Semi -Weekly Tribune Ira L Bare, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. T Ono Year by Mail in advnnco $1.26 Ono Yonr by Carries in advance. . .$1.60 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, .Post- ofllce as second Liass matter. FRIDAY JULY 21, 1910. Hoagland's Platform. To the voters of the 30th Senatorinl District: A petition has been filed by n num ber of our citizens proposing my nomi nution for stato senator from this dis trict on thu renublican ticket, to be votedffor at tho primaries August 10th 1910. At the soliciation of n large num ber of people, I have concluded to ac cept, if nominated, and If elected will devote my best energies in tho coming legislature to thoso measures which tmrtlmilnrlv affect tho interests of i western "Nebraska. For ycarB eastern-Nebraska has been able to, prevent our west having its proper and legitimate representation in tho legislative councils. Tho census has just been taken and wo are entitled to a legislative re-apportionment that will give us our just share of thercprc sentatlves and senators, and this ques tion is wliafctha3 moved mo more than any other to rrkko tho personnl sacrl flee which ansloction would cause. , 1 believe that legislation should bo as near the people as possible, and that tho people have tho legal and moral right to sneak on every question affect ing their interests and so believing, if elected, I shall support tho initiative and referendum and county option. I believe that tho most effective method of getting rid of public officers who botrny their tiust is tho recall, simllnr to that in existence in Bomo of tho cities in California, by which an election may bo calllcd and tho dis honest official removed from effioo by tho. vote of the people. I beliovo that what wo need is not so much now legislation, and frequent elections, but an efficient and honest administration of our laws by honest officials, I am thoroughly and tincompromls Ingly In sympathy with tho square deal progressive republican policies of our foremost public citizen, Ex-President Theodore Roosevelt. Upon this p'atform I solicit tho sup port of tho electors of this district. WALTER V. IlQADLAND, NEBRASKA. From 0,477,282 ocres planted to corn in"li)09 Nebraska gathered a crop of 109,179,187 bushels, worth $98,123,871 That crop, if loaded into standard freight cars, 1,200 bushels to the car, would have madp a freight train long enought to reach from Chicago to Den vcr, 1,00 milen, with 172 miles of corn filled cars left over to adorn tho side tracks. Thero are millions of acres of corn land in Nebraska that havo novor been touched by tho plow. In 1909 Nebraska harvested 50,313, GOO bushels of wheat from 2,CG4,370 acres, an nverago of practically 20 bushels to tho aero. This wheat crop was worth nearly $40,000,000: If that wheat crop had been loaded Into stnnd nrd freight cars it would havo made a train long enough to reach from Omnhn to McCook on tho Burlington or from Omaha to North Platto on the Union Pacific. Thero aro millions of acres of wheat land in Nebraska that have novor been touched by tho plow. Tho duty of Nebraskans who desire to assist in the work of developing tho state Is to call tho attention of homo seekers to tho opportunities that arc offered by this great young atute, Thero aro 100,000 quarter sections of unoccupied land in Nebraska that may be mado into profitable farms. Tho soil 1b fertile, thu rainfall quite equal to thut of other sections that have becomo agriculturally rich, nnd tho transportation facilities fur super ior to what tho more favored sections had a dozen years ago, There is room and opportunity for tho accumulation of u competence for 250,000 moro farm owners in Nebras ka. Tho hardship of tho early pio neers need no longer be endured by nbweomors. They will havo tho ad vantage of schools, and churches and railroads and markets, right from tho start. Their only capltul needs to be industry, frugality nnd honesty. Some of Nebraska's most prosperous tann ers today were renters ten or fifteen yenrs ago. What they havo none a hundred thousand moro mon may do within tho next ten or fifteen years, Tho samo capital, the Bamo soil and the name frugality necessury to ac quiro a competence ! tho Canadian northwest, would moan ample riches after an equnl length of tlmo ifyon a Nebraska farm, For years tho Argo nauts traveled across tho plains of Ne braska in search of tho gold and sil ver of the niountatns, unmindful of tho fact that at tho crass roots lh""Ncf braska lay a greater store of goftnQhJ respectfully Invito n Bhnrepj and silver then woro hidden in tho mountains In all tho nf;ea of the past otormtl minus of riches that ijrow more-fruitful as thotlays went int B5?Sf. I'Vornthe Brass roots in Nebraska in any ono of tho last ten years has been mined" more wealth than tho famed gold fields of Alaska have yielded in a decade, and tho men who mined their wealth from the soil of Nebraska endured no hardships compared to the hardships of the Alaskans. Other thousands ore being lured to tho "bonanzas" of tho northwest, un mindful of tho fact that greater riches and greater opportunities lio in the soil of the great state of Nebraska. Thero aro millions of acres of gov ernment land in Nebraska all of it good for something, most of it good for 'general purposes, and much of it good for anything in the lino of agri culture suited to tho temperate zone. The hundreds of growing cities and towns olfcr inducement for merchan dising and manufacturing. Tho me chanic may find employment in the bmallor cities where tho cost of living is comparatively small, nnd where the opportunity to become a home ownor is great. By and largo, from cast to west and from north to south, Nebraska offers more inducements to the industrious, frugal and honest homcsceker than any other similar expanse of territory on the North American continent. This truth should bo Bprcad to the four cor ners of the earth by Nebraskans who want to have a part in tho great woik of developing Nebraska. Mark this copy of your paper and send it to some J 1 I IV ll 1 t X inena in mo east wnom you may ne ablo to interest in the possibilities of Nebraska. The Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics will cheerfully send its bulletins of crops and manu facturers to any one you may.designnte. Let us all join together in the great work of boosting Nebraska. ' Cottonwood Items. Quito n crowd from this community attended tho Chautauqua at North 'latto Sunday night. Rnin is very bndly needed here, for some of .the corn is beginning to dry up. The Blue Stars played a game of ball Saturday with Bignell. Tho scoro stood 8 to 9 in favor of tho Bluo Stars. Mr. and Mrs. Hnrtman nnd Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds journeyed to North Platte Wednesday to hear Senator Cummins at the Chautauqua. Mrs. C. C. Clark is in North Platte visiting her mother, who" has been in very poor health this summer. Esther Reynolds was a guest at tho Kerr homo tho latter part of last week. Word from E. M. Arnold states that they leavo Washington. D. C, nnd will start on their trip homeward. Announcement. I hereby announce mvself as a candi- date for re-election for representative of the 64th district subject to the approval of tho republicans at tho August 16th primaries. lmave no extended platform, but agreo if elected to work for tho pass ago of good progressive legislation and tor mo nest interests 01 the district and stato. As this is census year tho nextl session will bo the nronor time to re- district the Btnte and I consider it vorv importune mac mis uo uono and tnat the west gets proper representation. Respectfully submitted. B. K. Bushek For Sale. Ten foot Mogul Woodmanso wind mill with tower complete. 1000 pounds old barbed wire., Duroc-Jersov boar niirs at Slfi.OO. Duroc-Jor8oy sow pigs at $10.00. Tho sale of pigs continue only during duiy. experimental ouDStntion, W. P. SNYDER, Supt. REWARD! Strayed or Stolen. From nasturo near Albert Coolldco placo one red, horped bull branded 4S on loft side. Send information to John Bratt, North Platto, Neb, Notice to Overseers. You aro hereby renuestod to uso all tho precaution possible to prevent the spread of prairie fires, by plowing fire guards as soon as possible. See Sec. 75 on Pago 29 of 1909 Rond Laws. Dated North Platte. Neb. 0.28-10. County Commissioners A Frightful Wreck 01 tram, automouuo or buggy may causo cuts, bruises, abrasions, sprains or wounds that demand Bucklen Arnica Salve - earth'B greatest bonier, uiiicK relict and prompt cure result, For burns, boils, sores of all kind eczema, chapped hands and lips, sore eyes or corns, its supremo. Surest pile cure. zoo. at stone urug uo. . ....... ........ J a. j. Amr.ii. ni a 11 ll. ami'.h. j nrfnrc Amoc & Amnc .1 ? - w- " w '(: Physicians and Surrjeons, Onipo nvor fUnnn Timer Pn f, in,.,,, tuuicoava j f ReBldenco 273 bJftN . Phone 268 FOR ALIKKINDS OJ? : flour, Feed, (.rain or tidy Having recently purchased tho Tt A wllunn forf ntnrn nr. thn - wnMi Hiureor - gijfe - tho pabranajpj fWPKo prompt delivery. , J. R. R V STATEMENT FROM CONGRESSMAN KINKAID To My Esteomed Constituents: Upon tho advlco or many voters, I have becomo a cnndldato for a ro Domination for Congress by tho pri mary eloctlon to bo hold August 1G. During tho present Congress I havo faithfully supported the policies pur sued and legislation recommended by Roosevelt, when President, adopted and promoted by President Tatt, ao evidenced by tho excellent measures, enacted at tho recent sosslon. In ret vising tho tariff. I strived to havo lumber and barbod wire placed upon tho freo list, and voted, on soparato schodules for rovlslon downward gen erally, but aftor tho bill had been In tho Senate and in conference it had to bo voted upon as an entirety, with tho alternative to pass It or de feat It and leavo In operation tho old law. A majority, Including dem ocrats with republicans, proventcd a greator reduction ot tho rates. I fa vor the increaso of tho authority of the tariff beard recently authorized and that in tho futuro revisions bo mado'of slnglo schedules, when condi tions wnrrant it, rathor than tnat an BchcdulcB bo rovised at tho samo time, thus preventing "log rolling" by protected Interests. I favor tho adop tion of tho proposed amendment to tho Constitution of tho United States permitting tho taxing of largo in comos; also, tho election ot Senators by direct voto. As about three-rUtns or tno an nouncements of my compotltor con sists of an attack upon my record. I shall give It such brief notlco as tho natiyo hereof will pormlt. Tho ref erence Incidentally occurring laBt win ter In tho Balllnger-Plnchot Investiga tion to my purchaso or a quarter-section of coal land in Alaska, carried with it tho Information, derived from ofllcial Bourco, that tho transaction III I l IN M. P. Klnkald, Congressman 0th Plat. waa legitimate and straightforward; but In disregard of this, to advance his own candidacy, my competitor Questions Its regularity. It was be causo only of tho fact that Mr. Bal linger, as my attorney, had passed on tho tltlo to tho property, before ho was Socrotary of tho Interior, when In tho nractlco of law at Seattle, that tho transaction was mentioned nt all. No government ofllcial has pretended that I did what was wrong or Im proper. Glavls, special ngent and at torney for tho governuent In coal land niatterK, In substance, sworo tnoro was milling contained lu tho transaction on tho part of either llaliingcr or myself that was wrong. .Irandels, attorney for Pin- chot, said: "Wo havo looked Into the case carefully. Thero IB nothing wrons or Improper. Mr. Klnkald hns nothing to conceal In this matter as far as 1 know. My purchaso wna mado of thu entryman who had an equitable title which thu law permits to bo avslgned or deeded, for which I paid ?2,80l).ti0, and to so tuiro a patent, must yet pay tho gov ernment price of 510.00 per at-ro. I havo not mado a coal land entry. If tho entry of my grantor was mado in good faith, and tho law In other re spects hns been complied with, a pat ent will be granted; otherwise not. Certainly, tho government Is secure, because Us olllclnls have tho exclu sive determination of these questions. In refutation ot tho implied accusa tion by my competitor, that I havo uvaded voting, "Insurged nt homo and stood pat In Washington," I clto a portion of a testimonial written by Howard R. Illnshaw, Secretary to Congressman Illnshaw, as follows: 'Hon. M. P. Klnkald: Mv Dour Sir: Comnlvlnc with vour re quest, I hnvo made a careful compilation nf your votes of tha prenont' session to Juno 6th, when tho lnnt volume, of tho Itcrnrrt vim Issued, for thn mimosa of ascertaining your rolatlvo stnndlnj; uh to allium niienunnca unn recuruca voie.--You rank a frnctlou of a voto hlisher than the uVornge of th votes expressed by tho (our members found to ho tho highest, other than yourself. Tho Record does not In a sIiirIo instance lndlcato that you havo undertaken to dodgo or ovado any vote. You voted "presont" onco only upon a roll call for tho purpose of ascer taining tho presence of a quorum.'' You have not puirod yourvota In a slnslo In Htanct' I'pon nil motions or resolutions I'oucornliiK iluieiulmentH to tho rules, or with rofoi enco to tho Speakership, you lmv voted couslHtenlly duiliiK tho ontlro ('miKrvMM with tho progressives, or so ailed "InsurKontf." Very trulv (SlKlied) HOWARD R MINS1IAW." I quoto also: pl'sUli of Columbia, I (Mtv nf WiiithlimtOn I hB I Alexander McDowell. Clerk of tho Mouse of Representatives of the United Bliiles. do hereby certify that .it the r' uieMt of CiiiiuresHman KlnHnlil, l havo t'liused to I"' ascertained his rolatlvo Htandlim ns to atttn.lunv durhu; this session, nnd his record n to voIIuk on roll calls, us compared with other mem bers, and as a result It has been made to appear, and does appear, to mo that In attendance and th number of recorded votes, Mr. Klnkald ranks with members who rank tho highest, and ranks as hiRh, if not a fraction higher, than tho nvenurn of tho four or tlvo or mx or mo hiKhest. In witness whereof, I havo hereunto Huiiscriood my nnmo una amxea my or. llclal seal, this 25th day of Juno, X. D, 1910. KIJA1,. (Rlirimn ALliXANnKU MPnOWEt.N Thanking you for your support In the past, and bollevlng tho Congres slonal experience I havo onjoyed will naii 'Sunt; nter nnbio mo to work to a greator ad antngo In the future In hehnlf of tho terests of tho District, your further support is respectfully Hollclted. 1 mm Mi V. IUMCAID. Wills J Rcdfloid, MO JR McKlrahan, M D Drs. Redfield & McKlrahan Phsicians and Surgeons. I All Calls Promptly Answered. Phones I 642-644 Office nt P. nnd S. Hospital. 44 4 lf'll4;4i4l(.'; GEO. D. DENT, Physician and Surocon, Office over McDonald Bank. Office 130 Phones J Residence 115 j fc J(t flrjt Jt JMt l(rifi Hr'tt'j!-)(ifli Drift flt-flt John S. Twinem, M, D., Ilomcopalhic Physician and Surgeon. Special attention to Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Office: McDonald State Bank Building, Corner 6th & Dewey Sts. Phones: Office 183. Residence 283. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS HOSPITAL. A Modern Institution for tho treatment of Medical and Surgical Cases. Grad uate Nursing. Physician in attendance day or night Special accommodations for confinement cases. 721-23 ..North Locu t. Telephone No. 642. ORDER OK HEARING ON PETITION KOR I'KUIIATr. U( WIUU Stato of Nebraska. Lincoln County. To all net-sons Interested In thn estntn nf joint uuimet, deceased: wnereas. .loseuiuno nresnanam has filed In my ufllco. an Instrument purport Inir to bo tho last will and testament of John Oulmet, Into of said county, deceased, and said .Iohu- piuno nrcsnaiiiin lias ll lea her petition herein prayintr to tiavn the samo admitted to pro bata and for tho lssuanco of letters testa mentary which will relates to both real and personal estate, I theroror appoint Tuesday, tho II th day of Auunst. 1910. at 0 o'clock in tlio forenoon, at tha county court In said county, as tha tlmo and place for hearing said will, at which .time and placo you and an concerned may appear and contest ttio ai- Imvlnir nf thn H&rnn. It is further ordered that said petitioner clvo notlco to all porsons Interested in said ostatnof thn nonuencr of this nntltlon anil tho tlmo and placo sot. for tho hearlDirof tho samo uy causins a copy or mis order to do pumutiieu in tno north riatto Pcmi-weoui Tribune, a nuwstianor tirlnted and niilillshe in said county, for six successlvo Issues pre vious to thoCday sot for hearlntr. in witness wnoroor. I havo Hereunto set my hand and ofllcial seal this loth day of .IIIIJ, IViU. jlWl W, O ELDER. County Judge. ORDER 01' HEARING ON PRORATE O I'UKKIUIV WILL.. Rtato of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In tlio.county court. July 14th. 1010. In tho matter of tho nstatn nf Tlinmnx j, navies, deceased. Ull readlnir and flllmr thn nntltlnn nf li, ll. Kvans. prayintr that tho instrument filed on tl.o 14th dar of .Inir. 11110. nnil tuir- portlmr to bo an authenticated copy of the last win and tnstamontof thu said decoasod, may bo proved, approved, probated, allowed and recorded in this court as tho last, will ami testament or too said Tiinmas.i. navies deceased, and that tho execution of said in strument may Iks committed and tho admin istration or said ostato may uo granted to navies, union I., navies and v. n Warner aq Kxpntimru. Urdored. That Auirust 0th. A. I), "into, at 2 u-ciuok p. m is assurnou ror uoarinir said potltlon, when all porsons Interested in said matter may appear at a county court to bo held In and for said countv. anil slmw mnn why tho prayer of tho petftlonor should not bo granted. This notlcn tn I in nnhlUtinrl fnr six succcssivo issues in the North riatto Tri bune, a legal nuwpaper published in Bald county prior to August vtli, nuo. W. O. Kr.wqt. County Judge. PRORATE NOTICE. In tho County Court of Lincoln countv. Nn brasko.July lHth. 1U10. In tho matter ot the ostato of Luther u i' arrington, uecoaseu. Notlco Is borobr irlven. that thn rrerll tors of said decoased will meet tho Executrix of said estate lteforo- mo County Judge of L.incoin county, Nebraska, at tho county court room in said county, on tho ltlth day of August, IVlO.andou tholtlthdayof February. iuii. ut ii o ciocK a. m. eacn day, ror tho nur pose of nrosontlng thelrclalms for examina tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months aro allowed for creditors tn nresnnt tlmlr claims and ono year for tho Executrix to sottlo said estate, from tho 10th day of July. 1U10. This notlco to bo published eight successive. Issues in thn North Plutin xrioune, a legal nowspaper published la said county prior to tuo loth day ot August J1U-8 W. O. ELDER. County .ludgo. LEO A L NOTICE. Nora llalch. l'lalntllf. vs. Carrlo L. Michael and u r. Aiicnaei, nor iiusiianu. u. w vor ley and Addle venoy. his wire, Kherman O Wtlborgerand Emma O. Wllbcrger his wife Henderson iioiungsworlli and - - llolllngswortb his wife. Ilrst nunu unknown .1. V. Little amNLlvonla L. Little his wife, J w. liter, iwienuauis, Carrlo L Michael. O P. Michael. J. V. Lit tie and Livonia L. Llttlo. non-resident do fondants will tako notlco tlut on July 1st 1UI0 the Plalntltr Nora Halch filed a potltlon in tnu District uour or Lincoln county, Nobraska. against the abovo named defen dants, tho object and prayer of which was to foreclose a mortgage on tho a. Iv quarter and tnosouitiiiair ottno nortn hair or sec tion 34. township it rango Si In Lincoln Coun ty. Nebraska, given by Carrlo L. Michael and a. P. Mlchaol her husband to defendant O, w. Vorley to sccuro tho navment of a note for nlno hundred ulxtv dollars with interest thereon, which noto and mortgage was duly assigned to tho plaintiff herein for a valu able consideration, norauit having been made In thu payment of said noto and In terest thereon, and no action having been had for the recovery thereof, tho plaintiff asks for Judgment against said defendants and each ot them for tho sum ot one thousand one hundred thirty-eight and RVIOO dollars and lntorest from July 1st 1U10 together with all costs and accruing coats In this case, and for foreclosure of said mortgage and aalo of said property for the payment ot such claim and costs. koiu, riaintltr, lly V. M, WiMiiEiU.KY, Her Attorney. Road No. 323. To all whom itmnv concern: The special commissioner appointed for the mi r nose of establishment of a public road commencing at northeast corner of section 7 township 12, range 81 and running thence east two miles between sections 3 and 4 Bald townshin and range, thence east on north line of section 3, about 1.07 chains to connect with road No. 51; has reported in favor of the establishment of said road, all objections thereto or claims for damnc must bo filed in the ofllco of tho county clerk on or before noon on the 23rd day of September, 1910, or such road will be established without reference there to. Dated North Platte, Neb., July 10, 1010. V K. ELLIOTT, Uounty Ucrtt. Statement of the Condition or THE BUILDING 8 MUTUAL LOAN ASSOCIATION. of North Platte, Nebraska, on the 30th day or June. 1010. Certificate No. 88. AHHKTS. 'irst mortgage loans tr7 100 00 Stock loans 5 400 00 Cash 9 450 58 Delinquent Interest, premiums and nncn , 7UI 30 Expenses and taxes Dald 1 fno 2n Taxes and Insurance Paid 00 1 Total M73 74S 29 LIA1UI.1T1KH. Capital stock paid up (353 not 13 Reserve fund 5 330 no Undivided profits 10 nr. K Other Liabilities 4 tW 29 Total $373 749 a) RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1910. itKCKifrn llalancc on hand July 1, 1910 t 9 000 23 DUCH 114 2!4 00 Interest, premiums, and lines 28 09 1 70 Loans repaid ,34 n.VJ 114 Miscellaneous Kens.... .. Sil.'l 7.1 Taxos and Insurance 33 10 Total 1180 020 72 KXPKMOITUIIKR. Loans Jli2 (ioo 00 Kxpcnscs 1 K3 83 Stock redeemed Pi nl!i (XI Cash on hand T. 9 4W1 rs Taxes and Insurauco 95 2.t Total HM 020 72 Btato of Nobraska, Lincoln county, ss. I. Samuel Goozco, socrotary, of tho abovo named Association, dosolomnly swear that tho foregoing statement of thn condition of said Association Is truo and correct to the best of my kuowlcdgo and belief. HAMUKii uoozku. fecrotory. Subscrllicd and sworn to 1 hi fore mn this Ktli day of July, 1910. nuTT.Kit iiociiANAN. Notary Public. V VlCTOlt VonGobtz, j Lksteii WALKru, y Directors. I HA U It A Hi:. I NOTICE FOR POI1LIOATION. Serial No. 0274. Department of tho Interior. U. S. Land Ofllco at North Platto, Neb. May 'M. 1010. Notlco Is lierehv irlven thnt Marv A. Hawkins, formerly Marv A. James or .Maxwell. Neb., who, on Nov, 14 1901, mado homestead entry No. 20(121. serial Nn U!274 for nwM soctlon SO. townshin 14. N. range 28, Wot tho oth Principal Meridian, has filed notlco of int'.ntlon to make final live year proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, beforo thn RcgUtor and Rn celvor at North Platto, Nobraska, on tho 22d uay or July. tuiu. Claimant names as witnesses: .lohn O, wrstrom, iuary N. Sukraw. of Maxwell. Nob. Henry K. Rldlngor. John Martin nf North riatto. Nob. mzi-o J. E. Evans. Register. 8eriat No 0MI3. NOTICE FOR PIII1LIOATION. Department of tho Interior U. S. Land Olllco at North Platto. Nob. .innnntii. nun Notlco Is hornbv clven that Danfnl II. Mn- wool, or Norm riatto, Nebraska, who on I'Obruary za. ihus. trade Homestead Entr, No. 20UU0. Serial No. 021I3. for west half, nnrt half northoast nuartor. south half southenst quarter or section u, township lr north, range ii. west oi tnu i)tn I'rincinat ninrtuian. nas filed notlco of intention' to inako final flvo yoar proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo described, boforo tho Register and Receiver at North Platte, Nobraska, on the un oay or.iuiv. imu. Claimant, names nn witnesses: n&vlil W. Macombor. James Hoc ban. Jr.. Charles E. Evans. William Groves, all of North Platto, NonrasKa. Jio J. E. Evans, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. 02i;w. Department of tho Interior. U. 8. Land Ofllco at North Platto. Nob. .Time 17tli 1111(1 Notlco is hereby given that Hugh PniiL-er. of North Platto. Nub., who on July 11th. 1004, mado Homestead Entry No. 2034". Serial No. 02180. for lot 4. and southeast ntinrtnr souiuwosi quarter, section so. township 12, N . Rango ill, W. of tho slxtn principal meridian, has Died notlco of intention to mako final five yoar proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo doscrlbed, boforo the Register anu uecoiver at nortn l'lattn. Nniirnskn on tho 10th day of August. 1910. uiaimant names as witnesses; Robert Kun- koi, nnrt uonaiusou. uarl liroeder and Wlb Ham II. Turplo, allot North Platto. Nob. J31-B I. R. Ranh. RngUtor ORDER OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR HUMJHAUY ADMINISTRATION. Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In tho county court. May Oth. 1910. In the matter ot tho estate of James wooiwortli, deceased. un reading and tiling tho petition of Harlov II. Lockwood. uravlng that tho remilnr ad ministration of said estate may bo dispensed with as provided by sections andA'JOI. uouDoy'stnatuio ivuu. Ordered. That July lath. 1910. atr--o'clock a. m.. is assigned for hearing said nntltlnn wnon an porsons interested in said matter may appear at a county court to bo held In and for said county and show causo why tho prayerof petitioner should not bo granted. This order to bo printed for six succosHlvn issues In tho North Platto Tribune, a leiral newspaper published In Lincoln County, prior to juiy Din, iviv. W. O. Kt.DKIt. Countv .In dire. Ily Katiikhink F. Clauk, Clerk ot tho Coun ty Court. J 5-0 ORDER OF HEARINO ON PROHATI' Ul' WILL. Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss. In tho county court. Juno 23d. 1910. In tho of matter of tho estate of Luther u. ! arrington, deceased. On reading and filing tho petition of Ilattlo Farrlngton. nravlngthat the Instrument filed on tho 23d day of Juno, 1910, and purporting to he the Inst will and testament of tlin salil doceased. may bo proved, approved, probated auoweu and recorded as 1110 last will and testament or the said Luther O. I arrington deceased, and that tho oxecutlon of said In strument may bo commuted and tho admin istration or said estate may 1x1 granted to iiattio r arrington, as executrix. Ordered. That July lHth. 1910. at Oo'clock A M Is assigned for hearing said petition when all persons interested In said matter may appear at a county court to bo held In and for said county and show causo why the nraver of nu- tlonur should not bo granted, This notice to bo published 111 too North riatto Tribune, a legal nowspanor nub shed In said county for six successive issuo prior to July ltlth iviu. W. O. Ei.dkii, County Judge. By Katherlno F. Clark. Clerk County Court ' NOTICE FOR PUHLICATION. Serial No. 02037. Department ot the Interior. IT. 8. Land Ofllco at North Platte. Nob. July tith. 1U10. Notlco is hereby given that Ell lvtinkel ot North Platto, Nobraska, who, on Juno LDtli 1901. mado homestead entry No. 0101 Serial No. 02037, for north half and southwest quarter, sectton S, township 11. north. Rango Si, west of tho sixth Principal Meridian has Bled notlco of intention to make final five year proof to establish claim to tho land abovo described lioforo tho Register and Rocelvor at North 1'iatto. Neu.. on tho uth day or sent. 1010. Claimant namos as witnesses: William Grltllths, of Dickens. Neb., p. II. Ilurwood, of Somerset, Neb , Carl liroeder, of North riatto, Nob, and John rulse. of Somerset, Neb. Jll-0 J, E, EVANS, Register, Serial No. 01012-02151. NOTICE FOR PUHLICATION DEl'AllTUUNT Of TUB IKTKlllOll. fTnl.H Ua,i.u l.nd rim.. At North Platte, Nebraska. July 13. 1910. Notice Is horeby, given that George It. KchalTor. of Mvrtlo. NehrasU-a. whn nn Nov. 23rd. 1903, mado homestead entry No. 19770. Serial No. 01912, for tho boulhoistquar- ler. anu on juiy nun, iwi, mauo 11. K. No, 203S8, tforlal No. 02151, for tho southwest quar ter. Hoctlon 0, Township 10, N,, Range 20 V. of tho Oth Principal Meridian, has Died nouco or intention to mage unai tlvo yoar proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, boforo tho register and receiver at North Platto, Nebraska, on tho 12th day of Sept 1010. Claimant names as witnesses: Eugene Ardery. of Myrtln. Neb.. Emery Loudon and lanper Mvi' 01 North riat'o. Neb., and Wll nam tsiuKiuy, or aiyruo, nuo. mo. nod. J. K- Evans, Register, Porlal No. 01023-02163 NOTICE 1'OR PUBLICATION. Department ot tho Interior. U. S. Land Ofllce at North I'latta. Nob , Juno Oth, 1010. Notlco Is herobv given that Josenh 8. Hhan. of North I'latte, Nobraska, who on March 1, iw4. mauo u. k. wo. lwws.eeriai no. uivas. ror east half southwest quarter, northwest quarter southeast auarter and lots, and on July 19, 1104, mado II. E. No. 203W1, Serial No. VfMl, for south half southeast quarter, north east quarter southeast quarter and lot 4, all In section 18. townshin 1-. N.. range SO. Wost ot tho Oth Principal Meridian. has filed notlco of intention to tnako final flvo yoar proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo described, before tho Register and Re ceiver, at North Platto, Nobraska, on tho nth day July. 1910. Claimant names as witnesses! .lacou l.. Harden, George II. Btnglo, William V. Hunter. Arthur Connors, all of North I'latte. Nob. f7- J. K. Kvans, Register. NOTICE. Lizzie J. Richey and William Uichov will take notice that on the 17th day of November, lvw, Laura Ji. rorter, plaintiff herein, filed her potition In the district court of Lincoln County, Ne braska, against said defendants im pended with Itobert Wilson Jr.. nnd Farmers Bank of Chester, Thayer coun ty, JNeorn8ia, tne object and nraver of which said potition are, fof adecrce adjudging that an nlliuavit for service by publication made by James M. Hay, attorney for tho nlaintilT. on tho 23rd day of Mny, 1899, in nn action then pending in tho District Court of Lin coln County, Nebrnskn, to foreclose a mortgage on the west half of the south east quarter and the east half of the southwest quarter of sect on 5. town ship 10, range 32, in Lincoln County, Nebraska, wherein David Cunningham, executor of tho estate of James Porter, deceased, was plaintiff, and Lizzlo J. Ulchey and William Uichey. et al. wero defendants and filed in Baid court and sworn to on said dato by the said James M. Kay, was duly and lecallv executed and sworn to. And for a decree that W. C. Elder. Clerk of the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, be required to afilx his signature to said affidavit as of that date and to attest the same with the seal of his said office and for u further decree finding the amount now duo on a certain mortgage heretofore placed in uecrce in huiu uction aioresaiu in tne District Court of Lincoln County, Ne braska, in tho case of David Cunning ham, executor of the estate of James Porter, deceased, vs. Lizzie J. Richey and others, on tho 7th day of December, 18W, and tnat tne said defendants be reouired to redeem said land from said decree within a short day to be fixed uy tne court, and tnat in tho event that nosuch redemption is madej thatthe title of the plaintiff in and to said land be forever quieted as against any right, title, lien or interest of said defen dants in and to said premises, and that said defendants be enjoined from claiming any right, title or in terest in said premises or intorferrinir with plaintiff's possession of the same nnd tnat the s?iu defendants bo wholly excluded from any interest in said land and for general equitable relief. You are required to answer said pe tition on or beforo the 15th day of August, 1910. Dated this 1st day of July, 1910. j Laura E. Porter. By WlLCOX & IlALLIGAN, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Primary Election Notice 1910. I, F. R. Elliott, County Clerk of Lin coln County, Nebraska, do hereby di rect that a Primary Election be held at the regular polling places in each pre cinct throughout tne county, as by law provided, on the Third Tuesday in Au gust, A. D 1910. At said primary election candidates for the following offices shall be nomi nated, to bo voted on at tho regular November A. D., 1910 election. STATE OFFICERS. One Governor; Ono Lieutenant Governor; One Secretary of State; One Auditor of Public Accounts; One. Treasurer; One Superintendent of Public Instruc tion; One Attorney General; One Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings; Ono Railway Commissioner; Ono Congressman Sixth Congres sional District; One Stato Senator for the 30th Sena torial District; One member of the legislature for tho G4th representative district; COUNTT OFFICERS. One County Attorney; One Commissioner, Second Dfstrict; Precinct officers to fill vacancy; An expression of preference for Uni ted States Senator. Also for or against n proposed amend ment to section 1 of Article 7, of tho constitution of tho State of Nebraska, defining the qualification of electors. Which election will be opened at 12 o'clock M. and remain open until 9 o'cloclt in the ovening. Dated .North Platte, Nob., June 17th, A. D., 1910. F. R. Elliott, County Clerk. Notice. Notice is hereby given that T. A. Roberts, David E. Mnrtin and Wesley J. Shinklo have associated themselves together as a body corporate under the nnmo nnd style of the "Rosedale Tele phone Company." Tho principal place of transacting the business of said company shall be at Horshey, Lincoln county, Nebraska. Tho general nature of tho business to bo transacted by this corporation shall be the construction, erection, purchase, side, operation, maintenance, control and lease of a telephone line or lines, and n telephone exchange or exchanges. Tho amount of cnpital stock au thorized is $5,000,00, divided into COO shares of the par value of $10.00 each, and shall bo fully paid up when issued and shall be non-assessable. Tho highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which the corporation is at any time to subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds of the paid up capital stock. Tho date of tho commencement of said corporation shall be tho first day of July, 1910, and shall continue for a period of twenty-five years, unless sooner dissolved by law. The affairs of said corporation aro to bo managed by a bonrcl of directors consisting of not less than three nor more than five, nnd a president and a Becrotary-treasurer. Signed Juno 10th, 1910. T. A. Roheuts, David E. Martin, Wesley J . Shinkle,