The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 20, 1910, Image 4

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Miss Vnleata Voseipka spent Sunday
with friends In Omnha.
The Ladies' Guild will meet with Mrs.
Ralph Bixler Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Geo. Wylle, of Sutherland, was
operated on at the P. & S. hospital
Robert Dick left Sunday night for
Lincoln where ho will
university the coming year.
Mrs. Rosa Dodds, of Lowollen, Is re
ceiving medical treatment at the Phy
sicians & Surgeon's hospital.
Wanted Good girl.f or general house
work. Apply to Mrs. J. Q. Wilcox,
West Fifth street.
C. A. Reiger, resident agent for the
Pacific Fruit Exprees Co., moved yes
terday Into W. E. Smith house on west
Sixth street.
Miss Gertrude Rcbhauscn will leave
tomorrow morning for Hastings to re
sumo her studies at the Immaculate
Conception Academy.
We have just received a largo lino of
Dishes of all kinds. Come in and bco
them. TliAMl' GlioCEHY.
A Chinese prince, accompanied by a
retinue of servants, will pass through
in a special train running as the second
section of No. 2 Thursday.
Frank Murray purchased an even
hundred head of yearling heifers of W.
M. Buskins last week and later disposed
of them to another ranchman.
Diamond Rings, Signet Rings, Plain
Band Rings. Enirraved RingB and Set
Rings that the seta are guaranteed to
stay in. Clinton, Jeweler and Optician.
The Tramp Grocery is selling Utah
peaches for 75 cents a case. Must be
sold at once,
The advance sale of seats for "The
Time, the Place and the Girl", which
will be presented at the Keith tomor
row evening, indicates a largo atten
For rent Furnished rooms with
steam heat. Inquire at 221 So. Locust or
Phono 232.
Mr. and Mr. Outlor Buchanan re
turned home last night after a week's
absence. Mr. Buchanan had been trans
acting business at Humboldt, Kan.,
whiloMrs. Buchanan visited relatives
at Aurora.
Miss Elsie Johnson, of this city, is
teaching school some distance from
Farnam. As she is eighteen miles
from a railroad, she finds the location
somewhat lonesome, though her school
work is progressing nicoly,
A beautiful lino of sparkling Cut
Glass. Exclusivo agent for the cele
brated Libby factory. Clinton, Jew
eler and Optician.
The receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep
nt South Omaha during the past two
weeks has been phenomenal. Up to
dato 11,000 more cattle have been re
ceived this year than was received dur
ing all of last year.
Wanted A good competent night
clerK. inquire at the Timmerman.
Contractor R. P. Basta is now haul
ing brick to his lot in tho Trustee's Ad
dltion on Fourth street for tho erect
ion of a modern brick cottage. This
lot is adjoining tho one on which he re
cently completed a bungalow.
A big lino of Ladles' and Men's Urn
brellas, detachable handlos. Clinton,
Jeweler and Optician.
Chas. M. Schwab, tho steel magnate,
passed west in a special car yesterday.
Kumor lias it that he was to meet u
Chinese prince enroute cast and con
vince him that American armor plato
was neeueu for the new (Jluneso war
Prescription Druggists
First Door North of
Klrat National Hank
If your savings are not
earning good interest we
have some first class eight
attend tho state per cent semi-annual interest
that will interest you.
Bratt & Goodman.
The Rebckah Kensington will bo en
tertained Friday afternoon by Mrs.
Harry Johnston, 703 West Tenth street.
In the caso of tho State vs W. T.
Elliott, Justice Soderman and others,
tried in the county court yesterday,
the defendants were discharged.
Peaches, 75 cents per box to clean
up tho car. wilcox uevr. store.
At the last meeting of tho B. P. 0.
E. fifteen applications for membership
wcro received, and a still larger num
ber is expected at tho next meeting.
For Sale Cheap -One small heating
stove and four counter cases. See
G. S. Huffman.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Goodman re
turned last night from Denver and
other Colorado points where they had
been visiting for over two weeks.
The city council will meet in regular
semi-monthly session this evening.
Among tho business to bo transacted
will bo the opening of bids for a hose
wagon and two chemical firo extin
As a result of the great rovlval at
tho opera house, fifty eight havo united
with tho Christian church, eighteen of
whom were admitted into church fellow
ship Sunday. Certainly the revivalist is
doing good work.
The Buffalo Bill gun Club has leased
a tract of the Cody land wost of town
for trap shooting nnrJ trill move their
paraphanalia thereto. As the lease runs
for ten years, permanent Improvements
will be made on the grounds.
Misses buna una Allco bullivnn are
expected homo Thursday from their
eastern trip. They visited friends in
New York City, Montpeller, Vt., Wash
ington and Richmond, Va., and have
had a most enjoyable trip.
Wanted Competent girl for general
housework. Inquire of Mrs. V. Lucas,
22o East Third street.
Tho Omaha ministers, through their
official organization, have arrayed
themselves against Dahlman's election
to tho governorship. They will at once
open nn aggressive campaign. Efforts
will be made to interest ministers and
the church membership in every town
in tho state.
'I havo a world of confidence in
Chamberlain'B Cough Remedy for
havo used it with perfect success"
writes Mrs. M. I. Basford, Poolcsville,
Md. For sale by all dealers.
A real estate agent who keeps closo
tab on building operations, says this
will be the banner year for North
Platte along that line. This is partic
ularly true as regards tho number of
residences erected. Notwithstanding
tho groat number of those that have
been built, few desirable houses are
offered for rent.
Gradoalc Dentist.
Office over tho McDonald
Stato Bank.
Chas. Hendy, Jr., returned to Denver
Frank Mariott returned to Oshkosh
Saturday morning.
Tho Luthern Aid will meet this week
on Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Fred
Huxoll, 608 W. 8th St.
Miss Martha Mylar.dcr went to Well-
fleet yesterday near which place sho
will teach school the coming year.
Mrs. Catherine Cronen nnd daughter
Mrs. Fisher, of Cheyenne, came down
yesterday for a brief visit with friends.
Charles Weaver, of Kingsley, Mich.,
arrived yesterday, having been called
here by the death of his son, the late
Elmer Wpvor.
We feel sorry for tho man who Is
without Insurance when it Is written
so cheap and on such easy terms by
Bratt & Goodman.
Mrs. H. W. Bird left last night for
Beatrice to attend the Luthern Mission
ary Convention to which she had been
elected a delegate by the church here.
Silk and linen shirtwaists for fall 1910
in all shades and sizes up to 4G, just ar
rived at The Leader.
Mrs. Dauner, clerk at the Johnson
Cash store, resigned her position last
week and left yesterday for Pacific
coast points, expecting to locate per
Mrs. F. H. Thompson went to Omaha
last Friday to bo gone several days.
While there she will probably run down
to Beatrice to visit th Missionary Con
To make room for our 1911 stock, all
wall paper now on hand will bo sold at
a discount of 2f) per cent.
The Tribune man returned Sunday
from his two weeks visit in Philadelphia
and New York. The trip was greatly
enjoyed, tho only regret being tho briof-
ness of tho time allotted him.
Don't Break Down.
Severo strains on the vital organs,
ike strains on machinery, cause break
downs. Yoa can't over-tax stomach,
liver, kidneys, bowels or nerves with
out serious dancer to yourself. If you
are weak or run-down, or under strain
of any kind, tako Electric Bitters the
matchless, tonic medicine. Mrs J. E,
Van de Sande, of Kirkland, III., writes:
"That l did not break down, while en
during a most severe strain, for three
ters." Use them and enjoy health and
and strength. Satisfaction positively
guaranteed. 50 cents atbtono Drug (Jo,
It Saved His Leg.
"All thought I'd lose my leg," writes
J. A. Swenson, of Watertown,Wls."Ten
years of eczema, that 15 doctors could
not cure, had at last laid me up. Then
Bucklon'B Arnica Salve cured it, sound
and well." Infallible for Skin Eruptions,
Eczema, Salt Rheum, Boils, Fever
Sores, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, nnd Piles
25 cents, Stone Drug Co.
You Take Pains
to muko tho chil
dren look nice
just for a day.
Why not preserve
tho memory of
their pretiness by
mcanB of our
Our pictures,
either of individ
uals or groups, are
so excellent that
they rival tho steel
engraving in soft
ness and far excel
in faithful por
traiture the work
of tho most skill
ful artist.
E. 0. Halverstadt,
405 Dewey Strcot.
The Lash of a Fiend
would havo been about as welcome to
A. Coopor of Oswego, N.Y. as a merci
less lung-racking cough that defied all
remedies foryears. 4It was most trou
blesome nt night," he writes, " nothing
helped me till I uaed Dr King's New Dis
covery which cured me completely. I nev
cough at night now." Millions know Its
matchless merit for Htubborn colds, ob
stinate coughs, sore lungs, lagrippe, as
thmu. hcmornire.crouD.whoonfnu couch
or hay fever. It reliovea quickly and nev
er fails to satisfy. A trial bottle free. It's
positively guaranteed uy stone Durguo.
;4Levi's Dilema".
''The Cigarette
Maker of I
"Lebelle Sisters", Char-1
acter Singing and Dancing.
Act changes each evening.
10 and 15 Cents.
Copyright 1009, br C, 15, Zimmermt&o.-To, IS
Our Strong Shoes for Strong Boys
QTRONG Shoes that will last, look well, and will not
show marks of hard usage that you know Shoes
are bound to get on strong boys, for they will romp
and play these arc shoes on which we specialize.
They will enjoy their recreation all the more if their
shoes fit them properly, and our shoes are strong so
that no harm can he'done. That's one reason our store
should get your trade for your boys' shoes.
521 Dewey Street
Fall Showing
La Vogue
Suits and
The Standard of Style.
Fashion authorities have
passed favorably uppn La
Vogue coats and suits.
Now they are awaiting
your critical comment and
Slow though we are to en
thuse, we grow a bit warm
when we speak of this col
lection. But come and see and judge
for yourself. Every one in-
terested in matters of dress is
welcome. If you bring a
friend with you, so much the
La Vogue Garments are
distinctive for style and fit in
any gathering of well dressed
La Vogue coats and suits
are shown for women and
Prices are as tempting as
the goods attractive.
Now $350
You need no longer consider Cos
sard errace and svmmetrv as nn un
attainable luxury you can here
after nfforiit for yourself.
The $3.50 Gossard illustrated above
is made to excel every other corset
at anything near the price in styie,
workmanship and quality. It em
bodies all tho important essentials
or uossnra construction tne grace
ful Gossan! lines tho popular tront
lace feature tho celebrated non
rustablo Electrobono tho dainty
Gossard workmanship all of which
huve only been obtainable hereto
fore at prices ranging from $5.00 to
They Lace in Front
give tho truo lino of beauty to the
figure, following the perfect curve
of the back permit a suppleness
eutlrely lacking in back -laced corsets
properly support tho spine and ab
domen insure perfect and perman
ent ease secure tho correct now
figure by suppressing superfluous
fullness contribute wondei fully to
tho elecanco of tho now cown and
are far easior to put on nnd take off
man tne uacK-inceu corsets.
Gossard Corsets havo revolution
ized erroneous methods ot corsotinir.
As a result, better health, correct
poise of body, and more solid comfort
have come to tho women who wear
Harness Oiling Plant
We have completed an up-to-date Harness Oiling
Plant, and while we have gone to considerable expense,
yet it is up to you Mr. -Harness Owner whether we can
get the quantity of harness to make the business .profit
able at the prices quoted below. This month we will
wash and oil two days each week, on Tuesday and
Thursday. Oiling capacity 10 sets per day.'
Single Harness 75 cents.
Light Driving Harness $1.00.
Medium Heavy Harness $1.25.
Heavy Harness $1.50.
A . F . FINK.
505 Dewey Street.
First National Bank,
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Capital and Surplus $135,000.
E. F. SEEBERGER, Vice-President,
M. KEITH NEVILLE, Vice-President,
F. L. M00NEY, Cashier.
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