TO IRRIGATE SPUDS hegulate water in orchard The Wretchedness of Constipation I Cm Uy t otocob by m a an mm a-vm a at iiiwil M itAKI tK- o LI 11 IX UVER FILLS. Pare) rccstaUa rally on IM km. Cur HeL elm. Dks. mm, cad laffMtioc. TW Ja tWr duty. SmtM PS. Jhosfl DiN, SaaB IVics. Ckmains ait Signaturo a rvrr nSel assssssssssssa wnn i kiwi V' linen I This Artistic Hair-Dresi esn beerrsnard by the aid of au Wncu.,Uul-(PtDt( wary- tiumal. batr switch. W do not ned l tcndonapproral, rortharnlMblllti iiur nx vunuur ey will bo refunded If notaavuar- and exceptional quality of Our rnop vocmm cannot uo nsceiira. iim inllltji w 1th rwlrAinple,anil mon- nr knll a awltchaft til rout friends In IDriaysand obtain yours Trr. THUioiruiiT BHur, wnmm n. B.k,rv.rtT- io atBwif.t ! AsatplmorFnra Powder and Old ltoso Uougo wit atrcaUrnudndTlc upon rrcelptpt Horn p. WHAT'S Your Health Worth? Yon start sickness by mistreating nature m1 it generally shows first in the bowels nl liver. A ioc box (week's treatment el CASCARETS will help nature help jtw. They will do more using them regularly as you need themthan nny medicine on Earth. Get n box today; take a CASCARKT tonight. Better in the morning. It's the result that makes isUlles take, them. 881 CAKCAKIJTR ioc box for a week's irsatmcnt. at druggists, lllffgest feller la I be world. Million boxes a month. MEAN INSINUATION. 1 i JLmm i Excellent, Method of Irrigation for Farmer to Follow. For Nursery and Trees Serviceable Tubes May Easily Be Made Out of Common. Pine Lathing. In recent years short tubes or sprouts havo been used In mcay ol tho h'cad ditches of orchards to Practical Plan as It lo Successfully divert small quantities of water t.c Used by Best Potato Growers of West Experience Is Nec essary for Success. Mlas .Lively Isn't it strango thai EMseimii piaycra nro boIuoui am truck? Mr. Fussy Not necessarily. Sun strokcHo un nffuction of tho hraln. CensulHng.tho Playwright, "Mr iitaf i-nti wiggle "ma oara" and" wfclstlo through his teeth." "lira," "Now, can you build mo a first-class joraedy around that?" f ft is a shame for people who have fa their Uvea a consciousness of love an4 character and courage, to fall In to tho wasteful folly of unhapplness Ami the unimportant. Margarot Do- Post Toasties A ,bovl of these crisp Huffy bits served with cream or milk is some thing not soon forgotten. What's the use of cook ing breakfast or lunch when Post Toasties, ready to serve direct from the package, are so delicious? "The Memory Lingers" llatue Creek, Mlcli. tho following description In United States Farmers' Bullotlh 380, by E. II. Grubb of Carbondale, In hollovcd to ho a practical motliod of Irrigation to follow, and Is successfully used by tho hest potato growers of tho west. When tho tltno for irrigation ar rives n V-shaped trench half way be tween tho rows should ho opened In ftltornato middles with ah eight or ten inch lister plow. This Is n nnrrow plow with a doublo moldboard which thrown dirt each way. In these fur-.-ows, tho Irrigation water Is run so that tho soil will not become solidi fied by flooding, tho roots may bo thoroughly moistened, yet tho tuber bed Is kept dry. Experience Is neces sary to Bhow what amount of water Is required. Do not irrigate both sides of tho samo row at tho samo tlmo. "or tho second irrlgntlon furrows aro opened In tho middles Hint were not opened at tho ilrst Irrigation, Tho details of irrigation depend upon tho slzo, slopo and contour of tho field to bo Irrigated, If tho land slopes sufficiently nnd continuously across tho Held from tho supply ditch, tho problem Is simple, At tho head of the field Is a feeder ditch from which tho wntor la ndmltlcd tj tho furrows between tho rows. A can vas dam Is placed In tho latoral so us to hold tho water back and raise It to tho proper height In tho row. After Clio water has run In tho row n sufll clcnt length of time to thoroughly wet tho soil, placo at a proper dis tance farther down tho row another cnnvuB dam for a check nnd remove tho first ono, Tho hcud of water In tho feeder ditch will determine tho number of rows which can bo Irri gated at tho sumo time, ridges occur In. tho field, transversa ditches aro run along at their top and Irrigating dono both wuyB from It. When ono follows tho genernl rulo of getting wa ter on tho higher surface first, ho can then bring wator to the lower lovols easily. It Is essential In potato cul ture that tho right quantity of water bo used and that it ho uniformly dis tributed, Do not Irrlgato too soon. Wator should not he applied until, by tho darkening of tho foliage, tho plants show need of water, nnd, In this mnnnor, call for It. It woro hot ter that tho tubers' set, or tho plantB bo In blossom, boforo tho first Irriga tion is given. Yet If one digs down into tho hill and finds tho soil so dry tljat, when pressed,? It fnllB to retain Its form, there Is not sufficient moist ure for- sturdy growth and It Is best to turn in tho irrigation water. As soon ns possible cultivate after tho llrst Irrigation; this lessons evapora tion nnd Insures vigorous uniform growth without a serious chock. Fol low Irrlgntlon In nltornnto rows not Irrlgntcd tho first time, ns plant growth seems to requlro It. In this second Irrlgntlon, whon tho water soops through to tho non-intlgntcd row, it Indicates tho soil Is sufficient ly wot, As tho vines grow, duccoaslvo Irri gation bocomos moro difficult, slnco the vines lodgo In tho ditches, Imped ing tho water on Hb way through. Glvo plnnts sufllclont water to kcop up vigorous growth, but bo careful not to ovorlrrlgnto. Glvo HO to GO days for ripening off tho tubers In dry oarth. Clean potntoos taken from dry tubor bods look well, soil well, and nro usually freer Jrom dlsoaao germs than potatocu tnkon from n moist seed bed. Tho nmount of water applied must necessarily vary with tho kind of soil and tho uharactor of tho seaHou. Whon onco begun, Irrigation should follow Irrigation nt Intervals of eight ,to ton. days until crop Is fully matured. In gonoral, too much rathur than too llttlo wnter Is used with potatoos, rendering tho matured tuber, when cooked, "soggy" and uupnlAtablo. furrows. Thcso tubes aro usually made of wood, but pipes m'ado ol clay, black Iron, galvanized Iron nnd tin nro occasionally used. For nurseries nnd young trees cspo dally and nlso for maturo trees o cheap and serviceable tubo may be made from plno Intli, such ns aro used for plastering, writes Snmucl Fortler In Field nnd Farm. Tho four-foot lengths nro cut into two equnl parts and four of thcso pieces uro nailed togethor to form a tubo. One of thcso tubes when- placed with Its center two Inches below tho siirfnco of tho wator in the head ditch discharges nearly throe quarters of n minor's Inch of water, nnd If plnced four inches below the surface, will dlschnrgo moro than one' miner's Inch. In soma places tho lumber mills manufacture n spocln' lath for this purpose. It Is mado ono half Inch thick, two Inches wldo and 30 Inches long. If such tubes whoc thoroughly diy aro dlppod lo hot asphalt they will last n mucb longer tlmo. In some of tho do clduous orchards of California e still larger wooden tubo or box la used, it Is mado of four pieces of three-fourths by threo and three-fourths Inch redwood boards of tho desired length. Tho flow through this tubo Is regulated by a cheap grnto, consist ing of n pjeco of galvanized iron fas tened by means of a leather washer and a wlro nail. An orchardlst can often purchase at ic- low figure pieces of worn-out nnd discarded piping vnrylng from three-fourths to two Inches in diame ter. Such, pipes when cut into suit able lengths mako a good substitute for woodon spouts. Tin tubes one-halt inch In. diameter and of tho proper length have been used with good suc cess, In compact colls through which water passes very slowly tho furrows must be near togother and under such conditions small tin tubes nro to be prcforrcd. In making uso of tubes of various kinds It Is necessary to main tain n constnnt head In tho supply ditch. This Is dono by Inserting checks nt regular distances, Thcso distances vary with the grade of tho ditch, but 150 feet Is not far from bolng an nvcrago spacing. In temporary ditches tho canvas dam Is perhaps tho best check, but In pormn nont ditches it pays to uso wood or concrete. In tho latter the opening is controlled by a dashboard which may bo adjusted so as to hold tho wa tor at any desired height and at the samo tlmo permit tho surplus to flow over tho top to feed tho next lowest sot of furrows Satisfaction In Thoroughbreds. There is n fascination about breed lng thoroughbred fowls that gives ono satisfaction. Whon wo see tho results of our trouhlo wo do not regret the caro and nttontlon which good poultry rnlslng demands. Tr-rsir SB 1 r . Inl N 'S Do Big Harvest From Unredeemed Money WASHINGTON. Tho United States government in fifty years has no stimulated $13,000,000 from unre deemed money. A long-standing ques tion, namely: How much docs a gov ernment mako through tho failure of its clti.enn to present its paper for rodemptlon? is answorod fairly ac curately for our country in thoso fig ures. Expert mathematicians in tho United States havo figured on tho problom, and tho results thoy havo obtained by different mothods nro so nearly identical as to lead tho layman to feel confident that thoy havo hit somewhere nenr tho mark. Obviously tho difficulties surround ing tho statistician wishing to tabu late tho gains of tho govornment from this sourco nro almost insurmounta ble, If accurato figures aro what ho Is looking for. Tho destruction of pa por money of all sorts goes on rapid ly throughout tho country, yot this loss la novor reportod to tho treasury. So tho mathematicians havo hnd to tako tho completo figures of tho gov ernment redemption division, nnd by comparing tho nvorago Ufa of notes, tho nvorago jicrcontugo of actual re demption, and other Items of that sort, havo boon nblo to work out n fairly accurato perccntago of paper money that is cither dostroyed pr is in such hands' that It will novor roach tho treasury for redemption la gold. Woll-known authorities who havo worked Independently on tho subject found, whon thoy compared notes, that thoy had reached substantially tho Bamo result that of all papor money lssuod tho government escaped payment on from ono-tonth of 1 per cent to nbout ono-half of 1 per cent, This, of courso, means that tho gov ernment makes on tho papor monoy It issues n commission varying be twocn tho percentages set forth, Tho most definite rosult shows n gain of approximately ono-clghth of 1 por cent, a total gain to tho government amounting to $13,241,000 slnco tho beginning of our paper monoy about half a century ngo. All sorts of cnuses contrlhuto to lncrcaso tho amount of pnpor money that will never bo presented for ro demptlon. Flro Is perhaps) tho most Important causo, though improved safos nnd tho moro general uso of safes for holding tho cash supply aro annually reducing tho loss from this causo. Then thoro Is a Bort of Inortla that monoy seems to hnvo which keeps it out in tho country onco it is started in circulation, oven though It bo of an Issue supposed to mnturo at a given tlmo. Shlpwrocks, too, nro responsible for somo of tho loss, Lastly, thero nro tho collectors, and It is probablo that ovcry fairly good collection of United States paper monoy accounts for at loast ono ploco of ovory denomination thnt has fatted to como back to tho treasury. Army Wanting in Marching Ability Guinea Fowls Protect Flocks. 1 llko tho whtto guinea fowl bo- causo It Is not so wild ns tho other kinds I hnvo had, says a writer In linltlmoro American. Tho lions lny nearer our homes nnd somotlmos even In tho hen house. THE United States army has latoly undorgono ft, series of stern and sovoro criticisms. Authorities havo studied tho existing conditions from ovory point of vlow, nnd in their ro ports havo dclivorod tholr opinions in n fearless manner. In a roport recently mado public ono inspector points out tho caso of a wholo bat talion of nrtlllory starting out for tho Philippines without a slngio Hold of ficer nnd ono of tho batteries com manded by n second lloutonant of lc i than two years' service. In ono department alotto a third, of tho lino officers woro nbsont from duty with their commands under detail, nnd al together, tho Inspector says, tho situ ation warrants tho prediction thnt ro- sultB of a disastrous kind must sooner or later bo realized. Pooplo who think tho United Stntcs army stands at tho top of tho pro fession would bo rudoly jarred to learn from Inspoctor General Ball Eng-Eatlng Hens. If a hen which has contracted tho habit of eating eggs Is not a very val uable one, she had hotter bo killed bo foro she teaches tho habit to others of tho flock, v Tho habit Is leurncd by having the nosts exposed to vlow, or by an egg being laid on tho floor of tho coop nnd becoming accidentally broken. As soon as the hens eat Its contents thoy learn whuro to look for more, and fol low up the habit by breaking tho egg, ospoctally If thoy havo boon deprived of food containing nlbumtnous de ments. Food thorn plenty of meat. green cut bono nnd other animal food. Placu the nests ..In a dark, secluded spot, so that the eggs when laid will not bo In opon vlow. A hen that will dollverntely search for tho eggs and 'break them In n dark nest can bo broken of tho habit of eating eggs only by chopping hor head off. Scours In Calves, Scours in calves is un infectious dis ease. Prevent troublo from this sourco by kooplng tho surroundings clean and feeding clean warm milk in vossola that nro scalded froquently. A llttlo troubloT Cortnlnly. Dlseoao was Invented to-mako troublo so clciin- llnosH would bo ne'eossary to prevent It If wo had no troublosomo things In tho world wo would still bo living In cavos nud bunting each other with clubs, i LIVE STOCK NOTE3. iiMnny small pigs nro stunted In tholr early growth becnuso thoy can not hold tholr own against tholr larger nnd mora qunrrolsomo brothers As soon ns tho pig Is discovered to bo droopy or falling behind tho rest of tho herd It should bo tnken out and put In un lnolosuro by Itself. Plgii should bo sorted to slzo and each lot kept to Itself. This Is not much troublo nnd will enablo tho lit tlo follow to stand a better show at tho feeding trough. There Is no hotter or ohenpor place to develop n young horso nud put him In proper shnpo for market than on tho farm- Individual excollonco Is tho first requisite of n good horso. It ho has not the qualities to speak for himself his pedigree might not bo able to soil him. To handle a lond In ono placo re quires tho Bamo amount of musclo, bono and temper bh In tho other, nnd tho colt thnt will sell well In tho city will mako monoy on tho farm, A horse that Is porpetunlly stepping around while bolng hnrnessed Is only hnlf broken, A well-broken horso will stand until his owner adjustB ttio robe, takes up tho reins und gives tho word to go. A owo showing too much mnscultn lty ami a ram showing too much fern lnlnlty nro to bo uvoldod, for such animals arrf npt to produce progeny that aro not uniform. Evory flock owner Bhould glvo spe clal attention to provldo tho best of supplemental forago and pnsturo for his sheep, to help out tho other pas turo and supply tlp ftock with chnngo of feed, A ton of shoop mnnuro Is worth In fertilizing valuo nbout throo tons of any other farm or stnblo manure, that from tho poultry house oxcoptod Sheep nro profitably kopt on high prlcod land In tho old country. Boforo you buy foundation stock mako n closo Btudy of tho breeds and their adaptability and buy tho kind thnt aro adapted to your needs. Do not buy anything that Is a sheep, slm ply becnuso it is a shoop. WHY NEW ORLEANS CITY 18 LOGICAL POINT .FOR WORLD'S PANAMA EXP03ITIO.N. . . Its Geographical Position and Many Other Considerations Mark It as Most Suitable Spot for J3edl- ' , cation of Great Work. that tho field army is wholly unpre pared for field service. Ho says tho now regulations nro almost entirely theorotical or dopondent upon the- ox pcrienco of European armies. Our transportation Is tho samo as at tho beginning of tho civil war, for our army has so far failed to mako use of automobiles, traction engines and other modern appliances in the Mold Tho weaknesses could bo quickly de veloped if tho present nnnunl maneu vers could ho replaced nt loast once by tho march of n complete army corps. Very fow of our officers hove ovor marchod with moro than a regi ment. To romedy thoso conditions, MaJ Gon. Wood, chief of staff, has issued orders whloh will chnngo nrntcrlally tho training of tho nrmy. Tho- inspec tors general will bo required, to sub mit tho troops to an annual inspection in tho field, in addition to tho present Inspection, which is described In some quarters as bolng llttlo loss than an Inquiry into tho- nccaunts and" gnrrl son work of tho troops. Tho now In spcctlon will bo designed to show the offlcloncy of tho troops In tho theoret ical work taught army officers In the various schools and provided for in tho various drill regulations. First Report on Infantile Paralysis THERE woro CC0 deaths from ncuto anterior poliomyelitis, or in- fantllo paralysis, 11G from pellagra, C5 from rabies, or hydrophobia, and a deaths from leprosy in 1909, in tho death registration area of continental United Statos, which comprises ovor 55 per cont of tho total population, according to the censuB bureau's forthcoming bulletin on mortnllty sta tistics for 1909, BUDmlttea to uonous Director Durand by Dr. Crossy L. Wilbur, chlof statistician for vital statistics. It is reported that of the CG9 dcatns from infnntllo paralysis 552 wero of white nnd only 17 of colored porsons. Tho bulletin states that no statis tical segregation of Infantllo paralysis as n causo of death has been mado heretofore, but tho Increasing Import anco of tho dlscnso ami Its wldo prov nlcnco throughout tho country In the form of local onldemlcs rendor a statomont of tho mortality Important Tho 569 deaths compiled for the registration aron for 1909 woro wldoly distributed, and Indicate ondomlc or epidemic ptevnlence in many parts ol tho country. It shoulo: oo remem bered, tho bullotln points out, that the consus data relato only to regis tration Bources, and that for tho non registration states the deaths nre onlv thoso roturnod from tho regis tration cities contntned thoroln. Pellagra Ib a now dtseaso In th mortality statistics, tho bulletin states. Onty 23 deaths wero returnod from this cause for 1908, and no deaths for any previous year except ono for 1904. Such deaths undoubt edly occurred, but wero not rccog- nlged and wore consequently returned nsduo to other causes or a of un known causo. Public, senthrieht has docided .that tho completion of tho Panama Canal In 1915 shall too celebrated with h great International ExppBltlon in which all tho nations ot tho world may participate; and the question of whero this Exposition la to bo, hold ivlll bo Bottled by Congress at lis ap proaching session. Now Orleans and San Francisco iro contesting for tho honor of hold' lng this 'Exposition, and both cities have guaranteed Immerrao sums of money as an evidence of tholr ability to flnanco so great an enterprise. Ail Exposition worthy of tho term World's Fair," such as Now Orionnt proposes to bulVl, will bo a groat cd ncatlonnl niovomcnt. Its success as such, however, will dopond entirely upon the perccntago of our popula tion who can secure Its educational Advantages, this In turn, dopends up op. Its location, as tho tlmo In travel ing to and from tbo Exposition, and thu cost In railroad nnd Pullman rnrefc, nre tho most Important factors Considering theso matters, Now Orleans' claims to being tho "Log! cat Point" for thin Panama Expos! tlon, seem to be fully substantiated ny the following facts: Now Orleans Is 500 miles from tha .enter of population In tho Unltod States. San Francisco ts 2,500 miles distant therefrom. Within n radius of 500 miles from Snrr Orleans thero nro 17,500,000 people. Within tho Bamo radius from San Francisco there are only 2,000,000 Within a radius of 1,000 mllos from ."ow Orleans, thero" nro- G5.000JB00 Within the samo radius from San Francisco thoro aro only G.OOO.OOO. . At an average of 900 miles from. New Orleans, thero nre 70 of ou'i principal cities with a combined population of 20,000,000. AvcraglhR 900 miles from San Francisco there are only 8 largo cltlos, with n com bined population ot just 1.000,000 Tho average distance ot nil these sltlcs to New Orleans is 792 miles, to San Francisco 2.407 mlleB. Over 75 per cent, of the people ol iho United States could go to an Exposition thero at an average ex- ponse for railroad faro of $12.50, as ' against nn averngo of $37.50 to the Pacific Coast; and for several mil lions ot our people, the Pullman fare and Dining Car espouses alone. tor a trip to San Francisco, would imount to moro thnr. all their trans ¬ portation expenses for a trip to Now Orleans. This Is an important public ques- Ion to bo settled by Congress at tho lession which convenes In December. Many of our rtfaaers will wish to Islt this World's Panama Exposi tion, and if held la New Orleans a great many moro could Bpare the tlmo and money Vor tho trip than ould go to San Francisco. There fore, wo urge our readers to wrlto to tho two senators from this Stato and tho congressman from this district. requesting them to support New Or loouB In the contest I . Childish Reasoning. "Look at tho brownies, papa!" x-. Maimed a llttlo tnlss as sho gazed up ward at a Wall street Bkyscrapor. "Thoy aro not brownies, dearie, replied papa. "Thoy aro big men, llko mo, but thoy look so tiny becaso thoy iro so high." "If thoy wero twlco as high, would thoy look twice as smnll?" sho asked, showing tho mathematical turn not unnatural In tho offspring of a suc cessful broker. Papa answered "Yes." 'i Sho made a quick calculation and remarked: "Thoy won't amount to much when they get to Veavon, will they?" Catarrh Cannot Bo Cured Flth l.OCAJL APPLICATIONS. M ther cannot men tho teat ot tb dlwaie. Catatrli la a blood or conitl luUotul.dJteair. and In otirt to cure It you must Ukn Internal remedies, lain Catarrh Cuts la taken in ternally, and act directly upon tbo blood and muooun surfaces. Hairs Catarrb euro la not a quack mrdl cine.. II was prescribed br ooo ot tho beat physician In this country tor years and Is a recirlar prescription. uui o 1 nun muoous surfaces. The perfect combination ot tb IS la oomnosed ot tha best tonlca known, comblnrrt wltli the best blood purifiers, acting directly on tha two Iniredtenti la what produce sueh wonderful t suits to curlnc catsrrfi. Bend (or testlaioutsla. freei w. i k . ivy... U,UU -lt Sold by DnunUu. price 75e. Taaa Hill's family 1-111 a for rotutlpaUoa. Gifts of Potentates Vex Uncle Sam HALF a dozen resolutions authoriz ing acceptance of gifts by Ameri can military men and diplomatic of floors from foreign rulers woro turned down last session by tho house com mlttoo on foreign affairs. Accom panying tho rejection wns a roport tondlng to dUcourago any such efforta In the future. In strong language tho committee pointed out that tho provision of the constitution prohibiting tho accept nnco of Biich gifts by Americans In official Ufa was drawn wlsoly by tho fathers ot tho country In tho Intqrost of tho Integrity and porpetulty ot tho renubllc. underlying ttio proiuuitlon Is tho thought that thoso accepting such gltts would bo under more or less obligation to tho giver, and to that degree, at least, weaken his al legiance to this country. Tho most noted exception to thli rulo by congress was tho authoriza tion of acceptanco by former Presi dent Itoosovolt ot tho Nobol pcaco prlzo, amounting to nbout $39,000. Colonel ItoosoVelt turned this monoy ovor to tho department of commorco and labor to form tno unsis or a fund for exponsos attending arbitra tion nnd tho peaceful Bcttlcrnont nt disputes betweon enpitnl and labor. Boforo grnntlng tho authorization In this Instnnco, congress had full knowl edge ot what was to bo dono with tho monoy. Tho prlzo was nwnrdod to Colonol Roosevelt for his efforts In terminating tho war botwoen Rus sia and Japan, Tho' action of tho Iioubo commlttco arouses now Interest In tho notable collection of valunblo and curious gifts prosontod by foreigners to of- ucini Ainoricans wnicn tins govern ment haa not nuthorlzod nccoptanco of, by Amorlcans nnd which nro now In onfekoqplng in tho national mu seum and In tho stato, war and navy dopartnionts. Not Responsible. Nurse What's that dirty mark o your leg, Master Frank? Frank Harold kicked me. Nurse Well, go at onco and wash ' it Off. juf. Frank Why? It wasn't mo what did Itt Punch. Instant Relief for All Eye's. that aro Irritated from tliint, hrat, sun or wlpd,, PETTIT'8 EYE SALVE. 25c. All drugguta or Howard Broa., Buffalo, N. Y. If It had not been for his lantern and tho tub ho lived In, probably Diogenes would never havo been hoard of. Mrs. TVInsloir'a Bootlilnr flyrap, . forcblldren trelhlnif, niftensjthogums, TMuc.iln. tuminaUon,allaysualn.curswlndooUo. UoabctUa. Some men try to savo monoy by nol paying tholr debts. - i Dr. Pierce's Pullets, small. annar-coatedeasTU liter and I jsVo aa candy. retfiiUtn and liiTluumte stouach. a bowels, Donotgrlpo. , Sometimes whon a man falls ho hai iticcocded. - Lewis' Single Binder gives-n mm what' is want, a rich, mellow-tasting cigar, i r ..If In search of a close friend select ' 10 with a closo mouth.