SCHILLER & CO., Prescription Druggists First Door North of Klrat NMlonl Hank DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dcnlisf. Ofllco over tho McDonald Stnto Bank. CRYSTAL THEATRE Mr. and Mrs. Millard Hosier are upend ing this week in Omaha. John Kostick of Well fleet was a visitor In town yesterday. Howard Adams went to Lexington ynstcrdny to visit friends for a few days. Wantcd-A middle aged lady to keep house on a farm near Wellfleet Address John Kostick Wellfleet, Neb. Frank Chambers, of Dellinghnm, Wash., who ha8 been tho euest of Oscnr Sandull and other friends in town, loft yesterday for Denver. Mr. Frank Mariott and relatives desire to extend their sincere thanks and appreciation to all friends who cheerfully aided them in their recent bereavement by their kind words and beautiful flowors. Diamond Rings, Signet Rings, Plain Hand Rings, Engraved Rings and Sot Rings that the sets are guaranteed to stay in. Clinton, Jeweler nnd Optician. Douglas Bard, of Woolsoy, S. Dak., and MIbs Lena Stockerof Dickens, wero married Wednesday evening by Justice Sullivan. Tho bride, who Is but seven teen years of ago was accompanied by her mother who gave her consent to the marriage Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hoagland left the forepart of the week for Atlantic City, N.J. .where Mr.IIogland goes as dcligate to the national convention of the G. A. R. They will visit other eastern cities before returning and expect to extend their trip as far south as Florida. Wo have tho now attachments for tho Edison talking machines. Play two and four minuto records. Ten four minuto records free. Rinckeh's Book Store. Mr. and Mrs. Coates, of Sutherland, are spending this week in town with their son A. S. Coates and family. They will leave about October 1st for Lincoln where they will visit their daugh ter Mrs. Chase, also their son Elmer who is now in business atOhlowuy, Neb. From there they will extend their visit to Illinois whore they will spend sev eral months with relatives. The members of tho COO Club wore entertained Tuesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Patterson, tho party being given in favor of Mrs. Castetter. Mts. Clarldgo and Mrs. Ware. Ten tables of fiOO were formed and the evening was pleasantly Bpentut that game. At a lute hour, cnjoyablo refreshments consisting of two courses wore served. MrsIra L. Bare entertained tho members of tho Tuesday afternoon Bridge club at a one o'clock luncheon Wednesday in honor Mcsdames Ware, Uastettcr and Ulariugo. Covers wero laid for twelve and the table decorations wore in yellow and green, yellow can nas forming the center piece. Tho afternoon was devoted to bridge whist. The samo evening Mrs. J. J. Halllgan entertained informally a few friends in favor of the out-of-town guests. Try our Cidor, It isn't mado of rotten apples or adulterated water; but sound apple juipo. Como and see it made. 40 cents per gallon. Bring your jug. Loudon & Son. Tho choir of St. Patrick's church wero entertained Wednesday by Mr. und Mrs. Charles Trovlllo and Miss Sadie at their home west of town. This is nn ovent which has been a yearly occuranco and one that is anticipated with much pleas ure. Leaving town about ten o'clock they arrived at the Trovlllo home about noon and were immediately seated tn a seven course dinner to which tho fifteen gucstR did full and ample just ice. The afternoon was spent in all sorts of out-door sports, followed by a light repast and the party returned to town arriving about 10:30, ACREAGE LOTS FOR SALE. Out of 930 acrci, Roy B. Tabor, Trustee, has unsold the following acreage tracts only. These must be closed out soon. They arc located east of the city limits. Size Price 7.35 acres $550.00 7.13 acres 550.00 6.40 acres 500.00 5.38 acres 445.00 2.98 acres 225.00 ml .1 the undersigned will take any parties interested to xcc these tracts at any time. For sale by WM. E. SHUMAN. Mrs. Robert Armstrong will enter tain tho members of the Junior Mother's Club Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Fred Thompson and Mrs. John Vosclpkn left for Omaha this morning to spend a week or ten days. Mrs. W. F. Cody will leave for Chicago Saturday where she will visit friends for several weeks. Mrs. Johnson, of Walla Walla, Wash., arrived this morning for n visit with her mother Mrs. Mnggie Po3t and her sisters in this city. For Sale-Good milch cow. 816 Wal nut or Phono 505. S. D. Ralston and wife have sold to S. S. Littel the southeast quater of section 10 , township 9, range 80 west of the 6th P. M. with the exception of 28 acres. Verne Powell, of Fort Scott, Kansas, arrived last evening to .attend tho funeral of his niece Miss Oleutha Powell. Tho National Land Company have sold to S. D. Ralston tho southeast quarter of section 10, township 9, north of range 30 west of tho 6th P. M. with tho excep tion of 28 acres. Mesdamea Bowers, Day, Sudman, andMelvin, members of tho Royal Neighbors lodge at Oshkosh, of which Mrs. Mariott was a social member, at tended the funeral of the latter Tues day, Lost- A Gentleman s wntch fob set in with two amethyst, Finder please leave at Hub store and recievo reward. Charles Martini r i murnngo licenses wore issued yes terduy to Carl E. Lisk of Pawlot, Ncbr., and Miss Emma J. Kostick, of Wellfleet, also to Fred L. Ridlnger and Miss Viola Mabel Potter both of this city. Both couples wero married by Justice Sullivan. Up to this morning tho enrollment of the high school had reached one hundred and seventy. Seven instructors put in full tlmo and Prof. Garhsch has two recitations each day. Tho codet com pany has been reorganized under the supervision of Principal Schutz, "as Com mandant and Ernest Casey as Captain. ino loot nan squad assembled and un der the couching of Keith Nevillo, ably assisted by Harry Smith promises to bo a winning team. Taking in nil tho f . t ... pnaseaoi tne scnool tho year prom ises to be a good one. tTo-Night AND SATURDAY. MOVING PICTURES: The "Navajo's Bride." "After Many Years." VAUDEVILLE: Ims and Zay in their comedy sketch entitled. "The Rajah of Bong. 10 and 15 Cents. Cody Boal expects to leave tomorrow for Culver, Ind. where he will attend the Culvpr Military Academy for the coming year. fho funeral of tho late Mrs. Fanny Brooks was held from thoD. A. Brown residence at 10:30 this morning Instead of this afternoon as previously an nounced. The services were conducted by Rev. Porter of the Methodist church. Last evening Mrs. Lester Walker and Mrs. F. W. Rlnker entertained twenty- five guests nt 500 at tho homo of the former. Tho rooms wore profusely dec orated in fall flowers and at a late hour the guests were served to delectable refreshmenta. Mr. Will Waltemath and Miss Alma Waltemath will leave for the East the middle of nextweek. Miss Alma will go to the National Park Seminary at Washington D. C. where she will attend school for the coming year and Will returns to tho University of Pennsyl vania at Phildelphia where he will enter on his fourth year. Mcsdames Castetter, Ware, and Clar ldgo were guests of honor at two func tions yesterday, both attalrs proving pleasant throughout. In the afternooa Mrs. F. H. Garlow entertained at bridge followed by a four course tea. Covers wero laid for fourteen and the table was beautifully decorated in nink roses and unique place cards annronriate to rancn uie. For Sale. 100 head yearling steers. W. H. TURPie. School Time Here. A tired brain makes a tired body. Eyestrain produces bruin fag. Properly fitted glasses relieves brain fag. Dixon, the Optician fits glasses properly. Every scholar ought to have a fount ain pen. We show a big lino. We call your attention especially to our $1.00 pen. Solid gold nib its a dandy In every way. Dixon, tho Jeweler Copyright 1900, hr C. E. Zimmerman Co.-No. 15 Our Strong Shoes for Strong Boys PTRONG Shoes that will last, look well, and will not show marks of hard usage that you know Shoes are bound to get on strong boys, for they will romp and play these are shoes on which we specialize. They will enjoy their recreation all the more shoes fit them properly, and our shoes that no harm can he done. That's one reason our store should get your trade for your boys' shoes. Gossard Corsets Now $350 if their are strong so SMALL THE 9 BIG SHOE MAN '52 1 Duwev Street NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. m You need no longer consider Gos sard grace and symmetry U3 on un attainable luxury you can here after afford it for yourself. The $3.50 Gossard illustrated above is mado to excel every other corset at anything near tho price in style, workmanship and quulity. It em bodies all the important essentials of Gossard construction the grace ful Gossard lines tho popular front luce feature tho celebrated non rustable Electrobono the dainty Gossard workmanship all of which have only been obtainable hereto fore at prices ranging from $5,00 to $25.00 GossarD CORSETS They Lace in Front glvo tho truo lino of beauty to the figure, following the perfect curve of tho back permit a suppleness cutirely lacking in back-laced corsets properly support the spino and ab domen inBure perfect and perman ent ease nccure tho correct new figure by suppressing superfluous fullness contributo wondoi fully to tuo elegance or tne now gown and are far easier to put on nnd take off than the back-laced corsets. Gossard Corsets have revolution ized erroneous methods ot corseting, As a result, better health, correct noise of body, und moro solid comfort nave como to tho women who wear them. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE- Initial Fall Showing of La Vogue Suits and Coats. The Standard of Style. Fashion authorities have passed favorably upon La Vogue coats and suits. Now they are awaiting your critical comment and judgement. Slow though we are to en thuse, we grow a bit warm Uvhen we speak of this col lection. But come and see and judge for yourself. Every one in- 'iff terested in matters of dress is welcome. If you bring a friend with you, so much the better. La Vogue Garments are distinctive for-style and fit in any gathering of well dressed women. La Vogue coats and suits are shown for women and misses. Prices are as tempting as the goods attractive. THE HUB CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. Tha Curious Mistletoe. The .ory of bow the mistletoe gets on tho trees Is a most Interesting one. Covering the mistletoe twigs are pear ly while berries. Those come In the winter Reason, when food Is compara tively scarce, and hence some birds eat them freely. Now. when u robin outs n cherry ho swallows simply the meat and Hips the stone a way. The weed of the mistletoe the bird cannot 11 1 p. It is sticky and holds to his bill. Ills only resource Is to wipe It off, nnd ho docs so, leaving It sticking to tho branches of the tree on which ho Is sitting at the time. Tills seed wprouls after a time, and not finding earth which, Indeed, its ancestral habit has made ltcouso wanting It Rinks Its roots Into the bark of the tree and hunts there for the pipes that carry the sap. Now. the sup In the bark Is the very richest In I he tree, far richer than that In the wood, and the mistletoe gets from Its host the choicest of food. With a strango foresight It does not throw Its leaves away, as do most parasites, but keeps them to use in winter, when tho tree Is leafless. A Queer Diagnosis. A celebrated Dublin physician was Sir Dominic Corrlgan, who was as much famed for hlsbnisiueiiosa to ward putleuta as for his skill. In the courso of some reminiscences William Charles Scully told a story of the doe tor which Is quite well worth quoting. "I was taken to see him," snys the writer, "several times, but be always treated mo with the utmost kindness. However, a highly respectable maiden nunt of mine hud a different experi ence. She went to consult him. After sounding her nouo too gently -and asking u few questions he gave a grunt und relapsed Into silence. Then nftcr a short pause of meditation ho said, 'Well, ma'am, It's one of two things either you drink or else you sit with your back to the lire."' Fining English Servants In 1680. Nun Newton, for breaking a 'teapot in I'hlll'H chamber. 2s. Cd. Itlchard Knight, for pride nnd slighting, 2b. Ud. William Hetherlngtou, for not being ready to go to church three Sundays, 10 shillings. Thomas BIrdall, for being nt Nunea ton from inorulug to night, 5 shillings. Cook, dead drunk, 10 shillings. Anno Adams to bo wushmald at Lady day. She went away the 20th of June for being wanton aud careless. Sho lost flvo pairs of sheets and flvo plllowbeers, for which my wlfo mnde her pay 1. Diary of Sir Richard Nowdigato. His Objection. Scottish Bachelor Will yo hao some lea?. Visitor Oh, please don't trouble! Bachelor It's no the trouble; It's Julst tho oxpense. Punch. Harness Oiling Plant We have completed an up-to-date Harness Oiling Plant, and while we have gone to considerable expense, yet it is up to you Mr. -Harness Owner whether we can get the quantity of harness to make the business profit able at the prices quoted below. This month we will wash and oil two days each week, on Tuesday and Thursday. Oiling capacity io sets per day. Single Harness 75 cents. Light Driving Harness $1.00. Medium Heavy Harness $1.25. Heavy Harness $1.50. A. F . FINK, 505 Dewey Street. THE First National Bank, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital and Surplus $135,000. ARTHUR McNAMARA, President, E. F, SEEBERGER, VJce-Presidcnt, H. KEITH NEVILLE, Vice-Presiuenl, Ft L. M00NEY, Cashier.