept a strong grip
at the doors to let them out. One big
strong man, maddened by terror, ham
mered mo unmercifully to make mo
open tho door. But I held on with a
death grip. I think that ImvliiK some
thing to do helped mo to retain .my
own equanimity. If anything more
was needed It was supplied by tho
sight of men crazed by fear ready
to do any. foolish or selfish act. Pass
ing a houso beside the road, I saw a
man standing In the door looking nt
the coach with his eyes und mouth
wldo open. But 1 saw him only a mo
ment, for ho flow by llko u cannon
"Then tho swaying of the coach grow
loss nnd the terrible speed ut which
we wero going seemed to bo lessoning.
I put my head out tho window and.
looking forward, saw that we were
ncur the bottom of the incline and In
a fow moments would bo rolling along
a comparatively straight ascent. Tho
BUIllIOIl trnnalf Inn frnm nlmnot nnrinln
tlcath to suro safety produced a very
singular effect on me. Tho "bov(a of
uio wig mun wuo naa tried to forco
mo to open tho door had produced no
effect on mo of nny kind. Relieved
from the strain, my first act was to
strotch my arm and plant my list
against his oyo and knock him sprawl
ing on tho scat behlud him. Then 1
" 'Hurrah: Wo'ro safe!
"From this moment our paco slacken
cd, but wo went far up tho hill beforo
it was reduced to anything llko a quiet
run. auo coacn was a lone whllo com
Ing to a full stop, seemingly as tbcfucb
It must do so of Its own weight. When
It did wo all tumbled out. Tho driver,
too. camo down from the box and
stood at tho head of his trembling
"What was it?' wo all cried In a
" It wor that.' replied alike, pointing
to tho tongue that lay on tho ground
at tho heels of the wheelors. Patter
son, who In addition to being HI had
been on a terrible strain, snw It and
realizing what we had escaped, hnd to
hold on to a wheel to avoid dropplug
down. I went up to Mike and asked
hlni what measured he had tnken with
the horses after tho tongue dropped.
" I licked 'oni.ull.the way down, sor,1
ho wild."
Wills J Rcdflcld. M D J It McKlrahan. M D
Drs. Redfield & McKirahan
s Pksiciaas and Surgeons.
All Calls Promptly Answered. Phones
Office nt P. and S. Hospital.
Air Ships are Popular
but not more so Uinn the cigars
manufactured by J. F. Schmalzrled.
Their popularity is due to their quality,
notning duc me nest tooacco going into
their make-up. The nickel clears aro
just as good for the price as are those
wnicn sen ror a dime. Try one or tno
many brands mado by us.
Go to
Furniture Repairing
and Cabinet Work
Also Wood Turning, Picture Framing
Room Moulding, and Window
Screens a Specialty.
Shop 107 East Fifth.
Notice to Hunters.
Anyone found hunting or trespassing
on lands owned or leased by the under
signed will be prosecuted to tho full
extent of tho law.
E. W. Wright, Geo. Moran,
L. A. Gambrel, Jacob Weber,
O. It. Slvits, Frank Ebele,
H. W. Greeley. J. C. Askwlc.
J. A. Knajdl, D. J. Greeley,
trnnK Hood, Jr. z. A. Kussel,
C. F. Sivits, D. Kilpatrick,
Frank Hood, Fulmer Rorby,
It. Schwaiger, Earl Morrow.
Notice to Hunters or Trespassers.
All hunters and others aro warned
acainst cnterintr upon or tresnassinsr
on tho lands owned or controlled by the
unucraigncu. violators ot tnis notice
will be summarily dealt with according
to law. Save trouble and expense by
obeying this notice.
D.B. McNeel Henry Hayen
W.K. Beauchamp W.W. Groves
W.J. Shinkle G.A. Toops
W.B. McNeel Wm. Siebold
H.F. Doebke N.B. Howard
John Boyle M.H. Da"vis
U.E. Martin
You urn hornhr nntlflnil that nn Mm ftflili
day of April. 1010, Vonaliy Loyoflleda potl
toln against you In tbo district court of Lin
coln county. Nebraska, tha object and
prayer oi wi.icn was to obtain a uivorco
Irom you on tho grounds tbat you are a
liabltual drunkard aiiil tint you havo ro-
mseu anu neglected to provide maintenance
for Dlalntllt and hur minor child and that
you havo lcon irullty of extremo cruelty to
this plalntlir
naintiiT prays that alio may bo divorced
from vou and that Mio mar bo slvpn thn
custody of tho minor child, Gordon Oliver
You aro rcnutrpd to answer said nntlttnn
by Monday, tho 28th day of November. 1010.
you win rtirtiirr take notico that on the
1st day of December, tho plaintiff, Vonahy
ixive, vmnaxo ine depositions or unaries A,
l'avne. Oeonr W. II lines. William M. Smith.
and William II. Noo, to bo used as ovldonco
In tho trial ot said caso, at tho office of Ilourff
x iiourtr in tno county or Lawrence and
utato of Indiana, between tho hours nf Oa.
m and 8 p. m. of said date and tho taklnirot
said depositions will bo adjourned from dar
(o day, between said hours, until thoy aro
completed. VONAHY LOVE.
iiy wiicox & uaiiitran, Attorneys for
In tho matter of tho estate of Isaan Tllllnti.
In tho county court of Lincoln County, Ne
braska. October 21th. 1U1U.
Notico Is lierobyciven, that tbo creditors
or said deceased will meet tint nxecntrlr
of said estate boforo tho County Judno of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, at the county
court room. In said county, on the Ist dar nf
NovemiHir, iuiu, ana on tno viae day of May,
1011, at V o'clock a. m, each day. for tho pur
pose ot presenting their calms for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months
aro allowed for creditors to orestnt. tlmlr
claims, and ono year for tho executrix to
soitio sain estaio irom tno -mi uay otucto-
ior. iviu. this notico to oo puunsuou in the
worm riatte omi-wo8iiy xribuno a leeal
nowsnaDor. nrlnted In alu countv for ntirlit
successive issues aiier oiarcn uu, iviu.
oii- w u. Ki.rtnu. uouniy .111 aire.
Road No. 334
To all whom it may concern: Tho
commissioner appointed to locate a
roau commencing at tne t section cor
ner between sections 20 nnd 29. T. 14.
K. S3, thenco west J mile to the
corner of sections 19. 20. 29 and SO.
T. 14, R. 33 W. and running thenco in a
northwesterly, southwesterly, westerly
and southeasterly direction through
part of S, E. i S. E. J of section 19,
N. 1 N. 1 of Bcction 30, said township
and rnnge, thence through part of east J,
N. E. 1, S. W. 1 N. E. i. and south
IN. W. i of section 25 to the I corner
between sections 25 nnd 20, T. 14. It. 34
W., thence on center line of section 2G,
& mile thence throuirh north J S. W.J
of section 2G nnd the S. E. i of section
27, T. 14, N. It. 8-1, W. to a point on
tho north bank of tho South Platte
river, terminating there. haB reported
in fayor of establishment thereof: all
objections thereof, or claims for dam
age must be filed In the oflko of the
county clerk on or before noon on the
2Cth day of Dec. 1910, or such road will
bo established without reference there
to. Dated North Platte, Neb., Oct. 21,
1910. F. It. Elliott,
County Clerk.
Siailca, SimilibHi, CuraatHS.
A llko remedy will euro a 'like
A law immutable, that cannot
change, and as true today as
w.hen it first came to light.
true and tried system that will
bear investigation.
Nature's own treatment whero
remedies are paramount. A
For out of town patients nnd
nil those interested: Rooms fur
nished when desired for confine
ment, medical and tho necessary
Burgical cases. Trained nurse in
Dr. J. S. Twinem,
Medical and Surgical Practicioner
Medical Staff:
Dr. D. T. Quigley. Dr. G. B. Dent.
Dr. V. Luc&i.
A general hospital for all acute and
chronic cases medical, surgical
and obstretric. Open to the medi
cal profession. For further infor
mation address,
Try Our Flour.
Up-to-date $1.60 per sack or ?2.90
per hundred, B. & M. $1.45 per Back
9 nor Vmnrlrnrl nnflTnln tinrl .Tnr-
sey Cream $1.35 per sack or $2.75 per
hundred. See us for prices on 500, 1,000
or moro pounds. Every sack guaran-
Call 551.
Phone 268
Flour, feed, drain or Hay
Havinc recently purchased the
B. A. Wilson feed store at tho
corner of Sixth and Locust Sts.
I respectfully invite a share of
the patronage of the public.
Prompt delivery.
Cor Sixth and Locust Sts. Phone 302
A full line of furniture, all kinds of
stoves and stovo repairs, wagons, har
ness, saddles, bicycles, guns and sport
ing goods, clocks, watches, musical
goods, sewing machines either ensh
or payments. Everything you use
bought nnd sold hero. Top price for
iron metal and rubber.
General Election Notice 1910.
Nqtlce Is hereby given that on Tues
day, tho 8th day of November, 1910,
at the voting places in tho various pre
cincts of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
there will be held a genornl election for
tho pusposo of electing the following
officers, to-wit:
One Governor.
One Lleutencnt Governor. 1
One Secretary State. ,
Ono Auditor of Public Accounts.
Ono Attorney General.
Ono Treasurer.
Ono Commissioner of Public Lands
and Buildings.
One Superintendent of Public In
struction. V
One Railway Commissioner.
Ono Congressman, Sixth Congress
onal District.
Ono Senator, 30th Senatorial District.
Ono Representative, 54th Represent
ative District.
Ono County Attorney.
Ono County Commissioner, Second
Justico of tho Peace to fill vacancy.
Constable to fill vacancy.
Precinct Assessor, to 1111 vacancy.
Ono Overseer for each Road District.
An expression of preference for
United States Senator.
Also for' or against a proposed amend
ment to the Constitution of tho State
of Nebraska, amending section 1, of
article 7, defining tho qualification of
Which election will bo open nt eight
o ciock in tne morning and will con
tinue open until C o'clock in the after
noon of the same day.
Dated North Platto, Oct. 6th, 1910.
F. R. Elliott, County Clerk.
By C. W. Yost, Deputy County Clerk.
$4444 4444444444444'
Physician and Surgeon,
Office over McDonald Bank.
n. JOillcolSO
Phones Re8ldenceli5
j Doctors Ames & Ames,
?. Physicians and Suracons,
Ofllce over Stone Drue Co.
is nua 1 Office 273
g Phones Kegidcnco273
Serial No.0IH98.
Department of tho Interior.
U. S. Land Olllco at North I'lattc. Neb.
September 17th 1910.
Notico 1h hereby nlven that Daniel J.
Greeley, of North Platto. Nouraska, who. on
Fob. 14. 1H05, mado homestead entry No. 20809,
Serial No. 01998. for west half, west halt
northeast, quarter, wst half southeast
quarter, section IS, township It), north, lianiro
80. wen of tho sixth Principal Meridian
has lllp notico of lntontlon to
make final five year proof to
establish claim to tho land abovo described,
before tho ltcelster and Becolvnr at. North
I'latto. Nob., on tho 11th day of Nov. 1010.
Claimant namos as wltnoflxpss Carl S.
McOrew, Jacob Wober. of North I'latto,
Neb.. Edward Wrlelit, Thomas llolclior. of
Myrtlo. Nob.
s20-H .T. E. KVANP. TteirlAter.
Viieiukf-sbalS '
lly vlrtuoof nn order ot Halo Issued from
tlm district court of Lincoln county, Nebras
ka, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In
said court whoroln Oharloi II. Walters la
plalntlfT and Itlchard Lynn ot al am
defendants, and to mo directed, I
will on the, 6th day of Novombor, 1010.
at 1 o'clock p. m. at tho east front
door Of tho court linunn In Nnrtn Tlltn
Lincoln county, Nebraska, soli at publla
auction to tho hlcliest bidder for cash,
w satisfy said decree. Interest and costs,
tho following described proporty. to-wlti
Southeast ouartor of Section Twolvo (12).
Township Ton (10). N. RanKO Thirty-four (31)
Lincoln county, Nobranka.
Dated North Platto. Nob., Sept. 1st. MO.
I. L. MtrrONnjcnfim. HhrVlff.
and 0. block l. of tho North I'latto Town
Lot Company's Addition.
Tho owners of property on the north sldo
of West I'ourth streot, betweon Washington
'i'v.?""..""1' aro uorooy notniea
that tho Mayor and Council of the city ot
North I'latto, Lincoln county. Nebraska,
Tl! (tcrtM ft rtft it rr n.nA a h vxl I . i.
7tb day of September, ordorinir a sldo
Mifv uMjuiumK lut'ir BU1U f runii8C3 to DO
constructed as to lino and trrado, and of
tv. ...... u.i w iijm.u, no yruviueu in wio
ceneral ordinances of 'said city, rcnulatlnir
tho construction of sldowalks In said city,
Pfod and approved on tho 2istday of Juno.
Unless ald walk Is constructed by you
aloritr tho south sldo of said lots 7. 8 and
II Tlrw.lp 'HI ...... ...I . . . I 1 ...
. ...uv.iv unu ujr ,UUi III BCCUTUanCO Willi
said ordinances, on or before tho 25th. day
of October. 1010. the samo will bo constructed
rTf nam ! mi1 i . a .
said lots ownod by you adjoining which tho
owuu oiibii iro vuuavi uiitcu
UltAS- F. TKM1T.K. City Olotk-
In tho matter of the estate of Axol I.
Pramborc, deceased.
In tho county court of Lincoln county. Ne
braska. September 2tb. 1B10.
Notico Is hereby clvcn that tho creditors of
said deceased will meet tho administrator of
of said estate, boforo tho County
Judtce of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at tho
county court room, In said county, on
tho 21th day of .October. 1010. and on
tho 24th day .of April, 10U. at 9
o'clock a. to. oach day, for the purpose ot pro
scntlncr their claims for examination, adjust
ment and allowance Six months aro allowed
for creditors to present their claims, and ono
year for tho administrator to settlo said
estate from tho B2d day of Soptombor. 1010.
This notico to bo published for cleht suc
cessive publications In tho North I'latto
Bernl-Woekly Trlbuno. a Ieual newspaper.
2Uh Yolo county prior to Octobor
' .v. . P. E- Emkh. County Judgo.
Hy Kathorlno V. Clark, Clerk County Court.
To every person In actual possession or oc
cupancy of the premises below described and
to AloxandorlUchardson and Emily A, Klch
ardson In whoso namo tho tltlo of said prem
ises appears of record In tho ofllce of tho reg
ister of deeds In Lincoln county. Nobraska,
and to Charles Francis. Mao II. Richardson,
and Louise Itlchardson:
You and oach of you aro horoby notified
tbaton tho 4th day of Novombor. 1007, Thom
as Cooper purchased at public taxsalo(Cor
ttflcato No. 3105) at thn county treasurer's of
fice ot said county tho following described
real cstato towlt: Tho Northwest quarter
(NW H) of Section Six (0), Township Sixteen
(IB) N. of Kanco Twenty-six (20) west of tho
6th P. M for the dellnquont taxes duo
thoreon for tho year 1KX) for tho um of 37.85,
and on tho 20th day of Soptembor, 1008, paid
tbo subsequent taxes assessed against said
premises for tbo year 1007 for the Bum of
ft.7A, and on tho 30th day of Juno, 1000, paid
tho subsequent taxes assessed against aald
premises for tho year 1008 for tho sum of
113.05. and on tho 2flth day of March. 1010, paid
the subsequent taxos assessed against said
premises for tho yoar 1000 for tho sum of $12.78 j
that tho tlmo for redemption oxplrod on tho
6th day of Novomber. 10U0. and If tho said
promises are notredeemed on tho 28th day of
January. 1011, from said tax salo the under
signed will apply to tlm county troasuror for
deed to said promises.
Datod this 11th day of Octolier. 1010.
oil2 lly Geo. E. Fronch, his Attorney.
In tho County Oouri of Lincoln county, Ne
braska. Oct. 11th. 10.
In the matter of the cstato of Rebecca
F. V. Illnrnan, deceased.
Notico Is horeby given, that tho creditors
of said deceasod will meet tho Administrator
of said estate, beforo tho County Judgo of
Lincoln county. Nebraska, at tho county
court room In said county, on tbo 7th day of
November, 1010, and on tho 8th day of May.
1011, at 0 o'clock a. m. each day. for the pur
pose of presenting thelrclalms for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance Six months
aro allowed for creditors to present, their
claims and ono year for tho Administrator to
settlo Bald estate, from tho 10th day ot
Oct.. 1010. This notico to bo published for
eight successive publications In tho North
Platto Trlbuno. a soml-wookly newspaper
juihllshcd In said county prior to Nov, 7th,
oli-B W. O. ELDER. County Judge.
Serial No. 0UW1.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Laud Olllco at North Platto, Neb.
.... . ct. I. 1810.
Notico Is horoby given that George E. Gar
man, ot IIorHhey, Neb., who. on Juno 28, lliol,
mado homestead entry No. 20035, serial No.
01081, for all ot section 21, township 12, N.
range SS. Wot tho 6th Principal Meridian, has
II led notice of Intention to make final live
year proof, to establish claim to tho land
abovo described, before tho Register and Re
ceiver at North Platte, Nobraska, on tho 10th
day of Dec. 1010.
Claimant names as witnesses: Alvln
Zaulcr. of North Platto. Neb.. Dell Titter
Ington. of Sutherland, Nob., A - K. Mclntyro.
of Uershey, Neb-, Joo Avelanch, of llershoy,
ol8-0 J. E. Evans. Register.
Sorlal No- omi.
Department ot the Interior
U, S. Land Olllco at North Platto. Nob.
. . ct- "th. 1010.
Notice Is horoby glvon that Alvln Zaulor,
of North Platto, Nobraska. who on
July. 0th, 1804. icado Homestead entry
No. 20337. Serial No. 02132. for south half,
northwest quarter, lots 3 and 1 anh
south bait section 4, township 12, north
range 2, west of tho 0th Principal
Meridian, has tiled notico of Intention to
make Unal live year proof, to establish
claim to tho land abovo described, boforo
tho Register and Receiver at North Platto,
Nobraska, Ion the 10th day ot Dec., 1010.
Claimant names as witnesses: George K.
Carman, Hurshey. Neb., Dell Tltterlngton.
Sutherland. Neb. J as. II. Runner, ot Uershey,
Neb.. Herman Wendoborn. of North Flattu.
ol7-6 J. E-Evans. Register,