The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 25, 1910, Image 1

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    Utt HlllKiltil Mut
NO 79
im 3
Miss Hannah Kollher will entertain
the young ladies' bridge club tomorrow
TheJHarmony Club will meet with
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Tramp on Thurs
day evening of next week.
Dr. J. R. McKlrahan has purchased
the newer of the two residences owned
by John H. Day on east Fifth street.
EngineerTom Gutherlcsa has returned
from Cheyenne where he had been run
ning an engine on the Fourth district
for a couple of weeks.
The Presbyterian Aid Socity will
meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs.
Geo. E. Rogers and Mrs. Chas. Bowcn
at the home of the latter on West Sixth
Mrs. M. E. Crosby ,.Misa Tillio Blank
cnburg andGeorgo Payno will entertain
their Sunday school classes at a Hollow
E'en party at the Ritncr homo on Fri
day evening of this week.
Miss Roxie Murphy of this city has
been elected to teach the seventh grade
in the Sutherland schools. For several
weeks past she has been relief teacher
at tho O'Fallon school.
E. S. Nichols and family arrived Sat
urday from Now York City and are
now located in tho U. S. weather
bureau residence. Mr. Nichols comes
hero as a weather observer. He says ho
is favorably impressed with the town.
John Gillespie, of Omaha, spent sev
eral days in town the latter part of last
week as a guest at the F. J. Doran home.
Mr. Gillespie is looking up a location
for a jewelry storo and has this city
under consideration.
Sunday was a good day at tho Luth
eran church. Large audiences were in
attendance at the services, the quarter
ly offering for benevolence was over
fifty dollars, and there were four
accessions by adult baptism and con
firmation. Next Sunday is Reforma
tion Sunday. The desire is have eveiy
member and attendant of the church
present at the services as well as every
member of every department and class
cf the Sunday school present at the
Sunday Bchool service.
III Rambler m&JT k. I 1
Sixty-five X
Iff rpiIE Rambler lino for 1011 is complete, includ- ikV j I
gg JL ing Inndauleta, coupes, limousines, town cars, I 111!
l gg roadsters, toy tonncaus ana live aim seven-pas- II
gg sengcr touring cars witn uctacnaDie lore cioora. i
MM Details and construction alike for all; two sizes, I
mi forty-five and thirty-four horsepower. Forty- I
Mm inch wheels on all Bevcn-possenRcr open cars;. I
Pll fff - refined, producing gratifying comfort nnd silence. 11
I If .Standard equipment with every model: Spare wheel and 11 I
1 1 tire, shock absorbers, top and envelope, wind shield, fivo 1 1
1 1 lumps, gas tank aud tools. Ninety-two per cent of all II
I " ' Humbler parts are made in the Rambler factory. Years II I
11 of experience in cultivating painstaking habits of workman- II I
11 ship have created a standard of quality such that to nctuully f I I
11 make so many of the parts, even in a factory as large and II I
11 completely equipped as tho Rambler, tho output must bo MM I
11 limited. Prices $2,175 to 9 l.HO. MM I
Erty dclivctifi. Complete Infor- gg I
I 11. inallon and catalog on .requcit. gg I
North Platte, Nebraska Jfif
Walter Dale, of Gothenburg, was in
town yesterday enrouto to Oshkosh
with two autos which ho had sold to
parties there.
There will bo a Hard Time Social at
the Plntto Valley school house on Sat
urday evening, October 29th. Every
body invited and a good time is assured
Conductor Jim Shoulders, of the
Second district, was caught botween
two :ars at Kearney Thursday and so
badly squeezed as to fracture a rib and
sustain other minor injuries.
Mrs. Geo. F. Williams entertained n
number of littlo folks at a party Friday
afternoon in honor or the seventh birth
day of her son Palmer. Several hours
were spent in playing games and at the
close of the afternoon delightful re
freshments wero served.
C. J. Gambrel and family, of Myrtle,
were in town Saturday enrouto homo
from a visit in the Ozark mountain
country of Missouri. Mr. Gambrel
says crop3 in tho section ho visited
were fine this year with tho exception
of tho fruit crop.
George Rendle, storekeeper at tho
U. P. storehouse, has tendered his re
signation to take effect November 1st.
Mr. Rendlo does not know what he I
will do in the future, but he will look
for a position in which there is a show
for promotion, which his present posi
tion does not offer.
In favor of Miss Burt, who left for
Lincoln Saturday night, a number of
young people, high school students and
others were entertained in a very en
joyable manner at tho C. F. Idding's
home Saturday evening. The time was
spent in various games and contests,
interspersed with musical numbers and
passed very pleasantly. Delightful re
freshments were served at the close of
tho evening.
The remains of Mrs. N. E. Jenkins,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Riloy York,
who died at her home at-Champa, New
Mexico, last Thursday morning, were
brought to this city Sunday afternoon,
accompanied by her husband and Everett
York, of this city, who mot them en-
route. Funoral services wore, held
from tho Methodist church yestorday
afternoon conducted by Rev. W. S.
thirty-six-inch on all others. Every detail is
Miss Burt, who had been teaching in
tho local high school tho past year, re
signed her position last week nml loft
Saturday night for Lincoln whore she
has accepted a like position in the Lin
coin high' school, While tho depart
ure of this popular teacher is re
gretted tho best wishes of all go with
hor in hernow work.
D. E. Eckloy, of Kansas City, travel
ing sloesmnn for the II. J. Heinze Co.,
spent Saturday in town and held a dom
onstrntion of the 57 vnrieties of tho
Heinze products at the E. T. Tramp
store. Ho was assisted by Mrs. C. A.
Dill nnd tho dishes sorved wero very
tempting and relished by a goodly num
ber of visitors.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Salisbury returned
Saturday from Hamilton, Mont, where
thoy wen: to view tho country and
look up a location. Mr. Salisbury Ims
practically closed a doal for sixty ncrcs
two and ono half miles from Hamilton
which Is a town of 3,500. Whilo there
they met Rev. and Mrs. . J. C. Irwin,
formerly of this city, nnd report them
doing nicely.
Wanted A competent girl for gon
cral housework. Mrs. 0. II, Cresalor.
813 West Fourth street.
Tho reception tendered tho Sterling
foot ball team by the high school stu
dents at the Masonic hull Friday even
ing proved n very enjoyable nfTnir.
Numerous speeches and other numbers
were furnished by Miss Burt, Miss Irma
Huffman, Clarke LoDioyt and by mem
bers of thr Sterling team. Following
the reception some time wnB devoted to
dancing. A buffet luncheon was served
during the evening.
Henry Fulk, living near Sutherland,
was in town Saturday exhibiting two
oars of corn about tho size of a stovo
pipe. This corn, which will average
sixty or seventy bushels to the acre, was
grown on a feed lot which was plowed
up four years ago and planted to sugar
beets. Tho yield of beets that year
was ninety dollars per ncro; tho next
year beets were planted and tho rove
nue was seventy-two dollars per acre.
Last year oats was. sowed and forty-fivo
bushels per acre produced;, this year tho
corn will run sixty or more bushels.
Tho nverago crop valuo of the land per
year for tho four years has been a
little over $50 per aero por year.
.no uoione ciud win mcei tomorrow
afternoon with Mrs. Ray Raynor.
Mrs. J. W. LoMnsters returned homo
Saturday from an extended visit with
relatives in Illinois and Iowa.
Mrs. Rannio, of Portland, arrived the
latter part of InBt week for a visit
with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rannio.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Weeks, of Evnnaton.
who had been visitincr relatives in town.
left this morning for a visit in Omaha.
Miss Mabel Perry, who had been
visitincr relatives in town for tho naat
week, returned to her homo inKoarnoy
Five plain drunks wero arralened
bofore Poliqo Judge Elder yesterday
morning niter having spent Sunday in
jiiil. Four were men employed on
Union Pacific construction work, and
Wero assessed ono dollar fine, the costs
and the jail fees. Bert Rcnslow. an
old offender, wns turned loose. In the
past he has been fined and civen Jail
sentences, but these have not had a
moralizing effect upon htm, nnd Judge
Eider is in a quandary just what to do
with him when hois periodically brought
into tho police court.
Many prominent business men as
well ns officials of fraternal orders of
this city have forwarded 'ottors to Dean
Beecher, of Omaha, asklnir that his
ordination as bishop of tho Kearney
district take place in this city. Whilo
North Platto wns not tho first parish
over which Doan Beecher presided as
rector, ho was new in the ministry when
he came here, and it can bo said that
while here ho practically laid the founda
tion for the worth nnd work that has
advanced him to tho bishopric. Tho
Tribune trusts that Dean Beecher will
acquiesce to tho request which his many
irienus in isiortn l'latte liavo made.
Passenger Service on the Branch.
The last issuo of the Oshkosh Henrld
contained this item: Vice-President
nnd Genornl Manager A. L. Mohler, of
the Union Pncific, has advised Acent
Frank Maryntt of this place that an
exclusive pnBaenger service will bo put
on the last of this month between
North Platto nnd Northport, with a
daily passenger train each way besides
a freight. The railroad officials made
this docisiop after their recent tour of
inspection 'over this lino and learned
that the mixed train waB unablo to sat
isfactorily handle tho larco amount of
traffic, both passenger nnd freight.
This is nnother big step in tho progress
and upbuilding of this portion of the
North Platte Valley and Western Ne
braska. Wo are steadily nnd surely
advancing along tho creat -oad of de
Louden is Headquarters For Applet.
Just received two cars of winter
stock in bulk, boxes and barrels. Prices:
Bulk at 40 cents to $1.00 per bushel; in
boxes $1.30; in barrols $3.50 to $3.75.
All tho varieties imaginable. Come and
8eo and bo convinced. At 717 North
Locust or phone 551.
Sues City for $6,616.14.
F. L. Slocurn, receiver of tho North
Platto Waterworks Co. has begun suit
ti tho United States circuit court
against the City of North Platto for
tho collection of $0,610,14 alleired to bo
duo tho company for hydrant rental
and for Interest on doferred pnymonts.
This sum hns been accumulating sinco
July, 1898, and tho reason that it has
accummulated is because tho revenue
derived from the seven mill lovsy
with the exception of the years 1906,
1907, 1908 and 1909-hns been Insuf
ficient to meet the hydrant rental of
$3,105 per year.
Whether tho water company is en
titled to tho Bum sued for, is of course
for tho court to decide. Somo claim
that bo long as tho city naid all tho
money derived from tho seven mill levy
-which is tho statutory limit the
company cannot come back on the city
for any yearly deficit that may exist.
Outclass Sterlinrr.
In tho game of football Friday on tho
local item between tho high school
teams of Sterling nnd North Platto, tho
latter outclassed the former and won
by a score of eleven to nothing. The
game wns fairly well attended, esnecl-
ally by tho high school Btudents, who
by their class yells and other acta
enthusiuam helped tho winners on
victory. Tho gume was a clean cut ono
throughout and n number of sonnntinnni
playB wero made, Votaw, Lincoln, nnd
isorns oi the homo team earning good
words for their excellent work. In tho
lust quarter tho North Platto's wore
within ten yards of the goal line when
the time expired. Only onco did
sterling get tho ball dangerously close
to tho ironl linn.
Considering that it was tho first gamo
' nviiouii, mo iNorin nntte team
eiioweu up strong, and In tho forth
coming gumes stronger work may
' flU.- "l i ? ,,, -
Ralph Blxler went to Oshkosh yester
day to transact business.
Mra. Ed McGowan returned to hor
home In Denver Saturday.
Harry Worroll, of Sutherland, trans
acted business in town Saturday.
Mr. and. J. F. Schmalzricd will return
this week from their visit In Texas.
Mra. ChaB. Weir returned Friday from
n visit with relatives nt Decatur, III.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurico Fowlor went
to Denver Saturday for a brief visit.
Fred Hanlon camo up from Columbus
Saturday for a brief visit with his family.
D. E. Bensan, of Omaha, spent sovera
days in town last week visiting friends.
The Episcopal guild will meot Thurs
day afternoon with Mrs. Albort Mut-
Mrs. W. T. Alden left Sunday for a
week's visit with hor son In Grand
Misses Blancho Wolf and Graco Car
penter, of Curtis, spent Saturday with
friends in town.
Blaine Kitzmlller has taken a thirty-
day lay-off and will spend tho time at
Grand Junction.
Mrs. C. F. Tracy and Mrs. Ora Do-
Ford went to Omnha yestorday morn-
ng for a brief visit.
Mra. Elizabeth Roddon wmt to Om
aha Friday night to visit hor Bon who is
n a hospital at that place.
Mrs. J. S. Hoagland was called to
Iowa the latter part of last week by tho
llncss of a brother.
Mrs, Jnmes Guyman returned Friday
night from a month's visit with her
parents nt Schuylor, Neb.
Lester .Arnogast, of Oshkosh, has
been spending several days past at tho
homo of Rev. J. F. Cressler.
Dr. McCabo returned Saturday from
Chicago where ho attended tho National
Association of Railway Surgeons.
Miss Cavanaugh, of Sterling, Colo.,
1b spending -this week inTtdwrf as"ti
guest at the homo of W. J. Stuart.
John Gundrum wont to Omnha Sat
urday morning where he will undorgo
an oporation for an injured limb.
Louis Burko, of Portland, arrived
yestorday morning for a visit with his
mother and other rolatives in town.
Mrs. Addio Hall came up from Grand
Island Sunday and will make her homo
with her daughter Miss Orra Hall in
this city.
Brnkcmen R. E. Biggs and E. W
Laughlin went to Laramie Sunday whero
thoy will tnl.o tho examination for con
Mrs. and Mrs. Ed. Weeks and family
came down from Evanston, Wyo., tho
atterpart of last week for a visit with
relatives in town.
Mrs. Anthony Ries leaves tho lattor
part of this week for hor homo in
Seattle after a six weeks' visit with
frionds in town.
Mrs. M. E. Crosby returned Satur
day ovenlng from a threo weeks' visit
with relatives and friends at Lincoln
and Davenport, Neb.
Perry Carson went to Oshkosh yestor
day morning where ho will join Fred
Huxoll and spend several days hunt
ing in that section.
Mr. and Mrs. James Small wood re
turned Friday night from their wedding
trip to Lincoln and other points in the
eastern part of the state.
Mrs. Will Joffcrs camo down from
Ogdcn yesterday and accompanied by
her mother Mrs. Edwlna Schatz loft
today for an extended visit with rela
tives at Jacksonville and other points
in Illinois.
Ray Keith, of Long Pino, visited his
father a few days, leaving for his homo
yesterday. Ray has been in poor health
for fifteen mouths past, and has not
beenable to work during that time.
Georgo Clark had a valuable gold
watch stolen from his tont-houso on
tho U, P. right-of-way last Saturday
afternoon. A couplo of negroes who
wero in town that day aro suspected,
but thoy made their getaway bofore tho
watch was misBed. Brady Vindicator.
Reaching the Top,
in nny calling of life, demands a vigor
ous body and a keon brain. Without
health there is no success. But Electric
Bitters is the greatost Health Builder
tho world has ever known. It compols
perfect action of stomach, livor,
kidneys, bowels, purifies and enriches
tho blood, tones and invigorates tho
whole system an enables your dally
work. ''After months of suffering
from Kidney Trouble," writes W. M.
Sherman, of Cushine. Mo., "throo
bottles of Electric Bitten made me
feel like a now man." 50c. at Stone
Drug Co.
"The Other Wmmh."
Blnncho Walsh, ono of the leading
actresses on tho atngo, will appear at
tho Keith on Wednesday evening,
Novomber 2nd, In hor now play, "The
Othor Woman," in which she appears
in tho title rolo. "Tho Other Woman"
presents tho story of a passionate, .
whole-souled womnn who has given Lie
one love of hor life to a man who, she
learns too lato for hor own happiness,
is already married. Tho man's wife
loves him ns a true wife should more
over, so that "tho othor woman" faces
tho question of whether she shall place
her own happiness boforo , that of tho
wifo. Tho man in question "loves the
othor woman" nnd gains her consent
to olopo with him. Just In timo, how
ever, she learns of tho wife, and being
possessed of tho quality of lovo which
seeks the happiness of its object as its
greatest dosiro, alio decides not to
sepnrato the husband and wife, but to
hnve tho man return to his home whore
she feels euro ho will find his love for
his wifo return in the midst of old
friends nnd homo surroundings.
Are Forced to Leave Heme.
Every year a largo number of poor
sufforers whoso lungs aro soro and
racked with coughs aro urged to go to
onothor climate. But this Is costly und
not always sure. Thero's a bettor way.
Lot Dr. King's Now Discororv cure
you nt homo. "It cured mo of lung
trouble" writes W. It. Nelson, of Cai
minc, Ark., "whon all else failed and
I gained 47 pounds in weight. Its surely
tho Kimr of all couirh and lune euros."
Thousnnda owe their lives and health
to it. Its postivoly guaranteed for.
Coughs, Colds, LuGrippo, Asthma,
Croup-all throat and Lung troubles. 50c
nnd $1.00. Trial bottlo free at Stone
urug Co.
Will keep your hnndfl from chap-
' ping during cold wWtheratt&s''
not greasy and very -pleasant to
15 Cents Per Bottle.
Schiller's Hard
Water Soap
produces a quick lathes, removes
dirt enslly and la free from AL
KALI. 3 Bars 25 Cents.
Schiller & Company
Family Druggists.
Sale of Cattle
Tho undorsicucd will offer at nubile
TON, NEB., on
Saturday, Oct. 29th, 1910,
Commencing at ono o'clock P. M.,
Consisting of 15 hnad of cows from 4 to
8 years old, all registered Shorthorns,
with calf, 10 head of 2 year-old heifers,
with cnlf, five yearling heifers, fivo
yearling steors, ono bull two years old,
anu ono yeaning ouu. aiso ono mnre,
with foal, ton years old, weight 1,100.
Terms Six monthB' timo with ton
per cent interest, five por cent discount
ior ensn.
T. F. Watts, Auctioneer.
u. u. weinganu,. Clerk.
Road No. 334
To nil whom it mav concern: Tho
commissioner appointed to locate a
road commencing at tho i section enr
nor betweon sections 20 and 29, T. 14,
R, 33, thence west J mile to the
corner of sections 19, 20, 29 and 30,
T. 14, R. 33 W. and running thence in a
northwesterly, southwesterly, westerly
and southeasterly direction through
part of S. E. 1 S. E. i of section 19,
N. i N. 1 of section 80, said township
nnu rnngo, tnence inroiign partoi east j,
N. E. J, S. W. J N. E. i, and Boqth
4 N. W. J of section 25 to tho J corner
between sections 25 and 26, T. 14, R. 8-1
W., thence on centor lino of section 2G,
i milo thence throutrh north S. W. I
of section 26 and tho S, E. i of section
zt, t. m, jn. u. hi, w. to a point on
tho north bunk of the South Platto
rivor, terminating there, has reported
In fayor of establishment thereof: all
objections thereof, or claims for dam
age must bo filed in the office of tho
county clerk on or before noon on tho
26th day of Dec. 1010, or Ruch road will
bo established without reference there
to. Duted North Platto, Nob., Oct. 21,
1910. F. R. Elliott,
County Clerk.