The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 11, 1910, Image 2

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MA. L. BAR&Putti-S-
. Until the time of tho war betweea
RuBfila and Japan the short man was
obliged to defend the prowess of hta
kind "by citing Napoleon as an exam
rlo ef what short persona could do,
Dalaae, tho great French novelist,
whoao height was a trifle' more than
Ave feet, often half whimsically, often
seriously, endeavored to show a con
Beetles between ahort Btature and ex
cellence, u waa also a aourco of con
isolation to him and to other mon who
jwero sot In tho tall Class, to read In
mister that the noman conquorora
rworo abort. Hut after tho Itusso-Jnpiv
,ncnu war It became evident to nil that
islaturo had aothlng to do with tho
cbbo, unices, perhaps, tho victory of
the little Jup proved that tho short
Iman waa tho superior of tho tall. But,
mow come the municipal authorities
jln our cities, who say thut a tall po
illcomnn 1b bettor than a short and
that a toll fireman is tho superior of
la short fireman, tmyn lloston Qlobo.
IFire feet 7 inches la tho limit of
shortness to bo tolerated say somo,
(while others lower tho Btnndard a
(quarter of an Inch. Oth pre would low
or it half an inch rnoro. Buperati
tions dlo 'hard. Wo aro still children,
and, although far from tho ago of
giatita, wo cling to tho notion that
Inch ts mako tho man.
Orcat Drltaln has Just launched one
of the biggest of tho dreadnought bat
tleshlps which tho government is
steadily adding to tho navy. And that
American ideas are good for some
thing la this connection Is shown by
the Information which has leaked out,
notwithstanding tho careful way in
which naval secrets are guarded, that
the guna en the now vessol will be
arranged much llko thoso on United
States battleships of tho latent design,
so that lljoy can bo tired ono abovo an
iothor and conccntrnto tremendous
lstrlklng power at a glvon point Bund
le of, our warships aro giving valua
ble points to all tho world.
It will be a good day in this city
"when, every boy who goes to tho high
ecbool can multiply and dlvldo with
unfailing accuracy, when ho knows
,the rule of three and is up on frac-
ons, says Philadelphia Inquirer, I(
n addition to that he can write logl-
Ibly, read distinctly and spell correctly
jhe will have a better oqulpment than
jhas been common of late. In trying'
tto teach children too much we have
not trained them to definite ways of
thinking. Yut to think clearly about
janythlng ia the great prorequlBte of
'life and ought to be the chief aim of
I Reports of accidents to wofnen wear
ing hobble skirts begin to , como In.
Of course such accidents nro inevita
ble. A woman who deliberately blnda
her Umbfl before submltlng horsolf to
the dangors of, tho highway Is. doubly
handicapped, for even unhampered
physically, she likely would lack the
intelligence to dodge a street car.
A man in New York was sont to
prison for four years for stoallng a
five-cent looking-glass. It sorved him
right A man who makes so little of
his opportunities in tho face of such
Ehlnlug examples ought to be shut oft
from the rest of society.
A bank in Spokane it issuing anti
septic money. Still, while sanitary
banknotes may fit In hotter than the
others with the progrosalve ideas of
the age, as far aa the others aro con
cerned, with all their germs, we love
them Btlll.
"Did Washington swear?" asked a
periodical. We don't know, but somo
enlightenment could be furnished It
we knew whether Martha's dresses
Were buttoned down the back.
8esM genius 'hts Invented a ma
blue fer teaming operatic voices. It
will tMt ke)ft much unless. It makes it
ve-MlM for the operator te go away
)aa4 lekv-s It after he sets it going.
A. New York street car junped the
track sad ras late a mIooh. An amas
lag iastanee of the power of sugges
tion; the ear driver waa doubtless
very thirsty,
Cesaldered as an aerial racer tht)
earrier plgeoa may not be quite up to
date, but Its Meter seldom if ever gets
But of order.
A .89 an has been found starving
Jblmaelf beeanee he feared the end of
the world was at hand. There must
be such a thing as the rash bravery
of cowardice.
A writer sagely remarks that there
is no exeaae for drewnlng. Unfor
tunately, apologies are ?ver offered.
1 ' 1 1 ,
' It's a wke tean. whs can gqwa two
tlismevt (4l7f' which way Jhe cat
c ' " v " ' vri
Three of the seven Chicago millionaire packers who are under heavy bonds
federal anti-trust laws.
Beau Says United States. More
Polite Than France.
World's Most Famous Cotillion teader
Calls on Youth of His Nation to
Recover tost Science of
Paris, France M. Fouqulorcs, who
la called tho world's most famous
loader of cotillion's and la also known
as tho "last truo dandy of tho Deau
nrummoi'typo," finds that tho United
States and iJngland nro now moro
pollto than Franco, thUH contradict
ing F. Hopkinson Smith, who has hold
up Franco as a model in matters or
ctlquotto. Tho notod society lendor
has Issued n stirring appoal to Paris
ians In which ho describes tho dccltno
of courtesy, calls politeness u most
useful quality and nrgeB his follow
citizens to rognln their reputation for
good mannors aa tboy nro recovering
In aeronautics tholr reputation for
"Politeness is disappearing," de
clared M. Fouqulcres. "It must bo ad
mitted that we are no longor tho most
courteous people In tho world. Tho
politeness which was formorly a na
tional virtue, and tho former gnllantry
whlqh always characterized Frcnoh
mon aro today ncElootod. ridiculed
and almost despised.
Look at our youne folk. Thav aro
formal, stiff, Indifferent and disdain
iui: tnolr movomonta nro Iduntlrul
and bombastic llko a funoral ballet,
buu ui-jy uuuci. n puicgmaiic onnui
which It is caln to qrlticlso, for it 1b
tno mado.
"Foreigners trustlnir to our renutn-
tlon for courtesy nro astonished to
una tiiomsolvcs Inspected Insolently
when they vonturo Into nuhlio nlni-nn.
Women do not cscnpo sly, gay looka
ana vulgar murrnurlngs and whoovor
raaKOB mnuciouB jokea nt tholr ex
ponso Is npplaudcd with tho laugh of
approbation. Lack of tact is consid
ered witty. Our savants, aviators, nu
tomoblllnts and snllora porform horolo
deeds dally and their glory In undl-
mmisUed. Only polltoness Is lost.
"Yet thero Is no quality moro uso-
Nebraska Man Has Device by Which
Mother-ln-Law'a Maxlllarles
Run Machine.
Now York, "By a system of dif
ferential pulloya and stlrlgs I havo
dovlsed n schomo to mako my wlfo's
Jaws do UBoful work when Bho chows
gum." pays a man who nvors ho Is
J. Montgomery dubbins, Omaha, Nob.
With this dovlco nttuchod to hor
Jaws." ho continued, "my wlfo runs
her sowing machine and thoroughly
enjoys herself whllo doing so. I In
vented this elmpla mnchlno becuuso
my wlfo has rheumatism In both an
kles and has a stiff wrist With a
similar mnchlno I havo Bet my moth
er-in-law to work running a churn.
It tnkos moro powor to run n churn
than it docs a sewing machine I
enmo oast to look over tho flold with
thn view or trying my Invention on
tho Now York publlo if I found gum
chewing popular.
"I am highly pleased with, what I
found, and I know I'll havo tremen
dous sales of this mnchlno when I
return to Now York. I found tho big-
gent mimuor or gum choworo nmona
tho subway travolers. I'm sure thoy
will Jump nt tho chanco to buy my
invention when they find I'vo got nn
attachment thnt will provldo fresh
air as the travolor workB hts Jaws,
fish In Oxygen Jars.
Now York. An experimental , ship
ment or uvo nsn to uermany by tho
Naw York auarlum tho othor day
will bo wntohud with interest by sci
entists. If ouccossful it will revolu
tionize the method of sending live
spcclmenH from one country to an
Tho fish aro placed In small Jars,
first filled with water, which are seal
ed and inverted in a largo tanK Thoy
nro then uncovered and a tube la In
sorted, through which enough corn
pressed oxygon Is forcod to keep tho
fish alive during the voyage, lv-
ful in a democracy. It Incites and wins
Indulgence All ambitious persons
ought to bo pollto, hut foolish porsons
cannot bo, for politeness Is a sclonco
requiring nn understanding of psy
chology. An opportuno compliment
can crcato n precious ally.
"During centuries wo ridiculed Eng
lish manners. Now wo think wo nro
following tho phlegmatic English fash
Ion, but wo nro wrong, for In tho
meantime England has changed. Tho
modern Englishman, although ho has
a truo compassion for all not born on
English soil, Is nlwnys perfectly cour
teouB. Even America Is Improving In
tills respect and only Franco la de
teriorating. "Thoro- Is hope, however, that tho
growing Interest in sport and athletics
will renew tho old-tlmo courtesy. For
does not tho fencing room prcservo
tho tradition of clcganco? Tho now
generation will romembcr, pcrhnps,
that tholr nnccstora risked llfo ror a
sm'llo nnd that tho learned Fontonello
nt tho ago of 80 picked up a fan for a
young girl."
Enormous Muskellunge Lunges at
Captor When About to Use
Gaff Fight In Water..
Mlnocqua, Wls.An enormous mii's
kollungo, weighing 02 pounds, and
lacking only four Inchea of flvo feet in
longth, pulled Howard Kennedy, n
Milwaukee fisherman, Into tho lako
boforo being capturod. Mrs. Kennedy
fired four shots at the flan with a doer
rlflo beforo placing a bullot In a vital
The fish was hooked on Loralno
lako, between Mlnocqua and Ithlno
lander. In tho woods south or hero,
whero tho Lnurn Fishing club of
Milwaukee has a camp. Tho Milwau
kee man and his wlfo woro Ashing
when Kennedy got tho strike and
roolcd In hts prlzo until ho was al
most ready to gaff tt.
As ho reached out with hlB gaff
hook, tho fish gavo a lungo and Kon
nody wob in tho tako. Ills wlfo help
ed him to catch tho palntor of tho
boat, nnd thon ho hung to tho fish
whllo Mrs. Konhedy used tho rlflo.
Phlladelphlan Startles Teachers' Insti
tute by Saying Tendency to
Lie Is Natural.
Pittsburg, Pn. That nn alarming
proportion or children between tho
ugos or 7 and 13 yeans nro addicted to
lying, was tho Btatoment mado by Dr.
harl UarnoB or Philadelphia, in an nd-
dress to toachers nttondlng tho Alle
gheny County Institute. In nn address
on "Tho Truth-Tclllng or Children,"
ho roforrcd to a specific lustanco In
drawing this conclusion and declarod
that (ho tendoncy to llo is natural un
dor tho natural law of solf-preservn-
lion, and that tho avorago child can't
help but llo,
Ho told his nudlonco that "truth toll
ing Is not a vlrtuo but a vice," nnd
assorted that "tho fox that tells ho
trufh will dlo." Ho thon drow paral
lels to lllubtrato his. statement. Ho
insisted that "anlmala that toll the
truth Buroly will dlo,"
"Lying in America began with tho
Indians," ho said, "and ho loft progeny
behind htm to porpotuato hts quali
ties." Dr. Barnes took up buslnosp llfo and
said thnt on tho whole thero was
great stability In business as it rests
on men's word. Ho declared that any
kind ot fraud is duo to tho forco or a
weak nature, and contended that "this
Is why women nro moro forcoful than
"Thero nro 999 truths told to evory
ono lie In politics," ttald Dr. Barnes.
"Tho truth generally la told in trade
and politics. That 999 truths are
told to every ono lie In politics may
seem doubtful. The troublo Is that
the ono llo stands out so plainly that
truthful statements are doubted.
Truth-telling is now a vice and not a
vlrtuo, Poople doubt the truth when
It Is told to them, and believe that
most everything they hear Is false
on the charge of violating the
Young Seattle Widow, a Telephone
Operator, to Marry the Last One
to Declare,
Seattle New York may havo Its
herd of 185 loves In tho person of ono
Roscoo H. Sanborn, but Scnttlo has a
real morry widow with 1,001 proposals
to her credit The ono thousund and
first mnn is tho lucky one and tho
wedding will occur shortly.
Tho merry widow Is Mrs. Illla May
Dlko, a 'phono operator. It is ques
tionable if Mrs. Dlko over saw moro
than a scant half-dozen of, thol,001
suitors. But that did not detract
from the ardor of tholr lovo epistles.
Thoy wrote from tho north, tho south,
the enst and tho wost
Mrs. Dlko was formerly nn Iowa
girl Ottumwa being hor homo. Threo
years ago sho married and with her
husband went to South Dakota. He
was killed In a wreck and Mrs. Dlko
bravely faced tho world and took up
a claim.
Sho called her place "Ottumwa," and
It Is still known by that namo in
South Dakota.
At tho stato fair in Huron, S. D.,
In 1908, Mrs. Dlko was awarded tho
prlzo for being the prettiest young
woman In tho stato. Nowspapers de
voted columns to her photo and
At first letters camo by two and
tbroo, but finally tho rural delivery
man had to put on an extra tnulo to
aid In hauling the mall out to ''Ot
titmwa." Mrs. Dlko has a bungalow on her
1C0 acres. Thero sho openod and read
oVery ono of tho proposals.
Her house needed papering. Noth
ing would hotter servo tho purposo
than a ton or two of lovo Iottors. Mrs.
Dko plastered tho walls and tho
ceilings nnd used tho photos for roof
ing, and with tho surplus built n chick
c6n corral. Over all tho pasted this
largo sign:
"Lovo letter shack. Tnck now pro
posals on vacant space."
Mrs. Dlko was literally driven off
her claim. Sho camo to Seattle in
1909 and found employment There,
however, hor beauty attracted oihcr
wooors, nnd though sho fought thum
off with hor ruggpd South Dakota eX
porlcnco sho at last foil victim to
Cupid, and n Seattle business man
won her hand.
Dr, Barnes said that tho moral con
dition of chlldron should bo graded in
schools Just ns tho subjects of read
ing und writing aro graded.
Taking up tho child nt tho ago- ol
13 or 14, ho Bald, thoro then wob a
broadening of disposition and nature.
Ho declared that children In a state
of transition aro not tho samo today
nB thoy wero yesterday, nnd Bhowed
Dr. Barnes drew IllustratlonB show
ing tho cunnlngness required to head
off the child that Is prono to toll lies.
Ho bolloves many do bo unwittingly
Tho problem Is bow to manago them
and to show them right from wrong.
It requires tact, And aftor tact has
been pursued, after tho youngstor has
been bonded off, tho thing to do Is to
seo that tho child takes a Btcp toward
St. Lawrence Is Shrinking.
Montreal, Quo. Tho constant Bhrlnk-
Ing In the depth ot tho water in the
St Lawrence Bhlp canal la causing
much uneasiness to shipping compa
nies, and (ho 27-ioot cbnnnel only
shows 27 roet ono Inch, flvo Inches
short of what It should register.
As tho dry spell approaches It is
reared that tho depth may shrink to
such an oxtont as to mako it Impossi
ble, for tho larger passenger and
freight vessels to mako port, and the
outlook for tho balance of tho season
botwocn Montreal nnd tldowa.ter is
Passport Made of Cement.
London. Dr. Carl Peters, tho Ger
man explorer, said that he had discov
ered, near Umtall, a cement tablet
which so far as ho knew contained
the first actual ancient inscription
found In South Africa probably halt
of an ancient passport, bearing Oresoo
Phoenician characters.
The Treasure
and the Pearl
Putor of Wtmtnitr Pritrlerit
Cktmb, Houston, Taun
Texts What la tho aiimtnum bonum
thn chler rrood. Mntt. 13:14-6.
Again tho kingdom of Heavon 1b llko
unto a trensuro hid In a flold, tho
which whon n man hath found ho
hldeth. and for Joy thereof goeth and
soUoth nil that ho hath and buyeth
that field.
Again tho kingdom ot Heavon is
llko a morchant man socking goodly
vonrlB, who whon ho hath found ono
poarl of great price went nnd sold all
that ho had and bought It
Prof. A. B. Bruco characterizes
thoso two parables as tho "Trensuro
and tho Pearl" (or tho kingdom of
God as tho uummum bonum or chief
Thcso two parables constitute but
otq text and tench tho samo general
losBon, tho incomparable worth ot tho
kingdom ot v,od. Thoy show bow tho
kingdom ot God ought to bo esteemed
In whatever cstcom It may In fact bo
Somothlns that It Is worth whllo
giving up evorythlng clso In order to
attnlu It. What Is this supronio good
of human llfo? Wo nro all looking for
hidden treasure. Wo aro all Booking
goodly pearls. Tho only question lo
whnt treasure la worth tho most?
Whnt ponrl has tho greatest valuo?
What in best worth living fort What
Is tho summum bonum? Whnt, accord
ing to Jesus Christ. Is tho chlot good?
Tho tronBuro it Is worth whllo to bar
ter everything elso ror? Tho price
less pearl whoso valuo Is greater than
nil else? Is it not tho kingdom ot
God set up In a man's henrt? To
havo God'B kingdom sot up In a man's
own heart, to bo In touch nnd sympa
thy with tho groat Interests or Christ's
etcrnnl kingdom; this Is worth whllo,
worth living ror, worth dying ror.
This Is tho only Interest deep
enough,' high enough, comprchonslvo
enough to absorb a man's nffoctlon;
arouse his energies, dovclop tho best
and broadest llfo. Thero Is only ono
thing worth living for tho kingdom
of God. Christ teaches nnd experi
ence proves tho truth of his teaching
that only tho kingdom of God set up
In n man's lionrt can satisfy him. Ho
may havo everything elso under tho
sun; but unless ho has entered Into
living, loving fellowship with God his
soul will thirst for tho living God nnd
will nover bo satisfied until satisfied
in God.
Man's chief good Is God. The liv
ing, loving God as recalled In Christ
enthroned In tho heart, tho source ot
llfo eternal I this Is man'n chief good.
"This Is llfo etcrnnl that thoy might
know this tho only truo God and Jesus
Christ whom thou hast sent"
Another term our Savior usea In de
scribing tho chief good Is "eternal
llfo." If men only know tho signifi
cance of thoso two words eternal
liro thoy would glvo up everything
thoy had on earth rather than not pos
sess it
Llko tho man who round tho hidden
treasure, they would sell all that thoy
had to possess that field. Like tho
merchantman seeking goodly pearls,
when thoy found this pearl ot great
prlco thoy would glvo up everything
they had rather than to glvo up this
priceless pearl.
Let us study theso parables a little
moro closely. Thoy represent two dir
fercnt classes of men. Tho parable
of tho mnn who found tho trensuro hid
In tho field represents a man going
about bis dally business, living a sur
face lire, unawnro that Just below tho
surraco, It ho would dig a little doop
er, he would find n rich treasure, not
knowing that thero in a richer, better
llfo in otoro tor him, until accidental
ly, no tt woro, ho stumbles upon "tho
Christian secret of n happy life" nnd
goes on through llfo rejoicing In his
newfound happiness.
Tho parablo of tho merchantman
seeking goodly pearls roprosonts a dir
fercnt typo of a man, ono of high
ideals and expectations, always reach
ing out nfter something better than
ho possessed, until at last, In his Book
ing, he comes ncrosB tho pearl ot great
price rovealod In tho peerless ono, nnd
he gladly parts with all that ho has
gained that bo may possess It Such
n cholco soul was Paul, who said:
"What things were gain to mo theso
hare I counted loss for Christ Yea,
vorliy, nnd I count nil things to bo loss
ror tho excellency ot tho knowledgo or
Christ Jcbus my Lord, tor whom I
suffered tho loss ot all things and do
count them but rcfuso that I may gain
Another cholco soul was Justin,
martyr, ono of tho early Christians,
who tolls us lu his writings how ho
had traveled through tho whole circle
of Greek philosophy, seeking every
where for that which would sntlsty
the doepcot needs of his hoart's soul,
and ever seeking In vain, till ho found
it nt longth In the gospel ot Christ
This parablo represents an earn oat,
seeking soul finding at tho end of Its
weary quost Christ God's answer to
tho heart's need.
Wo show our appreciation of tho
valuo of this treasure, this pearl, by
tho earnestness with which we seok
to posscsB it Tho man that found this
hidden treasure sold all that he had
that he might rTossess this treasure.
If the kingdom of God sot up In thu
heart Is tho chief good then our only
rational course Is to glvo up every
thing that hinders our possessing It
It Is Irrational to go through lite with
out possessing ourselves of it
Science and Cheese.
A medical authority kindly .assures
us that ns long as cheoso isn't de
cayed it will not affect tho health ot
the consumer. This ia a fact that we
have suspected for a considerabla
tiirie. But how is tho ordinary cheese
epicure to detect the difference- un
less ho waits for results?
Thero is cheeso bo thoroughly dis
guised in tho costume and aroma of
docay that its proper standing on the
sanitary testing tablo would nuzxlo' a
For , instance, thora ia tho brand
known aa llmburger.
But why pursuo this subject?
A Generous Qtft
"You may say what you llko against
young ministers, but t havo nothing
but pralso ror our young pastor," the
pompouB Mr. Brown remarked, aa he
paBSod out ot tho church. "Nothing
but praise I"
"So I observed," dryly retorted the
deacon who passed the plate. Har
cure any possible cmo of DISTEMPER,
PINK EYE, nnd the llko among horses
of all nge, and prevents all others in the
tame stable from having the discAso. Alio
cures chicken cholera, and dog distemper.
Any good druggist can supply yon, or send -to
mini. 50 cents and $1.00 a bottle. Agents
wanted. Frco book. Spohn Medical Co.,
Spec. Contagious Diseases. Goshen, Ind.
Thanks for the Relief.
Mrs. Nngglt I don't foel llko myself
Mr. Nagglt Then wo ought to have
a very pleasant evening. Stray Sto
ries. Lewis' Single Binder cigar Is never
doped only tobacco in its natural stato.
Woman's sphere now seems to be
tho wholo earth.
ForchlMren tfathlns, oftsns tbeg-umi, -rduevdn-
Most politicians claim the sllont
voto so long an it koepa atlent
A short course of the
Bitters will quickly correct,
tone and sweeten any case
of "bad stomach." This
is a proven fact Try a
bottle and see for yourself.
It is for Indigestion,
Dyspepsia and Malaria.
I or Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes sail
MurinoDocsn'tSmart Soothes EyePain
Dratlbts StB Mcrmt Era tltrntir, Ikali. 2Sc Wc $1.M
Marine Eye Stirs, In Ae t tb TuW, 25c. 11.03
Murine Eye Remedy Co.,ChIcaga
Nebraska Directory
DATCUT rorir InTcntlon through TV. EDDTc
fn I CI! I rcglUoroa tollcltor, rttua klifUuk
John Doore Plow Company, Omaha
1517 Douglas SI., OMAHA, NEB.
Rallabla Dantlitry nt Modarats Prlcaa.
iayyoEll taUUUa
br nail at cut prleea. ftord for froe cutakxra-t
Oysters, Celery, Poultry.
Cream Wanted.
Qgy-P COLE COMPANY. Omaha. Neb.
r U 11 Oomplcic, line ot Oot, Hck-
wfr waru, Muflt alwaj in ktocK.
nFNTITRY Xlew Ak-Bar-Ben paradai from
UCtl I Id I n I Omaha most beaotlloi San'tarr
pental ltuom. llaye jour tcih looks', oTrrwtillo
here, ttochartfeforexamlnntlou. MteatappUancea.
Term moderate. Yon health la In duncer with bad
teeth. 1)11. MILTON MACH, 14tfi and Vi!r
Uiuu Sta., 0er U. V. Ticket Office, Omaiia.
Is tho -school that geta results. Send for
Catalogue, which contain full information
about the college, and noma of thn most
beautiful penmanship ever published.
It is free. Address
Moaner & Lampman, Omaha, Nab.
Saskaftin District
Count this, 25 bushels wheat per acre 6
go cents per bushel, United on 815 to 820
per acre land. Does this pay? if so, do
you want any? Write
Roam S02-4 Boo Bulletins, Omaha, Nab.
Retails far SM.nn
Bnllt by r. machine, Worlca tatter than the tea
mach Inea. Sella on alght. fatOprpOt on eaclt
machine. Hen and .Women aell S machine tn a
p,a.7"'iu lh.CD3' -"h' not frte all or
part of jour time. It'a t. money maker. Wrila
at once. Territory will be taken quickly. Ad
auiwut-rwwa auajt, lilt gunut kuitt, , .