OFFENSIVE MANNERS. PROPER TREATMENT FOR OVERHEATED WORK HORSE Nancy Owen's Vacation It Is Important to Know Thnt Exhaustion From Summer Heat Muy Be Prevented Clean Stable. Feed and Air Essential. f By CLARISSA MACKIE SULTAN'S PIT GAME IS NOVEL Prisoners Placed In Labyrinth and Offered Freedom Under Unique . Conditions. A certain Sultnu who was fond of all manner of Intricate puzzles used to nmuso hlmsolf by testing tho In genuity and rcsourco of his prisoners of war. Among other buildings about his palnco he had n peculiar mazo, which consisted of 12 pits, opon to tho sky nbovo nnd connected by n aeries of underground passages, which woro qulto dark. (TV (2) f$) G-? (ci) J). Qor i2) Plan of Pit. Upon ono occnslon ho caused six prisoners to be placed In these pits, three of them dressed In red In tho pits numbered 12 3, and threo more lreB8ed In yellow In tho pits num bered 10, 11, 12. The Sultan com manded his vizier to provide each of these prisoners, who were completo strnnge'rs to on another, with a rifle and flvo cartridges, and to Inform them separately that any of them who could cscapo allvo under tho fol lowing conditions should bo set free nnd returned to his own country: The throe dressed In red woro to exchnngo places with "tho three dress ed In yellow, but only ono man was to inovo at u time, upon a given Blgnal, u boll for the red and a whlstlo for tho yellow. Each man could movo only from tho pit in which ho stood to another pit that ho could sco In n direct line with his own, tho passago from ono pit to another being always a direct linn through tho dark. As each pit commanded a view of two others, each man was told that If ho saw another man dressed In a dif ferent color from himself standing In any pit he should flro upon him at once and kill him or the man whom ha eaw would In turn shoot at him. If any survived nnd got to the other side of the mazo they .would bo set free. This plan having been explained to tho prisoners beforo tho day set for tho experiment and each of them hav ing been provided with a plan of the mazo It appears that one of them had studied out a plan by which they might all escnpc with their lives, nnd when they woro placed .In tho pits, the tops of which woro open to tho sky, he called to tho othors In his own language nnd was delighted to find that they all understood him, where upon ho explained his plan and gave tho word of command to each man ns to tho direction ho should tuko. In 22 moves thoy had snfoly chnngod places, no red man having ever seen n yellow man and no two men having fver been in tho samo pit at tho snmo time. How wns this accomplished? MOTOR-CYCLE SIREN WHISTLE Powerful Alarm Device, to Bo Placed on Front Fork of Machine, la on Market. A powerful slron whistle, designed for nttnehment to tho front fork of n motorcycle, Just abovo tho rim of tho wheol, hns been placed on tho market, says Popular Mechanics. Attnched In Powerful Siren Whistle. this wny the boll of tho whlstlo points In tho exact direction that tho front wheel ot the machine Is taking. A Good Idea. Bald Janey: "I look volumes And why, I'll tttll to you. I don't know how to read; so that's The best that 1 can do." Rose Guess. Any ono can play this slmplo game. Tako a full-blown rose, hold it up where nil can see, then lot them write on slips of papor how many potals thoy think nro In tho rose. Tho pe tals aro then counted and tho nearest right recolves a prize. How nlcnlv lltttn rwn alta And oats hla Cnkn In rnrofnl ntti A WllTnlt. Trlt.r. . n 1-nM Whono Mouth la hlled with Beef and Kcir. The Remnants of a Turkey's Log, na unit a dumpling, too. It really makes me feel qulto hurt To eeo the Way that you Insert our I'lngors in tho Dish; SUCh Mouthful Inn Vinva xooaaH n ha Since Prophet Jonah Marv'liiusly was swnnowea hy tho Fish. Pray from tho Joint remove your Fist Anil do not stubbornly persist Good manners to offend. Rome liny yo'ull choke upon a Sllco, Or suffocate from too much rice, Anu inut will bo your Km!. UNIQUE GAME WITH LETTERS Each Player Is Given a Vowel and Five Minutes to Write Sentence Longest Wins. "Now," sold Chnrllc, when every body was gathered around tho table, "let's play tho vowel gamo father told us ho used to play when ho was a boy." "How do you play It?" askod every one at onco "It's very easy' replied Charlie, distributing pencils and paper Impar tially among tho family group. "You tako tho flvo regular vowols, n, o, I, o, u, and, beginning with tho first let ter, each player writes as long a sen tonco as ho can, using no vowel ex cept 'n' In any word, but repeating that letter ns often ns he wishes." "I don't qulto understand," said Cousin Lucy. "Please give us an ex ample." "You'll have to glvo mo a few min utes' grace, thon," laughed Charllo, taking his pencil and paper. "Sup pose I tako 'a.' Ho wroto Industrious ly a few minutes nnd then road tho result aloud: "Ah, madam, Frank Fnrns, n tall, tasty, black man nt Panama, has a cat that can catch nil bad ants nnd bnts nt Nathan's pantry and barn." "Bravo!" cried uncles and aunts nnd cousins, as Charllo flulshcd read ing tho quoor sentenco. "You see," continued Charlie, "you may glvo tho players flvo minutes, or any time you ngreo on beforehand, to mnko up tho sentenco, When tho time Is up, tho sentences aro read and tho ono having the longest sentenco of good, plain, commonplnco English hns gained tho first point. You go on this wny for each of tho flvo vowels, and when nil tho sentences aro read and compared, tho person who has gainod tho most points wins tha gamo." A TRIP BEGUN IS HALF DONE. Willie, Jennie, Mary, Joo, Decided thoy would tako a row From Boston down to Tokyo. Until up spoko tho Ulvor Man: "I really do not think you can, For Tokyo Is In Japan." "Hut. why.' they nslted In Brent dismay, "Could wo not bo n. llttlo wny, And start aguin somo other day?" What happened then, I do not know, But thnt was yesterday, nnd so They must have boob to Tokyo. LIFTING CATS AND RABBITS Mistake to Lift Animal by Nape of Neck Without Supporting Lower Part of Body. It Is a mistaken idea that tho proper way to lift a full-grown cat is by tho napo of its neck without supporting tho lower purt of Its body with tho other hand, says Watchword. It Is truo that tho mother cnt carries young kittens by grnspUg In her mouth tho looso skin at tho back of her off spring's neck, but a tiny kitten Is n very different mnttor from n largo cat, nnd, Indeed, tho only wny to lift a kitten without squeezing or hurting Its soft llttlo bodv Is to lift it by Its neck; but after It has grown largor Its own weight Is too groat to ho support ed by such a bit of skin and fur ns Is so grasped by tho hand, nnd many n cat suffers perfoct tortures by bolng held In this manner, and Is qulto help less to run or struggle, ns In such a position certain of Its muscles cannot bo controlled, and It Is absolutely n( 1 ho mercy of its unconscious tormcn tor. Tho same rulo should ho observed In lifting rabbits by tholr cars. They should always bo purtlally supported by tho freo hand and not allowod ta dnnglo with their wholo weight strain Ing from their largo but nccessa,rllj dellcato ears. Here's a Riddle. Ho went to tho woods nnd cough It; ho sat him down and sought t bocauso ho could not find It, hom with him ho brought It. Answer A thorn, Ho wont to tht woods and got n thorn In his foot Then ho snt down and tried to get l nut, nnd becauso ho could not And It be had to tako it homo. ny A. S. AU5XANDKIX. WIseonMn. When during the hot wcathor tho hnrd worked horso suddenly stops sweating, lugs, wenkens, pants and has hot dry skin ami extremely red dened mcmbrnnes of tho eyes, noso nnd mouth ho Ib suffering from hout exhaustion nnd by using tho ther mometer It would bo found thnt his tempcrnturo Is ovor IOC degrees. Unless a horse In this condition Is tmmedlaloly rested, put In n cool, shndy, breezy place nnd there coolod off ho will bo likely to fall and dlo of hent apoploxy or "sun stroke." It therefore Is well to know nnd look ablngley out for tho symptoms hero outlined and then bo nblo to treat them lutein gently. In tho flrst place It Is Impor tant to remember that hent exhaustion may bo largoly prevented: By keeping tho horse's stable clean, nlry, perfectly vontllnted, darkened and screened In summer time. Feeding tho best of foods In ade quate hut not extreme quantities. Mnklng no sudden changes of food. Allowing plenty of cool, puro drink ing wntor. Permitting ample, tlmo for rest at noon. Removing tho harness during such rest periods. Not overworking any horso and nl ways changing frequently the mldtllo horso of a threo horso team, ns ho HINGED HURDLER FOR SWINE Instead of chasing pigs and having thorn running in every direction, mnko n V-slmpod hurdlor as shown in tho Illustration, snys Farm Press. Tho frnino Is light wood ami tho webbing Is iniulo by two thicknesses of cIoho mesh wiro fencing with water-proofed building paper between. A stiff wood on brace runs each way throuch the center so tho fencing may bo strotched t EXTINCTION OF EARLY EQUINES Much Myatory Surround!) Dlnup pcurimcu of American Homo Attributed toy Snmo to IncreiintiiK Cold Ovor three centurlos ago, nt th" time of tho Spanish conquest, thero was not to bo found in the new world, mo it has bupn practically proved, a sluglo animal that rtuswered to the description of tho horse. Horses, indeed, which tho Spanish brought with thoin, woro objects at flrst of grout terror to tho natives, who took thorn to bo four-logged su pernatural beings como purposely to nld tho conquerors. Yet recent re search by tho Whltnoy mlsHlon has es tablished beyond doubt thnt long be fore Columbus tho Amorlcns woro overrun by horses from tho moun tains of Alaska to tho plains of Pata gonia, says Harper's Weokly. In 1820 tho chnnco discovery In Now Jeaoy of nu equina fosBil of an un known kind, led to more methodical Investigation of America, with the re nult that pro-historic horso bones hnvo beon found In California and Or egon; hetweon tho Gulf of Mexico uud tho Carollnns; In Texas, Florida and tho vulloys nt Mexico; In tho busln of tho Mississippi and on tho western suffers fonrfully from tho direct rays, of the sun. AIho shade tho polls of horses nt work nnd in such n way that nlr can pass under tho shading hat or other cover. When n horso Bhows symptoms ot heat exhaustion stop work, stand him under n tree where thoro Is a breczo. shower his body with cold water fron) n sprinkling can, keop cold wet packs to tho poll of his bond nnd glvo hltq largo, froquont doBos of BtlmulnnU such as whisky In strong cojd coffee. Do not bleed him or glvo him nco nlto or other poisonous drugs. Ho peat tho doso of stimulant every hall Good Luck. hour nt first and every hour or two as he gains strength and tho fovcr nbntos. 1 A good stlmulnnt is propnrcd by mixing together ono pnrt of aromntlc spirits of ammonia and two pnrts each of nlcohol and swcot spirits of nitre. Of this glvo two ounces In n pint ol water or cold coffco ns ono doso. If ho Is bloated give four ounces ol hyposulphtto of sodn dissolved In wator and Inject sonpy cold wnter and glycerlno Into tho rectum onco an hour until rolloved. In caso of sun stroko call In tho grnduato voterlnar inn as boob as posslblo. An excollont likeness of Dnblngloj Good Luck, ono of Lord Rothschild's fnmous shires, Is shown In tho Illus tration. tight. It Is light nnd so strong that It Is almost indestructible. With ono of; thoKo rigs you can build n narrow lano on ono side of tho pen and movo It abend as tho hog moves. Ho sees tho opening nhend nnd walkB thnt way to get out. Hogs may bo conxod with a rig of this kind vhen It Is Im possible to drive them where you want them to go. slopos of tho Rocky mountnlns. Horses, too, must hnvo beon numerous In this country previous to the npponranco ol mnn, researches having brought to light tholr fossilized romnins mixed up with pottery and tho stono arms ot envo dwollors. How Is It, then, that the equine race, represented In Amnrlca by""ltlnds ol fosnlls considerably moro numerous than In Uuropo. enme for a tlmo tq vanish from this country to reappeni thousands of centuries lator with lu Spanish conquest? For hut a routrj after Cortez here were already In ox litencu herds of wild horses In. tin regions of tho innta and tho prnlrlej of tho far wost. Ry some this temporary extinc'tiot of tho Amerlcnn horso has been nt. tributod to the Increasing cold nnd the encroachments of tho glncinl homls, phoro. It Is cortaln that tho olophnnl nnd camol disappeared nt tho sanm time. Another explanation Is thnt tin horses succumbed to n mnlndy such ii tho "rinderpest" In South Africa Again, whnt brought about this oxodiu may possibly have been a speclcB ol tho present-day Columbian vnmplr bat, which sucks tho llfo blood of It; victims, and in tho districts It Infesti provents tho horso bolng used no beast of burden. Lids on Cream Cans. Never put tight lids on cream canj while tho cream Is warm. Coprtfbt, 1010, It Auoclated Lltecrjr ft tt Nancy waved n Inst good-by nnd turned away with a llttlo lump In hor thront. Whllo sho had not oxpectod It, sho would havo rojolccd greatly had ono of her sisters offered to sac rlflco pnrt of hor vacation nnd spend it with Nancy, keeping house for hor father In tho hot city. Perhaps It was unfortunnto that Nnijfcy wns tho only ono of tho mothor loss Owen girls who had n tnsto for housekeeping. Of tho other throo, Hess tnught In tho kindergarten, Ollvo was a librarian nnd Hontrlco taught music In n prlvato school, wiion schools woro closed and Ollvo nnd begged a vacation tho threo were wont to pack tholr trunks nnd Join n merry party of friends In country nnd sea shore, whoro, chnporono.l by a distant cousin, they onjoyod nil tho plendures of tho gay summer. This had gone on for sovcrnl years, and Mr, Owen, nbsorbed In business, hnd not noticed that Nancy was not gottlng her shnro of tho good things of tho world. When his own vncntlon enmo around tho other glrlB had re turned, nnd ho hnd gono nway on hunting or fishing trip quite contont thnt his daughters woro looking fresh and bright nnd happy. This year ho had thought Nancy lookod fagged nnd Worn, nnd Into tllo midst of vncntlon plans ho had thrown a quiet quoBtlon. "Whnt of Nnn? Sho has novcr hnd n vacation. Why can't ono of you glrlB stny with mo and let Nancy go nway?" Thoro wns n chorus of protest. "Dut fnthor, Nnn is homo nil tho time Bho doesn't work hard bIio doosn't requlro a rest! Tho rest of us nro pokod up nil day for nlno months In tho year over stupid children 1 Nancy doesn't need n vacation 1" Nancy hnd not been thero and never know of tho argument; bIio had bo como usod to staying at homo during tho warm summer days and had lonrned to nrrango tho house so that It always seifmed cool nnd Inviting to her fnthor on hla return nt night. With ono mnld sorvant, Nnncy did not havo much work to do, but It was tho monotony of 'tho lonoly llfo that told upon her nnd drove tho pink from her cheeks nnd tho elasticity from her Btep. "So tho girls got nwny all right?" questioned Mr. Owen as ho unfoldod his nnpkln thnt night. "Yes," snld Nnncy, spiritlessly. "Feel a bit lonoly, honoy?" "Just a llttlo, father." "Wo must get tlmo to run nround to somo of tho summer shows, Nan! It won't do for us to got down In tho mouth Just bccniiBo wo'ro loft nlono, oh?" Mr. Owen finished his soup bo foro ho peered at Nancy around tho p!nk-Bhndcd lamp. Sho wns smiling brightly ns bIio smiled every year when hor fnthor made tho samo romnrk; Mr. Owen de tested every form of entortalnmont envo tho opora, and Nnncy mercifully never hold hlin to his hnlf-vcllod promises. A fow days nftur this, Mr. Owon tolophoned to Nnncy that ho would bring n guest homo to dinner thnt night. It was not uncommon for her fnthor to Invito somo business friend to dinner, and tho girl wns accus tomed to listen quietly to much tnlk about buslnesa nnd politics. So she lnld another placo nt tho tnblo nnd ndded a fow touches to tho dainty nrrangoment. It wns all very cool and appetizing nftor tho hot glare of tho downtown streets. A frosted green shado on tho Inmp, n bunch of dark purplo vlolots In n sllvor vnso, tho sparkle of cut glass and polished nllvnr, mado tho inonl most Inviting. In tho parlor, now shrouded In brown linen nnd. softly lighted from tho chandeliers, Nancy snt nnd played on tho piano until after her fnthcr's lntch key grated in tho lock. Sho heard trio sound of voices nnd know they hnd gono upstnlrs. Prosontly her father's volco In tho doorwuy roused hor from n hnlf rovcrlo. "Nancy, .dear, I want to lntroduco Mr. Ilnlllnger my dnughtor, tho stuy-at-home, llalllngor!" Tho girl found horsolf greeting n youngnr man than any her fnthor had yet Introduced. Ilo was young nnd decidedly handsomo, with the good looks thnt are tho ondowmont ot per ferl health. Ho was tall nnd his shoulders were broad anil ho carried them with a llttlo free swing that seamed to helon gmoro to thu opon country than to tho cramped city llfo. Ho looked with Interest nt little Nancy, In her soft whlto gown with a string of pcnrls about hor whlto throat. Tho brown hnlr was brushed softly buck from hor whlto forohond and tho perfoct crescents of her dnrk brows wero arched abovo her steady bluo eyes. Nancy flushed tindor his Bcrutlny, brief urf It wns, and with a fow words of greotlng loft tho room to glvo Inst Instructions nbout tho dinner. When tho gong rnug sho was waiting In tho dining room. Mr, llalllngor did not permit the conversation to linger nmong tho dry details of business or politics; ho brought Nnncy Into n wnrm discussion of tho merits of rival oporn singers, nnd laughingly gnvo In when sho hnd dofeatod his argumonts. Tholr talk turned upon nrt and trnvol and Mr. Owen lenrned with surprlso that his llttlo homo-staying daughter possossod n richly stored mind nnd a wldo know! edgo of subjects upon which ha con fessod himself qulto Ignorant, Doth Nnncy nnd her fnthor found Paul Bol linger lntensoly Interesting. Nnncy sighed n llttlo whon tho din ner waB ended, but afterward, In tho parlor, It was still moro delightful. Mr. Owens naked Nnncy to sing and sho brought out her old books nnd plnyod ns only Nancy could piny. All tho old favorites that tho two nun de manded, the girl sang In her rich con tralto volco, and sometimes Ralllnger Joined In with whnt Nancy thought wns tho Bweetost tenor In tho world. After thnt Paul Ilnlllnger enmo often. Sometimes ho dropped around in tho evening and thoy sat In tho shndow of tho front door nnd tnlkcd; tho two men growing moro lntlmntely acquainted whllo the girl sat nonr by, hnppy to lleton to tho conversation ot tho only man who had ever attracted hor. Sometimes Ralllnger brought nround his motor car nnd tho three wont for long spins Into tho country. Nancy ofton wondered what her slstera would hnvo said to soo her on such occasions. Sho wns suro th& ovon tho delights of Sea Sldo could not hnvo restrained them from coming homo. All tho tlmo Nnncy was growing prottler, nnd strongor nnd hnpplcr. A beautiful color bloomed In hor cheek.1 nnd her bluo eyes Bpnrklod with a new light. When tho threo months woro up, tho Owen girls enmo back from their va cntlotiH. Drown ns berries, strong and cheerful, nt tho dinner tnblo that night they dasliod Into a recital ot tholr summer pleasures. "Thero was a frightful scarcity ot men," confessed Rcatrlco frankly. "Wo girls had to dnnco togothor nt tho hops and wo all learned to row nnd swim without tho customary holpl Rcss, bolng tho beauty, received most of tho attention!" Hess blushed rosily. "Nonsonoc, Rco. You didn't miss much pleasure Nnncy, donr," sho said rathor con descendingly to hor sister. "And really, now, dad, Nancy didn't need a vacation l Look nt her sio Is tho ptcturo of health!" Nancy rodonod under tholr curious oyea nnd ono hnml wont up to her hnlr in tha old nervous mnnnor. "Nnncy Owon!" her sisters shriek ed In chorus. "Whoro did you got thnt ring?" With n guilty look nt hor'' father Nancy hid hor hnnd with Its beautiful cluster of sapphires and diamonds. "Thnt's part of Nancy's vacation," romnrkod Mr. Owen, with n twlnklo In his oyo. Thoy stared, round-oyed. At last Ollvo spoko whimsically. "It thnt la pnrt of tho vacation pray toll ua nbout tho remnindor, dad." "Oh, tho romaindor 1b merely Nan's ongngomont to Paul Halllngor nnd thoy aro to bo married In October and go abroad for a year!" "Paul Ralllnger!" gronncd Rentrlco; then sho nroso and ran around tho tnblo to Nancy's sldo. "You nro tho most unsolllBh girl In tho world, Nnn cy and desorvo to bo perfectly hnppy." Whon she had been kissed nnd con gratulated and tho girls had admired tho lovely ring, Nuncy smiled ovor their heads at hor fnthor. "Who will keep house for dad next summer?" sho asked demurely. "I!" tho threo cried In chorun, nnd ns thoy fell Into morry dlsputo over tho covoted position, Nnncy stolo nwny to tho parlor, whoro sho know that perfect happiness nwnlted hor. Missing. What becomes of tho mon nnd hoys reported missing In Mllwnukeo. An nvorngo of 300 men and boys aro reported mlBsIng to tho pollco each yoar, onp-half of whom nro never honrd of again, .lust whoro theso men go to has novor beon satisfactorily explained. It Is probable that somo of them nro confined In Insuno asylums throughout tho country. For Instance, thero nro mnny mon with wrecked minds confined nt tho county asylum whose past Is a blank. TIiosh nun wore picked up on tho streets wund -i--Ing aimlessly nround. Very few women disappear, but when thoy do It Is uaunlly n case of poihu mental dlseapo and the missing one li oaMly found again. Sometimes an rf fair of tho heart causo her to wander nway from hor homo and In thl caso It Is rare thnt sho over return. Tho mnjorlly of por?ons who disap pear, howovor. aro men either nffoct od with tho 'Vandorlust" or others whoso domestic responsibilities do not rest heavily on thulr minds. Mllwnu keo Wisconsin. A Superfluous Question. "You told mo how deep to plant squash nnd onions and bonus und corn and boots," exclaimed tho Indy board er from tho city, who wns enthusias tically engaged In gathering dnta for n book she propoBOd to wrlto on gar dening, "but I forgot all about asking you aboul egg plants will you tell mo how doop thoy should bo planted?" Tho old farmer was digging holes for n new honhoiiBO. "Can't you soo for yourself?" ho grunted. 1