The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 16, 1910, Image 5

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    Buy Diamonds Here
If you buy Diamonds here you are assured of get
ting full value for your money. Diamonds have a
market value that is always on the rise they never
drop in price so there is never any such thing as a
bargain Diamond. Of course there is a difference in
the way some Jewelers buy diamonds we for
instance buy direct of the importer and cutler, thus
saving you a middleman's profit. Off color diamonds
are not sold by us at any price. We have a new im
portation awaiting your selection.
Do your diamonds need resetting? We do this
work in our own shop.
DIXON, The Jeweler.
U. P. Watch Inspector.
DR. W. F. CROOK, f
Grnduato Northwestern University. L
Onico over McDonald State Dank
Ovor I'lrnt. National. I'liono HR JJ
Andrew Morgenscn was down from
Paxton this week proving up on his
Theodore Eirdam who has been vis
iting in Omaha the past week is ex
pected home to-night.
Wanted A position on ranch by man
and wife. Inquire of Steven Richards
21t So. Sycamore.
The Degree of Honor social club will
meet with Mrs. Weeks, 208 East Second
street Tuesday September 20th.
Ernest Rowland, who has been living
ing in Omaha the past year, has re
turned to North IMatto and accepted a
position in the earshopa.
Yesterday the open season for ducks
commenced and our local nimrods were
out in great numbers. It is said several
good bags were made.
iMr. and Mrs. T. C. Gill of Callaway
Neb. who have been visiting theirdaugh
ter Mrs. S. R. Derryberry of this place
during the past week will return home
Buy your wall paper now. 20 percent
discount at Duke & Deats.
Mr3. Joe McNeel and children who
have been spending the summer at
Snoma, South Dakota., where Mr. Mc
Neel is working on a grading contract,
returned to this city Wednesday.
w i. f!nw nf Omaha, who had
illla '
been spending several weeks with rel
atives in town, left yesterday for Grand
Island where she will spend several days
with her sister Mrs. Thos. C. Gorham
before returning to her home.
Miss Viola Robinson and three daugh
ters, nf Hnzad. who were in town this
week to attend the funeral of the late
Mrs. Mariot.t, returned home Wednes
day. Mrs. Robinson is a sister of Mr.
Wo have very pretty pieces in Hand
Painted China. Also the celebrated
Karnak Brass Goods. Clinton, Jeweler
and Optician.
A mail sack was stolen from Lexing
on a week or ten days ago, the con
tents taken out and the sack thrown
to one side of the track. In sweeping
out a freight car here to be loaded with
wheat, H. Bergman found what was
left of the contents. Postmaster Trcs
ler was called and they gathered up all
that could be found and sent them to
Lexington, The P. 0. inspector got
busy and found that the thi if was a negro
who had stopped here and was seen by
many of our people. He went west
from here and we hear he is located in
Wyoming and is undoubtedly mider
arrest by now. Keitn ooumy inuwb.
Over Dixon's. Phone 358.
Born This Month?
Sapphire is the birth-stone for Sep
tember. We have a splendid line of
the beautiful blue stones, set in every
conceivable stylo.
Dixon, the Jeweler.
Norm Edwards, the Brady druggist,
spent Wednesday in town having his
teeth attended to.
Miss Theo and Esther Schwaiger
have returned from a month's visit
with relatives at La Grande, Oregon.
Mrs. Zelmn Fernley, of Denver, who
was called here the early part of the
week to attend the funeral of her sis
the late Mrs. Mariott, returned to her
home Wednesday.
R. N. Lamb and wife, have sold to
Helen C. Wingot all of Lot 6, in block
71, in the original town of North Platte,
The consideration was twenty-eight
hundred dollars.
Chime Clocks, Mantle Clocks and
Alarm Clocks, that will get you up in
the morning. Clinton, Jeweler and
Mrs. M. C. Moore, of Fort Scott, Kas.
and W. W. Campbell, of Monet' Mo.
mother and brother of Mrs. W. R.
Powell, arrived this morning, having
been called here by the death of Oleatha
Weather forcast Partly cloudy to
night and Saturday, cooler Saturday.
Maxinum temperature yesterday 90; one
year ago 82. Maxinum temperature this
morning 5G; one year ago 48.
A. P. Kelly, F. R. Elliott, Keith
Neville and several others spent yester
day hunting ducks in the lake country
north, making the trip in autos, They
brought back a large number with them.
We have the best bargain
ever ottered, beincr tne ex
clusive sale of the Mrs. Arm
strong business. lnis is a
crreat monev maker and if
looking tor a nice, clean,
good paying business, let us
show you this or call on Mrs.
Armstrong for particulars. It
must be sold quick.
BRATT & Goodman.
, Young Girl Dies.
Peo pie in town were greatly shocked
Wednesday morning to hear of the
death of Oleatha Powell, the fourteen
year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.
R. Powell, of this city.
For Homo time past she had been
suffering from St. Vitus Dance and for
the past two weeks her condition has
been serious and Tuesday nil hopes
for her recovery were abandoned by
the attending physicians and death oc
curred about 4:30 Wednesday morning.
All that was possible had been done for
her but too close application to her
tudies and worry over the knowledge
thnt she was unnble to continue with
her school work, wrought havoc with
the condition of the life, which bright
ened the now desolato home, bringing
on a nervous collapse, which ended fa
Of a sweet and sunny disposition, she
was beloved by all who knew her,
thoughtful and considerate always of
others first, she has endeared herself
to many. A vocalist of extraordinary
ability for one of her years, and over
willing to help, she often appeared ut
both public and private entertaipments,
winning only words of praise irom nor
learers. A sorrowing mother and father
and one brother are left to mourn the
death of a daughter and sister.
Oleatha Powell was born at Fort
Scott, Kan., January 23, 1890. She
has made her homo in this city for.sev
eral years past, attending the city
schools and this year would have been
in the eight grade.
The funeral services will be held
from the residence nt 2:30 o'clock to
morrow afternoon, conducted by Rev.
Porter of the Methodist church, In
terment will be made in tho North
Platte cemetery.
Entered into the rest of Paradise
Monday night at Omaha, Neb. Sept. 11,
1910, Mrs. Lillian O. Mariott beloved
wife of Frank Mariott of Oshkosh,
Nebraska at the age of thirty-eight
The passing of Mrs. Mariott into the
ife beyond carries sweet memories to
those to whom she was near and dear.
Eighteen years of close companionship
endeared her to her husband who feels
the loss of a true and faithful wife,
while to her neighbors and friends the
virtues of a noble woman was sweet in
cense in every day life.
The remains of this noble woman
were interred in the North Platte cem
etery where they were accompanied by
oving relatives, friends and neighbors,
who could only cover her last resting
place with beautiful flowers and say;
"Rest in Peace."
Mrs. Mariott had been a devoted and
faithful member of tho Methodist church
since she was 14 years of age. Rev.
Porter consoled the friends from the
16th verse to thel7th Psalm while the
quartett sang "Nearer my God to Thee"
nnd "Abide in Mo", while Mrs. Frank
Hatch sang Calvary in n most impressive
Special Demonstration in Sten
ciling and Mexican Cut-out Work
Commencing Friday, Sept. 16th and lasting a few
days only.
Stenciling is not a fad but an economy in beautifying
the home. Come and see real artstic Stenciling on
Curtains, Table Mats, Piano Scarfs, etc., made by our
new and easy system. Our paints are especially pre
uareci for Stenciling are washable and do not run like
oil paints. You can learn to do the work in five
Wilcox Department Store,
North Platte, Nebraska.
101 Residence Lots.
Trustee Tabor still has for sale 33
lots in the Trustee's Addition nnd 08 in
Riverdalo Addition. These are the
choicest vacant residence lots in the
city. Each being improved with fivo
foot cement sidownlks, sewer, city wa
ter and graded streets. These are sit
uated between six and ten blocks from
the postofTice and located on Second,
Third, Fifth, Sixth and Front streets
Prices $200 to $400. Five per cent dis
count for cash or easy time payments
to those who wish to purchase in that
way. For sale by Wm. E. Shuman.
Skirts and Waists.
New Skirts and Waists are
ready to help you piece out
the season. And most women
feel about this time of the
year as though tbpy wanted
something new and a great
many of them often settle
down to the most practical
sort of a purchase. A new
Skirt and new Silk Waists.
Such garments can be found
be used all and any season of
the year, and we have all of
the fall styles now ready.
Wilcox Department Store.
Already Planned.
There were few persons who knew
the Locke family oven hi a casual way
who had not discovered that Mrs.
Locke was In the habit of nagging her
husband nnd children. She loved them
dearly, lint at. times nobody would Uavo
surmised It.
"What did Mr. I.oeko say when ho
found himself safe after those hours
of danger'" some one asked n friend
who had been In company with Mr.
Locke on an ocean Htenemr which met
with an accident In inld-Atlantic. "He
never says tho ordinary thing."
"No." said the friend, with a dry
smile. "He didn't that time. I said to
hlin, 'James, we ought to make some
thing more of our lives from having
thenl spared to us In this way, for I
had felt pretty solemn, I can tell you.
I've no doubt Jiunei did. too, but what
he snld was, 'William, a good slinro of
the rest of my life will be spent in ex
plaining to Theodora how I happened
to iioo.o that steamer when there
were dozens of others that reached
home wltliontany accident.' "Youth's
Dixon Says
"After I fit you
to a pair of glasses my inter
est in your welfare is not
ended. I take a personal in
terest in you I want to be
sure my work is obtaining
the expected results."
"The best way is to drop
in and see me some time, we
will have a friendly talk it
will do us both good. "
"I am busy of course, but
never too busy to have a little
chat glad to see you at any
DIXON, The Jeweler.
The Long Spoon.
"Tomk.vns" recently heard the ex
pression "If you sup with tho devil
on will jieed a long spoon." "Though
1 never heard It before." he says, "II
Is evidently fairly well known, and
what 1 should like to know Is, What
does It mean, and where does It come
It means that If you nro going to sit
down to a meal with his Satanic
majesty you will need a long spoon
to avoid the necessity of getting too
near the old geutlemnn and, In Its
general sense, of course, 'it Implies
that If you have dealings with a dan
gerous or notorious person It behooves
you 'to use great caution. It comes
from one of the "Ingoldsby Legends,"
and the quotation reads:
Who suppos with tho Devlllo Bholdo-hnvc
n lonK hjioono.
Loudon Answers.
His Interference.
The twlsls and turns taken by fak
ing horse dealers to get out of their
bad bargains are proverbial. A little
Incident Illustrative of tho trlbo took
place recently at a stablo on North
Ilroad street, whero an Irresponsible
settler hnd succeeded In palming off a
defective horse on a too easy buyer.
The new owner turned up with (ho
horso a few days after tho purchaso
and angrily exclaimed. "Didn't you
say this horse was perfectly safe and
wouldn't troiiblo anybody?" The deal
er coolly asked, "What's tho matter
with the horse?" The dupe replied:
You know well enough. Ho inter
feres badly." With a curt "Well, ho
doesn't Kterforo with anybody but
himself, does ho?" the fako dealer
brushed the matter aside, and tho pur
chaser found himself without a reme
dy. Philadelphia Record.
A Great Military Feat.
Non.a, in Corsica, Is very proud of
tho story of a great military feat per
formed there long ago. It Is told In
"Romantic Corsica," by Oeorgo Hen-
Tho French In 17C8 had subjugated
all tho northern capo with tho excep
tion of tho tower of Nonza, which for
a considerable time sustained a closo
siege. Attacking parties were driven
back by a fierce tiro, but at last the
garrison agreed to surrender If allow
ed to march out with all the honors
of war. This was conceded, and old
Captain Cascella appeared, staggering
under a lend of muskets and pistols.
"Why Is tho garrison so long In com
ing out?" asked thjt French commander.
"It Is here, sir." replied Cascella. "I
am tho garrison."
Glass Solvent,
nydrofluorle acid Is an acid cow
pound of hydrogen and tluorluo. It
may bo prepared by tho actlou of sul
phuric acid upon cryollto In nu ap
proprlato apparatus mado of lead or
platinum, it may thus bo readily ob
tnlned In a liquid form nnd Is color
less. Its vapors nro exceedingly pol
sonous, and tho liquid Itself, even
when mixed with moro or loss water,
causes sovoro swellings on tho skin.
Oreut caro must therefore bo taken In
working wltli this acid. Ilydrolluorlc
acid dissolves glass, forming hydro
UluoRlIlcle add with Its. silica; henco
fits uso formnklug etchings on glass.
The Best Clothes Service.
' HK'
YOU'LL find us reaay at any time to do
you a power of good for your Fall Suit
The clothes we sell are distinctly of
r,l the better sort the very clothes you'll
The newest fabrics the latest and the
best tailoring fcaturos await your admira
tion and your choosing.
Our expert service will insure you
garments that are perfect fitting in every
Excellent Suit Values $18 to $25.
,vtfi The minute you cross our threshold
TO you 11 feel at home.
We will show you and' let you try on
anything you please without feeling the
slightest displeasure if you do not buy.
Copyriglit 1910
TT lloux o( Kuppcntxi'mct
We Solicit Your Favors.
j. b. McDonald,
' The Home of Good Clothes.
TYLJES letter than
ever. Factory equiifed
with new machinery
throughout. All meth
od's of manufacturing
improved 50 style
in direct roj)ortion value
too. Smart Stylish andFlex
ihlc to the last degree. The new
models on display today. You re
cordially invited to inspect them.
Exclusive Agent for North Platte.
Having decided to discontinue the Wall Paper
business we will close out our large stoc'ic of Wall
Paper at very low prices. Now is the best time
to have paper put on and if you should buy at this
sale and keep it till next spring- you.' -will save
about one-half the price you will oth erwise have
to pay.
Here are some of the prices:
10 cent Paper 5 cents .Per doublet roll
1 5 cent Paper 1 o cents
20 cent Paper 12 cent to 15 cent
25 cent Paper 15 cents
35c, 40c and 50c Paper 25 cents.
Come in Early and Get the Best Selections