GIGANTIC PURCHASE 14K i, . Solid Gold Fountain Pens GUARANTEED With Silver and Rolled Plate Trinimings. AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES: $1.25, $1.50 and $2.50, worth up to $8. See them in our Show Windows. DIXON, The Jeweler. J DR. H. C. BROCK, jj DENTIST. H Ovor'Plrst National. Phone 148 Miss Erma Dye left this morning or her home at Salina, Kns. Take n walk Sunday and see what is being dono in the TAYLOR addition. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Crosby came down from Sutherland this morning. Mrs. J. C. Federhoof and Miss Irma Huffman 'are in Omaha attending the snengorfest. F. L. Slocumb, receiver of the North Platte Water Works Co., passed east Wednesday. Perry Carson is expected home to moriow morning from his visit to Pa cific coast points. Miss Amy Clark of Maxwell, visited friends and attended the Chautauqua in town last evening. Special Oxford Sale. Small, The Big Shoe Man. Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox, of Gothenburg, came up this morning to attend the funeral of the late, Mrs. Lydia Lincoln. Miss Margaret Kocken, who had been visiting her parents for a couple of weeks, returned to Omaha yesterday. Wm. Neale, Jr., of Charles Town, ya., is the guest of his sister Mrs. M. Keith Neville, having arrived yester day. Miss Grace King who has been visit ing Miss Maymo McMichael for the past week returned to her home in Sid ney yesterday. E. N. Hawkins, living north and west of Maxwell, is in town today proving up on a homestead. He says that corn in his section up to date is in fine condition. Lost At Sutherland on July 4th, a Buffalo horn shell htad cane. Suitable reward for return of same, either to Tribune office or Sutherland P. 0. H. M. Wells. Frank Coker and a force of men have just completed a big job of fen cing north of the river. The 21,000 acres of the Baughman land, also several other sections were fenced, making the pasture contain nearly 30,000 acres of good range. Over three thousand head of cattle and numerous horses will be ranged there for a time Suth erland Free Lance. Did you get one of our hand bags last week at half price? If you did not we are sorry, but this week wo are of fering you an equally good proposition on Fountain Pens. See them in our show windows. ' Dixon, Thk Jkwelhk. Miss Mayme McMichael went to Sutherland this morning. v Grading of the streets in the Taylor addition began this morning. Tim Keliher, of Chicago, is visiting relatives and friends in town for a few days. Mrs. Jns. Flynn returned this morn ing from a brief visit in Cheyenne and Rnwlins. ' I(. A. Moore returned to Lincoln Wednesday after spending a week with friends in town. The ladies of the Christian church will hold a bazaar and serve ice cream at the Lloyd opera house July 28th. Miss Bartholomew returned to her home in Gothenburg this morning after a brief visit with Miss Both Cunning hnm. N. II. Swaim, of Memphis, Tenn., who had been a guest at the McMichael residence, returned to this home the latter part of last week. Special Oxford Sale. Small, The Big Shoe Man. Misses Angie and Delight Miles, of Paxton, returned home this morning after spending several days with their cousin Mr. Miles, of the Dixon jowelery store. The city council met in session Tues day evening and passed the appropria tion and levy ordinances. The totaj city levy will bo twenty-four mills on the dollar of assessed valuation. A party of eastern tourists to the number of 120 passed through jon a special train this morning. They had been making a trip through the Yel lowstone Park. A modern depot and freight house will bo erected by the Union Pacific at Ogalalla within the next year, this being the decree of the state railroad commission. The water tank and pump ing station will be moved to another location. The cornet band will give a concert at the court house park on Friday evening of next week, and if the citizens bIiow a disposition td lend the proper financial aid, the concerts will be continued weekly throughout the season, otherwise not, Ross Crane, the crayon artist, will not be able to teach town today, hence cannot appear on the Chautauqua pro. grame this evening. His place will be taken by Platform Manager McMurrayf who will give readings from Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Mr. McMurray's recital Tuesday evening was a most interesting one, and all may expect a similarly successful effort this evening. While running at full speed east of Alda Wednesday, Engineer Austin's watch fell from his pocket to the track below, but later it was found by the section foreman with no damage other than one of the cases being torn off. It is the watch presented George by the company for his heroism at Butter milk hill, and is therefore highly prized. 106 RESIDENCE LOTS FOR SALE IN TRUSTEE'S AND RIVERDALE ADDITIONS. Each lot is improved with cement sidewalks, sewer, graded streets and city water. Price $250 to $400. 5 per cent discount for cash or one tenth of purchase price down and one tenth every three months. For sale by Wm. E. Shuman. IT IS GOOD INSURANCE to m '.fS to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to To keep valuable papers, jewelry and silverware that you use but occasionally in a SAFETY VAULT. Let us show you our vault and the various sizes of private boxes which rent for TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR and up, according to size. American Investment & Trust Co., Bratt & Goodman's Office. to to to to to to 9) to to to to to to to 4 Overloaded manufacturers and jobbers have been overwhelming us with seasonable merchandise. It is hard to resist buying high grade, goods when offered at half their value we can't. Hence these prices, and there are lots morctflce them in all departments of our store. LADIES' WASH DRESSES AND SUITS. Over 500 recently purchased nt half price and they go out the same way. $4.00 Single Piece Dress. . . . $1.98 $5.00 Single Pieco Dress.... ...$2.48 $6.00 Dresses and Suits .... $2.98 $7.00 Dresses and Suits . . . . $3.48 $8.00 Dresses and Suits . . . . $3.98 Come early whilo your size and color is here. A nice lino of Muslin Underwear made in n Banitary factory and at very low prices, quality considered. ' shoes. Clearing all Oxfords and Low Shoes. Ladies' $2.25 Oxfords ( t in splendid wearers. . 1 ,45 Children's white Oxfords o $1.00 values 40C Boys' Shoe's at $1.50, 1.75 and 2.00. Guar anteed wearers. Men's Work Shoes, n strong line nt bed rock prices. $5.00 Panama lints. MEN'S FURNISHINGS At Half Price or Less. 4 1 .00 $1.00 .Straw Hats...., 39c ALL SOFT HATS AT ONE-HALF PRICE. Men's Soft Collar Summer Shirts- Our New York buyer sent us n lot of them, itj 75c to $1.25 values all go while they last at 4 1 C 12k 69c 37k 37k l-ply Linen Collars, 4 for 25c One lot of Men's Summer Undershirts, -jl worth up to $1.50, garment goes at 02C Men's Dress Shirts, $1 and $1.25 values... 59c 35c Neckwear 17c 50c Neckwear 28c A good Hnndkcrchiof, 7 for. . . . 25c 25c Sox $1.25 Porus Knit Union Sulta Porus Knit Single Garments. 50c and 75c Work Shirts MENS' PANTS. Hundreds to select from. 41.29, $1.48. $1.79, $1.03, $2.48, $2.98, $3.50 and $3.98. Each and every ono a special value, duo to our boing wholesalers ns well as retailers. Sheets and Pillow Cases. 81x90 Sheet each..; 50c Pillow Canes, each.. , ,12k Ladies' Hose; 25-ccnt Hose 12k 35-cent Hose 19c Thoy nro extra flno in block, tan and gray. Ladies' and Misses' Hats, Wo positively will not carry over a single hot. They nil go at exactly one-half our former low prices. Ladies' and Misses' 40 cent Sun Bon- nots, choice 1&2C Factory damaged Huck Towels, 1 15c values 2L and 5c JOHNSON'S CASH STORE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. WE SAVE YOU MONEY ON EVERYTHING TO WEAR. TRY US AND SEE. SCHILLER & CO., Prescription DruggiBts First Door North of lfrnt National Ilank John Show, of Hershcy, was a visiter in town yesterday. E. B. Spencer, of Walluce, trans acted business in town yesterday. Miss Stacia Grace left yesterday for an extended visit with her brother in Omaha. Mrs. Fred Ginn and son returned yes- terday from a two weeks' visit at Ex celsior Springs, Mo. John Ottenstein arrived from Salt Lake at noon yesterday, having been called here by the death of his son. Members of the Masonic fraternity and their families are making arrange ments to hold a picnic at Dick's grove on August 3rd. Missos Marie and Irene Stuart will leave Monday for Laramie where they will bo the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Trueblood. . Miss Bessie Kimball, who has uoen the guest of Mrs. E. U. Plummer for the past week, left yesterday for her homo at Oshkosh. Mrs. T. C. Babbitt, of Salt Lake City, is in towji, having been called hero by the illness and death of Mrs. Geo. M. Babbitt. Mrs. T. J. Gorharn and Mrs. John Gorham camo up from Grand Island Wednesday and will visit friends and relatives in town for some timo. i For the next ten days we will sell a few choice hammocks we have in stock at a discount of ten per cent. Rinckeb's Book Stohe. The assessed value of cattle in Lin coln county is thirty-five cents per head higher this year than last, which is a little less than the average increase in the counties of the state. In some coun ties an increase of $1.00 per head was made. The average value in Lincoln county is $3.64 per head, in Logan coun ty it is $3.73 and in Dawson the aver age is $4.72. 14k Solid gold fountain pens at manu facturer's prices. These are real live bargains. When thoy are gone wo can not offer more at these prices. $1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50 see them in our show windows. Dixon, The Jeweler. A North Side stockman went to South Omaha tho early part of the Week and purchased two carloads of young s teens which ho will place on his ranch. Shipping cattle into a cattle growing country seems like carrying coal to Newcastle, but cattle prices in South Omaha ranged very low the early part of tho week, and this pur chaser thought he saw money in buy ing. v . Loit. . Gold Signet King-Letter W outsido, description inside ikou-i'jiu. I'leusc re turn to W. II . C. Wuodhurst. Nettleton Shoes. $6, $6.50 and $7. WE take pleasure in announcing to the public that we have been fortunate in securing tho North Platte agency for the Nettleton Shoe for gentlemen. To those who have worn this High-art Footwear, nothing we can say will add to their merits to those who have not worn them we say, try a pair and if not as represented your money back, To try a pair means a new Nettleton customer. FOR SALE ONLY AT THE Yellow Front Shoe Store, DIENER & FLEISHMAN. A Big Snap. There has been listed with us for quick sale a nice home in 2nd ward within two blocks of court house at $2100.00, worth $2500.00. Buchanan & Patterson. Ve'nion Mann will spend Sunday with friends in Kearney. Mr. and Mrs. Q, W. Brown returned to Northport this morning. Miss Fanny Chapoll, of Maxwell, visited friends in town last evening. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Howard lenvo Monday night for an extended visit with relatives at Seattle, Wash. HOLD "HOLD UP" your hands for DICKEY'S ICE CREAM. You are not "Held Up" when you buy it as you get your moneys worth in every dish. Our up-to-date manner in the making and our facilities for tak ing care of it assures you of Ice Cream that cannot be excelled. DICKEY BROS. Miss Maud Ganson, of Hershoy is visiting friends in town todny. The bulk of hogs at South Omaha yesterday sold for $8.30. Joseph M. Wilson has started his flno residence in the Taylor addition. Others will begin next week. R. B. Reid is doing more for his customers than he agreed. He Ho is having streets graded free to pur chasers of lots. County Superintendents Mrs. Gen evieve Richmond, of Keith county and' Mrs. Stockton, of I'orkinu county, re turned to their homes yesterday, Frank Alexander and Miss Maudie Weathers, both of Gothenburg, wore married at tho Methodist pursonage Wednesday by Rev. Cooper and left tho next day for Gothenburg where thoy will mako their future home. These young people uyo both well known in this city. Miss Weathers for several years taught in the rural schools of tho county. Guy McDowell, of Gothenburg, was fined $50 and costs Tuesday on the charge of assault. Tho assault occurcd hist Saturday evening when McDowell lay in wait for a young couple on the way to tho girl's homo and without any warning struck tho young man on tho jaw knocking him down. But tho girl in the case was carrying a revolver in her handbag, and stepping in between tho two sho pointed it at McDowell and commanned him to hike; he immediately faded away into tho darkness. List of Town Property for Sale. If you are thinking about buying or building a homo, don't fail to look this list over. Nice five room house on West 10th St. Practically new. $1,500.00. Four room house with pantry, closets and summer kitchen on a nice CC foot lot with large trees, barn, chicken house i and ynrd. This is a bargain nt $1,600.00. Located on East 0th St. Seven room house, strictly modern, that is with heat, lights, hot and cold water and bath equipped. This is a new house built within tho last two years. Full 00 foot lot, with cement walks. Located on cast oth St. If purchased within thirty days, $3,000.00. All or the abovo can bo nought tor a payment of one-third down and tho balance in small monthly payments. Temi'lb Real Estate & ins. Agency. C. F. Temple, Mgr. Go to SORENSON Furniture Repairing and Cabinet Work Also Wood Turning, Picture Framing Room Moulding, and Window 1 Screens a Specialty. Shop 107 East Fifth. THE SMOKE FROM OUR CIGARS will never offend the lady of tho house. Tho fragrance is so agreeable that you can smoke in nny room without rebuke. 11 even Women like tho odor of our cigars so well how much moro will you enjoy thoir fragranco and exquisite (lavor. Try a few tonight. Both your wife and yourself will agree that thoy are tho best cigars you ever smoked. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. BEHIND A FINE PAIR OF HORSES should bo hitched n stylish looking carriage. At this repository you can seo a variety of vehicles whoso stylo is undeniable. Thoy rango from tho phno ton to tho family coach and aro the equal of any in nppearanco and build. They nro less than equal in price to most carriages of thoir character. A. M. Lock,